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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday 9 December 2013

Tsunami Melayu tidak Mustahil!

Sebelum saya hurai megenai isu pokok, saya nak komen mengenai kenyataan KM Melaka. Dia kata, orang Cina tidak perlu berdusta mengenai menyokong orang Melayu dalam PRU13 di Melaka. Saya jawab, orang UMNO yang Melayu pun tipu orang Melayu. Mustahil hanya UMNO sahaja yang boleh tipu dan munafik- Melayu pun jika mereka suka, dibenarkan menipu UMNO. Tak berdosa kalau tipu UMNO. UMNO bukan Allah dan Rasul.
Berapa bahagian UMNO di Melaka yang undi Ali Rustam bila dia bertanding naib presiden UMNO? Melayu UMNO  pun tipu sebahagian dari mereka. Jadi apa nak hairan, jika bangsa lain tidak menyokong UMNO bila sesama UMNO pun, tipu menipu ini perkara biasa. Jadi sebelum KM Melaka melalak sana sini, tengok di halaman sendiri dahulu. 
Kesian Ali Rustam. Ali Rustam saya dengar bergantang gantang menglahabaukan UMNO Melaka.
Tsunami Melayu.
Pemimpin UMNO buta atau apa? Yang memenangkan UMNO ialah Sabah dan Sarawak. UMNO dapat 88 parlimen sebab 14 UMNO itu datang dari Sabah. diSemananjung UMNO hanya menang 74 kerusi. Apa yang nak ek sangat. Kalau takde Sabah UMNO, BN hanya ada 119 kerusi sahaja. Jadi dengan 74 UMNO semananjung dan 14 UMNO Sabah, janganlah nak mengada ngada sangat.apa jadi kalau parti2 Kadazan, Dusun dan Murut yang BN meninggalkan BN? bari UMNO sedar langit tinggi atau rendah.
Adnan Mansor bukanlah dipilih Najib sebab kecerdikan nya. jadi tidak hairan lah jika Adnan Mansor dengan sombong kata Melayu tidak akan melakukan tsunami. Bingung betul pemimpin UMNO ini; Melayu sokong UMNO bukan sebab mereka cinta dan yakin apa yang UMNO perjuangkan. UMNO menang atas bimbang dan ragu dan rasa cemas orang Melayu. Bila hilang semua ini, orang akan melihat UMNO seperti diri nya yang sebetul- penipu dan pembohong dan penindas bangsa sendiri.
Parti yang menakut nakutkan bangsa sendiri- mereka takkan bertahan lama. Mereka sokong UMNO sebab UMNO berjaya menggambarkan mengundi PAS sama dengan undi DAP. Beri undi kepada PAS bererti beri undi kepada DAP. Maka jika DAP memerintah, maka masa depan Melayu akan hancur. Raja2 Melayu akan hapus, agama Islam akan diancam dan diganti dengan kristian, cakap bahasa Melayu tak boleh dan sebagainya. Berkhatan pun tak boleh! Ini cara UMNO tipu.
Adnan Mansor itu sendiri pun lambang pembohongan yang paling besar- dia bukan nya Tengku asli pun tapi tanpa segan silu menggunakan Tengku didepan nama nya. dia anak Raja Melayu mana?
Melayu sokong UMNO sebab UMNO berjaya setakat ini menggambarkan PAS, PKR dan DAP terutama nya akan menjahanamkan Melayu. Adnan Mansor lihatlah apabila Melayu lebih cerah minda mereka dan bila Melayu sedar bahawa yang melindungi dan menolong rakyat ialah kerajaan yang berdiri diatas prinsip perintah ikut undang2. Ketika itu UMNO akan mampus.
