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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 7 September 2012

Dakyah Penghulu Parti Syaitan

Inilah dia lambang atau logo UMNO yang sebenarnya. Lebih baik kita pilih syaitan yang kita kenal daripada malaikat yang kita tidak kenal. Bukan saya kata, Dr Mahathir yang kata. Setiap hari kita baca A’uzubillahiminasyaitanirrajim. Aku berlindung dari syaitan yang kena rejam. Kita mohon lindung dari UMNO rupa2 nya.
Dr Mahathir terus menerus menyalahkan Pak Lah kerana mewariskan kerajaan yang lemah kepada Najib. Bukankah Najib sebagian dari pasukan Pak Lah dahulu? Penyokong2 Pak lah hendak duduk diam sahajakah bila Dr Mahathir berkata demikian? Pergi ke mana tukang cium tangan dan kaki Pak Lah sekarang? Seekor pun tak berkokok.
Seorang sahabat saya dari Pekan bertanyakan suatu soalan. Jika PR memerintah tidakkah DAP akan menguasai kerajaan? Ini lah ditakuti oleh orang Melayu. Ini yang buat orang Melayu resah.
Lihat sahajalah apa yang telah berlaku pada Nizar di Perak. Dia jadi MB sebab ehsan DAP. Lepas tu DAP control dia. Dasar yang dia jalan ditentukan oleh DAP. Nizar telah memberi banyak tanah kepada orang Cina. Habis lah orang Melayu. Kalau PR memerintah , DAP lah yang menguasai segala nya.
Maklumat tu datang dari mana tanya saya? Dari surat khabar, dari orang UMNO, kata nya. Saya tanya kawan saya, siapa yang menakut nakutkan orang Melayu? UMNO jawab dia. Tugas ketua parti syaitan memanglah demikian jawab saya. Memesong dan menyesatkan orang.
Saya jawab semula. Itulah modal terakhir UMNO. Bila orang tak layan hasutan mereka supaya Melayu dan Cina berkelahi, bila tak layan cerita Melayu mati kalau UMNO tewas, orang Melayu akan hilang institusi raja Melayu kalau UMNO kalah, dan akhir sekali bila orang cakap mampuslah UMNO kerana menghasut akan terjadi rusuhan kaum bila UMNO tewas, maka inilah modal dia jaja keserata kampong.
Awak tahulah orang kampong- dia dengar UMNO cakap dan baca Utusex Malaysia. Tengok TV ¾, jadi bolehlah UMNO cakap apa dia orang suka. Itulah rasmi UMNO pun- dia orang ingat orang Melayu ni bodoh belaka.
Cuba awak fikir, saya meneruskan. Setiap 6 orang Melayu , seoarang adalah ahli UMNO. Mati Melayu UMNO, ada 5 lagi orang Melayu. Kalau UMNO mati, orang Melayu mati atau tidak?
Orang Melayu bukan budak kecik yang kena UMNO jaga sepanjang zaman. UMNO melakukan orang Melayu macam bayi baru lahir. Kena tukar lampin, basuh punggung, mandikan – semua sekali lah. Bab menetek tu yang paling disukai. Awak sendiri kata- kadang2 awak memikirkan yang Najib asyik sogok orang Melayu adalah kerana dia hendak orang Melayu bergantung kepada dia. Pagi tadi saya khabar kat awak- Tun Razak –dia nak beri  kail dan joran dan pancing kepada orang Melayu. Anak dia nak beri ikan memanjang.
Ada 2 jenis manusia buat macam ini. golongan bangsawan yang bela hamba abdi zaman dulu dan golongan komunis. Dua jenis manusia yang hendak menghamba abdikan orang Melayu. Ini yang Najib buat- nak hamba abdikan orang Melayu.
Nampak sangat- Najib ada satu sahaja strateji ekonomi. Bayar sana dan bayar sini. Dia tadbir negara macam mentadbir UMNO bahagian Pekan.
Nampaknya, UMNO menggunakan apa yang berlaku pada Nizar Perak sebagai contoh bagaimana DAP menguasai dan menakloki orang Melayu. Maka jika PR memerintah, maka DAP lah yang akan menguasai dasar. Habis lah orang Melayu.
Inilah pendustaan dan pembohongan yang dilakukan oleh UMNO. Menakutkan orang Melayu. Daripada 28 juta rakyat Malaysia, jumlah orang Melayu ialah 18 juta. Jumlah orang Cina ialah 7 juta orang. Maka mengikut UMNO, 7 juta orang ini boleh menguasai 18 juta orang Melayu. Dari segi fisikal tentulah perkara ini mustahil.
Kalau dia kata orang Cina mendominasi ekonomi- itu saya boleh terima. Yang terjadi demikian pula, adalah kerana dasar pemimpin UMNO ialah mengayakan diri mereka dengan beregu bersama towkay Cina. Yang terjadi demikian lagi ialah kerana dasar ekonomi UMNO untuk orang Melayu tidak bagus. Macam nak bagus- Najib asyik rasuah orang Melayu supaya jadi budak kecik dan hamba abdi budak suruhan dia dan Rosmah.
Ketika UMNO perintah, ada kita tengok MCA mendominasi UMNO dan orang Melayu? Orang Melayu dalam PKR, dalam PAS bahkan dalam DAP sekali pun, Melayu mereka kurang ke dari Melayunya orang UMNO? Awak kenal saya dari kecik- awak tengok semangat Melayu saya kurang dari semangat Melayu orang UMNO?
