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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday 14 September 2010

UMNO lwn. Perkasa

Ybhg Dato Pengerusi Tetap, Yab dato seri presiden, tan sri timbalan presiden, naib2 presiden, ketua wanita, puteri, pemuda dan para hadirin yang di hormati semua.

Apa dah jadi kepada UMNO? Hari ini UMNO kelihatan kalah dari segi moral. Sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, Perkasa telah menawan imajinasi orang Melayu.Bukan lagi UMNO yang lantang dan berani bercakap mengenai soal orang Melayu, tapi Perkasa.
Semenjak ianya di tubuhkan di Taman Melawati oleh Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa lah di lihat oleh orang Melayu sebagai wadah memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu. 2 perkara utama yang di perjuangkan ialah institusi Raja Melayu dan hak ekonomi orang Melayu. Perkara ini tegas Perkasa, adalah seiring peruntukan Perlembagaan Malaysia. ia tersurat dan tersirat dalam perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia.
Dimanakah suara UMNO dalam hal ini? Tidak ada melainkan suara yang menghentam Ibrahim Ali. Ini suatu pendekatan yang kurang cerdik. Kita hentam Ibrahim Ali dia akan terus releven dalam kalbu orang Melayu. Kita hentam Ibrahim Ali, kita menghabiskan beras sebab Ibrahim tetap kekal Ibrahim Ali. Kita hendak cop dia sebagai katak atau sebagai orang yang keciwa, fakta nya, apa yang di perjuangkan oleh Tok Him mendapat sambutan orang Melayu. Orang Melayu enggan mendengar apa Tengku Adnan Mansur atau Nazri Aziz atau Khalid Nordin bahkan apa yang KJ nyatakan.
Kenapa ini terjadi? Ia terjadi sebab Najib bukan lah general yang baik. Anak buah pergi berperang tidak di bekalkan dengan persenjataan yang lengkap. Anak buah pergi bertempur, tidak mendapat sokongan 100%.
Punca utama kegagalan pimpinan UMNO dalam hal ini ialah kesalahan Presiden UMNO sendiri. Jika leftenan dan pahlawan UMNO di suruh berperang dengan Ibrahim Ali dan Perkasa berilah mereka alatan secukupnya. Berilah mereka sokongan 100% yang tidak berbelah bahagi.
Sehingga kini sikap presiden UMNO sangat ambiguos dan ambivalent. Sikap Presiden UMNO seperti Tuhan Hindu yang berwajah banyak. Ravana dalam epik Hindu di gambarkan mempunyai 10 kepala dan wajah, setiap satu melambangkan tahap kesedaran yang tinggi. UMNO? Tidak ada kesedaran. 
Dr Mahathir pernah menggambarkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Tuhan Hindu ini- yakni didepan suatu kumpulan dia bercakap A, tapi di hadapan kumpulan lain, dia bercakap B. ertinya, untuk setiap situasi yang berbeza, dia akan guna wajah dan kepala yang berbeza.
Jadi di hadapan kongres Ekonomi Perkasa, Najib akan lebih Melayu dari Melayu nya Ibrahim Ali. Dia tidak akan mebelakangkan elemen DEB. Dia anak Tun Razak. Dia anak bapak bukan anak Omak. Di dalam Kongress Cina, Najib berkata NEM atau Model Ekonomi Baru lah dasar ekonomi nya. Dalam mesyuarat MKT dia mengarahkan pimpinan UMNO memerangi Perkasa dan menjauhi Perkasa. Tapi dalam temu ramah CNBC, kita tidak memusuhi Perkasa. Yang mana satu?
Akhirnya, Najib tidak akan mendapat sokongan orang Melayu dan hilang kepercayaan orang Cina. Fakta nya, MCA sudah tidak lagi mewakili suara kepentingan orang Cina. Peranan dan fungsi tersebut di ambil alih oleh DAP dan Cina PKR.
Dimana kah kita telah gagal?
Perkara yang kita patut hentam ialah bukan Ibrahim Ali tapi idea dan mesej yang hendak di bawanya. Kesilapan yang paling besar yang di lakukan UMNO ialah kegagalan menawarkan idea dan mesej yang lebih baik bagaimana program UMNO lebih baik dari program Ibrahim Ali. Ini yang gagal di lakukan oleh UMNO.
Dimana letaknya punca kegagalan UMNO? Pertama ia disebabkan kegagalan presiden UMNO menyampaikan pertutusan nya dengan tegas, terang dan nyata. Pimpinan UMNO yang lain tidak faham atau tidak berani senada dengan presiden mereka.
Idea Najib tentang program ekonomi( MEB), idea tentang mereformasikan perkhdimatan Awam, idea nya mengenai 1 Malaysia siapa yang bikin? Kesemua idea idea ini kelihatan di fikirkan oleh sebuiah badan runding cara yang di sampaikan kepada Najib untuk dia jadikan fikiran 'orginal' dari nya. Sayang nya, idea idea tersebut tidak di fahami oleh pimpinan UMNO yang lain apatah lagi oleh majoriti ahli UMNO. Tidak ada pimpinan UMNO yang bercakap mengenai nya selain dua tiga orang. Kita tidak dengar ketua2 bahagian UMNO bercakap mengenai nya. Sebahagian besar ahli MKT terus membisu mengenai nya. Timbalan Presiden dan Naib Presiden tidak menghuraikan idea Presiden UMNO.
Pendek kata idea Najib tidak di suara dan juarai oleh pimpinan politik. Maka idea Najib terus di juarai dan di suarakan oleh orang bukan politik dan firma juru runding. Dan kita sema tahu masa depan idea pemimpin yang tidak di kongsi bersama dan tidak di sokong oleh tekad politik.


Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 07:37  

Dato Sak,
You did the right thing by addresing this letter to UMNO. If UMNO leadership do not response cohesively, its clear and crispy UMNO leadership is gone. AlFatihah.
Let us support PERKASA as wadah pejuangan MELAYU setelah 52 tahun merdeka.
This also support the PAHMAN prophecy, end of UMNO leadership.
I cant agree more with you about the current leaders of the country, who depended on consultancies on their way forward. They do not have the leadership instinct. Its DOOM for UMNO to continue this. They do not represents the people who elected or appointed them.

Thank you
شلآمت هاري راي عيدالفطري . معاف ظاهير دان باطين...

OneMalaysian,  14 September 2010 at 08:22  

Dear Sakmongkol

It is indeed a failure of leadership of the highest degree. A leader must not only provide the ideas, but more importantly he must be able to sell them to his followers and constituency, in this case the Malays first and also to all Malaysians. You say that he has failed to even get his deputies and division leaders to accept them, so what more the ordinary UMNO members and other Malays.

What you say is true. He got the first part, that is, conceiving a bold new economic plan (NEM), right. But that is perhaps the easy part. The difficulty is to then tell his party how this will benefit them and all the other Malays. In this crucial area he has not done enough.

Now, are the other senior UMNO leaders so dumb that they cannot see the goodness of the NEM? No, I don’t think so. I think they realized that whilst the new policy might be good for the Malays, its implementation by radical means is politically infeasible. In other words, the Malays won’t see benefits soon enough, but the early benefits will go to the non-Malays first. It would almost be akin to introducing a new policy to only benefit the non-Malays at the expense of the Malays, a repudiation of the NEP. This is of course not true, but politicians have no time for the long haul, if they cannot survive the short-term. These shortsighted people just want the status quo and muddle through. Period.

If the leader is strong, he can directly take the message to the people and convince them, then he will have a strong hand to deal with his lieutenants who are non-beleivers. But these people are obviously gambling that he will trip up by the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Dr M, and they are just bidding their time for a change of leadership. In short, it’s just party politics in which they see their leader as being very weak. It is easier to get rid of a weak leader than to introduce and support a perceived unpopular policy. It is a pity if this came to pass because the NEM is indeed a very good policy not only for the Malays, the poor, but also for all Malaysians. These other UNMO leaders may well win the battle against Najib, but UMNO might lose the war for the support of all right thinking Malaysians.

