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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Mengapa kita menolak UMNO - Bahagian Kedua

48. Kemudian lagi yang menjijikkan ialah budaya rasuah yang diterapkan olih Pemimpin2 umno.

49. Korapsi makna nya umno boleh membeli amarah orang, penentangan rakyat, rasa tak puas hati dll dengan memberi sedikit kerak2 nasi. Maka api kemarahan rakyat pun hilang.

50. Ianya idea membeli amarah rakyat yang membuat kita menentang umno.

51. Ia adalah sebagian daripada rencana dumbing down of the rakyat, membolehkan umno meneruskan membelengui minda rakyat.

52. Ini mengingatkan saya kepada cerita Stalin. Satu hari Stalin melawat satu tempat. Ditangkap nya seekor ayam. Stalin terus mencabut bulu2 ayam tersebut hidup2 sebelum melepaskan ayam tersebut.

53. Ayam tersebut, berlemuran darah dan kesakitan melarikan diri. Tapi sebaik saja Stalin memberi sedikit dedak, ayam tersebut kembali dan mengikut Stalin.

54. Lihat, kata Stalin. Betapa senangnya memerintah rakyat bodoh macam kamu.

55. Dengan sedikit dedak saja, orang bolih melupakan penderitaan dan kesengsaraan mereka.

56. Dengan BRIM, wang ehsan, dan pemberian2 lain rakyat membisu tanpa menyedari UMNO menggunakan metode Stalin.

57. Budaya rasuah yang serupa menarik masuk sosok2 yang malas, tidak berbakat dan elitist kedalam umno dimana mereka membayar jalan mereka menjadi pemimpin UMNO.

58. Rasuah telah membuat rakyat menyangka kaca itu permata.

59. Rasuah menyebabkan rakyat lupa mereka mempunyai kebebasan memilih,lupa akan penderitaan mereka dan menyangka kaca itu permata.

60. Bahkan budaya rasuah membuat orang Melayu lupa beberapa prinsip2 penting agama seperti jangan berdiam diri melihat kemungkaran dilakukan.

61. Itu menerangkan mengapa ramai orang Melayu terus mengagungkan sosok seperti amirulmusyrik yang didapati bersalah mencuri wang SRC.

62. UMNOlah yang menerapkan budaya yang membinasakan ini. Sebab itu orang Melayu kena tolak UMNO jika mahu bebas dari belengu parti tersebut.

63. Kita menentang umno kerana amalan dehumanising nya. Kepada UMNO rakyat hanya angka2 yang diperkuda sejadi jadi nya. Bila perlu digembelingkan untuk kepentingan para pemimpin. Rakyat tidak sadar mereka hanya digunakan.

64. Proses dehumanising berlaku bila yang berkuasa melihat manusia tidak mempunyai kapasiti mental untuk berfikir, tidak beradab,kasar dalan perilaku.

65. Oleh yang demikian rakyat diperlakukan sesuka hati. Qualiti utama sifat dehumanising ialah rakyat tidak mampu berfikir. Andaian rakyat semua bodoh lah menyebabkan mereka bertindak seperti diarahkan.

66. Jadi apabila amirulmusyrik mengajak rakyat berbuat sesuatu kalau bersimpati dengan dia, Najib menganggap rakyat tidak boleh berfikir. Mahkamah dah mendapati awak bersalah.

67. Rakyat dikira tidak faham bahawa mencuri, melakukan rasuah, mencabul kuasa adalah kemungkaran. Bukan boleh berfikir mereka ini. Bodoh semua.

68. Rakyat dikerah untuk berdemo depan mahkamah kerana mereka dianggap lembu. Lembu tak boleh jadi manusia tapi manusia boleh dilembukan.

69. Satu lagi sebab kita menentang umno ialah ketergantungan rakyat kepada golongan neo fiudalis yang reaksioner.

70. Perhatikan pimpinan umno. Siapa mereka?
Mereka terdiri dari golongan terpilih yang beroperasi mengekalkan kuasa dalam tangan golongan seperti mereka. Golongan elit yang merendahkan martabat rakyat.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Anwar the Great Reformist or...

1. What is the great reformist going to do to UMNOs gripling nationalism which has shaped Malay mindset to a hate ideology?

2. The greatest disservice UMNO has done to the Malays is to channel the creative energies of the Malay race to unproductive pursuit. Chiefly to be indiscriminately hostile to other races.

3. Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles, uber alles in der welt has its Malay equivalent. Created by UMNO.

4. Its Melayu land, Melayu land, Melayu land above all, above all in the world. Its just Malay triumphalism.

5. The most important question we need to ask is what does it lead to?

6. The answer is, it leads to xenophobia and paranoia-irrational and natural hostility towards other races.

7. It leads to a collective Don Quixote complex where the Malays imagined an enemy that doesn't exist. A windmill is imagined a dragon.

8. None of the UMNO leaders corrected this anomaly, not even Mahathir. In fact, they capitalised on the racism all around exploiting them for their advantage.

9. So will the great reformist Anwar correct this problem or will he perpetuate this potential conflict and exploit it when it's convenient to do so?

10. Will he be the first Malay leader to untie this straight jacket? I say lets give him the chance to break out from the same old mould continued by the same old faces. All the UMNO leaders had no gumption.

11. If the discrepit Malay leaders do not use xenophobic nationalism to constrict the Malays, they will use religious bigotry to do the dirty job.

12. Hence, they are not shy for instance to use Islam as a divisive tool and not use the same to emphasise the non-discriminatory aspects of Islam.

13. Didn't God say that he created men and women, people of different races so that we can know and befriend them and not create hostilities?

14. Will Anwar be courageous enough to break up this religious bigotry?

15. The sad truth is that the Malays are oppressed by their own leaders. This has prompted a thinker by the name of Zaaba to state as early as 1927 thus. The real reason why the Malays remain backwards in all sense, is chiefly because for ages they have been oppressed and suppressed by their own leaders, especially their feudal leaders.

16. Will Anwar break up this big brother-ism once and for all? The vestiges of feudalism should be thrown into the dustbin of history.

17. Anwar must destroy the archaic and myopic thinking of some Malays. I am appalled for instance to hear of a leader from Bersatu asking the steriotyped question of who in UMNO wants to see the DAP come back to power? Such reactionary leaders must be purged.

18. What kind of dinosorous thinking is that? Its peddling UMNO's brand of xenophobic nationalism and patriotism. It is essentially Malay triumphalism.

19. That's the kind of thinking that's holding back the Malays in the first place. Its part of the dumbing down process of the Malays, especially the Malay lumpenproletariat.

20. Brother Anwar must now breakup the stranglehold of feudal leadership on the Malays. Otherwise, the enslaved mentality will persist.

21. There is no place for feudal minded or coopted neo feudalistic leaders in Anwar's camp. This is the age of Marhaenism.

22. I saw an unverified list of Anwar's cabinet and thought it must be the product of some journalist's wet dream or just reached puberty journalism.

23. Because it included the discredited Wak Jahid's name and the name of Baby Face Najib. The continued adulation of these crooks is beyond a mortal's comprehension.

24. The journalist must be a Klingon. It's not like as if the sky will fall down if the names of these felons are not included.

25. It's legally true that the King appoints the PM. But it's also true that he doesn't appoint any Tom, Dick and Harry. Among his chief considerations is that he must appoint the person who commands the majority support of parliament. Therefore, to unreasonably deny Anwar an audience is not constitutional.

26. Despite the political brouhaha Anwar is under no obligation to tell the public who supports him. That for the king's eyes only. He doesn't need to explain anything to anybody.

27. To do that will only cause panic, denials, bunkering up and some fierce horse-trading.

28. What's surprising is DAP's willingness to work with some UMNO personages whom they have bitterly opposed and condemed.

29. They may have their own reasons. They are beyond my comprehension. I think it better to lend support to Anwar but stay out of the government. Unless Anwar is willing to allow the law takes its course.

30. It's a sacrillege if Anwar were to renounce democracy in favour of UMNO's xenophobic patriotism, sense of fairplay in favour of corruption, excellence in favour of mediocrity and continued reliance of feudal leadership.

31. In this analysis we put our personal feelings aside. If Anwar proves to be an indomitable foe to UMNO's negative vibes, we support him.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Mengapa kita menolak UMNO dan segala Najib-Najib - Bahagian pertama.

1. Satu soalan yang selalu ditanyakan kepada saya ialah mengapa kamu tak jemu-jemu mengkrik Najib dan UMNO?

2. Adakah ianya kerana Najib tidak memilih kamu menyambung khidmat sebagai adun?

3. Selepas tidak menjadi adun saya menjadi penulis blog yang sedikit sebanyak membentuk pendapat dan berniaga. Pada tahun 2013 saya menjadi ahli Parlimen Raub. Tanpa Najib dan tanpa umno.

4. Bukan nak besar diri, tapi saya telah buktikan beberapa perkara: (a) keputusan najib bukanlah pengakhiran segalanya dan (b) ada kehidupan selepas umno.

5. Secara umum ia bererti bahawa nasib kita tidak ditentukan oleh mana2 orang dan mana2 parti politik. Itu patut menjadi pelajaran untuk kita semua.

6. Makanya tidak benar pandangan yang mengatakan saya bertubi tubi kritik kerana menyimpan rasa dendam dan tak puas hati. Ia adalah pandangan yang picisan lagi tongong.

7. Itu, tuan2 boleh percaya. Kalau tidak percaya, ia tidak menjadi kudis kepada saya. Tak ada dendam mendendam nya.

8. Alhasil, saya menentang umno secara jujur dan telus. Saya ada sebab2 yang saya akan hujjahkan nanti.

9. Saya menentang umno kerana nasionalime dan patriotisme nya yang perkauman, kerana budaya rasuah merasuahnya, kerana meraikan kekoro-an diatas keterbaikan, kerana anti humanisnya dan ketergantungan keatas kepemimpinan/leadership neo fiudalisnya.

10. Saya menentang Najib2 didunia ini kerana ascribed statusnya, kepada politik yang saya anggap reaksioner dan pandangan atau outlook yang bourgeois.

