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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Menangani Propaganda dan Maklumat Palsu.

1. Benarlah kata orang bahawa sesiapa menguasai media dan imej menguasai budaya. Tapi benar juga ianya nembenarkan yang licik membentuk pandangan umum yang palsu.

2. Benar juga untuk melakukan sesuatu perubahan kita mesti terlebih dahulu membentuk pandangan umum.

3. Menyedari hakikat ini, maklumat palsu menjadi fondasi propaganda oleh Joseph Goebells. Yakni kepalsuan mesti di ulang2 supaya di percayai orang.

4. Hari ini maklumat palsu dilakukan melalui membanjiri semua jenis media termasuk u tube. Tujuan nya sengaja mahu menyerabutkan fikiran.

5. Itu memberi peluang kepada penulis2 upahan crook2 umno mengaburi pemikiran bangsa melayu yang polos/naive.

6. Maka setiap hari kita membaca dan mendengar penceritaan2 yang mempertahankan penjenayah2 umno seperti Najib, Zahid, Tengku Adnan dll.

7. Akibatnya sebagian bangsa Melayu menganggap kaki2 busuk umno ini sebagai wira2 bangsa Melayu. Mereka membuat judgement diatas asas2 yang batil.

8. Propaganda2 penulis upahan mengena kerana am nya bangsa Melayu mempunyai satu kelemahan yang kronik dan kelemahan ini di ekaploitasi oleh lasykar2 siber ini.

9. Kelemahan yang dimaksudkan ialah malas berfikir secara rasional dan suka serta cepat membuat judgement. Berfikir itu susah lalu mereka ambil shortcut dan buat judgement yang biasanya salah.

10. Makanya apabila kita berfikir secara rasional propaganda picisan ini akan gagal. Berfikir secara rasional adalah musuh utama maklumat palsu. Kedua, apabila kesedaran politik kita meningkat. Kita segera melihat propaganda2 ini semua mahu mempromosi cita2 dan kepentingan2 politik mereka.

11. Senjata kita ialah berfikiran kritikal, meningkatkan kesedaran politik dan sentiasa bertanyakan motif politik sang penulis.

12. Misalnya, motif saya ialah supaya kita jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan bahan2 media yang datang bertubi tubi setiap hari. Mari kita pisahkan gandum dari batang nya.

13. Jika dalam proses tersebut saya didedahkan sebagai kaki klentong, itu tidak mengapa. Sekurang kurang nya saudara sudah mula berfikiran secara kritikal.

14. Kita mula dengan bertanya apa motif disebalik putar2 mengenai Najib?

15. Duit SRC tidak diketahui masuknya tapi digunakan untuk ibu tunggal dan anak yatim. Felda adalah pembohongan. Versi Najib mengenai Altantuya. 1MDB adalah fitnah Jho Low sedangkan Najib tak kenal Jho Low. Dan banyak lagi cerita2 dongeng.

16. Motif tukang putar tukang putar ini ialah mahu menimbulkan syak wasangka dalam pemikiran pembaca dan penonton.

17. Tapi syak wasangka tdak menang bila bertembung dengan bukti, fakta dan undang2.

18. Bolehkah penceritaan karut mengenai Najib bertahan bila bertembung dengan bukti? Pemikiran Melayu mesti membiasakan diri mengendali antara fakta dengan fiksi. Ini dia cara baru kita berfikir melawan propaganda murahan pengampu2 Najib.

19. Begitu juga cerita2 meromantiskan Najib- cerita Najib bela kucinglah, dikerumuni beli nasi lemaklah, bye bye Najib lah, ini kali terakhirlah dan banyak lagi. Motif semua ini ialah menunjukkan Najib manusia juga. Orang lain bukan manusia?

20. Kita jangan ada inferiority complex sangat. Percaya diri kita mesti tinggi. Jangan mengagungkan orang seperti Najib sangat. Kentut dia bukan wangi. Dia hanya pencuri yang cerdik sedikit. Itu saja.

21. Demikian juga berkenaan cerita Tengku palsu. Bukti telah mendapati dia bersalah. Itu lebih penting dari dia cari wang untuk umno.

22. Rasuah bukan perkara enteng. Hanya orang Melayu seakan2 menganggap ianya begitu. Ini, ada yang anggap hukuman keatas Teuku gendut itu keterlaluan. Sebetulnya hukumannya patut lagi berat. Kalau kita serius membasmi rasuah denda nya patut berlipat ganda dan jel nya lagi lama. Takkanlah hukuman si perasauh sama dengan pencuri susu bayi. Orang2 ternama kita tangkap dahulu dalam kes rasuah.

23. Makanya apabila kita berdepan dengan tulisan2 tukang putar ini, kita mestilah bersikap kritikal dan bertanyakan motif mereka. Tujuan nya ialah menghamba abdikan pemikiran kita.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Bangsa Melayu Bukan Bangsa Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar.

1. Saya mendengar beberapa program u tube dan tidak berhenti merasa heran. Betapa bodoh nya bangsa Melayu. Daripada bangsa lain menyebut nya secara terbuka baik saya menyebutnya. Ba waw dal haa.

2. Bila Tengku palsu teuku Adnan Mansor di dapati bersalah bukan status bersalah yang dibincangkan.

3. Ada seorang mamat yang kelihatan sebodoh wajah tembok nya menceritakan Najib akan jadi PM semula. Itu hikayat yang paling dongeng yang pernah beta dengar. (orang Menado dan Ambon membahasakan saya sebagai beta.)

4. Berita ke3 ialah mengenai gadis Melayu mengahwini hockey captain India.

5. Kepada saya cerita2 ini di karang oleh wartawan2 yang basuh kencing pun belum betul. Cerita2 bodoh lagi membodohkan itu sebagian dari proses membebalkan pemikiran bangsa Melayu. Bilakah mereka2 ini mahu berhenti menjadi perkakas golongan penindas?

6. Bila Tengku palsu itu didapati bersalah, yang disibukkan bukanya siteuku gendut dan ingat dia penyayi karaoke hebat bersalah ,tapi hilang nya sumber duit umno.

7. Ini pengakuan jelas bahawa sumber wang umno ialah kegiatan rasuah dan pencabulan kuasa. Umno itu bergelumang dengan wang haram.

8. Jinayah dan kesalahan undang2 tak jadi hal. Yang mendukacitakan ialah hehilangan wang haram. Kalau begitu baik suruh Tengku mulut ikan keli tu masuk rumah anda dan meniduri isteri dan anak anda. Kan dia cari duit untuk umno?

9. Bukankah Najib itu rasuah dan pencuri? Besar kumungkinan membalun duit 1MDB dan lain2. Apa kena orang Melayu ni? Kita mengundi orang yang kita hendak curi dari kita.

10. Adakah kita orang Melayu ni sadists? Yakni kita seronok kalau di balun, di rotan, disebat selum berhubungan badan? Najib menyakiti kita, kita nak dia jadikan dia PM lagi? Dalam pada itu ada mamat panggil dia amirulmukminin. Beri contoh najis mughallazah pun dia tak tahu. Amirulmunafik lagi sesuai.

11. Tiba2 muncul cerita gadis Melayu kawin dengan penganut Guru Nanak. Tokoh2 agama boleh bercakap mengenai perkara ini sampai lembu pulang kekandang.

12. Saya tak peduli kalau orang tu nak mencalat dengan orang yang tak bersunat.(mencalat ni slang orang Pekan). Tapi cerita2 pasal kawin dan rasuah ini memberitahu saya banyak hal mengenai bangsa Melayu.

13. Bangsa Melayu ni adalah antara bangsa2 yang amat senang dirasuah dengan seks dan wang. Agama Islam itu pada nama saja. Dari segi amalan habuk pun tiada. Kemungkaran dianggap suci dan makruf itu ditolak. Aesthetics melebihi competence.

14. Orang Melayu tidak tahu pasal excellence, dilligence, honesty dan professionalism. Mereka lebih mengutamakan kekoroan, mediocirity, freeloading dan korapsi. Pendek kata yang buruk2 saja.

15. Kita ambil contoh 2 institusi Melayu yang dijahanamkan oleh orang Melayu sendiri dan bukan oleh DAPigs itu. FELDA dan Tabung Haji.

16. Saya suka mengulangi apa yang dikatakan oleh ZAABA pada tahun 1927. Yakni yang menjahanamkan bangsa Melayu ialah dari kalangan mereka sendiri. Observasi itu tepat untuk hari ini.

17. Mengenai FELDA saya telah banyak menulis. Kita tahu RM10bilion masuk poket Najib. Dengan harga sekarang RM1.17 sesaham pemegang saham rugi RM12 bilion. Jadi malapetaka nya bernilai RM22 bilion. Arkitek pemapaan felda ini ialah Najib al Munafiqi al Pekani.

18. Lebih 90% peneroka ialah Melayu dan lebih dari 90% pengurusan dan lembaga pengarahnya Melayu. Menteri nya Melayu. Melayu(112ribu peneroka) dijahanamkan oleh Melayu( ahli lembaga pengarah, pengurusan dan menteri). The buck stops at Najib.

19. Tabung Haji adalah entiti yang diilhamkan oleh almarhum Ungku Aziz bukan difikirkan oleh ustaz2 akal terencat dari PAS. Tapi tak ramai tahu ianya bergelumang dengan rompakan, rasuah dan samun dan hampir tumbang kebumi.

20. Dan ia dilakukan oleh Melayu dari lembaga pengarah sampailah ke menteri nya. Yang mendiamkan diri bersubahat.

21. Bertahun tahun TH bergelumang dengan hutang dan pelaburan yang merugikan . Pasukan pelaburan patut di pecat! Pengerusi dan menteri tak berotak tidak memikirkan masa depan TH.

22. Sehiggalah menteri kewangan Cina dari DAPig yang mahu menjaga kebajikan TH. Yakni dengan memindahkan hutang TH sebanyak RM9.7bilon ke MOF dibawah satu SPV, UJH. Pada penghujung tshun kewangan 2010 MOF mengambil alih semua hutang TH berjumlah RM27 bilion.

23. Bila rumah dah siap pahat pun mula bising. Pada tahun kewangan kerjaan BN mengistiharkan pulangan kasar sebanyak RM238j tapi kerugian hampir RM10b. Sebagai kos ambil alih hutang TH, MOF akan menyuntik sebanyak hampir RM18 bilion selama 10 tahun.

24. Itulah tahi yang dicernakan oleh mother effers Melayu di TH. Kalau saya menteri kewangan saya akan menstruktur semula TH. Saya akan pecat semua kaki busuk dalam TH.

25. Segala kerosakan dalam TH ini berlaku sementara orang Melayu bersikap bukan masaalah saya. Dan terus memilih orang2 tertentu untuk merompak kita. Dan ini boleh berlaku bawah rejim kick back king
Muhyiddin Yasin al Jowo al Pagohi.

26. Sikap saya sendiri:- kekal dengan prinsip kalaulah Tuhan tidak menghadirkan satu golongan yang makruf, untuk menentang golongan satu lagi yang mungkar,nescaya hancur muka bumi ini.

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Najib Dan FELDA.

1. Isu felda mudah di selesaikan. Orang yang menentang Najib akan mengemukakan hujjah mereka. Najib akan membukakan hikayatnya.

2. Nombor tidak berbohong. Kita buat odit. Orang Melayu mestilah berfikir sedikit.

3. 3.6 bilion saham telah dikeluarkan. Maknanya felda ada,16 bn.

1. Umno masih hidup dalam dunia khayal. Ia masih ingat ia kuat. Kalau Wak Jahid nak terus berbohong pada diri sendiri sila teruskan.

4. Tukang putar Najib berkerja lebih waktu untuk spin bahawa Najib difitnah . Difitnah kepala bapak hang . Benang yang basah jangan cuba nak tegakkan.

