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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

In Memory of Dear Friends. Part 2.

1. The last text I received from Wan Iqbal read:-saya sakit bang. Get well soon I said. He said he didn't know what his ailment was. I thought it was normal.

2. It was not. He was admitted to the general hospital in kuantan. He passed away later. I lost another dear friend.

3. His full name is Wan Iqbal Afza bin Wan Abdul Hamid. I knew his father Wan Hamid very well. He has supported me while I was in umno. Except probably when I contested against Wan Hamid's elder brother, the late Wan Razali.

4. I called him Za or simply dinda. In return, he referred to me as abang or kanda. Even though I am a DAP member he regarded me as a friend regardless of party affiliations.

5. He was the one who gave me the moniker panglima harimau berantai on account of my controversial blog articles. I have immortalised the nickname on my blog.

6. So that you all know now that there is a reason why I put panglima harimau berantai on my blog logo. It's not because of self inflation. I don't care how others view me.

He was masterful at the Malay quatrains or pantuns. He invented a special one for me to be used in my speeches.

7. It read thus:-

Antan dan lesung lagi bertingkah
Suami isteri bertikam lidah
Saya tukar wadah bukan aqidah
Kepada Allah jua yang saya sembah.

8. He hails from a village called kampung belimbing in Pekan. That's in the constituency of Pulau Manis. If you were to travel there, at the entrance of the village you will come across a stone monument of a star fruit.

9. Admittedly I do not know much of his childhood. But I do know that he graduated from a university in Jordan in islamic studies. He even took a second bride from there.

10. His first wife is a Malay lady from Pekan. He has a daughter with her. Whenever he invited me and a few other friends to his house, I would jokingly ask Tanah Melayu atau Tanah Arab?

11. He is a frequent visitor to Indonesia. Perhaps he has some businesses over there. I don't know. But I know he visits and learns from various kiyais or holymen there.

12. During my visit to Bandung at his behest I met 2 kiyais. One was at a place called Indramayu near Bandung and another in Bandung.

13. He would show me photos of these kiyais at their various pesanterens and villages.

14. Whenever he was in Kl he would call and looked me up. Usually he would bring some herbal medicine which he claimed was good for the male libido.

15. When I was the MP of Raub he visited me there. He got a lot of flak for remaining a good friend to me. But he explained to people that I was a friend who differs in political bearing only. But a friend nevertheless.

16. When I was struck by a stroke he would visit me often. Always he would offer me prayers. We also talked about politics.

17. He would ask me to recite shalawats. He sent me a shalawat to read. And a few other doas.

18. Once when he was in Indonesia he visited a kiyai to pray for me. He sent me a video recording of that meeting and I listened at the doa of the Kiyai.

19. I was very moved when he did that. It was after that i think he got sick.

20. I was shocked to hear of his untimely passing. But then man can only propose, but it is God who disposes.

21. Like my other friend ustad mat, may God places his soul among the virtuous. Aamiin. I will miss my two friends. 

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

In memory of Dear Friends. Part 1.

1. I am taking a break from writing about politics. Instead, I want to write about two friends who unfortunately passed away. May they rest in peace and may God bless their souls. Aamiin.

2. The first friend is Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Jaafar. Almarhum. Like I, he was a one term adun of Kuala Tahan Jerantut.

3. I called him affectionately Tuan Haji or simply Ustaz. He was a jovial fellow and fun to be with.

4. He hails from Jerantut and was a graduate in Islamic Studies UKM. What field exactly I don't know.

5. In the Dewan Undangan Negeri he would spice up his speeches with jokes. That would leave everyone in stitches. I have never heard him proselytize (berdakwah) but I suspect, he did them with jokes too.

6. After not being selected as ADUN for a 2nd term, not many knew that ustaz did some direct selling for a while. He was bitter not needed any longer. When the government wanted religious trained people they were recruited in droves. When the government got stronger its like the proverbial when the honey is finished the honeycomb is discarded.

7. All of us the one term aduns were bitter about being ditched. But we had not a single harsh word against the then MB Dato Adnan Yaakob. We believed he was and is kind-hearted albeit having an unwelcoming exterior. He only looked a fierce man.

8. Whenever he was up in KL, and I was around he never failed to look me up. He also became close to one of my few friends Kamarudin Endot. He would also ask the whereabouts of Wan Iqbal whom we addressed as adinda.

9. We were happy for him when he was appointed as a special officer to Dato Adnan. Through that office he can still be in touch with the new ADUNs then. And to stregthen relationships with old adun colleagues.

10. Whenever we met up, we would discuss a wide range of subjects. We would talk about politics, he would clarify some religious issues, about life and man stuff. In between jokes he said he will get a jampi from someone in Jerantut that's good for the libido. We certainly asked to get it with much enthusiasm.

11. It was around 2017 that he began to talk about recontesting in the next GE(2018) in an opposition party. He was disillusioned with umno.

12. He had made some sort of comeback in Jerantut umno, but he knew deep down that he won't be chosen to recontest. He even tried to contest for a seat in umno's MKT but lost. Those experience may have steeled his desire to contest as an opposition.

13. Ustad, I said a person like you will not fit in the DAP culture. You are better off at a party like PKR. Yes he said I plan to talk to the Pahang PKR chief.

