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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 31 October 2021

Cucu Cicit Hang Tuah Kena Tipu

1. Saya melihat geng2 Abu Lahab dan Abu Jahal berhimpun menipu bangsa Melayu. Geng pukiwak ini terus menipu bangsa yang lena dalam masabodoh/kelalain mereka.

Berubat di German..
Anak bersalin di Spore..
Anak belajar di Amerika..

2. Setiap tahun,semasa PAU saya dengar bukan main gegak gempita dan goga wira dan wirawati umno memekik iidup Melayu! Pada hal yang sebenar mereka mahu ialah fulus dan meratah benda Allah yang ada di celah kankang mangsa jantan betina.

3. Hai,bilakah kita Melayu nak sedar, terutama Melayu cucu cicit Hang Tuah! Tidakkah kita Melayu nak muntah bila disajikan poster lahabau ini?

4. Izinkan saya memberi beberapa contoh. Setiap lapisan kepimpinan ialah Melayu. Tapi keadaan bangsa am nya tidak banyak berubah. Yang berjaya ialah yang menunggang bangsa dan golongan atasan.

5. Yang kedepan ialah PUTERA dalam bumipetera. Yakni putera raja dan putera atasan. Putera kedepan,BUMI ketinggalan di belakang. Bumi-PUTERA!

6. Poster jawa penorogo tu betul2 mempersendakan orang melakau. Lahawau betul!

7. Yang mengkhianati bangsa Melayu ialah Melayu sendiri. Terutama umno. Bila mereka memerintah mereka membagi bagi tanah sesama sendiri. Kunco2 yang dapat jual ke cina bukannya DAP.

8. Penjualan tanah berlaku ketika umno memerintah. Dalam zamah PH memerintah, ia tidak berlaku. DAP hanya sebagian dari PH dan tidak pernah merintah. Dan DAP tidak pernah meminta tanah.

9. Di Pulau Pinang ada kita dengar kerajaan nya berikrar tidak mahu beri Melayu tanah walaupun seinci? Dan kita jangan lupa pegawai2 pejabat daerah ramai Melayu. Yang khianat Melayu ialah Mim.

10. Umno itu bukan saja menipu, tapi ia juga mengkhianati bangsa dan bapak rasis.

11. Saya melihat dalam perhimpunan geng2 Abu Lahab wa Abu Jahal mein fuhrer Najib ada dibarisan depan. Bukankah si lahabau ini pernah berkata akan membasahi keris dengan darah cina? Wow!

12. Ini lah satu sikap hipokrasi pemimpin Melayu umno. Anti Cina hanyalah satu rhetorik saja. Takde telur nya . Orang Pekan kata takde pelir. Mereka hanya suka memantat Ah Moi Cina je.

13. Demikian juga dengan sikera yang suka mengerenying tu. Suka mencium keris terhunus dan mengancam bangsa lain terutama bangsa Cina.

14. Begitu juga dengan Din sembab 'saya Melayu dulu kemudian baru Malaysian berdiam saja. Mail Bera pun diam je.

15. Sikap hipokrasi peminpin Melayu ini saya persoalkan bila kapal perang dan pesawat negeri Cina menganggu industri minyak dan gas negara.

16. Yang heran nya tidak pula kita melihat 2 wira tin kosong ni bangkit membela petronas bila diancam negeri China. Tidak pula kita mengerahkan 2 kapal selam kita bertindak.

17. Malah ke-2 nangoi ni dan pemimpin2 Melayu umno lain membisu dan berpura pura macam takde apa berlaku. Malah mengikut Asia Maritime Transparecy Initiative yang berpengkalan di Washington,kapal2 petronas diganggu oleh China hampir setiap hari. Dimana aok simpan batu aok, wok

18. Saya bercakakap mengenai kawasan cari gali minyak kasawari dan kawasan pemasangan paip sapura 2000. Apabila ke2 kawasan2 ini diganggu, pemimpin umno berpeluk tubuh

19. Yang kata mahu membasahi keris dengan darah Cina dan yang suka kucup keris terhunus dengan rakusnya seperti mengucup teman lelakinya,tak buat apa2.

