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Sakmongkol ak 47

Saturday 21 December 2013

Inilah Kerja Pemimpin Melayu, Negara Kita.

Hari hari pemimpin UMNO pekik sana dan sini, merekalah pejuang Melayu. PM pun sendiri tidak jemu2 menyebut bahawa dia dengar keluhan rakyat. Kepada pengakuan demikian, kita bolehlah menjawab, orang lain pun mendengar jugak. Soalnya, PM dengar apa dia hendak buat?
Isiu pokok negara kita hari ini ialah kepimpinan. Saya tidak tahu apa lagi yang kita mahu cakapkan- PM yang kita ada ini jadi MP sejak tahun 1976 lagi. Dah jadi timbalan menteri, menteri, duduk dibawah 3 PM, jadi TPM dan akhirnya jadi PM masih tidak membentuk jatidiri kepimpinan yang tersendiri dan kebijaksanaan seorang negarawan. Inilah PM Malaysia yang menyandarkan semua keputusan kepada rumusan consultants. Sejak tahun 2009, kerajaan nya belanja RM7.2 billion untuk khidmat pakar runding. Tidak juga ekonomi Malaysia jadi lebih baik.
Kerajaan pimpinan DS Najib menjahanamkan masa depan negara. Habislah harta negara ini dijual. Dan pajakan kerajaan dijadikan cagaran pinjaman. Ini yang disebut oleh YB Rafizi Ramli yang memetik Lapuran Bank Dunia: Malaysia Economic Monitor, December 2013 ms 10. Lapuran itu menyebut dibawah kepala tajuk:-
Fiscal and monetary policies still accommodative but shifting to neutral
The Federal government moves more decisively towards fiscal consolidation

15. The government is expected to meet its headline deficit target for 2013 as additional non-tax collections offset higher expenditures on subsidies
Despite estimated operating (current) expenditures exceeding their budgeted 2013 allocations by RM 14.3billion (7.1percent) and slightly worse GDP growth compared to the previous year’s forecast, the government reaffirmed its headline deficit target for 2013 (4.0 percent of GDP vs. 4.5 percent in 2012).

This target will be achieved through additional tax revenues(Figure 13). Of the additional RM11.8billion in revenues expected to be raised compared to budgeted estimates, RM7.4billion originated from non-tax sources, including M1.4 billion of proceeds from asset sales and RM4.2 billion from the securitization of government mortgages. Moreover, the government has also continued to underspend on development expenditure.

Harta apakah yang dijual bernilai RM1.4 billion itu? Dan apa mortgages kerajaan yang digadai bernilai RM4.2 billion? RM5.6 billion daripada hasil bukan- cukai RM7.4 billion adalah 2 perkara ini.
Jadi ini rupa nya kerja kau orang ya- belakang rakyat, harta kepunyaan negara dijual dan pajakan kepada kerajaan dijadikan gadaian. Depan orang bukan main lagi bersyarah mengenai kepimpinan yang terbaik untuk bangsa Melayu.
Inilah kerajaan yang cakap besar mengenai menepati janji dan belanja berhemah yakni belanja mengikut kemampuan. Mak bapak kita dahulu kalau takde duit jual itik ayam, kerbau lembu dan gadai tanah dan harta benda lain pada chettiar.
Setelah 56 tahun merdeka, kerajaan UMNO pun buat perkara yang lebih kurang sama-menandakan betapa merudum sekali kualiti kepimpinan negara ini.  This is a country with mediocre leadership.
Harta benda rakyat ini dijual kepada negara asing atau kepada rakyat sendiri? Perbuatan ini adakah sah disisi undang2 atau tidak? Constitutional atau tidak? Penjualan asset negara tidak boleh dilakukan oleh kerajaan DS Najib tanpa melanggar undang2 dan kebenaran mesti diperolehi dari parlimen. Penjualan asset tidak pernah dibentangkan dalam parlimen. Jka demikian, kerajaan telah menyembunyikan penjualan asset negara.
Rupa2 nya kerajaan yang tidak berkualiti kepimpinan nya ini dalam senyap2 telah menjual dan bergadai untuk menutup lubang deficit yang mereka sendri ujudkan.
Bagaimana kita mahu meletakkan masa depan negara dalam tangan kepimpinan mediocre ini? Ini bukan soal cina nak ambil kuasa Melayu, Melayu hilang kuasa atau tidak, raja2 Melayu dinyahkan, atau isiu agama Islam Melayu diancam. Ini ialah isiu kepimpinan negara- nokhtah.
Janganlah kita terus menyokong kepimpinan UMNO membabi buta hanya semata mata pemimpin nya sebangsa dengan kita. Orang UMNO sendiri janganlah taksub memikirkan bahawa hanya DS Najib sahaja yang boleh memimpin parti mereka, atau Muhyidin sahaja yang layak, atau Hishamudin sahaja atau  mana pemimpin yang jadi pak turut sahaja yang boleh memimpin negara. Jika pemimpn ini ditukar yang mengganti nya tetap juga Melayu. Janganlah orang Melayu memikirkan bahawa Melayu dari perdu ini sahaja yang boleh memerintah dan mentadbir negara dengan lebih baik.


