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Sakmongkol ak 47

Saturday 7 December 2013

Omongan Kosong Presiden UMNO

Saya hendak ketawa dengar ucapan penutup Dato Najib. Dia kata UMNO mesti adapt. Hah? UMNO nak jadi parti masa depan bukan parti ditelan masa, kata presiden UMNO itu. Saya sudah dahulu bercakap mengenai perkara ini. Najib baru hendak cakap. Kerana itulah saya sudah kata lama dahulu- if Najib can become PM, anyone else can. Persoalan yang lebih penting ialah bolehkah kita percaya pengucapan Najib? Beza nya, saya berdoa agar UMNO jangan adapt- biarkan ia dengan faham ektremisme nya. Amat baik sekali jika idea2 Zul Nordin diserapkan dalam prinsip UMNO.
Tapi bolehkah kita percaya cakap Najib? Saya ada pengalaman lansung dengan dia, maka boleh saya kata secara beralas- cakap lain, perlaksanaan nya lain. Faham2 lah apa maksudnya ini.
Bagaimana UMNO hendak adapt? Kecuali Najib pekak telinga nya. Ada perwakilan kata tidak mengapa jika orang kata UMNO rasis sebab memang UMNO itu rasis; ada perwakilan kata ekwiti Melayu mesti 67% sedang orang Melayu tulin hanya 51% agak nya. Ada perwakilan kata biar kita ujudkan jutawan Melayu supaya Islam terjaga. Ini saya tidak faham. Bagaimana kejutawanan seseorang dapat membangunkan Islam.
Yang nanti akan jadi jutawawan itu Melayu mana? Zaman DEB dulu kerajaan UMNO beri RM54 blllion kepada dato, tan sri, dato sri- semua pembelot2 ini jual hendak kaya. Sekarang ekwiti Melayu tinggal RM2 billion. Jadi mengapa kita nak ulang strateji salah?
Ada perwakilan kata haramkan syiah sehingga wak jahid beri kebenaran untuk tangkap Mat Sabu. Kita cabar kerajaan UMNO keluar fatwa bahawa syiah itu kafir. Istihar Syiah bukan Islam. Kemudian kita cabar kerajaan UMNO putuskan hubungan diplomatic dengan semua negara Islam yang syiah. Tangkap semua orang Iran di Malaysia sumbat mereka dalam lokap.
Najib tidak dengarkah jeritan dan pekikan ini semua? Bab Najib nak puji isteri dia- itu saya tak campur, walaupun dia tahu ramai ahli UMNO dan pemimpin UMNO meluat tengok dan dengar Rosmah Mansor. Najib puji isteri dia, itu hal dia.
Tapi ucapan presiden semasa mula persidangan dan ucapan peggulungan, tidak bemaya. Ini menzahirkan kekosongan Najib sebagai pemimpin UMNO. Syukurlah UMNO itu tidaklah mewakli semua Melayu.
Maka jika orang tanya saya, saya akan kata Najib hanya omong2 kosong. Kenapa saya cakap demikian? Sebab dia tidak ada keberanian moral untuk menyangah dan membetulkan cakap2 ekstrim semasa PAU.
Mana ada Najib bercakap mengenai kaedah menyelesaikan jurang antara Melayu kaya dengan Melayu miskin? 20% Melayu teratas ada pendapatan bulanan RM10,600.40% Melayu terbawah pendapatan bulanan mereka RM1500. 8 juta orang Melayu layak menerima BR1M mengesahkan 8 juta orang Melayu miskin. Malah dengan tidak menyentuh perkara ini, Najib sebetulnya bersetuju dengan program mengayakan segelintir Melayu terpilih.
Mana ada Najib bercakap mengenai rekonsiliasi kerana mustahil dia tidak faham bahawa negara kita tidak boleh maju kehadapan tanpa penyatuan semua bangsa Melaysia. Mana ada Najib cakap mengenai perlunya keterbukaan bila ada orang cakap istihar Sunni sebagai Islam sah di Malaysia? Ada najib berani mengistiiharkan yang Shiah itu agama bukan Islam?
Ada Najib berhentikan cakap2 persecution keatas mereka yang mempunyai citarasa seksual yang berbeza sedangkan kita sudah ada undang2 mencegah perkara demikian? Kenapa dia tidak beritahu mamat UMNO, hoi- kita dah ada undang2. Ia sudahpun diharamkan. Cakap oleh mamat UMNO hanya ada satu tujuan –yakni menghala kepada Anwar Ibrahim. 
Ada Najib berani membetulkan keangkuhan Zahid Hamidi yang mahu menggunakan kuasa menangkap Mat Sabu? Apa yang Mat Sabu sudah lakukan?
Maka, pembaca yang budiman- jangan kita melopong mulut dengar madah Najib. Itu semua omongan kosong.


