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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 9 February 2025

An imbecilic PC. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 4

1. When I heard Taqiyuddin giving a press conference as to what the AGC wants to appeal some more, it confirms 1 thing to me.

2. The AGC wants to appeal to the federal court on the appeal courts decision to allow Najib addendum Razak appeal for a judicial review.

3. A long time ago, a lawyer friend told me lawyers and judges, are like eggs. They fall into grades A B and C. C being the worse.

4. Taqiyuddin must fall into grade C. Just because HE cannot see the legal basis by which the AGC appealed, doesn't mean it does not exist.

5. He maybe limited by his so so law qualifications, limited experience and not so sterling record as a trial lawyer

6. Moreover, Taqiyuddins talk is very unlawyerly. Isn't a lawyer able to resurrect the dead? Turn black to white?, tired of one side turn to the other side?

7. Allow me to ask a few awkward questions. Pardon my ignorance.

8. Was the addendum, if one exists done out of the ftpb meeting?

9.if done separately, it cannot be said as part of the pardons proper. It has no l ocus standi. Hence it cannot be tendered in court. It's defective by nature

10. In the first place, we have to establish whether such an addendum exists? Otherwise we are building a sandcastle case.

11. Perhaps these cocksure people are relying on a letter from the sultan of office at jalan padang polo, signed by the chamberlain on the pejabat sultans stationery.

12. Does such a letter have the same legal standing as a letter of the ftsb singed by the king?

13. Then there is a question of ultra vires. Can the ftsb determine the place of incarceration?if it can, why not consider a reban ayam? Then the convict is truly one of the people .

14. Taqiyuddins PC reveals more of his stupidity than his prowess as a sharp lawyer.


Saturday, 8 February 2025

The beras issue - revisited. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 48.

1. Like many others, I was watching the furious debate on rice in parliament, not in front of padi farmers.

2. People focus on the cost of production. The opposition cited the rising cost of production as a cause for the disappearance of local rice. The government responded on measures to manage the rising costs.

3. Perhaps a variant of the backward bending supply curve of labour is in operation here. Padi farmers just refuse to produce more, because the money from producing more will go to inputs suppliers. Making them rich while farmers get imeserized.

4. The quick fix solution preferred by politicians of all persuasions, manage the rising c.o.p. ,artificially created by raising the floor price and 'hulok" subsidies.

5. Greed overcomes the input suppliers, the artificially inflated cost will increase again; people will ask for another round of increase in floor price, the donkeys in mof and MOA recommend hulok subsidies lagi. It becomes a never ending problem.

6. It occurs to me that Chinese padi farmers are better at managing rising cost of production.

7. They accept organic price increase in inputs but not artificially inflated price of inputs. They refuse to be swindled by rapacious vendors.

8. They buy seeds from their sources. Not from those recommended by nafas, Mardi or farmers coop..they don't buy fertilisers issued by nafas. They rent or buy farm equipment from their own sources. They have infra support such as cemented irrigation canals. And so on. They take subsidies if given but never regard them as entitlements.

9. Politicians of both divides are lazy to analyze the cost components. They wooly eyed themselves into believing the issue can be kautim by simply raising the floor price. Then surely, local rice will reappear. In the end, politicians of both divide will perpetuate the subsidy mentality.

10. Speaking for myself, I am not big at the idea of insisting that these organizations looking out for Malay farmers must be malays

11. It's not as if having malays helming these organizations, you expect miraculous benefits accrue to Malay padi farmers automatically. Thats hogwash!

12. Zaaba said a long time ago, almost always the people who oppress, suppress, immesarize the ordinary malays are Malay leaders themselves.

13. I am not advocating these malays be replaced wholesale, by non malays .

14. Replace the corrupt, dishonest and incapable malays with virtuous, honest and capable malays. There are other malays who can do their jobs better.

15. Just look at the institutions looking out for Malay farmers. Nafas- all malays, Mardi - mostly malays, vendors - malays or comprador malays, MOA officers - comprador Malay bureaucrats 'assisting' Malay padi farmers.

16. By all means argue and debate about cost of production till you are blue in the face. But analyse the cost elements carefully. Are they artificially inflated or increased organically?

17. If you have only touched only cost of production aspects, albeit loudly and with much aplomb, don't say the lot of Malay farmers is defended!

18. You have looked at a very superficial aspect of the rice issue and you have looked at it from a racist point of view. Why were Chinese farmers absent from the demo and why are they not affected so much by the cost of production?

19. In the meanwhile, the pm humors the opposition mofos by answering the question of raising floor price and the need for subsidies.

20. Because the pm knows while the hypocritical opposition just want to be as heroes- that the real causes for the increase in cost of production is brought about by a constellation of evil factors.

21. The ownership structure of the kilang padi,the rapacious greed of monopolists such as nafas and other licensed potentates, the role of comprador vendors,the role of middlemen organized groups, the role of bernas, the activities of the deep state within the MOA,the lack of infrastructure to padi farmers etc.

22. The pm is about to dismantle these , most of them legacies of UMNO, without the opposition knowing of them.

23. The PM is not interested in retaining the status quo but is interested in overthrowing it.

24. Long live Nana Non.


Thursday, 6 February 2025

Noble intentions, bad economics. Part 2 of 2. Tales by an unknown blogger no 47

31. What's going on with the Gaza proposal and the PM's rambling responses are like the many MADANI advertisements that appear on TV - we don't understand most of them.

32. What is most important is to appear as doing something. Even if for dramatic effects. So long as at end of the advertisements ada MADANI, mada, Dani etc.

33. Similarly, it's most important to appear religious. Talk about Islamic humanities and the care for the less fortunate. It's a sense of religious noblesse oblige, the responsibilities that come with important posts.

34. Especially if one is a Muslim leader of a predominantly Muslim country such as Malaysia. Must be seen as doing something dramatic, meh .

35. Being seen as doing something is a bad proposition. It suggests the pm is easily duped into believing something substantive is being done. Hence the various MADANI advertisements suggest something solid is being done. In reality only money is paid to 2 bit actors. Mat shabu2 sleeping over at MAHA does not mean the rice issue, the Baja issue, the existence of the deep state in MOA, selesai!

36. Hopefully the pm doesn't get this contagious disease. Having made the bed he must now lie in it. Or is a case promises made is a thing of the past, promises broken is a thing of the present?