5. Jangan kita heran dengan cerita tukang2 karut yang memprogandakan Najib. Ia tidak lain usaha2 membersihkan Najib. Dan ia dilakukan dalam pelbagai bentuk- Dari penceritaan klentong Najib mengenai pembabitan nya dalam pembunuhan Altantuya, cerita Najib bela kucing lah, cerita versi Najib mengenai 1MDB sehinggalah fitnah keatas Najib dengan Felda.

6. Hikayat2 antah berantah ini ditimbulkan untuk satu tujuan. Yakni mengelirukan fikiran rakyat. Oleh yang demikian nilai nya hanya pada paras makanan yang telah melalui sistem penghadaman kucing.

7. Semua pembelaan Najib- pembohongan felda, fitnah 1MDB, dusta Altantuya, dll adalah pancutan onani lasykar2 siber Najib yang diarah oleh Lokman 'Goebells' Adam.

8. Jangan kita mudah di pengaruh oleh anjing2 larian Najib ini. Semua untuk menegak benang basah nya.

9. Penerimaan membabi buta hasil2 kerja tangan(literally) pemutar2 Najib ini, menujukkan bahawa bangsa Melayu utamanya, mengalami Truth Deficit.

10. Truth Deficit berlaku apabila kita memilih untuk membakul-sampahkan undang2 dan fakta.

11. Dalam kes SRC sebagai contoh mahkamah telah membuktikan Najib menyeko duit SRC. Dia didapati salah dalam semua 7 pertuduhan. Dia pencuri biasa.

12. Apabila mahkamah membuktikan, perbuatan itu menjadi fakta. Adakah kita mampu menafikan fakta? Atau kita melakukan satu Baldrick seperti dalam siri Blackadder, menafikan segalanya? Is your name Najib Razak? No!

13. Dalam kes felda, adakah nombor boleh menafikan fakta?3.6 bilion saham dikeluarkan. Pada harga RM4.55 satu, nilai nya lebih sikit dari RM16 bilion. Kita odit. Apa susah nya?

14. Odit akan mengesahkan 10b masuk ke poket Najib. Ia digunakan tuk PRU13.

15. Berapa pergi ke HQ umno? Berapa 191 bahagian umno dapat? Berapa masuk poket Najib dan konco2 nya?

16. Hanya odit atau satu kertas puteh dapat mengesahkan fakta. Kita akan tahu bukan saja Najib korap tapi umno itu sendiri berbudaya korap. 18 juta melayu telah ditipu.

17. Memang majoriti pelaburan FGV adalah perladangan sawit. Tapi ada juga gula dan lojistiks. Takde orang rugi dalam sawit. Hanya FGV.

18. Kenapa saya kata tak boleh rugi? Sebab lebih 56% jualan ke dalam negeri( Malaysia). 5% ke USA dan 4%saja ke China. Bagaima boleh rugi kalau majoriti nya kita yang melantak?

19. Hari ini 20 disember, harga saham FGV adalah RM1.17. Pada harga ini nilai saham FGV adalah hanya 4.2b. Macam duit pokok pisang Jepun.

20. Kalau dengan harga ini dah rugi 12 b. Campur dengan 10b pergi ke Najib kerugian yang ditanggung rakyat Malaysia ialiah 22b!.FGV ialah satu adventure Najib berkos 22b. Itu fakta.

21. Antara pemegang saham terbesar ialah kerajaan Malaysia(21%), frlda asset holding (12%,) urusharta jemaah (8%),

22. Kumpulaan persaraan ada 6%, koperasi permodalan felda 5% dan EPF sdbanyak 3.38%.

23. FGV mengistiharkan ia membeli hampir semua saham urus harta dan semua saham wang persaraan pada harga RM1.30 sesaham. Kos semua ialah RM658 juta.

24. Dengan pembelian saham ini, FGV dan kerajaan(sama saja) ada lebih 55% saham FGV. Ini bermakna ia kena buat tawaran wajib atau mandatory offer keatas saham2 yang tersisa pada harga RM1.30. Saya syorkan negeri2 Pahang, Sabah, LTAT dan Vanguard Group jual, balik kampung tanam kacang. Lagi baik.

25. Ada kita tengok bajet 2021 menyelesaikan keseluruhan masaalah felda? Yang kita lihat ialah RM400 juta penghapusan faedah hutang. Saya syorkan jual hampir 200 juta saham ke peneroka. Itu pun tak menghapus semua hutang dasar.

26. Saya hendak tahu apa yang lembaga felda yang berjumlah kurang2 nya 10 orang itu buat? Adakah mereka makan gaji buta? Singkir mereka. Gaji dan elaun je besar.

27. Sack these mother effers!

28. Kita menyangka tentulah FGV menjimatkan kos. Mereka hanya menyewa tanah 336 ribu hektar pada kadar RM250 ribu sebulan selama 99 tahun.

29. Bukankah dengan memajak tanah tersebut FGV menanggung kos2 seperti kos penanaman semula, kos2 infra dalam kawasan felda kos2 penggajian perkerja ladang, perahan FFB dll? Ini menunjukkan pengurusan apatah lagi pengarah felda, tak pernah jejak kaki ketanah felda.

30. The incompetent fools dalam lembaga pengarah felda dan pengurusan felda tidak memikirkan kos2 ini. Semuanya menghakis keuntungan FGV.

31. Bukan Felda saja yang terlibat dalam apungan tersebut. Koperasi permodalan Felda bawah jagaan Isa Samad pun sama.

32. Dibawah Isa Samad kita lihat pembelian asset yang bukan2. Malah Kertas Puteh menujukkan sebanyak 6 asset di beli pada harga melebihi harga pasaran.

33. Maka nya padan muka Isa di kenakan pelbagai tuduhan korapsi. Yang pertama dilakukan olih Si ketek ini ialah merenovasi pejabat nya untuk menempatkan ego nya yang besar. Padan muka.

34. Jadi berapakah kerugian Felda yang sebenar? Saya menganggar ianya sekitar 13-15b. 10b adalah disebabkan MP Pekan pahlawan Bugis palsu.

35. Dah tahu angkara murka yang disebabkan Najib, mahukah 112 ribu peneroka menyokong nya? Tempah maut kita.

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Fool me Once Shame On Me, Fool Me Twice Shame On You. Fool Me Thrice Shame On All Of Us.

1. If I were asked this question: how would you describe the rule of abahcow?

2. I would say he's the worst PM we have had. He has taken Malaysia to the pits.

3. His behaviour and comportment is that of an idiot and an imbecile. He is incompetent and wreaks of ineptitude.

4. I don't say he is the worst  hyperbolically. He is. I don't say imbecile, idiot, incompetent and ineptitude to name call. They are deserved descriptions. He is the embodiment of kakistocracy.

5. I thought nothing would shock me any more until yesterday. When Dr Mahathir announced he would be the next PM.

6. He must have said that in jest to awaken inattentive journalists. Or he may be saying that to say he is better than Mamoo Anwar even at 94. Or maybe he didn't eat his chikus that morning.

7. Therefore, my rejoinder to his announcement will be made in correspondingly light-hearted manner like helium induced spiked with laughing gas.

8. Is it because of the onion ish smell that you give out from your person that drives our Ringgit farther from the Singapore Dollar? The SGD is now 3 times our RM. It started becoming 'estranged' since 1981.

9. Dr Mahathir must have had excellent credentials that allowed imbecilic Muhyi and semburit Azmin to engineer a Putsch in February 2020. Not so clever persons pulled the rug under you eh?

10. It's a case of ular lidis swallowing the fierce dragon.

11. We  laughed when immigrant workers come from Pakistan Bangladesh, China, Indonesia etc. Some of our girls and Datins think the Bangladeshis looked like your favourite Shahrukh Khan. They are here to do the 3D jobs.
Well Tun, there are 500,000 of Malaysians working in Singapore earning higher pays. Some of our graduates are working as garbage collectors. They don't care about 3D jobs.

12. Ever wondered how Harry Lee did it? How did he raise Singapore from the boondocks to a first world entity?

13. Look, we are not having a love fest for Singapore OK? Don't use the stupid argument that if we love Singapore so much, why don't we migrate there? We like to compare ourselves with other less fortunate LDCs, why not with the Little Red Dot down South?

14. Many will remember in 1963, Harry Lee crying and wiping out tears whether a can survive.

15. Singapore had no resources, no oil, rubber or tin, limited land, no own commanding officer and no water. It was as if Malaysia wanted to obliterate the red dot.

16. But Harry Lee had the resolve, people, location the feeling of being victimised by Malaysia's scorched earth tactic. Above all LKY was a no nonsense disciplinarian.

17. Che Det on the other hand is really a tolerant father figure. For instance he's willing to tolerate corruption as long as you are willing to play ball.

18. Wanting to prove something to a sniggling irritant and having the discipline to follow it through underlined the 223 square metre island's success.

19. There are a few things I find distressing during Tun's watch.

20. They are the Malaysian currency, corruption, the failure of Tun's pet projects, GDP per capita etc.

21. Not many remember that when Tun became PM in 1983, the exchange rate was SGD 100=RM103. Now its SGD100=RM330. This in part due to Tun's policies and of subsequent dullard PMs. No one seems to pay attention to economic fundamentals. 

22. Starting from Mahathir, corruption grew like fire inside sawdust. Under abahcow its free for all. Najib of course became tbe embezzlor in chief. Mahathir sowed the seeds.
Heads of GLCs continue to earn gargantuan salaries and the man who can walk on water kept quiet about it.

23. Many of Mahathir's projects failed-Perwaja, Bakun, Mas., Proton. They failed because of incompetence and nepotism and bad management.

24. To be fair a few were arguably successful- Mahathir's erection- The Twin Towers, Klia, Putrajaya, Sepang Racing Circuit etc. But these produce  nothing. They are not economic entities.

25. In 2023 Singapore's GDP per capita will be about USD73,000. Ours will be USD14,000. Singapore has 5 times our GDP per capita. The joke is on us.

26. In comparing Malaysia and Singapore, I have arrived at a few lessons in leadership. That will be in another article. For now will we be third time lucky with Mahathir's 3rd time PMship? Probably at that time dentures, false teeth and implants will be fashionable.

Who's Confused?

1. Komissar Shahril Hamdan the umno Disinformation chief has criticized Ku Li for working with the opposition. The opposition is Dr Mahathir.

2. Ku Li's action has confused the people he said. Ku Li breaches party discipline he declared.

3. I am sure Ku Li is trembling. Will there be consequences?

4. Or will it be a case of much thunder little rain? And UMNO be the cuckold husband destined to just watch?

5. In Malay narrative, once you unsheathed the kris you must stab your adversary.

6. Just what can
UMNO do? If it does nothing, by default, it proves the present UMNO is in shambles. It's headed by a leader who is running around like a headless chicken. It does nothing but make the customary noise to show it has got self-esteem. Good for the pundits you know.

7. Will the
UMNO information chief does something ballsy like sacking kul li or shut the f**k up?

8. Perhaps it's an opportune time for Ku Li to leave the present
UMNO and form a new UMNO 46 comprising of purists.

9. The present
UMNO is full of shit. It's a party that expounds xenophobic nationalism, accepts religious extremism, practises kakistocracy(rule by the worst) and perpetuates corruption and the rule of kleptocrats.

10. Within umno theres no room for honest dissent or difference in opinion. A komissar like the umno information chief will want only regimentation.

11. It's typical for
UMNO to treat people as dumb digits not capable of understanding what Ku Li intends to do. It's part of UMNO's dumbing down of the people. As a result UMNO says people are confused

12. The only people who are confused, are
UMNO dullards like the UMNO information chief and people who subscribe to UMNO's kakistocracy.

