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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday, 31 March 2014

Pemberontakan Pahang 1891-1895; Pengajaran dari Sejarah

Gambar diatas ialah mesyuarat raja Melayu yang pertama. Ia diadakan pada bulan Julai 1897. Bertempat di Kuala Kangsar.  Tanda2 A= Tok Gajah, B= Bahaman, C= Mat Kilau, D= Mat Lela. Duduk dalam barisan kedua, dari kiri: Hugh Clifford(Resident Pahang); sebelah Clifford seorang resident dan sebelah resident ini seorang lagi resident). Frank Swettenham duduk di tengah dan dia mempengerusi persidangan pertama ini

‘A’ menunjukkan gambar pendekar Pahang yang terkenal- Khatib Rasu bin Tok Shahrum. Dia dikenali juga sebagai Tok Gajah. ‘B’ ialah gambar Bahaman bin Imam Noh  Orang Kaya Semantan. Setelah dia di istihar durhaka, gelaran Orang Kaya di buang, maka kembali lah dia kepada nama pusat nya- Si Bahaman. ‘C’ adalah gambar Mat Kilau, anak kepada Khatib Rasu. ‘D’ ialah gambar Mat lela.  
Apa yang tak kena dengan gambar ini? Yang tidak kena ialah gambar ini bukan wajah2 yang diberitahu kepada kita. Kenapa?
Gambar diatas menjadi kebanggan waris dan anak cucu tokoh2 tadi. Sayang nya, perasaan bangga mereka tidak kena pada tempat nya. kerana tokoh2 sebenarnya, tidak ada dalam gambar tersebut.
Tokoh2 yang saya sebut tadi adalah pimpinan pemberontakan Pahang. Tempoh pemberontakan tersebut ialah 1891-1895. Pada penghujung tahun 1895, Hugh Clifford mengistiharkan Pahang rebellion tamat. Para pemimpin nya ramai sudah dibunuh. Tok Gajah , Bahaman, Mat Kilau dan yang hidup dan tidak ditangkap semua nya melarikan diri. Bahaman dan Mat Kilau melarikan diri ke Siam. Tok Gajah dengan adik nya, khatib haji Muhammad Amin melarikan diri ke Terengganu dan Kelantan. Tok Gajah kemudian mati di Kuala Berang Terengganu. Adiknya, Muhamad Amin mati di Lebir, Kelantan.
Masa gambar diatas diambil 1897, semua yang kita sebut tadi dalam buruan. Maka soalan nya, bagaimana mereka ada dalam gambar? Jika ada tentulah Hugh Clifford sudah pun menangkap mereka dan pasti mereka dihukum mati. Oleh kerana semua tokoh tadi berada  dalam pelarian, maka gambar2 diatas yang dikatakan gambar mereka tidak benar.
Tujuan saya ialah memberitahu waris kesemua tokoh diatas, jangan mempercayai gambar diatas. Bahaman, Mat KIlau dan Tok Gajah tidak ada dalam gambar tersebut. Tidak mungkin berada kerana sudah tentu ditangkap.
Jenerasi berjenerasi, waris2 Bahaman, Mat Kilau dan Tok Gajah hidup dalam naratif palsu oleh penjajah Inggeris dan para juak penjajah. Setelah saya menjadi ahli parlimen Raub, saya semakin menyedari peranan yang dimainkan oleh tokoh2 yang disebut. Ia membuat saya ingin membaca semula naratif sejarah dari buku2 yang ditulis oleh W LInehan A History of Pahang yang diberikan oleh arwah bapa saya kepada saya dalam tahun 1970an. Buku tersebut ditulis oleh Dr Linehan pada tahun 1936. Banyak fakta2 Linehan pula diambil dari sumber sejarah Pahang iaitu HIkayat Pahang.  Sumber2 lain mengenai Pahang pun ada 2 atau 3 yang jika kita baca keseluruhan nya dan mengaplikasi sedikit penghalusan fikiran, pasti gambaran yang lebih jelas akan muncul.
Menilai kembali perananan pemberontakan.
Nilai peranan pahlawan Melayu seperti Bahaman, mat Kilau dan Tok Gajah, Mat lela, Mat Kelubi(Khalbi), dan lain2 nya bukan terletak pada kehandalan peribadi dan ketangkasan kependekaran mereka. Waris Mat Kilau, Bahaman dan Tok Gajah tentulah bangga jika orang lain kata- hebat kepahlawanan moyang kamu semua- boleh terbang, boleh menghilangkan diri, boleh menyebabkan musuh melekat pada tempat duduk, boleh menangkap peluru dan peluru akan membunuh jika penangkap nya tidak terdaya memegang peluru tersebut dari menepati sasaran yang diniatkan- semua ini adalah sumber kebanggaan. Tidak syak lagi menjadi sumber kebanggaan dan patut pula. Tapi kemana kehebatan ini semua berakhir? Ia berakhir dengan kematian kerana teknoloji yang superior akhir nya mengatasi kehandalan dan keperwiraan.
Nilai sebenar pemberontak dan pemberontakan kepada kita jenerasi pewaris ialah dalam pengajaran nya.
Dan apa pengajaran nya?
Tanpa mereka sendiri menyedari nya, pemberontakan Bahaman, Mat Kilau dan Tok Gajah melambangkan pertembungan antara golongan yang mendapat hak kerana kedudukan yang diwarisi, kerana kekuatan kedudukan dengan golongan yang mendapat hak kerana memperjuangkan nya, menggunakan  kudrat dan menggunakan akal. Itu sebabnya, golongan feudal dan inggeris senang berkerjasama- kerana kedua golongan mendapat hak, seperti kita lihat setelah British menempatkan diri mereka dalam tanah air kita, bersandarkan kuasa dan kedudukan. Mat Kilau, Bahaman dan Tok Gajah mewakili golongan yang tahu bahawa hak adalah suatu yang dperjuangkan dan dipertahankan.
Ini pengajaran yang patut diambil perhati oleh bangsa Melayu kita. Bahawa hak kita datang kepada kita bukan kerana status kita sebagai Melayu dan kedudukan yang kita warisi, tapi hasil dari kesediaan memperjuangkan hak tersebut dan mempertahankan hak tersebut.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Bahaman, Muhammad Kilau dan Khatib Rasu Abdussalam- Penjajaran dari Pemberontakan Pahang.