Selagi UMNO boleh melemahkan PAS dan melagakan2 PAS dengan DAP dan PKR- UMNO akan terus berkuasa. Ertinya UMNO panjang umur nya kerana membohongi dan menipu rakyat. Walhal orang Melayu tidak perlu hidup dalam ketakutan.
Fakta nya ialah negara ini majority nya Melayu. DAP menerima hakikat bahawa pemimpin negara ini mesti orang Melayu. Raja2 nya, PM2 nya dan pemimpin2 kerajaan yang lain. Kalau Tengku Adnan nak jadi PM pun kita sokong. Standard dia sama dnegan standard Dato Najib.
Sebab itu UMNO sibuk mempromosi ulama yang mereka anggap sebagai ustaz kampong yang mudah tertipu dengan pengucapan dan pembohongan UMNO mengenai hal2 duniawi ini. Ulama PAS yang moden yang kuat Islam dan pintar membaca isiu2 duniawai digeruni oleh UMNO. Syukur PAS tidak tertuba mainan jahat UMNO.
Sejak bila orang UMNO sayangkan ulamak ? sejak bila orang UMNO suka meramaikan masjid dan surau? Di Pekan Pahang sendiri, pemimpin UMNO membanjiri surau dan masjid setahun sekali ketika Najib berbuka puasa selang sehari di Pekan. Pada masa yang lain, nak cari 5 orang UMNO dalam surau pun dikira suatu kejayaan yang menggegarkan dunia.
Tengku Adnan Mansor(tengku enjin sangkut) berkata bahawa tsunami Melayu mustahil berlaku. UMNO menang banyak kerusi- daripada 79 ke 88 kerusi parlimen. Melayu ramai sokong kita.
Lihat angkat dari SPR lah. Calun2 UMNO semua sekali dapat 3.4 juta. Tentu undi ini termasuk cina dan india dan bangsa lain yang sokong UMNO bukan? Andaikan 400,000 undi tersebut datang dari bukan Melayu. Maknanya, undi Melayu kepada calun UMNO sekitar 3 juta. Katalah Melayu tongong yang sokong calun2 MIC dan MCA sekitar 400,000 jugak. Maklum sahajalah bangsa2 kafir ini berada dalam kabilah UMNO mestilah Cina dan India yang baik2 belaka dan mesti disokong oleh Melayu. Maka angka nya kensel mengensel.
Kita terima lah jumlah semua orang Melayu yang mengundi UMNO ialah 3.4 juta-seperti angka yang dikemukakan oleh SPR. Jumlah ini sama dengan jumlah ahli UMNO.maka secara keseluruhan nya, yang mengundi dan menyokong UMNO ialah bersamaan dengan jumlah ahli UMNO sahaja.
Jumlah pengundi Melayu dalam PRU13 ialah 7.3 juta.. kalau UMNO dapat 3.4 juta ertinya, 3.9 juta orang Melayu tidak menyokong UMNO. Ada sokong PAS, sokong PKR dan sokong DAP. Yang sokong DAP tidaklah seramai yang sokong PKR dan PAS tapi jumlah nya meningkat. Terutama bila DAP letak calon Melayu dan orang Melayu sudah tidak kira, mereka akan undi Melayu. Melayu yang sokong Melayu tak kira parti apa pun adalah Melayu tulin bukan macam Melayu munafik UMNO bercakap mengenai Melayu, tapi hanya sokong Melayu UMNO.
Adnan Mansor  bukan cerdik orang nya. tengku nya pun tengku sangkut. Ertinya, rakyat biasa pun kalau tuanku2 Melayu setuju, boleh jadi tengku jugak. Orang melayu dari segi potensi, semua tengku2 belaka.
Tsunami Melayu sudah berlaku. Dan ianya akan di kukuhkan lagi dalam PRU 14.


Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 10:49  

Terbaik Dato'

1. Tok Guru menipu adalah Pemimpin-Pemimpin UMNO.

2. Manusia yg menyamar jadi Tengku pun boleh jadi Pemimpin tertinggi UMNO.

3. Rasuah di jenamakan semula sebagai komisen. Hasilnya semua peringkat kakitangan kerajaan boleh lah ambil rasuah@komisen.

Hidup Melayu..( melayu Putera, melayu Elit, melayu Bangsawan )

Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 11:51  

Merepek MB Melaka ni.
Kan tempat Ali Rustam kebanyakannya Melayu?
Camna boleh kalah kalau semua Melayu undi diaorang?

Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 18:40  

umno memang sengaja menakutkan melayu, pertama umno menyalahkan pilihan kaum cina sebagai tsunami cina, ini bertentangan dengan amalan demokrasi iaitu tidak kira apa bangsa sekalipun cina,india atau sabahan dan sarawak adalah bebas mengundi parti mana yang mereka mahu seperti termaktub dalam perlembagaan malaysia.Keduanya mereka war-warkan tsunami melayu, parti mana yang dipilih rakyat tidak kira bangsa dan agama itu soal demokrasi, tapi untuk mendapatkan sokongan dari rakyat itu soal kebaikkan dasar sesuatu parti kepada rakyat.Jika melayu menolak amalan rasuah,salahguna kuasa, pembaziran dan kenaikkan kos sara hidup dan gst, adakah itu yang dikatakan tsunami melayu ?

Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 20:39  

Mengapa UMNO tidak tanya - Setelah 5 TAHUN program "transformasi" Najib, mengapa masih perlu naik cukai, barang-barang, defisit masih tinggi DAN perlu menyalah guna perkauman dan agama?

Hakikatnya "transformasi" gagal dan semua yang dilakukan hanya mengendalakan realiti yang tidak dapat dielakkan.Apaguna elakkan Hakikat?

Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 21:57  

Adnan Mansor anak Raja Melayu mana?

Sulawasi? Ternate? Kutai? Landak? Bima? Kupang? Yogyakarta? Pagaruyung? Jailolo? Pontianak?

Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 24 orang sultan di Indonesia.

'Ku', dari yang mana?

Jangan, jangan sebut 'Ku' kerabat Sultan Pontianak. Dialah Sultan Pontianak terakhir yang mendekam dalam penjara 10 tahun kerana bersubahat dengan askar Belanda semasa revolusi merdeka pada 1945.

Kalau kerabat Sultan Yogya, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, baharu ada kelas.

Cahaya Qalbu,  9 December 2013 at 23:10  


In most developed nations, leaders are courageous and have the guts to debate on vital issues concerning fundamental social, economic and foreign policies for the benefit of the people rather than wasting their time smearing political opponents using fabricated sexual episodes, racial hatred, religious gambits and idiotic annotations. Instead of badmouthing Anwar and PR with puerile allusions Najib and co. should debate with PR leaders on vital issues facing the nation.

Why say it’s not Malaysian’s culture to debate when UMNO leaders often make comparisons with the developed countries? Doesn’t Najib@UMNO have respect or adhered to the principles of democracy ensconced in the Federal Constitution?

A one-party system for the country will only make it monopolistic; only few individuals retaining power, leading to arrogance and abuse of power. Good or bad, the controlling of power will customarily turn leader into an authoritarian.

Anwar is the de-facto PR leader but Najib should bear in mind that PR is not entirely about Anwar. What is more important to the people now is the establishment of a two-party system in the country; a strong alternative to BN. No doubt credit has to be given to Anwar for his endurance and tenacity in making a two-party system a viable reality in Malaysia but the batons of command will be passed to the several capable young leaders within PR who would face Najib and his sycophants in Malaysia’s future political panorama.

Most of Najib’s judgment has been based on hearsay and news fed to him by those who are envied of Anwar success binding PAS, PKR and DAP strappingly. Najib’s personal attack on Anwar thus lacks credibility, as according to critics it has been much swayed by his resentful feeling towards Anwar.

Najib is again playing Machiavellian’s politic to influence those who are illiterate. It is perceptible that he only desires one party; UMNO to retain power in Malaysia perpetually which only reflects on his deportment as a tyrannical persecutor, his misaligned attitude towards power and his lack of decorum for democracy and human rights.

Why is Najib now urging desperately all Malays to be united? Because, he knows well that UMNO has outlived its relevance in Malaysian politics after five decades in power. His present stance is enviably for his own political schema. He has an agenda to establish a dynasty of his own in UMNO which he believed belongs to him now.

