1. An addendum is material added at the end of the document. It is used to correct, add or supplement the main document.
2. Let's assume for argument sake, the addendum does exist. It's purposes are outlined as above.
3. If the purposes of the addendum are to correct , amend, add or supplement, they suggest the main document, ie the pardon is wanting and insufficient. If not why add, correct or supplement?
4. But what if the contents of the addendum, differt from what the insurrectionists insist?
5. What if the contents say that after reconsidering the concessions given to that fat assed felon now on sabbatical at the Kajang Hilton, it is decided to reverse the concessions.
6. It's decided that it's more pertinent to restore the original sentencing - ie no more 50% discount on jail time and 70% discount on the fine .
7. For argument sake, we are able to offer a contradictory view, because up to now, the status of the addendum is purported.
8. The letter from the pejabat sultan Pahang averred to the existence of an addendum but not it's contents.
9. If the contents were as we suggested above, will the insurrectionists accept them?
10. Or will they stubbornly cling on to what they insist and reject a possible alternative view?
11. The letter from the pejabat sultan, brought by Najibs son and pompous displayed by Najib's lead counsel, is problematical.
12. The letter was issued using stationery from the pejabat sultan and signed by the pengelola diraja.
13. Are we going to accord that letter with the same stature a document using the pardons boards stationery, signed by the then agong?
14. In my opinion, it cannot and must not. So the letter while majestic, technically is not entirely useful in the addendum issue .
15. Don't go berserk, I am just offering an alternative view for argument sake.
16. So when somebody said that Najib is going home in a month is just playing to gallery and is a bloody liar .
17. Even if true, can't you see the ridiculousnesof it?
18. Let's assume Najib goes home. Then what if he is found guilty in the 1MDB case. Will he then be taken back to Kajang Hilton?
19. Will the ' Jacobeans' i.e. Najib's maniacal supporters barricade themselves at his house? And prevent the enforcement people from doing their job?
20. I hope the PM wouldn't get softened up, when people are saying he's good or he is doing his best. These people are being just smarmy.
21. Don't try to be a righteous person when you are surrounded by a sea of unrighteous dolts
22. I am puzzled by one thing though. I am sure others are too. This has become a national bad habit .
23. Why is it that some people are vociferously and aggressively talking about a purported addendum instead of taking with the same intensity and ferocity about the crimes committed by that fat assed felon now holding up in Kajang prison?
24. If we follow these degenerates, we the Malays are indeed a sad and pitiful race .
25. We are asked to ignore the crimes committed by that fat assed and instead find 1001 reasons to exonerate the dumbass.
26. We are asked to adulate and worship a crime and reject the rule of law and discard the constitution.
27. Don't we find it pitiful how smart mustad-afins:and lumpenproletariats are willing to be deceived by a few charlatans and some agent provocateur?
28. They are asked to adulate and adore a crook-in-chief over a fictitious addendum.
29. Then, on being paid a miniscule sum, the toothless makciks and pakciks assemble at some gatherings hallelujah-ing and ululating, hidup 2 and bebas2 bossku.
30. Not realizing that they are being suckered by that fat assed bugger residing in Kajang Hilton . What is hidden from us is not the imagined addendum but the fact that the crook in chief is a serial liar.
31. In 2013, he said he didn't know of any Jho Low. In 2015 , he said that fellow Jho low has no link with 1MDB. In 2018 from not knowing and no link, the chubby Chinaman is given a prominent role in 1MDB.
32. In 2018 too, Jho low lied to us and he wasn't aware he was lied to.
33. Incredible isn't it? When lied to , it's us. When not aware and therefore not culpable, its he alone. That's a classic case of socializing the losses but privatizing the gains. The mark of a swindler.
34. Here's the clincher. In 2024, Najib said, he used the man who lied to us and caused him a mental relapse , to help Malaysia's finances! Ayoyo, amama, tablay itu macam la macha.
35. Was Najib running our country or an organized crime syndicate? He's using a dubious character to help Malaysia's finances.
36. The story of the wretched addendum is not over yet. What if now the AGC appeals to the federal court?
37. I would imagine, an appeals date will have to be secured. That may take weeks or months.
38. The federal court will rule on whether the imagined addendum has got merits or not. If it overturns the court of appeals ruling, then Najib's marathon run is finitto, kaput, Tamat !
39. Supposed, the court rules that Najib's appeal has got merits, not frivolous and not a legal filibuster, it will remit the case to the high court(again).
40. Still, a date will have to be secured. That will take weeks or months. This will be followed by arguments. We don't want to rush do we?
41. For the rich and powerful, Malaysian courts take the view of justice rushed is justice crushed. It places less importance to the saying, justice delayed is justice denied.
42. So it's safe to assume that this imagined addendum case, will take a long time. Everything is placed in the context of the long run.
43. But in the long run, says the great economist JM Keynes, we are all dead! . So is Malaysian justice if it panders to Najibs tantrums.