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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Najib The Best PM? Debunking The Najib Myth. Part 2/2 .

1. Let me tell you where I am coming from so that you know what shaped my thinking. My great great-grandfather, khatib Amin died in Lebir Kelantan on the run from the fish and chips imperialists. A great great-granduncle khatib Rasu, aka Tok Gajah died in Kuala Berang Trengganu also on the run from the British. While my forebears fought againts the British, Najib's forebears lived out a life as parasitic palace feudal chiefs.

2. That is why I am offended when a great great-grandson of Tok Gajah, Nazri Aziz chose to cavort with Najib a confirmed feudal chief. Although we share the same great great great granfather, Tok Shahrum, we are worlds apart in terms of ideology. He's a right-winger and I, a left-winger. But he is combative and fearless in a certain sense. I'll grant him that.

3. I have an instinctive revulsion for all form of wrongdoings. I measure the greatness of someone in a contrarian way. Thus while Musa Hitam thinks that Najib in the greatest PM since Tunku, I think Najib is an overrated dumb ass.

4. So let me educate Musa Hitam on how to measure greatness. Not that I believe he will read it. I don't give a damn. Suffice if some readers share my beliefs.

5. Can Najib be regarded as great when he was not able to free us from the resource rich curse? We have many natural resources, yet we are importer of petroleum products. We earned a lot of revenue from these resources, but they are not translated into excellent education, good public health and superb Infrastructure. Yet Najib has earned the admiration of the one time kueh seller from Johor?
When Musa was a teenager in JB, he sold kueh as did my uncle the late Zainudin Mohd.

6. Was Najib thinking about the people's welfare more than his own personal gain? I contend that he wasn't. We sell raw water to Singapore on the cheap but buy treated water from the republic. Why weren't our engineers able to treat the water? Was their inability the result of poor education?

7. Petronas is our biggest cash cow. Under Najib did we become the biggest refiner or the biggest oil rig maker? No! Can Pengerang erase the deficit? It's a bridge too far. What happened to our oil rig making facities at Teluk Ramunia? Did Najib pay attention to these? We have oil but we import petroleum products. We wasted the revenue anyway, so why not reverse the exporting strategy and increase the welfare of the people?

8. Did we apply the revenue in good health and educational facilities? Excellent infra facilities? Nein!

9. Under Najib did we have expansive industrialized agriculture? Did we have a sizeable manufacturing capacity other than being a contract manufacturer?

10. Indeed, like many 3rd world leaders Najib was obsessed with the perks and trappings of office.

11. He likes lavish offices, inflated staff and a collection of private jets. And of course a large retinue of sycophants. That's how you measure an inadequate person.

12. The fish rots in the head first. It follows then, a bad leader begets bad people. Not the other way round.

13. The quality of leadership must never be compromised. Leadership provides the direction for where the country is going. Low quality leadership is rudderless and translates itself in low education quality, poor infra, inadequate public health and inflated projects from where low quality leadership skims from.

14. Did Najib have a vision? I believed he had, but it never went beyond his dick and his pockets. He has failed to tranform the country. How is he great then?

15. A visionary leader gathers around him men and women who share his vision of transforming the country and placing the welfare of the people above all else. Najib did none of that.

16. Instead, pants caught in the arse Najib surrounded himself with sycophants and minions. Not only are these morhereffers at crossroads, but they are also looking out for their own interests. To them welfare of the people is just a so forgettable 7-letter word.

17. Hey! Didn't Najib say he prefers personal loyalty above all else. That means if you are stupid but personally loyal to Najib, that is OK. Imagine the impact of stupidity on the country. And surrounding himself with stupids, indicates that Najib in an insecure mothereffer himself.

18. Did Najib eliminate the on off morbid and xenophobic nationalism that typifies umno? No he stokes them to mobilize the umno Malays into a mindless frenzy. He needs the lash out at anyone nationalism to make the Malays run to him.

19. Did Najib remove bumiputraism from the umno lexicon, which is nothing but an elitist concept? No, he needed it to steer umno to his advantage.