14. We talked about this a few more times. There are many things you have to consider ustad. Chiefly the sensitivities of Dato Nan.

15. If I do decide on that course of action I will have a heart-to-heart talk with Dato Nan. I owe much to him. I was glad he stayed the course and did not join any opposition party.

16. When I was struck by a stroke later that year he visited me. Being religiously trained he recited some prayers for me. Little did I know that was the last time I would see him.

17. He is sorely missed. I wish I could tell him, hey ustad I have found the jampi you were looking for.
May God place his soul among the virtuous. Aamiin.

Monday, 29 March 2021

Fake News Portals. Najib's Handiwork.

1. I am amazed at the adulation of some people at crooks like Najib and Zahid. Every day, we are deluged by some sycophantic media coverage congratulating these two, especially Najib on some insignificant things. Like Najib's opinion on the continued adjournment of parliament.

2. Congratulations Najib on this and that screamed these cheap tabloids. The best news to Najib. Yay! For all you know these news portals are paid for by Najib. Like the one proclaiming that crook Najib will stand as umno president.

3. Ironically the portal proclaiming that Najib will stand as umno president showed Najib reading some material behind bars. Behind bars! Now, that's symbolic of what's to come.

4. I urge the Malays to think carefully. Would electing a certified crook like Najib, win umno a national election?

5. Out of a population of around 32 million there are about 3 million umno members. Can the obnoxious umno members convince 29 million other Malaysians(both Malays and Non Malays) that a crook like Najib is vital for Malaysia?

6. Don't we find it detestable jokers like Lokman Noor Adam or an Ahmad Maslan with their look down attitudes talking to us about the crook Najib? Or the despicable Anuar Musaa pontificating to us? We feel like throwing up.

7. Suddenly you find many of these ball polishing news portals mushrooming after the rain? But unmistakably pro Najib? Obviously financed by the embezzler in chief.

8. The Goebbelsian imprimatur here is obvious (after Joseph Goebbels nazi propagada chief). Repeat the lie continuously, eventually people will accept it as the truth.

9. Our poor, poor Najib is a victim of a grand conspiracy. He is our messiah done in by his political enemies. He is a good person. We won't be able to enjoy his red pouting lips any more. Confound his enemies.

10. The falsity of some of these mosquito news portals are easy to spot. They are overenthusiastic and unashamedly pro Najib. They ignore the fact that Najib is a plunderer and philanderer. Clearly they are written by hired dullards. The intellectual value is nil hiding their falsities behind sensational headlines.

Sunday, 28 March 2021

The mountains moved.

1. I have been saying constantly that the only person who is fit to lead and save umno is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. I have been unflinching in my conviction. I don't give a damn if others don't agree.

2. He has got the wisdom, intelligence and sensible to know what the grassroots want. Zahid and Najib are too engrossed in their personal interests. Ku li can put umno back on first principles.

3. My nom de guerre on my blog has AK47 on it, named after the Kalashnikov favoured by Freedom fighters all over. But the real 47 is the Jawa ponorogo Zahid. He's got an unenviable 47 court cases.

4. Don't tell me out of the 47 at least one will not stick? He's a goner. He will spend a long sabbatical in Bamboo River Resort.

5. He is untrustworthy, dishonest and a bloody crook. Remember he is going to jail not on account of his kindness but because of his lawbreaking activities

6. Clyde Najib, one half of the infamous Malaysian Bonie and Clyde couple is the embezzler in chief. He thinks by roping in Zetis husband and asking for bank documents he can do a Houdini. He will also be a guest of the government. But unlike Aziz Ishak who was guest for political reasons Najib is one for criminal reasons. I will advise him not to bend down in the communal bath.

7. So what do I make when the two goons meet up with the hermit of Langgak Golf? I wouldn't read chicken entrails and decipher too much from the meeting.


8. They may have just talked about party matters. Or the two goons may have gone to kiss the hand of Don Corleone. He is the godfather of umno politics.

9. But there's no denying that 189 out of 191 divisions agree with Ku Li. To break off the flirtation with the illegitimate Bersatu and end the tryst with PAS. Both are unchaste.

10. Their(Zahid and Najib) physical presence at langgak golf is open to many interpretations. To me, it means the mountains have moved.

11. In Kurosawa's Kagemusha when the mountain moves it leads to a loss. And boy, the two goons have lost on many grounds.

12. On the legal front both Zahid and Najib have all but lost. They will spend jail time at either Bamboo River Resort or the kajang Hilton.

13. If they had entertained any thoughts of Consummating their flirtation with PPBM the grassroots have spoken against them. They cannot defy the grassroots.

14. They have overestimated spineless pas which is but a political whore. By the latter's actions its clear pas is a closet totalitarian riding on religion.

15. But most importantly by going to Langgak Golf they have implicitly acknowledged Ku Li as the de facto leader of umno.

16. So stop being selfish bastards. Leave the leadership of umno by placing umno in the hands of Ku Li. To save and resurge umno.

17. Can they leave their seats to their children while they sort out their legal problems? No they can't. The seats are not theirs to give at their pleasure.

18. It's not them who decide. It's the people who do. It's time for the people to exercise their own 'call out' culture. That is to ostracise the crooks and bad leaders. Be stoic and elect Ku Li.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Umno, Own Up!