37. Did anyone ask whether the PM's decision was in response to market signals?

38. No, because it was a judgemental call and therefore not rational. Hey, I am looking at this from an economics perspective, ya .

39. Anything done not in response to market signals and therefore not rational is defective.

40. Were any sophisticated economics models and other simulations made? I remember India, when wanting to industrialise did a huge input output tabulation. Perhaps our economists will want to simulate some input output matrices, carry out some econometrics simulations and other empirical tests?

41. All done to help the PM decide rationally. If they just follow along, might as well quit mof.

42. Let me remind the pm that it's not the Palestinians in Gaza who will vote for you but many unhappy Malaysians will. It doesn't take rocket science to predict who they will vote .

43. Saying that domestic issues and problems will endure until the end of days, does not justify an irrational decision.

44. True, domestic issues will endure until the end of days, the present pm does his part and successive PMs will do theirs. This goes to show the world doesn't revolve around you. Please don't be conceited. Only UMNO people do.

45. There's another thing the PM said that I find very disturbing and unsettling. Orang dah mintak maaf , kita terimalah dengan baik.

46. He was of course referring to the apology tendered in by the crook in chief.

47 . As pm and father to the nation, when people say sorry he must accept with open heart. Well, speak for himself, only UMNO degenerates and perhaps smarmy PKR people will agree with him.

48. For many law abiding, they are indifferent or will not the fictional apology. For many , the common law ought to apply .

49. It would have been better if the pm said it's up to the courts to value the crooks apology. Because the pm accepted the apology, we hope it won't be a signal for the courts to give the crook preferential treatment. Denning says, we are not until in the technicalities and niceties of the law. We are more interested in justice. The PM should too.


Wednesday, 5 February 2025

It's a question of economics, not morality or religion. Part 1. Tales by an unknown blogger no 47.

1. I thought long about writing this article. It might be misconstrued of not supporting Anwar. That's not it. I support him as PM. But that cannot mean I agree with all his decisions .

2. His out of line response to Rafidah Aziz's criticisms about helping Gaza is a point of contention.

3. Difference in opinions of others ought not to as an excuse to run others down .

4. The pm may have a high level of Islamic-ness but that high level ought not be used to run others Islamic-ness credentials .

5. The PM is behaving as though he has the 'onliest' correct version of Islamic humanity or even Islam. Then, those who disagree with his version is not Islamic enough .

6. Then those, not only rafidah who question his decision to help out the Palestinians in Gaza do not have the care for fellow Muslims as he does.

7. In a way, the PM's version of Islamic humanity is self serving- to justify his decision while disparaging others.

8. Do we detect some hints of Islamic autocracy or even fascism there? Such that we cannot question his decision especially if it's based on Islam.

9. It's not a question of more or less Islamic humanities but a question of economics.

10. Don't befuddle the issues. We all know of the genocide and suffering and international ineffective-ness and indifference that accompany it. You want to lecture us on what we already know. That's pompous patronizing .

11. Now, I don't know rafidah Aziz. Haven't met her in person. I know of her though. A lady known for her forthrightness. She will defend her views and opinions exhaustively. Wet in the nose boys ought not mess with her . unless they want to get the their noses bloodied

12. When she says our priority is sorting out domestic issues perhaps we should be looking at the economics of the issue.

13. It's the allocation of scarce resources, the appointment of financial resources, public choice theory, opportunity costs etc. nothing to do with morals or religiosity for that matter. Can anybody say Ms Rafidah is not Islamic enough? The boys aping nana non are probably busy with Mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters.

14. Wouldn't scarce resources ( money, labour, management expertise, engineers, architects, quantity surveyors be better appointed here in Malaysia. There are certainly areas that can capitalise on schools, mosque and hospitals.

15. What if these are levelled by marauding IDF? Will Malaysia send troops to Gaza? Hmmm, come to think of it- send Akmal, or the people reporting on Hannah Yeoh or better still, send the perak pas commissioner.

16. What are the costs to Malaysia? The benefits? Ada a proper CBA been carried out. The bastardized Keynesians at MOF will support the idea. Heck , they may even have some choice contractors to go to Gaza. I say bastardized because the half past six economists spend not only during periods of economic slacks but all the time.

17. Imagine if the same financial outlays were applied to Malaysia. The multiplier effects would be tremendous. We can build schools, mosques houses and hospitals in MALAYSIA!

18. What are the opportunity costs to us. Assume the financial outlay is 200m. With 200m how many hospitals can we build? With 200m how many units of houses can we make? How many schools can we make? How many mosques can we make?

19. Btw, opportunity cost is defined as the same financial outlays applied on 1 alternative's not 200m for schools+mosques+ houses+hospitals. It's only on 1 particular use not several simultaneously.

20. I saved public choice theory for last . The Keynesians at mof ought to look at this.

21. Since public choice theory ( associated mostly with Duncan black) is part of the more general economics choice theory, I propose to discuss the general choice theory. That only superficially. Those interested in the details can read it up.

22. The basic idea behind choice theory in economics, is that people make decisions based on a rational analysis of the costs and benefits. Only iff the benefits outweigh the costs, you decide yes.

23. Rational means you compute quantitatively. In this case the measurable costs against the goodwill( ordinal value) you get from the Palestinians. That is temporary because the goodwill will be forgotten. Long run does not even feature here as Keynes said in the long run we are all dead .

24. Has an exhaustive CBA been done by the economists and advisers at MOF? Or are they all covering their crotches as the pm takes an indirect shot at the goal .

25. Sometimes it's also called RCT- rational choice theory. The individual, in this case behaved rationally and that behavior is considered beneficial for Malaysia. It's said we shouldn't question the PM's noble decision. Ho hum!

26. To assume that the PM acted rationally is a tall order and exaggeration. Private rationalism can never be greater than what the public thinks.

27. The PM may think he obtains goodwill and gratefulness from the Palestinians. That goodwill cannot be readily and easily quantifiable against the costs which are readily and quickly understood by the public. The costs are greater than ordinal goodwill .

28. Have we ignored the proximity issue? The countries closer in proximity to Gaza in terms of bloodlines and physical closeness have a higher duty than Malaysia to help. Are the other Arabs playing with their balls?

29. Malaysia's action would be tantamount to giving milk to the monkeys in the forest, while our children at home are starving.

30. I say let's not just brush aside the opinions of a former minister just because the opinions don't resonate with religious sensitivities. It's a question of economics bro .

