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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 3 September 2010

Lu tak baca ka, siapa bikin Malaysia kaya?


you listened to Namewee's rap song, yes its true, he uses the case of the headmistress who was accused  and already condemned of racism. To drive home the point that Malays should be voiceless. To him or to the message of the song- that defines a good, non racist Malay.
On any educationist who uses racial slurs, the minister Nazri Aziz has said, we have zero tolerance of this kind of racism. PM Najib has reaffirmed the government's commitment to zero racism.
No one asked what prompted Siti Inshah Mansor to say what she said. No one is interested because they are more interested to drive home the point, a Malay is naturally inclined to racism. The non Malays are always victims of racism.
The rapper uses vulgar language to begin his song to fuck racism. Ok, we can dig it if people say- this is an art form. Indeed, the free use of such profanities is the hallmark of one particular blogger. So, we accept as current and fashionable the use of such language form.
We can't control the choice of words other than inferring this kind of language is a common practice in his family. We can also infer it as a sign of the breeding he underwent. Just so I won't be accused of demeaning his family values, I will also say, among Malay families where usage of vulgarity and profanities is a norm, that also reflect poor breeding and adoption of poor values.
It seems to me, the measure of a good and non racist Malay is that he/she must be a dumb mute. The racist in Namewee would wish that a good Malay is any Malay who is told of his/her place is to stay in one corner and not retaliate. So Siti Inshah Mansor is better off by sitting quiet in one corner and must not exercise her authority as Headmistress even in the course of instilling discipline. And all the Siti Inshahs out there better keep quiet because you 'banana suckers' did not make this country rich. If anyone is qualified to be a racist and can get away with it, it is we who have enriched this country mah..
We haven't been told of the circumstances that prompted Siti Inshah to behave in the manner she did. Probably it was caused by equally racial taunts from the students who were punished? But no, Siti Inshah cannot respond. She must exercised restraint or better still, just ignore. Never mind the students who claimed to be the victims of racism have done something very wrong. Siti Inshah is better off sucking bananas.
Our good Malay is one who is compliant and malleable. Lu ikut cakap gua saja ma.. the Malay loses any avenues to reassert his/her existence because he/she has not made this country rich. Lu tak baca ka- siapa bikin Malaysia kaya?


schenker78 3 September 2010 at 08:20  


i wonder which blogger u refer to....
"Ok, we can dig it if people say- this is an art form. Indeed, the free use of such profanities is the hallmark of one particular blogger. So, we accept as current and fashionable the use of such language form. "

I know that big fat dog umno blogger is dirty ,

as well as papagomo, saiful bukhari bapok and ....

schenker78 3 September 2010 at 08:27  

sak 'Probably it was caused by equally racial taunts from the students who were punished? But no, Siti Inshah cannot respond. '

since when students learn to become racist against teachers ???

talk some sense sak. you are getting as nyanyuk as mahathir.

for a teacher to tell chinese go back china and indians prayer string as dogs, just show the typical mentality of supremacist behavior.

the world world does not belong to us let alone our body. we will all die soon, who cares what happened to this world. If things become bad, just hope God will give one Big Tsunami and kill all of humanity.

At least the animals and trees will behave better than any human beings aho are behaving like bunch of BASTARDS.

Just get lost stupid HUMANS.

Cikgu Ngah,  3 September 2010 at 08:30  

Assalamualaikum Dato',

Begitulah keadaannya kita di Malaysia ini. Bila budak hingusan gila glamour bernama Namewee ini hina Islam, hina azan, hina lagu kebangsaan dan hina anggota Polis (yang majoritinya orang Melayu), maka dia dilepaskan dan dimaafkan. Tapi bila seorang mamak Penang yang berjawatan Ketua UMNO Bahagian panggil kaum Cina dan India sebagai 'pendatang', maka dia dikenakan tindakan disiplin oleh Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.