Cahaya Qalbu,  8 December 2013 at 02:44  

Most Msians in this globalized era are deeply occupied and engrossed in bread-and-butter issues of the day and do not, understandably, have the time to reflect and ponder on the menace of corruption and as expected left it to the governing authorities to handle the problem.

And still many Msians didn’t realize that their bread-and-butter woes are going to get from bad to worse if they do not pay heed and attention to the fact that it is corruption that is the root of all evil in this country and that is why life is getting harder and more difficult each passing day.

The average and many Msians, perhaps due to their struggling and preoccupation with daily living, are blissfully unaware that for decades the UMNO/BN-led government has been indulging in wholesale and widespread thieving and rampant corrupt activities at their expenses; hoodwinked by most of the UMNO/BN leaders whom they have voted and endorsed to serve them.

By right, based on the nation’s overwhelming wealth, Msians should be far better off and enjoying a much higher quality of life while poverty eradicated. Instead the contrary is being witnessed as Msians are being denied their rightful dues by those who are in power that are corrupt and sharing the spoils among themselves.

In order to see Malaysia as a great, prosperous nation in the future and as a country which offers hope and bright future for all of our descendants, there is an urgent need for Msians to stand united together, no matter what the price in the fight against corruption.

It is time for the right-thinking Msians to come forward, stand up and be counted in a real and serious struggle to fight and eliminate any of the nation leaders practicing corruption to face the music and return the loots that has been pilfered from the people.

The wealth of the nation belongs to the people. It does not belong to politicians, civil servants or organizations and there need to be a concerted and sterner action taken to regain all that has been unfairly lost by the rakyat.

Also, it is time to spring clean the country, weed out and punishes any crooked leaders no matter what rank or status in society he or she is, to make sure that no one is above the law.

For this to materialize, Msians must, in the coming GE vote for those whom they have faith and confidence and belief; those who will not betray them and who will hold political office with the fear of God, diligence and integrity to serve the people comparatively.

For some people, this might seem a titanic struggle that is better being left alone. But the fact of the matter is, if Msians don’t unite and fight against corruption and remove those who are corrupt from holding office, hence, witnessing the dreams and aspirations of an economically strong, beautiful, wonderful Malaysia will be lost because of dishonest leaders and unrestrained corruption in the UMNO/BN-led government !!!



Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 05:05  

Apa saja hujah presiden dan perwakilan masa PAU ialah cakap kosong belaka dan menampakkan angan-angan yakni kelemahan umno.Parti umno tidak mampu dan tidak akan melawan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa.umno juga sudah tidak punya keupayaan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi bangsa melayu kerana ekonomi sudah dikuasai kroni-kroni umno.

Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 07:46  

Political scientist Robert Rotberg on failed and collapsing Third World states:

“Failed states offer unparalleled economic opportunity—but only for a privileged few. Those around the ruler or the ruling oligarchy grow richer while their less fortunate brethren starve. Immense profits are available from an awareness of regulatory advantages and currency speculation and arbitrage. But the privilege of making real money when everything else is deteriorating is confined to clients of the ruling elite or to especially favored external entrepreneurs. The nation-state’s responsibility to maximize the well-being and personal prosperity of all of its citizens is conspicuously absent, if it ever existed.

Corruption flourishes in many states, but in failed states it often does so on an unusually destructive scale. There is widespread petty or lubricating corruption as a matter of course, but escalating levels of venal corruption mark failed states: kickbacks on anything that can be put out to fake tender (medical supplies, textbooks, bridges, roads, and tourism concessions); unnecessarily wasteful construction projects arranged so as to maximize the rents that they generate; licenses for existing and nonexistent activities; and persistent and generalized extortion. In such situations, corrupt ruling elites mostly invest their gains overseas, not at home, making the economic failure of their states that much more acute. Or they dip directly into the coffers of the shrinking state to pay for external aggressions, lavish residences and palaces, extensive overseas travel, and privileges and perquisites that feed their greed.”