Mengenai The Pahang Rebellion, akhbar Inggeris melapurkan.

LONDON, Sunday. 9 May 1892.
The rebellious Malays ia the British protectorate of Pahang are growing bolder, and are now assuming a men- acing attitude. They have killed several Chinese, and attacked an escort of Sikhs and police, and the coolies are deserting the- mines through fear of them. Public opinion in Singapore condemns the Governor of the Straits settlements for having refused to em- ploy -thermilitary and naval forces in subduing the rebellion.
Dan dari kaca rasmi Inggeris:-
The Pahang Rising of 1891-1895

In 1887, Pahang’s ruler, Sultan Ahmad, received a British agent, Hugh Clifford. However, the arrangement was not satisfactory to the Malays due to British pressure to relinquish hereditary rights. The Pahang chiefs resented the interference of Clifford and their resulting loss of power and income. In 1891, a local tribal chief, Dato’ Bahaman, openly revolted against the British. This rebellion became known as the Pahang War, and was fought as a guerrilla war. It culminated in 1892, when a general amnesty was issued. Most of the rebels surrendered while others fled to Terengganu. In 1895, a force led by Clifford finally rounded up the remnants.

3 tokoh yang disebut diatas adalah tokoh utama dalam pemberontakan Pahang.  Ianya berlaku antara tahun 1891 hinga 1895 ketika pemerintahan Bendahara Wan Ahmad yang menjadi Sultan Pahang yang pertama. Pemberontakan mereka kepada siapa? Ianya diarahkan pada penjajah British yang mahu menakluk negeri Pahang. Ia juga disasarkan kepada golongan parasite istana yang menyokong agenda British.
Keganasan dan perang yang diperlakukan keatas 3 tokoh ini dan pengikut mereka adalah episode hitam dalam sejarah Pahang. Bangsa Melayu yang mahu kuasa dengan cara mudah membelot bangsa sendiri untuk hidup senang. Penentang agenda penjajahan diburu, dibunuh dan dizalimi.
Pihak apologist  Inggeris akan senentiasa menulis bahawa negeri2 Maleyu dalam keadaan huru hara, sentiasa berperang dan tidak aman. Penceritaan keadaan yang demikian, memberi British justifikasi untuk menakluk negeri2 Melayu atas alasan mahu melindungi kepentingan bisness mereka. Kebenaran nya ialah British menakluk dan meng-impose system pentadbiran ialah untuk menjadikan tanah Melayu jajahan mutak.
Dan British tidak bodoh; dengan pengalaman buruk penjajahan di India dan Burma, mereka mengadaptasi penjajahan mereka dengan memasukkan elemen penting dalam budaya orang Melayu iaitu taat dan setia kepada raja mereka. Maka jika raja2 Melayu menjadi sebahagian dari struktur penaklukan mereka, mudahlah British menakluk kesemua orang Melayu. Dengan menjadikan raja2 Melyu sebahagian dari struktur kuasa British, maka apa pun tentangan yang diarahkan keada British sebetulnya, akan dilabel sebagai durhaka kepada raja2 Melayu. Dan raja2 Melayu berada dalam keadaan terlalu lemah atau pun sudah dibentuk untuk seiringan dengan penjajah.
Walau pun pengkisahan 3 tokoh diatas bersangkut secara lansung dengan Pahang, tapi apa yang terjadi kepada mereka harap2nya dapat memberi pengajaran kepada bangsa Melayu seluruhnya.
·        Hendaklah sebahagian orang Melayu senentiasa mengingatkan raja2 Melayu jangan jadi sebagahian dari golongan yang menindas.
·        Hendaklah sebahagian orang Melayu melawan sebahagian orang Melayu dan kawan2 mereka yang memperkudakan sesuatu insitusi yang boleh ditaati oleh orang Melayu.