20. Mahiadin lagi hebat. Din sembab dengan retorik saya Melayu dulu, tidak lansung menunjukkan apa2 kemarahan.

21. Jelas,pemimpin2 Melayu ni semua hipokrit. Berani membuli orang Cina tempatan, tapi tak berpelir dengan negeri China.

22. Tapi dibelakang kita mereka ada rakan niaga Cina dan endut Cina. Ingat Nika Gee tak?

23. Respon kita yang lemah ialah menghantar pesawat hawk lama. Dan tak juga buat apa2.

24. Yang pelik nya tak pula kita memperagakan kapal selam scorpene kita. Ngapa ye.

25. Kapal selam yang dibeli pahlawan bugis fake, dengan harga lebih RM1 bilion sebuah dan RM159m komisyen. Dan menyebabkan pembunuhan Altantuya

26. Jadi, bagaimana kita nak harap mereka menjaga dan melindungi anak cucu kita kalau negara pun tak terjaga? Dasar pembohong!

27. Si monyet mengerenying dari Sembrong menipu kita bulat2. Dia kata semasa Kementah bawah jagaan nya tidak ada pencerobohan dari China. Bukan Kementah tapi Jementah dalam negeri nya Mengikut lapuran odit negara, antara 2016 hingga2019, terdapat 89 pencerobohan China. Bukan kah matlaon ini juga yang kata pada Wang Yi, you are always my big brother?

28. Makanya, terdapat banyak alasan konkrit mengapa orang Melaka harus menolak pemimpin2 Melayu umno dan parti Din sembab.

29. Mereka itu penipu, pengecut, perompak, perasuah, pecah amanah, hipokrit . Mereka sangat tidak jujur dan jauh dari suci. Talqinkan mereka.

30. Hai anak Melaka, bersatu dan bangkitlah! Kamu tidak kehilangan apa2. Kecuali kemungkaran yang berleluasa!


Wednesday 27 October 2021

The Sad Race.

1. 'The first thing we do' said Dick the butcher, 'is let's kill all the lawyers'. I am not accepting the line to mean how lawyers stand in the way of violent mobs. Rather, our society is meek and acquiescent.

2. Rather, I take it to mean how lawyers contrived to protect the rich and the powerful. It also means how the rotten bureaucracy aids and abbets an injustice. Finally, to me, it also means a perversion and travesty of justice.

3. Oh, I am sure it became a moot subject by tipsy lawyers, over glasses and jugs of beer, perhaps in Selangor Club. Or it could become a subject of debate by the Gauche Caviar, the Hampstead liberals The Café Latte Crowd, the Bollinger Bolsheviks, The Smoked Salmon Crowd, the Salon socialists etc.

4. It has not reached a tipping point where I see lawyers marching on the streets or the bar council protesting. The Muslim lawyers would probably condone the gallivanting of felons.

5. Nor did I hear of the subject being debated by our elected pigs in the Dewan Rakyat. Never mind the use of the pejorative term. I have been called DAPig and Kit Siang's dog before.

6. Some of us were indeed shocked that Najib and the missus were allowed to travel to Singapore. I wrote a bit about it in my blog in an article entitled the lost tribe. Perhaps it was regarded as obiter dicta though.

7. The accused in high-profile cases can enjoy freedom of travel where common folks and PTPTN students were denied such privilege.

8. How can I not agree with Mr Dick the Butcher?

9. Especially when lawyers from the AGC meekly said, let the matter be dealt by the judges. This was just a CYA strategy.


10. Clearly, the Singapore netizens are more politically conscious and sophisticated. They protested vociferously on the internet, over the presence of the Malaysian Bonnie and Clyde couple.

11. The response here, especially from the Malay heartland, was Neanderthal. They saw the evidence based prosecution of the discredited couple as continued persecution by some Non-Malay lawyers led by Shri Ram.

12. And the protests from Singapore netizens were seen as an inconvenience caused by Chinaman provocateurs.

13. Thus, the Malays, with their bunker mentality, reduced the whole situation as a public row between non Malays and Malays. The situation was embellished by mosquito internet portals. 'Tekaan liike dan shaare'.

14. Forced to see the situation in that racial context, the passports of the accused impounded by the high courts, sprm and lhdn were dismissed. How can the appeal court dismissed the decision by 3 institutions?

15. It seems that where a situation is reduced to a clash of races, produces a judicial decision, no matter how absurd and illogical it is. Is that the ratio decidendi?

16. Mind you, Mein Fuhrer Najib owes more than 1 billion Ringgit to LHDN. The monies owed by common people and graduates are a pittance.