13. I have got news for shahril-the people are not confused. They are aware of what Ku Li wants to do. Remove an illegitimate government. Its save the country first!

Friday, 18 December 2020

Rakyat Tak keliru Malah Sokong Ku Li.

1. Ku Li dan Dr. Mahathir bergabung tenaga. Untuk membebaskan kita dari genggaman pemerintahan  bobrok abahcow.

2. Kepada Ku Li objektif nya nyata. Penyingkiran sebuah kerajaan yang tidak sah.  Dan semua tindakan dan perbuatan yang tidak sah.

3. Ku Li tidak memaksa orang lain mengikut tindakan nya. Yang suka dan rela saja yang mengikut ku Li.

4. Objektif nya terang. Menyingkir kerajaan Muhyi yang tidak sah .

5. Yang menganggap ia keliru ialah ahli umno yang melanggani pemikiran spesifik dalam umno.

6. Yang anggap mengelirukan adalah mereka yang sudah biasa memaksakan pandangan mereka keatas orang lain.

7. Besar kemungkinan yang mengatakan keliru adalah pelanggan pemikiran Najib dan Zahid yang membenci kepelbagaian fikiran dan menyukai keseragaman autokratik.

8. Ini adalah pemegang pemikiran penjajah pandangan yang anti perbedaan pemikiran. Ada nya orang macam inilah yang membekukan umno.

9. Yang keliru bukan rakyat tapi mamat ini yang tidak dapat menerima tindakan Ku Li.

10 . Inilah yang mencelakakan-komisar2 umno melihat rakyat sebagai golongan bodoh dan keliru.

11. Rakyat meluat dan membenci abahcow. Mereka menolak budaya umno yang menerima nilai2 jenayah sebagai nilai murni. Rakyat tidak keliru Tuan, tapi sedar apa yang mahu dilakukan Ku Li.

12. Rakyat terutama orang Melayu, membenci parti seperti umno yang sentiasa berurus niaga dan wheel and deal cuba mencari jalan menyelamatkan yang korap, penyamun dan pencuri. Orang Melayu tak keliru malah menyokong apa yang dilakukan Ku Li.

13 . Kalau umno mahu kekal releven pada orang Melayu dan bukan hanya kepada ahli umno, ia mesti menjadi kubu menolak xenophobic nationalism, menentang ekstremisme agama, meyingkir yang korap, meraikan kepelbagaian idea, mendakap neritokrasi dan mengamalkan sistem nilai2 yang murni.

14. Teruskan Ku Li, selamatkan negara ini. Semua yang lain jauh di belakang. 

15. Apa yang bolih dilakkukan umno. Umno ibarat suami yang dayus kalau membisu. Kalau ku li telah melannggar disiplin yang tidak boleh diampun pecat ku li.

16. Mungkin juga Ku Li menjumpai masa yang tepat keluar dan tubuh umno 46.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

A Few Good Men( Jack Nicholson)

1. Saya membaca satu artikel yang menyenaraikan beberapa veteren ada potensi jadi PM.

2. Ini tabia'at nya orang Melayu. Mengundi dan memilih penyamun untuk merompak kita. Ia juga terjadi bila artikel ditulis oleh tokoh2 half past six.

3. Dalam senarai itu ada Anwar Ibrahim, Anuar Musa, Najib, Hishamudin dan Shafie Afdal. Ia macam rouges gallery kepada saya.

4. Ada yang kacau dengan pemikiran orang Melayu. Mereka tak ada sistem nilai. Kaca dianggap permata. Itu juga tanda tak menggunakan bahan diantara 2 telinga mereka. Dan saya tak maksudkan hidung mereka.

5. Akibatnya mereka berakhir dengan dipimpin oleh mereka yang inferior.

6. Kita tahu siapa Najib. Tokoh yang memusnahkan legasi bapak nya. Kalau pada bapaknya dia sanggup berbuat demikian, kita rakyat biasa macam mana?

7. Anak bangsawan yang lahir dengan sudu perak. Dia korap, pencuri dan penipu. Dia seorang pathological liar. Orang macam ni kita hendak lantik PM lagi?

8. Cuba kita bongkar kes2 Altantuya, pembelian Scorpene, Sukhoi dan Mig dan FELDA. Lihat samaada Najib keluar berbau bunga mawar ke tak?

9. Mamoo Anwar? Hah! Mamak padukang tu sebagai PM? Dia drama king nombor wahid di Malaysia.

10. Berapa kali dia kata dia ada cukup jumlah? Kali ini, 8 atau 10 mp umno akan join dia. Ini bermakna dia sanggup bersekongkol dengan crook2 umno untuk jadi PM. Jenis orang macam mana ni? Politik Anwar berserabut macam kehidupan sex nya juga.

11. Paras air tidak akan melebihi paras mata air. Kalau motif nya buruk tidak ada kebaikan akan muncul dari tindakan nya. Kalau dia naik dengan cara tak baik dia akan jatuh dengan cara yang serupa.

12. Seterusnya kita ada bekas menteri 'aw aw'. Kabar angin kata dia ada girlfriend seorang penyayi terkenal. Lelaki!

13. Kita jangan kacau dia main game. Tak akan kerja tepat waktunya. Kaitan dia dengan syarikat Ekovest dan River of Life Projek tidak jelas. Bongkar semua! Sebab dia anak bekas PM tidak bermakna dia berbakat. Kuah jatuh ke belanga yang bocor.

14. Mengenai Anuar Musa kita kata its not that we love Anuar less but we love the Malays more. Semasa dia jadi menteri KPLB dulu kehilangan duit untuk rumah luar bandar dan peranan nya tidak selesai. Ambo raso tak berkene. Bongkar!

15. Akhirnya kita ada Jawa penerogo Bagan Datoh. Dia banyak kes mahkamah. Lagi pun mahukah kita ada seorang dullard sebagai PM? Satu masa dulu bila pemberita tanya dia pasal Muhd Mohd Taib dia kata give him some humanity. Bak kata kawan saya dia fail!

16. Bagaimanakah penulis tongong ini boleh mencadangkan kaki2 haprak ini sebagai PM? Dia harus periksa kepala nya. Adakah ia sebagian proses dumbing down orang Melayu?

17. Yang mengherankan tokoh yang paling veteren yang cergas dan tangkas mental nya, yang ada pengalaman luas, yang pernah jadi presiden bank dunia, menteri- tidak diperhitungkan. Tokoh yang saya maksudkan ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Bangsa Melayu deserves him.

18. Adakah kerana umur dia 80 tahun dia tak masuk book? Saya masih ingat cerita King Ghaz. Satu hari dia berkata kepada seorang pemuda. Young man nominate me for ketua pemuda. Pemuda itu berkata you cant even walk. You are on wheelchair. King Ghaz menjawab I think with my head not my legs.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Its Save The Country First. All Others Come A Distant Second.

1. That the government of abahcow will fall from grace is inevitable. But I will not be a clairvoyant to say it will happen tomorrow or this week. I have not reached that prophetic level.

2. I still read tea leaves and chicken entrails to decipher.

3. Today, Monday is an historic day. Two elder statesmen are joining forces. To save this country from the evil clutches of abahcow.

4. And to save Malaysia from voyeuristic mamoo Anwar and save- own- necks Najib and Zahid.

5. These are what I see from my tea leaves and chicken entrails. I don't use bomohs like Rosmah and Najib. That's sacrilegious.
But that didn't stop a just-reached puberty journalist from saying that Tun M is willing to support mamoo Anwar as PM.

6. Saving this country comes first. All other things come a distant second. Why be melancholic and defend abahcow? Are there any justifications?

7. All other things said by UMNO are just storm in a tea cup. They are just noises with no musical coherence. It shows they are in shambles.

8. For instance why do we attach extraordinary significance to Najib buying a pack of nasi lemak from a stall? It's not as his presence will confer any glad tidings. To confer on him Godlike qualities is syirik. Hes a bloody thief for God's sakes. He's like old McDonald who has a she cow. Steal here, there and everywhere!

9. Remember what he has done to SRC, 1MDB Felda, Scorpene Sukhoi etc. The children of some people are still starry eyed and drooling over him. Are they suffering from some mental defects?

10. My advice is don't go leg- tripping over him. If you say it's alright for him to steal because he's Malay and Umno then its like saying it's alright for him to come into your house and sleep with your wife and daughters. Because he's Malay and UMNO!

11. Corr, Blimey!

12. Suddenly cleft lips Fuad Zarkashi said don't be too rigid with the no DAP no Anwar requirement. Said openly, it's an open rejection to Oberleutenant Anuar Musa's stance.

13. Will the DAP 'pigs' take solace in that? Don't anybody in UMNO counsel that if you shake hands with a DAP person, you must do the mandatory religious cleansing(samak)?
It's difficult for an UMNO leopard to change its spots.

14. The animosity between UMMO and PPBMis too deep-seated. Didn't UMNO luminaries like Nurjazlan Shahrir Samad, Khalid Nordin and Tengku Razaleigh said cooperation with PPBM is untenable?

15. Who cares what happens to turncoats like Azmin and Hamzah Zainuddin or minister doraemun? They are collateral damages. Abahcow and his oink oink cabinet are like lepers. Nobody wants to come near them.

16. So the only way the opposition and right-thinking MPs can redeem themselves, is to reject the iniquitous budget. Forget about party affiliations. Forget about Mamoo Anwar.

17. Its save the country first. All other things come a distant second.

18. Muhyi is the most despicable PM we have ever had except the thieving Najib. His Malay first Malaysian second motto is a farce. That shows he has nothing between his ears except for his nose.

19. He helped bail out Liew Kee Sin's ECW and Tony's Asia X. But not MAS. And its nauseating to hear him say anda semua adalah wira and bantuan prihatin nasional. And sprinkling Arabic prayers here and there do not make your intransigences more Islamic.

20. Under him its free for all corruption and abuse of power. His son does it, the FM's mother does it, Peringat does it, Sabah warlords do it. Heck everyone is in the loop.

21. List all the litanies under his watch. Bailing out ECW and Asia X, attempting to subvert democracy via his diarrhoeic Emergency, his iniquitous Budget, rampant corruption, his 72-person cabinet (China has 21 Indonesia has 42). Isn't there a clever and righteous person there?

22. Why is there a need to work with Mamoo Anwar? Forget him. He is willing to work with UMNO crooks. It's very hard for us to accept Najib and Zahid as willing to work with Mamoo gratuitously and without a quid pro quo? That's so unNajib and unZahid.

23. Mamoo Anwar is willing to do a Faustian deal. The PKR sycophants are there for Anwar and his lust to become PM. That's their raison detre.

24. So work with right-thinking people. They can be from DAP, Umno, Pkr AMANAH etc. For DAP, Tengku Razaleigh is more dependable than shyster Anwar.

25. Leave Zahid and Najib out. They represent the following:-

26. So it's not earth shaking 2 elder statesmen come together. Its save the country.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Ganyang Felda! Bahagian 1.

1. Saya ketawa bila Najib kata dia dah bercakap, menulis dan menangis mengenai rakyat. Apa lagi dia boleh buat? Mengaku saja lagi. Mengaku awak balun duit SRC dan 1MDB. Itu yang aok tak buat lagi. Binawe!

2. Orang Pekan kabo kepala bapak aok! Poh pale, pandai aok peda-ah. Tangisan aok air mata buaya. Orang dah tak percaya aok weh!

3. Najib anak orang yang berkuasa dan fiudal. Dia seorang penipu yang pathological. Dia juga seorang yang sadistik. Dulu kalau orang pekan datang ke Sri Taman, dia akan membaling objek2 dari atas. Kena kepala dan badan. Nak marah tak boleh. Terkerinying lah macam kera sumbang.