Memang benar, kita orang Melayu ni penyabar dan mudah memaafkan orang. Kalau orang Cina dan India boleh dengan senangnya nak melupakan fakta bahawa mereka dibawa masuk ke negara ini secara migrasi oleh pihak British, maka kita juga orang Melayu patut melupakan fakta bahawa Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj dengan murah hatinya telah memberikan sejuta kerakyatan kepada kaum asing pada 1957. Tak mengapa, orang-orang Melayu dalam UMNO, PAS, PKR dan DAP juga tak perlulah ambil tahu bahawa Raja-raja Melayu seperti contohnya Almarhum Sultan Abdul Aziz, Sultan Perak pernah pada tahun 1948 meminta pihak British menghadkan kemasukan pendatang asing ke negara ini kerana khuatir orang Melayu akan di'outnumbered'. Kita patut lupakan semua fakta ini kerana kita nak mencapai 1 Malaysia. Hairan juga kerana setiap tindakan dan kata2 yg mempertahankan hak2 orang Melayu dan bumiputera oleh Tun Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin dan Ibrahim Ali akan dilabelkan oleh Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang sebagai 'racist act' dan 'biggest obstacle to Najib's 1 Malaysia'. Dia ni sokong ke tidak sokong 1 Malaysia sebenarnya? Kalau sokong sangat Dato' Najib apa kata YB Lim Kit Siang bawa masuk DAP ke dlm BN. Lepas itu kita bagi 'Tunship' pada beliau.

Jangan lupa kita juga mestilah benarkan kontrak2 kerajaan diberikan secara tender terbuka supaya semua syarikat, semua bangsa dapat peluang sama rata untuk memilikinya. Tak payah ingatlah yang selama hari ini orang Melayu memang ramai meng'sub'kan kontrak mereka pada orang Cina. Tak payah ingatlah bahawa semua sumber-sumber bahan binaan dijual oleh peniaga-peniaga Cina.

Syarikat-syarikat GLC mestilah bagi peluang pada orang-orang seperti Low Thaek Jow untuk jadi lembaga pengarah. Apa kata lantik beliau sebagai MD Khazanah selepas Tan Sri Azman Mokthtar? Barulah kena dengan semangat 1 Malaysia.

Itu Cikgu Siti Inshah memang tak fikir panjang. Cikgu mana boleh cakap macam itu. Cikgu mesti cakap tertib, sopan santun dan selalu menurut perintah. DAP dan MCA jangan risau, lepas ini sebagai suatu 'goodwill gesture' kita akan minta Kementerian Pelajaran tambah lebih ramai pelajar-pelajar ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (PISMP) berbangsa Cina dan India di Institut2 Pendidikan Guru (IPG) seluruh negara. Sekarang ini memang ada program PISMP untuk menghasilkan guru-guru Bahasa Cina dan Tamil untuk SJKT dan SJKC. Kita perlu tambah jumlah ini dan naikkan biasiswa mereka. Barulah nampak Kementerian Pelajaran dan Kerajaan Malaysia tidak rasist. KSU Kementerian Pelajaran lepas ini patut dilantik dari kalangan orang Cina atau India pula.

Tak payah risaulah tak ada orang Melayu dalam Public Bank atau Genting Group. Di Public Bank ada Tuanku Tengku Muda dalam board of directors dan dalam Genting ada mantan IGP. Itu sudah cukuplah tu. Buat apa nak banyak2. Dalam GLC kan orang Melayu sudah ramai. Patut lantik Karpal Singh jadi Pengerusi PNB ganti Tun Ahmad Sarji.

Apa lagi nak bagi supaya tak dituduh rasist?

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 08:45  

u see dato' sak how difficult to deal with this subject? Ada satu bangsa yang cukup mudah bertolak ansur dan ada satu bangsa yang amat oportunis, ego dan bertuhankan harta kekayaan. How to live and blend together?

And they claim they enrich this country...My take it is the banking sector that enrich our country or grow our economy the most.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 08:57  

a good one dato'..

baik nye kita semua declare kita racist..
senang sikit tak payah nak ngelak2..

alang2 menyeluk pekasam....

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 09:04  

Bro Sak, Namewee is a by product of Malaysian education. His parents are also a by product of Malaysian Education.
Yes, parents play a very important role in shaping the nature of their children but what shapes the parents ? It all boils down to a lot of "racism" practise schools, at work, newspapers, everywhere....It slowly chipped away whatever harmonious and sense of integrity and considerateness. It's our good basic wholesome culture going down the drain. Don't talk about racism,look around us, cleanliness of our surroundings, considerateness of our drivers, rape cases, babies abandoned .
The headmistress was head of the school, she could have make a difference in our society by shaping our children. Who is to say kids cannot educate their parents ? Yes, parents, teachers, our leaders, etc are responsible for the younger generation we are shaping. Let's all be more responsible.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 09:22  


Another new low, after the infamy of supporting a 'money launderer' return to politic!

