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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 15 April 2012

One, Two, Three, Four- Pantun Hashim Gera

Saya baru pulang dari berceramah di bota kanan dan parit dalam negeri Perak. Ini negeri yang UMNO bising apabila MB yang sahih, Nizar menyerahkan 6000 grant tanah kepada rakyat negeri Perak, dari semua bangsa. Grant tanah yang di nanti puluhan tahun yang tidak di selesaikan pada zaman UMNO memerintah negeri Perak. Seorang dapat se ekar sahaja. Bising macam nak rak. Yelah, sebab jika tanah di beri sekarang, UMNO tak dapat merompak dan melanun lagi pada masa depan. Kalau dia orang dapat kuasa lah. Jadi kepada orang Perak saya berpesan- untuk mengelak diri dari di lanun dan di rompak, jauhkan diri anda dari UMNO. Jauh jauh. 
Bila Nizar melakukan tanggung jawab tersebut, orang UMNO semua bising. Beri tanah kepada orang Cina yang tanam sayur dan yang mendiami kampung2 baru.  Cina ini rakyat mana? Celaka betul orang UMNO. Mereka bersekongkol dengan orang cina tidak mengapa. kita berkawan dengan orang cina, UMNO tuduh orang cina yang jadi kawan kita kafir harbi. UMNO pulak sekarang mengkafirkan orang dan bertindak liar dan samsing. Inilah tanda2 UMNO akan jadi pembangkang. Mari kita bantu UMNO jadi parti pembangkang dan Najib jadi ketua pembangkang. 
Orang Myanmar, kemboja, Indonesia, Nepal kerajaan UMNO hari ini berikan mykad, orang UMNO tidak bising pun. Ini terang terang menggadai dan membelot negara. UMNO diam seribu bahasa. Maklum sajalah- mesti kekalkan kuasa dengan cara apa pun supaya kekal lesen untuk merompak dan melanun khazanah negara ini. 
Pada masa yang sama, kita menambah anggota RELA? Untuk jaga apa? PATI? Bukankah kita menyambut kedatangan PATI dengan tangan terbuka supaya boleh kita beri mykad untuk mengundi UMNO dan BN didalam PRU 13 nanti? Ini sikap UMNO yang penuh dengan hipokrasi.
Dan cuba kita tanya berapa ekar pulak yang Zamri Kadir beri dalam tempoh masa yang sangat singkat dia menjadi MB? Zamri telah memberi sebanyak 68,000 ekar iaitu 10 kali ganda dari apa yang di lakukan oleh Nizar!. Laknat sungguh pimpinan UMNO. 
Seperti kata Tun Daim Zainudin, beza orang yang datang mendengar ceramah PAS dan UMNO mudah sahaja. Pendengar ceramah UMNO di bayar. Kalau bukan dengan duit , jika tidak ada jamuan tidak akan datang. Majlis besar, orang di datangi dengan pengangkutan, di bayar duit dan di bekalkan dengan nasi bungkus atau jamuan yang mewah . maklum sahajalah UMNO banyak bela lembu.  Orang yang datang di jamu dengan gulai kawah. 
Tapi banyak kali, jumlah yang hadir dalam ceramah UMNO kita kena kena kira kerusi kosong, kuih muih, pinggan mangkuk untuk melapurkan kehadiran yang banyak. 
Orang yang datang mendengar eramah PAS adalah rakyat marhein. Mereka menderma kepada seruan perjuangan pas. perlakuan mereka datang dari sanubari. Itu cerminan keyakinan mereka. 
Apa pengajaran nya disini? Pengajaran nya ialah PAS dan penyokong nya boleh menang dan berjaya. Suatu ketika semasa Fidel Castro sedang bangkit melawan dictator Cuba masa itu, seorang penyokong nya di kejar dan di kepung oleh askar Batista. Daripada menyerah, penyokong itu telah mengebom diri nya sendiri sama seperti orang Palestin yang meletupkan diri mereka hari ini. apa petunjuk dari perbuatan tersebut, tanya seorang diplomat Amerika yang menyaksikan peristiwa di Cuba ketika itu? itu petanda, the rebels can win kata nya.
Demikian juga kepada penyokong PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat. Semangat yang di tunjukkan yang mencerminkan kesungguhan dan keyakinan akan mengatasi kebanjiran wang yang akan di lakukan oleh UMNO dalam PRU ini. UMNO tidak mampu menawarkan apa apa untuk menghidupkan keyakikan dan kepercayaan. Ia hanya tahu membeli kesetiaan rakyat. 
Tapi seperti kata Daim Zaiudin zaman kita membeli sokongan dengan wang ringgit sudah berakhir. Hari ini rakyat bertanya, ke mana kamu mahu bawak negara ini? dan Najib , UMNO dan BN tidak ada jawapan. 
Berbalik kepada Bota dan Parit. Masuk ke kawasan ini, saya teringat seorang ahli Politik Legenda dari Parit- Hashim Gera. Dia terkenal dengan kehandalan nya berpantun.
Jadi sempena berceramah kepada orang Bota dan Parit, saya mengingatkan pantun Hashim Gera.
One, two, three, four
Satu dua tiga empat
Husin nordin kereta besor
Orang paghit apa dapat?