1. Here are some things Malays don't realise and never learnt. Let me, say them bluntly and in plain words.

2. After 60 years of uninterrupted rule, umno and its insignificant BN partners were voted out.

3. The person who presided over umnos defeat is Najib. Read my lips-Najib Razak. Najib is the first umno PM causing umno its first defeat.

4. Najib and his bloody team. There must be something in him that causes people to find him revolting.

5. He cannot just claim all the glory like he did in the SRC trial he must also claim responsibility. By the way, all the claims in the SRC trial was his duty as PM. What do we pay him for? To scratch his balls?

6. The fact is that Najib lost the election. Don't forget and excuse him for that. Tell everyone. The phony Bugis issue lost the election.

7. Equally, liable are the senior umno leaders. These would include the deputy president, the 3 VPs ,the information chief, the treasurer, the auditors heck all the office bearers. They are all accountable.

8. They should all resign en block and get the hell out. Let new faces replace you all. The sky will not fall down if you do.

9. That's the way of democracy. There's no democracy where's there's no accountability.

10. By choosing to stay on, they are only showing their true nature. They are really totalitarian and closet despots.

11. These mothereffers have lost touch with the people. They lived disengaged. Years of living comfortably and deceptively have alienated them. They believed they are invincible.

12. Then came the 2018 GE. The smirk illusion was shattered. They were voted out of office.

13. Why should the people give them a second chance? So that can live out their deceit and lead us into another round of debauchery? You are finito fellas. Get it into your brainless skulls.

14. Expectedly these discredited leaders have their lackeys and running dogs cleaning their shit cleansing and excusing them.

15. But no amount of chlorox can bleach them. The filth is so deep-seated and interwoven in the fabric that it's better to throw them away. You can't put back the toothpaste in the tube. You know what they say about this kind of politicians -they are like diapers. You throw them away for the same reasons.

16. The storyline from the hired spin-meisters are so bizzare and unbelievable. These mothereffers stole, are corrupt or abused their powers because they are victims of some conspiracies. Those are the reasons given by the shyster lawyers of the Menendez brothers who killed their parents citing emotional and physical abuse.

17. Hence, the pompous and haughty generalissimo Lokman Adam spun the story that Clyde Najib stole because of some conspiracies and grand machinations by Mahathir and now Muhyi. Who is this goat trying to kid?

18. It's like saying that Najib boinked the murdered Altantuya because Mahathir conspired. Hello, that conduct is wilful, fool!

19. It's not as if the people woke up one morning and decided they don't like the faces of these mothereffers or don't like the umno logo. The simple truth is they don't like dishonest people. Ada faham?

20. Some umno fools said they asked people how they(the people) feel about umno. These fools concluded things are favourable now and people will come back to umno. Well, they must have asked the deaf and dumb.

21. Some people told me they will go back to umno if leaders like Najib, Zahid and their thieving cohorts are thrown out!

22. So umno people, decide which entity you want to save. The few mothereffers or umno as a whole?

23. Sorry folks. My style of writing is in your face and take no prisoners type. I hit them and hit them hard.
I expect those who disagree with me to do the same to me.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Trapped Between the Lash and the Gun.

1. The news making the rounds now is the intention of Zahid to expel 2 umno turncoats. They are members of Umno's MKT.

2. The reasons for the intense umbrage on the part of Zahid are because the 2 Benedict Arnolds have the mouths of a vase.

3. These two idiots were said to reveal information to Muhyi. They acted as sounding board to the swollen face elected pig.

4.Obviously they are ingratiated with Muhyi. Either they were given money or were given positions. They were given an offer they can't refuse.

5. Anything is possible from the tempe eating Pagoh man. The man who seized power through a political coup d'état, cheated the Agong and who can sell all land except the plot of his mother's grave. His is a backdoor government which doesn't know how to wish Salam. Jumping through the window like a thief.

6. His only means for longevity is through subterfuges and the continuance of the dedak culture.

7. Netted in his subterfuges and kickbacks are the sexual predator Shahidan Kassim and khaidiriah 'Dira' Abu Zahar. There are probably more. Easily identifiable by their constant assuages and apple polishing of Muhyi's government.

8. Probably included in the rouges' gallery are people like it's not that I love you less, but that I love umno more' town planner, Anuar Musa, the Siamese boygirl grinning like a monkey, Hishamudin Hussein and many more.

9. With no tempest and gushing wind, the sexual predator MP from Arau issued a warning that Perlis umno is willing to be excommunicated from main umno whose religion is corruptilogy.

10. That sounds to me like a pre-emptive strike from a guilty party. Perhaps that Dira lady is planning to shashay infront of Zahid?

11. Only after being castigated all round by Perlis umno, did he retract his prematurely ejaculated ultimatum.

12. Even so, the retractment seems phony and hollow. Despite the proclamation that umno Perlis will stay loyal to the mothership, it still contains hints about the foolishness of not working with Muhyi's Bersatu. Can the voice of the majority of umno divisions be drowned by one voice of the Perlis menace?

13. Whenever, however and whatever Shahidan said, is an act of defiance, insubordination and mutinous. Can the umno Bounty countenance such mutiny?