20. Giving manifest substance to the special position of Malays means conferring benefits to the already rich and well-connected Malays.

21. I mean do the ordinary Malays understand the share market? Who gets the discount houses? Who sapu the educational facilities? The well-connected and the already rich Malays.

22. Therefore, he needs bumiputraism to heap the advantages to him and his cabal. That's why I say the phrase bumiputera is nuts.

23. Putera is at the front. The puteras of royalty, the aristocrats, the well-connected, the Malay bourgeoisie etc. Bumi is behind. The puteras sapu everything the bumis get the leftovers . Hellillujah! Najib was and is the spokesperson of the Malay bourgeoisie. He stands on the side of the oppressor. We are the oppressed.

24. Did Najib remove the shackling religious bigotry that's engulfing umno? No! Because religiosm permits the oppressor anything but prevents the oppressed everything.

25. For the oppressor class represented by Najib, their version of religion permits corruprion, greed, theft and all sorts of crime. For the oppressed class it's the celestial big brother holding them back.

26. So saying that Najib is the best PM since Tunku in a boisterous and garrulous manner must be a cruel joke. The speaker must have taken in a copious amount of air ketom or smoked marijuana.

27. Now that we have debunked the myth of Najib as the best PM, we turned our attention to the issue who ought to take over the leadership of umno. In particular there was a suggestion by umno's Rottweiler and Najib's attack dog, Nazri Aziz.

28. The war general has suggested that Mat Hassan ought to take over umno in accordance to umno's hierarchical system. He is being technical in this issue.

29. But this is not the time to be technical. The suggestion is not aimed at saving umno nor saving the Malays.

30. Because umno needs a complete overhaul. This means abandoning umno's hierarchical system. Mat Hassan is cut from the same cloth as are Zahid and Najib. Choosing Mat Hassan will only perpetuate the enervating system that is destroying umno.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

The Best PM We Ever Had? Musa Hitam Must Wake Up And Apologize. Part 1.

1. A long time ago Musa Hitam said that a person when young is a socialist. As he gets older he becomes a free marketeer or capitalist.

2. I am sorry to disappoint him. I am 65 years old. I am still influenced by leftist ideas as well as the ideas of Friedman and Hayek.

3. That means what he says is not necessarily true. The phases he mentioned are not etched in stone. Its highly subjective and not universally shared.

4. So when Musa Hitam says that Najib is the best PM we ever had, it's not black or white. It's his business if he thinks so. Expectedly he has omitted Mahathir. Was he objective?

5. I believed not so. What he has not completed is that Najib is the best thief. The thief of Malaya.

6. The greatness of a PM is not measured in terms of monuments or accomplishments he achieved - that is a function of his duty and vision. But rather its measured, I believed, by the number of crimes minimised.

7. Najib's rule is characterised by the crippling case of SRC, the mother of all heists -1MDB, the rape of felda, the desecration of Tabung Haji and inflated infra . Were these good? Seems only Musa Black thinks so.

8. These failures are brushed aside in the eagerness to elevate Herr Najib as the best PM we ever had. The foundation on which to support his(Musa's) proposition is weak. It's not justifiable. Coming from a rough and tumble person does not mean we have to swallow a 'chibai' opinion.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Flying On A Private Jet Plane Is Kosher. If Done By Others, Its Called Corruption.



1. 1 have got news for you. I have not finished with the issue.

2. The minister admitted he was sponsored by someone. In other words he has received instant gratification. That's the calibre of cabinet members of the Mahi government.

3. The man of the holy camel dung has dug a bigger hole to hoist his large arse out from. Isn't what he admitted a form of corruption?

4. Or the offer, as a result of his supplication or doa becomes halal? Is eating pork alright because we recite bismillah first?

5. Sprm, haul him. He is under a duty to reveal the party who made the offer. Of course, he is equally guilty of corruption. Or is corruption permitted if done by a holy man but send the ordinary fellow to jail.

6. This is a very subtle example of doing something in the name of God. Thus, for instance Haji Hadi wants to find verses permitting corruption.

