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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Cerita sebenar Ikan Tamban naik kedarat Lahad Datu

Soalan2 yang selalu saya tanyakan kepada setiap orang melayu yang layak mengndi adalah "apakah keistimewaan yang diperolehi oleh orang melayu apabila Kerajaan Malaysia dipimpin dan dikuasai oleh UMNO"? Adakah orang Melayu dibawah kerajaan UMNO memperolehi kesenangan dan kemewahan yang melimpah ruah dan Malaysia adalah sebuah negara berpendapatan tinggi sekarang ini? Adakah anak2 melayu, disebabkan hasil usaha pimpinan UMNO, berupaya memeperolehi pendidikan sehingga ke peringkat tertinggi secara percuma dan menjadi rakyat berpendapatan tinggi?
Atau pun soalan2 berkaitan dengan Islam seperti "Adakah umat Islam Melayu berupaya menjadi lebih alim and lebih arif mengenal islam disebabkan oleh UMNO? Adakah umat islam Melayu berupaya membebaskan diri mereka dari belenggu amalan riba dalam kehidupan mereka dibawah pemerintahan UMNO? Adakah orang melayu dihormati dan disanjungi oleh kaum lain sebagai bangsa yang adil, tekun, berhemah, amanah, rajin serta taat dalam ibadah mereka sebagai umat islam dibawah pimpinan UMNO?
Jelas sekali majoriti orang melayu yang ditanya akan menjawab "tidak dan bahkan kenyataannya orang melayu amat jauh sekali ketinggalan dan apa yang boleh dijuarai oleh orang melayu dibawah pemerintahan UMNO adalah kemiskinan dari segi harta mahupun minda". In short there's nothing special or even positive about UMNO led government that the Malay can brag about.
What's obvious and most apparent about UMNO rule is the creation of super rich and super elite class of people made up mostly by UMNO leaders, their families, friends and of course the cronies that serve them as the donkeys or beast of burden that carries their ill gotten loot. And the fate of the Malays in the hands of UMNO? Not much has changed since 50 years ago!
The malays are still struggling to enter the business world and what's worse, apart from direct competition with the chinese and indians and with nonexistence and miniscule capital, the Malays has to even fight gomen's GLC, state corporation and UMNO cronies for crumbs and not even a piece of the pie. And what's worse..wait, what can be worse than that? It's like having your hands tied and also half dead from starvation, shoved into a boxing ring and told to win if you want to eat! And still UMNO insist that they are doing wonders for the Malays? Yes, a wonderful job of screwing the Malays and on top of that stealing everything they can lay their hands on.
And with the increase of tolls and electricity, UMNO is putting their hands inside the Malay's pocket and grabbing whatever loose change they can get! It is obvious that the malays are just tools and material that UMNO use to enrich themselves and rule Malaysia. UMNO is not just incompetence at governing, they are down right "a catastrophe"! Anyone that is both greedy and a moron at the same time is a ticking time bomb but sadly the Malays and Malaysian are both deaf and blind.
And that's why, Najib is the current PM and UMNO still remains in the gomen! And the Malays still remains poor and enslaved still with feudalistic idealism of "biar kita papa kedana asalkan pemimpin melayu kaya raya dengan rasuah sebab orang melayu taat setia membuta tuli kepada para bangsawan"!

