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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 6 December 2013

Banjir Kuantan: Detik Katrina Najib dan Muhyi

Other than the horrific loss of life and property which Hurricane Katrina wreaked on parts of America in 2005, the severity of the natural disaster was eclipsed by the monumental insensitivity of Bush Junior.
Najib dan Muhyidin dengan hanya terbang diruang udara Kuantan tanpa singgah, melakukan monumental insensitivity seperti Bush. 
Seperti biasa Zahid Hamidi menunjukkan keangkuhan dan kedunguan dia. Saya hairan bagaimana pembelajaran yang tinggi sehingga peringkat Ph.D. tidak sedikit pun mengukir kehalusan dalam conduct Zahid. Bila ditanya oleh pemberita adakah banjir di Kuantan akan mendedahkan penduduk kuantan kepada Lynas- Zahid seperti biasa menunjukkan sikap membuli orang. Takkah dia tahu bagaimana hendak menjawab soalan?
Setelah satu hari Kuantan banjir saya mendapat sms dari seorang mangsa banjir- di SMK Bkt Ranging- air, letrik xda, mknan x cukup, yb xda.
Mana YB nak ada- mereka sibuk di PAU. Kepada Bani UMNO, PAU adalah acara terpenting dalam kehidupan orang Melayu.
Bukan dia hendak jawab tapi cuba mengada ngada berkhutbah kepada pemberita mengenai betapa baik nya Najib dan Muhyidin meruangkan masa terbang diudara Kuantan meninjau keseriusan keadaan. Sukalah kita beritahu Zahid, Muhyidin dan Najib hanya terbang diudara Kuantan tanpa singgah pun! Perbuatan mereka sama seperti perbuatan idiotic George (kepada juruhebah Melayu pada siaran Radio Klasik, ini disebut Jorj ya- bukan Jorji) Bush junior yang terbang diudara meninjau kerosakan ketika puting beliung Katrina melanda daerah New Orleans Louisiana dan Mississippi  di Amerika dalam tahun 2005. Kos kerosakan ialah USD81 billion dan ribuan nyawa terkorban.
Hanya terbang diudara ketika mangsa banjir dibawah sana tidak cukup bantuan, makanan lambat dihantar, kemudahan seperti selimut dan lain2 tidak mencukupi. Banjir melanda genap 24 jam, bantuan belum tiba, JKM tiada, dan respons dari ejensi2 banjir dan bencana alam daerah lembab.
Suka kita beritahu Zahid, kepada rakyat jelata, perhimpunan Agung UMNO tidak ada relevens dalam kehidupan mereka. Mereka tahu PAU hanya ruangan masa untuk perwakilan dan ahli UMNO berpesta pestaan di PWTC masing2 berlumba menunjukkan kehebatan mengucapkan dan memuntahkan kebodohan setahun sekali dan malam nya nanti akan mengunjungi pusat2 dangdut disekitar PWTC. Kepada sebahagian perwakilan dan penyokong pula, PAU ialah ruang menuntut janji2 membantu dalam pihanraya UMNO tempoh hari.
Zahid Hamidi menulis thesis nya sendiri kah untuk mendapat Phd nya?
dan suka saya ingatkan Wak Jahid, setelah Katrina melanda daerah Amerika yang disebut, saman keatas jurutera yang membina system pertahanan banjir dilakukan. Di Kuantan, mungkin saman mahu difikirkan oleh penduduk2 Kampung Sungai Isap dan Bukit Rangin dan Kuantan kepada kontraktor pembinaan pendinding Sungai Kuantan dan kontraktor yang membina jalan Kuantan-Sungai Lembing yang tidak siap2.  Mungkin juga saman class action keatas pembalak2 yang membotakkan kawasan di huluan sungai menyebabkan tidak ada apa2 untuk menahan penghiliran air yang berlebihan.
Bagaimana reaksi Dr Wak Jahid jika mangsa banjir mengambil tindakan undang2 kepada kelembapan ejensi2 respons banjir di KUantan?
Zahid tahu mangsa banjir tidak akan melakukan demikian kerana mustahil mereka yang boleh merelakan gerombolan UMNO masuk kedalam rumah dan meniduri anak2 perempuan serta isteri mereka, mahu menyalahkan jabatan2 kerajaan sebab mereka kan Melayu?


Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 08:00  

Khayalan dalam UMNO sudah lengkap DAN TERBUKTI MUTLAK, dari teratas ke bawah - Mereka semua minum Kool-Aid sendiri dan percaya dengan kuasa ajaib sendiri.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 08:11  

Dear Datuk Sak

Extracted from a table in a book chapter I recently published in a book on Disaster Management:

(1) Before a disaster:
Corrupt and unresponsive govt, social conflict e.g. racial tension, lack of civic-mindedness by ordinary people (due to suspicion of the govt). Resulting in lack of
disaster preparedness, widespread
violation of building codes.