To be continued in part 2


Sunday, 2 February 2025

To kill a hummingbird. The attempted destruction of Hannah Yeoh. Tales by an unknown blogger no 46

1. Some clarifications are in order to explain the above title.

2. Why hummingbird you may ask. It's certainly not Harper Lee's to kill a mockingbird.

3. It's a sin to kill a hummingbird. The bird is industrious. It's a joy to watch it flapping it's wings a million times. It helps polynization . The bird is a symbol of innocence and industry

4. Hannah Yeoh is the symbol of innocence and industry. But evil forces are out to destroy her

5. There's an unholy union of religious bigots out to destroy Hannah Yeoh . Hiding behind the infallibility of religion. If Samuel Jackson calls nationalism as being a refuge for scoundrels, then religion is the refuge for crooks and bigots

6. You may wear songkok with the insignia of your group and make police reports and asked the pm to sack Hannah Yeoh, but you actually cannot hide your bigotry and racism.

7. You can't come to terms that chinese can become ministers too and you regard whatever they do must be of sinister nature and endanger the Malays.

8. But you forget by 2030, malays will be 80% of the population.

9. The malays simply can't shirk off the siege mentality. 10. Malay bigots made police reports and asked the pm to sack Hannah Yeoh because of what? For publishing a book imagined to endanger the Malay Muslims?

11. How many malays have been converted to Christianity upon reading that book?

12. None right? Because it's a well known fact that malays don't like to read and if they read do on average 2 pages of a book. And that too they read ghost stories or komik gila2.

13. The truth is, if Islam is diminished its because of the Muslims themselves.

14. Things worsen when some ustazs instead of diffusing the issue complicate it.

15. The don't understand the meaning of the evangelist . Which simply means to serve as pendakwah. They mistook it, deliberately I might add, as using violent means to propagate Christianity.

16. They equate it with groups that propagate using violent means like Daish or ISIS or Boko Haram

17. They then rhetorically and pompously asked why is the government tolerating evangelism and why is the DAP having links with this ' clandestine ' group?

18. Sad, we have come to a stage where a few bigoted groups are exercising the paranoid and xenophobic brand of melayu Uber allies sentiments on anything done by the Chinese.

19. Hence when Hannah Yeoh described her life journey as a Christian hoping that personal experience would inspire others who are not christians to also do the same,these self appointed guardians of Islam are horrified?

20. Where in fact, their irrational emotional responses are the result of their xenophobic and paranoid nationalism tinged with blatant racism.

21. The Hannah Yeoh personal life journey provides the excuse for these groups to go ballistic!

22. Now, let me tell you a bit of Hannah Yeoh. She represents Innocence, hard work and humility - the hummingbird which racist and bigoted groups want to destroy. Hence the title of this article.

23. If I am not mistaken, Hannah Yeoh is the MP for segambut. Included in the area is sungai penchala , populated by 100% Malays.

24. But that didn't deter her from extending her services there - giving food and medical supplies free to the people in penchala.

25. She didn't take the opportunity to evangelize about Christianity but merely showing thAt christians and Buddhists and Muslims are capable of doing good work. Instead of going around looking for excuses to fight

26. I don't know Hannah really well. Only occasionally meeting her at party congresses. My impression of her limited to 2 personal occasions. Enough to size her up , albeit superficially.

27. The 1st time was when she organized a ceramah for zairil khir Johari and I, somewhere in PJ I think.

28. She didn't take to the podium to proselytize about Christianity when it was opportune for her to do so.heck, I didn't even know she's a Christian !

29. At other times, which we don't know of and which don't bother us, she may be active in Sunday missionary groups- spreading Christianity among non Malay people. We don't know that. For example, if these missionary groups are active within orang asli communities, why are Muslims worried? The orang aslis are not Muslims anyway. I know of Muslim dai who are reluctant to live among orang asli.

30. In one particular instance, Lim Kit Siang, I and Hannah Yeoh and Yeoh Bee Yin were doing a ceramah in bandar sungai buluh. We were doing a ceramah on top of a lorry.

31. To get on top of the lorry, we had to climb a mobile staircase. When it was my turn to alright the stairs, Hannah Yeoh was holding the staircase to ensure it was stable.

32. It was just a short moment. At that time she was a Selangor adun and the dun speaker I think.

33. But she was humble enough to do menial work an attitude not shown by many.

34. She has sufficient endearing qualities that to impute she has sinister motives towards Muslims and Islam is irrational.

35. Now the latest attempt to destroy Hannah Yeoh in particular and demonize DAP in general, comes from a perak pas commissioner.

36 . It was a blatant slander and an outrageous lie. The slander has it that Hannah Yeoh is the daughter of magnate YTL.

37. Anyone watching the video knows thats it deliberate, intentional said by a cocksure person, said conceitedly by the pas commissioner.

38. It's not open for him or his children to now say it wasn't a slander. It's how the public understands it to be .

39. It's proper for Hannah Yeoh to take legal action on this person. It's not a case of turning the other cheek. We need to send a message to these religious people that Islam does not give them a carte blanche to slander and not be accountable for it. Sue baby sue Title.


Friday, 31 January 2025

The fox looking after the chicken coop. trusting the fence, the fence devours the padi . Tales by an unknown blogger no 45

1. An observation by Machiavelli says. The 1st test to estimate the intelligence of a leader is to see the people he has around him.

2. The pm is surrounded by duds, male and female, that this country is dangerously becoming a kakistocracy.

3. Kakistocracy is not a Malay word ok? There is indeed a term in the English language. It means the rule by incompetents.

4. I have already talked about one. Mat shabu2. Who's saddled by the billion ringgit Baja issue. Although he made a big splash of sleeping over at MAHA, he has no inkling as how to solve the beras issue.

5. Now, let's see another dud. I never wanted to write about Saifuddin Nasution untill the issue about his son became a big issue.

6. Before this, when he said that Najib is not given special, I wanted to say he is lying.

7. When Najib sashayed to court in his zegna suit, we know Saifuddin is lying to us.

8. If Najibs appearance at court is any indication, we can definitely say that fat ass is given 5 star treatment at Kajang Hilton .

9. When going to court, Najib is in a suit, no prison garb, no handcuffs, no police arms around him. It's almost as if a convict is being escorted to court.

10. At prison, Najib may be housed in special quarters , has outside food delivered by grab, has his Starbucks fix regularly, has access to mobile phone , operates his FB etc.