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 08:24  

Salam Dato' Sak,

Nampak nya lebih kritikal kali ini.Satu pendekatan yang bagus, seolah nya Dato' sedang berucap Di PAU . Syabas satu strategi yang baik dari seorang pemberani seperti Si Jebat.


schenker78 14 September 2010 at 09:08  

"Sehingga kini sikap presiden UMNO sangat ambiguos dan ambivalent. Sikap Presiden UMNO seperti Tuhan Hindu yang berwajah banyak. Ravana dalam epik Hindu di gambarkan mempunyai 10 kepala dan wajah, setiap satu melambangkan tahap kesedaran yang tinggi. UMNO? Tidak ada kesedaran.

Dr Mahathir pernah menggambarkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Tuhan Hindu ini- yakni didepan suatu kumpulan dia bercakap A, tapi di hadapan kumpulan lain, dia bercakap B. ertinya, untuk setiap situasi yang berbeza, dia akan guna wajah dan kepala yang berbeza."

Who have written this?? I hope its not you, Sak...

Why does moslems pull in other religion when fighting each other ??

So when did Tuhan Hindu speaks to A differently and to B another story. This is outright SHIT. As far as I know, Ravana in the story is the DEMON, people dont read other people's Kitab but very mischievously use other religion and kutuk nicely.

When Christians do it towards Moslems, Riots happen, when you people do it, the Kafirs just keep quiet.

Ariff Sabri 14 September 2010 at 09:12  


terima kasih. saya baca dan tahu ravana itu demon dalam epic hindu tersebut. saya translate tuhan dari deity.
its not making fun of the hindu diety. you tak faham ke- saya kata the many heads faces represent higher consciousness. tapi UMNO takde kesadaran. higher consciousness it, you faham kan?

schenker78 14 September 2010 at 09:46  

i just make further research because you written this comment...

from what i read just from net, ravana is not a deity.

those ten heads that emerge just before he died in the story represent.... "The 10 heads given to Ravana represent the following :

Ego, Passion, Pride, Anger, Greed, Infatuation, Lust, Hatred, Jealousy, Selfishness"

From what i read even though.. Ravan studied all knowledge, but he eventually succumbed to those bad 10 qualities as stated above... same qualities babies have, when born pure, as they grow old they either stay good or become an ASSHOLE.

I object mainly on the Mahathir comment "Dr Mahathir pernah menggambarkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Tuhan Hindu ini- yakni didepan suatu kumpulan dia bercakap A, tapi di hadapan kumpulan lain, dia bercakap B. ertinya, untuk setiap situasi yang berbeza, dia akan guna wajah dan kepala yang berbeza." Even if he did comment as such, i think you will upset many people here...

Mahathir first did with that Badawi's crony Kalimullah....he actually said Kali is Hindu and Mullah is of course this mahathir bigot really is an asshole...

I am sure you would not have forgotten the Gillette blade, beard and Prophet comment. I am sure thats insulting to the moslems. Sak, even you wont rewrote what Mahathir commented as he insulted Islam.

OneMalaysian,  14 September 2010 at 11:08  

Dear Sakmongkol

It struck me that everyone in UMNO is leaving Najib to play alone, that is to take the 1Malaysia idea forward, and about the NEM. Now surely, the rest of the UMNO leadership at all levels, not just those few who have an interest in seeing him fall to succeed him, must come out to support him or if they don't agree with him explain why not. And where is the Malay intelligentsia in all this? Don't they have a duty to diagnose and analyse the NEM, or constructively criticise it? If Najib has in some ways failed, can all these other Malays be blame-free? Leadership should not just reside in one man - there is collective leadership too.

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 11:25  

Media yang dikawal oleh UMNO-BN yang memberi kekuatan kepada PERKASA. Mungkinkah ini senjata makan tuan? Kalau tidak diberi ruang kepada Ibrahim Ali dan PERKASA dalam media cetak dan media elektronik, dengan sendirinya ia akan 'mati'. Tepuk dada tanya selera.


Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 15:26  


Dato' patut meluaskan lagi ketidakfahaman 1Malaysia kepada Pemimpim UMNO No.1
Jelas Beliau sendiri tidak Faham Apa itu 1Malaysia.

Kerana itulah beliau tidak dapat memberi penjelasan yang tidak Ambiguous.......

Jikalau DS Najib sendiri tidak faham hala tuju 1Malaysia apalah harapan kita meninjau dengan mendalam maknanya 1Malaysia!

Joe Black

rudran121 14 September 2010 at 15:30  

Dato Sak,

I remember one of your earlier article where you stated Ibrahim Ali as "consistently inconsistent", a very apt description of this street smart, back slapping, father knows best,pxxx barrel politician. Noted some issues that he fights for are truly valid and relevant to the malay race. However, the championing of accumulated and current matters that can really impact on our future social economy condition makes him dangerous.

In the case of our PM, Dato Najib, he has started to show all the tendencies that do not make a great, good even able statesman. He has incorporated all the negative traits of his predecessors i.e., no single stand, flip-flop policies, insufficient guts to proceed with even his own policies/statements, etc.

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 17:57  

Is there anything surprising this is the outcome? Tunku Abdul Rahman warned about this from the start and right to his very end.

schenker78 14 September 2010 at 18:19  

jangan marah dgn tulisan dibawah...walau apa pun saya copy paste dari blog lain....

PAS has challenged the United Malay National Organisation (Umno) to stop using its English name and switch to the Malay version - Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (Pekembar).

According to PAS state deputy commissioner Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, most rural Malays and even many of the party's members, do not know what the English acronym stands for.

He alleged that Umno was a racist party and was being hypocritical by using an English name to promote the Malay culture and language.

Nizar was speaking at a ceramah recently at Kampung Batu Enam, Selama in Perak.

He also questioned why the learning of the Jawi script was removed from the education system.

"As a result, the majority of Malays especially the younger generation, do not know it. This is a loss as it makes it easier to learn the Quran and other religious scriptures that are in Arabic."

He claimed that Umno even after 53 years is still fighting only for the Malays, whereas PAS fights for the rights of all Muslims and now also for non-Muslims.

PS. FELDA, FAMA, UDA, FELCRA etc. All are English acronyms. mana daulatnya bahasa Melayu (opps bahasa malaysia)

by United Morons and Nincompoop Organization (UMNO)

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 18:20  


Screw all of you. Opinions is just that - Opinions.

subjective matter - armchair critic banyak dimalaysia ini bukan?

Betul & Tepat. Tidak lama kelamaan Najib akan tenggelam bersama kapal UMNO jika beliau tidak mengambil sikap proaktif dan firm (no flip flop & u-turn)

Termasuk juga sikap "gua tolong lu, lu tolong gua" hendak buang sama sekali sikap dan percakapan pasar.

Yang sudah itu sudah, akan tetapi saya khuatir bahawa percakapan ahli umno seperti dato sak dan yang lain berkaitan pimpinan UMNO ini tidak setia dan tidak mengambil sikap proaktif atau "collective effort" untuk melengkapkan diri untuk masuk berlawan dengan Perkasa.

Persoalannya adakah UMNO itu tidak mungkin akan berubah!? retorik semata!?

Yes. I've watch PM Najib talk in a way jibberish for a moment and in a way dodging the real issues which was put in place while going on CNBC - after the next few minutes, I change the channel and eat my Lemang instead.

Look, the Imam of New York speaks better and in a way humbly accept the crucified questions which repeatedly bombard by Soledad.

However I see the Imam stood firm and breakdown each of the argument rather acurately and effectively.

Takpe Dato Sak - tak perlu buat perbandingan tuhan hindu atau madhater yang boleh jalan atas air atau anwaristas, malaysians soon will decide who will get their votes!

-Ikan Tongkol-

schenker78 14 September 2010 at 18:23  

sometimes tired of talking politics, so i paste this letter from a Fomca member for Road user safety...

I am enclosing an email that I received trusting and knowing that you are the best person in Malaysia to get to the bottom of the allegations contained therein!

Happy hunting chief!