(2) During and right after the disaster:
"First responders" unable to deal effectively with the situation, Emergency facilities are overwhelmed quickly,

(3) Aftermath of the disaster:
Rebuilding is seriously hampered e.g money available for rebuilding is stolen or misspent,
poverty of the people is worsened,
discrimination in allocation of relief funds, distrust of the govt by the people may increase further

Phua Kai Lit

nick 6 December 2013 at 09:52  

It pisses me off that the Malays still thinks that Najib and his so called "kabinet" have the people's interest at heart and would never betray or neglect them. With the national debt make that sprinting towards trillion RM and the Malays are still dirt poor with most of them surviving on buku tiga 5 and credit cards, it doesn't make sense to put your trust and hope on a bunch of greedy morons.

With his latest caring act of "surveying the disaster area by flying over it and shaking his head (as nothing more than an empty gesture of concern and caring fit only for photo op), Najib and Muhyiddin have provided the public a rare insight into their (real and actual) feeling and connection with the plight of the people which is "ALOOF DETACHMENT" where they can only muster an empty gestures and even more empty promises of hope for the future but doesn't really care that much.

Najib and his UMNO hypocrite went around the nation, riding bicycle, motorbikes and even taking the bus (a VIP bus nonetheless) during the last GE, campaigning for another term in power and now after the Malays STUPIDLY voted for them again, they (the Malays) get their behind screwed AGAIN! Yeah, looks like the Malays like to get their behind screwed and went they get upset about it, UMNO told them it was the pendatang who screwed them and in order for UMNO to protect the Malays, they needed to bend down for UMNO and what do you know? The Malays got their behind screwed AGAIN and on top of that they have to be grateful for UMNO for the "protection" that UMNO has provided them.

Well what can I say to the Malays except "you voted them in and you wanted to stick with TDM's mythical "Ketuanan Melayu" and by Allah, the Malays really got what they wished for" which is a Malay "Tuan" who cares nothing about the masses or in other words "orang melayu hanyalah merupakan orang2 suruhan kepada pihak bangsawan dan pihak bansawanlah yang layak untuk membolot segala kekayaan dan mewahan yang ada dalam negara ini. Sesiapa sahaja dari rakyat jelata yang tidak bersetuju dengan perjanjian "so sial" ini maka mereka boleh berambus keluar dari Malaysia" or in short "U Must Not Object"!


Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 10:58  

Sesiapa yang menyokong UMNO/BN, terimalah akibatnya kerana kamu semua bukan sahaja menjahanamkan kaum Melayu sendiri
sahaja tapi semua rakyat Malaysia juga. Oleh kerana kamu semua,rakyat semua yang kena menanggung bebanan negara & mengayakan kroni-kroni mereka.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 10:59  

Correction my friend. It sounds better with U Must Not Opposed.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 13:58  

PAU tidak boleh ditangguhkan dulu, ( Banjir Naik) bencana alam kejadian semula jadi, tiada sesiapa meminta-minta ia berlaku tetapi (Barang Naik) bencana kenaikPAU tidak boleh ditangguhkan dulu, ( Banjir Naik) bencana alam kejadian semula jadi, tiada sesiapa meminta-minta ia berlaku tetapi (Barang Naik) bencana kenaikan kos sara hidup itu datang dari pengundi 47%.

Mr Bojangles 6 December 2013 at 15:40  

I'm just waiting for an imbecile from that party to say if you don't like the floods you can leave the country.

After all stupid statements are not alien to these monkeys.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 17:40  


this is the time for PR to mobilize all their resources to help the flood victims, and i believe the victims will remember the help they received for a long time. Do this while the UMNO elites are still having their good times at PWTC.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 18:13  

30% VOTES SUPPORT FROM THE BONEHEAD AND KAMPONG MELAYU MESTI UNDI MELAYU(Umno) MENTALITY 17% POSTAL AND MAGIC VOTES TOTAL 47%.We wait another 10-15 yrs for the bonehead 30% migrate then Malaysia will slowly revitalize from bankrupcy.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 21:23  

With such a serious flood, I hope the Lynas plant is badly affected that it has to stop production. I also hope that the toxic thorium and toxic waste will not leach into the soil and contaminate the water supply here as a result of the flood.

Anonymous,  6 December 2013 at 21:30  

Siapa yang makan cili, biar dia yang rasa pedas!
Thank you to those 47% voters who don't mind all the corruption, rise in all sorts of tariffs and goods, etc.
Country of endless possibilities to cheat!

noor mohamad,  9 December 2013 at 23:04  

saya kurang faham dengan diskusi di sini. nak bantu mangsa banjir ke nak apa? peduli apa saya dengan umno, pas, pkr atau dap. semua pun sama saja. 6 Dec baru ada suara kata jom kita bantu!

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