Phua Kai Lit

nick 8 December 2013 at 07:47  

An airhead giving a speech full of "what else" but nothing or in simpler terms "hot air". And to our surprise(?), the delegate gave him a standing ovation and applause as if Najib has provided some sort of a breakthrough in ideas and paradigm!

BUT what do we expect? Intellectual and scholars attending the Pow wow? Far from it, this Pow Wow (hope the native American don't take offense, I'm using their term to describe UMNO's PAU) is for the dim and dimmest to come together and have some fun while leaving their minds and for some, their constituency to fend for themselves during a disaster. It's time for joget lambak, free food and of course free entertainment fully paid by their leaders using money stolen from the people (to the uninformed, UMNO call that, money politics where they spend some corruption money during election and after getting elected, use their position to get more money than what they spend usually through mismanagement, abuses, corruption, kamsen and bribes).

It's all halal because it's not rasuah but "politik wang". Change the term and it's not a sin. Just like what Najib says about increasing the cost of living for all Malaysian. It's "subsidies rationalization" and not enriching the cronies by screwing the people". It all boils down to the term used. 1Malaysia is not really that different from 1MelayuUMNO actually since they are now treating this country as if it belongs to them lock, stock and barrel. And because they are the gomen, they can do whatever that pleases them even if it is illegal, immoral and imbecilic cum ludicrous.

Hey, in their mind, winning the GE means they won the right to abuse the nation, people and wealth. They are not a government, they are the rulers, the "Tuan Besar dalam ini rumah"! Anyone who disagree can "berambus" because this is a democracy terpimpin, right to the grave. And that, gentlemen and gentlemissus, is what's going on in UMNO Pow wow, lots of nothing disguise as something important that warrant a live coverage and mass nausea for the Malaysian public. Now that it is over, we can stop vomiting and resume our daily chores of eking a living in a country that has a lunatic running it as if our lives is not hard to begin with! Yes thank you very much to the Malaysian who voted BN in the last GE! You deserve it!


Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 08:11  

Hearing the latest highly – wired arrogant, racist, supremacy speeches of umno leaders screeching from the main stream radio and tv channel in shops whilst on a whirlpool trip to places of interests in Malaysia from Georgetown,Penang,Melaka to KL, with other varsity friends from abroad, it sure makes ones really ashamed to have anything to do with UMNO, will not even consider joining UMNO youth ! It is PK or as the third force, but inclined to what matters most to poor Malays and every poor Malaysian regardless of race and faith - definitely and indefinitely.

It isn’t easy to live a life as a progressive thinking Malay, ever mindful that every poor Malay, Chinese, Indian, bumiputera SS from the middle segment ( neither rich nor poor ) and those in the disadvantaged segment of our society, with strings of academic achievements on paper, real hard –earned - on merits, yet there is this real anxieties within of not making it like everyone else who is ekeing out a living in the cities and the disparities, inequalities of opportunities and wages escalate further as the geo-distance navigates deep in the rural areas. Hence, I think reflective prayers is needed more urgently for myself, what about you (? ) as His blessings and extra grace is necessary to remain useful or increase ones’ ability to function more for the benefits of communities in Malaysia or berjasa immensely to host communties while abroad.

This because of the recalcitrant unjust policies which have denied the rights to earn equal and just rights to new businesses, meaningful jobs with good wages, ( what are the nuts and bolts, the basics which Najib used to measure and justify his idea of a middle class earning MYR 3,000 month ? Don’t ones have many bills to settle when the lights are dimmed to save electricity ?

Hence how do ones make meaningful consistent contribution to an average family, what more to a low income family, say ideally two – three –four – five earning members, each earning MYR 1,500 per month, leaving how much as SAVINGS to meet Najib’s stupid benchmark o f a middle class family earning RM 3, 000 - below the rate for his wife’s daily coiffured bee- hived hair ?

In proportion of the escalating cost of rent, the essential A to Z bills to pay in the city ? In proportion to his elite leaders and cronies whose uber wealthy lifestyle incur expenditures e.g. monthly electricity bills which exceed 100 times; whose one - time family entertainment exceeds most earners in the middle income group in the city, what more in the rural areas ?

At the rate Sharizat was calling the opposition leaders through the main stream English media, flashing her finger and screaming, “ bang### kalau tanpa UMNO, mereka yg undi pembangkang dah hanyut dengan arus banjir !!! ” The backbone of umno – weak leaders, ya, yup, indefinitely. That is an example of a brutal woman leader to lead an organisation, so uncouth in today’s term – why do Malaysian leader government leaders, leaders in companies still flash their fingers to get a message across? Where is the the study and application of civility - body language and content of the speeches, statements ?