14. It seems that sissy Zahid is trapped between the lash and the gun. What is he to do? Everybody knows his brain is like a baby carrot. Or as the Malay would say:- To swallow is like letting your mother die, to regurgitate is like letting your father die.

15. The umno president must show he is made from sterner stuff. He cannot tolerate such waywardness. He must represent the voice of 3 million members.

16. He has no choice but to bite the bullet. Expell the 2 idiots to serve as examples. But don't do it alone. Haul the two idiots and others before Umno's disciplinary committee and let them expel the bastards. Sanitize your hands.

17. Shahidan can still light up his fat Havana cigars. Dira can go act in dramas portraying a woman with a 7-Eleven mouth. That never closes!

18. I tell you, in these turbulent times, you need a voice of reason and sanity to lead umno. Whether you agree or not, only Tengku Razaleigh can do that. He's the PM and umno president you never had.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Mengembalikan asas perjuangan umno: The Big Lie, Paranoid Nationalism.

1. Pembohongan Besar atau the Big Lie umno diasaskan atas beberapa perkara.

2. Pada pendapat saya perkara2 tersebut adalah paranoid nationalisme, Islam sontoloyo, budaya korapsi dan kepercayaan umno mesti dipimpin oleh pemimpin2 berketurunan.

Saya bercakap atas dasar saya orang Melayu. Kerana umno itu parti terbesar mewakili bangsa Melayu, saya hendakkan ia mempunyai ciri2 yang saya rasa mesti ada.

3. Dari 1990 hingga 2011, saya ahli umno. Saya pernah menjadi AJK bahagian, ketua penerangan dan ADUN umno. Bahagian mana? Saya tidak bangga menyebut nya ialah Pekan Pahang. Bahagian penyamun tarbus.

4. Dari 2012 hingga sekarang saya ahli DAP. Dari 2013 hingga 2018 saya adalah ahli parlimen Raub Pahang, tempat nenek moyang saya.

5. Jadi, saya rasa saya bukan saja layak bercakap mengenai umno, tapi saya juga melihatnya dari perspektif Melayu dan bukan Melayu.

6. Budak2 hingusan dan orang2 redneck umno akan memperrtikaikan pandangan saya. Takde hal. Nak baca, baca- taknak baca bacalah komik gila gila.

7. Perkara pertama yang mencengkam minda ahli umno dan orang Melayu ialah nationalism paranoid dan schizophrenia .

8. Binatang apa yang saya cakap ni? Selalu orang guna istilah paranoid schizophrenia. Makna nya mendanya?

9. Yang pertama nya ialah kebencian keatas bangsa pendatang secara membabi buta. Sebab warna mereka lain, agama lain, budaya lain dsb nya.

10. Hanya sebab mereka lain, dijadikan alasan untuk membenci mereka . Bangsa Cina sebab asal datang dari negeri Cina boleh dibenci. Orang India asal dari negeri India boleh dibenci. Walaupun mereka warga negara Malaysia.

11. Unsur kedua dalam nasionalisme sempit ini ialah sentiasa mencurigai dan syak wasangka terhadap bangsa target.

12. Unsur ketiga ialah merasakan sentiasa dianiayai dan dizalimi oleh bangsa target.

13. Segala kekayaan dan stok pengkayaan dalam negara ini bersifat zero sum game. Dimana kemajuan bangsa lain tidak boleh berlaku tanpa memiskinkan bangsa lain. Orang Cina kedepan hanya dengan membelakangkan bangsa Melayu.

14. Setiap jenerasi bangsa bukan- Melayu membawa DNA tidak mengenang budi kepada pengorbanan bangsa Melayu. Dari tidak mempunyai kerakyatan, bangsa lain diberi kerakyatan oleh bangsa Melayu. Orang Melayu merelakan diri mereka menjadi diri bangsa minoriti dalam negara sendiri ketika itu.

15. Sikap kacang lupakan kulit ini menjadikan bangsa bukan- Melayu komuniti yang arrogant, sombong dan angkuh. Ia melahirkan perasaan yakin diri yang sombong lagi angkuh. Ia membimbangkan bangsa Melayu.

16. Seterusnya penghujjahan sesudah fakta(after the fact) bangsa bukan-Melayu, tidak meredakan kebimbangan dan keraguan bangsa Melayu. Bangsa Melayu melihat diri mereka sebagai suatu bangsa under siege yang bertubi tubi.

17. Ada 2 hujjah yang erroneous yang saya lihat disini. Pertama,ialah hujjah yang mengatakan bangsa Melayu itu sendiri satu bangsa yang berhijrah dari negeri2 lain. Kedua, pendapat yang mengatakan orang 'asli'itu adalah penduduk asal tanah Melayu. Saya akan debunk kedua dua hujjah ini.

18. Hujjah pertama mengenepikan pemahaman konsep Tanah Melayu kepada bangsa Melayu. Kepada bangsa Melayu 'Tanah Melayu' adalah kawasan2 yang dihuni orang Melayu.

19. Maka ini termasuklah sebahagian kawasan selatan Thailand, Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Temasek, Borneo, Brunei, sebahagian Filipina, Indochina Indonesia etc. Penghijrahan kumpulan dari satu tempat ke satu tempat lain dengan itu berlaku dalam dunia Melayu dan merupakan perpindahan biasa.