11. Sudah tentu dalam umno ada orang yang baik2. Mereka secara jujur percaya kepada perjuangan umno sebagaimana saya jujur kepada pemikiran saya. Dan mereka menjadi rakan baik saya.
Hanya kita bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju secara beradab. Tidak ada yang bersifat peribadi, ia hanya bisnes

12. Tapi kalau tuan memilih untuk berbeda pendapat melalui cara bersengketa memanjang, kasar seperti ahli Parlimen Pasir Salak, silakan. Ia tidak mengubah pendirian saya bahawa umno itu tidak baik untuk kita.

13. Apa nak buat, setengah orang percaya bahawa kekuatan itu benar. Kepada, saya yang benar itu adalah penghujjahan yang mantap.

13. Bagimu amalanmu dan bagiku amalanku. Ayat 6 al Kafirun, ayat 41 surah Yunus dan ayat 55 surah al Qasas. Savvy?

14. Saya akan terus percaya bahawa pemilihan kamu akan membawa kepada kemusnahan dan kerosakan serta penyiksaan oleh rakyat. Demikian adanya.

15. Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles, uber alles in der welt. Pada umno ia diterjemahkan kepada Melayu, Melayu diatas semuanya, diatas semuanya dalam dunia.

16. Halatuju motto inilah yang menakutkan dan membuat saya rasa jelek kepada umno. Di Germany ia membawa kepada racial superiority, pembunuhan dan solusi akhir. Di Malaysia ia akan menuju kesitu kalau tidak disekat.

17. Melawan dan menyekat golongan musyrik adalah tanggung jawab kita. Sebab itu Allah berfirman, dan ini kalaulah kami tidak mengadkan satu golongan(dengan kebaikan dan ketauhidan mereka) menyekat satu golongan yang lain(dengan kemusyrikan mereka) nescaya hancur muka bumi ini.

18. Tapi Allah itu adil, kalau golongan musyrik mempunyai perancangan yang lebih rapi, mereka akan menang.

19. Maka terserah pada kita untuk mencipta satu perangkap tikus yang lebih baik.

20. Allah juga berfirman bertanya kita:mengapa kamu tidak mahu berjuang pada jalan allah..

21. Yakni membela golongan mustadafin- lelaki dan perempuan, tua dan muda, anak2 dan dewasa yang saban siang dan malam berdoa kepada Tuhan, supaya membebaskan mereka daripada kepemimpinan dan pemerintahan yang zalim.

22. Dua prinsip ini sudah cukup menjadikan kita musuh yang tak mungkin ditundukkan kepada umno.

23. Jadi kalau kita menjadi penentang umno secara berterusan, ianya bukanlah misteri.

24. Jenis patriotisme dan nationalisme yang dipromosi olih umno, menghalakan tenaga kreatif orang Melayu kearah pengejaran2 yang tidak prodaktif. Itu kepada saya, adalah jenayah sosial yang paling besar kepada bangsa Melayu. Ia tidak bolih dimaafkan.

25. Ianya mengekalkan orang Melayu secara keseluruhan nya dalam kemunduran, kemiskinan, keterbelakangaan dan perasaan rendah diri. Terutama pada golongan proletar diluar bandar.

26. Nationalisme yang diterapkan olih umno menjadikan orang Melayu kelompok yang xenophobic dan paronoid yang membenci bangsa lain terutama cina, sebai penyebab utama kesusahan mereka.

27. Ini tidaklah bermaksud bahawa kaum Melayu mundar mandir seharian dengan perasaan membenci bangsa lain setiap masa. Mereka beropersi sharian sebagai kaum yang normal, bertolak ansur segala.

28. Tapi ia sesungguhnya bermaksud bahawa perasaan yang tidak rasional itu ujud in potentia, boleh digembelingkan oleh umno pada bila2 masa ia suka.

29. Bolih dugunakan pada bila2 masa inilah yang kita benci, kerana ia bermaksud kaum Melayu boleh diperkudakan olih umno, mencapai tujuan2 politiknya dan sekali gus menyembunyikan kegagalan2 nya.

30. Walaupun perasaan membenci sembrono ini tidak dimanifestasikan dalam kehidupan Harian, perasaan buruk sangka tidak rasional sentiasa ujud dibawah permukaan.

31. Hal tersebut menerangkan betapa mudahnya orang Melayu membenci tanpa sebab, parti seperti DAP. Memang benar parti tersebut didominasi olih orang Cina. Tapi begitu juga mca. Malah dalam mca tak ada orang India dan Melayu.

32. Siapa sebenarnya yang menyekat bangsa Melayu daripada mencapai potensi mereka yang penuh? Bangsa lain atau umno?

33. Ini membolihkan intelektual Melayu seperti Zaaba menulis pada, tahun 1927-adapun sebab utama dan pertama menyebabkan bangsa Melayu itu mundur dari segala segi ialah mereka itu kena tindas, picit dan perah oleh pemimpin2 terdiri dari bangsa mereka sendiri. Perhatikan-dari bangsa mereka sendiri. Tidak syak lagi umno memenuhi deskripsi tersebut.

34. Menyalah bangsa lain merupakan masabodoh orang Melayu melibatkan diri dalam omongan kosong mencari punca mengapa mereka mundur. Sedangkan punca sebenar ada depan mata mereka iaitu umno.

35. Dalam tahun 1843 Karl Marx menulis die religion ist das opium das volkes. Yang diterjemahkan secara longgar sebagai agama ialah candu kepada massa.

36. Itu Marx dengan pendapat dia. Bukan hal kita dan saya tidak mahu menghujjah perkara tersebut. Hanya, nasionalisme ala umno ialah candu kepada rakyat jelata.

37. Sebagai candu, ia berguna pada orang sakit yakni memberi mereka ilusi yang menyeronokkan. Dan memberi mereka kekuatan untuk terus hidup.

38. Tapi ia juga bahaya pada perjuangan rakyat kerana ia menyembunyikan penindasan yang dilakukan puak penindas.

39. Racism umno, yang diperagakan sebagai nasionalisme dan patriotisme oleh umno, ialah sedahsyat candu kepada rakyat Melayu. Ini juga jenayah terbesar kepada bangsa Melayu.

40. Sebagai candu ia memberi jawapan segera dan mudah, menerangkan kesengsaraan bangsa Melayu.

41. Apa yang lebih mententeramkan orang Melayu daripada menyalahkan bangsa Cina sebagai penyebab kesengsaraan mereka?

42. Ia menyatukan mereka dan mengembelingkan perasaan amarah yang terpendam dikalbu. Sentimen perkauman yang diterapkan umno umpama orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal.

43. Umno menjadi magnet menarik mereka yang menjadikan musuh daripada mereka yang bukan musuh(enemies from without). Jadilah orang Melayu macam Don Quixote yang menyangka kincir angin itu seekor naga. Musuh yang sebenarnya ialah umno.

44. Setiap kali umno menang orang Melayu kekal begitu juga. Adakah pemikiran mereka berubah? Mereka tetap berjiwa hamba.

45. Memang benar sedikit sebanyak ada kemajuan fisikal -ada pembangunan. Tapi itu semua tugas semua kerajaan. Dalam negara2 yang tiada umno pun, pembangunan berlaku. Maknanya pembangunan bukan sesuatu yang unik dengan umno.

46. Bilakah kita sadar bahawa kita semua terdiri daripada satu bangsa iaitu bangsa Malaysia. Kalau orang tanya di Malaysia ada berapa bangsa maka jawablah ada satu bangsa. Bangsa Malaysia.

47. Kita semua lahir dari rahim yang sama-iaitu rahim ibu pertiwi. Bersatu itu mengatasi segala nya.

Bersambung dibahagian kedua...

Sunday, 27 September 2020

The Pseudo Reformist. Part 1 of 2.

1. Is Anwar a pseudo reformist?if its true he's willing to drop charges against Zahid and Najib and maybe others then he is.

2. The rest of the PKR bozos are a bunch of political yahoos.

3. And the DAP who's willing to compromise with corruption and is willing to work with UMNO crooks is full of shit too. They should stop being sanctimonious bastards.

4. I think DAP was and is willing to work with Anwar because it feels it can manipulate Anwar. DAP knows of Anwar's sexual deviations.

5 . Can Anwar work with UMNO's xenophobic nationalism?

6. Everyone knows UMNO is a racist party. It has an inbuilt hatred for other races and is not averse to pursuing discriminatory policies. The only Chinese it likes is a dead Chinese.

7. So Anwar is really a closet racist. The Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan is my son is for show only. Its putting sugar on the lips.

8. Anwar has never got the mindset of being able to work with non Malays. His childhood, schooling and all the societies he formed and helped formed were Malay centric.

9. So if he cannot hate in the name of Malay Nationalism, Islamism will provide him the justification.

10. Only an acquiescent mind like Anwar's can accommodate UMNO's morbid nationalism.

11. So all the while Anwar is running with the hare while hunting with the dogs. And DAP swallowed it hook, line and sinker. It's willing to bend over and allow Anwar to whack it.

12. Its incomprehensible that Anwar can tolerate corruption. In his lust to become PM he's willing to drop charges against the bloody crooks in UMNO.

13. Only a person predisposed to corruption does that. Maybe the rumours saying that Anwar (when he was in UMNO) carrying bagfuls of cash to bribe Sabah delegates were true.

14. It will be interesting to see how Anwar deals with UMNOs culture of corruption and stems the rise of the mediocre through corruption.

15. UMNO is a party that celebrates mediocrity and its unthinkable to imagine that Anwar will tolerate that in his quest to become PM.

16. Anwar will be abusing his position if he drops the charges against Najib and Zahid. It is the state vs the 2 goons. It's valid against the world. It's not up to Anwar to drop these.

17. If the 2 crooks are appointed ministers, Anwar shows he does not respect the people.

18. That's what UMNO does-dehumanise people. Hence, people are seen as mere digits to be manipulated. That would indicate that Anwar has a totalitarian streak in him.

19. Will Anwar perpetuate that kind of constricting culture?

20. How can now, PKR people talk against xenopobic natonalism, Malay triumpalism, corruption, numbing dehumanism etc without also attacking their turncoat chaiman? They are a farce.

21. Then there is the general talk down and dumbing down of the people that is the prevailing culture of UMNO. People are regarded as stupid. Liberation of the captive minds will no longer be regarded as an objective by PKR. Justice is no longer their namesake.

22. This analysis may not be true if all the news written about Anwar is not true at all but the product of reporters imagination. They are the useful idiots of the establishment.