Kecuali pemimpin Melayu terdiri dari orang bodoh seperti pemimpin UMNO. Bukan saya yang kata, tapi Dr Mahathir yang kata. Pemimpin UMNO kata Dr Mahathir terdiri dari half past six. Orang Pahang kata , tak semenggah. Kemudian, kata Dr Mahathir, pemimpin UMNO semua rasuah dari bawah sampai atas. Sudah tentu ungkapan sampai atas termasuklah Dato Najib. Mahathir sudah tentu tahu segala rahsia semua menteri2 yang berkerja dibawah nya dahulu. Dan seperti kata Tun Daim- bagaimana kita mahu mengawal dan membenteras rasuah, kalau fulus sudah sampai ke nombor satu.
Dr Mahathir pernah kata yang tak rasuah dalam UMNO hanya 2 orang je- Mustapha MOhamad dan Tengku Razaleigh. Itu dahulu lah- hari ini yang tak ambik duit orang boleh jadi hanya Tengku Razaleigh. Tapi tengok pulak macam mana orang UMNO perlakukan Tengku Razaleigh. Dia macam orang sakit kusta.
Kembali pada DAP. Nampak nya parti ini menjadi sasaran pukulan oleh UMNO. Selagi boleh hentam, gunalah apa sahaja cara. Lim Kit Siang dituduh sebagai dalang May 13. Rekod menunjukkan bahawa Kit Siang berada diSabah dan bukan di Kuala Lumpur pada 13 May. Lagi pun kalau Kit Siang terlibat, ambil tindakan mahkamah. Mengapa mengadili dan menghukum Kit Siang melalui akhbar citak dan media elektronik? Sebab UMNO tahu itu semua dusta. Kalau betul, lama dah Kit Siang kena salai.
Guan Eng yang ketika itu berumur 8 tahun pun turut dikatakan sebagai terlibat dalam mencetuskan 13 May.  Budak yang kencing tak lurus lagi ketika itu mendalangi 13 May? UMNO akan sentiasa tuduh DAP sebagai anak didik PAP Singapura. Dan sekarang, suatu jembalang bernama DAP menghantui ketenteraman orang Melayu. Orang Melayu tak boleh tidur dibuatnya.
Kalau bertubi tubi UMNO menyerang DAP dan PR dengan ganas sekali, ia menunjukkan UMNO ketakutan. Parti2 komponen dalam BN sudah lama tidak lagi releven kepada UMNO. Parti2 ini parti peminta sedekah. Ada tidak menambah, tidak ada, tak mengurang.
MCA yang ada 15 kerusi akan hampir pupus. Paling kuat akan hanya menang 3 kerusi. MIC yang ada 3 kerusi sekarang akan tamat riwayat juga. MP dan ADUN India lebih ramai dalam DAP dan PKR dari MIC. Bagaimana MCA dan MIC mahu menyatakan mereka mewakili bangsa2 mereka sendiri? Mereka sudah hilang legitimacy sebelum masuk gelanggang lagi.
Pertama tolong nyatakan, bagaimana DAP boleh mendominasi. DAP akan hanya bertanding habis banyak 53 kerusi. Kalau ia menang semua, jumlah kerusi itu tidak mencukupi untuk menubuhkan kerajaan. Ia hanya akan menjadi suatu kuasa politik yang handal dan perkasa. Tapi sifat tersebut bukan disebabkan MP DAP adalah Cina. Ia jadi parti yang kuat dan handal kerana mutu ahli parlimen dan ADUN mereka tinggi. UMNO yang hanya mampu menawarkan calun2 bermutu rendah sudah tentulah ketakutan berdepan dengan DAP. Kalau tidak bersedia dan membaca dan membat kajian, bagaimana mahu berdebat dan berhujjah?
DAP akan mendominasi kalau kita pilih orang melayu lembik dan bodoh. Pemimpin lembik dan bodoh datang dari kalangan UMNO. Kalau kita pilih jaga sekolah, security guard jadi wakil orang Melayu, tentulah sesiapa sahaja, bukan hanya DAP, akan mendominasi orang Melayu. Hanya dalam UMNO sahaja, orang cerdik jadi makanan orang bodoh. Oleh kerana ianya begitu dalam UMNO, orang UMNO ingat kalau PR memerintah, kita akan pakai budaya UMNO jugak.
Jadi besar kemungkinan, oleh kerana ramai orang seperti ini yang jadi pemimpin UMNO- fikiran standard jaga dan security guard lah yang mewarnai fikiran Melayu UMNO. Orang melayu yang lain tahu yang jual negara ini, yang merompak dan melanun negara ini ialah Melayu UMNO. Pemimpin Melayu yang berkaliber tinggi tak takut pun bersaing dan berdepan dengan pemimpin DAP. Tapi pemimpin Melayu yang berkaliber tidaklah berkelahi dengan orang lain atas soal2 remeh seperti kenapa pijak gambar Najib dan Rosmah. Orang pijak atau kencing atau apa sahaja gambar Rosmah dan najib mempunyai alasan yang sama mengapa orang pijak, kencing, bakar dan lempar najis atas gambar Nik Aziz, Haji Hadi, Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim dan sebagai nya. Kenapa tak tanya apa pasal budak2 UMNO buat demikian?  
Jadi 0-0 lah. Awak pijak gambar pemimpin pembangkang, maka ada orang pijak gambar Najib dan Rosmah.


Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 08:59  


Mahathir in his Old Age is Smitten with the Denial Syndrome...

Denial that his second choice for the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak is no better than his First Choice which was Abdullah Badawi!

In his previous ramblings some truth did come out perhaps not noticeable but to only a few when he admitted that he was a poor judge of character...

Perhaps Najib promised to look after his son which Badawi refused to do for obvious reasons..

Human beings are driven by self and preservation of family as well as greed and Mahathir is no exception!

If Najib persist to wait this old man will continue to damage UMNO further with his exposure of UMNO's weaknesses..

Joe Black

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 10:04  

balun dato' ....balunnnn..

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 10:37  

askm tok
sesuatu yg HAK pasti akan muncul walaupun berdepan dgn batil yg d rancang n d susun rapi... and....

Adlan Noh,  7 September 2012 at 10:53  

Orang UMNO/BN ni tk dk yg cerdik. Semuanya lembu2/kerbau2 belaka. Kekadang sedih pulak menegangkan nasib juak2 pwenyokong depa ni di akhir senja kekuasaan. Kena saja from left n right, front-back and above-under. But they kept on coming back, but only to be beaten up again from different sides. they used the police for assitance, but it only spells more trouble.
Those who enjoy listening to reggae, please listen to Jimmy Cliff "The Harder They Come".

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 12:27  


1)Any possibility for Tun Dr. Mahathir to run for elections? i.e. To create that nostalgic... "we owe you the world, Tun" factor so that Mukhriz can prolong his political career?

2)In the past few days, seems like he has taken the initiative to be the spokesperson for UMNO.

3)Does he officially back the PM or the DPM?

Kamal Sanusi 7 September 2012 at 12:40  


Sanggupkah saya dan rakan pembaca blog ini mempunyai KERAjaan yang secara terang-terangan menguatkuasakan undang-undang secara double standard kepada rakyatnya? Saya memang tidak sanggup....

Contohnya Pemain boling kebangsaan Noor Afizal Azizan yang disabit di bawah Seksyen 294 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah telah dibebaskan dengan perintah berkelakuan baik kerana merogol seorang gadis bawah umur di sebuah hotel di Ayer Keroh Melaka pada 2009. Setahu saya hubungan seks dgn org di bawah umur adalah satu kesalahan berat tak kira samada suka sama suka.