melyu tak pandai,  21 December 2013 at 08:31  

Mu ni lebih DAP dari DAP...

Anonymous,  21 December 2013 at 10:16  


I still feel that the best person to lead is none other than Tengku Razaleigh. What we the rakyat now witness is the surfacing of loads of 'faeces' caused by years of incompetence, corruption and neglect.

Unknown 21 December 2013 at 11:04  

Lepas ni para pengkritik semua tlg rujuk maksud UMNO - Unit Macai No Otak... geram betul aku !!!!!!

Anonymous,  21 December 2013 at 11:48  

Datuk continuing with your hard work to convince the rural folks.

It is noble to save Malaysia.

5sal,  21 December 2013 at 13:14  

Zahid Komedi layak kot,layak jadi maharajalawak mega ja la.Orang besaq main api .Hahaha

Anonymous,  21 December 2013 at 14:02  

Jika demikian parahnya kualiti kepimpinan negara, apakah yg kita (dibaca: rakyat) perlu lakukan? Semua ruang dan pintu telah ditutup rapat oleh sang penguasa. Apakah kita perlu mengambil tindakan seperti yang rakyat dinegara jiran diutara lakukan sekarang? Jika dibiarkan kepimpinan negara yg ada sekarang ini terus berlama-lama memiliki kuasa, dikhuatiri Malaysia akan terus terjunam seperti bas pelancong yg terjunam kedalam gaung digenting highland tidak lama dulu.

Anonymous,  21 December 2013 at 18:59  

"Adat gajah terdorong"

Ada yang kena hentam kiri-kanan masih belum berasa sesuatu. Itulah nasib orang yang tak pandai atau tidak ingin pandai.

Sedih, sedih.

bruno 21 December 2013 at 22:55  

Tax,tax and more taxes.The gomen is taxing and grabbing whatever they can from the rakyat.Left,right and center.This is going to make the cost of living go as high as the moon.The people who will really be hurt are the borderline middle class and the poor.

For the political elites,their families,the rich and the cronies of the politicians,they do not have to worry.The gomen is ready and more willing to give them more handouts in contracts and AP's.

But this pushing the majority of people who voted for them to financial difficulties like putting three meals on the table, children's clothing and education and whatever loans they have to service.This will forced their voter banks to the opposition,come the next GE.

But the most important thing for the opposition is can they capitalise on these issues.Take the past GE for example.When the Umno/BN were on their knees begging to be kick out of federal gomen,instead of doing them a favor the PR leadership instead handed them the GE on a silver platter.

The PKR were fighting with their partners,wanting to contest as many as possible seats.Not knowing their political influence and limits they instead open their backsides for the Umno/BN to bonked them.And today,Umno/BN is the federal gomen and the PR with their sore asses are sitting on the hard wooden opposition benches.