23. In the end we may never know what's in the develish mind of Pak Sheikh. A pact with the UMNO retards is not eternal.

24. Its inconceivable to believe that a man who spends years in the reformasi movement can throw out his principles because of some convenience.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Anwar's Le Meridien Move. Some Early Thoughts.


"Siapa dah jadi PM angkat tangan"

1. Jiang Qing the wife of Mao, once said that power is better than sex, it's enduring. Brother Anwar must have realised this. Only with him he can have more sex of various kinds with power.

2. Kakue Tanaka once said the more mistresses you have the better leader you are. Perhaps copulation will take your mind off weighty state matters. Anwar may choose that option.

3. I am not excited when Anwar says he has enough numbers to form a new government. He has cried wolf so many times.

4. One day Anwar is at a furniture store. As usual, he is accompanied by his minders and of course good-looking young boys.

5. Wanting to find out what the fuss is all about many customers congregate there. But no one asked anything. Eventually one customer plucked up his courage and asked.

6. "What are you doing here sir. You could have asked your minders to pick up whatever you want". You don't have to waste time. " I am here looking for a cabinet. Have to fill it up."

7. How many times have we heard Anwar saying he has the numbers? Each time there will be developments foiling it.

8. Like the last time he said that, UMNO sent whom they regard as potential hoppers to Taiwan on a study trip. I.E. how to Char Quat properly.

September 2008: “I Have The Numbers”

September 2020: “I Have The Numbers”

September 2032: “I Have The Numbers”

September 2044: “I Have The Numbers”

September 2056: “I Have The Numbers”



9. It would be better for Anwar to shut the f**k up and just do it. when it's done, can celebrate

10. Now that he has beaten the bush to scare the snake out, there will be tremendous horse-trading.

11. This time if its true we can expect the opposing forces to galvanise themselves. Reactionary forces would try to bunker up.

12. Anwar must get the names of MPs and their rationale for supporting him. If possible signed notaries.

13. If what Anwar says is true then it paves the way for the formation of a stable government. That's more preferable than a messy snap election. Snap elections give orgasmic satisfaction to MPs like the person from Pasir Salak only.

14. People are just tired of never ending political chess manoeuvres. If people ask me who is responsible for the political mess I will say unhesitatingly-its Mahathir. Why was he so itchified to resign in the first place? Its a political chess move gone awry.

15. Its true the King is not under an obligation to heed the advice of a would be PM, but it can also mean he cannot ignore it either. Moreover, to stand in the way of a person who commands majority support of parliament is unconstitutional.

16. Hey! I am no fan of brother Anwar but if what he is doing is for the greater good of Malaysia then I support him. Just don't compromise on corruption.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

A Thief Is A Thief Whether He Steals A Cucumber Or A Diamond.

"Let monkeys rule the country. At least they steal only bananas."

1. Najib has got a death wish. He goes around the country not on a remorse trip or apology trip but on a defiant and nose thumbing trip.


2. He continues to discredit the court's findings that he's guilty of all the 7 charges.

3. A small portion of the stolen money from SRC given to the orphanage does not make the whole of the stolen money holy.

4. Democracy doesn't become better for Iraq just because the Americans bombed the country.

5. Baby face Najib got the receipts of the monies given to orphanages?

6. Thieves and liars like to talk about Godliness for contentment. They do that as a talking point but never as a way of life. Najib does the same.

7. Najib should heed this advice : the bigger the hole he digs the farther he's got to hoist his ass away from it.

8. Najib was charged with 7 charges. Let's review them. 3 for cbt, 1 for abuse of position and 3 for anti money laundering.

9. In order to see how Najib committed CBT we need to know the purpose for which SRC was formed.

10. If Najib does something with SRC money other than that mandated by the charter of SRC, such as spending on his private fetishes, or spending on orphanages that is CBT already.

11. How noble are the spendings is irrelevant. If they are other than that mandated by the charter of SRC, the law says it is a crime. Of course Najib didn't mention anything about his pleasure spendings in Hawaii etc.

12. So don't be mesmerised by what Najib says.

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Rosmah mansur cincin besar
Rakyat apa dapat.

13. When SRC was incorporated in 2011, its main business was to exploit, refine and process minerals and natural resources. No mention of spending on charities and the like.

14. It first asked for a grant of RM3 billion from EPU. The sum was not given. instead, it got a RM20 million launching grant.

15. After getting RM20 million Najib commenced action to get RM3.95 billion from KWAP. There were documentation problems but the people at KWAP managed to overcome these. In 2011, they approved RM2billion to SRC and in 2012 another RM2 billion.

16. Now SRC is flushed with money. Here is where the interesting things begin. Najib began to steal.

17. The loans from KWAP were made on the strength of 2 government guarantees. Najib attended both meetings guaranteeing the loans. He's there to make sure the loans go through.

18. Obviously he's there using his position as PM and FM for a purpose. The purpose of which is to receive financial gratification.

19. Otherwise, why was he there? Oh, because rather than playing with his balls(golf ie)he'd rather attend the meetings.

20. A certain specific amount of money first went to Gandingan Mentari SB and then went to Ihsan Perdana SB. From there into his private accounts. Smart eh?

21. A deliberate trail of obfuscation and ruse? How clever the squirrel is at jumping it will eventually fall to the ground.

22. But we can also stomp the grass to scare the snake and toss a brick to get a jade gem.

23. The creation of the relieve valve companies was just a diversionary tactic to mask his real intentions-to skim off some.

24. These are hardly the actions of a stupid man and a person who doesn't have control over his personal accounts.

25. Najib repeatedly lied in and outside court. Each time he has to tell a bigger lie to cover his earlier lie. Lying is second nature to him. That would shame the lumpenproletariat Malays. Yet because of years of indoctrination they mistakenly adore him.

26. The Devil always disguises himself as Angelic. The way Najib orchestrated his way to get the RM42million,is devilish.

27. The devil has his legions consisting of the unquestioning and ill educated Malay proletariat who would grovel at his feet. And the 2 main legions were Nik Faisal and Dato Subuh.

28. These two dumb- asses were the ones who effected the transfer of the RM42million through a myriad of companies most notably Gandingan Mentari and Ihsan Perdana, into Najib's personal accounts.

29. It is incredulous to think these 2 dumb asses did what they did out of their own volition unless instructed by a superior. And the superior was the emeritus Advisor of SRC, baby face Najib.

30. I saw a caricature of Najib in which his lawyer says Najib is an honest man but who makes honest mistake. Let us remain calm and not be susceptible.

31. Of course his lawyer will say that. Whether a man is honest or a thief depends on whose brief we read. We haven't heard what the prosecution says.

31. Nowadays, we hear of Najib going around the country saying he gave money to orphans, deriding the judge and prosecution and the meek press gleefully reporting on Najib. We don't hear of the punishment, but we sure give him publicity. Why?

32. Let's be clear about this. Najib was not tried for giving money to orphans or UMNO. He was tried for CBT abuse of power, and money laundering. So where he applied the money is irrelevant. A good deed doesn't erase the bad.

33. A man gets money upon trust and uses it for his own purpose and against the mandate of the company, commits a breach of trust.

34. A man who uses his position which he owes the people for his private pursuits, abuses his power.

35. Did Najib do all these? The judge applied his mind to these questions and to these questions only, and he answered them in the affirmative.

35. Money from SRC went through a myriad of companies hoping that by doing such, the money is clean. Just like in accident cases, the liability follows the vehicle.

37. What Najib is doing now reminds me about the story of the man who murdered both his parents. When the sentence is passed, he pleaded mitigation and leniency claiming he is an orphan.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

The Raub Duriangate Controversy: Burn Baby Burn.

1. I read a watered-down article on the Raub Duriangate scandal by a notoriously-apple polishing overrated journalist.

2. In that article a few red herring elements were introduced. Two of which were misleading. One was that innocent Gading Sari was implicated. Two, the involvement of triad elements.

Royal Pahang Durian Group of Companies chairman Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Iman Afzan 🟡 ☂️(seated, left) and Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Negeri Pahang chief executive officer Datuk Suhaimi Mohd Yunus (seated, right) at a signing ceremony between the Royal Pahang Durian Group and Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Negeri Pahang. Observing the sighing ceremony are Pahang Regent Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah 🟡☂️(standing, second from right) and Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail (standing, first right).

3. The people besmirching the name of the Pahang Royal Family are definitely not the planters but the chinaman puppet masters behind the RPDR.

4. The first photo hardly gives credence that the royal family is implicated. The phrase 'implicated' is naughty and designed to show innocence. In reality, it's a wilful act and acquiescence.

5. The only people dragging the royal family into a quagmire are the chinamen inside the company behind RPDR. See photo 2.

6. Sources told me, in their machinations, the chinamen have a mole in Gading Sari. That mole is probably the colonel(R) fellow. As usual, the chinamen must have a fifth columnist. The usual modus operandi.

7. It's the habit of criminal or shady business entities. The chinamen had wanted to muscle in the durian industry for a long time. The creation of RPDR is the icing on the cake.

8. So the eldest daughter of the Agung is anointed as the titular chairmen paid a monthly allowance and other enticing perks. And don't forget the collobrative colonel. Stipend and the occasional charkuat sessions. Ngam ma.

9. See how the ameliorating phrase of being 'implicated' is easily debunked?

10. It's not true to say the durian farmers have agreed to the pernicious deal offered by RPDR. The claim of lopsidedness is not without basis.

11. With the monopsonistic buying a levy of RM6000 and surcharge of RM2 a kilo aren't these lopsided? Plus other onerous conditions.

12. By the way, a monopsonist is a single buyer. A monopolist is a single seller. Monopsony and monopoly are not interchangeable.

13. The Wah Kee triad is not the sole buyer as the planters are free to sell the durians to anybody. Likewise if they sell to Wah Kee the farmers have their own reasons. Wah Kee maybe illegal but buying and selling are not.

14. If Wah Kee has existed for a long time and has comitted crimes,what are the Police been doing? Expanding their waistlines and snoozing?

15. So don't say Wah Kee without thinking. People say Parthenon we say thenon, thenon....

16. It's not true to say some farmers have agreed to the RPDR deal. They have not. Why is it possible for RPDR to legalise land leasing while the farmers on their own cannot?

17. The involvement of Wilson Chang who is a DAP member and Kajang Executive Councillor makes it's deal intrinsically bad compared to RPDR's?