Ha, now u r suggesting that racist, Siti Inshah Mansor, was been provoked even in the course of instilling discipline!

Wa lu banyak pandai-lah. Jadi champion racist just bcoz of yr showing of the siege & inferiority complex?

'...a good and non racist Malay is that he/she must be a dumb mute.'

& '...If anyone is qualified to be a racist and can get away with it, it is we who have enriched this country mah..'

U r moving toward stereotyping groups of people bcoz of individual behavior! What takes?

Troubled soul, again?

Ariff Sabri 3 September 2010 at 09:26  

anon 09:22

helo blader, you cant telima that you Chinese can be a racist too mah? i have put up the you tube- so that semua olang boleh tengok mah and interpret. wa mau tengok siti nor hariza mah...tak mau siti inshah.

Kenn 3 September 2010 at 09:37  

No one asked what prompted Siti Inshah Mansor to say what she said. No one is interested because they are more interested to drive home the point, a Malay is naturally inclined to racism. The non Malays are always victims of racism.

But what did the principal, Siti Inshah Mansor really say?

schenker78 3 September 2010 at 10:03  

'helo blader, you cant telima that you Chinese can be a racist too mah? i have put up the you tube- so that semua olang boleh tengok mah and interpret. wa mau tengok siti nor hariza mah...tak mau siti inshah.'

sak...thats siti nurhaliza, he purposely change the word l to r because chinese kampung cannot pronounce the L word till today....

wanna see siti the singer not siti inshah, what racist wording ?? where ??

sapa bikin malaysia kaya ?? that is racist statement to say only chinaman very good in a very deep meaning by namewee.....tersirat....

malay being dumb and poorer is because of their own doin. Irresponsible alibaba government, and the malay cotractors sub the works to chinese....because it is true malays not capable.... even the Indonesian workers, supervisors, mandurs laugh at malays because being so lazy....

mau goyang kaki atas kerusi, bini kiri dan kanan, tapi malas mau kerja...suka alibaba....let the minority malays who are rajin and genuinely want to be competetive come up in LIFE. Those lazy malays go jump into the sea.

Those lazy malays do tekan those smart and hardworking malays that Crab story.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 10:09  

Betul ke dia ni berbinkan Ah Long, Datuk? Nampak pada tona kulit dan jambang yang ditempek pada muka (palsu?), tak nampak pun seiras bebudak Daputera? Rasa-rasanya dia ni lebih sajak angkat poster berlogo bulan berbanding poster berlogo 'roket diesel'.


schenker78 3 September 2010 at 10:17  

those separate schooling system do split up children from std 1 itself. who s at fault. those early planners during merdeka.

now, those vernacular schools cant be abolished , it is as difficult to abolish sek. jenis keb. for the non malays as to abolishing the so called special Tongkat rights for the malays....

sek cina do think they are superior than sek keb for some reasons...true or not i dono... but both these sek keb and sek cina producing Non english speaking students that my company and the likes.. rejects in hiring them.

The only place these student work is in glc, gov agencies and typical mandarin chinese companies. Sorry Multinational and overseas companies dont want you kind of communication skills as we think you people speak very poor english and poor PR.....also these students have difficulty in mingle with various nationalities, culture and working style...u can ask those malays speak like Mudin Yassin and chinaman speak like Yen Yen and Namewee... and Indians to some extent like samy xde value.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 10:23  

You are holding on to a highly very very thin argument. You said it yourself, you do not know why Siti Inshah did what she did but you did not ask if what she did was excusable, why has it not come out yet? On the other hand, Namewee actions is open to all to see even with a police report and he is being made accountable for it.

Your argument boils down to entitlement. Plain simple special rights i.e. you are not free from bias and human failings, so I can be racist more than you.

Warga Malaysia,  3 September 2010 at 10:45  

You are again leaving your good senses and stretching out logic to back a fellow Malay. Is a simple assertion that the Chinese had contributed to the prosperity of the country and thus should not be required to bear the indignity of being constantly to balik tongsan (when there is no tongsan to balik to) that offensive to you?

Warga Malaysia,  3 September 2010 at 10:50  

We too now have to accept the reality that Sakmongkol is no god but a mere human being capable of stretching logic and imagination by spinning the possibilities that the racist HM had been provoked when so far there had been no indication of such plus the HM never mentioned such in her apology. Let us just put that in the same class as Moooohidin setting up task force to investigate a simple thing that can be settled simply by asking so many eye witnesses.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:02  


So what does the Namewee’s youtube show?