7. But we are not dumb to just accept a farcical answer like that. As a response if their actions and behaviours are questioned, blame them on some conspiracies of some anti religion deviants.

8. Know that when we oppose you it's not the religion of God that we oppose, but you. It's typical for the men of God to have an inflated importance of themselves and think they represent God himself.

9. The ex mufti would like his explanation accepted without question. Because his thinking can only prosper under an unquestioned and servile regime. Religiosm, I wouldn't say Islamism can only prosper under a totalitarian regime.

10. This kind of straight jacketed thought can only prosper under a totalitarian rule such as we now find ourselves in the Mahi regime.

11. So it's not our station to ask why the sahibus samahah went to Riyadh on a private plane. It's done for the greatness of Islam. It's also done in the name of religion.

12. In addition, who are we to question the admission of his holiness when he says he was sponsored? Somehow receiving gratification with holy hands, makes the sponsorship halal. If a man on the street were to receive it, expect fire and brimstone. If a holy dick were to penetrate the innocent virgin, say Alhamdulillah.

13. Clearly he's a babe in the woods when it comes to politics. The holy dickhead doesn't even know how to lie. He'd better learn the art of lying from Shahidan Kassim or Tajuddin Rahman. Of course, Najib is the grand master.

14. Just sit back a moment and think what's attacked here in the name of religion.

15. First is the assault on freedom to think. Under the rule of mullahs you have a regime, where you are punished for just thinking in the head. Hence, thinking about the minister flying on a private jet plane is not allowed. You are not allowed to even think critically. That's how Malays are supposed to think:docile manner.

16 . Don't think about the flying. It was done for the good of Islam. Thinking mischievously about it is sacrilegious. Piety, though pompous is beyond mortal thinking.

17. Becoming unthinking dolts is the preffered choice of the Mahi government. Don't think about the country going bankrupt. Don't think about the inflated cabinet. Not about the recent appointment of a China man who lost his deposit in the last GE. This is a cabinet of infamy. Don't think about the farcical Emergency though its laughable that Indonesia, with a much larger population and more COVID-19 cases, didn't declare an Emergency. We Malaysians do not know the meaning of shame.

18. Don't think about the bullying and being treated like digits by the unelected government. Just spread your legs and enjoy the voracious thrusts. It's a divine rape after all.

19. Such fatalistic thinking is compatible only in a totalitarian regime. That's what the Minister of Religious Affairs is subtly inferring to and what the Mahi government expressly intends to do. A Malaysian North Korea.

20. Let this be a warning: Any incoming government-if it doesn't redress the excesses of the blasted Mahi government is criminal! For example put the health minister on trial if he goes ahead with the plan to administer the COVID-19 vaccine from China with only 50% efficacy on 60-year-olds. That's a caring government for you.
Whereas, that amounts to murder.

21. That's what you get when thinking is not allowed. When you are punished for just thinking. A government run by imbeciles and its apparatchiks on dullards. A government by dullards for dullards.

22. What's under assault is our ability to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. There is a presumptuous assumption that we ordinary beings, are not able to distinguish between right and wrong unless schooled in religious texts. Hence, our complaints about the flight were dismissed cavalierly by saying the trip was sponsored.

23. To that I would say up yours. We do need spiritual training to say receiving sponsorship is corruption.

Friday, 16 April 2021

The Uses And Misuses Of Religion.


1. Now, tell me after watching this video, would the innocent and God-fearing Malay, the farmer, the fishermen, the self-employed and the lumpenproletariat would want to listen to the men of God with their pompous humility? They would rather be cynical at all these religious fakers and not fakirs, mind you.

2. Going to Riyadh on a private plane was the Minister of Religious Affairs and his cabal, entertained and serviced by miniskirted cabin crew or ladies in belly dancing attire? I see a bed on the plane- did the trip also come with happy endings and some 'pepek' pleasure?

3. Did it involve some physical pepek inspection? After all these religious fakers must see with their own eyes and their own dicks.

4. I sincerely hope the female cabin crew did their Brazilian bikini waxing. Otherwise, it's heavily forested down there were even using Waze couldn't find you the direction.