20. Maka nya perpindahan biasa tidak mengiktiraf persempadanan fisikal. Sempadan fisikal hanyalah 'constructs' imperiasm dan colonialism . Orang2 yang menggunakan hujjah ini, pada pendapat saya, adalah golongan revisionists.

21. Juga istilah 'orang asli' tidak tepat dan suatu kesilapan sejarah yang diulangi 'Orang asli' bukan bererti penduduk asal tapi dekat dengan alam semula jadi atau asli. Terma yang lebih tepat pada saya, ialah orang rimba.

22. Jika mereka penduduk asal ada kita jumpa sistem kerajaan dan undang2 yang seragam? Tidak ada, kecuali anda mahu jadi petty.

23. Demikianlah perkara2 yang saya sebut tadi dan hujjah2 revisionists dan berbaur imperialists lackey, telah meghasilkan paranoid nationalism.

24. Ia membenarkan beberapa tokoh political charlatans dan neo feudalists menggunakan paranoid nationalism untuk memenjarai minda bangsa Melayu ke arah kehancuran.

25. Dalam bab yang seterusnya saya akan menghuraikan perkara2 yang saya telah sebut. Saya akan cuba 'debunk' perkara2 tersebut. Juga saya akan membicarakan penggunan tafsiran Islam yang salah telah menyekat kemajuan bangsa Melayu.

Friday, 19 March 2021

Pas and Political Prostitution.

1. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, the man who should lead and save umno described Pas as a political prostitute. That is a most derisive description that is unfortunately apt.

2. That encapsulates pas's proclivity of sleeping around with so many political parties. It has shared beds with semangat 46 and umno once. It slept with PH and cavorted with DAP. It formed union with umno through MN. Now it sells its body to Muhyi's ppbm.

3. Comfortable and cushiony life has edified the ideological sharpness of pas. Many of their leaders are compromised.

4. Many have become ministers. Haji Hadi became the ambassador to the Middle East promising to bring in Arab investments but just hot air thus far. Many got body guards, got to travel overseas and not a few casting their lusty eyes planning to take another bride. Bismillah.

5. Protecting their jobs and positions become the overriding objective rather than implementing Islamic principles.

6. Instead of proselytizing umno with Islamic principles they abandoned that role. They are closer to ppbm than with umno. Umno suddenly finds itself as the jilted old wife and consigned to the maids room in the kitchen. While in power pas is silent about article 355.

7. Pas has jilted umno and has become the unabashed apologist and justifier of all the egregious policies of the Muhyi's government.

8. Thus, Haji Hadi is strenuously trying to find some verses in the Quran or some thinking by some obscure Muslim jurists that justify corruption. Maybe he can look for something that justify prostitution too.
Taqiyudin is looking at some dusty law books
that support defying the Agung and letting parliament to adjourn sine die permanently.

9. The bitter truth is that pas is a closet totalitarian and fascist. It uses any means necessary to justify its chameleon like position at any one time.

10. Pas has a, ready bogeyman to blame for all the predicaments facing the Malays -DAP. DAP is the spectre responsible for all the ills befalling the Malays. Sap sap suey ma!

11. Hence, pas is our spiritual big brother watching over us. Most damaging, regimenting and straight jacketing our lives.

12. So when Tengku Razaleigh likens pas to a political prostitute, it is most appropriate. Pas accommodates the 'size'of our problem.

13. Only an unrepentant and romantic fool like the MB of Kedah, whom I suspect is reading allergic(he is allergic to reading) and therefore ignorant waxes lyrical over the unholy union between satanic pas and umno

14. Which century is he living in? In about 10 years we Muslims will be about 85%.

15. All the suppression, oppression and plundering against the Malays and Malay institutions, are done by Malays.

16. Look at Tabung Haji, Felda felcra, Mas and even Jakim-who did the shit there? All inspired by spiritual licensing.

17. So don't trust these holier than thou blokes in flowing robes. They got their dicks concealed.

18. The Kedah Neanthertal also sarcastically said an 80-year-old man would be better off advising the party to unite. Why form an onholy union fool?

19. Half the brain of the 80-year-old, is probably worth more than the whole body of the Kedah ignoramus.

20. Tengku Razaleigh is still polite comparing pas to a prostitute. He is a refined and a noble man. He looks at the issue at his level. But I am a country bumpkin. Looks at the analogy at a rougher level.

21. To me a country bumpkin, a prostitute has more morality and principles than pas has. Pas is worse than a prostitute.

22. The gentleman describes the analogy better than I can:-

#Prostitutes dont take your money and sleep with someone else unlike the politicians who takes your votes and support someone else

#Prostitutes dont disguise themselves as virgin nun unlike the politicians who disguise themselves as holier than thou and end up raping the people.

#Prostitutes serve you as promised unlike the politicians who's promise in their manifesto are all lies

#Prostitutes use their body to give you satisfaction unlike the politicians who use promises to trick you.

