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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 28 November 2021

The Post Hoc Fallacy.

1. No sir, there's no any sort of silence over alleged Zetis involvement in 1MDB money. There's no deafening, hushed or muted silence from anyone, more so from anti kleptocrats.

2. The reference to anti kleptocrats is an inadvertent admission that kleptocracy, which every conscionable Malaysian must oppose, does exist.

3. Unless, of course, that heinous activity, is supported by Shabery Chik the keropok lekor vendor. That besmirches the good name of other keropok lekor vendors.

4. Indeed, by asking that patronising and rhetorical question, Herr Shabery shows that he is an unabashed supporter of kleptocracy. Nnatang mung!

5. There's no mystery over the lack of action now, awang wok. How do we bring Zeti or members of her family to court, if there's no investigation and the AG has not proffered any prosecution against her?

6. That the AG has not done anything yet, shows that the government is a laggard and does not have the political will to extinguish corruption and kleptocracy. And Shabery is an unrepentant and an unapologetic supporter of such a regime.

7. There's no RCI, no investigation by PDRM, SPRM, the AGC chambers etc. Why should the opposition be expected to do the government's dirty work? The opposition marches to the beat of its own drum, not Shabery's. Certainly, they are not going to apologise for the lacklustre and mediocrity in these departments. Nak buek camno, jang?

8. Instead of asking the question to the anti kleptocrats, which means most of us, direct the question to the government and the prosecutorial supporting departments. Guana mu!

9. Clearly those parties asking for RCI or any sort of investigations on Zeti or any other persons of interest, have more sense than drooling at the corner of the mouth man from Kemamang.

10. And don't think we don't know what Najib and his psychophantic supporters are trying to do. By imputing guilt by association onto others, Najib is employing scorched earth and diversionary tactics to mitigate his own wrong doing. It doesn't work that way, sir.

11. By trying to rope in others into your own orbit of infamy, doesn't absolve you from your own wrong.

12. Have you heard of the post hoc policy? As in post hoc ergo propter hoc? If Zeti, Mahathir or others caused some misdemeanours, it does not mean that they caused Najib to do SRC and 1MDB. I hope the judges do not misdirect themselves because of these frolics of Najib.

13. Be assured that there is no love lost against anybody who commits corruption or kleptocracy. If investigations provide foundation for prosecution and consequently their guilt, so be it. Let Zeti or Mahathir get their comeuppance.

14. No, Sir, we are not silent. Not deafening, hushed or muted.


Sunday 21 November 2021

The MOA is a Sucker Machine.

1. Right from the beginning, I had a bone to pick with the ph-government MOA. To me, it's nefarious.

2. It's just Mamu Anwar's wet dream to appear gentlemanly. For what? The government gets a licence to do anything it wishes. Certainly Mamu Anwar cannot contemplate the shenanigans the government hides.

3. You think we are comforted when you say that despite the MOA, it does not mean PH supports the government or without the MOA, this government wouldnt last 3 months. Its no comfort at all, Tuan.

4. MOAs are not legally binding. And so if either party does not honour it, its no skin off their noses. Its like you write something on a toilet paper,wipe your buttocks and throw it away expeditiously!. Thats probably what the government does with it.

5. Your objective,dear PH sirs, is to overthow the goverment by democratic means. By acquesing, you are not being revolutionary enough. By any means neccessary, says Malcolm X. Political power grows from the barrel of a gun says Chairman Mao. Compare to these , you are mild still.

6. The political detente or armistice has only allowed the BN government to surreptitiosly does what wants until its too late for PH to realise. PH is left cupping their balls.

7. I will cite 2 examples. The first is,3 or 4 months ago,the government quietly withdrew its appeal on the corruption charges it proffered against Teuku Adnan Mansor. The government is not balsy at all. It cowers before the rich and powerful.

8. Instead of pursuing its apppeal vigorously and dilligently,the government wilts. Perhaps it has not taken the blue pill.

9. PH was caught off guard. It wasnt leading right thinking Malaysians in opposing this grossly unfair decision. To impute innocence on the fake Tengku, is indeed insulting to our intelligence.

10. The other issue I refer to, is the following:-

Revealed: Najib to get free house worth RM100 million in posh KL neighbourhood

11 . Rightfully,it has elicited the following responses.

‘Bina bangunan untuk banduan’, Dewan Rakyat kecoh Najib mohon rumah RM100 juta

KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Kewangan Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz mengesahkan penerimaan permohonan oleh bekas Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak untuk mendapatkan rumah bernilai RM100 juta dan akan dimasukkan dalam bajet tambahan jika dana mencukupi.

Kami ingin tahu sumbangan beliau (Najib). Dia seorang banduan…dan kerajaan mahu balas budi.