An attack on ALL Malay M’sians? Or a personal attack on that racist, Siti Inshah Mansor?

Cant listen between the lines? Or reading too much into the rap?

Which is which, for a man of yr caliber? Obviously u interpret otherwise & that spell VERY bad news for the Malay M'sians' psyche as a whole in interpreting the nationhood. No wonder we r death-trapped in a racist circle.

So, stereotyping it is! Yes?

Ini banyak susah le. Bagi o’ng pariah, gua tau dia bunya otak kosong. Tapi bagi o’ng majin’ dato, memang rasah susah hati s'ya banyak.

Years of inbreed racial indoctrination, show its ugly face when the siege mentality is been slightly touched. No more sense of reality, just like TNB showing its sense of idiocy by flexing its ‘financial’ might.

Sad… sad that this can be happened in a month that suppose to purify the mind & soul of oneself.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:10  

"We haven't been told of the circumstances that prompted Siti Inshah to behave in the manner she did. Probably it was caused by equally racial taunts from the students who were punished? But no, Siti Inshah cannot respond. "

Dato, you are really going off tangent with your speculation. Now you are justifying why she behaved the way she behaved. Do you know it for a fact to speculate as such ? If not, you are going the way of the stupid rapper.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:29  


I made some changes to part of your postings :

It seems to me, the measure of a good and non racist Chinese is that he/she must be a dumb mute. The racist in Siti Inshah would wish that a good Chinese is any Chinese who is told of his/her place is to stay in one corner and not retaliate.

How does it sounds now? Sometimes we have to try and put ourselves in other people's shoes in order to understand.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:40  

this namewee and all his equally racist supporters will be the reason why the malays r burning with fury inside.

the anger and the physical retaliation will come out sooner or later.

cina, u might scoff it now but when you see ur own son ridiculing a malay by giving him a dirty look, dont be mad if that malay will punch your son in the face.

to anon 9:04,

namewee is a product of chinese vernacular education.. not the mainstream education.

chinese education produces racist chinese. namewee is the proof.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:42  


Anon 09.04 said it well.

Every Malaysian must be held accountable for his/her words.

As I see it, both Namewee's and Siti Inshah's uttering are premeditated and should be held accountable.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 11:47  

Datuk Sak,

I can assure you.. I know of NO chinese who thinks that they are above racism. We are ALL racists! It's just a matter of degrees; and whether one recognises it and surpresses it.. or let it all out. And it doesnt help that we have a government that seems to condone racism in their many oh-not-so-subtle ways.

You know.. put a Nigerian in front of us and we'd most likely unite in being racist towards them.

nick 3 September 2010 at 12:07  


Your own writing "We haven't been told of the circumstances that prompted Siti Inshah to behave in the manner she did. Probably it was caused by equally racial taunts from the students who were punished? But no, Siti Inshah cannot respond. She must exercised restraint or better still, just ignore. Never mind the students who claimed to be the victims of racism have done something very wrong. Siti Inshah is better off sucking bananas.
Our good Malay is one who is compliant and malleable. Lu ikut cakap gua saja ma.. the Malay loses any avenues to reassert his/her existence because he/she has not made this country rich. Lu tak baca ka- siapa bikin Malaysia kaya?" - Sir, is this the basis of your assertion? The possibility (I would like to stress on the word "possibility" bcos the DG of education didn't conduct any investigation! WHY? and how can you cite that as a possibility when there's no evidence it happened?) of the adult "mature" Malay woman Headmistress taunted with racial slur so she in her attempt to assert herself as a Malay person with dignity (read malay dignity) retort with an equally racist slur and taunt?

You asserted that she or "the malay" have no other recourse when confronted with racism (even though it was uttered or expressed by children who don't know any better)but to give back as good as what was received! This is to imply that Malay must stand out and assert ourselves by being racist because all non malay are racist too! If we the malay are taunted with racism then we must do the same otherwise we have no dignity! Otherwise we are a mute! Otherwise we the malay people will be trampled upon! It's tit for tat! Is that what you mean?

Or are you implying that Namewee is a true representation of the whole non malay citizenship in Malaysia and using namewee's music video as an example, you are IMPLYING that ALL non Malay wants "the Malay race" to be subservient and docile because to all non malay, they are the ones who enriches this country! That is a pretty BIG assumption to make based on a music video and not to mention done by a young adolescent! (Even if it was true that Namewee was being racist then by your own assertion, he is fully justified to make the racist video cos he takes the racial taunt by Siti Inshah personally, just like what you assert Siti Inshah had done! It's a vicious circle with no end in sight)) If this is what you believe or what you perceive then I'm truly afraid for our country!