11. The real Najib situation reflects badly on Saifuddin. It shows us many things. He is lying. He is incapable of enforcing 'common law'.its common law for common people but putera laws for the puteras I'm bumiputera.

12. People are disgusted with his deception, double talk and incompetence of looking after the security enforcement in the country.

13. Was he rewarded with the job as home minister because he is just Anwars major domo? The enforcer? A poor one at that.

14. As a friend said, Saifuddin has replaced Zahid hamidi as the incompetent idiot. As the home minister, half of king Ghaz's brain is equivalent to his whole body. Until today , ghazali shafie remains as the yardstick by which all other home ministers are measured.

15. None reveals Saifuddins ineptness at looking after the security enforcement of the country than his very clumsy handling of the case of many law violations involving his son. The way it develops, drags in the competence of pdrm and the know nothing about what's happening stance of the minister of Islamic affairs.

16. If Saifuddins son got a valid marriage cert from Thailand, why were there no statements from the shari'a courts and statements of their minister? 17.thats another dud the pm should be looking at. An incompetent man of God who seem not to know how to manage worldly affairs .

18. Perhaps the religious minister is so weighted down by the issuance of halal certs and the ham issue. Nor does he know how to respond about sales of alcoholic beverages in Malay areas.

19. Is this man politically alive or what?

20. Back to Saifuddin. We were all impressed and felt assured when he pompously said, his position is clear. No one is above the law. Except his son and Najib and those he has interests with.

21. Now let's see what the IGP said. He said, the son was legally married in Thailand and the couple have a marriage cert to prove it. Although we didn't actually see the document held by the IGP.

22. Were there any photographs of the marriage solemnization? Aren't couples desirous of immortalizing such an important event?

23. Was the marriage then registered with the Malaysian embassy in savadee land? Ada documents to show, tuan?

4. When the happy couple came back to Malaysia, they must reregister their marriage with our mahkamah shari'a. The shari'a court must have a record about that. Also, it must have a record about the fine paid and probably a copy of that receipt.

25. Were there immigration records of leaving and reentering the country. Check immigration records and check their passports .

26. Many of us thought the main substance of the police report lodged by the lady were about the assault and violence on her and threat of death on her?

27. Not about their marriage..and if they were married, does that mean domestic violence assault and physical harm permitted? Is a threat of death permitted?

28. These are serious offences. The show by the IGP raises more questions.

29. Saifuddin has shown he is inept and clumsy at handling this case. That's why I said that what Saifuddin said that no one is above the law was pompous and just hot air.

30. Saifuddin is a liability to nana Nons government. Just look at the number of departments he has dragged into his web of deceit.

31. Offices like the immigration department, mahkamah shari'a, it's minister, the Malaysian embassy in Thailand and pdrm. Jeez, will the pm keep Saifuddin? Don't let this government become a kakistocracy.


Thursday, 30 January 2025

The temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrites. Malays and the DAP. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 44

56. After the ceramah I asked him," shekh, enta belajar mesir or negeri2 Arab ke"?

57. Taklah, he said. I am an ex banker..I was a bank officer before. He answered in English.

58. I have this hobby of reading the Quran. Looking for verses and applying them to real life political situations, he continued.

59. His rendition of the Quranic verses differ from the renditions of other ustazs Al retards .

60. He provides rational and logical explanation as to how life situations are related to the Verses.

61. The other ustazs mostly just regurgitate the Quranic verses and literally force ask us to accept their etched in stone truths. Simply because they are the words of God.

62. In this age of sains and Tekno-COLI, this push down your throat style is no longer suitable. Tablay la itu macam tambi.

63. Perhaps I too, a secular and a samdol bastard, will also find the answers I am looking for.

65. The answers to the something the dap has mentioned by tuan guru Nik Aziz sometime before my encounter with Ustaz Shahril long.

66. Even though for me then, the answers to my questions are post hoc as I had then already joined the DAP.

67. But at least I can now justify the reasons as to why I joined the much maligned DAP.

68. The reasons why I masuk the DAP in response to ' that something which the Dap has'. Yes, that something that made me become a DAPig, and an infidel, Lim kit siangs running dog etc. Woof woof!

69. These were some actual honoraric titles given me after I had joined the DAP.

70. Well, I got news for these right wing and kkk minded idiots. The name callings were badges of honour , boh!

71. After the encounter with the Shahril long kind, I resolved to read the Quran as often as I could. Not religiously, but as often as I could.

72. Hey, didn't I say I am a secular and a samdol bastard? Aku ini binatang jalang/ Dari kumpulan nya terbuang/ Luka dan duka ku bawa berlari lari/ hingga hilang pedih peri.

73. The 1st verse which I found relevant for my purpose was in an Nisa Quran 4:76.

74. Which to me simply says-- what's stopping you people from fighting in the cause of Allah ( your sacred duty) to fight for the interests of oppressed people who are subjected to all forms of social injustices.

75. The oppressed people are the mustad-afins, the lumpenproletariats

76. These people constantly pray to God for Him to send people who will fight for them saving them from governmental oppression and from people who caused all kinds of havoc and brings this world asunder .

76. And cause this world asunder 77 . If you look at UMNO, it has none of this . What you have is the imposition of melayu Uber allies on its version of nationalism, religion and loyalty to the king.

78. And lately UMNO has added 1 ignominous thing to it's repertoire. That is fighting for special interests that undermine the rule of law and the constitution .

79. The rights of the crook in chief. The rights to be above the law, to get pardoned and to be deserving of house arrest 80. For the last 10 years, UMNO does nothing but every turn uses extrajudicial means to exonerate the putera in the term bumiputera - the crook in chief.

81. Always claiming it's part of perjuangan bangsa, agama dan tanah air. That's cockwomblish isn't it?

82. If you look at pas and it's baldatun warrabbun ghafur concept, there's also no specific mention of fighting for the lumpenproletariats nor fighting against social injustices.

83. Yes, its an all encompassing concept easily claiming to cap to capture all forms of political struggle but lately pas is doing exactly the opposite.

84. Now pas supports corruption and the person doing it, supports crime and the criminal, supports slanderers and liars

85. If contributing money to the slanderer is considered jihad, does that mean supporting slanders is also jihad?

86. If you look at the DAP, it states expressly in it's constitution, to fight against all forms of social injustices. The poor, powerless& the mustad-afins are usually at the end of the short stick. Here comes the DAP to champion them

87. The melayu Uber allies groups and the KKK minded groups focus and amplify only the DAP s secular principles and it's Malaysian Malaysia intent but are silenced on the more important social aims.