4. Sukar untuk dipercayai dia simpati dengan susah rakyat. Dia out of touch with reality. Dulu balik ke Pekan dia tengok orang tinggal di gerobok2 usang dia akan kata, ada lagi orang duduk macam ni ye.

5. Mana mungkin orang macam Najib faham akan makna kesempitan? Dia seorang fiudal.
Rasmi orang fiudal ialah di rai oleh hamba sahaya . Kalau balik ke Pekan dia suka orang berkerumun menyambut nya. Maklumlah dia tak tahu jalan pulang ke Pekan.

6. Kalau dia makan mesti ada hidangan spesial. Kalau makan ikan patin mesti yang terbaik. Sehingga ada yang menggelarnya ikan patin Dato Najib. Saya teringat pada masa konress pertama DAP yang saya hadhir. Awak pengerusi ke, SU ke, ahli biasa awak beratur makan nasi bungkus.

7. Padan muka kita. Kita yang menjadikan dia begitu. Kita tatang dia. Kita manjakan dia. Kita memilih dia untuk merompak kita. Kerana itu dia rasa dia bolih buat sesuka hati.

8. Satu dari banyak rompakan yang matlaon lahir dengan sudu perak ini lakukan ialah menjahanamkan FELDA.

9. Bermakna legasi Tun Razak dan Taib Andak musnah ditangan Najib. Nasib hampir 113 ribu peneroka ke longkang.

10. Semasa apungan kira2 3.6bn saham dikeluarkan. Pada harga RM4.55 lebih RM16bn di perolehi. Peneroka menangis darah. 10bn masuk poket Najib.

11. Hari ini harga saham FGV ialah RM1.19. Makna hilang RM3.36 sesaham. Dengan jumlah saham 3.6 bn felda lesap RM12 billion. Kalau 10bn masuk ke poket Najib dan kerugian 12bn jumlah besar ialah 22 bn. Kos mimpi basah Najib ialah RM22bn.

12. Baca betul2 ye. RM22 bilion si haramjadah Najib perlakukan pada 113 ribu peneroka. Nak sokong Najib membabi buta lagi? Melayu bunuh Melayu.

13. 200 juta saham diperuntukkan kepada peneroka pada harga RM4.55. Sebagian besar diberi pinjaman.

14. Pada harga sekarang yakni RM1.19 sesaham, nilai saham peneroka ialah 238 juta. Semasa apungan nilai saham peneroka ialah  910 juta.  Bermakma dah ada 672 juta. Dengar lagi janji Najib. Kaki klentong..tak pasal2 hutang. Yang memapakedanakan awak me ialah si Najib!

15. Kita tak pernah odit 10 billion tu. Ia diberi pada Najib. Harus wang tersebut dibagi bagi ke bahagian2 umno. Bermakna bahagian2 yang menerima wang tersebut bersubahat menyonglap duit tersebut.

16. Tidak syak lagi wang tersebut digunakan untuk PRU 13. Selepas 60 tahun berkuasa umno tewas. Salah satu sebabnya ialah PRU umno dibiayai oleh wang haram.

17. Perkara ini diremehkan. Tapi ada ustaz2 umno tanya duit tu halal haramnya?
Ayam balik ke reban.

18. Ini membuktikan kita mesti serius berpolitik. Bukan jadi pak angguk je. Kemunculan kaki haprak macam Najib dan tokoh2 sealiran dengan nya membuktikan bahawa hukuman tidak berpolitik dengan mata terbuka ialah kita berakhir dengan di perintah oleh crook2. Najib Zahid, Tajuddin Bung dll.

19. Jangan tak tanya duit datang dari mana. Najib dah kata takde yang lebih disukai orang Melayu selain dapat sesuatu free. Sesiapa yang undi yang rasuah, penipu dan pencuri bukan lah mangsa tapi yang bersubahat.


Sunday, 13 December 2020

Taka Taka Sepuluit Bila di Tanak Ia Berdarai.

1. Kita lihat umno kembali berkuasa di Perak. Besar kemungkinan ia hanya dapat mempertahankan kedudukan dengan berkerjasama dengan DAP dan Pas. Itu sudah memberi ia majoriti. Lupakan saja PKR.

2. Bagaimana perkembangan seterusnya terjadi tidak menarik minat saya. Ianya kemenangan untuk Wak Zahid saja. Apa akan terjadi di peringkat nasional lebih menjadi minat saya.

3. Tapi itu tidak akan menyelamatkan Zahid dari keskes mahkamah. Kebatilan tetap kebatilan walaun semua melakukan nya. Kebenaran tetap kebenaran walaupun kita seorang melakukan nya.

4. Kita andaikan sebagian ahli umno selesa dengan keadaan mereka sekarang. Yakni di anggap sebagai angka dan jadi abdi kepada golongan neo fiudalis.

5. Abdi-abdi ini akan berketuakan tokoh-tokoh seperti Jawa Bagan Datoh ni dan amirul munafik Najis Rojak. (di Indonesia Razak jadi rojak)

6. Dua tokoh ini mengetuai faksi yang berbeda. Mereka sekata hanya dalam memperbodohkan abdi-abdi dan dalam pembohongan serta perompakan mereka.

7. Saya tidak akan membincangkan tokoh seperti Anuar Musa. Dia tidak mengepalai mana-mana faksi. Dia hanya mengangap dia legenda dalam kepala nya. Dia fikir dia anggap dirinya boleh menjadi Presiden umno dan pm. Tapi dia hanya berangan angan saja. Biar dia mati beragan.

8. Ada ahli-ahli umno yang tidak berfaksi yang mahu mengekalkan identiti sebagai ahli umno yang virtuous atau soleh. Tapi mereka tercari cari ketua.

9. Mereka ini tidak bersetuju dengan xenophobic nationalism yang diperagakan oleh Zahid dan Najib, menentang bigotry ugama, menolak rasuah serta tidak percaya bahawa umno hanya boleh dipimpin oleh si Zahid si Zahid dan Najib-najib.

10. Dalam keadaan yang demikian seorang tokoh yang righteous mesti tampil kedepan dan mengepalai mereka.

11. Enggan berbuat demikian adalah jenayah. Kerana tokoh-tokoh seperti Zahid dan Najib hanya mahu memperkudakan umno untuk melepaskan tengkok mereka dari jerutan undang-undang. Mereka mengajak umno membelakangi undang-undang. Itu satu ajakan yang mesti ditolak.

12. Orang yang mempunyai kelayakan ini-yang menerima kemajmukan rakyat malaysia, yang menentang segala bentuk ekstemisme ugama, menolak korapsi, menerima keluran undang-undang dan menolak pimpinan neo fiudalis dan ingin melihat demokrasi dan meritokrasi adalah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

13. Kebetulan, perkara-perkara yang saya sebutkan tadi adalah faktor-faktor yang bolih menyelamatkan umno. Jika serius.

14. Kekuatan umno ialah ia satu organisasi yang mempunyai akar umbi. Akar umbi yang di warnai oleh pimpinan yang betul. Umno sekarang dilihat sebagai parti politik yang mengamalkan xenophobic nationalism, ekstemisme agama, korapsi dan membiarkan dirinya dipimpin olih neo fiudalis yang reaksioner!
Apakah sebab nya? Kepimpinan bobrok dan jelek mengensel kekuatan akar umbi.

15. Sayang sekali umno dalam bentuk yang ada tidak dapat diselamatkan lagi. Budaya buruk telah menular ke badan umno. Ia keser tahap 4. Umno diwarnai olih sibghah nya sendiri.

16. Jalan terbaik untuk Tengku Razaleigh ialah keluar umno yang ada. Himpun semua mp yang sepemikiran dan tubuh sebuah umno baru.

17. Atas sebab-sebab ini umno bukanlah dalam posisi kuat untuk mendesak apa-apa daripada Muhyi. Terlalu banyak faksi-faksi dan pimpinan sekarang adalah pimpinan yang dysfunctional.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Masyarakat Permisif.

1. Hari demi hari kepercayaan dan keyakinan saya kepada sistem penghakiman Malaysia kian goncang.

2. Hari ini saya membaca si Tengku palsu dari Acheh lepas dari pertuduhan rasuah menerima RM1 juta. Pada masa yang sama tukang suap didenda RM1.5 juta. Sungguh pelik dan ajaib.

3. Hal-hal yang ajaib ini berlaku dalam era pemerintahan Abahmoo atau Abahcow atau AbahNita Gee. Bersedialah berdepan dengan perkara-perkara pelik lagi ajaib.

4. Rata-ratanya beberapa keputusan mahkamah akhir diterima dengan meluat. Dari ungkapan babi betul sehingga perasaan mahu emigrate dari Malaysia dan melupakan negara ini.

5. Hari demi hari orang kian membenci Abahcow. Satu demi satu penyangak dibebaskan. Orang tidak lupa bagaimana simuka sembab cuba mengistiharkan darurat. Rakyat tidak lupa bajet nya yang anti demokratik. Dan banyak lagi musibah yang dibawanya.

6. Setakat ini 3 matlaon berjaya diloloskan dari belengu penjara. Riza aziz, Musa tidak Aman dan si Tengku Palsu Badak Sumbu. Ini terjadi kerana kita ada PM yang tidak menghargai keluhuran undang-undang. Biarkan saja sedang mahkamah rakyat tahu resam mereka.

7. Fiil membiarkan apa saja berlaku dan diperlakukan olih sisembab membuat menteri-menteri lain naik tocang. Kita tahu misalnya pembinaan lebuhraya KB- Kuala Kerai yang menelan berbiliun Ringgit mungkin membuka pintu rasuah dan cabul kuasa. Ia nya keadaan free for all semasa Abahcow berkuasa.

8. Sikap craven abahmoo akibat dari PM yang lepas tangan. Ia terjadi akibat keasyikan dia membuat segala transaksi mengekalkan kuasa. Asal saja haramjadah mana-mana setia kepada nya, buatlah sesuka hatimu. Abahmoo akan menoleh kearah lain.

9. Seorang PM yang unprincipled dan unsrupulous hanya membawa musibah kepada negara.

10. Dizaman Amirul munafik Najib kita ada ibu segala rasuah. Dizaman abahcow ni rasuah sudah menjadi satu virtue. Kalau tak rasuah tidak sah. Dizaman babyface Najib cash is king. Abahcow membudayakan cash is king. Jahanamlah bangsa Melayu.

11. Belum kita tenteram dengan pembebasan Riza Aziz dan Musa kacau, kita digegarkan dengan berita pelepasan si Tengku Palsu. Yang memberi kena denda RM1.5 juta yang dapat RM1 juta enjoy duit tersebut. Astagha!

12. Adakah undang-undang kita seekor baghal? Mana lojik nya-yang memberi kena yang melantak lepas?

13. Pendakwaraya kita semacam menggunakan kids glove bila berdepan dengan orang kaya dan punya ikatan kuat tapi membelasah orang biasa. Dengan pencuri biasa bukan main garang kita. Dengan ahli politik kita pilih mereka untuk menyamun kita.

14. Apakala si Tengku Palsu ini lepas, ada bebera implikasi.

15. Pertama ia boleh bermakna pendakwaraya kita adalah half past six. Agaknya mereka terdiri dari yang dapat gred 3 MCE atau SPM. Tapi entah macam mada ambik undang-undang. Kita kena ulang 2-3 kali sesuatu perkara baru mereka paham. Kalau mereka berdepan dengan kelas pertama bagaimana?

16. Kedua, ia bolih bermakna sistem penghakiman kita rasuah. Dulu ada seorang hakim mahkamah tinggi yang mengatakan bebera hakim disogok untuk memberi penghukuman yang menguntungkan penyangak. Barangkali ianya terjadi.