Cahaya Qalbu,  9 December 2013 at 23:10  


In the interim, Najib does not have to worry about the credentials of PR as the three states under PR have shown to all Msians that they can outsmart and outdo BN in governance. With or without Anwar, PR will flourish. Let the people be the ultimate judge, not the gibberish of UMNO leaders.

Najib, injudiciously is not pleased that the country now has a realistic two-party system, in veracity augurs well for the nation future. If he still believes in political domination then he must be deluded,outdated. And he has also failed to grasp the fact that PR is not just about Anwar as it is now fully-fledged to become a feasible alternative to BN. Moreover, in PR there are no shortages of talented young leaders with honor and integrity who are ready to take over the leadership of PR.

Anwar may not want to stay long in politic. Nevertheless, the people must appreciate what he has primed for the country. He has well-established a much-desired two-party system that has fractured UMNO’s hegemony and stranglehold of authority about five decades and it is this fear that makes Najib fervidly attacks charismatic Anwar and not that the latter is embroiled in any dissolute activities.

Furthermore, Najib and UMNO also knew that GE13 was not a racial issue. The urban-rural divide was clear. Pakatan won votes from all races and religions in the urban areas while BN retained their rural base. It is an election result between urban and rural, between the better educated, better informed versus the lesser educated and lesser informed. It is the story of two societies in one country. One, the ignorant represented by BN, the other, the progressive represented by PR.

With the strong two-party system onboard, there is and will always be a better check-and-balance in the administration of the country. The 12th and 13th general elections was the emergent stage for a strong alternative coalition and in the next election let’s materialize the final entrenchment of an effervescent and energetic new coalition in the history of Malaysia’s political landscape.



Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 23:48  

In retrospect of the lunatic guy who ordered the closure of Jonker Walk Melaka – a tourist destination worth visiting in Melaka to punish the ordinary Malaysian Chinese traders who eke a living by selling bargain items, handicrafts … then proceeded to deceive us that it was meant to study the traffic flow… ingat kita bodoh ke…

Now back to the recent whirlpool visit to fascinating places of interests in KL… friends, well - travelled, were saying there are waaay too many malls in KL, was teasing them they haven’t visited Mega Mall - the Great Wall of Malaysia yet; bought some light thermal t – shirts and several books …; but there is only one beautifully landscaped KLCC park whereby visitors could take a breather to be quiet, to read several pages of our respective books… while enjoying mineral water, mangosteens, rambutan and jambu air. We also caught glimpses of two young adults hanging on the loose strong tassels of a huge tree in the city park and swung a bit…. but none snapped.

Next how to sustain the influx of foreign tourists to Malaysia… now the goons will redream big useless mega projects of constructing this that luxury… to line their pockets . Listen hard and respond to Malaysians and foreign tourists’ concerns, suggestions and complaints in the social media and in the suggestion boxes daily and address the issues. There are no problems in our tourism industry which can’t be resolved when leaders and their respective teams take great responsibility in their jobs, take urgent initiative, demonstrate mature empathy, think out of the box, apply hands-on expertise and lots of common sense… all these do not require berjuta - juta MYR, so don’t bluff us, tax-payers.

Also it is crucial to display Malaysia as a democratic country to the world by having multiracial Malaysian staff at all major shopping malls, restaurants, tourist counters / booths, duty - free shops and hotels in KL, the capital city, or is it not ? It also creates a healthy competiveness to force self to acquire more knowledge about the products, the multilingualism, the courteous services made available as well as to enhance one’s PR skills and to work more productively and efficiently. Merit is given when due, customer services at most stalls in Petaling Street is good, rating 7+ / 10 and souvenir shops at Central Market 8/ 10, cool, relaxing, courteous, non-pushy / aggressive.

Perhaps, Raub could participate actively in tourism industry where there is a massive direct collboration from organic farmers, traders, its youth to street musicians and painters ?

Back to SS and our Malays, pasti ramai nak Tsunami…. Mr.Brown dari Singapura dah minta Najib jemputnya datang ke Malaysia sebagai phantom voter in GE 14 . Enjoy the recommendation of a fellow contributor to Sak’s blog:

beep 5x ... silence... hmm no good reasons, create a good reason ..

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