“Wang yang dicuri diberikan semula. Inilah kerajaan baharu. Hadiah itu harus dijelaskan.

“RM60 juta untuk beli tanah dan RM40 juta untuk membina bangunan untuk banduan ini,” soalnya.

12. Dont add insult to injury. Dont feign shock and dismay. Its bridge under the water. Its like the Malay says. The house is completed, the chisel wants to make noise.

Kenyataan Media
18 November 2021

Mengejutkan tatkala mendapat pengesahan daripada Menteri Kewangan bahawa Kabinet sebulat suara telah menerima satu permohonan untuk menghadiahkan sebidang tanah dan sebuah rumah kepada Ahli Parlimen Pekan yang dianggar bernilai RM100 juta.

Perkara ini tidak pernah dibincang atau dimaklumkan kepada kami dalam sebarang pertemuan dengan wakil pihak kerajaan.

Pada saat rakyat sedang menderita, para doktor kontrak yang masih tidak jelas nasib mereka, anak-anak B50 berdepan pelbagai rintangan dan halangan untuk belajar, dan begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia yang hilang pendapatan, tempat tinggal, malah juga nyawa, tindakan Kabinet untuk ‘menghadiahkan’ tanah dan rumah kepada seorang yang telah disabitkan kesalahan oleh mahkamah ternyata keputusan yang paling tidak bermoral dan langsung tidak masuk akal.

Rakyat pasti tidak lupa bagaimana Ahli Parlimen Pekan telah mengakibatkan kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia terpaksa menanggung hutang setinggi RM32 bilion akibat kebobrokan dan kecurangan 1MDB.

Malah beliau sehingga hari ini tidak dapat menjelaskan bagaimana sejumlah wang dan barang kemas yang dianggarkan bernilai ratusan juta ada dalam milikan beliau dan isteri.

Keputusan yang amat mengejutkan ini memaksa kami untuk mengkaji semula segala bentuk persefahaman yang wujud sehingga kini.


13. PH must have wished, to show sincerity to the MOA, the goverment should have discussed the matter with them.

14. The MOA should have veen predicated on sincerity. Only then has it got, meaning.

15. As things have developed, better to burn, baby burn. Burn the MOA. 


Tuesday 16 November 2021

Adakah Mahkamah Sentiasa Menyebelahi Yang Kuat Dan kaya?

1. Kalau benar Najib si musibat tu, dimalukan di satu warung di Melaka, apa yang hendak kita herankan?

2. Dia tidak malu mengapur 42 juta dan mungkin berbiliun duit 1MDB,apa yang nak malu peniaga tak mahu melayani nya? Sap sap suei mah..

3. Orang2 yang kata tu semua fitnah, tak ada disitu jadi apa mereka tahu? Pandai guna ugama mengkategori hal ini sebagai fitnah seperti makan daging manusia,mencuri dari segi ugama,apa pulak wok?

4. Bahkan menuduh orang yang berada disana sebagai melakukan fitnah, berdasarkan telahan saja adalah fitnah jua. Ianya fitnah yang lebih besar.

5. Maka janganlah nak berlagak seperti sanctimonious bastard, dengan sikap patronising berselindung disebalik ayat alquran al fitnatu asyad duminal qatl. Entah2 tak baca pun quran seperti ramai matlaon umno.

6. Kalau Najib diperlakukan demikian rupa, ianya layanan yang patut bagi seorang penjenayah.

7. Jangan kita lupa bahawa Najib telah didapati bersalah. Sehingga rayuan nya didengar dan
diterbalikkan, dia seorang penjenayah yang bersalah.

8. Kita tercengang melihat bagaimana seorang maling di benarkan oleh mahkamah bergentayangan dalam PRN Melaka. Ya ampun!

9. Najib mempersendakan mahkamah. Dia mendesak mahkamah memberinya keistimewaan dengan memohon
Kebenaran menunda pemergian nya ke Singapura. Si anak boleh kata cup dulu. Jangan beranak lagi. Tunggu bossku kingpin perompak datang.

10. Tidak cukup dengan sendaan pertama, mamat ni bubuh garam dalam luka, mendesak mahkamah memberinya kebenaran mengurus kempen di Melaka.

11. Maka heran lah kita berbanyak banyak, bagaimana mahkamah begitu luntur dengan pdsalah pembesar. Siapa yang lebih besar Najib atau mahkamah?

12. Ia mengundang fitnah yang lebih besar daripada mamat bugis palsu tu tak dapat melantak. Akibat Najib seorang, hasil nya ialah pencernaan. Dan apa2 yang dicerna hanya najis jamban dan kencing yang melantung.