So, please don't compare them with some of our politicians. They are way more noble, professional, and ethical.
By Karuppiah Indra

23. Talking about prostitutes remind me of a poem by WS Rendra entitled 'bersatulah pelacur2 kota jakarta'. Enjoy some excerpts:

Katakan kepada mereka
Bagaimana kau dipanggil ke kantor menteri
Bagaimana ia bicara panjang lebar kepadamu
Tentang perjuangan nusa bangsa
Dan tiba-tiba tanpa ujung pangkal
Ia sebut kau inspirasi revolusi
Sambil ia buka kutangmu

Mogoklah satu bulan
Dan mereka akan puyeng
Lalu mereka akan berzina
Dengan isteri saudaranya.

24. So please don't lecture me on these holy dicks. Don't tell me to unite only to plunder the voiceless.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Mengembalikan Asas Perjuangan Bangsa Yang Asli. Bahagian 1.

1. Ramai pemimpin umno menghadapi kes2 jinayah di mahkamah.

2. Sedar atau tidak jumlah yang begitu ramai berlaku pada zaman Najib dan selepasnya.

3. Kebenaran nya Najib pembawa musibah pada umno dan bangsa Melayu.

4. Akibat karenah Najib ramai pemimpin umno berkelakuan serupa. Kalau guru kencing berdiri anak murid kencing berlari.

5. Maka kita ada tokoh2 haprak seperti Azeez Raheem, Teuku Adnan, Zahid, Bung dan lain yang belum terdedah. Undang2 belum menangkap mereka sahaja lagi.

6. Bahkan saya syak 70%dari MKT umno terjebak dalam salah guna kuasa atau rasuah. Ianya bukan persepsi tapi benar2 berlaku. Hanya undang2 belum memerangkap mereka.

7. Tapi bagaimana kita menerangkan perihal ahli2 umno terus dan bersemangat menyokong penyagak2 ini? Adakah mereka diserang penyakit gila babi?

8. Yang menjadikan demikian ialah hanya gila babi atau hilang kewarasan sementara saja yang menjustifikasikan sokongan kepada perompak, perasuah dan kaki betina.

9. Namun penyakit gila babi atau hilang kewarasan sementara ini berlarutan selama 61 tahun. Tapi jangan heran kalau penyakit gila babi di justifikasikan untuk apa2 tindakan dan perbuatan.

10. Notorious Najib sebagai contoh, telah menggunakan penyakit gila babi untuk menceraikan isteri pertamanya. Tapi berbeza dengan penyakit bini Najib yang dikiranya kekal, penyakit orang umno dan Melayu bersifat sementara dan boleh dibuang.

11. Tidak ada dalam budaya Melayu atau peinsip Islam yang memperuntukkan orang Melayu atau umno mempertahankan yang memberi musibah.

12. Prinsip berkawan dalam Islam dinyatakan sebagai:bersahabatlah dengan orang yang membawa kebaikan dan yang meningkatkan ketaqwaan. Jauhi dari yang membawa kejahatan. Takutlah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya azab Allah itu maha dasyat.

13. Kalau demikian bagaimana kita menerangkan segelintir kumpulan telah berjaya menguasai minda majoriti orang umno dan Melayu?

14. Yakni kesalahan2 yang mereka lakukan seperti rasuah, rompakan dan salah guna kuasa adalah umpama lencana hormat bangsa Melayu?

15. Pertama dan utama, segelintir puak kanan telah merampas kuasa atau hijack perjuangan umno yang legitimate dan mengganti ia dengan perjuangan kepentingan sendiri.

16. Perjuangan untuk kepentingan peribadi ini, yang lahir dari prejudis2 peribadi pula dijadikan identiti perjuangan umno dan bangsa Melayu keseluruhan nya. Ianya ialah The Big Lie yang telah memenjarai minda orang umno dan Melayu.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Can The Carcass of an Elephant Be Covered By A Tiny Leaf?

1. There are many selfish bastards in umno. Although they faced numerous criminal cases they still hang on to umno.

2. By remaining in umno they drag the party into the quicksand of complicity. It makes it seems as though that umno supports their crime.

3. By doing so they hoped they can overturn negative legal results by the force of numbers.

4. It clearly shows they don't respect the law if it's not in their favour. Why should we continue to support transgressors?

5. If you are Muslims please heed the warnings of Allah. Allah said curses were pronounced on the Israelites because they are transgressors. When they saw their friends committing all kinds of wrongs they swept all under the carpet. For that, they received God's condemnation/laknat.

6. If you believed you are an umno member and is therefore shielded from punishment, remember that God's promises are never reneged.

7. The problem is you have taken the fear of God from both the transgressors and complicitors. Its now necessary to put the fear in both.

8. The transgressors must be punished as severely as the law permits. The complicitors must be punished by some law.

9. That's why I looked askance when some misguided fools collect money for Najibs tax evasion. That man stole billions, and you want to part off with your hard-earned money. You are not a fool but a bloody fool.

10. You are furthering the commission of some felonies. Therefore, you must be punished. You are abettors after the fact.

11. More than that, it shows the values' system among the umno lumpenproletariat is wrong. A wrong is a wrong no matter what.

12. Therefore, it is unconscionable for those facing criminal charges to fall back on the party. The political party must not be a partner in crime.