18. It's the knee-jerk perpetuation of the myth that anything to do with DAP must be automatically bad. Then might as well outlaw DAP. Or if you are DAP you cannot do business. What imbecillic argument.

19. So what if you are from Kajang or Timbuktu or Shangri-la? The chinamen in RPDR, are they all from Pahang? If you are from elswhere you cannot do business in Pahang? This is a free country.

20. It's not a simple deal. If the state government regards it simple to lease land to RPDR why not do the same to the farmers who have worked the lands?

21. Isn't working the land the basis of giving titles? The people inside RPDR not only do not work the lands, they even don't know where the hell they are.

22. I have been to Tras, Sungai Ruan, Klau and Chetang to see these illegal orchards and actually seen farmers at hard work.

23. I once texted the MB then, rather than using police and soldiers to guard the state land and bulldoze the trees, might as well rationalise the land sizes and alienate them to people.

24. In fact, if you have this thing against Chinese illegal planting, give the rationalised lands to Malays. That way you can practise Mao's theory of encirclement. Surround the Chinese cultivated lands with Malay settlements.

25. It's unconscionable to bulldoze already fruiting trees as the DO, SO, Rangers etc have enjoyed eating free fruits given by farmers.

26. If one of the basis of giving titles to land is working the land, enforce it strictly. I know of a former Pahang SS given 3000 acres that was supposed to be replanted with teak trees but left idle. Take it and others back.

27. Durian trees don't grow overnight. Some trees are 20, 30, 40 years old. That means illegal farming has been going on for a long time.

28. The Departmental Heads, the DO, the SOs, the EXCO all have their frequent meetings

29. Don't tell me not a single one of them, have sounded off or know of the illegal farming. They just meet to have tea and exchange bawdy jokes?

30. Having known of the illegal farming for so long, they are now estopped from doing anything inimical to the farmers.

31. Like giving leasing rights to RPDR. But the goverment has the might. And might is right. Even if they(the government) are seen as atrocious and repressive.

32. Selling the durians to China cannot be regarded as foreign influence in the normal sense. The farmers are selling the fruits which are theirs and not the lands over which they have no legal titles. To pajak fruits is a normal practice among Malaysians.

33. Either by renting export APs or getting them, the farmers sell to China which is permissable and makes sense commercially. And selling to China is also the main objective of RPDR.

34. Why is it right for RPDR to sell to China but forbidden for farmers? If push comes to shove, it's better to burn down the trees. Let the eyes turn white but not the bones.

Monday, 21 September 2020

ECRL: Wee's Voodo Solution.

1. I am shaking in my boots. The great Wee Kah Siong has done a qualification dropping. He has a doctorate in transportation. So what he says is sage like. They must be absolutely true.

2. My response to that is to say: up yours! His reasoning and rationale for the construction of the Serendah Bypass are accepted unquestioningly only by the MCA minions, donee contractors and land buyers.

3. Opportunistic land buying in Bentong, Mentakab and Serendah can only be the consequence of WKS not being able to close his mouth.

4. In that respect, WKS is like Monica Lewinsky. She has a history of not being able to close her mouth. Ask Bill Clinton about that.

5. Forgive the diversion. Let's get back to see what is the rationale of WKS.

6. Chairman Wee says the construction of the Serendah Bypass will:-
(a) Will prevent congestion in KL and Port Klang.
(b) Prevent dangerous goods passing through densely populated areas.

7. The Bypass will cost RM5 billion only and will increase the overall cost of the PN ECRL to only RM49.5 billion.

8. Seems to me like financial 'padding'. Spend more as long its less than RM65. 5billion.

9. Work expands so as to fill the time available translates into spending increases so as to fill the opportunity available.

10. So spending an extra RM5 billion NOW is not prudent. The timing is not right.

11. Congestion at the KL-Klang is caused by cargo from both the North and South. Thus building the Serendah bypass only solve half the problem and not FULL.

12. Wee does not say which areas will benefit from the Serendah facility. Presumably only areas in Souh Perak and Ipoh. Areas in North Perak like Taiping and Seberang Prai further north will find it more economical to use Penang Port as it reduces transport cost and avoid double handling.

13. Is the original alignment economic then? It's a case of too few areas benefiting from a lot of money.

14. The Serendah facility will be Wee's White Elephant. Its a senseless spending.

15. Wee also does not provide us the volume of tonnage benefiting from the Serendah facility. What is the number of TEUs or FEUs sir?

16. And from which area? From the south of Perak only? Otherwise, its just voodo planning from Wee. A half baked solution to a fully baked problem.

17. The PH Alignment is demonstrably far more superior. It solves the congestion at Klang as it absorbs containers from the Nilai and Segamat inland ports. At the same time surrounding areas like Senawang, Seremban and Melaka benefit too. Has Wee compared the container volume of that coming from the North against that coming from the South?

18. I wouldn't even want to argue for any extra spending. RM44 billion is enough. The RM5 billion can be for later. Perhaps.

19. If we are really concerned over safety issues, then institute more stringent safety regulations. Perhaps that's a cheaper alternative. The containers don't become dangerous only when they reach KL but all along the track. So the containers must be fitted with more safety features.

20. That's more economically desirable than building a costly facility at Serendah which is an overkill. Let's not use a cannon to kill a mosquito.

21. It is also costly for the government to acquire lands in the North port West and South ports areas.

22. Wee has not told the government about these. So what is the eventual cost of his ECRL?

23. Why is it that Wee is so insistent on the original alignment? To the extent of saying the original alignment gives better economic possibilities, better connectivity and better safety regime?

24. Is it because certain parties have invested a lot in the original alignment and stand to lose millions if the PN government adopts the PH alignment?

25. It will be unconscionable for the government to capitulate to these greedy profiteers.

26. What to do? An incorrigible economist has given his unsolicited views. What do you get when you have 10 economists in a room? You get 11 opinions.

27. As an economist I assume wrongly, too much. I have assumed that Wee is out there to save money for the government. Obviously he's doing nothing of that sort. He's laying a fishtrap in a narrow passage.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Wee's ECRL-Hard Questions.

1. In a democracy the principles of (a) direct democracy and (b) consent of the governed, gives the locus standi to the citizen to ask questions from the government. Politics is too important to leave it to the half past six politicians to do the asking for you.

2. So we appear before the court of the government with some questions. We expect the government to answer honestly and truthfully. Although that's too far fetched.

3. In particular, we want to ask certain facts about Malaysia's Great Iron Horse project otherwise known as ECRL. It has raised some issues since the PN government announced its reverting to the original alignment.

4. The present government seems to hide certain facts from the public. Its true then,that facts do threaten those who invest in fraud.

5. It may not be as severe and pernicious as fraud, but is the government involved in an elaborate but uninvincible plan to mislead the public?

6. Heres what we mean. The original alignment was negotiated by the BN government then at 65 billion.

7. It was renogatiated once by the PH government through Tun Daim Zainuddin at RM 44 billion saving us RM 21.5 billion.

8. That involved a new alignment and some lines unnecessary yet, to be deferred.

9. Now the PN government is reverting to the original alignment at RM 50 billion saving Malaysia, not RM 21.5billiion but RM15. 5 billion.

10. From RM 65.5 billion to RM 44 billion and now RM50 billion we saved RM15. 5 billion. What accounts for this situation RM15. 5 billion?

11. The RM15. 5 billion can either be (a) deliberate overpricing or (b) cost of naked corruption.

12. In either case it ultimately means corruption. If so who are the would be benefiary/beneficiaries of the would be RM15. 5 billion extra?

13. Also important, is whether CCCC or the Chinese government needed to pay any monies to the powers that be then, to secure the ECRL project?

14. The government needs to show some testicular resolve to get to the bottom of these issues. This is a bloody high profile case.

15. Spending an extra RM6 billion(RM50 billion from RM 44 billion) what do we get? And what does original alignment mean?

16. Does it include (a) the lines going further North into Kelantan that's costing us RM1. 28 billion more and (b) includes also the remedial works to be carried out by appeal CCCC? Please enlighten us.

17. On top of these, are CCCC and the Chinese government agreeable to this new deal of RM50 billion? Has CCCC agreed to reversion to the original alignment at RM50 billion?

18. Is spending an additional RM6 billion now prudent? We are plagued with the covid pandemic and a shrinking economy as a result of a reduction in oil revenues. Its not the time to practise Keynesian ecomics or the C+I+G thingy.

19. Can anyone from the government, the Transport Minister or the bean counter from MOF expand on the spillover effects not already thought of previously ?

20. In the team constituted by Tun Daim, I saw 2 professional economists -KS Jomo and Sungaran who must have argued vociferously for cost reduction for reason of ecomic prudence. We now want to know their views on spending an additional RM6 billion. In addition I also saw Zeti Akhtar herself a monetary economist and a former central banker. What's her view on this?

21. Can anyone from the current government explain how spending RM50 billion instead of RM44 billion and reverting to the original alignment be beneficial to the economy? Is this the celebrated pump priming?

22. It is incredulous that the current PN government has approved the reversion of the original ECRL without first getting the approval of CCCC or the Chinese government.

23. Has the government approached the main contractor CCCC, whether the original alignment can be had at RM50 billion if at all.

24. According to media reports, the Transport minister is now only meeting the main contractor. How sure then is he that the original alignment can be had at RM50 Billion?

25. If the final value is yet to be discussed, then the government has made a unilateral decision and an arm twisting proposal. That's akin to premature ejaculation thats satisfying only to the Transport Minister.

26. Having said the cost publicly, can the government now blackmail the Chinese into accepting the RM50 billion deals?

27. You over push your canoe you can pull it back. But you over say your words, you rue the consequences.

28. Pushing the unilateral cost bullheadedly can strain relationship with China. It can only lead to a sour aftertaste in the relationship.

29. Malaysia can be seen as a whimsical business party. Given to moodswings Malaysia is not a reliable trading partner. Malaysia risks being seen as that.

30. If the original Alignment of the ECRL can be had for RM50 billion rather than RM65. 5 billion, then it only confirms that the whole project is overpriced . Is the government willing to investigate this?

31. An attempt to fleece the government of RM15.5 billion was made. Will the government keep quiet over this?

32. If the government keeps quiet over this matter, then it becomes an effeminate government instead of displaying the manly character so required in dealing with matters of corruption.

33. To make matters worse the government critics, the media, the opposition figures are surprisingly muted over this matter.