Where is the magnimousity, maturity and open- mindedness in tandem with the leadership in the government sector and in the private sectors in hearing out fresh better ideas and creativities to better serve clients and the communities ? Why are foreign graduates with the same caliber of the returning ceo of maxis NOT given the same kind of respect and attentiveness in the presentation of their ideas, proposals and the same trust and respect to implement things in any organisations in Malaysia ? Pemandu is also jaded by policies and 1 Melayu elit people. The backbone of umno – weak leaders, ya, yup.

Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 08:15  


Why do we want still want to be in UMNO, continue to be associated with these recalcitrant arrogant leaders with too much power, too excessive wealth, insatiable fancies and flips, deceptions - unchecked, unbalanced, and without humanity, without accountability, with no iota of strong convictions or empathy to understand the plights and providing fast as well as long- term solutions to the grassroots ?

Again through well- thought out reflections, it is best individual, every right thinking, progressive, mindful Malay to just move on… doing two three jobs, collaboratively alongside our fellow Malaysians… enjoy taking a breather, walking in the drizzling rain and sipping hot tea in it, to drift away momentarily from this relentless mad umno cow diseased racist, brutal politicians and their terrorist – capitalist sponsors perkasa, zul nordin, cakap tak serupa bikin, langsung terpesong dari ajaran agama yg benar, apatah sebagai amalan hidup, jatuh lagi martabat Melayu kita yg baik- baik.

Honestly, when ones touch and connect with the base, and not be incapicitated, undermided in personal glass abodes or utopias of the exclusive minds, it certainly causes anxities… to dread ones might drift into the flow of poverty, the onslaught worldwide even to well - educated youth, that is a fact staring starkly at us, Malaysians ? Does it also cause you to be just as concerned in the big picture - the causes and effects to the cohesiveness of families and muhibbah societies ?

Or does this actually reactivate us collectively, on too many common issues to be more united to want desperately to change to do better things as well as those already entrusted as people - centered representatives in Pakatan to improve their teamwork, ( the progressive leaders in today’s leadership – work etiquette taught at universities abroad is NOT about leaders but teamwork within and across the board, recheck it with the newly returned ceo of maxis, no ?

Najib’s wife elite kindies are just part of the mad cow diseasef animal farm program, it appears UMNO Baru & Lama have implement the evils in the phenomenal foresights of George Orwell instead, yes ?

Reread it with Down and Out in Paris and London, at the same time, explicate them to the Brave New World, then benchamark all the failures, they are soooo sad, distressing, then benchmark them with ones’ convictions and faith, then do all that is right, perhaps consistent peace and goodwill to all communities in Malaysia is attainable with decisive and better cooperation from us – every person - mortal human- yet the most precious of the creations.

Btw, someone here from johns hopkins could respond to looes74 instead, for goodness sake lah.

Be inspired by the invictus youtube movie, Madiba Mandela’s inspiring speech, non- bittered by the brutal regime, howerever when the though provoking, poem inspiring movie was shown in Kl, there were only a handful of audience, and many were mat sallehs, the malaysians in there, are on par (:D )

and bruno bila dah jumpa oil and gas in anchorage, don't ever forget us - good mindful malays here ;)

Yet the gomen leaders still ascribe to all the failures of tyrants !! Win the hearts and savvy minds at one go … to be more directly involving, going beyond…

And it real mad to create a big circus, kibar bendera umno (?) to show they are going to assist the victims of the monsoon floods….before the umno paparazzis, what debased, besmirched selfies !!

Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 09:55  

My guess is that you are a PAS member although I would love to see more malays joining DAP because DAP must realise that it can't survive without malay supports just as PAP realises long long time ago when it incorporate the leftist communities in singapore

Anonymous,  8 December 2013 at 20:20  

Saya dah lama tau najib spesis cakap lain buat lain.sejak mula jadi pm dah nampak ciri2 tu.

Anonymous,  9 December 2013 at 09:32  

CT Ali pointed out Najib refering to the demographic shifts in Malaysia as an offer of light to UMNO hordes is deception.

Najib is relying on very ambigious ideas in the long run. In the short run, his methods are traditional exploitation - of financial and social reserves.

He got nothing in the medium term which is the key to his end..Ultimately he will excuse himself saying he has done enough and leave a mess for his successor.

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