13. The party must therefore jettison off these criminals.

14. Those facing criminal charges must volunteer to cease being a party member for the time being. Don't hide behind the principle of innocent before found guilty. As a politician, you must subscribe to a higher principle. The higher principle is the reverse.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Pak Sontoloyo.

1. When I was small, my late mother would always use the term 'wak sontoloyo' derisively. As when we dressed up shabbily. Or when we do work in a cincai manner.

2. My late mother who was born in Pontian Johore doubtless picked up the term from the Javanese community in Johore.

3. It is a term used to describe something you do, anything you have done in a shoddy and lousy manner or done out of touch with reality.

4. Hence, if you wear baggy baju Melayu and wears your songkok across and not along the head, you are said to dress like Pak sontoloyo. Pak sontoloyo is akin to Pak Pandir.

5. The first person to apply the term sontoloyo on Islam was Soekarno. He was assailing againts official islam ignoring political and social realities.

6. At that time Islam failed to use its dogmas to free the Indonesians from their own vicious circle of allround backwardness.

7. For failing to function as It should be, It became a shackle and a fetter. Therefore, it's referred to as Islam sontoloyo.

8. The same thing is happening in Malaysia today. The tenets of Islam are not used to lift up the Malays out of their malaise, but instead their energies are dissipated in non-productive pursuits.

9. The fault lies with the leadership and people with vested interests in the religious industrial complex. That is to keep the religious industry as a repressive and indoctrination tool.

10. It simply means you have got the wrong people in positions. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says when that happens wait for the day of destruction.

11. Like the mullahs screaming berserk over Sajat's renunciation of Islam. The chap has chosen to go to hell. If these people are so concerned about one Sajat, accompany Sajat to hell.

12. Not to be outdone, there's a mothereffer in Perak, the PAS information chief who uttered something ridiculous. In celebration of Women's Day he said the best gift a wife can give to her husband is another lady. There's thinking with the dick for you!

13. Thats the kind of thinking that keeps the Malays down. Previously under umno now under Wak Muhyi.

14. The thinking that produced an imbecilic Malay who elevated Najib as Amirul Mukminin. Both he and Najib are dickheads.

15. Even that cannot beat the presence of Pak Sontoloyo personified. His name is Abah Moo from Pagoh. The most hated PM thus far eclipsing even Mr albino Red Lips.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Islam Sontoloyo.

1. The political reality is that the Malays are trapped in a vicious circle of general backwardness.

2. I would have thought that the dogmas of Islam would have been used to free the Malays out of the circle.

3. But it is not to be. Instead, the energies of the people(both mental and physical) are dissipated in pursuits not directed at taking them out of the vicious circle. But they are employed by the mental retarded ustazs to hold the umno masses back.

4. We are pontificated on unproductive mental pursuits such as what is the shariah ruling on watching porno films, that corruption is permissible according to deeper shariah meaning, that's it's permissible to masturbate because you are far away from the wife, that heaven is filled with scream of virgins because the pious are busy deflowering them. Sheesh!

5. Why are we not preached on the importance of education and skills, on being productive, to be rich is glorious, business as a devotion etc.

6. Official Islam is run by dullards, the Ustaz wa retards, who like nothing better than to have their dicks suckled by some unfortunate harlots. While they issue nonsensical imprisoning edicts.

7. Haji Hadi for instance, would very much like somebody hide underneath his xxl robe while he finds some obscure reasoning to justify corruption.

8. They are mostly sexual perverts practising multiple standards. While they huff and puff like pigs over Sajat's decision to renounce Islam they are quiet over other possible lbgts like Azalina, Khaled Nordin or Hishamuddin. Perhaps they get some cheap orgasms too.

9. This suggests that official Islam is run as a matter of convenience according to officialdom's wishes. Never directed at freeing the Malays out of the vicious circle.

10. This is the reason why official Islam is portent. It is beyond questioning. They are the words of God albeit beng transmitted by dullards.

11. The truth is that official Islam can only thrive under a totalitarian regime. What it says, even though coming from the cerebrally challenged, are accepted without question.

12. That is why the claim that Islam is a total solution is repeated ad nauseam. The irony is total is the first five words of TOTALITARIAN.

13. Unfortunately there's an inverse relation between what it claims and what it wants to do. When it says it wants to cure society's ills it actually causes more ills.

14. The inverse relationship happens because true Islam in intermediated by mortal minds. Now, where there is intermediacy by mortal minds, the actions by the Islamic industrial complex are always challenge-able.

15. Because their actions are unchallengeable their misfeasances, malfeasances and their nonsensical spending are never questioned. That could only happen under a totalitarian regime.

16. Rather than being a religious gendarme spying on couples in seedy hotels, allowing Muslims to eat frozen kangaroo meat, greedily issuing halal certificates and so on, the religious departments are better off seeing they are well-equipped and have well-trained personnel.

17. But perhaps some of these religious brown shirts, get their orgasm watching couples copulating and cavorting. Some people!

18. Because they neglect the supervision of religious schools, madrasahs and pondoks some of these places become harems to rape young boys and girls. Some ustazs can't keep their dicks under the robes.

19. What is the response of official Islam if you challenge and defy them? They will quickly declare you an apostate and a heretic. They are happy unchallenged and content being conferred a monopoly over the lives of others.