17. Semua ini terjadi bila nombor 1 membiarkan ianya terjadi. Bagaimana kita membasmi rasuah kalau wang dah pergi ke menteri-menteri? Di Indonesia baru-baru ini 2 menteri ditangkap kerana korapsi. Di Malaysia kita membiarkan penyamun-penyamun mempersendakan undang-undang.

18. Kalau kita mahu membasmi rasuah kita mesti mula dari atas. Menteri-menteri yang korap mesti kita jadikan contoh. Dulu di Singapura ada seorang menteri melancong keluar negara dengan pihak perasuah.

Sekembali ke negaranya dia ditangkap olih badan pencegah rasuah. Bilakah perkara seperti itu akan berlaku di Malaysia?

Monday, 7 December 2020

Adolph Muhyi's Budget. Part 2.

1. Since 2009 to 2021 we have registered deficit budgets. We don't seem to be ashamed of them. The opposition accepted them after making the required noises. It's a badge of honour.a

2. The FM must have thought that his maiden speech about the budget was a tour de force rendition but really it's a whack a mole approach. The plastic mole keeps on resurfacing. Problems keep on coming.

3. He's not trying to reduce the deficits but exacerbating them through wasteful spending. Why the 190 million Quranic Village project?

4. Did Muhyi increased the debt ceiling from 55% to 60%.because of COVID-19? Or the pandemic used to cover other unnecessary spending?

5. It's unconscionable to spend money meant to tackle COVID-19 for some other purposes. But Muhyi doesn't know the meaning of conscience.

6. What's with the 400 million to pardon the debt of Felda settlers? Is this the debt incurred by Najib's harebrained FGV scheme? If its so, it's caused by Najib's wet dream. Jail him or asked him to pay. To pardon settlers debt is indeed meritorious. But don't give it Free. Ask them to surrender all FGV shares or buy them off them. There's no such thing as free lunch.

7. We earned enough to cover our operating expenses. The bulk of it goes to the emoluments of the 1.7 million civil service. Why is our civil service so large? Shouldn't we take measures to scale it down? The quality of the cs should also be improved. Raised the entry level. The government shouldn't be seen as a ready indiscriminate employee who doesnt care about quality. Don't have the attitude if it has gills, it must be a fish. We do care about the quality.

8. What does the FM mean Biodiversity Protection? It Its costing us 400 million. Please enlighten us. The massive habitat destruction in Bentong shows us biodiversity production is just a myth to siphon money.

9. The 100 million allocation for NGOs is probably an euphemism for people like Azmin Ali to build a war chest. Hey NGOs! You've got money here. What goods and services do NGOs produced? Jobs? Nada

10. If it has zero added value why park money under this heading? So that you can use the money for some undefined but political purpose?

11. The 2 billion allocation to the Green Technology Financing Scheme is a dubious allocation. Has anybody heard of any company producing a green technology product? No one. Shouldn't this allocation be parked under the Science Ministry?

12. If the relevant Ministry is not capable of thinking what it wants, then the Ministry is led by an incompetent Minister. It is also disingenuous to park a certain allocation under a specific heading, and later used it for a different purpose. That's cheating.

13. That means there's no zero- based budgeting. What possibly happens is that each Ministry uses the previous year's budget and simply increase it by a certain percentage. That's what you get when you have laggards and women chasing ministers.

14. The 15 billion allocation for transport infra is indefensible. Presumably the bulk of it is meant for the Pan Borneo Highway and the Gemas Jb and Klang Valley double track projects.

15. We have heard of the PBH since 1963 and is the budget for it a rolling budget? Or is it just a treasure chest for Sabah warlords and the Works minister's? The 2 double track projects will they be ever completed?

16. And why are these not parked under the Transport Ministry? If ministers do not know how to prioritise spending, get off the hot seat. The budget cannot be parked under some hazy headings only to be siphoned off for some political hatchet jobs.

17. Then there is the curious 3 billion set aside to maintain military assets. Why wasn't this amount allotted directly to Mindef? If its important why didn't the defense minister accorded it as a priority spending?
Were we shot changed for many military assets? So it must be true a spanner costs 200 ringgit a piece. This does not include the notorious Scorpene, the migs in the US desert and others.

18. The 400 million allocated to selected ministries to do R&D is money wasted. One R&D is seeking a better way to deliver services. I don't see any ministry giving improved service. If the quality of a civil service with a sense of superiority persists, the 400 million will go down the drain.

19. As it is, Malaysia has 32 ministers and 38 deputy ministers and God knows how many ambassadors with ministerial status. The first improvement needed is downsizing the cabinet. Has Muhyi got the testicular fortitude to do this? That's R&D for you.

20. China has almost 1.4 billion people but only 21 ministries. Malaysia on the other hand has a miniscule population compared to China, has 72 morons and fornicators. That's a money guzzler. And Malaysia seems able to produce only morons like drink more warm water Minister and Doraemon Minister. Hence, the 400 million is money wasted.

21. We can also kiss goodbye to the 1 billion allocated to investments in technology, especially the electronics and the aerospace industry. The money will probably go to surrogates of foreign electronics industries and other special interest groups. They will not benefit local industries. What aerospace industry are we talking about? Another goofy flying car project?

22. The allocation of 4 billion to JAKIM is inappropriate. What is it used for? Certainly not for the advancement of Islam. We don't require monuments to fortify our faith. The advancement of Islam is superficial. I don't see Islamic preachers living among Orang Asli and Chinese communities. I don't see Jakim distributing food among the homeless and hobos. They eat in churches. Building grandiose monuments will lead only to Islamic triumphalism and pomposity.

23. JAKIM has received a royal rebuke from HRH Sultan of Johore for spending 1 billion a year. Is converting chinaman an expensive affair? What's the use of a big allocation if its(jakim) used to sow the seeds of dissension, hatred for other races and Islamic Exclusivism? The allocation will only exacerbate dissension.

24. What does empowering Bumiputera entrepreneur mean? It got an allocation of 6billion. Usually the beneficiaries are the well-connected, the politicians or directly siphoned by shameless politicians.

25. What do I see from the 5 billion allocation of getting access to quality education at Bumiputra institutions? First is an admission that hitherto Bumiputera education has no quality. Second is a deliberate institutionalising of racism.

26. The main problem preventing Malays from achieving educational excellence is the refusal to accept meritocracy as the basis of educational advancement. Education is seen as an entitlement even though you are mediocre.

27. The path to educational excellence is to embrace competition as a way of life. Malays must accept competition as the way forward.

28. I am troubled by the phrase Bumiputera educational institutions. This is a subtle way of institutionalising racism. If we can institutionalise racism why not meritocracy?

29. So if the RM 5 Billion allocation leads to the rejection of meritocracy and institutionalised racism, it is iniquitous.

30. What's with the RM7 billion allocation for scheme jaminan penjanaan perkerjaan. Does this mean the government will expand the already bloated civil service? And at the same time internalise mediocrity? Its money not well spent.

31. The FM must have thought this budget is his tour de force. In reality, it is a whack a mole budget. The problems keep popping up. It's a budget replete with negative elements. Unashamed it's yet another deficit budget filled with institutionalised racism, religious bigotry, acculturation of mediocrity, for special interest groups budget etc.

32. Therefore, support for this budget is support for all the iniquities and anti-democratic elements.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Adolph Muhyi's budget.

1. In case people forget this is yet another Deficit budget. It means you spend more than you earn.

2. For 2021 we will spend 320 billion, and we will earn only 227 billion. How will bridge the gap?

3. We can borrow. 2nd, we can hope the economy will expand. The FM is being Pollyannaish saying the economy will grow by 6 to 7%. 3rd we can print money.

4. A deficit is not to be alarmed at, if it's linked to the ability to pay. Unfortunately we can't.

5. Specifically how can we fill up the 100 million gap? I think this backdoor government will do 2 things. Concoct a stimulus package and squeeze blood from stone.

6. Muhyi can always fleece the PETRONAS emaciated cash cow. Do you know that at one time shopaholic Najib asked Petronas to pay RM74 billion? Muhyi can always do the same. Then he can claim there's no recession. Like lying Najib.

7. Muhyi can also order Bank Negara to provide stimulus packages like lying baby face Najib. If I remember correctly, Najib introduced 2 stimulus packages totalling 67 billion. Muhyi can introduce 3. One up on Najib. Then he can brag- what recession?

8. In fact, I am told swollen faced Muhyi has introduced 4 stimulus packages totalling 305 billion.

9. Muhyi even copied lying Najib when he increased the debt to GDP ceiling from 55% to 60%. So he can sing to the tune of Magnificent Montague and Marvin X's- spend baby spend.

10. Does Muhyi understand the meaning of the concept of economic prudence? Does the aristocat(not aristocrat)bean counter at MOF understand its meaning?

11. I am not being a Cassandra here. But there are more questions than answers in the 2021 budget. Here are a few.

12. I want to cite James Carville-its the economy stupid. That should be the primary focus of the bean counter. As for Muhyi he's suffering from the Morarji Desai syndrome. Drinking his own urine. He just doesn't care.

13. Where are the economic growth coming from? Our exports are down revenue from Petronas is down, We can't export our manufactures etc. The world is in recession.

14. Economic logic says in order to achieve 6-7%growth we have to double or triple our growth. Otherwise, a normal growth rate would just be absorbed by the economic contraction previously. That's impossible as A.R. Tompel says.

15. Has the FM considered the potential of e economy especially now that we are ravaged by the pandemic? Online infrastructure can even jump start the rural economy.

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16. Without these the option opened to this government is to keep borrowing. That would transfer present liability to future generations. Our succeeding generations will only know debt and pay higher taxes.

17. Supporting this Budget means you are complicit in the continued repression. The 13 who stood up are heroes.

18. In part 2 we will discuss some details of Muhyi's ridiculous budget that finds support from Anwar Ibrahim and other stupidos.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

A Faustian Deal.

1. When Muhyi leaves office at any time, he doesn't bring his dirt with him. He leaves them behind.

2. The most repugnant being the unbridled corruption and kick backing. He is worse than UMNO. Frantz Fanon calls this the oppressor complex.

3. Perhaps readers are more familiar with the concept of Stockholm Syndrome. Muhyi is captivated by UMNOs corrupted ways but Muhyi is emotionally attached to the ways of
UMNO. Muhyi criticizes and berates UMNO but becomes UMNO.

4. Thank God it's not the Oedipus complex. I am at a loss to describe his liaison with Nita Gee as a what complex. This time he saw Nita's husband as a rival.

5. Stranger things are happening to Malaysia under his watch than Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.

6. That reaffirmed that our reward system is wrong. Teach our children that they don't have to go to the university. Form 5 is enough. Secure work in Immigration, Customs, Police Local Governments- become SOs. Jobs there attract better income than graduates of universities.

7. Sensing that maybe they in the wrong profession may have prompted this:-

To make matters worse, the PAC also revealed that a number of the special approvals were given via middlemen to foreign workers despite many of them having failed the Foreign Workers Medical Examination Monitoring Agency (Fomema) inspection.

According to the PAC, five out of the 10 middlemen identified were politicians.

They were a former Dewan Rakyat speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, Tan Sri Noh Omar (BN-Tanjung Karang), Datuk Masir Kujat (GPS-Sri Aman), Kok Lanas assemblyman Datuk Seri Mohd Alwi Che Ahmad and Sungai Dua assemblyman Muhammad Yusof Mohd Nor

8. I read a report about the MACC arresting a Dato and his wife for stealing millions from a public listed company. We asked a fox to guard a chicken coop.
Muhyi will ignore this.