(Name and Contact withheld)

This is true! I have another friend who works as pavement contractor and he shared his thoughts on it himself.

First of all - All you frequent users of the North-South Expressway?

If so be more cautious when driving on the third lane.

I am a frequent user of our North-South Expressway and I have this IMPORTANT experience to highlight and share:-

I am a building contractor based in Penang with over twenty years of experience and I have been driving my 5 series BMW (latest generation and a dammed solid road-holding car) each time I traveled to KL.

Lately, the new extended 3 lanes highway had been opened up for use and since then, I have also been using it quite often.

HOWEVER, when I used it each time it is WET, I can really ‘feel’ that the new road surface is extremely SLIPPERY!

To share with some of you, my car comes with a built-in traction control mechanism ( skidding prevention
mechanism ) and you can feel it each time it is activated.

Previously, I don’t come across this kind of slippery feel except when I drive over a paddle of water at certain speed.

From my observation as a building contractor, the ‘wearing course’ of the new road surface could be TOO FINE OR TOO SMOOTH and TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for highway use!

The wearing course ( top premix layer ) mix design for highways should be of minimum 20mm coarse aggregate mix that will give us the required bond between the surface and our tyres.

Fine wearing course ( 14mm coarse aggregate size and below ) is only suitable for normal road. ( A proper
test need to be carried out to determine the mix design of the wearing course).

Technically, this comment on the size of the coarse aggregate (or “stone” in lay language) for the wearing course (top most layer of the road) is correct in that it should not be too fine for better grip between the tyre and the road surface.

Since the opening of the three lanes highway, I had seen cars skidding in front me or in the opposite direction and approximately 2 weeks ago, one of my friends who is also a frequent user of our NSE, came to share with me about his slippery feeling as well as the many skidded cars he had seen lately.

I am highlighting this to TV3 and The Star with the hope that a thorough investigation could be carried out immediately to find out how or what causes cars and buses to skid.

A proper and independent test need to be carried
out urgently to determine the design mix of the wearing course.


Concerned Road User

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 19:13  

Salam, sebelum Nabi Muhammad SAWW dilantik oleh Allah menjadi Rasul Besar pernah mengembala kambing, melihat tabiat kambing sama je gan manusia, pandai mengawan,makan minum dan jaga anak...betul lah manusia ni cam kawanan kambing kalau tidak ada panduan atau kepimpinan yg tinggi.

Rajin-rajin lah tengok kat astro tu kisah2 animal planet..sebab kite ni pun sama cam haiwan, bagaimana sang singa jantan mengetuai kumpulannya

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 20:04  

So the fight between UMNO and Perkasa (proxy of Mamak Mahathir) is getting more intense by the day.

It's just too bad that despite all these Malay rights, none of the Malay leaders are capable enough to take headon with the Mamak. Is there a coming sign there that Najib will be the next to fall?

There is not much left option for Najib;
1. To fall ungracefully like Tun Abdullah
2. To follow the Mamak in everything he instructed, then Najib will just be remembered as puppet, without any legacy left as compared with his father
3. To fight against the Mamak, and plan out his own vision, mission and legacy. It's a tough fight, no doubt when Malays themselves are so divided in all directions. At least if he survives, he will still be remembered as a man of its own, not just as a son of the ex-PM.
4. The option of leaving the Mamak alone without a fight is equally a disaster as the Mamak doesn't just sit down, counting his remaining days on earth.

Mata Anjing

schenker78 14 September 2010 at 20:45  


i dont like Utusan or Perkasa or Najib.

However, Utusan is under UMNO. But for some reason Utusan last 2 days directly going against UMNO decision to stay away from Perkasa. Since when Utusan got brave and attacking indirectly the PM Najib.

During mahathir's time, he would have sacked the Editor. najib dont even have balls to do it. Maybe waiting for his wife to tell what to do...

Not long ago, Utusan blacked out Mahathir and also attacked mahathir for being close with RPK to attack badawi and also sharing PAS platform to attack Badawi.

Today utusan come back to 'love' mahathir.... or is it because the editor is backed by Mudin yassin??