Anonymous,  21 December 2013 at 23:26  

Maaf..Ku Li dah tertinggal keretapi. Dia tubuhkan Semangat 46 dan dia jugak yang bubarkan Semangat 46. Sebagai leader..hilang integriti..Sebagai Pejuang..tak tahan cabaran..tak berjuang hingga ke titis terakhir.

Cahaya Qalbu,  22 December 2013 at 00:26  

Rakyat perlu memulakan suasana baru dalam politik negara Msia. Beri peluang kpd pihak lain yg lebih telus, jujur, terbuka & demokratik utk menyusun & merancang sistem yg kukuh untuk memastikan kemajuan negara serta keharmonian rakyat menjangkau ke tahap yang lebih cemerlang.

Sebuah kerajaan yang mempunyai tahap integriti yg tinggi mentadbir negara akhirnya akan membentuk sebuah negara dimana rakyatnya bersatu-padu dan menikmati kekayaan negara secara saksama utk kesejahteraan jangka panjang.

Rakyat juga memerlukan sebuah kerajaan yg benar2 pro-rakyat, di pimpin oleh individu2 berkualiti yg melaksanakan keadilan utk semua rakyat. Sebuah kerajaan yg mengutamakan hak2 asasi manusia serta di sokong oleh institusi kehakiman & perkhidmatan awam yg berintergriti & komitment yg tinggi mengamalkan dasar2 awam yg benar2 mementingkan kebajikan rakyat.

Rakyat perlu sedar bahawa BN kini tidak lagi berminat perjuangkan hak2 rakyat. Ianya sekarang hanya menumpukan usaha utk mengekalkan kuasa kerana itu sahajalah yg boleh melindungi kedurjanaan cukong2 mereka dari di dakwa.

Hakikatnya PR digerakkan oleh semangat rakyat yg bencikan penipuan & penindasan, sedangkan BN digerakkan oleh semangat duit & pemimpin2 mereka yg hanya berpropaganda dgn idea2 lapuk yg ketinggalan zaman. Menggantikan parti memimpin kerajaan, menerajui negara sebenarnya adalah perkara normal yg terjadi seperti di negara2 demokrasi lain.

Yang amat jelas dan nyata ialah; semua polisi & projek2 mega yg BN lakukan mengguna duit rakyat hanyalah kearah wajib menguntungkan Kaum Kerabat & Kroni BN Sdn Bhd shj, kerana mana2 projek yg gagal, duit rakyat juga digunakan utk menyelamatkannya.

Begitulah liciknya BN perkudakan rakyat sebagai alat utk dimanipulasi dan dieksploit menjayakan kegiatan2 mengkayakan mereka. Akhirnya,secara halus tanpa disedari, rakyat menjadi mangsa & hamba kapitalis golongan elit BN! Ini adalah sebuah seni penipuan & mencuri cetusan dari minda putarbelit pemimpin2 BN. Setelah berjaya menjayakan rancangan2 mereka dan menjadi kaya raya, mereka menyuruh rakyat pula berterima kasih kpd mereka !

Rakyat Msia yang telah lama dibuai impian & wawasan palsu oleh BN, Bangunlah Sekarang !!! Jadilah warga yg berani bersuara menentang segala bentuk penyelewengan, pembaziran, korupsi dan salah-guna kuasa oleh BN.

Kekuatan sesebuah negara terletak atas semangat & perpaduan rakyatnya, bukan kerajaannya atau kekuatan tenteranya. Rakyat yg bencikan penipuan & penindasan: keluarlah dari tempurung2 anda menerokai ke satu era baru.