Sebab saya padankan pula dengan sebuah pantun lagi
One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Rosmah mansor cincin besor
Rakyat Malaysia apa dapat


FMZam 15 April 2012 at 12:05  

Rakyat Malaysia yang sebenar-benar rakyat tidak akan bertanya apa yang negaranya boleh beri pada mereka (seperti kata J.F.Kennedy). Rakyat Malaysia mungkin bukan rakyat Amerika, tapi rakyat Malaysia boleh berkata-kata bahawa kalau pemimpin2 Malaysia dapat berlipat ganda untuk dirinya dari negaranya melebihi apa yang diberi kepada seluruh rakyatnya, hanya kerana mereka jadi pemimpin, maka pemimpin2 itu bukan rakyat Malaysia, mereka adalah musuh rakyat dan negara ini!

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 12:05  


Is it possible to give a link to your ceramah.
We only got the ceramah from Pekan and Kemasik


Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 13:18  


You are doing a great service going around those villages to liberate minds of those poor peasants from being siege by satanic UMNO Baru.

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 13:21  

Dear Sak,

I pray and hope that PR can take Putrajaya and send UMNO/BeEnd to their graves but with the "dirty Tactics" of these BE END Lanuns, I hope that you can provide best solutions for PR and also to educate the folks in the interior kampungs/desa and also the deep interiors of Sabah and Sarawak.

By the way please post your ceramah videos in your blog as I do often visit yours.

Yours truly
Mat Toyol

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 13:22  


Your poem sound interesting indeed! May the spirit of being set free from UMNO/BN domination prevail upon this country. Then we shall see how it will soar and roar!

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 14:21  


Your are so confident PR will win. Hope you are right. RPK assessment that PR will win the popular votes but still lost out on Parliemant seats to BN.

What is your assessment on the grounds based on the numerous ceramah in few states on the support for PR?

About the man that can walk on water, can he also fly? Hope, he will jump from Petronas Twin Tower to test his flying skills!!


Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 15:05  

Very moving article
Dato can your ceramahs be put on You Tube just like anwar's and mat sabu ceramahs

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 15:44  


One, two, three, four
Satu dua tiga empat
Tidak lama lagi BN akan berkubur
Supaya RAKYAT tidak merempat

Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Lima, Enam, Tujuh, Lapan
BN sakit terus kaget
Kerana RAKYAT inginkan perubahan


NAJIB = Najib Angkuh Jiwa Ingin Berkuasa
NAJIB = Niat Anwar Jelas Ingin Berjasa
ANWAR = Apakah Najib Wira Anak RAKYAT?
ANWAR = Anwar Nescaya Wira Angkat RAKYAT

Alif, Mim, Nun, Wau!! Ahh!! Apa itu SARKIS?? (petik filem Pendekar Bujang Lapuk)


Apakah Hang Tuah wira sejarah?
Apakah Hang Jebat wira rakyat?
Atau sekadar hikayat?

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 15:48  

One question. With all these foreign voters with MyKad, Rela members and postal voters will Pakatan still be able to make it to Putrajaya?

UMNO and EC are going to cheat like hell to defeat Pakatan.
What can we do about that?

Its not only money, its about blatant cheating.

Suci Dalam Debu 15 April 2012 at 17:16  


Saya berharap pendirian saudara untuk menegakkan kebenaran tidak akan luntur dan kerdibiliti senantiasa terpelihara.

Pengorbanan yang benar akan dikenang sampanjang zaman. Lanun-lanun akan dikutuk sampai akhir masa.