Banyak lagi contoh2 yg telah diberikan oleh rakan2 lain skalipun tidak disiarkan di media arus perdana, di alam maya berita itu mmg susah utk digelapkan.

Kita mungkin tidak pernah mengalaminya secara langsung tetapi suatu hari nanti pasti kita akan merasainya juga.

Kalau di Afrika rakyatnya membantah dasar apaTAIK dan berjaya juga akhirnya menghapuskan dasar berkenaan, saya rasa tiba masanya kita juga harus mencontohi mereka dgn menghapuskan dasar double standard ini.

Sakit hati, geram dan yg sama waktu dengannya dengan kelakuan pencacai-pencacai yg semakin crossing the line tida dapat saya pendam dan bendung.

Semoga rakyat Malaysia bangun di dalam memastikan masa depan anak-anak kita lebih senang, terjamin tanpa sebarang tekanan. Janganlah biar mereka kencing di kubur kita bilamana mereka merasakan tekanan hidup di masa depan adalah salah kita yg menyokong/mengundi SYAITAN YG DIKENALI.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 15:18  


This is perhaps the most nefarious logo I have ever seen.

Salam and Bravo.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 15:25  

Keputusan mahkamah tsb. tiada kaitan sama sekali dgn kerajaan hari ini. Tekanan hidup berlaku adalah disebabkan kejahilan diri sendiri & menyalahkan syaitan menyerlahkan lagi kenapa ia jadi begini.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 15:32  

.......yg hairannya sejak berpuluh tahun yg lalu apa yg dikatakan batil itu tetap terpilih juga utk menerajui negara...apakah tak faham juga?

Quiet Despair,  7 September 2012 at 18:16  

Saya tak takut DAP atau Pakatan.
Yang saya takut ialah Anu-war.
The thought of Anwar becoming PM scares me.
The same feeling as Romney becoming US President.He is so scary to many Americans.
So is Anu-War. I think my feeling is shared by most Malays.
Malays really do not mind PAS. And they know that DAP would not amount to much.
But that douche-bag gives us the heebies-jeebies.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 18:35  

Salam dato', nampaknya dlm umno skrg cuma tinggal 3 golongan. Hambawan. Bangsawan. Bangsawan. Kaum hambawan berjiwa abdi. Mereka tak mampu dan malas berfikir. Apalagi utk memahami erti jiwa yg merdeka. Mereka akan terus membuta tuli mengikuti ketua sekalipun ketua tadi telah bertukar menjadi setan dan menghumbankan mereka ke api jahanam.

Kaum bangsawan pula tahu umno sedang karam tetapi mereka tak punya keberanian untuk mengubahnya kerana dibelit kemewahan. Selagi bahtera umno belum karam mereka akan terus memunggah kekayaan. Mana tahu, jika umno-bn tenggelam harta kekayaan tadi boleh mereka gunakan sbg cagaran utk duduk di kelas pertama di bahtera baru.

Kaum bangsatwan pula paling celaka. Kerja mereka mengadu domba, menyebar fitnah dan berbuat mehnah demi upah dan ganjaran. Mereka tidak boleh hidup dalam suasana yg adil dan stabil. Mereka membina kuasa dan mengumpul harta dgn melanggar peraturan dan adab yg dikenakan kpd org lain yg patuh.

Madey bkn miskin jadi dia bukan hambawan. Madey juga bukan berdarah nigrat jadi dia bukan bangsawan. Dia adalah... Biar rakyat menentukan...

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 21:31  

Pt 1.


Why are you so scared of Anwar - a mere mortal? Should Anwar become PM and should he wants to bulldoze his way in administering the country there are 2 strong "stakeholders" or body guards watching over him - PAS and DAP. And these stakeholders are no pushovers. They are not yes men.

In all probability these two stakeholders are almost equal in voting rights should PR form the goverment. Unlike MCA and MIC which has no balls to even say no to UMNO. Anwar is finished should any of these 2 stakeholders pull out of Pakatan.

Corruption and abuse of power affects the society and can destroy a nation. How do you explain that this country are now economically far behind Spore, Korea, Taiwan and H. Kong when at one time we are are ahead or at par with them? Well my friend, it is not because of liwat or china doll. Do you honestly believe that all UMNO leaders are saint? Some of their behaviors are worst than Anwar.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 21:38  

Pt 2.