88. On the other hand, most of us can relate to social justice aims.

89. This is the 'something the DAP has' that attracts malays like me to join the DAP. I may not know of it when I first joined the DAP, but in due course I find the justification for joining. And it was to me the right decision.

90. There are perfectly rational reasons for malays to join the DAP. And to reject the secular and ecclesiastical hypocrites!

91. To be continued in part 4 of 4.


Monday, 27 January 2025

The temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrites. The malays and the DAP. Tales by an unknown blogger no 44. Part 2/3

29. One of the big lies perpetrated is that the DAP has an agenda to christianize the malays. It's embellished by right wing politicians. By KKK minded groups. By groups operating on melayu Uber allies precepts.

30. I'll tell my Malay brethren. Bertenang dan guna kepala otak sedikit.

31. Malays have a natural insulation from other religions. They won't allow other religions to convert them. The concept of murtad is a very prohibitive deterrent.

32. So why should the DAP take the trouble to convert Malays? Wouldn't it be easier to convert the non-christian in the DAP itself?

33. I have never seen Mother Teresa or sister Hannah gathering people around them and proselytizing about Christianity.

34. So if you say the DAP has an agenda to christianize the malays I'll have to say lu gila kah?

35. How many malays has the DAP christianize? Have Malay MPs and aduns in the DAP become christians? The answer is, none! Yilek!

36. So stop the BS. Stop all the divisive and hate talk. People! Use your brains. Don't listen to charlatans!

37. Now, let me 'story' you a little. What happened when I first and last met tuan guru Nik Aziz of PAS.

38. I met him at his house in Pulau melaka in Kota Bharu. He had retired as Kelantan MB then. He probably spent his time teaching Islam.

39. At that time, I was MP for Raub . A DAP MP. I told him the purpose of my visit. To make a courtesy call and pick his brains.

40. Also, if he's feeling charitable to give 2 or 3 simple incantations or zikir. To a samdol person such as I.

41. He gave me 2. I will not share them with anybody especially the PIS people. They probably took him for granted.

42. If anybody wants them, they have to give me pengeras. That would include among others, a whole bird from Yati Ayam Percik and a plate of pulut kuning!

43. We talked on a number of things. But there was 1 question from him that jolted and shocked me.

44. In his kelantanese slang, he asked gapo demo masuk DAP?

45. That question shocked me. It rattled me. I didn't know what to answer.

46. In a moment of stupidity I answered boleh jadi takdir dan jodoh, Tuan.

47. No he answered back instantly. There must be something in the DAP that attracts people like you. For that he said, I salute the DAP.

48. He continued. I wish PAS has that something. Then it can attract more that just Tom, Dick and Harry to it's cause. Not because it has Islam attached to its name.

49. After I left pulau melaka the question of that something lingered on. A samdol like I didn't know..but the question never left me.

50. I found the answers I hope when I did a ceramah in pantai merdeka. In sungai petani. Kedah .

51. Pantai merdeka reminded me of a few verses of a poem. Written by the late comrade kassim Ahmad. A kedahan .

52. Berikan aku lidah/aku mahu berkata kata/bagaikan ombak/ yang menghempas pantai yang merdeka!

53. To be continued in part 3. The final part.


Sunday, 26 January 2025

Temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrisy. And malays and the DAP. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 44. Part 1

1. Sometime ago a felda settler friend announced to a group that I had joined DAP! The reaction was hostile

2. The supporters of UMNO and UMNO brainwashed crowd asked. Can a Malay join DAP? 3. Isn't DAP anti Malay, anti Islam and anti royalty, they asked?

4. followers of the party of ecclesiastical dictators asked. Has he gone apostate? Tergelincir aqidah?

5. The typical response of my generation in pekan would be, ' kepala bapaok aok'.

6. I am Malay but NOT UMNO. I refuse to allow UMNO to define and to accredit my Malayness.

7. I unreservedly reject it's notion of bangsa agama and negara. UMNO does not have ownership over these .

8. Perhaps it claims ownership over these because of UMNOs vulgar racism, it's melayu Uber allies and KKK mindset.

9. Similarly I am a Muslim and Islam is my religion. But I don't need pas to certify and to accredit that I am a Muslim. The thing that differentiates us is our levels of taqwa. And that only God knows.

10. I don't buy all these superficial visual manifestations. The UMNO chap may claim he is more nationalistic, more religious and more loyal to the king etc.

11. But since he does not have exclusive claim on these, he cannot preclude others not of UMNO ,from sharing the same sentiments

12. Nowadays,it's most important to appear religious for some people. You wear a kefiyeh Ang baju melayu and pontificate about religion and good morals etc .

13. But in private you may be a rouge and a sexual pervert. You butt-fucked your wife until she has to be sent to hospital for treatment.

14. There you are-temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrites running around appearing politically correct.

15. Part of being politically correct is to speak and champion issues that are politically correct.

16. Especially if the issues evoke hysterical appeal and evoke emotional responses. Especially if the issues are alarmist in nature .

17. Nothing stairs up hysterical responses to the malays than imagined threats to Islam. And if that threats can be linked to Dap,they can be turned into political capital.

18. Of course, it doesn't matter if the deficiencies and weaknesses in Islam are the result of the Malay Muslim own doing.

19. I have come across Malay adults who can't read jawi or read the Arabic alphabet, alif ba ta.

20. If they can't read jawi or read the Arabic alphabet, it means they can't read the Quran or read doas written in jawi.

21. I know of boys and girls who don't know how to read alfatihah mandatory for prayers .

22. The DAP has got nothing to do with these. The threats to Islam my friends , come from within.

23. One of the slanders or fitnah gleefully amplified and embellished by these temporal and ecclesiastical hypocrites, is that the DAP has got this agenda of christianizing Malays.

24. Wah! The malays upon hearing that Islam is under siege, go hysterical and maniacal. Lets kill!

25. The DAP has no such doesn't care about your religious denominations. Religion is a very private affair .

26. Mind you, these horror stories are embellished and amplified by otherwise intelligent people but behaving stupidly and for political gains.

27. The situation is similar to the situation described by Bonhoeffer who told us as to how intelligent people agreed to Hitlers ethnic cleansing policies.