17. Najib mocks and ridicules the courts further by asking the courts to delay his travel plans. This is because he has been tasked to manage the Melaka prn. He determines what the courts can and cannot do. Isnt that ridiculous?

18. What has that got to do with his trial? I am glad a reader from Pekan texted me to say if only Singapore can jail the bugger. There are still sane people in Pekan. Furthermore, he can still be ably represented by tiger lawyers. He should be tried in absentia. No hal.

19. That means his trials are further postponed. His trial seemed to be taking forever. How can the courts entertain such shenanigans?

20. That being the case, people are wondering if there's something seriously wrong with our justice system. Isn't justice delayed, is justice denied?

21. People are not stupid, only uneducated. They are talking loudly that if the laws do not protect you from the authors of avarice but protect them from you, then society is doomed. Ayn Rand said this. Rafidah Aziz said this.


Sunday 24 October 2021

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah:Umno's Lost Leader.

1. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah ( from henceforth TRH) wrote about the lost umno or in Malay, umno yang hilang.

2. To many, it's not just about a return to the halcyon days, but a real re embrace of true umno values. Of course, to his detractors, the call is dismissible and just a will o the wisp.

3. Born of royal family and immersed in corresponding etiquette, he has had the interest of the common people at heart.

4. He wants to see the Malays progressed but not through the repression or suppression of other races or conferring self entitlement edifices.

5. The robust Malay who rises through open competition, hard work, talent and ability.

6. Such a Malay would find it absurd and preposterous to impute a 30% handicap in employment, education, wealth creation, the banning of sending Christmas cards by Muslims, the unnecessary banning of Oktoberfest, depriving minority races of places in public universities etc.

7. Perhaps the common people's interest first, was honed in by the person who opted for Anderson school in Ipoh instead of the usual bourgeois MCgaygay.

8. Any umno Mrs Williams would find such egalitarian thinking dangerous and destructive to a feudalistic umno.

9. Remember the liberal Mrs Williams mate? I was studying in England when Mrs Williams was prominent. Blimey!

10. I was watching a video on Tony Benn entitled Tony Benn: Labour's lost leader. Well to me, TRH is umno's lost leader.

11. it's the levelling and democratic ideas of TRH that are dangerous and threatening to the bourgeois and feudalic umno financial oligarchy. For that, TRH must be marginalised at all costs and by any means necessary.

12. It's saddening and funny, the person who is a royalty adopts egalitarian ideas, but the umno leaders who rose from poverty become the bourgeoisie and undemocratic. It's Franz Fanon's The Wretched Of The Earth. The oppressed becomes the oppressor.

13. I have read a facebook posting by a well-meaning person. He says that TRH is a consummate gentleman. This, and other fine qualities, ought to make TRH the leader of this country.

14. I could not agree with this person more. Only that I think trust on TRH should not be based just on the pious hopes and pleadings of a plaintiff.

15. Support for TRH based on pious hopes and pleadings maybe ephemeral. Support based on beliefs and convictions are unshakeable. They are more preferred.

16. First, there must be a complete and total rejection of the culture of corruption that has paralysed umno. It signifies a total loss of pride and self-worth. It also means our reward system is wrong.

17. We must reject a reward system not based on diligence, hard work, talent and ability. We must be aware that our reward system is based on shortcuts, subterfuges and plain blackmails. They are intrinsically wrong, not wrong when caught only.

18. In part 2 we shall examine the principles upon which umno is founded. They must re- assessed or rejected altogether .


Thursday 21 October 2021

The Lost Tribe.

1. Ramai netizen singapura protes kedatangan najib amirull mikminin dan kak rosie ke negara itu.

2. Tujuan dua ekor nangoi ni pergi ke singapura ialah untuk menziarahi cucu mereka. Al maklum sajalah Malaysia mana ada kemudahan hospital yang top class. Penuh hutan belantara weh.

3. Seorang lagi kepala dang yang deberi pasport oleh makmah ialah presideng oomno.


4. Apa jadahnya sistem kehakiman kita? Orang atasan yang tertuduh dan tersangka, boleh mendapat kebenaran mahkamah . Makcik limah yang curi lampin dan pak teh busu yang curi ayam, biar mampus lah.

5. Seolah olahnya sistem kehakiman kita menyebelahi yang kaya dan berkuasa, makakala yang miskin terus menjadi binatang malang dan jalang.