Our economy is now lagging behind these countries because of rampant corruption, rent seeking activities, leakages, wastages and abuse of power by the ruling UMNO led BN government.

Opposition to UMNO is not about supporting Anwar, Kit Siang or Hadi alone. You can see a lot of injustices, corruption and abuse of power being commmitted by the current UMNO led BN Government. This must be stopped regardless whether Anwar becomes PM or not. Can we agree on this?

If Najib is willing to put a stop to all these injustices, well and good and we should all support him. Unfortunately he will not be able to do it as the bad culture is already deeply rooted in UMNO. Furthermore he is not his own man and has many skeletons in his closet. He is living in the shadows of TDM. And the powerful warlords will be ready to pounce on him should he try to do a clean-up and stop their plundering and rent seeking activities.

The only way to reform UMNO is to vote them out. Hopefully they can make a return with fresh faces and better political culture. I will not hesitate to support them then if PR cannot prove they are better than BN. PR should be given a chance to show what they can do. At state level, albeit BN being hostile and uncooperative towards them, they have performed well.

This bad culture actually started in the mid 80's when TDM was the PM. And Anwar was also guilty, being part of the UMNO corrupt culture then. There was a lot of opposition that led to the big fight in 1987. From UMNO Baru onwards, the country started to slide down.

Anwar was also guilty of money politics then. It was the UMNO culture that corrupts him. He has to, in order to survive in a feudal party like UMNO. If you are not corrupt or not willing to grease the warlords, you cannot survive long in UMNO.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 21:41  

Pt 3.

If you don't believe me, be active in UMNO and try to stop all these corrupt and rent seeking activities and see whether you will last long. The powerful warlords/rent seekers will make sure you will be kicked out before the sun rises. This is the truth.

It is the UMNO culture that breeds this corruption and rent seeking mentality. And the one that allowed this culture to thrive is non other than TDM, the Penghulu. If you listen to him talk you may be impressed. But he does not preach what he say or he don't walk the talk. Sadly however, many unthinking Malaysians were influenced by him.

Any wonder why TDM said that UMNO is corrupt to the core and consist of half past six leaders? He should know his party better as he is the founder and penghulu of UMNO Baru . Do you not believe in what your own Penghulu said? If you believe, you shouldn't be supporting UMNO.

UMNO is not sincere in helping the Malays becoming a respected race. UMNO leaders just want their votes so that they can continue to plunder and share their ill gotten gains among themselves.

The modus operandi is simple. Keep the Malays poor and ignorant and you will get their votes. When they are poor, they will feel "syukur" when you throw crumbs at them. When they are ignorant, they will believe in what the UMNO propaganda media churns out. And this is basically what the UMNO leaders are doing to their own race. Their vested interest always preceded their sincerity.

We have to be honest and truthful. It is not the truth that does the actual hurting, it is the lie.


bruno,  7 September 2012 at 22:29  

Why Umno/BN must go.

Mass and rampant corruption.From the PM's office down to the office boys down to the janitors.From AG's dept to MACC to PDRM.Civil service to GLC's you name it you got it.

We have leaders and politicians who have condoned corruption and abuse of power to the extremes.They lived in mansions,have expensive cars,branded wears and showcase mistresses in tow young enough to be their daughters and grand daughters.

They stole money from the people whom they are supposed to look after.Even money for religious purposes and the very poor are not spared.And these thieves are still robbing the cookie jars 24/7 365 days/yr or 366 days on a leap year.

Not that these sick people we called thieves and robbers are stealing and robbing the people blind to fulfill their thrist for lust.They have already accumulated wealth good enough to fed tens of generations of their families and grand families to come.

Yet,with so much accumulated stolen wealth is just not enough for these sick people.They needed more and they are selling all stock and barrel to fulfill their wishes.Such behaviours are a sickness for the really mentally sick,and not just the sick.

We asked why defined these greedy people as the mentally sick.Well,after accumulating so much wealth to feed and spoil tens and tens of their generations to come,without having to lift a finger or sweat,why do they still want to rob the people till they are stripped naked even of their underwears.Not that they want the peoples underwears,they will leave no stones unturned.Not even the soiled tampons will be spared.

Malaysians have to stand up and be counted.If not for themselves at least for their children and generations to come.There is no such thing as the devil you know and the devil you do not know.There is no such things as I have no problems with the PR only Anuwar,as our learned friend QD says.