20. Not to liberate people or free them from the vicious circle but keep them mentally shackled. They become a repressive tool of the ruling class. After all they are financed by the ruling class.

21. Just look at JAKIM. They got lots of money through the recent anti people Budget. What do they do?

22. To sow the seeds of dissension, exhorting Muslims to defend Islam. Against whom? In about 10 years Muslims will be about 85%of the population. Thus, the only threat to Islam will come from their own reactionary dogmatism.

23. Accordingly, they get Muslims all ruffled up on issues not at all related to political realities such as debating excitedly about what are the sexual organs of Sajad? Is that productive?

24. The money they got will definitely be used up to live out their sexual perversions. They asked ladies to dress accordingly while they looked lewdly at certain parts of the female anatomy. They asked women to wear hijab, burqa, veil and so on, but can't wait to grab them by the pussy. Anyway that is the way to ascertain the sex of the other person, isn't it?

25. So what is our objection to the indoctrination of official Islam? As practised by umno for a good part of its 61 years and now continued by the dressed stupidly and looking stupidly, man from Pagoh?

26. First, for failing to provide the Malays an ideological basis to free themselves from the vicious circle of general backwardness.

27. Because of its glaring dereliction of duty, it becomes a repressive tool of the ruling class holding the people back, acting as the priestly big brother.

28. We also find it objectionable by it unilaterally conferring upon itself absolute authority. Not to be challenged or questioned.

29. By stealing the right of the Malays, the right to challenge and question it is unmistakeably behaving like a totalitarian entity. Under such a regime every type of intransigences are permissible by the religious commissars.

30. That, the Malays cannot accept. Like a poet once said. Later the light in high places will be extinguished. And people will get more drunk. For the transgressors God is dead!

Friday, 5 March 2021

UMNO's 'el cucuy': Xenophobic Nationalism.

1. Umno must carry out its own revolution. It must:-
A) expunge its xenophobic nationalism
B) free itself from religious bigotry and reactionary religious interpretations
C) reject corruption
D) reject elitism

2. The idea of using irrational hate towards a particular race is both abhorrent and unconscionable.

3. But that is exactly what the umno bigwigs do. Using unfounded fears and ethnic differences to stir up resentment.

4. Primal fear and ignorance is used to justify hating others. It's also used to justify and hide a host of litanies committed by the Malay elites.

5. Hate is anathema to the Malay psyche. They are naturally tolerant and accommodative. Its also so againts one principle in Islam which so guided the Malays.

6 . There are in fact so many principles that shaped the Malay psyche, but we cite two. Didn't the Quran says that God created the different races of different sex so that the Muslims could befriend them? And isn't Islam claimed to be the religion of peace?

7. So if Islam is the religion of harmony and cordiality and religion of peace how can the Malays commit all the atrocities, violence and corruption and other intransigences?

8. If it is not permitted to do that on its own flock, it also cannot do it on non Muslims. But here in Malaysia the chinese in particular are subjected to Malay COON-ization.

9. If it's not a natural part of the Malay psyche where does it come from?

10. It's drilled onto the receptive minds of umno members by its feudalistic minded leaders. Who thrived and prosper and derived political longevity on the first 4 letters of feudalism and its variants-viz FEUD.

11. A minority has hijacked the Melayu ness and self appoint themselves as spokesman for Malay ness.

12. By hijacking the Melayu- ness they are able to convert the usual placid Malays into instantaneous hate groups, belligerants and bellicose groups.

13. They are just inciters and agent provocateurs by any other name.

14. To be sure, not to assume the majority in umno is not just a pliable putty to be shaped at will, there are elements of Malay supremacists among them.

15. Ready to accept the prognoses of the false prophets as comforting fodder. Its comforting to be able to blame someone for your shortcomings.

16. Hence all forms of shotcoming-poverty, missed business opportunities, missed educational opportunities, are stolen by the 'chinks'.

17. Masking behind this gnarling belicosity, these mothereffers are able to commit a number of intransigences with impunity. All under the name of Melayu- ness

18. The plunder at MAS, TH, felda, felcra and 1MDB were done by Malays. All possible because of xenophobic nationalism. Wrongs commited by Malays are excusable otherwise they will be done by the yellow menace.

19. To be fair and to show that this not a love fest for the Chinese, there are indeed chauvinistic elements among them. But that can be dealt with by the full force of law. They hardly require a bunker mentality and the building of mental ramparts in the form of xenophobic nationalism.

20. How did this kind of xenophobic nationalism reign supreme? First to my mind, the agent provocateurs constitute a foreful but most conniving minority. They were able to leave their imprimatur thus.

21. The umno main body politic, provides the enabling environment because there is already a sizeable number of Malay supremacists among them. Moreover being able to blame someone for your shortcomings provides you a comforting element.

22. The umno people can pull the plug out of the socket . Never allow themselves to be bamboozled by the minority. Raise their political consciousness and see through their hypocricy.

23. They asked you to be hostile to the Chinese while they have Chinese business partners and girlfriends.

24. Lets start your own 'cancel culture'. This refers to ostracizing an indidual or groups out of your circle because they have done some unconscionable acts.

25. So you know what to do to Zahid, Najib and their cabal. Just kick them out!

Next. Islam Sontoloyo.

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