9. He does nothing about useless head of GLCs earning gargantuan salaries. The mother-effers still earn the high salaries even when their GLCs are not doing good. What does Muhyi care when he has accumulated enough loot? Didn't Musa Hitam once said that the only land which Muhyi hasn't sold is his mother's grave plot? I won't be surprised if Malaysia is for sale.

10. There is a rumour going around that a company linked to the Home Minister is after a RM1.5 billion project at the immigration department. The company is fronting for a company owned by a gambler who owes a casino RM33 million and doesn't want to pay. The politician and the crook are 2 sides of the same coin.

11. This is what you get when you have a PM who manages with reckless abandon.When the mouse is away the fat cats come out to play.(the reverse of the idiom is intended). When the number 1 washes his hand these things happened .

12. What are you supporting then? You are supporting corruption, abuses of power and perpetuation of special interests You are the bourgeoisie. Damn you!

13. So dont try to straighten the wet thread. The opposition has made an irreversible error. Hypocritical Anwar gave some palliatives to justify support for Muhyi's budget. They are just that. Strained palliatives. DAP and AMANAH bought them hook, line and sinker.

14. I am being judgemental here. I maybe wrong. But who cares? AMANAH led by the stupidly dressed, looking stupid and actually stupid Mat Sabu was just a bunch of Uncle Toms. They just stood to attention and said 'siap komandan'. Wasn't Mat Sabu the chap who termed Anwar as Anwar al juburi? Its a shame that there are some good and virtuous people in AMANAH.

15. Anwar said he supported the Budget because the Budget incorporated some of the ideas of PH. That's a load of holy camel shit. One PKR leader said they will give PN hell at the Committee stage. Who are you trying to kid? How will you reconcile your earlier support by now contradicting your earlier behaviour?

16. I am surprised that the DAP which consists of many good people went along with Anwar. Perhaps they believed Anwar will be a useful idiot later on.

17. My guess is, they are just freeloaders believing in Anwar's sleight of hand politics. You can never trust this man. He will abandon you like a ton of bricks if he sees a clearer path to PMship.

18. As a result DAP will suffer some trust deficit. Some people will not support DAP any longer as they question DAP's political consistency and endurance. To them DAP has wilted.

Monday, 30 November 2020

The false Prophet and His Flock

1. I come back to my favourite piñata which is what Najib said. Because they are blatant lies which must be answered at once. It must be whacked vehemently to spill the Goebellsian lies.

2. That incendiary speech must be doused unequivocally to prevent charlatans like Najib and other red necks from UMNO spewing lies and deceit.

3. The hypocrite-in-chief then was telling the big lie. That the Malays will become our own dalits or destitutes if UMNO were to lose power. The big lie was uttered in Kangar.

4. Malays should rise up against this Goebellsian deceit, falsehoods and untruths that have kept them in servitude for so long.

5. No, Herr Najib, Malays can prosper without UMNO. Their lot is not determined by the likes of you in UMNO.

6. Who the hell are you? You are just a spoilt rich kid accustomed to get your way. Well, the fat lady has sung. It's the end of the road. For you.

7. We are not thieves like you were the embezzler-in-chief. We are just honest country bumpkins. But we have our dignity. You on the other hand have none!

8. The only Malay phrases which Najib has in his vocab to demean people are bangsat and papa kedana. When he was opposed in Pekan, he called his opponent papa kedana. He called felda settlers who refused his FGV scheme bangsat. Najib bangsat al papa kedana. That name has a nice ring to it.

9. It is ironic that Herr Najib chose Perlis to regurgitate his lies. Perlis is one of the poorest states in Malaysia and predominantly Malay. That shows that poor Malays are not only servile but easily malleable. They need an emotional release and bossku provided the silver bullet.

10. The lies perpetrated and perpetuated by Herr Najib are easily debunked. The states of Selangor, Kelantan, Trengganu, Penang and Sarawak are not ruled by UMNO. But we don't see Malays dropping like dead leaves, do we?

11. All the mb's, SS, DO's, penghulus, ketua kampungs, are Malays. Why are Malays still backward and poor? That means the UMNO bozos are not helping the Malays. Shame on Najib for claiming the Malays will turn bangsat if UMNO loses power.

12. There are about 18 million Malays. UMNO has about 1.3 or 1.4 million members. Roughly out of 18 Malays 1 is an UMNO gangster. If 1 UMNO member kicks the bucket 17 other Malays live on. The message is UMNO can fly kite.

13. God says He will not change the lot of a race unless they change it themselves and Truly God does not change the lot of one race unless they change what's within themselves.

14. Thus, if they allow an idiot like Najib and other UMNO goodfellas to determine their fate, they have only themselves to blame.

15. If man's sustenance and his lot depends upon himself what is the relevance of a kichimayung like Najib and his UMNO?

16. Najib and his UMNO should stop playing the role of an Orwellian big brother. The Malays must unshackle the manacles that are holding them back, putting them down and dumbing them down. They must have their amour propre, reject and jettison people like Najib and like-minded UMNO goons.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Selling Their Souls To the Devil

1. Shame on PKR and DAP for supporting the 2021 budget. Shame on kleptocratic minded UMNO for supporting the budget. I may not understand the DAP's rationale behind its support but that will not stop my censureship of its behaviour. PKR? It's a closet bourgeoisie. It's our Hampstead liberals.

2. Ignore their hypocritical questioning of aspects of the budget. It just means they support all the rampant corruption and leakages, racism, bigotry and attempted undermining of our Democracy. Their politics is sham politics.

3. We know what the PKR yahoos are here for. They are here to promote Anwar as the rear PM. Once they achieve their nefarious objective they will replace UMNO as the capitalist roader.

4. They are just a bunch of hypocrites. They are the smoked Salmon Socialists and Gauche Caviars and the Salon Reformists.

5. So much for the self-appointed reformists who know only to shout themselves hourse about changing things. These f**ks are getting too big for their britches and boots. But actually they are just myths in their own minds.

6. They are just trophy cockerels more suited to decorate the political display board. They are long in talk but very short in deeds. Both PKR and DAP were there to play brinkmanship.

7. Dangle a few carrots in front of them, and they will wilt. Principle was thrown out the window in exchange for gratification. Perhaps the following was true after all.

8. Maybe that explains their facetious reading of the pernicious budget. Principles were thrown out because of expediencies.

9. This proves that this government can only survive on kickbacks and corruption. Trust and principles were thrown out. With no compunctions.

10. Anwar Ibrahim is a political hydra- a beast with many heads. Him talking different things to different people is legendary. He's tricky. Right now the flavour of the month is to support the Pagoh Jawa only to slight Mahathir. Clearly he has buggered everybody. And they are happy about it. Perhaps that makes them do their toilet duties easier.

11. Now we see the Benedict Arnolds, the Tokyo Roses and the Aldrich Ames of the opposition. All betray the trust and hope of the people. Who can we trust any more?

12. If the 2021 Budget is passed because of kickbacks, this is the first time in our history it has happened. That's Bolehland for you.

13. The DAP consists of sanctimonious bastards. All the time talking about justice and righteousness - it's all BS. They have sold out.

14. Besides the possibility of some people being bought Muhyi may have promised LGE to drop charges proffered against him. Self-preservation is a powerful motive.

15. I am a DAP member. I even became an MP on their ticket. But I am not big on group think and herd instinct. Especially when I feel strongly about the pernicious Budget. It's not about supporting or shaming Mahathir. If I feel DAP is wrong it won't stop me from criticising the party.

16. It is understandable for kleptocratic UMNO to support Muhyi. The acorn does not fall far from the tree. Some UMNO luminaries hope Muhyi will drop some onerous court cases.

17. They forgot the axiom there is no honour among thieves. Umno is no longer useful to Muhyi. It has lost its bargaining chip. It will be in no position to demand anything. It can go and fly kite. When you already have the honey the honeycomb is thrown away.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Silence is Not an Option. Part 2/3.

1. The way Muhyi wants to 'sell' his budget is pathetic and desperate. He sends out vehicles with megaphones and loudspeakers to public areas such as markets and malls. There the public would be told of the benefits of the 2021 Budget.

2. We would have thought he would ask his officers to about the COVID-19 virus. Instead, he talks about his pedantic budget. Sad.

3. It's not about social distancing, wearing of masks, self and mandatory quarantine or sanitization. The measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Instead it was about the bloody Budget. We have people debating about it in parliament. Why so desperate to get us involved when at other times we are ignored?

5. Besides reminding us of the SOP we are more interested in knowing there's no economic, development lockdown and no health facilities lockdown. Go play with yourself about the budget.

6. We want to know about vaccines and how will they be distributed. We want the public heatlh officials speak with one voice.

7. Instead, we are listening to incomprehensive and conflicting voices. The health DG says those coming from outside the peninsula have to undergo mandatory 14- day quarantine. Here comes the drink more warm water minister saying those from Sabah are excepted. What the hell!

8. That indicates 2 things to me. First, it shows that Muhyi is not confident that his padded budget will get passed. Second, Muhyi presents us a dysfunctional team. There's more damaging group think and herd instinct than listening to the people. Our ministers have all reached a pinnacle level of greed.

9. The Java Penorogo is only interested to save himself than managing the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement by the Health Minister was meant to accommodate degenerates like Pairin and riotous Bung Mukhtar. Muhyi must really be clutching on straw.

10. If the Health Minister can be laxed about mandatory quarantine, where is the emergency element Muhyi wanted to use to justify his diarrheaic Emergency declaration?

11. It is obvious that Muhyi is an incontrovertible liar. If he lied about COVID-19, then there is more reason to believe that he lied about having majority support. Then he would have no problem facing a vote of no confidence, would he?

12. It is also clear that Muhyi is siding with the oppressors and the fornicators, the embezzlers the thieves and robbers. For no good reasons he put a stop to the investigation of 1MDB.

13. Muhyi agreed to stop the investigation in exchange for the return of the stolen money. The return is already an admission of stealing.

14. I think that is a stupid thing to do. Even if every sen is returned the original felony stays. The return may only mitigate the sentence. It does not erase the crime.

15. The accused, Najib can't plead stupidity. That is not believed by anybody. What is Najib's stupidly compared to the village idiot's? That means the village idiot can claim innocence to committing a serious crime on account of inherent stupidity?

Monday, 23 November 2020

Silence is No Longer an Option. Part 1/3

1. I once wrote that I have no problem with how Muhyi took power. He saw an opportunity and took it. In a way Mahathir created the chance by treating his resignation as part of a chessboard game gone awry. So blame Mahathir for unleashing a beast.

2. I have no faith in Mahathir any more. Just like previous PMs he was no revolutionary. He countenanced widespread corruption, supported urban development at the expense of rural areas etc. He's the Nehru of Malaysia. He liked grandiose industrialization.

3. A revolution is not like a dinner party, doing carpentry, eating Mee Abu in Alor Stak or eating Penang Pesembor. It cannot be so refined and courteous. It is aggressive and by nature, violent. It must involve the overthrow of the parasitic class by the oppressed. Mahathir coopted himself as the new oppressor.

4. But after having seen what Muhyi has and is doing to Malaysia silence is no longer and option. The country is on autopilot and corruption is rearing its ugly head with wanton abandon. I thought wanton abandon is a phrase only Nita Gee understands. I am wrong.

5. Muhyi harbors dictatorial tendencies when he tried to persuade the Agong to declare an Emergency. That was a most reprehensible thing he did. It was an attack to our work in progress democracy. Shame on him.

6. When Filipino insurgents invaded parts of Sabah, we didn't impose an Emergency over the whole of Sabah. We imposed curfews over the affected areas. Here he was trying to create a massive fraud on Malaysians by making use of COVID-19 a public health issue, to have the Agong declare a sham Emergency. Only a despotic and totalitarian leader would do that.