Marilah kita bersama menrealisasikannya agar sebuah masyarakat madani yg lebih cemerlang utk kemajuan negara dan kemakmuran rakyatnya bertapak di Msia…



Anonymous,  22 December 2013 at 01:19  

Sdra Sak mohon sikit ni
"Terima kasih Ah Jib Gor Gong kerana memelihara kepentingan perut dan tempat tingal Rakyat negeri kami.
Negara2 kami yang miskin tak mampu menjaga anak kami yang berjaya menghantar tiap tahun 18 billion ringgit ke negeri kami.Wang ini amat membabantu reseb bankbank pusat kami yang sentiasa memerlukan reseb wang asing.Tanpa kehadiran rakyat kami yang dapat manafaat subsidi 42Rm Billion setahun , kami tau kami tak mampu menghantar ucapan terima kasih pada 31.Ogos setiap tahun.
Maka sebagai ganti, kami semua mengucap berbillion billion RM (dah 10 tahun) terima kasih sempena ucapan yang penuh kesombongan angkuh boros degil bangadiri sikap suka memuji diri sendiri ke langit tanpa had,di utusan utama Dewan MCA.
Pandan dan secucuk Kamu beri ucapan selaku Bapak Sekolah Vernakular dan sahabat karib keluarga YTL,sahabat Lim Dynasti,sahabat rapat TS Pheng juga ratusan kenamaan cinions yang memberi kamu tamparan hebat.Tepat masa nya.
Memang benar kami Negara miskin belum lagi jumpa saorang ketua Negara yang bodoh saperti kamu.Kamu Negara amat kecil hanya 25 juta rakyat.Kami menyumbang 4 juta tubuh.,ingat ya..
Antara kami tiada siapa Negara berani mendabik dada puji diri sendiri kerana murah hati belanja kan 42billionRm untuk subsidi beras tepung gula minyak masak petrol disel gas ,sekolah free,hospital murah/free/khidmat bersalin free.
PPRT amat free( sebab warga kami bijak sewakan ke orang bangsa kami juga).Dapat mykad free,elekrik air bersih free,gajet smat fon RM200,Universitas free..
Semua ketua Negara kami lebih bijak tak macam saperti kamu,kerana kami tau ini semua subsidi dan perkhidmatan free membengkerapkan lama dah khazanah kami .
Kami ucapkan terma kasih dan harap PM 1M terus beri subsidi dan perkhidmatan free selagi mana kamu tidak bengkrap lagi.
Walau pun rakyat kamu sendiri susah dan tak cukup kemudahan asas saperti di nikmati olih 4 juta rakyat kami di Malaysia, kami yakin PM 1M terus membenar 1,000,000 lagi rakyat kami dating mengkecapi nikmat yang kami tak mimpi memberi kapada mereka.Kami banga ramai dari rakyat kami menjadi lebih kaya sejahtera dari rakyat kamu.Kami Yakin juga kamu bangga rakyat kamu,masih sengsara tak berjaya saperti rakyat kami.Nak tahu,tubuh LAB 6.juta RM Husni dan KJay pegwai penumpang akan Bantu.
Tahniah .
Kami wakil
Negara Gred A :Singapura, People Repablic Of hina,England,Australia ,Taiwan
Negara Gred B: India,Sri Lanka,Bangla Desh,Myanmar, Thailand
Negara Gred C : Nepal,Laos,Cambodia
Negara Gred Cekai : Nigeria,Iran,Irak,Columbia,Peru,Palestine ,Lebanon,Pakistan,Venezuela,Lithuania,Bosnia,Bolivia,Philiphine,Indonesia,Vietnam.
Negara Gred bodek Kamu supaya dapat pelaburan duit rakyat kamu: England,Amerika,Turki,Australia."
arjuna waspada
changkat lobak.

Greenbug 22 December 2013 at 02:32  

Leaders who are afraid to make the decision at the critical time but remain risk-averse and hesitate and wait will end up like ex-MCA President Ong Tee Keat - just a mere 160 votes... and that is exactly the same situation for Tengku Razaleigh...

Greenbug 22 December 2013 at 02:34  

YB Dato Sak, how many refurbished units of the Skyhawk did we buy from the Arizona desert store and how many were delivered and how many are in service?

nick 22 December 2013 at 08:04  

More accurately it should have been written as "Pemimpin Melayu UMNO Baru". Unfortunately, the Malays are so slow in intelligence and perception that it takes them decades to realized that UMNO Baru is a breeding ground of all sort of diseases. No, not dengue or Malaria and not even mosquitoes but more importantly human vices and crookedness.