28. Here, a few demagogues and little Hitlers are proposing and some people unreservedly agreeing to social pogrom policies against non malays.


Thursday, 23 January 2025

Not the Najib addendum. Some aspects of the theory of stupidity -applied. Part 2/2. Tales by an unknown blogger no 43

22. Didn't his proclivity to due process and technicalities resulted in Najib jumping the que and getting his application for pardon heard first? The other convicts have been waiting in line for probably years .

23. Technicalities of the law are important but more important is securing justice. Wasn't it lord Denning who said that my brother judges are interested in the (technicalities) of the law. I am more interested in justice.

24. Justice for Najib can never be greater than justice for the people. The people want to see Najib gets his due comeuppance.

25. And proper justice must bee seen to done to Najib. Not hidden in the legal jungle. Wasn't it lord hewart who said that justice must be done but undoubtedly and manifestly be seen to be done?

26. The decision to allow Najib jump que and have his application for pardon heard by the ftpb is idiotic. The gains he obtains are very much less that the losses he suffers. Where the losses are>the gains, that is a Cipolla type of stupidity.

27. Next we move on to another silly and stupid suggestion. The suggestion that Najib be given house arrest. To be secured through an instrument. Let us call it an addendum, for brevity sake.iff a document does exist. Notice iff is an economist if it means if and only if. It means highly improbable.

28. Both the 2 suggestions are unforeseeable. They are unsangkarable. But both suggestions show laws 1 and 2 of Cipolla's law of stupidity at work.

29. The 1st law of 5 says that we can never underestimate stupidity . It means the number of people who behave stupidly, we can never underestimate. There are many than we can a group it can come from anyone , any place, anywhere. It's unpredictable. In this case, the stupid suggestion comes from the pm.

30. The 2nd law says stupidity is independent of a person's social status, position, education, experience and so on. Anyone is susceptible.

31. The post of pm, his education, his life experience cannnot prevent him from acting stupidly.

32. The 2nd suggestion about house arrest is problematical to us. If the king acts upon advice by the 5 other members of the ftpb, then they are dumbasses. If the don't, then they are free from blame.

33. This brings us to the next question. Who talks to them? The most probable answer is, it's the pm who speaks to them.

34. We assume then, it's the pm who gives the 2 suggestions without much thought about them. He just wants them to be carried out. No rational reasons necessary. His bourgeois sense of justice prompts him to do it. Without regard to the broader sense of justice.

35. The suggestions, especially the 2nd is vexatious. Without any rational reasons designed to just annoy us

36. The 2nd suggestion in particular , flies in the face of facts opposing it. First, criminal offences are not amenable for house arrest. Civil law offenders maybe. 2nd, house arrest for crimes is not in the constitution.

37. If it's not provided for in the constitution, a bill enabling it must first be tabled in parliament. To be vigorously debated .

38. If it's debated , then we expect the DAP to provide a robust opposition to it .

39. There you are, I have written an article about the stupid behavior of some people as regards the purported Najib addendum. I did not write about the purported addendum at all . To wit, the behavior of certain people in the context of bonhoeffer and cipolla theory of stupidity.


Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Not the Najib addendum. The theory of stupidity. Tales by an unknown blogger no 42

1. This is my own addendum. It's an addendum on my earlier article on UMNOs Da Vinci code searching for the elusive addendum.

2. It's not about the purported addendum wailed by Najib's supporters. Rather it about the behavior of some people towards that wretched imagined addendum. To be more specific, it's about the stupidity spawned by the imagined addendum.

3. The behavior of these people underscores the relevance of Carlo Cipolla and Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theory of stupidity.

4. By his own admission, the pm said it was he who suggested that Najibs application for pardon be heard by the ftpb. That was a stupid suggestion.

5. that may have earned the PM a few brownie points. Najibs lead lawyer considers Anwar as a nice and good person. A thuggish UMNO leader, recently reinstated to the DOP(decrepit old party)aka UMNO, says that whatever Anwar does, is the best

6. Yeah, we know the drill. A judicial decision that favours UMNO is justice. A decision that doesn't favour umno is injustice.

7. Justice for Najib is total exoneration. If the crook in chief is punished , that's injustice.

8. The otherwise reasonable people who support Najib the crook in chief, are sucked into the whirlpool of collective stupidity. They willfully surrender their rational reasons to unquestioningly subscribe to the dominant ideas told by demagogues and agent provocateurs planted by Najib and the DOP decrepit old party aka UMNO.

9. This is the classic Bonhoeffer type of stupidity where otherwise reasonable people fully condone the ethnic cleansing policies of Adolph Hitler. They surrender their rational reasons to the leading ideas of the Aryan master race

10. In our case, otherwise rational people surrender their rational reasons to accept the storyline as told by demagogues and agent provocateurs.

11. The storyline that Najib, instead of being the chip author of heinous crimes, is the victim of an elaborate conspiracy involving among others Soros's son , a fugitive chubby Chinaman and later, for more dramatic effect, the DAP!

12. Social scientists named this collective stupidity by many names. Groupthink, herd instinct, 'sontoloyo' the duck sheepherder or simply the fire ant behavior .

13. You know how anta behave -they will blindly follow the leader even if the latter goes round and round. They will also go round and round until exhausted, they die off

14. Let's hope enthusiasm for Najib, like the fire ants blindfully following their leader will also die off.

15. Once these people realized they have been hoodwinked, bamboozled by the charlatans, the demagogues, the agent provocateurs and the little Hitlers .

16. The need to conform to the group is so strong that it overrides any personal capacity to think independently and critically.

17. It's almost that these people , out of fear of being ostracized, are driven by the herd instincts to jump into the river into the gnawing jaws of the Nile crocodiles. Hello brothers and sisters, you are food for the crocodiles.

18. It gives me no pleasure to write these last few points . I may criticize nana tambun but I support him as pm.

19. He may have earned a few brownie points. Notably from Najib's lawyer and one thuggish UMNO leader. But the loss he suffers is immeasurable.

20 . The greater loss which the pm suffers is the faith the people have in him as the 'chip' change agent. Instead of change, its more of the same. The loss in faith people have in him affects his political longevity. He must be cognizant of this

21. His bourgeois sense of justice seems to get the better of him. What's important to him is sticking to due process, the technicalities of the law.