13. Pertama,ia boleh menandakan bahawa secara resam, mahkamah itu sentiasa menyebelahi si kaya dan berkuasa. Kedua,ia membayangkan bahawa sistem kehakiman kita korup dan rasuah.

14. Bukan saja hakim2 mungkin ditumbuk rusuk, tapi juga korap kerana membiarkan campur tangan politik dan dirasuk oleh sentimen peribadi tertuduh yang berkuasa.

15. Jadi kita berasa heran bagaimana mahkamah boleh lentur dengan tekanan orang2 atasan tetapi bersikap menindas serta memicit orang2 bawahan. Orang seperti Najib menunda kes nya dengan seribu satu alasan manakala kes orang2 bawahan segera dilampiaskan. Bukah keadilan yang dilengahkan itu adalah keadilan yang dinafikan?

16. Kerana memikirkan mereka boleh memanipulasi mahkamah dan bahkan negara, mereka terus menghina intelijens rakyat. Tidak ada penghinaan intelijens yang menghancur leburkan segala hati yang bernadi seperti:-

17. Lihatlah,betapa satu keputusan penghakiman yang silap,melahirkan pelbagai kemungkaran. Dan kita golongan manusia yang terbaik jika kita mengerjakan amar maaruf dan mencegah kemungkaran. Tepuk dada tanyalah selera. Sayugianya, ini satu pilihan yang sukar terutama setelah menerima sogokan. Sesungguhnya untuk meyakinkan monyet,bahawa madu itu lebih manis dari pisang amat sukar.


Sunday 7 November 2021

The Sick Race And The mischievous Court.

1. I am thankful to my friends, Tuan Haji Ariff Nasir Rahman Talib and Tan Sri Ng for their valuable inputs. How I craft the ensuing storyline is not their responsibility at all. All fault is mine entirely.

2. I watched several videos and Tik Tok clips serenading Najib. I feel disgusted about them. Some Malays continue to adulate a convicted felon and not feel ashamed by it. I am appalled by the absence of shame by a crime done.

3. The whole episode surrounding Najib is bizarre. A wrong is considered a right. A crime, an intransigence and corruption is considered a good virtue.

4. Some incorrigible persons regarded him as an amirulmukminin. That means commander of the faithful. Stealing is thus considered virtuous.

5. That estimation is, of course, nonsensical. A more appropriate description would be amirulmunafiqqin or amirulmusyrikin.

6. Then, there is the ubiquitous but nauseating bossku. Thus, bossku,apa nak dimalukan. Bossku, what's there to be ashamed of?
Steal more, please. That will make our day. That brings honour to our race.

7. When we have no shame but feel proud, then we are just like animals mating in public. But more disastrous than that, it's symptomatic of a decaying society.

8. When God wants to destroy a society, he sends crooks to become its leaders, and we acquiesce with it.

Surah Al-Anaam, Verse 123:

وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا فِي كُلِّ قَرْيَةٍ أَكَابِرَ مُجْرِمِيهَا لِيَمْكُرُوا فِيهَا وَمَا يَمْكُرُونَ إِلَّا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ

Dan demikianlah Kami adakan pada tiap-tiap negeri penjahat-penjahat yang terbesar agar mereka melakukan tipu daya dalam negeri itu. Dan mereka tidak memperdayakan melainkan dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyadarinya.

9. Something is terribly wrong with our Malay values system. A wrong, instead of being condemned and eliciting revulsion, is being elevated to a position of adulation.

10. When will it sink into our thick heads, that a wrong if committed by everyone is still a wrong and a right even if it's done by one person, is right.

11. Truly, this is a sign that our society is sick. We feel comforted and complete, when we elect people like Najib, Zahid, Rauf and the Melaka pirates to public office. We know they will pillage and plunder. We are political masochists, deriving pleasure when pain is imposed on us.

12. We are indeed sending the wrong messages to our Malays and future generations. Crime is rewarded handsomely and virtue is punished. We ignore the warning signs ahead and resolved to become politicians for the wrong reasons.

13. Like the infamous Al Capone, whose 'public service is my motto', Najib and his ilk's motto is also public service. Besides the usual gambling, prostitution, liquor the additional public service is relieving the public off their public treasury and now, sand.

14. Something must be grotesquely wrong also with our judicial system. A convicted felon is given liberty to do anything he fancies. The most famous felon, Najib Razak, is endorsed by the court to galavant in Melaka.

15. I would have thought that a person found guilty, until his appeal is heard, is guilty. No more presumed innocent until found guilty. The court of first instance has found him guilty. Yet he is free to roam free in Melaka. Respectfully, I think the decision giving him freedom is wrong.

16. As a result, he is free to do all sorts of mischief.

17. Hence, the court is also liable for the mischief caused. Judges, please don't feel infallible. The people will judge you in turn.


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