·        Hendaklah orang Melayu keseluruhan nya jangan mempercayai sebahagian melayu yang tidak ada keperibadian yang dibentuk oleh perjuangan.
·        Pemimpin Melayu yang terbaik ialah mereka yang melalui proses penderitaan.
Berapa ramai kah anak Pahang yang menyedari bahawa sampai ke hari ini, Mat Kilau, Khatib Rasu dan Bahaman masih mempunyai status penderhaka?  Mereka tidak menerima pengampunan umum yang ditawarkan oleh British kerana meyakini bahawa mereka tidak melakukan apa2 kesalahan melainkan mempertahankan bumi mereka dijajah oleh Inggeris. Menerima interpretasi British bahawa mereka ini memberontak kerana tidak dapat kutip cukai adalah pengkisahan yang mempersenda intelligence orang Melayu. Ketika itu kesetiaan mereka adalah kepada system pemeritahan zaman itu –yakni kepada system pemerintahan orang Melayu.
Bahaman, mat kilau dan tok gajah tidak memberontak terhadap raja Melayu dan system raja Melayu. Jadi apa yang mereka durhakakan? Mereka menentang agenda British yang mahu menggantikan system pemerintahan Melayu ketika itu dengan system British. Kenapa jika British melaksanakan system pentadbiran dan kaut kekayaan negeri  ianya adalah suatu yang bagus, tapi system yang serupa dibawah pemerintaan Melayu tidak bagus? Penindasan oleh bangsa lain baik, tapi penindasan oleh bangsa sendiri tidak baik? Oleh yang demikian, baik kita hidup bawah penindasan bangsa lain?
Nasionalisme dan jiwa kebangsaan ertinya mempertahankan system tempatan ketika itu. Sistem yang ada tidak semesti beku dan tidak siapa yang tahu, tanpa imposisi  system penjajah British, bagaimana sistem tempatan akan evolve. Mana kita tahu system tempatan tidak boleh berkembang dan diperbaiki. Berfikiran demikian hanya membuat andaian bahawa pemikiran penjajah mengenai pentadbiran adalah sentiasa superior dari pemikiran anak watan.
Sayang sekali yang menzalimi dan menganiayai mereka ialah system yang mereka pertahankan apabila system dan pendukung2 nya merasakan bersubahat dengan British lebih menguntungkan. System itu dan para pendukung system itulah yang belot kepada Bahaman, mat kilau dan Tok Gajah Imam Rasu.
Hukum zaman dahulu iaitu hukum zaman kuasa feudal ialah apabila seorang anggota keluarga diistihar sebagai durhaka, semua keluarga- adik beradik, saudara terdekat habis dimusnah sekali.
Lihat sahaja apa yang terjadi kepada keluarga Tok Gajah atau Khatib Rasu Abdussalam- adik beradiknya semua musnah. Ranting Mas dan suami di tembak mati oleh orang suruhan puak istana, (tidak semesti raja tapi tokoh2 belakang tabir yang konon nya mengukuhkan kepentingan feudal); Khatib Haji Muhamad Amin( ayah kepada moyang saya sendiri) mati dalam pelarian di Lebir Kelantan; Hajjah Maimunah dan Khatib Muhamad Arif( kakak dan adik Tok Gajah) pun mati dalam buangan dan sentiasa dirundung kecemasan mental. Oleh kerana seoang anggota keluarga dicap sebagai durhaka, semua yang lain diburu dan dizalimi. Itu undang2 feudal.
Mana dia anak cucu Bahaman? Bahaman yang membesar dan menjaga Bendahara Wan Ahmad? Ketika Bendahara Ali mahu meninggal dunia, Wan Ahmad dan Bahaman dipanggil bertemu dan diberi wasiat oleh Bendahara Ali sebagai penganti nya dan Bahaman disuruh berjanji menjaga Ahmad?  Anak cucu Bahaman hilang dalam ingatan dan jauh dari penghargaan.
Soalannya. Mengapa harus anak cucu Bahaman, Imam Rasu dan Mat Kilau mahu mendukung system yang didukung oleh anak cucu kumpulan yang menganiayai tok moyang mereka?