34. They thus failed to provide the pressure factor. When there is no opposition to evil, it multiplies. And as Disraeli said-no government can be long secure without a formidable oopposition.

35. The media in particular, was duplicitous over this matter. When the PH government was re-negotiating the matter with China, it went over the renegotiating process with a fine tooth comb. They(members of the media) were literally camping outside Tun Daim's office. The same intensity is now absent. Are they cowed by the PN government?

36. Can the Transport Minister confirm the benefits obtained by the Supplementary Agreement(SA) signed during the PH goverment will remain?

37. These benefits include the allowance of 40 percent of the works on ECRL to be given to local companies. It also includes the management of ECRL on a 50:50 basis for the first 20 years and the promise of TOD projects(to local companies) along the rail network.

38. The benefits were contained in the SA signed between the PH government and CCCC in 2019. Now the PN government wants to sign another SA incorporating we hope, what it wants.

39. The upshot of these arguments is the possibility that CCCC is under no obligation to incorporate the benefits we listed under point 37 in a new SA.

40. Will the PN government be forthright on this matter to the public? Or will the contents of the new SA be shut in under the infamous OSA?

41. There is a possibility that all will be lost especially if the PN government renegotiates with a lackadaisical attitude. As long as there is a possibility, we are in danger!

42. Environmental crusaders take note. Under the PH- SA, the Klang Gates quartz range is to remain intact. Under the original alignment the range will be disturbed. Massive tunnelling will take place. Will the new SA include this tunnelling? That was in the original alignment.

43. So if the environmental crusaders keep silent, they do so at their own peril.

44. Under the PH alignment, the ECRL links up with Kajang-Bangi interchange and Putrajaya interchange .

45. That would provide ECRL linkages with existing rail networks serving the Northen and Southern States.

46. For example, through Bangi-Kajang interchange,ECRL would have links with existing rail networks to the North and South. Through Putrajaya, it would be linked to KLIA. I would refrain from inundating readers with the various existing rail services. (KTM Commuter, ETS, MRTs etc) .

47. When Putrajaya Sentral interchange is completed, ECRL would have links to KLIA 1 and 2.

48. Through the Mentakab station ECRL woud be linked to exiting networks carrying people and cargo.

49. Hence,via Kajang-Bangi, Putrajaya, Putrajaya Sentral, Mentakab-ECRL would have links to the Northern,Southern and Central regions. ECRL would have complete linkages to the whole country for both commuters and cargo.

50. Can the Tranport Minister assures that the complete linkages as above, will be retained with the original alignment?

51. Even worse if going back to the original alignment means the interchanges at Bangi-Kajang Putrajaya and Putrajaya Sentral are cancelled. It means the connectivity under the PH alignment is lost!

52. If the original alignment results in the cancellation of the interchanges, then the reasoning that the original alignment increases connectivity is not supported by the facts.

53. The issues surrounding the Serendah Bypass are perplexing . If ECRL were alive the Bypass represents a frolic of its own. It becomes part of ECRL as if its an after thought. Might as well call it ECRL plus. Is it necessary?

54. It becomes part of ECRL on the justification that it helps solve the traffic congestion in the KL region. It handles people and cargo coming in from the North.

55. If that is the main reason, might as well build a similar facility for people and cargo coming in from the South.
ECRL shouldn't be used as an excuse to carry excess bagage like the Serendah Bypass.

56. The fact is congestion in the KL region will exist regardless whether the Serendah Bypass is built or not. The Bypass is therefore superfluous and an unnecessary wastage.

57. The congestion in KL region is an MOT and KTM problem. The Minister should be thinking on how to solve this. But not by heaping it on ECRL. By doing so the Minister is not doing his job. ECRL is used to actually hide away his inadequacies.

58. What is the passenger -cargo mix of ECRL? Which payload is better? If the cargo part is a better revenue earner, then it pays to increase the cargo portion in the mix. Then it becomes more profitable and gives a better economic feasibility.

59. The original alignment of ECRL does not mean better connectivity and better economic feasibility just because the bloody Minister says so. He needs to back it up with stone-cold facts. otherwise shut the f**k up!

60. We need to ask this:-does the old alignment mean cheaper cost for traffic using the HSR to Singapore?

61. We must not lose sight of our overriding objective. That is to build ECRL at optimum price and not to spend with wanton abandon.

62. Because the Minister of Transport is also the MCA president is that the reason we hear of MCA towkays buying up much land in Bentong and Mentakab?

63. How very true is the saying-loose lips sink ships. When the ship is sinking the MCA rats will swim away.

Friday, 18 September 2020

The uses and misuses of oxymoron.

1. This is a caricature of Baby Face Najib designed to make us all stupid.

2. A smudgy and scruffy looking Indian lawyer(he's no R. R. Chelliah the distinguished and dapper looking Indian gentleman) trying to convince a naive citizen to trust him.

3. Trust a lawyer? A lawyer kills a viper. That makes the Devil smiled. For it reminded him of Cain and his brother, Abel. So too is the lawyer and the snake!

4. How does a lawyer sleep? First He lies on one side. Then he lies on the other.

5. That's how much you can trust a lawyer. What's the difference between a bad and a good lawyer? A bad lawyer makes your case drag for years, a good lawyer makes it drag even longer!

6. We are asked to exonerate Najib. He is an honest man. He made some honest mistakes. That's Baby Face Najib.

7. We are invited to trust Baby Face Najib. That's an invitation we shall politely refuse. We are not dumb as we are looked at.

8. Its true we are the lumpenproletariat. The unorganised masses not interested in any kind of revolutions. Our categorisation is up to there only. Do not presume much more.

9. While we maybe not as smart as the shyster lawyer, we are not exactly the commuters on the Clapham omnibus either. We do read in between the lines, and are capable of forming our own judgements.

10. We see Baby Face Najib sitting cross-legged and as lordly as ever, surrounded by sacks of stolen money, gold bullion and goods bought with stolen money. You think we are suckers eh?

11. It's merely a nifty bit of verbal sleight of hand imputing that we lumpenproletariat are not capable of thinking. That's a fatal imputation, grave and forbidding.

12. It's actually saying that Najib is an honest thief! That's preposterous. That single sentence contains contradictions. How can you be honest and a thief at the same time? You are 2 extremes at the same time. It's not like asking us to chew and walk at the same time. Perhaps only Najib can dive and drink water at the same time. That's why he can steal honestly.

13. That was a disingenuous and perhaps whimsical use of an oxymoron. More driven by the mood to deceive the people who blindly adore Baby Face.

14. An oxymoron in a sentence contains 2 contradictory ideas that should cancel out each other. Examples include fine- mess, love-hate, honest- thief. The person using an oxymoron eventually spews out mere verbiage.

15. An oxymoron has many uses. It can be used to achieve a sensational title. It can also be used to achieve a dramatic and comical effect.

16. And in the above case it's used to confuse the people and befuddle the minds of innocent people. It's a clever use by a shyster lawyer.

17. Najib has an ability no one else have. He can switch on and off a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality. When he steals he's Mr Hyde.

18. We respect Najib for being honest when he's lying. It's not the cheating that we hate, it's the insult to our intelligence that we find offensive.

19. By asking us to trust him, we know Najib is already lying. The trust of the innocent is the liar's greatest tool.

20. Let us now examine the propositions given of Najib more meticulously. I believe the two -honest and honest mistake are incompatible.

21. To make things easier, lets read honest mistake as theft. Then its honesty and theft. Not compatible, aren't they?

22. It reminds me of the saying. Truth is of God and lying is of the Devil. And the Devil lied from the beginning. Najib must be the top student of the Devil.

23. Najib is exactly the direct opposite that is claimed of him. Instead of honest he is a liar. He lied from the beginning. He lied from another mother of all scandals-1MDB.

24. If 1MDB is the mother, then it has many children. It includes possibly ECRL and definitely SRC.

25. In the SRC case Najib was charged for 7 crimes. They ranged from CBT, abuse of power leading to money gratification to money laundering and so on. Najib lied in all prompting the judge to call them astounding.

26. In court, Najib was adamant in claiming he knew nothing about clandestine SRC money going into his personal account. Yet outside court, he seems to regain his memory and tells all and sundry, that he gives the money to UMNO and orphanages.

27. It's true when they say a good liar has a good memory. And Najib has a good one!

28. If Najib lied from the beginning, his following conduct is a natural consequence. 'Honest mistake' is just a euphemism for theft. It's a sanitised word for low-down theft.

29. He is surrounded with sacks of stolen money, gold bullion and chattels bought with stolen money. Just like MAD's Alfred, he seems to be saying- what me worry?

30. I shall return to my favourite piñata in other articles.

31. We like to see people lying especially when we know the truth.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Mengejar kertas tandas.

1. Saya mau menulis perihal ini dalam bahasa Melayu. Agar masyarakat Melayu merasa malu kerana ada orang ternama diantara mereka sanggup membohong untuk prestij dan diterima umum.

2. Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda malu itu hanya membawa kepada kebaikan. Ertinya tiada malu membawa keburukan.

3. Nabi juga berkata malu itu sebahagian dari iman. Bermakna tiada rasa malu iman kita tidak sempurna.

4. Jadi saya menyifatkan pembohongan sepanjang zaman yang dilakukan Zahidi Zainul abidin satu keburukan dan kecacatan iman.

5. Dalam masyarakat Jepun, orang Jepun mempunyai rasa malu yang sangat tinggi. Bila mereka mau mempertahankan maruah dan harga diri, atau enggan membenarkan orang lain memperlakukan mereka sesuka hati, mereka melakukan seppuku atau harakiri.

6. Masyarakat kita takde perasaan malu nasional. Zahidi takde maruah dan harga diri. Kita takkan suruh masyarakat melakukan seppuku. Kita hanya nak suruh dia orang tolak dan tinggalkan orang macam Zahidi. Dan Najib Zahid, Adnan Mansor, Isa Samad, Azeez Baling dll.

7. Apa yang telah sisamdol Zahidi ini lakukan? Dia mengaku ada MBA dari Global University California.

8. Itu satu pencapaian yang hebat dari anak perghlih. Pergi ke USA pulak tu. Hang world la.

9. Saya teringat ketika saya belajar kat FEA University Malaya tahun 1976 dulu, ada seorang penuntut dari sebuah kampung di Perlis. Apabila dia masuk UM orang kampung tersebut charter beberapa bas hantar dia ke UM.
Saya percaya bila Zahidi pergi ke America, ramai bersorak. Sorak menempelak.