7. Imagine the heinous and deleterious effects he would have created. He would be able to suspend Parliament and ruled by fiat just as Kim iL Sung does and Papa Doc Duvalier did. Remember his fondness in using the term of endearment 'Abah'.

8. He would be able to hoist a Budget accountable to no one. It's not a budget really but a spending list. We would be better off by singing 'hey big spender'. We will continue listening to his patronising but nauseating announcement of a slew of financial incentives. Read buying of loyalty while he allows the looting of the country.

9. But the most reprehensible motive Muhyi has, was to hide the tenuous support that he has in parliament. It seems the Java Penorogo was and is willing to use any Machiavellian underhanded tactics to hold on to power. This man is a menace to democracy.

10. If we are ravaged by the virus, it is due to the incompetence of Muhyi. First he allows politicians who know nuts about corona to speak about it. The ignoramus health minister, the drink more warm water minister, has gone AWOL. Perhaps too busy making hay while the sun shines.

11. When it suits him he will bask in the compliments that the pandemic is well managed. He consoles himself that most of the cases originated from foreigners. At best his approach to the pandemic is Darwinian in the sense the fittest will survive while the weaklings die off. All in all how can a well managed public health issue be used to justify his diarrhoeic Emergency?

12. If Muhyi lied about COVID-19 being the reason justifying an Emergency which suffered a miscarriage, then there is a stronger reason to believe that Muhyi lied to feel Agong in getting majority support in the first place that catapulted him to PM. The Agong has a liar before him.

13. As a result Muhyi is afflicted by the Napoleonic complex. He compensates his insecurity by having a bloated cabinet. His cabinet has 82 members consisting of not so sparkling personages. It includes a Doraemon and drink more warm water ministers. A minister and a deputy who lied about their qualifications. And God knows how many more nincompoops.

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Langit kian mendung. Dari Pak lahisme Bosku- isme dan Abah- isme.

1. Dulu kita ada Pak Lahism. Kemudian kita ada Bosque yang celaka. Sekarang kita ada si Nita Gee Abahku.

2. Ada persamaan antara orang2 yang menggunakan gelaran2 mesra sayang ini. Pak Lahisme macam Rajiv Ghandi. Rajiv mati kepala nya bersepai. Pihak Polis bingung kerana walaupun kepala pecah, Polis tidak menjumpai otak kerana otak tiada. Era Pak Lah terunggul kerana kita ada PM yang tiada otak. Separuh masa dia tak tahu apa2 kerana tertidur. Orang gelar dia sleepy Joe.

3. Kita tahu apa berlaku di era sicelaka bosque. Ibu segala rompakan yakni SRC dan 1MDB.

4. Bila Tun Razak meninggal dulu dia ada RM400 ribu. Itu pun hadiah dari Magsaysay Award. Najib al munafik belum konk lagi tapi dah ada berbiliun Ringgit. Masa kojol nanti bukan bawa sesen pun.

5. Ada orang tanya dari mana mamat ni dapat duit sebanyak itu? Kalau dia PM seumur hidup dengan gajinya segala, dia takkan ada duit segitu. Dia bukan berniaga.

6. Orang buruan siperompak cha ya nun alif Jho Low, mendedahkan segala pekong. Lahabau ini rupanya berkelana di Macao kota casino Asia.

7. Cha Ya Nun Alif pipi montel tu mendedahkan sekurang2 nya USD 500 ribu digunakan oleh Rosmah membeli barang kemas dan perhiasan.
One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Rosmah Mansor cincin besor
Rakyat jelata apa dapat?

8. Dan puluhan juta Dollar digunakan untuk membeli kereta2 mewah untuk Pak Arab dan membayar kapal Putera Mansur Abu Dhabi.

9. Joe Bawah juga mendedahkan segala penyaluran wang 1MDB di sahihkan oleh bosku. Dan USD 681Juta Dollar sebagai derma Pak Arab hanya satu pembohongan. Memang ada derma tapi jumlah nya hanya sebagian kecil dari 681 juta dollar tersebut.

10. Rompakan keatas 1MDB sudah terang dan nyata. Kita tahu siapa yang mendalangi rompakan tersebut. 1MDB menjadi ATM peribadi kepada penyamun yang digelar amirul mukminin. Bencana!

11. Yang menyedihkan dan lagi mendukacitakan rompakan ini disokong oleh setengah-setengah orang Melayu yang kononnya kuat aqidah dan keislaman mereka.

12. Sangkaan tebal aqidah tersebut, adalah hanya omongan kosong. Surau dan masjid hanya merupakan tempat perbuatan ritualistik semata mata. Sedangkan sokongan kepada amirul munafik melanggar suatu piagam Islam yang penting.

13. Bukankah Islam mengatakan bahawa kita adalah sebaik baik umat bila kita menganjurkan amar makruf dan menolak segala (nahi mungkar) atau kemungkaran? Bagaimana kita reconcile sokongan kepada kemungkaran yang dilakukan oleh amirul munafik dengan aqidah kita? Sebab itu saya katakan dakwaan tebalnya aqidah kita hanya a load of bullshit!

14. Sokongan kepada bosku membawa 2 implikasi. Yang pertama seperti yang telah kita sebut yakni betapa rapuhnya fahaman Islam kita.

15. Implikasi kedua ialah bahawa undian kepada amirul munafik, adalah komoditi yang boleh dijual beli dan dirasuahkan. Bayar RM50 atau 100 sesetengah orang Melayu rela menjual ibu mereka! Secara kesemulajadian( by nature) undi orang Melayu adalah sesuatu yang boleh diperdagangkan.

16. Negara kita terus dirundung bencana dengan keberadaan Nita Gee Abahku dengan Abahku- isme nya. Membisu terhadap kegoblokan Abahku bukan lagi satu pilihan.

17. Si muka sembab ini merupakan ancaman terbesar kepada bukan saja perlembagaan kita tapi juga kepada demokrasi. Dia telah cuba menggunakan -covid- 19 untuk mengistiharkan darurat.

18. Jika terlaksana, bererti Parlimen akan digantung. Dia akan memerintah melalui fiat dan mengistihar saja. Dia boleh meluluskan belanjawan tanpa pertanggung jawaban. Objektif yang sebenar ialah menyembunyikan fakta bahawa dia tidak lagi mempunyai sokongan majoriti dalam parlimen. Bila ini berlaku dia dan kabinet half past six dia kena letak jawatan. Dia melantik dirinya sebagai emperor atau maharaja.

19. Apa yang menjamin Parlimen tidak digantung terus menerus untuk mengelak diktator Wak Muhyi dari meletak jawatan?

20. Dah syok sekali dia akan mengulangi perbuatan nya. Ia nya seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh Lee Kuan Yew. Detention without trial is like making love to a virgin for the first time. Its painful at first but gets pleasurable subsequently. Begitu juga menggantung Parlimen. Sakit pertama kali, seronok berikutnya.

21. Ianya suatu yang melucukan bila kita mendapati kaitan statistikal yang cukup kuat antara keasyikan bermain golf dengan bencana. Semakin kuat pemimpin negara bermain golf, semakin teruk bencana yang datang.

22. Di Amerika Trump asyik bermain golf sementara Amerika di landa covid dan ekonominya memerlukan pakej rangsangan. Ia seperti Emperor Nero menggesek biola manakala Rom terbakar.

23. Mungkin kita kena letak syarat untuk menjadi PM tidak boleh main golf. Ia benar-benar menjadi apa yang dikatakan oleh Rahman Yaakob-Golongan Orang Lemah Fikiran.
Pak lah kuat main golf, Bosku kuat main golf, Abah sangat suka golf. Hanya dalam kes Bosku dan Abah mereka lebih menyukai one hole golf dari 18- hole golf.

24. Di Malaysia Wak Muhyi asyik main golf manakala negara diserang Covid dan ekonomi kita menguncup. Astagha!

25. Amat menyedihkan, dibawah kerajaan Wak Muhyi negara kita macam berada dalam mode auto pilot. Sudahlah kabinet kita ada 82 orang pengurus2 GLC terus bergaji super besar- paengurusan negara biar lantak la. Negara berada dalam keadaan lakonan Aziz Sattar dan S. Shamsudin. Lantak la.

26. Ini adalah bencana2 Abah dan Abahisme. Negara jadi hancur. Francois Duvalier juga suka digelar Papa Doc Duvalier. Lihatlah malapetaka dan bencana yang menimpa Haiti. Malaysia menuju kepada keadaan yang serupa. Mungkin tiba masa nya kita gelar Wak Muhyi sebagai Papa Muhyi.

Friday, 13 November 2020

The 2021 not Worth to pass Budget.

1. The moniker for the Finance Minister is a bean counter. He counts money. More about spending. Rather than earning it.

2. He is prodigal or profligate. He's a spendrift. It's not the return of the prodigal son. He never left in the first place. He haunts us with his spendrift ways. He's an apparition.

3. So far he is the worse FM we ever had. But Abah Muhyi likes that. Spend baby spend. That's his favourite motto. He has a kindred spirit in the bean counter.

4. Remember Musa Hitam? He was our DPM. He joked that the only plot of land Muhyi has not sold is his mother's grave. That indicates his spending habits. Let the country die.

5. The same spirit is applied to the 2021 budget. Spend till you drop dead. The stupid FM is given the marching orders. He follows it conscientiously.

6. He uses COVID-19 to justify all the spendings. He hides many things behind it too. The 400 million to felda settlers. The debt was created by the fake bugis warrior in the 1st place. Spend the 400 m but prosecute the one who created it. The revival of the notorious JASA. The 900 m quranic city. The high unemployment rate.

7. Again it's a Deficit Budget. This means we spend more than we earn. So don't impose your morality on us. Don't advise us to spend within our means. Because you bloody hell don't. It's been that way for 12 consecutive years.

8. But before we go into some details, I have to say I am disappointed. I am disappointed with ALL the opposition parties. Instead of seeing the big picture, as usual they will tear into useless details.

9. For years, we have hypocritically talked about the urban-rural income divide, but we have done nothing substantial about it . We have only really just forced our coughs at the steps. As a policy our attention ought to be skewed to the rural sector.

10. The DAP is primarily interested to get a fair deal for the Chinese. PKR is only doing the nitpicking. Mahathir's PEJUANG is tweaking here and there. UMNO is of course pushing Malay elitist economic policies. Muhyi is just a copycat.

11. So thus far we have been talking cock about improving the lot of rural folks. We have only romanticize our kampungs preserving the backwardness to humour us.

12 . You see, in order to improve the lives of rural people, we have to guide and lead them. If the guidance and leadership is poppycock as that now provided by the cerebrally challenged Muhyi and previous careerist leaders, they will stay that way forever.

13. In the context of Arnold Toynbee's Challenge and Response theory, the Malays do not response to ordinary economic signals without much more.

14. That much more comes in the form of tangible and assertive leadership. You must show them examples and leadership will they respond accordingly. The Chinese on the other hand are readily disposed to ordinary market signals. Faham?

15. In my mind our 2021 budget should be crafted to sort out:-
A).rural urban income divide
B)religious extremism
C) Corruption
D) lagging infrastructural superstructure in rural areas
E) administrative inertia and rigor mortis.

16. If for example, JASA is revived to promote xenophobic nationalism the RM81 million allocation is a waste. Similarly, what is the rationale for the RM900 million Quranic city other than to give in to Muslim conceit and promote religious extremism?

17. In part 2 we will analyse some details of the farcical 2021 Budget. See you readers.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

The Politics of Covid- 19

1. Muhyi is pursuing an ambulance chasing strategy-taking advantage of people's misery.

2. The numbers affected by the virus are spiked up to justify the spurned Emergency. The thing is the numbers are not declared by the DG of the health ministry but by lying politicians.