6. Orang Melayu ni kalau arak letak nama timah saja tahu bengkeng. Ketidakadilan didepan mata didiamkan.

7. Orang melayu kita benar2 lost and sad tribe

8. Ketahuilah wahai rakyat jelata, ada precedence la ni. Kalau hangpa ada kes mahkamah hangpa masih boleh dapat paspot. Hangpa boleh kautim dengan mahkamah. No hal.

9. Apakah reaksi kita, sekurang kurangnya oleh sesetengah internet news portal terhadap protes netizen singapura? Ia nya tidak lebih dari satu pompous indignation.

10. Sikap kita adalah suatu contradiction in terms. Kita pura2 marah pada netizen singapura tapi kita melompat bergumbira krook2 ni dapat kelonggaran. Bersikap munafik adalah keperangaian kedua orang melayu.

11. Bangsa kita Melayu hilang punca sebetulnya. Rasuah, rompakan dan pecah amanah dimuliakan. Kita berdegar degar lagi kata kita mendukung nilai2 Islam. Nilai2 Kepala bapak awok. Bahkan rasuah mahu dihalalkan.

12. Kita terus disakiti meningkat keseronokan kita. Tambah seronok dan ghairah, semakin dipergambakan. Tak apa lah la lagi. Kuat lagi bang...

13. Mengapa kita nak marahkan netizen Singapore? Sebab majoriti mereka Cina? Adakah memusuhi apa2 Cina merupakan protokol semula jadi, bangsa Melayu, terutama oleh orang umno?

14. Mungkin itu reaksi normal bangsa yang merasakan tak menjadi kudis, anak2 mereka menyaksikan porno sebagai soalan perperiksaan.

15. Oh itu Cina DAP yang cakap. Biak pi lah. DAP memang jaki kat bangsa kita Melayu. Kita bangsa tersohor. Ada isle lagi.

16. Netizen Singapore meluahkan rasa amarah mereka kerana mereka memuliakan undang2. Mereka membenci rasuah dalam bentuk apa pun. Itu dah menjadi new normal pada mereka. Sedangkan kita asyik menerapkan nilai2 rosak kedalam otak jenerasi muda kita dan menonton porno. Dan saya tak ada dengar pun ustadz2 kita kondem penyiaran porno. Mungkin Haji Hadi fatwakan itu halalun kot.

17. Kebencian terhadap rasuah diterjemahkan kepada kebencian terhadap pelaku2 nya. Sedangkan kita menganggap rasuah itu dan penganiayaan itu sebagai darah daging dan nilai bangsa Melayu. Jadi kita bersikap pompous indignant.

18. Secara tidak langsung amarah netizen Singapore, adalah suatu terrible indictment kepada sistem kehakiman kita. Secara instinct, mereka dah tahu orang2 seperti Najib dan mama Rosie bersalah. Itu patut menjadi pengajajaran kepada hakim2 kita yang merasakan mereka bebas dari pengadilan masyarakat. Bahawa ada kuasa rakyat yang mengadili pengadil!

19. Sedarlah wahai bangsa Melayu. Ingatlah pesanan zaaba puluhan tahun yang lalu. Bila dia mengungkap sajak Longfellow A Psalm Of Life.

20. Lebih kurang yang saya ingat:-

Tell me not in mournful numbers
Life is but a dream
For the soul is dead that slumbers
And life is not what it seems.

21. Bangsa Melayu! tidurlah terus. Seperti kata P. Ramlee-tidurlah wahai pemaisuri.


Saturday 16 October 2021

The Pandora Papers. The Speaker Sins Again. Bertaubatlah! Part 1.

1. Two quotes that were embedded in my mind are as follows.

2. The first came from Karl Marx. Yes, from Uncle Commie himself. Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point is to change it.

3. The second came from a witty and somewhat eccentric Economics professor of mine. Statistics, he says, is like a bikini. What it reveals is suggestive, but what it hides is vital.

4. That's how I propose to approach the voluminous data revealed by the Pandora files. Are we going to suffer a brain freeze as a result of the deluge of data therein?

5. Combining the two quotes, the question then is- what are we going to do with the information?

6. We are glad that some people have prepared the Pandora Papers and shared them with us. We are shocked to see the names of Malaysians there.

7. We are more glad that brave and conscientious soul like Mamu Anwar wants this urgent and specific issue debated in parliament. Kudos to him.