Saya siarkan suatu pandangan dari seorang commentator yang menggelarkan diri nya sebagai encik Nick. saya rasa ianya mewakili apa yang difikirkan oleh ramai orang Melayu termasuklah oleh orang2 UMNO yang lebih cerdik dari Zaiton Mat , Ketua wanita UMNO Kuantan.
Mengenai Zaiton Mat, kita anggaplah Zaiton Mat sebagai pemimpin golongan tercorot dalam bilik darjah. Orang Melayu yang cerdik, pegawai2 kerajaan yang ada kelulusan, anak Melayu yang pergi kolej dan university- mahukah kamu berketuakan orang yang tercorot dalam bilik darjah?
Jika luahan fikiran Encik Nick adalah hasil pentadbiran kerajaan Putrajaya, maka adakah penentangan terhadapnya suatu pendurhakaan? Kita kena bezakan kerajaan yang difahami oleh puak UMNO dengan kerajaan yang difahami rakyat. Kepada orang corot dalam bilik darjah seperti Zaiton Mat,kerajaan putrajaya sama seperti kerajaan langit Ayah Pin- sebuah kerajaan yang sudah sempurna. Kerajaan Ayah Pin sempurna sebab ianya ciptaan Tuhan Ayah Pin manakala kerajaan Putrakaya sempurna sebab ianya dicipta oleh tuhan Zaiton Mat- Najib Tun Razak.
Inilah masaalah pokok yang tidak akan difahami oleh golongan tercorot dalam darjah. Mana2 kerajaan pun, BN, Purtajaya, kerajaan PKR, PAS, Penang semua adalah suatu work in progress- kerajaan dalam pembinaan. Sedikit demi sedikit, kita berusaha membaiki kerajaan supaya jadi lebih baik. Dalam proses pembinaan, teguran, tentangan adalah sebahagian dari proses mengujudkan kerajaan yang lebih baik. Sudah tentu konsep ini tidak akan difahami oleh Zaiton Mat. Saya harap Dato Seri Adnan MB Pahang tidak akan mencadangkan Zaiton Mat jadi senator pulak- punah bangsa Melayu!
Bahan2 binaan nya ialah pemerintahan ikut undang2, kerajaan yang demokratik, yang cekap, yang menolak sekeras keras nya rasuah, kerajaan yang bebas dari pencurian dan samun harta benda rakyat, kerajaan yang tidak memecahbelahkan rakyat, yang membangunkan negara dan lain2. Inlah yang dikatakan kerajaan. Bukannya kerajaan yang disangkakan sempurna hanya kerana Zaiton Mat membirahi bibir merah Dato Najib.
Alkisah, tersebutlah cerita ribuan ikan tamban mendamparkan diri didarat Lahad Datu. Ikan tamban ialah ikan2 kecil. Mengikut yang empunya cerita- terjadilah sengketa politik dalam dunia bawah laut. Ikan2 tamban yang mengetuai ikan2 kecil membantah kekejaman, rasuah, salah laku, penyamunan harta benda negara bawah laut. Ikan2 besar yang mengetuai kerajaan bawah laut mengeluarkan perintah, yang disampaikan oleh ikan2 polis yang terdiri dari ikan jerung, baraccuda, memberi kata dua kepada ikan2 kecil. Jika kamu tidak suka akan pemeritahan kami, maka kamu pindahlah negara lain.
Demikianlah terjadinya, ikan2 tamban beramai ramai memilh untuk pindah kengara atas laut yang dinamakan pantai Lahad Datu. Mereka dengar ada seorang menteri kanan kerajaan atas Laut yang tersangat apdal saban minggu menghulrkan duit belanja kepada rakyat.
Maka, fahamlah kita, otak Zaiton Mat ketua wanita UMNO Kuantan, seorang yang tercorot dalam darjah rupa2 sama standard otak ikan.
Mahukah orang Melayu menyokong sebuah kerajaan yang korap, mencuri harta benda rakyat, yang bebal, yang salah gunakuasa, yang memerah, picit dan meramas bangsa Melayu? Sebuah kerajaan seperti ini memang patut diguling oleh rakyat secara demokratik.