UMNO Baru was in fact created on the need of one man to remain in power and which translated to greed and ego, two worse vices that could exist simultaneously in a man. And when something is created from those vices (as it's core) then we can be sure that it will breed other vices and evils too. The result? What Malaysia is today with its number four position of illicit and illegal capital flight worldwide and of course the corruptness of the government which in turns makes it useless and impotent for anything (I think Najib and his cabinet should use less sugar).

But above all, the passiveness of the Malay coupled with their fear of change and their general lack of knowledge on Islam, democracy and how the world really works, makes them the perfect livestock that UMNO Baru leaders could keep exploiting and sacrifice to further their own end. In other words, unless the Malay change, their lot in life which makes it Malaysia's fates as well, will remain enslaved and imprisoned.

But one thing remain true, most urban malays are quite ready to embrace new ideas and new outlook on democracy, freedom and the future. The problem lies with the rural and of course those "pious" Malays, who somehow are indoctrinated with a skewered understanding of Islam and democracy and of course the history of this country in relation to it's inter race relation and co-existence.

What's more perplexing is that these rural people still doesn't want to change when confronted with the truth about UMNO Baru's despicable conduct and motive. More so when they began to realize that their conduct in supporting and defending UMNO Baru's unethical and despicable action are running contrary to Islam's teaching and even morality. Are these people too proud to admit that they have for decades supported and elevated corrupt and evil men that they are willing to risk ruin and hell, in future and hereafter. Are rural Malays that obtuse and arrogant?

Going by the last GE voting pattern, it would seem so. If that is true, then Malaysian have to wait another decade before change can be expected. Unless these "livestock' change or die in the near future, a better future will have to wait. A silver lining- it will come. The only question is which GE?


Anonymous,  22 December 2013 at 08:05  

" melyu tak pandai said...
Mu ni lebih DAP dari DAP..."
21 December 2013 08:31

Betul! DAP untuk pentadbiran yg benar dan adil.

Anonymous,  22 December 2013 at 09:05  

Hakikatnya UMNO sudah bukan Melayu kerana Mahathir.

ves 22 December 2013 at 14:09  

SPR is the king maker.51% of voters had cast for a regimë change in the just concluded GE13.However in order the dream of a better Motherland to be realized,PR need to garner 63% of total votes casted just to sneakin that magical 112 seats compared to be end which needed just 37% of popular vote to stay in power.
DS Najib and his stooges : its payback time.lets punish the people with taxes and retraction of subsidies.lets gsted em.

Anonymous,  22 December 2013 at 19:56  

The pious Malays, presumably are mostly in the desa alongside the poor Malays and poor fellow Malaysians will certainly be reawakened to desperately want transformation in the midst of facing more challenges, thereby that new force will implode and erupt .... we can't allow ourselves to walk down in the same alley of total helplessness, be sucked into the manipulations of umno baru machinery as in history, many good writers, end the last chapters of their writings, feeling disillusioned hence realigning with positive reach the full potentials within us to snap them off...however the ustaz in the kg do have very crucial roles to play... that is to inspire the poor pious Malays to be brave not to revote for corrupted politicians as it will taint their piety...

despite feeling a little off beat, I sincerely would like to wish ALL especially Walla, Sak, Nick and Bruno " Happy New Year 2014 - plentiful of happiness, vigor, fresh wisdom and success ! "

And wishing those who celebrate Christmas, A Very Merry Christmas Joy, Peace and Goodness !

Anonymous,  23 December 2013 at 05:43  

inilah hasil yang dituai dari sebuah kerajaan oportunis macai pembodek British.Sifat manusia akan sentiasa berevolusi, kerakusan, ketirisan dan rasuah akan bertambah licik jika dibiarkan tanpa ada seorang pemimpin yang rela mati menentang salahguna kuasa.Kita sebenarnya ada pilihan, sama ada mati untuk diri sendiri atau mati untuk orang lain.