Continued part 2


Monday, 20 January 2025

UMNOs Da Vinci code: searching for the elusive addendum. Tales by an unknown blogger. 41

1. An addendum is material added at the end of the document. It is used to correct, add or supplement the main document.

2. Let's assume for argument sake, the addendum does exist. It's purposes are outlined as above.

3. If the purposes of the addendum are to correct , amend, add or supplement, they suggest the main document, ie the pardon is wanting and insufficient. If not why add, correct or supplement?

4. But what if the contents of the addendum, differt from what the insurrectionists insist?

5. What if the contents say that after reconsidering the concessions given to that fat assed felon now on sabbatical at the Kajang Hilton, it is decided to reverse the concessions.

6. It's decided that it's more pertinent to restore the original sentencing - ie no more 50% discount on jail time and 70% discount on the fine .

7. For argument sake, we are able to offer a contradictory view, because up to now, the status of the addendum is purported.

8. The letter from the pejabat sultan Pahang averred to the existence of an addendum but not it's contents.

9. If the contents were as we suggested above, will the insurrectionists accept them?

10. Or will they stubbornly cling on to what they insist and reject a possible alternative view?

11. The letter from the pejabat sultan, brought by Najibs son and pompous displayed by Najib's lead counsel, is problematical.

12. The letter was issued using stationery from the pejabat sultan and signed by the pengelola diraja.

13. Are we going to accord that letter with the same stature a document using the pardons boards stationery, signed by the then agong?

14. In my opinion, it cannot and must not. So the letter while majestic, technically is not entirely useful in the addendum issue .

15. Don't go berserk, I am just offering an alternative view for argument sake.

16. So when somebody said that Najib is going home in a month is just playing to gallery and is a bloody liar .

17. Even if true, can't you see the ridiculousnesof it?

18. Let's assume Najib goes home. Then what if he is found guilty in the 1MDB case. Will he then be taken back to Kajang Hilton?

19. Will the ' Jacobeans' i.e. Najib's maniacal supporters barricade themselves at his house? And prevent the enforcement people from doing their job?

20. I hope the PM wouldn't get softened up, when people are saying he's good or he is doing his best. These people are being just smarmy.

21. Don't try to be a righteous person when you are surrounded by a sea of unrighteous dolts

22. I am puzzled by one thing though. I am sure others are too. This has become a national bad habit .

23. Why is it that some people are vociferously and aggressively talking about a purported addendum instead of taking with the same intensity and ferocity about the crimes committed by that fat assed felon now holding up in Kajang prison?

24. If we follow these degenerates, we the Malays are indeed a sad and pitiful race .

25. We are asked to ignore the crimes committed by that fat assed and instead find 1001 reasons to exonerate the dumbass.

26. We are asked to adulate and worship a crime and reject the rule of law and discard the constitution.

27. Don't we find it pitiful how smart mustad-afins:and lumpenproletariats are willing to be deceived by a few charlatans and some agent provocateur?

28. They are asked to adulate and adore a crook-in-chief over a fictitious addendum.

29. Then, on being paid a miniscule sum, the toothless makciks and pakciks assemble at some gatherings hallelujah-ing and ululating, hidup 2 and bebas2 bossku.

30. Not realizing that they are being suckered by that fat assed bugger residing in Kajang Hilton . What is hidden from us is not the imagined addendum but the fact that the crook in chief is a serial liar.

31. In 2013, he said he didn't know of any Jho Low. In 2015 , he said that fellow Jho low has no link with 1MDB. In 2018 from not knowing and no link, the chubby Chinaman is given a prominent role in 1MDB.

32. In 2018 too, Jho low lied to us and he wasn't aware he was lied to.

33. Incredible isn't it? When lied to , it's us. When not aware and therefore not culpable, its he alone. That's a classic case of socializing the losses but privatizing the gains. The mark of a swindler.

34. Here's the clincher. In 2024, Najib said, he used the man who lied to us and caused him a mental relapse , to help Malaysia's finances! Ayoyo, amama, tablay itu macam la macha.

35. Was Najib running our country or an organized crime syndicate? He's using a dubious character to help Malaysia's finances.

36. The story of the wretched addendum is not over yet. What if now the AGC appeals to the federal court?

37. I would imagine, an appeals date will have to be secured. That may take weeks or months.

38. The federal court will rule on whether the imagined addendum has got merits or not. If it overturns the court of appeals ruling, then Najib's marathon run is finitto, kaput, Tamat !

39. Supposed, the court rules that Najib's appeal has got merits, not frivolous and not a legal filibuster, it will remit the case to the high court(again).

40. Still, a date will have to be secured. That will take weeks or months. This will be followed by arguments. We don't want to rush do we?

41. For the rich and powerful, Malaysian courts take the view of justice rushed is justice crushed. It places less importance to the saying, justice delayed is justice denied.

42. So it's safe to assume that this imagined addendum case, will take a long time. Everything is placed in the context of the long run.

43. But in the long run, says the great economist JM Keynes, we are all dead! . So is Malaysian justice if it panders to Najibs tantrums.


Thursday, 16 January 2025

UMNOs Da Vinci code: searching for the golden chalice. Tales by an unknown blogger no 40.

1. If the name of the personality in the purported addendum, were a mister poh Kee mak or Mr tong Sam pah, would there be calls for the council of Malay rulers be dragged in? Most probably not .

2. But because the name of the personality in the purported addendum is a bin somebody, the involvement of the council of Malay rulers is deemed appreciate.

3. In reality, you want the council of Malay rulers to give effect to your own racial bias and your nefarious aims. Nefarious because you are supporting a crime by a person convicted by all the 3 levels the courts in our judicial system.

4. Also you are supporting a person who makan duit haram. By extension, your support is also haram in substance.

5. These people are asking the council of Malay rulers to give effect their racial bias and nefarious aims. Worse, they are dragging the council of Malay rulers in a haram pursuit.

6. For that they deserve all the odium and contempt from all right thinking Malaysians. And in this case, especially from dumbed down malays.

7. Why should the council of Malay rulers be asked to decide on a particular justice for a particular person. Justice for all and of general and universal application, ought to given precedence and given more weightage than narrow justice.

8. If the council of Malay rulers acquiesce in the demands of special interest group, it's only pursuing justice of the patrician, by the patrician for the patrician.

9. Everyone should be striving for justice of the people by the people and for the people. Don't indulge the special interest people.

10. My advice especially to malays - stay clear of these people. They are just playing on your emotions. Malays,upon hearing ' raja2 melayu' immediately get squirm ish and reciprocate by giving blind trust and support. Use your brain and apply critical thinking, sirs.