3. That's the lowest of the low which Muhyi will go. But that is not surprising of someone as unscrupulous as Muhyi.

4. Let's analyse the numbers of COVID-19- 19. At the onset let us say that a death, any death is saddening and harrowing. The usage of the dead and falsifying the numbers is an even more heinous action.

5. Obviously Muhyidin has no respect for the institution of the PM. He wants to stay on as PM by any means necessary. He tries to subvert democracy by asking the Agong to declare Emergency. Even now he's trying to show that the Agong was wrong and COVID-19 is going up. Muhyidin is interested only in Muhyidin. He's a bloody narcissist.

6. The damage done is untold. Muhyi is indirectly subordinating the Agong. He's asking the people to rebel against the King. He's using COVID-19 -19 to cover his lack of majority support. He's trying to steal democracy from us. He is a bad person.

7. Immediately following his failure to get an Emergency declared, there is a sudden suspicious spike in Coronavirus. These data were generally met with incredulity. There are more deaths elsewhere, USA for example. Yet no Emergency has been declared and in fact, they are now having the Presidential elections. Not only is Muhyi following the ambulance chasing routine he is also a dangerous liar.

8. The numbers for COVID-19 as 6th November are as follows:-
There were over 26000 recoveries and 279 deaths. Sure a death is a death. It's both saddening and harrowing and no-one can bring the dead alive. But the number of deaths compare to the number of recoveries hides the fact that the work to contain the virus is very commendable.

10. So Abah Muhyi's usage of the virus as a scare tactic to herd people into supporting his fake Emergency is like cotton candy in the mouth. You put his rendition into your mouth and it evaporates as fast as you put it in.

11. It's just not true. He wants to make use of the virus to justify the declaration of a political Emergency. Like in American football the use of COVID-19- 19 is a desperate attempt to cling on to power. It's a Hail Mary situation for Abah Muhyi.

12. What is the number in Sabah? At the end October it was 530 cases and most of the cases were transmitted in the prisons. It suggests that confined spaces cause the pandemic.

13. As at 7th November the number of cases in Sabah is around 20000 and the number of deaths is around 148 deaths. The situation is alarming but manageable. The areas of KK, Tawau and Sandakan are the most affected.

14. Why do I say manageable? Because the number of recoveries is over 11 thousand. It's a testimony of the hard work put in by medical workers.

15. It's part of Abah Muhyi's scorched earth strategies- by any means necessary hold on to power. Therefore, he will use all subterfuges and underhanded tactics to hold on to power. Such as using fake COVID-19 figures to scare people.

16. Recovery rate 275. The number of deaths were 2.

17. The numbers are fluid realistically. The point is the medical fraternity is not exactly sitting down. Yes the number of those affected is large but the number of recovery is also rising.

18. We can verify the numbers by looking at the KKM portals instead of listening to politicians with an axe to grind. We can establish the numbers for Sabah and Labuan and the detail breakdown for the rest of Malaysia.

19. Instead of listening to medical professionals, Muhyi announces spikes in COVID-19 cases here, there and everywhere. The irony is nobody believes him.

20. The danger happens when that particular disbelief is translated into a general disbelief as when people doubt the announcements from KKM. If that happens, the person to blame is swollen face Muhyi.

21. Politicians should just shut up and leave it to KKM to announce. Empower them. Politicians don't need to be part of the need to announce first. Certainly Muhyi does not need to be the grim reaper.

22. The usage of people's misery to further his own personal interest shows that Muhyi is an unstable fellow. This erratic behaviour is unbecoming of a PM.

23. So let's leave Muhyi with his ambulance chasing stunt. Leave it to medical professionals. Empower and support them.

24. I am surprised that we have not formed a task force comprising medical professionals and scientists to handle COVID-19. Instead, politicians become busybodies and mess up the management of the COVID-19 crisis.

25. As to Muhyi he must learn to exit gracefully and with honour. The good of the country surpasses his own personal good. He is after all an unelected PM.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Tong Sam Pah, Poh Kee Mak dan Politik Malaysia yang gila. Bahagian 2/2

1. Nama Tong Sam Pah sangat sesuai dengan Wak Jahid. Ini adalah kerana bila dia jumpa Wak Muhyi dia akan membuang sampah lain. Bila dia tulis surat ke YDP lain sampah. Bila dia bercakap dengan MKT sampah lain pula. Dia tukang kitar sampah nombor wahid.

2. Mengenai nama2 ini saya mendapat inspirasi dari novel Pak Sako. Dialah yang menggunakan nama2 Tong Sam Pah dan Poh Kee Mak. Nama Sheikh albuntoti ialah nama Anwar Ibrahim yang digunakan oleh Mat Sabu suatu ketika dahulu.

3. Tidak syak lagi politik negara kita sekarang adalah politik yang gila. Wak Pagoh cuba meminta Agong mengistiharkan dharurat untuk menutup kebarangkalian kerajaan tidak ada sokongan majority. Anwar Ibrahim pula sanggup menjual ruh nya apabila sanggup berpakat dengan Najib dan Zahid. Gila!

4. Apakah sampah yang dibawa bila bertemu Wak Pagoh? Pertama dia mengatakan dia menyokong Muhyi yang sebenar nya dia tidak. Kedua dia mengatakan samada PPBM Muhyi nak jadi kerabat PN. Semua ini dibuang seperti sampah.

5. Kerana 2 hari kemudian Encik Tong mengutus surat kepada YDP menyokong Anwar sebagai PM.

6. Bererti apa yang dicakapkan kepada Muhyi 2 hari sebelumnya bagai sampah tidak boleh pakai.

7.Boleh jadi tesis Ph.d nya bertajuk bagaimana meluputkan sampah secara mesra alam.

8. Zahid jumpa Wak Pagoh atas kapasiti nya sebagai Presiden UMNO. Adakah dia mewakili nilai2 UMNO?

9. Antara Istana Negara dan kediaman Wak Pagoh watak sebenar Wak Bagan Datoh terserlah . Nyata sifat sampahan nya atau trash terzahir.

10. Sah dan nyata Zahid seorang pembohong. Lidahnya bercabang macam lidah biawak. Menjadikan dia seorang yang tidak boleh dipegang kata2 nya. Kes2 yang dihadapinya membuktikan dia bakal banduan. Inilah pemimpin nombor satu UMNO.

11. Zahid berwatak seorang perompak, pecah amanah, cabul kuasa dan rasuah. UMNO berketuakan seorang preman/gangster. UMNO adalah satu kongsi gelap menjalankan jinayah berencana.

12. Selain dari mengatakan dia menyokong Muhyi dan mengajak Muhyi menyertai PN, Zahid mendesak supaya 4 rakan nya digugurkan dari kabinet. Ini menunjukkan silahabau ni tidak boleh dipercayai kawan apatah lagi lawan. Dia seorang yang bermuka muka.

13. Sekarang Wak Tong Sam Pah bergabung dengan bosque Poh Kee Mak. Kata orang putih two wrongs dont make a right. Gabungan 2 perompak ini adalah gabungan tidak kudus (unholy alliance) yang menghantui UMNO. Gabungan 2 munafik yang hanya memusnahkan UMNO.

14. Mengapa mereka mementingkan diri dan bersandar pada UMNO? Jika jujur keluar dari UMNO sementara dan selesaikan masaalah mahkamah mereka. Jika mereka ternyata tidak bersalah masuklah UMNO kembali.
Tidak lain dan tidak bukan sebab mereka mahu menggunakan kaedah politik menyelesaikan masaalah undang undang. Kalau bersalah jadilah tetamu istimewa kerajaan. Jangan bebankan UMNO.

15. Kesianlah orang Melayu yang menyokong UMNO. Sudahlah mereka menjadi pengikut buta, mereka tidak bermaruah jika terus mendukung penjenayah penjenayah yang memimpin UMNO.

16. Jalan untuk menyelamatkan UMNO ialah dengan menolak kaki kaki busuk dalam UMNO dan membuang xenopobic nationalism yang diterapkan.

17. Sedih kita melihat orang Melayu diperbodohkan dengan dipimpin oleh penjinayah dan bertambah sedih lagi kerana sedar orang Melayu ketandusan nilai sehingga ada bahlul yang menggelar perompak Poh Kee Mak Najib sebagai amirulmukminin. Astaghfirullahaladzim!

18. Kerana itu Wak Muhyi telah memanggil ahli MKT UMNO ke kediamanya dan memberitahu apa yang dulakukan oleh pembelot Wak Zahid aka Tong Sam Pah.

19. Mereka terkejut dan memberitahu Wak Muhyi bahawa mereka tidak pernah menyokong si Anwar Ibrahim.

20. Mereka juga adalah penipu kerana sebetulnya ada diantara mereka yang telah sain dokumen menyokong sheikh Albuntoti.

21. Elok lah tu, pimpinan barisan kedua UMNO,dipimpin oleh penjinayah2. Walhal ahli2 UMNO bertambah nyaman jika menyingkir kaki2 haprak ini dari UMNO. Dan gantikan budaya meraikan kekeroaan atau celebration of mediocrity kepada meraikan keunggulan (celebration of excellence).

22. Kekejutan bertukar menjadi kemarahan atau pura2 marah, apabila Wak Pagoh mengeluarkan icing on the cake, iaitu surat pembelot Zahid kepada YDP.

23. Menyedari bahawa telur tembelang nya akan pecah, Wak Tong Sam Pah cuba menyelamatkan keadaan dengan menyatakan kepada Wak Muhyi, tidak perlulah mengeluarkan surat tersebut.

24. Bagaimana surat p&C tersebut jatuh ketangan Muhyi? Seorang pegawai Istana telah menyerahkan surat tersebut kepada Muhyi.

25. Apa sudah jadi pada bangsa Melayu, bangsa yang disebut bangsa par excellence itu? Setiap lapisan masyarakat ada pembelot dan fifth columnist. Sekarang kita tahu kakitangan Istana pun ada spy kerajaan. Lain kali terpaksalah Agong memilih staff Istana secara sendiri.

26 . Tapi Muhyi tak akan lepas peluang menggasak Wak Jahid. Dia tanya apa sebenarnya wak Jahid nak.

27. Wak Jahid pun buatlah cerita klentong nya. Banyak hal UMNO tak puas hati, tak dihormati, tak diberi tempat yang wajarlah, dia sepatutnya jadi TPM dll. Dia lupa UMNO kalah PRU. Pengemis tidak mempunyai pilihan beb.

28. Tapi bagaimana hal hal ini menjustifikasikan pembelotan Zahid melalui surat kepada Agong? Kedua peranan Poh Kee Mak menyokong penyingkiran 4 menteri UMNO termasuk sepupu nya. Jenis manusia apa ini?

29. Yang nyatanya kedua dua matlaon ini tidak boleh dipercayai.

30. Kotoran yang dibawa oleh Tong Sam Pah telah dibajai oleh Muhyi. Dengan menghadhirkan salinan surat Agong, motif Muhyi terserlah. Ianya tidak lain mahu melihat UMNO berantakan.

31. Dan Muhyi secara patronising memberitahu Zahid , dia simpati dengan Zahid yang menghadapi berdozen kes mahkamah. Sebenar nya dia berkata rasa kamu. Padan muka awak!
Sedang kan kita tahu Muhyi melalui AG yang pak turut, telah menyelamatkan ramai crook2.

32. Kita telah mendengar perpatah yang mengatakan burung2 sebulu berkawan dengan sejenis mereka. Maka saya tidak heran Sheikh Albuntoti boleh bermuafakat dengan Tong Sam Pah dan Poh Kee Mak. Tidak mengapa berkawan dengan penjenayah asal tidak bersubahat.

33. Itu hanya suatu verbal gymnastics. Sama seperti mengatakan tidak mengapa melumur badan dengan minyak babi asal tidak memakan nya.

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