Wow! I never knew you have these kind of thoughts and perception! It makes me wonder what kind of experience made you this way? Was racism that bad in your life that it hardened your heart and cool it enough to make you see everything in "Malay and the non malay" view? I never expected this kind of world view exist within you but it would seem I am wrong. You and Ibrahim Ali share the same sentiment and worldview and unfortunately it's a world view that is unhealthy for this nation.

Such a sad day for Malaysia and it's people. Sigh!


Ariff Sabri 3 September 2010 at 12:24  

Ph Chin,
yr comment here is the only one rational. saya hanya mahu semua orang acknowledge, chinese can also be racist.
so dont think Malays cannot be the victims too.

HAKIMAN,  3 September 2010 at 12:29  

" We haven't been told of the circumstances that prompted Siti Inshah to behave in the manner she did. Probably it was caused by equally racial taunts from the students who were punished? But no, Siti Inshah cannot respond. She must exercised restraint or better still, just ignore. Never mind the students who claimed to be the victims of racism have done something very wrong. Siti Inshah is better off sucking bananas. "- Dato Sak


She is a HEAD MISTRESS, for goodness sake. She has to respond like a racist and behave like her students????? What kind of head of school is that. An UMNO headmistress, perhaps with such knee-jerk reaction, if it is true.

God help our schoolchildren with this kind of role models to head our schools.

Not only we have robotic pupils, we are training our young to be racist robots.

Ariff Sabri 3 September 2010 at 12:39  


that's yr opinion. siti inshah didnt think it was silly at that time did she? we all know what she said- but what prompted her to say it? you cant use post fact renationalisation to judge her. its silly to do that.

HAKIMAN,  3 September 2010 at 12:43  

Dato Sak "...saya hanya mahu semua orang acknowledge, chinese can also be racist. "

What's new? Even my chinese friends admit that Chinese generally are more racist than Malays and they are the third most racist ethnic group next to the Jews and Japanese.

Any Chinese thinks he or she is not a racist, is like the Ku Klux Klan saying they are not racist.

The issue here in Malaysia is not racism on a personal level. It is racism at an institution level.

The position of the head mistress is part of the public institution. And we see so much racism practised by our Malaysian public institutions.

The specific individual Malays at the personal level may not be racist, but being part of the culture of the institution, he/she then mutate into a racist-bigot ( remember, the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts, as sociologist will tell you).

I don't think the Chinese or Indians are talking about racism at the PERSONAL level.

What non Malays in Malaysia are aggrieved is institutional racism. The civil service, the govt departments and those taxpayer funded or subsidised agencies in which 99% are staffed by Malays.

Taking rapper Namwee as an example to show that Chinese are racist and malays are my mind, is a no-brainer.

Namwee is glorifying himself and sought publicity through infamy. And UMNO idiots in Govt and Perkasa-brainwashed Malays then took the bait.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 12:51  

Something is more forcefully expressed by vulgarism. Racism is one. SO what is wrong? I do not see anything wrong. Yes. I want that principal quartered and die the most horrible death.

HAKIMAN,  3 September 2010 at 12:58  

Dato Sak, you said,"" .that's yr opinion. siti inshah didnt think it was silly at that time did she? we all know what she said- but what prompted her to say it? >'

You miss the point. She IS the Head mistress. And she is not confronting an outsider or some parents of kids.

These are KIDs... and here response is unacceptable as the HEAD of the school.

If she had responded to racist taunts from adults or parents of the kids, and in moments of emotional imbalance, she threw her tantrums.

The point is: What kind of example is she showing to the kids when faced with a crisis like that. Go off the handle at an instant???

It does not matter whether the Head mistress is Cik Siti or Madam Wong or Mrs Maniam.

Her behaviour is unacceptable as HEAD of a School. It should NOT be condoned or its implications to the children be lessened.

We, as adults, as leaders of a community, (a head mistress is a leader of a community", MUST set an example.

I judge her as the Head of a School, the position she holds, not as an individual. She can be a racist all she wants, outside the school, outside her time of duty and in her home and in her own social environment. Definitely not when she is the leader and MENTOR of the school, someone we expect our kids to look up to.