10. Tapi kita ada masaalah besar. Bila kita selidik- Global University menawarkan ijazah kepaderian. Ia tidak mengeluarkan MBA. Ia menyediakan penuntut2 untuk jadi paderi.

11. Kenalah kita panggil YB Zahidi sebagai Tuan paderi Zahidi. Dia bolehlah cerita pada kita, berkenaan 929 bab dalam Old Testament dan 260 bab dalam New Testament. Boleh bersyarah kat kita mengenai Genesis, Exodus dan Leviticus. Kan?

12. Kita tanya tuan paderi Zahidi perkara2 ini kerana University tersebut hanya menawarkan pengajian Injil. Takde MBA.

13. Jadi dari University mana samdol ini dapat MBA dia? University itu tidak ujud. Jika University tidak ujud tidak ada MBA. Dia tidak ada mba.

14. Kalau entah macam mana, Zahidi terus juga mengatakan dia ada mba, kita mohon dia menghuraikan tentang marketing mix Philip Kottler. Dan juga tentang 4 corners dan 5 forces Michael Porter. Boleh kan?

15. Gabungkan 2 hujjah ini kita sampai kepada konklusi bahawa mba yang didakwa Zahidi ada sebetulnya tiada

16. Zahidi berbohong bukan semalam, tapi bertahun tahun. Dia ajak kita hidup dengan pembohongan. Ajakan yang kita tak boleh terima. Jadi kita marah bukan sebab Zahidi telah menipu kita, tapi kita marah sebab mulai hari ini, kita tidak lagi boleh mempercayai Zahidi.

17. Zahidi bukanlah orang yang pertama mencetus kontroversi kerana menipu mengenai kelayakan.

18. Semasa saya ADUN dahulu(2004-2008) saya bertemu rakan2 adun yang suka mempamerkan ijazah palsu mereka didinding. Saya tahu itu semua palsu sebab universiti2 tersebut tidak diiktiraf.

19. Sama ada mereka membeli ijazah2 tersebut atau mempertaruhkan pengalaman mereka untuk mendapat digri2 tersebut.

20. Sungguh kurang sopan. Mereka tidak hormat pada penuntut2 yang bertungkus lumus mendapatkan digri2 mereka yang sahih.

21. Nyatalah mereka tidak menghargai kerja keras. Mereka yang ada digri palsu suka mendapat kekayaan dan kelebihan secara percuma. Dengan itu mereka melakukan social sin yang pertama-wealth without work.

22. Orang2 yang membohongi mempunyai digri palsu adalah freeloader sebetulnya dan sebagian dari rent seeking clique.

23. Semasa saya MP (2013-2018).ada seorang MP Sarawak, Richard Riot, mencetuskan ribut dan berantakan kerana digri palsu tapi diakui sebagai benar.

24. Kenapa orang macam samdol Zahidi nak tipu benda macam digri? Dia membohongi diri sendiri, ibu bapa dan masyarakat.
Jelas dia tidak bersyukur. Dapat jadi MP dah cukup bagus. Ia bererti masyarakat mengiktiraf sesuatu yang berharga pada dirinya dan itu sudah satu pencapaian besar. Apa nak lagi?

25. Sebab utama lagi utama, saya ingat ialah tiada rasa malu. Tak malu pada diri sendiri, pada mak bapak, pada masyarakat dan pada Tuhan.

26. Kerana tak malu dalam satu kategori2 diatas atau kombinasi ketegori2 diatas, memberanikan orang macam Zahidi melakukan kesalahan secara umum. Dalam kes ini Zahidi menipu pasal digri. Dari kesalahan yang sekecil ini, dia akan graduate melakukan kesalahan2 yang lebih besar seperti salah guna kuasa, rasuah, pecah amanah dsb nya.

27. Saya tidak bercadang untuk membahaskan konsep malu. Itu akan saya huraikan dalam artikel yang lain. Ada rasa malu menyelamatkan diri dan masyarakat atau tiada rasa malu memusnahkan serta membinasakan diri dan masyarakat.

28. Sebaliknya oleh kerana Zahidi seorang politisyen dan saya juga begitu, saya akan membahaskan penipuan Zahidi dalam konteks melakukan satu dosa sosial yakni politik tanpa prinsip .

29. Dalam konteks politik tanpa prinsip, kita akan membincankan perihal persetujuan yang diperintah, pengkerajaan terhad, pemerintahan ikut undang2, demokrasi dan representative democracy.

30. Kita akan lihat orang2 seperti Zahidi, Baby Face Najib, Zahid Hamidi, Adnan Mansor, Isa ketek Samad, Azeez Raheem dll memusnahkan prinsip2 politik ini.

31. Itulah yang terjadi bila kita tidak serius menjadi seorang politisyen berprinsip, tapi hanya menganggap politik sebagai kerjaya saja. Kita hanya careerist politician.

32. Seorang careerist politician hanya berminat untuk mengayakan diri dan memajukan diri dalam jawatan nya.

33. Dalam mengejar 2 objektif ini, mereka sanggup mekakukan apa saja, termasuk melanggar undang2 formal dan moral. Inilah yang dilakukan oleh samdol Zahidi.

34. Prinsip politik yang pertama ialah mendapat persetujuan atau consent daripada yang diperintah. Mendapat persetujuan dari rakyat sepatutnya menjadi pembendung semula jadi. Disini rakyat dipersetankan.

35. Rukun yang dipakai oleh orang2 macam Zahidi ialah perintah ikut budibicara mutlak atau memerintah mengikut kebenaran ilahi/divine right.

36. Berbekalkan dua rukun ini, mereka buat sesuka hati- menipu, membohong, menyamun pecah amanah, rasuah dan melakukan pelbagai bentuk kezaliman.

37. Jadi kalau orang bertanya saya, mengapa orang macam Zahidi menipu jawapan pertama ialah dia tidak percaya pada prinsip persetujuan yang diperintah tapi pada persetujuan ilahi.

38. Ini tentu tidak banyak beda nya dengan orang yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai anugerah Tuhan kepada manusia. Tidak ada apa boleh menyekat mereka membuat sesuka hati.

39. Belum reda kontroversi yang dicetus oleh Zahidi ada ribut yang sama yang dicetuskan oleh matlaon dari Sabah. Rakyat Malaysia dianggap enteng ditipu dan gampang bangat dipengaruhi.

40. Simamat ni buat diploma dan digri dalam 1 tahun! Padan muka awak wok-buat diploma 3 tahun, digri 4 tahun. Mamat ni, kelulusan asas MCE aja! Agaknya digri, klas pertama kot-masters 1 tahun jugak.

41. Prinsip ke-2 yang dicampak ketingkap oleh orang2 macam Zahidi, ialah konsep pengkerajaan terhad atau limited government.

42. Bukan untuk Zahidi2 langkah2 seperti adanya perlembagaan, kerajaan terhad, perintah ikut hukum, demokrasi dan perwakilan demokrasi.

43. Semua ini dibuang. Ditempat semua itu diganti dengan rasa angkuh boleh melakukan apa saja. Menipu mudah saja. Zahidi tidak merasa apa2 melakukan nya.

44. Demikian terjadi apabila persetujuan mereka yang diperintah, diperlakukan sebagai taken for granted. Sedangkan berbuat demikian boleh membawa erti masyarakat dikawasan Zahidi bersubahat menipu rakyat seluruh negara.

45. Itu suatu perkara yang mustahil. Takkan dalam kawasan Zahidi tidak ada orang yang righteous dan beragama yang tidak bersetuju menipu bersama Zahidi. Zahidi yang sendiri2 pandai mengandaikan mendapat 100 peratus sokongan.

46. Agaknya Zahidi tidak pernah dengar perihal the rule of law. Perkara2 seperti supremacy of the law equality before the law, fairness in the application of the law ,accountability before the law, sekatan keatas arbitrariness dll.

47. Jelas Zahidi tidak tahu mengenai perkara2 ini. Tapi khasnya 2 perkara. Accountability kepada undang2 dan sekatan2 terhadap budicara mutlak.

48. Tidak tertakluk kepada 2 perkara ini dan jahil kepada prinsip rule of law Zahidi berani melakukan kesalahan2.

49. Mula2 menipu mengenai digri. Mana tahu selepas itu cbt, salah guna kuasa dan rasuah.

50. Adakah orang2 dalam kawasan parlimen Zahidi bersetuju sama2 untuk menipu? Ternyata Zahidi tidak amanah.

51. Zahidi juga tidak tahu lansung mengenai demokrasi dan perwakilan demokrasi atau representative democracy. Setelah jadi mp dan sekarang timbalan menteri, yang memilih dia dilupakan sampailah pru mendatang.

52. Dibawah demokrasi melalui pilihanraya bebas, kuasa akhir terletak dalam tangan rakyat. Melalui pru mereka memilih sosok tertentu untuk mewakili mereka. Pilihantaya adalah avenue untuk mereka timbang periksa.

53. Orang macam Zahidi lupa akan kuasa mutlak rakyat dan akan membayar kos yang tingi kerana meremehkan kuasa rakyat tersebut. Bila rakyat tidak bersetuju atau tidak boleh terima apa yang dilakukan oleh Zahidi, mereka boleh mengundinya keluar berambus!

54. Memberambuskan kaki2 busuk- penipu, perompak, penyamun dan perasuah adalah cara untuk menyelamatkan umno. Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyong manakan dapat sagu nya. Berakit rakit kehulu, berenang renang ketepian. Bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian.

55. Dayung sudah ditangan, perahu sudah diair. Rakyat sudah mengenali sangat umno. Tunggu apa lagi. Baca talqin untuk umno!

56. Si lahabau Zahidi ni tak paham bahawa sebagai seorang representative demokrasi, dia mewakili kebimbangan, harapan dan cita2 yang diwakilinya.

57. Bukan nya melibatkan diri dalam political voyeurism nya sendiri. Nah, voyeurism ialah keseronokan seksual melihat orang lain telanjang dan bersenggama. Atau keseronokan melihat orang lain menderita dan runsing. Pembaca2 lah yang menentukan Zahidi dalam kategori mana.

58. Alhasil, Zahidi hanya seorang snollygoster yakni seorang politisyen yang lihai dan tidak berprinsip. Atau seorang politisyen yang berminat berkhidmat untuk kepentingan nya sendiri bukan untuk rakyat.