Sebuah kerajaan yang tidak dapat menjawab tuntutan rakyat- apa mereka akan buat? Mereka akan berusaha mengembalilkan kuasa mutlak ala kepimpinan raja2 zaman dahulu kala. Sedangkan pemerintahan kuku besi ala raja2 dahulu kalalah yang menyebabkan bangsa Melayu itu mewarisi tabiat2 yang menyekat kemajuan mereka dan membantut minda orang Melayu.
Perkara yang demikian sudahpun dinyatakan oleh Pendita Zaaba( semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya). Keadaan kehidupan yang menjadi acuan menempa rupa bentuknya bangsa Melayu yang menjadikan mereka mewarisi beberapa tabiat perangai dan kebiasaan yang rendah, yang lemah. Tabiat2 rendah yang mereka pusakai dari nenek moyang mereka lagi. Iaitu beratus ratus tahun mereka telah kena perabdikan dan kena picit dan perah dan ramas ditangan pemerintah2nya yang pada zaman dahulu itu- iaitu pemrintah2 daripada bangsa merka sendiri.
Bukankah baik Zaiton Mat buat lapuran polis terhadap pemikiran durhaka pendita Zaaba ini?
UMNO terlebih menyukai jika mereka dapat ujudkan kerajaan kuasa mutlak ala zaman raja2 zaman dahulu yang memerintah beraja dimata, bersultan dihati. Tidakkah kita melihat bagaimana puak UMNO yang terdesak tiba2 mengagungkan pemerintahan sultan2 zaman dahuku kala. Inilah bentuk kerajaan yang diinginkan oleh Melayu golongan tercorot dalam darjah seperti Zaiton Mat iaitu sebuah kerajaan yang ditaati secara membabi buta oleh orang Melayu.
Yang demikian, bagaimana kita melayan kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh ketua wanita UMNO Kuantan, Zaiton Mat yang menggesa mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan Putrajaya, meninggalkkan Malaysia? Jawapannya, jangan kita layan kenyataan yang datang dari seorang yang tercorot dalam darjah.
Inilah pancaran pemikiran kualiti kepimpinan UMNO yang didakwa boleh mengangkat martabat bangsa Melayu. Tidak hairanlah mengapa setelah 60 tahun lebih memimpin bangsa Melayu, bangsa kita masih tercorot dalam perlumbaaan hidup. Pemimpin tercorot dalam darjah tentulah hanya mampu menghasilkan bangsa yang tercorot dalam bilik darjah perlumbaan kehidupan.
Atau untuk lebih tepat lagi, yang ketinggalan ialah anak2 bumi2 sedangkan anak2 putera berada dihadapan menikmati hasil perjuangan UMNO. UMNO berjuang untk puak anak2 putera bukan anak2 bumi.
Mustahil pemikiran dari orang yang tercorot dalam darjah seperti luahan Zaiton Mat dapat memacu bangsa Melayu kehadapan. Tapi inilah kualiti kepimpinan yang UMNO tawarkan kepada bangsa Melayu untuk memajukan diri mereka.
Nyatalah, UMNO suka orang Melayu dipimpin oleh orang2 bodoh seperti ketua wanita UMNO Bahagian Kuantan. Kerja mereka bukanlah meyakinkan rakyat dengan penghujjahan dan perbuatan yang positif. Bahkan kerja mereka ialah buat lapuran polis dan membuli rakyat dnegan menggunakan kuasa kepolisian. Saya harap pihak Polis bersikap professional dan jangan membiarkan diri mereka diperkudakan oleh puak2 UMNO. Janganlah polis menyebelahi pihak yang menindas dan menzalimi rakyat.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