Quiet Despair,  3 September 2010 at 12:59  

Ada baca, Sak, tapi itu tatak betul lo.
Itu kaya punya olang macam itu Vincent Tan atau itu Ananda bikin duit sendiri poket la.
Tapi itu Towkay Melayu macam itu Halim Saad ke, Syed Bukhari ke kasi olang balik dan bayar zakat mah.
What you portrayed is a classic example of patronising and condescending attitude of the Chinese.
That kurang ajar snot-nosed Namewee is so smug that he even challenged the police to arrest him.
Lu ikut cakap gua saja ma. Ya la itu sebab itu Najib cilakang kasi muka sama lu.
Semalam you punya Plesiden Chua Soil Lek sudah kasi tau, itu penuntut sekolah Cina (sudah lupa belapa lamai) dapat itu scholarship la.
Aiyo, semua Cina sudah dapat lor apa dia mau. Apa lagi mau lor? Melayu tatak boleh cakap dia Melayu.
Malays must be dumb and continue to suck bananas.
Are we monkeys, I ask you?
We are already monkeys for getting only peanuts. Now you want us to suck bananas.
After surfing the blogs, I can surmise the following:
The Chinese are in unison in being racists.
Malays are not. Some will go and quote verses of the Quran that Allah wants us to be fair to all races.
Which is what UMNO is doing all this while, much to the chagrin of the Malays.
Chinese are in unison voting for DAP.
Malays will vote DAP, Keadilan, UMNO and PAS.
Chinese are in unison to abolish DEB. But they want the DEB privil;eges too.
Some Malays too agree. Malu woi pakai tongkat.
There's a Malay lady in Din Merican's blog who even suggested the Bumiputra tag encompassed all.
She says it is everybody's birthright to be called Bumiputras too.
What kind of skewered logic is this? Chinese like being Chinese. They just want the Malays rights.
This is the ulimate expression of Malays wanting to be accepted by the Chinese.
It's tragic that Malays are losing out in this racism issue.
Ada yang malu mengaku Melayu.
Tetapi Cina bertambah bangga menjadi Cina.
Don't be so stupid. bangsa ku.
Kalau yapun however accepting we are to them, we are still tagged as racists.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 13:14  


What about the avenues for the HM to take action ? Can she not cane the rascals who insulted her ? Can she not suspend or expel them ?

HM lah Dato, not some junior staff you are talking about. Is it any wonder our education system is going to the dogs ?

Quiet Despair,  3 September 2010 at 13:14  

Hakiman is one 'Malay' (doubt it0 who go to great lengths to defend te Chinese.
Bravo. Such altruism.
Should have won the Merdeka award for Chinese champion.
No Chinese will do to the Malays what Hakiman did to them.
Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan murni anda.
Anda macam Tengku Abdul Rahman yang menghadiahkan Singapura kepada Cina.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 13:22  

For god's sake go and charge all the crooks in the PKFZ, MAS or whatever other case there is and be done with it. We don't give a damn if they are Chinese, Indian or Malay.
We Chinese will not shed a tear if any of the PKFZ crooks are jailed for life. But charged them lah. Don't use them as an example that the Chinese are this and that. Ask Patail why he is not charging them.

So many of you are saying that the Malays are apologist and this and that. Charge anyone that breaks the law so that the rest of us can go on living.

Quiet Despair, go and complain to Vincent Tan & Ananda. Don't tell us for we did not benefit from the NEP.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 14:26  

anon 11.40

"namewee is a product of chinese vernacular education.. not the mainstream education.

chinese education produces racist chinese. namewee is the proof".

isn't venacular education part of malaysian education system?

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 14:42  

All I know is that 2 wrongs don't make a right. If Namwee was my son I'd give him two slaps for being so rude and offensive.


Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 15:04  

Lu ta baca-kah? Tanya Kutty dan Ridhuan Tee. Ini dua orang pun ada tulis/sebut. Apa lah lu. Bukan Namewee cakap

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 15:52  

Namewee's profanities and vulgarisms, used in whatever way, are inexcusable. He sounds so CHEAP, his words are CHEAP, I guess the way he runs his life is CHEAP.
Is he a byproduct of his education, his family upbringing and background, I truly cannot fathom.
The child is father to the man. He deserves to be punished, have it done and be over with it, and let's hope he learns that an action invites a reaction.

And the same goes for the HM Siti Inshah Mansor, punish her and get it over with. Her comments are also inexcusable and unacceptable.


Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 16:02  

For some of us, it is not a matter of who is a racist or who is not.

It is a matter of why such swift actions are taken against Namewee (even the Prime Minister calls for his head) ...

... whereas, the authorities have to form task force to study the headmistress' case (and not even a whimper from the Prime Minister) and we can expect months later, the task force just give her a slap on the wrist.

THAT is what makes the non-Malays upset.

It is the DOUBLE standard and in this case aggravated by the question of race.

JoJo,  3 September 2010 at 16:32  

Siapa bikin Malaysia kaya --> Melayu, India dan Cina bergabunglah.

That is what he meant. He ended his song with a big no to racism.

Janganlah buat andaian. Buktikan.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 16:57  

to anon 3 September 2010 11:40

i am just reversing the racial roles in your post. see how it feels, you dumb ass.

melayu, u might scoff it now but when you see ur own son ridiculing a chinese by giving him a dirty look, dont be mad if that chinese will punch your son in the face.

HAKIMAN,  3 September 2010 at 17:01  

Quiet Despair said... Hakiman is one 'Malay' (doubt it0

Quiet Despair, I see no problem defending a chinese or an Indian or a Malay.

Its people like you who see the person walking on the street in KL , not as a human being, but either a malay, a chinese or an Indian. The first in your mind is how you would behave depending if that stranger is a a Malay, Chinese or Indian. That is why Najib needs to remove scumbags in UMNO like you in order to reform itself and for the country to move forward as one nation.

And you have the cheek to call yourself a muslim. Tell that to your adult children and your relatives in high places in the public service

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 17:03  

Sak, if our country was under siege, you think this fella Namewee will defend Malaysia ?

HAKIMAN,  3 September 2010 at 17:25  

Quiet Despair said... Hakiman is one 'Malay' (doubt it0 who go to great lengths to defend te Chinese. Bravo. Such altruism.

Quiet Despair,

I am not in the business of defending Malays, Chinese or Indians. Unlike you, who spent your whole daylight hours looking across your shoulders whether a Chinese or an Indian will stab you on the back.

I defend what is right and wrong and there are universal values that must be defended, that has nothing to do with race, sex or religion.

Your blood is the same colour as the Chinese and the Indian.

And if you are on a operating table, it could be a Chinese or Indian surgeon cutting you up to save your life. And if you are hurt on the road, it could be that the only one who happened to be on the road to save your life, is a Chinese or an Indian. And it could be a Chinese or Indian friend who may make a difference to the life of your children.

Just remember that. And you get out of your myopic world view and live like a decent human being, instead of being a racially-biased Malay. And that is for your own spiritual good, if you still think you are a Muslim at heart.

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 17:29  

Aiyak Lato Sak,

Apa mau gado gado lu pon Lato manyak bagus bunya cakap tarak kotor punya

Bukan cakap macam itu namewee suka cakap itu melayu makan pisang tido wor ...

Itu UMNO sikalang lagi bangsat

Lato Najib Anak pandai cakap Mandarin bukan?

Suruh itu Lato ISA semua lor ...

Siti Aisiah ka Namewee ka

settled semua problem.


Muar punya olang melayu ka cina ka semua bagi Kaya ini malaysia

Apa pasal lu mau bising?


-Ikan Tongkol-

Anonymous,  3 September 2010 at 21:28  

The problem comes from Racist leaders. They started with racism and some stupid people just follow. They thought it was okay since Leaders always making racist remarks for political gain. Those leaders just disgusting!!

Anonymous,  4 September 2010 at 00:42  

Well namewee and his kind worship money, that is why they DEMAND more of everything

they have no appreciation for the constitution, never heard of nor care for the country's history

time to abolish the bernacular schools that divert loyalties to the "motherland"

Anonymous,  4 September 2010 at 00:55  


this is not the only video namewee has made, he has also mocked the national anthem

but he was pardoned???

and went on to make more racist videos?? so is he pardoned this time??

Anonymous,  4 September 2010 at 01:05  

hakiman cannot take rebuttals

yeah I agree he is a "Malay" apologist, a liberal Malay who may give away Malay rights just to gain friendship with his non "Malay" friends

Anonymous,  4 September 2010 at 03:38  

To hell with the inhabitants of Malaysia , say out it the open , ALL OF YOU ARE RACIST ! Guilty Guilty Guilty .