One Two Three Four
Satu Dua Tiga Empat
Lanun UMNO/BN Sudah Tersohor
Penjara jua mereka disumbat


cucukerinci 15 April 2012 at 19:40  

Moga Allah akan memberkati perjuangan PR bagi menumbangkan Umno BN dlm pru13.....hujah dan fakta yg daro' sampaikan dlm ceramah amat berkesan......hrp dpt dtang lagi ke Parit Perak....

bruno,  15 April 2012 at 22:01  

Dato,it is good that you guys are going to the kampongs and to the heartland of Umno's core support base.You guys have to take the fight to their front doorsteps.That will keep the Umnoputras busy on the defensive.

The urban areas population have more or less made up their minds on which coalition to support.It is the kampongs makchiks and pakchiks together with the left behind people of Sabah and Sarawak who have their lands stolen from them,who is going to decide GE13th.

Before,accusations of corruption by the ruling regime have been minimised of their effects by their propoganda machine.But today the NFC scandal has hit the message home and hard,even into the kampongs.Afterall,beef is the most consumed meat as a protein by the Malays.

The hanging on to office by Sharizat,until her term as senator expires has hurt Umno more than the scandal itself.It has shown how out and out Umno is in, protecting one of their own,when it comes down to corruption.

Keep feeding this issue to the main support base of Umno and even Mr Moo might lose his seat in Johore.KJ might even have problems in NS where NFC is based.It is just how the opposition relay the message to the people.

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 22:05  

Anon 15 April 2012 15:48,

1. Pertama, most important thing to do is, come 28th April, turn up at your nearest Bersih 3.0 gathering. Bring ur family and frens to show our digust to SPR and gomen. Show these goons we meant business and we are NOT SUB- CONTRACTING our future to the opposition anymore. We are the opposition to UBN/SPR together with Pakatan rakyat.

2. After 28 april, go to your nearest Pakatan office. Bring and organise the citizen to volunteer time to comb the election rolls to weed out the hantus within ur DUN and Parliament constituency.

We need to do it ourselves because our local Pakatan may be short of inteligent people and manpower. Time is short.

3. Once we have identified the hantus within our contutuency, come the official protest to SPR. THIS IS ANOTHER PROBLEM! Each ptotest will be charged RM 10. say if there 1000 hantus in ur area, that gonna cost RM 10K in fees. Mana mau cari itu wang?

Ingat its our fight get rid of present gomen. our local pakatan mungkin tak cukup wang, so we need to help them too. we\ may need to do house to house donation or watever way to get donation.

Ingat...kita sudah sub-kontrak urusan menumpaskan UBN dalam general election terlalu lama. Kita demand everything from our resources constraint oppositions far too long from the comfort of our homes. Its time for us to move our butts and take our fight ourselves....that is if we want changes in coming PRU 13. Else forget it....


Quiet Despair,  15 April 2012 at 22:54  

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Anwar Brahim mimpi besor
Kita Rakyat apa dapat

Satu dua tiga empat
One two three four
Ce teka dengan tepat
Oghang Perok panggil jubor

Anonymous,  15 April 2012 at 22:59  

satu dua tiga empat

masih tidak terlambat

undi dengan tepat

uno dos tres cuatro

rakyat as maestros

lumpuh umno - bn albatross

Anonymous,  16 April 2012 at 03:06  

Salam Dato,

You tell nothing but the truth. Syabas!

I doa that you will be safe in your travels and protected from the revengeful UMNO goons.

Please be vigilant, check your car for potential explosives implanted by the UMNO goons. Watch your health too. UMMO goons will go all out to wage war against you.

Stay safe, always.

bruno,  16 April 2012 at 04:24  

Dato,even our friend QD is in real despair and has run out of gas,going by the looks of his comments.What QD does not understand is that the first piority of the people is to get rid of the corrupted ruling regime Umno/BN.

That does not mean that the people supporting the PR all like or have to like Anwar.But to fulfill the objective of kicking out the corrupted ruling regime,opposition supporters have to come to a compromise.That is to accept Anwar as the head of the PR,and as PM if PR wins the GE.

QD's reasoning is anybody but Anwar.So as long as Anwar is the opposition leader,the corrupted Umno/BN has to be in power.It does not matter if the country goes to the dogs,or became a pariah third world country.