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Excuse given as to why the unidentified plane was not intercepted

From Parliament House.

 The Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) did not probe an unidentified aircraft signal which appeared on the military radar in the wee hours of March 8 because it ‘assumed’ that the flight was ordered to turn back by the civilian air traffic control.
In revealing this today, Deputy Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Bakri said the air force decided to ignore the radar signal because the aircraft was categorised as non-hostile in nature.
“We thought the aircraft was non-hostile, we assumed it was a directive of the control tower that had directed the plane to turn back,” he told the Dewan Rakyat today.

I was waiting for this answer as to why our TUDM did not respond to the intrusion of an unidentified plane. The answer is TUDM assumed a number of things; chief being the plane must have been ordered to do so by Subang. Then it concluded that this plane, although unidentified is not hostile. Not a very good answer which shows the standard of the deputy defence minister.
That answer pales for example from the one given by a commentator in my blog.
The answer given by the commentator ran as follows:-
"Most military radar isn't concerned with commercial air traffic on standard routes flying at 30,000+ feet. The skies are full of jetliners. Most just appear as a contact on a tracking scope, watched briefly as they trundle along in a straight line across the sky, and are then ignored. Military people are concerned with threats. Threats typically move in a ballistic trajectory, or a flat fast powered arc, or much closer to the surface. Military radar records might be helpful in figuring out what happened, but unless Flight 370 was behaving like a threat while passing through somebody’s radar envelope, it’s unlikely that anybody would notice or bother to identify it.
The answer given by the deputy defence minister is exactly the answer relished by potential enemies. What if our enemies use lethal flying objects camouflaged as civilian carriers displaying the characteristics so described by the commentator?  So because the unidentified object appear as a contact on a tracking scope, they are watched briefly as they trundle along in a straight line across the sky, and are then ignored.
We ignore at our peril then. Our enemies can easily out-think this sort of complacent and cavalier attitude on the part of military people. Let’s pray they don’t operate on these lines even though our confidence is shattered as a result of the conduct in the MH370 case.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The House Moves a Motion expressing Profound Sadness and Grief on MH370

From Parliament House.