You all just hate anything that is different from you . You all have syndrome of Alien-anythingphobic .
Funny thing is you ALL DONT MIND TO STAB your own race and work together with other race if it is about MONEY . Helll i overheard in parliament's cafe MP from different party and color talk about securing project and the other party look for funder . Yes , You hypocrites , yes I heard .

All Malaysian care is about money . After cursing the Malay during bah kut teh breakfast , went to JKR canteen talking to the same Malay race whining about Oh what has Malaysia become. And the Malay whining about Chinese making fun of Islam etc then still take ang pow money from them.

Fuck you all hyprocites !

In the end you all lick each other balls to make money to pay for your new phone,child education,new car,new watch.. Rolex preferably .. so lame , vacations , round of beers , GRO bills .

So shut up and gang up on how to make life better , better medical treatment same time shoot those fucking doctors,insurance company and lawyers that make my kids surgery on her forehead cost 3,800 , the fucking toll operator that make my raya travelling costly , the low paid salary of teachers that make my going to school kids in the future to be stupid . ( PS if higher quality means higher tax .. ready not to cheat tax , I dont think so , Asian love to cheat taxes ) . Ah why not just bring Hugo Chavez to run here !

Your elders , are making me really pissed . whining about race this that shit and I still have to smile in front of you all in real face agreeing in order to get the cheque from you ... which due so fucking long anyway .

Fuck you all

Dah Panas

sigh,  4 September 2010 at 14:36  

"Ph Chin,
yr comment here is the only one rational....."

Sakmongkol your writings revealed your inner self and the way you try to justify the unwarranted action of a Headmistress coming from a person of your intellect makes me wonder if Malaysia has any future....

Sigh what should we the unfortunate who happened to be born of the wrong race do....

sigh,  4 September 2010 at 14:40  

Just wonder if the princes and princesses of the soil ever try to put themselves in the other's shoes, to have to bear with the possibility that irrespective of the passage of time we of the wrong race will never be deemed equal till eternity.

Anonymous,  4 September 2010 at 23:04  

You non-Malays Malaysian don't get it. You go to Sekolah Kebangsaan, speak Bahasa Kebangsaan with each others outside the confine of your house, give business to others outside your clan and your own kind and see how we Malays will reciprocate.


Anonymous,  5 September 2010 at 13:37  


for once, you have gone off tangent by labelling his family as vulgar as namwee. hey, he is a grown up and is responsible for his own actions. he may be an offspring of the wee family but that doesnt mean he will carry every trait. to damn his parents would be outlandish in my mind.
oh by the way, do you know the father of the to be retired IGP? surely, you cant blame the father for the IGP's role in Sodomy I, do you?

Anonymous,  5 September 2010 at 14:02  


I have watched namewee's video 3 times and I did not find anything seditious about his video. A bit vulgar yes, seditious a big NO!! Perhaps you do not understand Mandarin but if you listen to the dialogue before the start of the video, he was merely reacting to his anger due to inaction by the authorities over the racist principals.

I must say I thought you were one of the few Melayu baru in UMNO but sadly, your recent postings on racism have exposed you to be one of the same and really it is a sad day as you are an intelligent man.
I could accept it if it was soemone else having these kind of views but the worldly wise Datuk Sak???

Anonymous,  29 October 2011 at 23:18  

kita buat macam 13 Mei je...ingat tak cite ....bila sekumpulan geng Cina ke Bangkok jumpa Sami Siam utk ramalkan apa akan jadi bila 13 Mei diteruskan dan sami siam bakar 2 kertas satu melayu dan satu cina .... kertas cina semua habis terbakar dan melayu kejap2 padam tak terbakar sampai habis....itu sebab org cina tak berani lagi teruskan 13 mei 1969. Kalau teruskan juga semua org cina lenyap di Malaysia... ingat la org cina ,,,kami melayu bukan bongok...kalau dah terpaksa tau le kamu nasib semuanya....lenyap kamu dimuka bumi malaysia ni... 13 mei patut jadi ingatan ngeri org2 cina ...cuba tanya mereka yg telah alaminya....jadi jangan nak melampau....nanti jadi macam 13 mei nanti...

Anonymous,  29 October 2011 at 23:29  

Butuh le cina nak tolong melayu hanya melayu je yang bodoh nak tolong cina...ini reality... sapa tau cakap mandarin tau le depa dok tipu dan selalu berpura2. ingat le Melayu sume angan bagi muke sangat...kat depa ni ....kerat je..

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