Before when QD commented,although sometimes his comments might be one sided and not make sense,as an Umno diehard we have to respect his views.I always thought of him as someone smart to be able to argue or debate in a civilised manner.But as times past and things start to look gloomy,he has lost his direction,heart and staying power to debate.So for him now like the Umnoputras,anything and everything goes.That is including the kitchen sink,toilet and the washer driers too.

Anonymous,  16 April 2012 at 10:15  

15 April 2012 22:05
Anonymous Quiet Despair said...

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Anwar Brahim mimpi besor
Kita Rakyat apa dapat

Satu dua tiga empat
One two three four
Ce teka dengan tepat
Oghang Perok panggil jubor

15 April 2012 22:54

untuk qd..

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
org asyik shoping kek carefor
Ko kerja nya asyik memantat

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
kalau keja asyik menjilet jubor
menjelek jubor juga tak kira tempat

bes qd

Quiet Despair,  16 April 2012 at 11:13  

Hey buddy Bruno

Long time no sparring yeah. Kinda missed you.
I am despairing quietly, like my Nanna said. Despairing that my beloved bro Sak does not like me. But I like him though.
Got loads to write but I see no point its gonna be thrashed by our brother.
So am resorting to one or two liners. I see that is the trend to go here now. Langgar dan lari. Hit and run.
So gotta play the same tune. I am learning to be like that.
And I stand by my fervent belief that Anu-War is a liablility, an albatross round the Pakatan neck.
Get rid of him and Pakatan can be the ruling party in the coming GE.

P.S . That jubor I heard when we were having lunch at the famous Nasi Ganja restaurant in Ipoh.
At the next table, a group of 12 men were shouting jubor this and that about the ABU leader. i cant help eavesdropping because they were laughing out loud when they mentioned the jubor word many times.
Before we left, my pals and I shook their hands and said we are with you.
See ya tonight at Sak's latest posting. Syok nampak.

Anonymous,  16 April 2012 at 21:28  

QD 16 April 2012

QD that the expectation we expect from you, when you meet a coterie of friends, your type of umno paid clowns & jesters !

Anonymous,  16 April 2012 at 21:45  

Dear bat8

15 April 2012

Thank you for your sensible info. Have copied it and will refer to it to help out. Pls save it and keep uploading your info on other sites as well, as more supporters need to be aware. PK supporters must work cooperatively, and stop passing negative remarks about fellow supporters here.

Anonymous,  16 April 2012 at 22:07  

Dear Bat 8,

Each protest will be charged RM 10. say if there 1000 hantus in ur area, that gonna cost RM 10K in fees.

The rakyat must demand we do not need to pay them any single sen for the bloody phantom voters they've created. In fact they should be made to compensate the rakyat for adulterating democracy, denying us our rights for a clean, fair and transparent election.

Anonymous,  17 April 2012 at 05:14  

Salam Sak,

FMZam, 15 April 2012

depa & their hardcore supporters pernah cabar rakyat menyalahgunakan quote JF Kennedy. HA HA HA, the rakyat nak tanya what have the ruling regime done for us ? taken from us ? have not done for the rakyat in the kampong - kampong in Semenanjung and the interiors, the sub-rural areas in Sarawak, Sabah for decades ?

Here the leaders do not take the people, accountability seriously like the American leaders do - resignation, impeachment within a few days from the breaking news of a scandal !

In Malaysia, from the scandalS, are of no end,from the scorpene deals, handbag, the diamond ring, the engagement feast, etc etc, COW, PKFZ project, Lynas, the three tragic deaths which happened while in their custody, the poverty, Taib Muhammad, Robert Chan, etc, etc !

Power of the rakyat to Vote all the Goons Out !

Anonymous,  17 April 2012 at 05:26  

Salam Sak,

depa & their hardcore supporters pernah cabar rakyat menyalahgunakan quote JF Kennedy. HA HA HA, the rakyat nak tanya what have the ruling regime done for us ? taken from us ? have no economic- social, mental development been done for the rakyat in the kampong - kampong, pinggir bandar, within the bandar- bandar in Semenanjung and the interiors, the sub-rural areas in Sarawak, Sabah for
decades ?

And they do not take the voters and accountability seriously like the American leaders do - resignation, impeachment within a few days from the breaking news of a scandal !

The goons have been above the law for far too long ! They do not want changes in their too comfortable zone. The rakyat must demand changes.

Power of the rakyat to Vote all the Goons Out !

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