The PM has come into the Dewan Rakyat to move a motion to register the house’s profound sadness and grief over the tragedy that has befallen MH370. The motion extends its sadness and sympathies to the families of the crew, staff, friends and colleagues of those on board of the tragic flight. The PM also moved a motion thanking all those involved in the SAR for their commitment and dedication to help everyone in the hour of need.
And of course he didn’t miss the opportunity to take a swipe at the opposition for talking about this issue during the recent Kajang election.
Lim Kit Siang is now replying to the motion. We all share the grief and profound sadness over the affair. Be that as it may, our sorrow and grief ought not to excuse us over our weaknesses in handling the most delicate matter. It would have helped if the authorities such as MAS has been forthright and transparent in its public pronouncements.
For example, why wasn’t MAS forthcoming over the case of lithium batteries which was stated as mangosteens in the cargo manifest? Not that it may be the cause of a catastrophe in the plane but failure of disclosure has caused MAS to be seen as deceitful.
But the PM is silent on the unwarranted negative incursions into the lives of the Captain and his co-pilot. They and the crew whose characters have been subjected to almost hostile scrutiny also need to be salvaged. The memory and honour of the pilot and co-pilot must be restored.
It seems that every inch of captain Zaharie’s life is now investigated. The police has taken his simulator, disassembled it and put it up again in Bukit Aman. His family members are subject to questioning by the police and recently even by the FBI. I hope that’s not our own Federal Bomoh Investigation.
Will the government now issue a public apology to his family for playing along with attempts to cast aspersions to his character? The authorities must now return the flight simulator to its original place. Don’t treat this matter in a cavalier manner now that this episode has come to a closure.
The plane has certainly crashed into the ocean; but attempts to link the crash to what are clearly fabricated narratives about his suicidal tendencies, his fanaticism etc. show the government wants to create a black sheep. Clearly this is a diabolical attempt to cover our own weaknesses especially that of MAS.
With the nature of the Indian Ocean, it make take years to actually find the plane. I am afraid the indefinite time will only whet the appetite of the media as well as those interested to remain unaccountable for as long as possible to countenance as well as give a wide space for a diversionary narrative about Captain Zaharie.
Now, this fabricated narrative only serves to raise suspicions that MAS and the government are trying to weigh the blame on Captain Zaharie as well as his co-pilot so as to lighten the burden of future financial claims. To lay fault against him when he is not around to defend himself is unconscionable.

I call on the government to take steps immediately to restore the honour of the pilot, co-pilot and crew so that we honour their selfless dedication. Let them not vanish in vain and exist in villainy. We owe it to them.

Monday, 24 March 2014

will Kajang be the spark that lights up the prairie fire?