UMNO's Caveman Politics

The donkeys in UMNO are coming out braying. Here and there, they were elected as leaders. The most fundamental building block of excellence- demanding and insisting upon excellence, is totally absent from UMNO’s selection criteria. And so, UMNO Malays have a voracious appetite for dullards and dolts as leaders. Despite that, its paramount leader still talks senselessly about transformation. Does that drop from the sky or what?
In that sense, Malays have not progressed at all- in the olden days, the musclemen and strongmen get to become leaders. These people get to lay first claim on sources of wealth, land, women, other people’s wives and so forth. today, in the 21st century, UMNO want Malays to stay mute as democratic rights get assaulted because they are done in the name and on behalf of Malays.
All right thinking Malays must resist this and reject UMNO style rule because it will eventually lead to acquiescence and acceptance of intrusion into our lives. One day, it will be all right if the UMNO overlord comes into our house, sleep with our daughters and even wives and we are asked to tolerate that kind of repression because it’s done by one of us anyway. The Malay family will be told to accept that cruelty and abuse, because it is done by- another Malay. That is how UMNO define government as.
UMNO likes this kind of rule- nowadays it’s called the Malay government- a kerajaan Melayu. But we want to know- what does kerajaan Melayu mean?  A government synonymous with leaders who are corrupt, abusive, mediocre, discretionary, repressive,  incompetent, led by donkeys?
A Kerajaan Melayu that demands complete obeisance and any form of challenge to it, is treated as treasonable- as an assault on the supremacy of Malay rule and government. Wasn’t a challenge to Malay Royalty once upon a time, deemed as treasonable? So has UMNO become the new Monarchy?
The business of UMNO then is to perpetuate the myth of a Kerajaan Melayu.  It seems UMNO can only extend its shelf life on the myth of Malay rule. It perpetuates these myths because it does not have to answer the issues of income and wealth distribution among Malays; it does not want to answer issues of corruption and abuse of power. It does not have to answer the pillage and plunder done in the name of agama bangsa dan tanah air. It does not tolerate question on the excesses of the government.
This is the reason we must continue to fight UMNO. Because government as how UMNO defines it- absolute and unquestioning acceptance and subservience to UMNO Malay rule is their version of a final expression of our political will. We must never accept that. The BN government and for that matter any government, that of PKR or DAP are not the final expression of our political will. A government is a work in progress- inching and moving towards better government and better governing. That is why we fight for better and good governance, getting rid of corruption, rejecting incompetence, fighting for the rule of law until these traits get adopted fuller and fuller by a reigning government.
Our collective political will demands a government that exhibits the traits of a good government- free from corruption, clever government, efficient and productive. It must also be a government founded on the principles of the rule of law and one of these requirements is that all citizens are treated as equals before the law and the provisions in our constitution.
UMNO leaders are bringing us back to the Stone Age. In modern times, leaders are selected from the stupid and the loud and the feudal bullies. Notice lately- how UMNO gravitates towards glorifying the absolute and discretionary rule of Malay rulers? In a regression of history, the tyranny of absolute rule of Kings and overlords is elevated to prominence. We even want a university diRaja believing that stature confers immunity from challenge and adulteration from non-Malay elements.
Zaaba the early Malay political thinker warned against the repressive and absolute rule of ancient kings and rulers. He was specific in identifying the repressive rule of Malay rulers as the single source of Malay tragedy. The tyrannical rule of old was singularly responsible for Malays inheriting negative inhibiting personal traits that became ingrained as a result of hundreds of years being subject to untold tyranny and enslavement – kena picit, perah dan ramas di tangan pemerintahnya pada zaman dahulu- iaitu pemerintah daripada bangsa mereka sendiri.
It’s all politics in the name of Malay feudal triumphalism which is supported by feudal-minded UMNO. Ever heard the Queen of England demanding the return of honorific titles? That would be un-queenly right?  But what does UMNO know about what’s right and what’s wrong?
Einstein said there are two things that are infinite; the universe and stupidity. But he is not sure about the former. If he had lived today, all he needs to do is to look at UMNO and affirmed that stupidity indeed has no limits. So how do we treat statements given by the Kuantan UMNO Wanita chief recently? Answer: we should treat it as statements coming from someone at the bottom of her class. Call it bottom of the class thinking. Do we want to be led by ignoramuses? And that is much loved by UMNO people- they just loved to be led by stupid people.
That’s why we hear of things like 1Melayu shouted out by a person who doesn’t even looked Malay from Penang and worse, that is accepted by the Malays; we have things repeated by normal people like only the mentally retarded do( the latter’s conduct is excusable) – like if you don’t like things around here, migrate, leave for another country. That kind of stupidity materialises in several forms- if the price of sugar is high, consume it less, if the price of toll increases, use other roads. If you want strong libido, consume less sugar.
PJ O’Rourke, the writer of a number of books on political satire, offered an interesting observation on the fundamental cause of many of our troubles. If are looking for the source of our troubles he said, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.
Stupidity it seems filters downwards slowly. But like water, stupidity will find its own level. The recent statement by a wanita UMNO leader from Kuantan is an example of such stupidity revealing itself eventually. This is the kind of Malay leadership regarded by UMNO that can uplift the Malays. That is also the level of leadership offered by UMNO to the Malays.
Only stupid people like the wanita UMNO leader equates UMNO/Putrajaya Government as the final expression of our political will. Therefore according to her logic, those not happy, disagree with UMNO and Putrajaya should leave the country. This kind of thinking was discredited extensively recently but appears to have filtered down very slowly until eventually settling down in wanita UMNO kuantan. This kind of thinking is like something that floats in the gutter- unpleasant and revolting. It however comes naturally from the bottom-of-the class thinking.

Monday, 23 December 2013

MCA's lack of political viagra and Perkasa's overdose of steroids.