8. Unfortunately the repugnant speaker refuses to have the issue debated. That seems to be his habit and vocation. Otherwise, he occupies his time scratching his balls.

9. All right-thinking Malaysians are aghast at his refusal. This is an important issue. His refusal only confirms he has no conscience.

10. The speaker must be suffering from Baldrick's disease. The Pandora Papers were mistakenly taken to be Baldrick's trousers.

11. Things can get a little whiffy down there. Accordingly, the speaker is right when he charged Anwar not to open Baldrick's trousers.

12. But we are not talking about Baldicks trousers here. The speaker is right; there is nothing of interest therein, especially to a chauvinist pig like the speaker is.

13. We are talking about the Pandora Papers. The Greeks wrote, in legend, of a container in which all the evils of the world are contained. They call it Pandora's box, which to us is the Pandora Papers.

14. If opened, it will unleash all the financial tomfoolery that was visited upon us.

15. So the issue is urgent, specific and of public interest. The refusal by the speaker to have the motion debated is unconscionable. It's clear on whose side he is on.

16. I am no supporter of Mamu Anwar because of personal judgement. But on issues based articulations, in this instance he is heroic.

17. Perhaps of little notice, save for some attentive sleuths, were the disingenuous answers given by Fart Harun, the partisan speaker.

18. We are not impressed when he quoted the House of Commons. First, he is no Betty Boothrroyd or John Bercow or Tip O'Neil or Nancy Pelosi.

19. He employed a bit of sophistry when he distinguished between Illicit money outflows and, presumably, legitimate share holdings.

20. Whether its€5 or €5 million, all the more reason to have the motion debated. To establish the truth, not continue to deceive. In any case does the value of the shareholdings comes out of thin air?

21. Let's not forget the unashamedly solipsistic slant of his arguments. He thinks reality only exists if it's thinkable by him.

22. Accordingly, he thinks that the reality of the Pandora Papers is according to his reading and what he thinks of it.

23. The indisputable point is dear readers, reality can exist independently of his thinking and reading. His reading is limited, and he is not that clever.

24. He is stoically conceited. That conceit and hubris are induced by the fact that he occupies the speaker's chair and is flanked by obedient bentara.

25. He has erred yet again. He falls into a hole he himself has dug. He has to excavate more dirt to lift his big arse out of it. He is hoisted by his own petard!


Thursday 7 October 2021

The Scourge Of corruption.

1. One expatriate investor, amongst many, was asked why he left Malaysia. He said he left because of the odious level of corruption.

2. When he first arrived, corruption was a crime. The country was following the rule of law. That suited him fine.

3. He became exceedingly nervous, when corruption later become acceptable. Or, in the language of Din sembab, it's the new normal.

4. And he said he'd better leave before corruption becomes compulsory. Many others did the same thing. As a consequence, Azmin Ali was left cupping his genitalia.

5. He looked askance when FDI dropped in Malaysia. Many of us were and are not surprised.

6. The dangerous level is reached when corruption is treated as a given. Much like as when Lee Kuan Yew said incarcerating political opponents is like making love to a virgin. It's painful the first time, but gets pleasurable the subsequent times. Perhaps Shahidan Kassim can enlighten us on that.

7. The expatriate community as are us are shocked and appalled at some Malaysians'adulation to corruption. And to the blokes who perpetrated the scourge of corruption.

8. As though it's a virtue and, to Muslims, does not contradict Islamic values. It's theft, for God's sake and the people who commit it, are thieves.

9. Therefore, it's a crying shame and facetious to call Najib, for example, as amirulmukminin.

10. It must be an inappropriate humour and flippant remark. But more serious, it might reflect the cincai attitude of the Malay.

11. It seems that corruption if committed by a Malay, preferably an umno Malay, is permitted. By extension, that would mean it's alright for a Malay and more so simultaneously an umno appatchik, to enter our houses and sleep with our wives and daughters.
Rejoice and give thanks to God for that! Is that it?

12. So now corruption began as a crime, accepted as a new normal, became legal and soon to be compulsory. Provided it's done by a Malay and preferably an umno dolt.

13. The way corruption is cavalierly treated, it is both incredulous and also comical. In fact it has become a national shame, same in rank as Britain's massacre of Africans. It's our poetic injustice.

14. Just where do these sobs want to bring their nefarious and ill-gotten gains to ? Najib and Zahid with their millions and probably billions? Can najib feigned imbecilic ignorance? Can Zahid back-pat his way past the ominous figure with the scythe?