11. A customer goes into a shop selling body parts. This one sells brains of various nationalities. He notices the brains of the Irish are very expensive. But he was shocked to see that the brains of Malays to be most expensive!

12. Piqued by his interest, he asked the shopowner why so? Because, says the shopowner without batting an eye lid , it's hardly used! In it's pristine condition, it's the most expensive. And I can't give any discounts!

13. Across the sosmed, we see the issue of the purported addendum has been excessively weaponised!

14. The issue of the purported addendum, has been vehemently and aggressively used to attack the pm.

15. As a result of this purported addendum, all kinds of insult and derision and expletive were hurled at the pm

16. The Najib loyalists and the KKK minded persons and groups triumphantly declared that the addendum does exists. They pompously relied on a letter from the sultan of Pahang' s office signed by pengelola diraja or chamberlain I suppose, saying something about an addendum.

17. The addendum, these people say was hidden by people in the government possible even by the a result , these people including the PM have defied the king and were being disloyal. Strictly a no no

18. These people responsible for hiding the addendum must be punished. They must be jailed . Some even say the Malay rulers are angry with the PM. They want to sack him .

19. How stupid do these people think we are. The addendum, which is a resultant of a pardon to the fat assed bugger now on sabbatical at the Kajang Hilton, is now suggested to be used to oust the pm. These power grabbers are asking us to use a tool internalizing criminal substance, to oust the PM. That is the UMNO putsch.

20. The truth is, UMNO which cannot accept its loss, is always using insidious ways to oust the pm.

21. The fatal mistake, committed by Nana Non is to invite a mortal enemy, to share power with him. I hope he is conscious of the enemy within. 22. To be continued..


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The theory of stupidity. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 39

1. 2 events prompt me to write this article. The article is called ' the theory of stupidity '. I draw much material from Cipollo and Bonhoeffer. If you don't know who these 2 mamats are, that's not my problem.

2. The 2 events are the AGC's proposal to apply from the court, a gag order on discussing the 'addendum issue. The purported addendum.

3. The other is mad dog Akmal's ham issue. With kk mart again. KKK minded person attacking kk mart.

4. These make Cipollo's 2nd law of stupidity true. It's that stupidity is independent of the characteristics of people. They may be lawyers or doctors, but they can do stupid things .

5. It also makes Bonhoeffer's observation that stupidity is more dangerous than malice .

6. Because with stupid people you can't reason, litigate, argue or debate with them. They will stubbornly cling to their erroneous preconceived opinions, come what may. We are defenseless.

7. Don't you think people from the AGC are behaving stupidly? They can make an affidavit for a gag order. But a stout judge will weight that request against the freedom of speech of those discussing the purported addendum issue. Irrespective of how obnoxious they may be. It's not like these people are discussing a hostile ideology. That endangers our society like the ideology of Daish, ISIS or Boko Haram.

8. Would oberleutenant Akmal back down if told that ham can also be chicken or beef ham. There's also beef bacon.

9. Or for the fun of it, lets ban hot dog because it must be of ground dog meat infused with chili and peppers. Ban also beer jawa and beer kocok. Because of the word beer. Although they are made entirely from an amalgam of spices .

10. There you have it. The stupid actions of otherwise intelligent people in terms of their paper qualifications and their status and positions they hold .

11. I am sure the people in AGC are intelligent people, respected for their positions, hold important posts

12. They have law degrees, some with masters and others may have doctorates. Yet they are asking a judge to issue a gag order to prevent people from talking about the purported addendum. Can we close the opening of the earthen urn? Can we close mulut tempayan?

13. Similarly, Akmal is a medical doctor by position. He also the ketua pemuda UMNO Malaysia. Plus he is an EXCO in Melaka.

14. Yet his characters do not prevent him from doing a stupid thing. Clinging stubbornly to his misconception and refusing to believe that ham can also be made from bahan2 suci.

15. He clings stubbornly to his misconception as though his life depends on it. What's even more dangerous he succeeds in herding others into groupthink.

16. Others follow a dominant idea, read his idea fearing that a dissenting idea will lead them to being ostracized. You see the danger a person like Akmal generates? He is a doctor, ketua pemuda UMNO and a Melaka EXCO. The higher you are, the more harm comes from your stupid actions.

17. In the next article, we shall see what Carlo Cipolla and Bonhoeffer say about stupidity.


Sunday, 12 January 2025

UMNO's golden chalice. The purported addendum. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 38


1. What if I tell you that this whole thing about the addendum is umnonised- ie hatched by UMNO?

2. Ever wonder how did the useful village idiots, the toohtless makciks and pakciks gathered at the palace of justice?

3. These people were bussed there, given t shirts, packed food and probably money. And we are to believe UMNO had no hand in that?

4. The makciks and pakciks were tutored to shout hidup hidup bebas bebas bossku

5. They didn't know the purpose of the court of appeal case was to judge on najib's application to compel the high court to verify the existence of a purported addendum ?

6. Of course they wouldn't know. They were tutored by UMNO people. To pressure the courts to find UMNO justice for Najib.

7. Now we know what UMNO justice's to completely exonerate Najib. If that is not possible get him pardoned. Now to get him under house arrest. Hence the importance of a purported addendum.

8. These, UMNO will claim in line with it's perjuangan bangsa agama dan tanah air.

9. Also, it's part of the hak2 istimewa orang melayu dan bumiPUTRA.

10. Notice the word bumiputera itself is a farce and deceitful . In the word putera is in front of bumi.

11. The bourgeois putera, the elite putera and the newly minted putera get all the juices. The bumi get the fibrous residue. Hurrah!

12. The putera stole millions and billions. The bumis get to shout addendum..ddendum. ..dum .

13. The newly minted putera, wak47 is playing the bad cop good cop routine

14. Before the gathering, fuyoo he's telling the UMNO people, if you gather, it's your funeral.

15. After the gathering where no arrest were made , wak47 expressed the highest of appreciation to the UMNO people.

16.what hypocrisy and duplicity! That's wak47!

17. The dendum gives hope to many criminals. The single father, who stole a bunch of bananas and jailed for 3 moths, hopes miraculously an addendum is hidden in the petticoat of Dr zaleha. Who knows there is a provision he can secure a house arrest. 

18. I must add, the above caricature. Its self explanatory.

19. To be continued...