The Kajang-move has been discussed lopsidedly. Discussions centred on what it means for Pakatan. Didn’t Kajang provide BN an opportunity to regain lost trust? It didn’t want the Kajang election true, but it was not stupid to just let the opportunity go. Once an election is held, everyone has a fair chance. BN has the money to buy the election.
So, what has the loss meant for BN? It meant the people still reject them. It’s only been a year since the May 2013 general elections-, the mood is still reject BN. the mood is still alive. Create multiple Kajangs so that the mood is amplified and spreads to other areas.Let people sleep, wake and eat BN's misdeeds- corruption, abuse, thievery, tyranny and so on. 
How many Kajang moves will the public endure? The answer is, as many as it takes. Why not one a year so that by the next general elections, there will be 4 more? I expect by-elections in Permatang Pauh, Bukit Gelugor, maybe Pandan. These are incumbent PR seats that will be vacated by a series of  politically motivated legal moves carried out by BN.
Imagine if these elections are won by Pakatan successively- the impact on the BN psyche will be demoralising. During each of these by-elections, we can amplify the misdeeds of this government.
What is the cost to the people who come out to vote? Time expended and probably some expenses to travel. Outside voters are even paid by BN to come back to vote.
At the same time we recognise, each of these elections gives an opportunity for the BN to bribe and pay their way through.
We want to weaken BN sufficiently to deliver the coup de grace. The mind-set of the people will be conditioned into naturally accepting the removal of BN. that is a small price to pay for getting rid of UMNO and BN from being the government.
Don’t be misled into believing the claims by BN they did not spend big in the Kajang election. They were opening up the taps like nobody’s business. Chew Mei Fun knew why she got the votes she got- with UMNO’s money and other near money inducements. Keys to flats and houses, projects approved in an instance. Think about this- if the keys could be given now they could also be given earlier. If land grants could be given now, they were give-able right from the beginning.
The alternative is what? - putting up with a government that is corrupt, abusive, bullying, and ruining the country economically. How high can the price be, if the object is the purchase of a new government?
Are by-elections ala kajang syle pointless and wasteful, no one died, is disqualified or has been sent to jail- so why a deliberate by-election caused by quitting by the incumbent? It depends on how one looks at it- wasteful and pointless from the party that is being checked- not wasteful on the party doing the checking.
PR is not about to call for armed insurrection trying to change the government, so it will do it by the democratic method of elections. This idea of periodic checks and balances, moves to correct internal politics appear unacceptable because we have been accustomed to having routine changes every 5 years. Why should it not be less than 5 years?
The Kajang move is practical education in the enhancement of democracy. The people can start a legitimate process to recall their representatives. Maybe there will be a requirement insisting that 40% of the voters in that area signing a petition asking for removal. That minimum level is required to trigger off a by election.
So, why not every year if necessary? Otherwise you will see BN legislators disappear for 4 years only to reappear on the onset of general elections and do all the pretentious things like Miss CM Fun did in Kajang recently. Sit on the pavement causing uncontrollable heartbeats in old folks (and Muhyidin too), washing dishes, appearing as Miss Congeniality in several ‘impromptu’ meet the people sessions.
Because people can read through her hypocrisy. She didn’t win votes on her strength and substance; she won on UMNO’s money and stupid Malays imbued with Perkasa values. That it’s alright to go all out to support a stooge for the sake of killing of a non UMNO Malay.
CC Lee won Kajang with a majority of 6824. The voters who came out on May 2013 were 34,490. CC Lee got 19,571 votes. That was 57% of the total number of votes. Voter turnout was more than 87%.
Wan Azizah got 16,741 votes from 28,914 voters. She got 60% on a voter turnout of 72%. Wan Azizah did well if one sees it from a relative aspect. In absolute terms she did not get better than the 6824 votes obtained by CC lee. 5379 is smaller than 6824.
Contrary to the claims made by Chew Mei Fun and echoed by the MCA president, Chinese did not return to BN and MCA. More than 5000 who voted in May 2013 did not vote. Either they stayed home or of they were working outside Kajang, did not return to vote. If they had, perhaps Wan Azizah may have obtained the same reading configurations- however you want to interpret them.
The fact is Wan Azizah won. The more important observation is the increase in Malay support for PKR and PR. This is a worrying indicator for UMNO since its support base remains its ability to keep the siege mentality among Malays. Obviously the embrace by Malays on PKR shows UMNO’s use of race, religion and rulers has not gained traction among Malays or has failed to produce the desired emotional responses.
It also means the issues themselves are not credible. Otherwise, how can you explain the change in heart among the Malays in such a short time? It must have taken a monumental change in perception to move Malays who voted BN in May 2013 to now vote Pakatan in March 2014.
BN lost and MCA remains the 7-eleven party.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

On Political Platforms in the Kajang by-Election. Manifesto vs MONEYfesto.