15. Can the immigration officer, with his fleet of cars including Bentleys, plough his way past Munkar
and Nakir and maybe mow them down?

16. Can the government officers, who rented a plane to air freight some packs of nasi ganja, smoked their way past the angels of death?

17. You all will bring nothing to your permanent domicile, except wrapped in burial shroud.


Tuesday 5 October 2021

Masih Relevan Kah UMNO? Bahagian 2.

1. Masihkah umno dan parti2 uber nasionalis releven untuk orang melayu?

2. Saya akan berhujjah tidak, kecuali umno mahu melakukan adaptasi. Sesungguh nya adapt or perish.

3. Manakala kehidupan kita secara umumnya telah membaik, dan itu adalah tanggungjawab pemimpin dan kerajaan,matlaon2 ini melakukan banyak keburukan dan kebejatan.

4. Bila matlaon2 seperti Najib mulut merah, Jowo Bagan Latoh, Anuar Budu atau waris pak'ndak Endot Pasir Salak melakukan rasuah, pecah amanah, penipuan serta membuli -penganiayaan2 itu bererti mereka engkar kepada Tuhan.

5. Yang lebih mencelakakan keadaan, ialah apabila rakyat dan ahli umno berdiam diri apabila pemimpin2 haprak ini melakukan angkara murka.

6. Tidak syak lagi itu adalah tanda2 kehancuran dan Allah akan melaknati kabilah tersebut. Seperti Tuhan melaknati bangsa Israil kerana membisu seribu bahasa seperti dalam ayat al Maidah 78.

7. Orang2 umno dan bangsa Melayu akan dilaknati jua apabila bukan saja membisu, bahkan memuliakan kejahatan2 yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 Melayu.

8. Bahkan ada yang kata tahniah, yahoo dan hooray apabila krook2 ini mendapat kemenangan awal dan sementara. Bukan saja mereka engkar tapi tidak takut akan Tuhan.

9. Tapi saya percaya majoriti ahli umno meluat menengok perilaku pemimpin2 penyangak ini. Ini mententeramkan kita sedikit.

10. Maka seperti kata WS Rendra, sesalkan apa yang mesti disesalkan. Tapi jangan bikin dirimu jadi korban.

11. Sudah pasti ramai yang menyesal tidak memberi tentangan yang wajar. Yang penting sekarang mereka enggan dikorbankan dan diperbudakkan oleh pemimpin haprak ini.

12. Tapi masih ada sosok yang memuliakan krook2 ini. Bukan saja mereka 'perpetuate' pemerintahan elitis dan reaksioner, tapi yang lebih dasyat, membelakangi rakyat.

13. Birahi mengekalkan pemerintahan reaksioner, terzahir umpamanya seperti berikut:-

14. Na'uzubillah, janganlah ini terjadi. Jauhkan malaikat 44.

15. Kegilaan apakah yang telah melanda Mat Bera ini? Si matlaon ni menasihatnya, Jho Low pula menasihati matlaon tersebut!

16. Apa nak jadi ke Malaysia kita? Kita seolah olahnya mendapat buah yang terburuk dari tandan nya.

17. Perkara pertama yang harus dibuat adalah mengenyah dan membuang semua krook dari pimpinan umno dan parti angkut sampah. Dimana janji dalam 5 hari Malaysia jadi negara Islam? Pochi!

18. Ada perkara yang tidak betul dalam kepala orang Melayu. Kaki krook dimuliakan. Rakyat biasa di tindas . Kebodohan dianggap sesuatu yang terpuji.

19. Dan seperti ada yang tak kena dengan sistem kehakiman kita. Undang2 di buat oleh orang atasan untuk melindungi yang kaya dan bekuasa. Rakyat bawahan di tindas dan di aniayai.

20. Dalam bahagian 3, kita akan menghalusi asas2 perjuangan umno.


Sunday 3 October 2021

Penggunaan tepat dan hipokritikal isme.

1. Samuel Johnson, orang yang membuat kamus inggeris, berkata patriotism adalah kubulindung(refuge) penjahat2. Dia menentang kepalsuan penggunaan patriotism untuk mengabsahkan segala kejahatan.

2. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, orang2 yang menentang hipokrasi penggunan patriotism, dianggap sebagai pembelot dan penderhaka bangsa.