Anonymous,  23 December 2013 at 05:51  

Semakin lama semakin takut orang melayu belajar sejarah dan malu dengan sejarah sendiri.Sejarah sebelum pembentukan malaysia dan sejarah selepas pembentukkan negara malaysia.

walla 23 December 2013 at 06:12  

Thank you, anon of 19:56 (a significant time for the blogger, no doubt).

Astute of you to have noticed too many amongst us are already worn out by life and jaded by all that has been happening. Because the pain is for the rakyat, we cannot retract it so it remains inside us.

It has been said “bad times make for good policies, and good times make for bad policies." The key is therefore to have good policies all the time.

However in our case that is impossible because the policy-makers are also key-makers to the national fund chest. They make their own keys to siphon away money from the rakyat. Then to make their acts disappear, they play on empty emotions to divide the rakyat and distract the simpler minded from both vile acts.

In the last few years, the rakyat have turned the tables on them and come together in greater force. However they cannot break the institutional vice-grip that the politicians hold over bodies like the AG office, the MACC, the EC and the PDRM, what more the GLCs, education bodies and the mainstream media.

So people continue to read things window-dressed as if everything is still ok when nothing has been for a long time. And too many of them continue to support a government that lies, cheats, divides and steals from the very rakyat they pretend to support in the morsels they give out that contrasts starkly with the billions they have skimmed for themselves that will become a torrent next year when the rakyat will be hit by an avalanche of price hikes.

That so, if we have bad politicians running the country, how can we have good policies needed to turn the tide on economic upheavals in our midst that affect the very daily lives of entire households being pushed down the rapids to the edge of the niagara falls of modern-day dilemmas?

walla 23 December 2013 at 06:44  

In his Foreign Affairs piece next month, Ruchir Sharma will be writing,

"To keep their economies humming, leaders need to make sure growth is balanced across national accounts (not too dependent on borrowing), social classes (not concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires), geographic regions (not hoarded in the capital), and productive industries (not focused in corruption-prone industries such as oil).

And they must balance all these factors at a point that is appropriate for their countries’ income levels."

In the present leadership, do we see any inkling that they realize those things?

They have borrowed until they need to sell national assets. In their military purchases of tanks, armored vehicles, naval vessels and aircraft, and in investments like 1MDB, Petronas on canadian shale gas, and Felda on london properties, prices have been hiked that show there has been no proper due diligence.

All the purchases have been made directly and indirectly using only rakyat money whose size is so gargantuan it makes their br1m the cheapest skimpiest escape handouts in all of crooks' land.

Today our engines of industry and commerce are a sham. One depends on foreign labour low in skill but rising in cost to be pitted against other emerging nations hungrier for growth. The other depends on capital inflow that milks interest out of flimsy projects whose objective is really not to build true service enterprises - because we don't have the know-how pool in the first place to run them long-term - but to feed the venal greed of well-placed but empty-headed political cronies only out to make a fast buck for themselves without one iota of conscience since they already know they will be protected even if exposed.

Meanwhile we don't have a government let alone a democracy. What we have is the unadorned dictatorship of a banana republic run by piratical monkeys eating all the bananas in the only plantation bequeathed to you by motherland Malaysia while pointing fingers and tarring innocents who have stood up to protest. These politicians and cronies act the schoolyard bully, thuggishly bludgeoning anyone who gets in their way.

After over fifty years of blood, sweat and toil, we have magnificently developed to this stage we are letting GANGSTERS run this nation. They don't have single good thing in them. Not one. Not even the simplest of standards that will otherwise provide hope bad luck for Malaysia in having these jokers run wild can somehow turn to good luck for her peoples in a last redeeming result for this nation.

walla 23 December 2013 at 07:09  

Focus on that 47%. Get the message to them in ways they can connect. For every single one of them in denial, there are a dozen who know and maybe more related by family ties to them; of these dozens, half would have voted the other way the last round, and the other half only dormant because of daily grind dampening. Galvanize these dozens to work on each in that indolent 47 percent.

One, tax avoidance is legal. Why pay unnecessarily to fund crooks?