59. Saya menulis artikel ini bukan hanya untuk Zahidi atau Haji Sabah atau Richard Riot tapi untuk semua yang menipu hanya pasal digri dan yang merompak, menyamun, pecah amanah, merasuah dan sebagainya.

60. Damn!

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tentera siber barua.

1 . Bertahun tahun saya berada dalam DAP saya tidak pernah berjumpa dengan anggota Red Bean Army. Rba ini adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh umno menerangkan penulis2 siber yang menyibarkan propaganda DAP.

2. Saya menganggap diri saya sebagai seorang penulis blog yang mungkin diminati ramai. Maka munasabah menyangka akan didatangi mana2 anggota rba. Tapi tiada, seorang pun.

3. Ianya suatu perkara yang impossible- anda juga seorang penulis blog tapi tidak pernah bertemu dengan seorang penulis blog dalam DAP sekurang kurang nya untuk bertukar pendapat. Mengeteh ke. Tiada .

4. Yang ada ialah beberapa penulis individu. Mereka menulis kerana didorong oleh isiu2 tertentu atau untuk menyatakan pandangan mereka atas, sesuatu perkara.

5. Yang menulis secara konsisten ialah Lim Kit Siang. Dalam bahasa inggeris! Mengapa lks tidak digelar general atau field Marshall rba? Atau lks sendiri rba?

6. Yang benar lagi nyata ialah tak ada army mengarmy nya. Tak ada kumpulan yang tersyusun. Tak ada mesyuarat. Dap takkan membiayai mana2 orang. Takde.

7. Agaknya umno menganggap mana2 pihak yang mencabar Malay supremacy sebagai Red Bean Army. Sedangkan apa2 supremacy patut ditentang.

8. Bercakap mengenai Malay supremacy dengan kepentingan Melayu yang sahih, adalah 2 perkara yang lain ya.

9. Tapi bukan perkara ini yang nak saya bahaskan melainkan perihal lashkar siber. Secara khususnya tentera kacang merah.

10. Apabila melonggokkan semua yang menentang Malay supremacy yang sebenarnya umno, kita dapati perkara yang tak masuk akal seperti menkategorikan Namewee pun sebagai anggota RBA.

11. Ianya hari yang menyedihkan apabila hanya bercakap saja mengenai kepentingan2 yang sahih pun tak boleh. Ini adalah kerana mana2 pihak diancam dan ditakutkan hingga jadi betina dan khunsa.

12. Apabila ini terjadi kita ada keadaan dimana yang ada ialah penjilat2 bontot. Kita ada suatu totalitarian state dimana perbedaan tidak di tolerate.

13. Kemudian apa yang akanterjadi? Yang akan terjadi ialah semua cakap2 bantahan termasuk mengenai ketidakadilan dan rasuah tidak dibenarkan.

14. Ini yang membedakan antara MCA dan DAP. Yang satu tanpa segan dan malu menjadi penjilat bontot umno dan pengangkat najis dari jamban umno. Yang kemudian, menjadi juru- bicara kepada kepentingan yang sahih dan menentang segala bentuk ketidakadilan dan kezaliman.

15. Hari ini yang terjadi ialah hubaya2 umno menubuhkan tentera sibernya sendiri. White Bean Army?

16. Tentera barua ini dikepalai oleh Reich minister, Joseph Lokman Goebbels.

17. RBA adalah fiksi imaginasi umno tapi yang benar2 wujud ialah tentera barua umno. Nah, sekarang siapa yang meracuni fikiran siapa?

18. Dari mana Joseph Lokman Goebbels dapat wang yang banyak? Bayangkan jumlah komputer riba baharu yang dibekalkan. Gaji penulis blog barua? Gaji sekretariat? Dan kos2 lain yang perlu? Mahu jutaan ringgit untuk mula dan ratusan ribu kos bulanan.

19. Kos nya saja tidak memungkinkan DAP mengujudkan RBA. Ianya suatu kerja bodoh dan membazir sumber.
Ia mengukuhkan lagi pendapat rba tidak ujud.

20. Kita boleh agak fungsi2 mereka. (a) membela crook2 umno
(b) meracuni fikiran rakyat
(c) bercakap mengenai Malay supremacy
(d) memutar belit fakta
(e) menghentam ppbm.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Wajah-wajah Oxymoron.

1. Ini karikatur simuka bayi Baby Face Najib yang membodohkan kita.

2. Ia ayat oxymoron. Ayat yang mengandungi 2 idea yang bertentangan. Jujur tapi melakukan jinayah yang jujur. Cinta tapi benci. Fine mess. Mulus tapi berantakan.

3. Ia berasal dari 2 istilah yunani. Oxys bereti tajam, tangkas, cerdik. Moros bererti bebal, lembab bodoh. Jadi gabungan yang berlawanan.

4. Dalam pengayatan, oxymoron adalah suatu alat dan perkakas yang berguna. Ia memberi tajuk yang sensasi. Ia memberi kesan rhetorik, dramatik dan memberi perasa kepada ayat kita. Tidak ketinggalan memberi kesan lelucu seperti dalam karikatur diatas.

5. Seorang India comot memujuk rakyat bahawa Najib seorang yang jujur yang membuat jinayah jujur. Hehe.

6. Bolehkah orang jujur melakukan jenayah dan kemudianya melalui jimnastik kata2, mengatakan jenayah itu jujur?

7. Ironi nya karikatur diatas menunjukkan Baby Face Najib mengelilingi dirinya dengan duit dan barangan berharga.

8. Si India comot tu boleh jadi John Dillinger dalam hidup lagi satu. Cocok sangat dia bersahabat dengan Baby Face Nelson err Najib.

9. Maka 2 sosok utama dalam karikatur tersebut menggunakan oxymoron untuk menghasilkan kesan lelucu. Gurauan tersebut kena kat kita.

10. Nampak sangat rakyat mau diperbodohkan. India comot tu cuba meyakinkan rakyat yang naif dan lurus bahawa Baby Face, sambil mengumpul wang dan barangan, mekakukan kesilapan (baca jenayah) yang jujur!

11. Mari kita kupas 2 istilah tersebut, jujur dan kesilapan jujur, dan sadar bahawa ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk meng-induce rigor mortis pada otak kita.

12. Jujur bererti benar dalam kata2 dan perbuatan. Baby Face Najib gagal dalam 2 hal ini. Bila kita jujur dan benar, bagaimana kita buat kesilapan? Kita tidak boleh extremes dalam dua perkara pada satu masa.

13. Kita bukan boleh switch off dan on mengkehendaki perwatakan yang kita mahu seperti Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Najib je gitu.

14. Pengumpulan wang dan barangan bukan berlaku dalam sekali. Kalau sekali bolehlah kita kata kesilapan. Tapi kalau berulang kali, bukan kesilapan tapi kesedapan.

15. Kalau Baby Face benar dalam perlakuan dia tak menyamun, merompak dan mencuri. Dia tak salah gunakuasa dan cabul kuasa.

16. Pengunaan ayat oxymoron ini menyembunyikan fiil Najib yang sebenar- crook yang membinasakan bangsa Melayu utamanya. Istilah jujur dan kesilapan jujur diberi oleh pihak ke3 untuk menegakkan benang yang basah. Tujuan nya ialah membodohkan kita.

17. Tapi kita bukanlah bodoh. Kita membaca yang tersurat dan yang tersirat. Akhirnya kita mahu katakan pada pihak Najib- kamu boleh sumbatkan oxymoron kamu ketempat yang tidak disinari mentari!

Friday, 11 September 2020

Baju Besi(body armour) Seorang Politisyen.

1. Seperti yang saya katakan saya ingin beri komen sedikit mengenai. Kenyataan Anuar Musa. Ingat ya, dia seorang perancang bandar bukan valuer.

2. Latihan yang serupa, sebagai seorang perancang bandar keatas subjek yang serupa, iaitu kampung Baharu, menghasilkan 2 natijah yang berbeda.

3. Itu bermakna latihan nya sebagai seorang perancang bandar adah nott. Cakap besarnya sekarang adalah untuk mengukuhkan suatu pembohongan saja.

4. Kepada orang macam Anuar Musa latihan apapun yang mereka terima tidak mengobah perwatakan mereka yang sebenar-kaki tipu. Ia macam Wak Jahid yang Ada Ph. D tapi tetap berkelakuan macam preman/gangster.

5. Jadi Anuar Musa bercakap dalam kapasiti apa? Sebagai seorang politikus?

6. Sebagai seorang polikus dia telah memberi nama busuk kepada politicians.

7. Anuar Musa cakap macam lidah bercabang. Semasa dia pembankang dia kata tanah di kampung baharu bernilai RM3000 pkp. Bila dia Menteri nak bayar RM850 pun tak boleh.

8. Orang macam Anuar Musa tak boleh dipercayai. Dia macam lalang ikut angin.

9. Kepada politisyen komoditi yang terpenting ialah integriti dan harga diri. Ternyata Anuar Musa tidak ada 2 perkara ini.

10. Kalau ada ni semua dia akan konsisten dalam percakapan nya. Tidak berbelit belit mempertahankan pembohongan nya.

11. Benarlah kata orang bahawa pembohongan mempunyai kos yang tinggi untuk maintain manakala kejujuran tiada kos.

12. Apabila kita hilang komoditi2 tersebut kita hilang kredibiliti kerana kata2 kita tidak boleh dipercayai. Itulah yang dipamerkan oleh seorang Anuar Musa. Boleh kita terus menyokong orang seperti ini?

13. Harga diri ialah evaluasi sabjektif se2orang terhadap dirinya sendiri. Tetapi jika orang lain yang membuat evaluasi, ia jadi evaluasi objektif. Bagaimana kita melihat seorang Anuar Musa?
Bercakap lain2 mengenai sabjek yang serupa bererti kita tidak boleh mempertanggung jawabkan dia pada sesuatu perkara. Itu sebabnya dia tidak merasa apa2 walaupun berdusta.

14. Tidak boleh mempertanggung jawabkan bererti dia bukan seorang yang dependable. Kita tidak boleh berharap kepada orang semacam ini. Dia lebih senang menyelamatkan tengkuk dia sendiri dan mempersetankan apa yang menimpa orang lain.