Last night, I attended the launching of Reformasi 2 at Kajang stadium. The stadium was filled to the brim. It was a huge crowd. As usual this morning, after waking up with arithmetitis, mainstream media will downplay the size of the huge crowd. Maybe 232 attnded. 
There were so many speakers. So we end up mostly making rallying calls. The political platform has been explained widely throughout  the campaign period. 
That Wan Azizah shall go on to win this by-election is just a formality. The question is how big will her majority be.
How big will depend on the voter turnout. I believe the voter turnout will not be as large as it was during the general election last May 2013. Be that as it may, Wan Azizah’s majority will be bigger than that one obtained by CC Lee.
The non-Malays will come out in big numbers to vote Wan Azizah. They are motivated by one reason only. The UMNO people can challenge them to explain their conduct and ask once again what do the Chinese want- that will be an irrelevant question. The question will be simply ignored. The basic desire and motivation is just to see BN get its butt kicked. They don’t like BN and its a subjective choice. Nothing much to explain.
Malays on the other hand  complicate their own decision making and will be motivated by multiple considerations. They face a tougher decision but their difficulty is caused by mixed emotions. The Malays who did not vote Pakatan the last time because they didn’t want to vote a CC Lee will  come out to vote this time. They will vote Wan Azizah. 
That will only reduce the votes which could have gone to Miss CM Fun. its the UMNO Malays who will stay back. It’s not because they are disloyal to UMNO, but because they have been conditioned into thinking in terms of Malayness- so they will not come out to vote for Miss CM Fun. The will stay loyal to UMNO but they will not vote for Miss Fun. how is CC Lee different from Chew Mei Fun? 
Can Miss CM Fun read the customary Al Fatihah when visiting a deceased relative? Wan Azizah at least can.
So Wan Azizah will enjoy a larger sweep of Malay votes this time. Miss Fun will suffer because the UMNO Malays stay back and if they come out this Sunday, some of them will vote for Wan Azizah.
Now let’s distil the issues in this Kajang election.
Mahathir and Daim is not the platform.
What is Pakatan’s platform?  Now a platform is the public pronouncements of what the party intends to do economically and politically. it’s an articulation of their views on the various issues in the country- social and economics issues, its views on the country’s management, its attitude to the ruling government, and more important generally, it represents its commitment to bring about the desired changes that it thinks are of benefit to the country.
So, the Pakatan platform isn’t about being obsessed with Daim Zainudin or Dr Mahathir. One important element of the platform is an attack against corruption and cronyism that is practised by UMNO. I have attended 2 ceramahs with Anwar Ibrahim who mentioned the names of the two retirees.  As to Dr Mahathir, who can say he has ever retired?
I would not conclude by the mention of the two names, that Anwar is obsessed with the two. But the names of the two were used for dramatic effects to accentuate the issue of corruption and cronyism.  And it worked because it drove the crowds into a frenzy. Daim Zainudin and Mahathir’s name are marketable.
As to the frequency by which Anwar mentioned the two names- I am told in his other ceramahs he also mention the two names- we can’t blame Anwar if he believes the two played a significant role for the condition that he has faced and is facing.
I am not going to rush in and proclaim Anwar is a saint but in UMNO where everyone is tainted with something and everything, and certainly moral deficiencies being one of them, the vehemence, venom and vindictiveness which UMNO leaders meted out to Anwar by legal and extra legal means- are almost inhuman. Anwar’s obsession with the two is excusable.
The two are considered as the principal architects with Dr M being the chief architect.  As to Anwar’s obsession with Daim, I think it’s more personal.
I have had the opportunity to sit in with Daim on a number of occasions and I must openly admit that needling Anwar was rare other than making bawdy jokes about Anwar. Maybe they have some private politics between them, I don’t know.
The platform PKR in particular offers to the people of Kajang is therefore made up of issues such as corruption and cronyism, the mismanagement of the economy, the lack of direction by which the nation is travelling, the weakness of the government in tackling community issues, the ineptness of the government in handling crime, the rising cost of living, the arrogance of those in power and of course the injustice inflicted on Anwar and his family.
The people of Kajang ought to carry the anger which they associate with the BN government to the ballot boxes this 23rd March 2014. They should vote with their heads but don’t disallow the human emotions. Lets deal another death blow to BN and prove that Miss CM Fun is just a pawn whom Muhyidin finds attractive. 

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