People who come up with excuses instead of facing the reality of facts and life,and running away are frightened people.Frightened people who are afraid of change.I have always said that I never liked Anwar since his student days.Never liked Anwar doesn't meant that I cannot accept him as the PM if the PR is voted into power,if it is for the good of the country.

Mark Dean,  7 September 2012 at 22:29  

QD, why are so scared of Anwar? Adakah dia sangat terrer depan belakang. Or is it UMNO's skeletons will be laid bare. Don't worry people like you are welcome on board.

P/S saya sebagai peminat tegar QD dan KM miss very much your very interesting banter since Sir Wenger menjadi senyap sedu. Menunggu FGV menjunam RM 3.50 kot.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 23:07  

QD, you are scared of Anuar because he was just that close to the pinnacle, and that would have made him privy to lots of dark, dark secrets. Many are having nightmares, and I prefer to believe you are not one of them. When the time comes, 90% of the Malays would finally begin to realise what the real TDM is, not just now as the man who has a solution for any and all problems. The philosopher-politician-fortune teller polymath would finally realise he is after all like the Shah of Iran, Saddam, Ghadafi, etc an ordinary human being accountable for the things he did and did not do. The 10% who would weep for him would be those who would suddenly feel naked as they are stripped bare by one espose after another.

Anonymous,  7 September 2012 at 23:54  

You are not scared of DAP or Pakatan but the thought of Anwar becoming PM scares you. Is it Anwar the man himself that you are scared of or what the man will do if and when he becomes PM? Let us take Anwar out of the equation. Assume that for whatever reasons Anwar will not be the PM but the man who replaces him will still uphold the same principles that Anwar holds i.e fight corruption, stop leakages and plunder etc etc. What then QD? You will still not support this " angel "?

Alumni Pasti

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 00:12  

Anwar close to the must be joking mate.I bet he has the most darkest secret.please la you guys go find another fella la instead.he has expired himself.give that man a break wiillya

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 00:57  

Bro ,

Dark secret apa lagi yang Anwar ada yang belum dikeluarkan lagi. Liwat dah 2 kali, video 3T(onggong) dah diedar. Duit 3 Billion dah dibongkar.

Dark secret apa lagi yang ada yang belum dibongkar? Kalau ada lagi, tak ke gila namanya kalau puak UMNO baru tak keluarkan? Orang kata- dah buang tabiat ke UMNO Baru dok simpan dark secret anwar buat pekasam?

Kalau ada lagi, buat apa AG merayu keputusan liwat 2 yang memang dah ko. Lebih baik malukan anwar dengan dark secret baru!...mana tau kali ni rakyat nak percaya.

Mungkin anon 8 September 2012 00:12 ada simpan dark secret anwar yang najib dan UMNO baru tak tahu. Jika ada, bawalah kat najib. Taulah camer najib nak perkenakan nwar.Polis,hospital,AG dan segala macam agensi kerajaan najib boleh guna.

Rakyat malaysia samada yang suka kat UMNO atau tidak tentunya nak tahu juga apa dark secret anwar yang belum dibongkar lagi.

Jadi nasihat saya, kalau ada bukti, gi jumpa najib. Kalau takde, tak payah le le tabur fitnah.

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 05:36  

Just a is the realtionship this dato sak guy wth lge or lks or he in their fold or this guy syok sendiri je.we the voters would like to know if not see with of our own eyes.or are they marriages of convenience completing each other ego for the pru13. Or this sak guy is being used and cart away thing.i don't see how the melayus position in that dominant chinese party. Can you throw a bit of light on this tok.....

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 08:23  

Namakan 1 kerajaan yg batil dan masih lg hidup smpi la ni.....

Jgn risau, benda ni x lama.....

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 08:34  

Respect umno lama aje esp zaman tun razak..

average joe 8 September 2012 at 08:59  

Keputusan mahkamah tsb. tiada kaitan sama sekali dgn kerajaan hari ini
-Anon 15:25, refuting kamal sanusi earlier

well, when i initially read kamal's, i too thought, "hello sedara, itu keputusan hakim la, bukan keputusan kabinet!"