Two, you need a handphone camera. After stopping the car or lorry at the tollgate, come out of the vehicle, lift up the bonnet, and take a snap of it as evidence that the vehicle has stalled in case a summons is later presented. Thousands of vehicles at a suddenly standstill will make a powerful message to bring home. The Opposition can mount a collective legal defense of the rakyat operating their right to protest. Anywhere, anytime, anything.

Three, shape-charge all such conscientious objection semi-passive resistance movements to two crow-barring objectives - to stop gerrymandering and restructure the constituencies in west, and to open the eyes and ears in east.

The Opposition must also....wake up. Now.

walla 23 December 2013 at 07:35  

The Opposition must get more funky and get really organized. After all, time flies.

Instead of three different nationwide secretariats, have only one where all three operate under one mandate, one organization chart, common resources, pre-settled protocols and a single roof. Let it be near a few good restaurants because there will be many late nights.

In that way, you make uniform anything anyone will say before it goes out to the public. That's important, all the more because you don't own the mainstream media which will be made to pounce and magnify on anything remotely contending.

Too many times, we have seen how one party's member says something and another comes out to question it. WTF?! (pardon, please). You're all working for the Rakyat DiRaja Malaysia. That includes rakyat temporarily on the other side. So, spruce up.

Invest some money to hire professionals who can smoothly manage organizations and massage ego's. Everything and anything must shape-charge to positive results.

Organize some really powerful conferences which will generate some really powerful messages. Example? Umno is today all about anti-Chinese. So organize a national conference on the Roles of Chinese Malaysians - Past Present and Future. That will be a lightning rod, all right. But let's get that out of the way once and for all because it is something the Umno rightwingers have been using and will continue to use until they die.

In doing so, the Indians and indigent natives will also want to get on-board. So, why not one for the Foreign Workers as well since there are already so many of them? Let's throw a spanner into the gearbox of those Umno racists. Start with that idiot that is their Perlis youth chief.

Open the mind, get out of the box, kick ass, fight back.

If the Rakyat be for you, who be against you? Umno? What does that then say of it?

Have a great day, Anon 19:56 and thanks for this temporary revival. Have to go find some money now to buy a small toy for an infant - i was thinking of that colorful twirling thing that one winds above a crib; she lives in the jungle.

I fight fates for others all the time even when i can't fight my own anymore.

Anonymous,  23 December 2013 at 07:49  

Kalau Dato Sak sanggup mati untuk perjuangkan ideologi negara Malaysia, saya rasa akan ramai lagi berada dibelakang sama-sama sanggup mati.Tengoklah keadaan sekarang, rakyat dikorbankan hanya untuk kepentingan pemimpin umno bn.

walla 23 December 2013 at 09:29  

Even before the GE13 results had dried ink, it was already said there will be a raft of price hikes.

Now everyone has to tighten belts. So it will be natural to tighten belts by boycotting any enterprise that links to Umno. A petrol station owned by the local Umno chief? Boycott. The mainstream newspapers, television channels and radio? Boycott. The franchises and food outlets? Boycott. The free seminars and meet-the-rakyat? Boycott. Those Umno mamaks and half-breeds? Boycott.

Use your threadbare wallet to hit them with your own individual personal message that enough is enough. If they give you some of your own money back, take it, put it in the bank, write a memory note to last until GE14. It shall say, "my money is back in the bank but i shall not vote for any Barisan party because they have stolen even more from me, my neighbours, my kampung mates, my friends, my country."

If you don't have the guts to do that, stay at home when the time comes. That will be enough to salve your conscience. Let the others fight one last fight for this nation.

Boycott. That's how you fight 1Melayu to save our Melayu's after that. Otherwise those hypocritical munafiking lanuns will sapu everything.

But then you already know that, no?