Two important events took place over the weekend. MCA held its General Assembly, met and elected a new president and deputy president. Liow Tiong Lai emerged victorious with a 51% support from his party members. He and his crafty deputy will quickly move to line up the remaining seats of the MCA central committee with their people.
Liow would fit in nicely with UMNO’s version of what it wants for MCA leadership. He is malleable. I have always suspected Wee Ka Siong to be a wily operator- he has a track record of edging others to fight first, tire each other out and sort of prepare the ground for his eventual appearance. This time around, his borrowed knife has set aside Soi Lek’s proxy. Liow will face a more formidable opponent in Wee Ka Siong next time around.
When PM Najib officiated the MCA Meet, he advised MCA to take in political Viagra. Where is MCA found wanting? Najib knows MCA hasn’t got the capacity to mobilise Chinese support for the BN. liow represents 51% of the 2300 MCA delegates at the assembly, not the Chinese voters out there.
It wasn’t Liow who sprang to his feet to respond to Najib’s Viagra reference but the wily coyote Wee. Here is a fellow in whom UMNO will find it difficult to control- he has shown an early stubbornness and an indication that he is willing to take a different stand. Liow on the other hand, has missed an early chance to make an impression thus affirming the perception created by the previous MCA president that LIow is indeed a weak leader.
While Ka Siong’s bravado may have earned him points, that can also be his undoing. UMMO will take steps to contain Wee.
But what about the political Viagra reference? No capacity to get it up? Seems to me, the PM has been boxed in by sexual references. When defending the increase in sugar price, he said too much sugar affects the male libido. He’s now at it again. Perhaps he was mindful of the sexual prowess of the previous MCA president and wishes MCA as a political party has that kind of vigour.
The political Viagra comparison is to tell MCA that to UMNO, it’s a wimp suffering from political erectile dysfunction. MCA won only 7 parliamentary seats having lost a further 8 seats from its previous position and has 11 state seats earning it the moniker the 7-Eleven party. Effectively, MCA has been replaced by DAP as the preferred voice of the Chinese. UMNO wants MCA to be robust in the context of shoring up Chinese political allegiance. If this message is lost on Ka Siong who seems to be reading the Viagra reference as an opportunity simply to assert that MCA is a political equal or that he is nobody’s poodle, he is misdirecting his macho-ness. UMNO doesn’t want a strong and assertive MCA leader- it wants a strong MCA to capture Chinese vote.
The second event was the PERKASA general Assembly. Unlike Liow, the leader of Perkasa, Ibrahim Ali, is a mini version of UMNO on steroids. Mini because it has 500,000 members to UMNO’s 3.4 mllion. This time around, Ibrahim Ali says will keep a KPI on Najib’s and Muhydin’s performance, eliciting a sarcastic response from UMNO’s information chief that it’s UMNO which is calling the shots, not Perkasa. Perkasa and UMNO must be having a love-hate relationship; In the recent UMNO general assembly, UMNO’s deputy president MUhyidin Yassin mentioned his gratitude to Perkasa and many other UMNO leaders have expressed filial feelings of Perkasa. Yet, we did not see any current UMNO leaders of note at the Perkasa Assembly. UMNO needs the support of Perkasa but doesn’t want to be seen in Perkasa’s company.
But that isn’t the point I want to expand. At the MCA General Assembly- one delegate stated that in the 2004 General Elections, when Chinese support was responsible for BN’s overwhelming victory, MCA didn’t ask what more do the Malays want?  Good for the ears of the 2300 delegates, but prejudicial to Chinese politics. The tit-for-tat rhetorical question, leads MCA to play the very game UMNO wants MCA to be in- having to grandstand an issue created and embellished by UMNO supremacists. Should MCA respond the way UMNO wants it to( as it did through this delegate)- that kind of rhetorical question will allow the UMNO extremists to project an image of a Chinese horde and the party responsible for creating this mess is MCA.  The Pragmatic Chinese don’t need that kind of image.
So to the Chinese out there, MCA isn’t a party for you to invest your interests in. abandon them!
The lame return shot has allowed Ibrahim Ali to answer: the Malays demand:-
·         The Chinese not to besiege the Malays
·         Not to question Malay privileges
·         Not to question the position of Malay rulers
·         Not to question preferential economic and business policies
And so on and so forth.
Sew how stupid for the MCA to play the game on the terms UMNO supremacists want them to?
I will respond to Ibrahim Ali in the next article.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Inilah Kerja Pemimpin Melayu, Negara Kita.