15. Saya rasa seram jika orang seperti ini diberi kuasa yang tidak terbatas. Besar kemungkinan dia akan 'abuse' kuasa dan tidak memperdulikan orang lain.

16. Politisyen yang tidak ada kesianbelas atau compassion pada orang lain tidak layak terus disokong. Dia tidak peduli apa jadi pada orang2 kampung baharu. Dapat duit dah. Duduk diam.

17. Tidak boleh dipertanggung jawabkan, tidak boleh diharap, cabul kuasa, tak ada kesian belas kepada orang lain-ini adalah ciri2 kediktatoran. Maukah kita sokong orang seperti ini? Terserah!

18. Integriti ialah sikap jujur mutlak dan mempunyai prinsip2 hidup yang kuat. Mari kita kaji seorang Anuar Musa dari sudut ini.

19. Jujur ialah bebas dari pembohongan, bercakap benar dan ikhlas. Amat sukar didapati pada politisyen macam Anuar Musa. Dia fail semua ujian.

20. Dahulu kata RM 3000 sekarang RM1000 pun sakit. Apa ni kalau bukan berbohong dan tidak bercakap benar?

21. Dia tidak ikhlas semasa beri pendapat 1 dan 2. Dia lebih bercakap kerana terikat dengan politik kepartian. Kerana membangkang, dia berkata kata hanya untuk dispute pandangan kerajaan ketika itu.

22. Tak ada intergriti bererti dia memalukan profesyen nya sebagai seorang townplanner dan kerjayanya sebagai seorang politisyen.

23. Kerjaya politisyen tak ada sumpah macam sumpah hippocratic seorang doktor. Ini termasuklah menghormati pandangan politisyen sebelumnya dan tidak menyakiti orang lain atau non-maleficense.

24. Sebagai rukun, seorang politisyen membuat undang2 nya sendiri. Tapi ia mestilah termasuk non maleficense atau tidak menyakiti orang lain. Tapi orang2 kampung baharu dapat sakit. Banyak.

25. Demikian sedikit sebanyak pandangan saya mengenai isiu ini. Saya telah menggunakan Anuar Musa sebagai modal perbincangan. Mungkin dia bukan embodiment sifat2 jijik yang saya katakan. Tapi mungkin jugak. Saudara2 buatlah penilaian sendiri.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

UMNO, berhentilah berlari dengan arnab dan berburu dengan anjing.

1. Saya nak komen keatas:-
A). Cadangan TRH supaya ahli kabinet umno keluar PN
B). Siapa calun PM UMNO
C) Bangkangan dari Anuar Musang
D) Kenyataan AM yang nak bayar RM1000 ke kampung baru pun tak boleh.

2. Sejak bila kehadiran bangsa lain dalam umno dan pas difaktor dalam didalam membuat keputusan2 asas?

3. Bangsa lain dalam parti2 itu hanya melukut ditepi gantang. Di taruh tak bertambah, diambil tak berkurang.

4. Maka jika umno keluar kabinet tidak jadi kudis kepada bangsa lain dalam umno.

5. Adakah tidak ada dalam kabinet bererti umno akan berhenti menerima keahlian bangsa lain?

6. Makanya kalau umno nak keluar jangan jadikan kemakmujkan sebagai alasan penghalang. Ia nya alasan tak bersangkut lansung.

7. Gesaan Tengku Razaleigh supaya ahli2 umno keluar kabinet adalah penyuaraan lojikal kepada sengketa2 terbuka umno kepada ppbm.

8. Nurjazlan Mohamed, khaled Nordin dan pemuda umno Johor semua beri ppbm amaran. Noh Omar berkelahi secara terbuka dengan menteri. Shahrir Samad dan Bung Mokhtar mengeciskan ppbm.

9. Tengku Razaleigh sendiri telah menyatakan tidak akan menyokong Wak Muhyi dan umno telah kata keluar MN dan akan bertanding dikawasan2 yang umno menang dulu.

10. Apa ini semua kalau bukan pendurhakaan terbuka atau open rebellion? Kalau orang umno ada sedikit amour propre atau harga diri baik keluar dari kabinet. Keluar atau dikeluarkan.

11. Dan kalau Muhyi ada maruah, dia tidak akan membiarkan penghinaan2 itu begitu saja tanpa pembalasan yang sesuai.

12. Orang2 macam Anuar Musa lah yang telah menjual jiwa mereka pada setan dan bisa kencing diatas pusara ibu bapa mereka.

13. Oleh kerana mereka sanggup buat apa saja, mereka menunjukkan mereka tiada prinsip. Muhyi boleh meninggalkan mereka sendirian atau memberi mereka tawaran yang mereka tidak boleh tolak.

14. Sikap orang2 macam Anuar Musa bolehlah kita simpulkan dalam ungkapan: bukan kami kurang sayangkan kamu, tapi kami sayangkan jawatan kami lebih.

15. Orang2 yang bermaruah, elok memikirkan gesaan Tengku Razaleigh itu.

16. Muhyi tidak perlu kata dia akan bertanding disemua kawasan umno dimana ppbm mesti, tapi hanya perlu berkata ppbm akan bertanding di Bagan Datoh, Sembrong, Peringat, Rantau, Bera dsb nya.

17. Juga di Padang Rengas, pasir salak dan dikawasan Isa Samad

18. Satu lagi kenyataan Tengku Razaleigh yang saya dapati intriguing ialah pengakuan nya bahawa umno tiada calun pm.

19. Datang dari punaisihat umno, ia satu terrible indictment keatas kepimpinan umno. Biar saya terangkan.

20. Kenyataan itu mengesahkan bahawa barisan pemimpin umno sekarang berdepan dengan banyak masaalah. Tindakan mahkamah, lari dari cukai dan ditolak rakyat.

21. Ia juga bererti tiada keyakinan pemimpin2 ini akan lepas dari undang2. Ia sebetulnya satu perkembangan yang baik sebab ia bererti geng penyamun dan perompak kian pupus dalam umno.

22. Teryata umno hanya mempunyai pimpinan yang mementingkan diri sendiri. Sehingga tidak ada rencana pergantian yang mantap.

23. Mereka bergantung pada keadaan atau perchance iaitu willy nilly yang paling pembohong, penyamun dan perompak serta kaki tipu naik keatas. Ianya kes the scum rises to the top.

24. Dalam keadaan yang demikian amat sukar untuk orang jujur macam Tengku Razaleigh dan khairi Jamaludin untuk naik.

25. Ia juga bermakna bahawa jalan selamat untuk umno ialah dengan membuang kaki busuk kaki busuk dalam umno.

26. Dengan penyingkiran segitu ,diharapkan sosok2 yang telus dan jujur muncul dalam umno.

27. Tapi pemimpin yang muncul itu kenalah membuat pembedahan yang revolusioner untuk membuang ketumbuhan2 yang membarahkan umno.

28. Dia mestilah orang yang berpengalaman dan disegani oleh ahli2 umno dan pendapatnya didengar oleh ahli2 umno.

29. Tengku Razaleigh adalah terlalu gentleman untuk mengangkat bakul sendiri. Saya dari parti lain tapi kenal dengan Tengku Razaleigh. Bercakap dengan nya, saya tahu kecintaan nya terhadap umno sangatlah mendalam. Dan keinginanya untuk membela rakyat, istimewanya orang Melayu di iringi dengan pengalaman serta rencana yang mantap dan hormat pada undang2 yang tidak ada duanya. Kalau tanya saya calun pm dari umno yang telus dan jujur, ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Itu pandangan jujur saya.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

The Toilet Paper Chase.

1. A long time ago when I started my career with Shell Malaysia there was a gentleman who liked to put us young graduates down.

2. If having degrees is not difficult and no big thing, why didn't he get one? And please explain why many of the graduates later ended as his bosses ?

3. Actually the gentleman was just envious of people with degrees, that he had to belittle and demean the latter. He rationalised his behaviour by claiming that They(his putdowns) should  be humbling and meant that the graduates would get down from their high horses.

4. That was unnecessary because the scholarly trained would know how to behave appropriately. It's the cerebrally untrained who are obstinate and stubborn in their uncouth ways.

5. Ordinary folks are behaving normally. They live and let live. They accept not having a University degree not regarding that deficiency as an impediment to success. But inferiority complexed people are a different matter. They will behave as the gentleman behaved. Despicably.

6. But to some people, having a degree is an all consuming obsession. They are willing to lie to pretend they have a degree. Where is their self-worth?

7. If they have to lie and pretend they have a degree, then they don't deserved support from the people. Stripped of their hypocrisy, they are just liars.

8. In my time as MP (2013-2018) a minister from Sarawak, Richard Riot caused a furor over his degree. They were fake. He didn't expect some conscientious sleuths will investigate his bogus claims.

9. Why must he lie about it? To get elected as MP means the people recognize some intrinsic qualities in him. That's approval already. So he doesn't have a degree, so what?

10. Because he knows to get about in life, he must have 2 things. (a) be successful and rich (b) paper qualifications. Both of which he doesn't have I presume.

11. That aside, he must be suffering from a severe case of inferiority complex. He's cerebrally challenged! He can only talk about football and playing marbles. What a shame!

12. Now another asshole has joined his riot squad. He's a Muslim MP from Perlis, the state hung like a baby carrot.

13. He's Zahidi Zainul Abidin a Deputy Minister from the party of cheats and liars-umno.

14. He claimed to have read MBA at Global University in California, USA. Wah! Hebat hang. Awat tak habaq mai.

15. But here's our problem. Upon closer inspection we find out that Global university offers only biblical studies. It prepares students to become pastors. Then we must call YB Zahidi as pastor Zahidi.

16. Perhaps pastor Zahidi doesn't mind talking about the 929 chapters in the Old Testament and the 260 chapters of the New Testament. He can lecture us on Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Ask the former Mufti to attend too.

17. On business subjects, he can expand on Philip Kotler's marketing mix and Porter's 5 forces concept and 4 corners theory. We promise we will pay attention. Your Perlis slang will provide us the comic relief.

18. Like Lenin before us, we ask what are we to do? What are we to do with these 2 jokers?

19. Zahidi is a fellow who thinks he can do something wrong and gets away with it.

20. Lying and not owning up to it is in his veins. Can we trust such a person with a department more so with a ministry?

21. Lying to us is one thing. Asking us to live with a lie is unconscionable. Both are a menace to their constituency and to the government. Both of them deserved to be expurgated.

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