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 21:38  

PM ni kurang cerdik pasal masaalah melayu.. UMNO parti melayu berjuang atas nama melayu.....sekarang semua pemimpim UMNO dari MKT sampai AJK bahagian dah kaya maka dah tak berani nak cakap pasi 153/152. Takut sangat dengan MCA. Semua beri tanah sekolah Cina/Bagi geran 99 tahun {kg Baru} dll. Tapi dalam MCA sokong Dong Jiao Zhong, Suqiu dan Hua Zhou.

Melayu kecewa;

Quiet Despair,  14 September 2010 at 22:18  

Saya terserempak dengan Ibrahim.
Dia ketawa kat kita semua kerana memperkecilkannya.
"Ambo ada streteji untuk mene pilihai rayo gok."
"Nanti mu somo akai tau." katanya.
Dia sentiasa tersenyum.
Pandai jugak Aweng ni.

schenker78 14 September 2010 at 22:24  

jangan takutlah. Pakatan Rakyat bila memerintah akan menjimatkan wang negara, kelantan dan terengganu dapat royalti minyak 20% bersama2 dengan sabah dan sarawak. 4 negeri paling miskin malaysia walaupun kaya dengan minyak....hmmm....salah siapa ??

BN - barang naik.... awak nak hidup susah dengan BN ker atau hidup lebih baik dengan pakatan ??

Ingatlah, Mahathir ini bukannya Melayu tetapi Mamak.
Sudah cukup geng2 mamak berkuasa di negara ini. mahathir, mukhriz, daim, azeez, shahrizat, kadir, datuk Zam, hassan merican, ..... giliran orang Melayu bila lagi....

ingat komen Tunku terhadap mahathir...."Mamak / pakistan itu" dalam parlimen... Ingat penghinaan Mahathir terhadap Bapa kemerdekaan kita.....

Proton rugi, MAS rugi,Bank Negara rugi, siapa curi ??

Jom Ubah, Usah Takut...
Aku dah boring...

Anonymous,  14 September 2010 at 23:23  

Dato Sak,

Saya sokong perjuangan memelihara kepentingan Melayu,tapi saya tak dapat sokong Perkasa mahu pun Umno.Sebenarnya kepentingan Melayu terhakis kerana perbuatan mengamalkan rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh para pemimpin Melayu,yang ramainya mereka itu dari Umno.Tapi tidak kedapatan pun dari Perkasa atau pun Umno yg bersungguh-sungguh mahu menghapus kan penyakit ini.

Kalau setakat memperjuangkan Kepentingan Melayu tapi penyakit rasuh dan gila kuasa ini terus berleluasa,orang Melayu tak akan kemana.Yang akan untung hanya segelintir Melayu istimewa,bukan menyeluruh.Imeg Melayu pun semakin tercemar di buatnya.

Sekarang masa depan orang Melayu memang terumbang ambing tak ada siapa pun yg serious mahu membela mereka.Perkasa,melalak saja yg lebih, isinya tiada.Umno,lebih sibuk dengan 1 Malaysianya,tak teringat pun nak menebus dosa kegagalan dan kecuaian mereka dalam memelihara hak dan imeg Melayu selama ini.Pas,pula oleh kerana selalu sangat di permainkan dan di inaya oleh Umno sudah lebih mempercayai orang lain berbanding Umno(saya tak salahkan Pas dlm hal ini-kerana rakyat Kelantan di bawah pemerentahan Pas,di anggap seolah-olah bukan Melayu oleh Umno).Manakala PKR pula,para pemimpin Melayu nya tidak mempunyai hala tuju yg jelas untuk orang Melayu,malahan sekarang seorang pemimpin liberal telah becita-cita untuk mengambil alih kuasa dlm PKR dgn sokongan kuat bukan Melayu.

Orang Melayu memerlukan barisan pimpinan baru,tapi ianya bukanlah dari Umno,bukan dari Perkasa ,bukan dari PKR dan bukan juga dari Pas,tapi adalah tokoh baru lagi bersih,walau pun tidak semestinya orang muda.Tapi siapa?.

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