Unknown 23 December 2013 at 17:34  

Maasalam. hope you can get you handsat a copy of the World Bank report Rafizi was refering to.
Hassan Malik is refuting the `jual-pajak gadai allegations and RPK said Rafizi may have been thrown a `red herring?'
We have millions siphoned, billions National Debts and sqaundered and trillions `MIAs'
THESE. if we can get them charted and displayed and detailed may be our best ticket yet to kick Najib and his Cabinet, Pemandu and consultants out, hopefully!
We cannot hope for the masses to do the Thai rivers of human dissenters, much as Tukar Tiub and others would like to try.
Facts and figure are our only ammo.
Take care, have a Selamat Tahun Baru Masehi and may all things be well for more expose and fights!

Anonymous,  23 December 2013 at 18:14  

Rakyat tidak mahu tol dijadikan telaga duit umno dan kroni, cukuplah rakyat membiayai pembinaan lebuhraya itu dan kalau hendak buat lagi lebuhraya sepatutnya itulah tujuan tol tersebut.ini bukan sesuatu yang boleh digadaikan oleh pemimpin sambil berbelanja boros dan suka memerah duit rakyat dan merompak hasil negara.

Anonymous,  23 December 2013 at 18:23  

Greenbug, the skyhawk deal in '80s telah membuat kita menjadi bahan ketawa di kalangan kontraktor2 besar pertahanan udara di dunia. Mereka mengatakan skyhawk kita cuma ada injin,altimeter dan meter tangki minyak. Peralatan senjata dan komunikasi adalah outdated. Berbanding dengan singapura , indonesia dan thailand kita jauh ketingalan. Yang aneh nya harga yang kita bayar tinggi. Lokal kontraktor adalah siapa lagi kalau bukan kroni umno sahabat baik alkutty. Cuma beli 40 biji sahaja dan yang operational cuma 25% at any time. Any way not worth mentioning. Duit komisen pun dah jadi tahi. Itu lah bangsat nya berok22 umno ni.

Unknown 23 December 2013 at 19:53  

Bravo Walla, CQ,

Both of you hv eloquently put things in simple albeit "lenghty" deliberations.

I always waited eagerly for both of your comments and cling to every words.

With the absent of "trinity of power" owned by the PTB (power_that_be), we were left with the option of writing and speaking (ceramah).

I'll pray that we wont stop doing it till our last breath since "amal makruf nahi munkar" is an obligation...

Anonymous,  24 December 2013 at 00:16  

Yang betul-betul menjahanamkan kaum Melayu adalah kaum Melayu sendiri AKA UMNO.

Anonymous,  24 December 2013 at 21:31  

Apa maksud mu wahai melyu tak pandai?

Anonymous,  24 December 2013 at 21:35  

Stop living in the past. If Tengku Razaleigh has the vision and concerns for the rakyat and the nation, he would have ditched Umno/Bn and join the ranks of Pakatan. We would be in better state now.

Putra Apt,  25 December 2013 at 14:34  

My dear Walla,

I know you write well here but I cannot accept your racial remarks that Najib administration is anti-chinese .I thought we are talking all along about 1Malaysia now.Let us not allow many malays retaliate on your racist remarks sir.

Keep those remarks to yourself.Thank you.

Anonymous,  25 December 2013 at 14:45  

Huh, you may wonder why Tengku Razaleigh get back into UMNO fold.It is because UMNO /BN has the majority support despite all the PR promises of a sure win.You know what your Anwar is a setback and PR do not have a credible leader that you have to think of Razaleigh. Come on friend.No real need to be emotional .Try lain kali ok.Cheers mate.

walla 26 December 2013 at 05:48  

Putra Apt,

Do you have any facts that he isn't? I have plenty that he is but to put them up would mean i will have to do what you won't like me to do. Yes?

Just take one. He is the PM. Why has he not done any right thing for the Chinese, or Indian, or our indigent natives? All he needs to do is pick up the phone, call a press conference, or make an announcement.

Now, why didn't you notice that?

Anonymous,  26 December 2013 at 17:26  

pemimpin umno bn tidak pernah jujur mengagihkan kekayaan negara.kalau hasil negara mereka anggap mereka yang punya, rakyat pula harus membayar lebih untuk mendapatkan kemajuan negara untuk rakyat.

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