so we have no business to "politicise" the issue. after all, we (99%, except qd & a handful of others) as supporters of pakatan, support democracy in its true sense, and reject the skewed twisted and rhetorical version of the hypocrite bn's "democracy", and in true democracy there is a clear separation between the judiciary and the "executives", therefore the judges are independent and not influenced by the pm and cabinet. so what that judge or that panel of appeal judges dished out, tiada kaitan sama sekali dgn kerajaan hari ini! (bak kata Anon 15:25)

oops! i had a momentary lapse of reasoning right there! i'm not saying outright that "kerajaan bn bertanggungjawab dgn keputusan mahkamah tsb", but then again we must remember, this is bn's version of "democratic governing", and the supposed clear separation of powers was seen lacking in many instances, especially so in the infamous case of mr korek korek korek and its related cases!

therefore, we definitely can "politicise" this issue (just as we can on various other issues otherwise told not to by the bn politicians who somehow still, until today, have it in their thick skulls that the people are dumbos and know nothing!) IF we strongly feel that the court had not been independent in concluding its judgment, if there exists strong suspicion of the judge(s) involved being manipulated or influenced by, say the minister of youth or sports for desperately wanting the boy/rapist to be out of prison so he could play in tournaments and (hopefully) win something for the country (read: for the minister's glory) or say by his family/relative holding high governmental or corporate position who in turn directly approached the judge or indirectly, through some ministers/politicians.
now, in the presence of such strong sentiment, of course we should "politicise" the issue, because the decision does not stop at the 2 individuals only (boy rapist & girlfriend) or at their families and close friends, the decision affects the whole country because all citizen are governed by the same set of laws, so the people have the legitimate right to know the whole truth.

i mean, at the end we also want to know was it the same 3 reasons cited for the boy rapist's escape of prison term despite having sex with an underaged girl - holding bright position, still young (40 and below are youths), and 1st time rapist - that too had acquitted someone holding very high post??? we still wonder. tapi nak tanya siapa? hakim? menteri? politikus?

-average joe-
klakka-la.blogspot: TANYALAH USTAZ

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 09:25  

If one is the PM and the other the DPM, wasn't the latter close enough to .... the pinnacle? Politics is the art of building empires and dismantling them either by the emperor himself or by invitation to pretenders smelling around. One thing is certain whoever controls Putrajaya will not have it easy - millions of eyes will be watching. Perform and you stay, abuse your position we push you out - we won't wait for 30 years.

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 09:55  

8 September 2012 00:57: -Mungkin anon 8 September 2012 00:12 ada simpan dark secret anwar yang najib dan UMNO baru tak tahu.

Anon 8 September 2012 00:12 memang hebat kalau dia saja yang masih ada simpan dark secret tentang Anwar. Kalau gitu Najib lagi tak layak jadi P.M dan semua ketua agensi Kerajaan bersabit dengan keselematan kena terjun ke dalam laut.

Anonymous,  8 September 2012 at 11:39  

UMNO still does not get the's not about Anwar.

Go on, continue this path...even more Malaysians will not forgive you UMNO.

Anonymous,  9 September 2012 at 15:38  

Sak & blog readers,

Too much politics, at times invade our dreams which are fully cognisant and can make pretty much anything happen, even make our number 1 foes defeated and never resurrected !

Hence drift away from it for a respite. Let's all have Royal Rakyat Tea collectively, whilst our university / college youth can spontaneously organize a tea reception nationwide one weekend at ones' regular kopitiams, warong, from Pavilion to Starbucks, all dressed to the nines in our traditional clothes, samfoo, jippa, baju melayu, the ladies wear their baju kurung, colorful sarees or cheongsam. Plus engaging with the rakyat, say, getting their autographs and doing a flash dance together instead. And make a video clip on it to showcase our Malaysian muhibbah spirit. Real fun and cool, wonder how Bruno and Walla will look as their jive in their grand traditional costume. They write brilliantly and loyally to encourage Sak and us all along, this is just one way to show them appreciation.

Of course, it will be after Kate & William's tea reception. This idea for the nation had been repeatedly hijacked by someone in the social media. Ai say, why hijack to plagiarize ideas .... I don’t mind sharing ideas for the benefits of the communities and the nation. Ai say how to encourage the sharing of more IP.

Anonymous,  19 September 2012 at 20:58  

Sbb ko cai umngok, geng syaitan dikenali… ko kata la mcm tu…

Ckp based on facts la oi jgn pakai pala lutut…

Anonymous,  19 September 2012 at 21:00  

Kalo x putar belit bukan cai umporno la namanyer

Anonymous,  19 September 2012 at 21:20  

Xpyh layan ler cai umngok tu…
Dia tau auta jer… cuba mintak fakta, mau terkincit dibuatnyer…

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