5. But believe me when I say they don't need Waze or Qiblah Founder. They will just bulldoze their way there rapacoiously.

6. Heck, I have often said the dicks don't have eyes and ears. They don't know if they are attached to the torso of a Haji, a Cleric, a Mullah, a Mufti or an oily labourer. They just do a Star Trek -to boldly go where no man has gone before. I bet you some of them are VVIPs, preferring the back entrance to avoid nosy reporters.

7. Ouch! Some of the female cabin crew will have loose bowels! Sirs, I apologise for being irreligious in the sense I refuse to listen to the nauseating mouthing of official religious sermons and pontifications.

8. Their mouthings are just talk- celestial or spiritual licenses if you may, to keep Malays servile, docile and meek whereas for them all is permissible under religious pretexts. Yes the same mouths used for cunnilingus.

9. I would rather listen to the bawdy jokes of Joanne Kam Poh Poh about pepeks and teteks and her urgings for the girls to have more sex lest the poison water from the vigina get to the faces and heads causing splitting headaches. All hail to Joanne Kam!

10. This bloody trip to Riyadh may be a small matter but have wider political and religious implications.

11. Where is the supposed humility and ordinariness that you bloody preached about? So you have one set of religious injunctions for the people and one set for you? You are a hypocrite my man!

12. So you have one set of religious injunctions telling you not to rebel against the ulil amri even if they are incompetent in governance or are corrupt and so on. You never complete the verse saying you don't rebel as long as these people do as Allah tells them.

13. Meanwhile, for the holy camel dung men, everything is permissible even bonking the sexy servants and maids. Corruption is allowed for these men of God.

14. Selected edicts in the Quran are used to justify a host of litanies and indiscretions. Flying in a private jet we may be told, advances the grandiosity of Islam. Muslims, even though the come from a 3rd world country know style.

15. So let non Muslims use the term Allah because the claim that the term is understood to mean specific things to Muslims is hollow. Allah is just an unseen 'concept' easily manipulated by the men of god. Under it everything is permissable. But only exclusively to them. People like the minister of religious affairs.

16. This deviant form of Islam is of course supported by the State, keen to keep the masses servile and under control. Religion thus becomes an opiate for the majority.

17. Whatever esteemed titles you have before your name-whether you are called Tuan Haji, Ustaz, Sahibus Samahah etc, dont necessarily mean you are a good person. Indeed, you may be the pits.

18. Because of all these, I am sorry to say dear sirs, that I have an inherrent distrust for these religious fakers. I am speaking from observations and my own personal experience.

19. It reminded me of a despicable sorry excuse of a son, a person who used to be my friend. Let's call him Tuan Haji L. With a friend like him who needs enemies?

20. When a lady friend then, and I invited him for breakfast, he later asked me whether there are similar lady friends as mine then, available? He wants to befriend one. Little did I know that all he wanted was to get under my friend's knickers. When I confided in him to tell some good story about me to the friend he went to tell the lady friend to leave me. He can introduce some suitable person of interest to the lady. Of course, he will try out my friend first.

21. Once when I was short in cash, I asked him for rm400. He said he can only do that if he sells his Rolex watch. I said if it amounted to that then don't. But what did he tell my lady friend? That I asked him to sell his watch. That was a lie, yet he didn't bad an eyelid. This came from a person with the title Haji.

22. When I told him if I have my own money I will buy houses for my children, he told my lady friend that I plan to take the latter's money to buy houses for my chldren. Is it wrong for a father to do that for his children using his own money?

23. That came from a person with the title Haji and one who will stop at every R&R to pray.

24. Clearly that's a person who misuses religion to mask his real self. No wonder he quarrels with his siblings and disowned his own father. When he served in Thailand he had a Thai language lady tutor. He bonks the tutor several times. He told me that.

25. Therefore, how do I not lose faith in men who paraded their religiosity? The behaviour of the Minister Of Religious Affairs served only to accentuate my cynicism.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

But Some Stupid With A Flare Gun, Burned The Place To The Ground. Smoke On The Water -Deep Purple.