3. Me-labelkan penentang anda sebagai pembelot dan penderhaka, adalah senjata senjata kesukaan yang berkuasa dan kaya.

4. Penlabelan di weaponised. Ini mengingatkatkan saya, betapa satu masa orang kulit putih melabelkan orang kulit hitam sebagai gila, hanya untuk menyisihkan mereka dan memasukkan mereka ke rumah sakit jiwa.

5. Kepada mereka yang menggunakan patriotism yang gila, fakta2 tidak penting asal saja patriotism di slogankan dan penentang naratif kamu di balun sesuka hati.

6. Tapi patriotisme yang digunakan olih si kaya dan si berkuasa adalah vulgar patriotism. Patriotism sepatutnya didirikan atas cinta kepada bangsa, bersandarkan nilai2 dan kepercayaan.

7. Nilai2 dan kepercayaan atau beliefs seperti merasuah, mencuri, menipu, berselingkuh serta berkomplot dengan negara asing, tentu bukan nilai2 dan kepercayaan kita. Sebab itu saya kata vulgar patriotism.

8. Itulah yang terjadi bila Trump diketahui bersekongkol dengan Russia dan Ukraine dan membayar perempuan2 yang ia tiduri. Shahidan buat begitu dan 'tatap' dilantik menteri.

9. Trump pusing dan menuduh penentang2 nya tidak patriotik. Dia menuduh mereka sebagai deep state dan yang menggugat proses demokrasi.

10. Jika demokrasi adalah memilih orang yang cocok, ertinya memilih krook2 umno ialah kegiatan yang menghakis atau undermine proses demokrasi. Demikian juga melantik mereka. Memperkosa demokrasi.

11. Di negara kita,ism yang terlebih guna ialah Islam dan Islamism.

12. Mereka yang menentang pegangan status quo, dianggap kurang Islam bahkan bukan Islam.

13. Bila Wak Jahid mempersoalkan keislaman Saifuddin itu adalah refleksi penggunaan Islam yang fake.

14. Kerana Islam dalam lexicon umno atau pas atau pembaca doa yang bernama Din al sembah adalah :-

15. Tidak sah Islam kamu kalau tak ada 10 kalimah shahadah ini.

16. Saya kurang yakin dengan orang Melayu yang bercakap pasal 'isle'. Lama2 kita kena 'sele'. Maapuh kito.

17. Melayu Islam yang menjustifikasikan 30 juta lebih Sri Perdana, tengok ni.

18. Dalam menulis artikel ini, saya telah mendapat input2 yang bernilai dari sahabat2 saya,Tan Sri Ng, Arif Nasir Abdul Rahman Talib, Affendi Abdul Aziz dan nona Hanida Alang Ahmad. Tapi bahan2 yang di dispute kan serta kesilapan2 adalah tanggung jawab saya. Terima kasih kepada mereka.


Friday 1 October 2021

Idealism Is The Last Refuge Of PH Scoundrels.

1. Recent events seem to vindicate my objection to the stupid MOA signed by PH.

2. The signing seemed to give a licence for criminals in the government to run amok.

3. The blue collar criminals appear to get away with their intransigences.

4. Thus, we have the obnoxious environment where the rich and powerful get away with their unlawful activities while the powerless and moneyless hoi poloi go to jail.

5. While all these nightmarish events take place, PH can hide behind its sanctimonious idealism and take refuge behind its political ceasefire.

6. They are left cupping their balls while all the injustices take place.

7. Samuel Johnson may have said that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. We may now add, idealism is the last refuge of PH.

8. The MOA is an act of political cowardice on the part of PH and a Machiavellian sleight of hand on the part of the government.

9. It also means we can't trust the opposition after all. They are also, as an infamous Sarawakian politician says, 'kung kali kung'.

10. Some of the recent events which I averred to include:-

Hidup maslan 💪🏽💪🏽

11. And while the people are suffering, the opposition condones:-

Seremban: Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Negeri Sembilan menahan seorang guru besar bagi membantu siasatan berhubung kes tuntutan palsu berjumlah hampir RM2,500, dua tahun lalu.

WOW!!!! Banyaknye tuuuu... 😱😱😱..

Syabas, Cekap & Amanah Penguatkuasa Ketuanan Melayu SPRM.. 🤠🤠🤠..

12. That's our Malaysia for you. The happenings in our country can inspire a Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book 2.


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