Hari hari pemimpin UMNO pekik sana dan sini, merekalah pejuang Melayu. PM pun sendiri tidak jemu2 menyebut bahawa dia dengar keluhan rakyat. Kepada pengakuan demikian, kita bolehlah menjawab, orang lain pun mendengar jugak. Soalnya, PM dengar apa dia hendak buat?
Isiu pokok negara kita hari ini ialah kepimpinan. Saya tidak tahu apa lagi yang kita mahu cakapkan- PM yang kita ada ini jadi MP sejak tahun 1976 lagi. Dah jadi timbalan menteri, menteri, duduk dibawah 3 PM, jadi TPM dan akhirnya jadi PM masih tidak membentuk jatidiri kepimpinan yang tersendiri dan kebijaksanaan seorang negarawan. Inilah PM Malaysia yang menyandarkan semua keputusan kepada rumusan consultants. Sejak tahun 2009, kerajaan nya belanja RM7.2 billion untuk khidmat pakar runding. Tidak juga ekonomi Malaysia jadi lebih baik.
Kerajaan pimpinan DS Najib menjahanamkan masa depan negara. Habislah harta negara ini dijual. Dan pajakan kerajaan dijadikan cagaran pinjaman. Ini yang disebut oleh YB Rafizi Ramli yang memetik Lapuran Bank Dunia: Malaysia Economic Monitor, December 2013 ms 10. Lapuran itu menyebut dibawah kepala tajuk:-
Fiscal and monetary policies still accommodative but shifting to neutral
The Federal government moves more decisively towards fiscal consolidation

15. The government is expected to meet its headline deficit target for 2013 as additional non-tax collections offset higher expenditures on subsidies
Despite estimated operating (current) expenditures exceeding their budgeted 2013 allocations by RM 14.3billion (7.1percent) and slightly worse GDP growth compared to the previous year’s forecast, the government reaffirmed its headline deficit target for 2013 (4.0 percent of GDP vs. 4.5 percent in 2012).

This target will be achieved through additional tax revenues(Figure 13). Of the additional RM11.8billion in revenues expected to be raised compared to budgeted estimates, RM7.4billion originated from non-tax sources, including M1.4 billion of proceeds from asset sales and RM4.2 billion from the securitization of government mortgages. Moreover, the government has also continued to underspend on development expenditure.

Harta apakah yang dijual bernilai RM1.4 billion itu? Dan apa mortgages kerajaan yang digadai bernilai RM4.2 billion? RM5.6 billion daripada hasil bukan- cukai RM7.4 billion adalah 2 perkara ini.
Jadi ini rupa nya kerja kau orang ya- belakang rakyat, harta kepunyaan negara dijual dan pajakan kepada kerajaan dijadikan gadaian. Depan orang bukan main lagi bersyarah mengenai kepimpinan yang terbaik untuk bangsa Melayu.
Inilah kerajaan yang cakap besar mengenai menepati janji dan belanja berhemah yakni belanja mengikut kemampuan. Mak bapak kita dahulu kalau takde duit jual itik ayam, kerbau lembu dan gadai tanah dan harta benda lain pada chettiar.
Setelah 56 tahun merdeka, kerajaan UMNO pun buat perkara yang lebih kurang sama-menandakan betapa merudum sekali kualiti kepimpinan negara ini.  This is a country with mediocre leadership.
Harta benda rakyat ini dijual kepada negara asing atau kepada rakyat sendiri? Perbuatan ini adakah sah disisi undang2 atau tidak? Constitutional atau tidak? Penjualan asset negara tidak boleh dilakukan oleh kerajaan DS Najib tanpa melanggar undang2 dan kebenaran mesti diperolehi dari parlimen. Penjualan asset tidak pernah dibentangkan dalam parlimen. Jka demikian, kerajaan telah menyembunyikan penjualan asset negara.
Rupa2 nya kerajaan yang tidak berkualiti kepimpinan nya ini dalam senyap2 telah menjual dan bergadai untuk menutup lubang deficit yang mereka sendri ujudkan.
Bagaimana kita mahu meletakkan masa depan negara dalam tangan kepimpinan mediocre ini? Ini bukan soal cina nak ambil kuasa Melayu, Melayu hilang kuasa atau tidak, raja2 Melayu dinyahkan, atau isiu agama Islam Melayu diancam. Ini ialah isiu kepimpinan negara- nokhtah.
Janganlah kita terus menyokong kepimpinan UMNO membabi buta hanya semata mata pemimpin nya sebangsa dengan kita. Orang UMNO sendiri janganlah taksub memikirkan bahawa hanya DS Najib sahaja yang boleh memimpin parti mereka, atau Muhyidin sahaja yang layak, atau Hishamudin sahaja atau  mana pemimpin yang jadi pak turut sahaja yang boleh memimpin negara. Jika pemimpn ini ditukar yang mengganti nya tetap juga Melayu. Janganlah orang Melayu memikirkan bahawa Melayu dari perdu ini sahaja yang boleh memerintah dan mentadbir negara dengan lebih baik.

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