1. Either his diffidence or hesitancy have emboldened his enemies within the party.

2. This is expected from a dullard trained in the umno 'factory'. He likes to listen to his own voice and sees his image in the mirror.

3. Because of his idiocy and lethargy the following festering irritant has arisen. It's his fault.

4. If the ignoramus that he is, Zahid has not struck at them a mortal blow politically, it could be that Zahid wants to strike deals with Wak Mahi.

5. Its one crook dealing with another. Perhaps he wants the court charges against him and his court cluster colleagues dropped. Well these are charges in rem. Or he wants to be made deputy PM. What do you expect from a catfish mouth megalomaniac like Zahid?

Except When 2 losers combine what can they achieve?

6. You know what people say about a person with a catfish mouth personality. He will eat everything including the shitty material at the bottom.

7. Fortuitously, the Bersatu cluster overestimated their own strength and influence but nevertheless must be dealt with, mercilessly. Unless of course Zahid has a death wish. If that is so, then it's his funeral. Nak buek camno.

8. I don't think the pro bersatu has got much influence. The umno people will rally behind Zahid not because they loved Zahid but simply don't want to work with bersatu.

9. I think sane umno people cannot accept the excesses of the Mahi government. Therefore, it follows that pro ppbm cluster will also not be tolerated. They will be expunged.

Menteri ugama n the geng Naik private jet ke riyard 


10. So the ppbm cluster will fizzle out, but Zahid needs to deliver the coup de grâce. Unless he's busy making phonecalls to VVIP Anwar Ibrahim. You know, Anwar the vvip who prefers the back entrance-to avoid the paparazzi.

11. The majority of umno people remain purists. Righ now Zahid is aligned to them and will get their support against the ppbm cluster.

12. Remove the pus from the pesky boil fast and next deal with Zahid. The weapon is in the hands of the delegates. It's not Zahid or a bunch of selt gratifying idiots who determined the future of umno.

13. As long as Zahid remains in umno and as do people of his ilk such as Mat Hasan they shackle umno. It's the duty of umno people to liberate themselves. They have nothing to lose but their chains!

14. I am telling you the future of umno lies in the hands of right-thinking umno members. The objective is to reboot umno. Its salvation lies not by placing umno in the hands of more of the same. So the thinking that Mat Hassan is a natural is erroneous.

15. Habih nak buek camno. Habihkan boreh je.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Zahid Is Not Fit To Lead Umno.

1. Zahid and Anwar share the same strategy. Deny defy and lie.theirs is the same because both are liars. Like the famous line in the movie:fuck the truth.

2. Wanting to cooperate with a political adversary is not a crime. Owning up to the phone conversation is not because Shahidan or Anuar said so.

3. These monkeys have their own ulterior motives. Be aware they are eager to see Zahid be removed. So that their romance with Wak Mahi goes uninterrupted.

4. I don't think the Malaysian public is easily fooled into believing the audio is fake. Maybe only the yahoo PKR boys believe it is. Listening to Anwar we immediately know he is a motheffing liar.

5. Therefore, it begs the question -why is it so difficult for shyster Anwar and thicky Zahid to admit the fucking truth?

6. Because lying even to their flock is second nature to Zahid and Anwar. Because they thought their conversation is private forgetting that big brother is eavesdropping. Like the herder they look out after their flock only to slaughter them later.

7. I don't understand the need to deny if wanting to cooperate with your political adversary and talking over the phone are no crime. Is it a crime if Zahid regards Anwar as his teacher in the art of lying with a straight face? Zahid's only mistake is that he should have learnt the art of lying and appearing stupid from Najib.

8. In fact Zahid can use the phone call issue as political capital. It has exposed the rats in umno. People like Anuar Musa, Shahidan, KJ and some other woodworms that are coming out. This is a chance for Zahid to purge the pro ppbm cluster.

9. It is clear a group in umno wants to weaponise the phone call issue to oust Zahid himself. But maybe he is too dumb to know that.

10. What is a crime is the wire-tapping of the phones. It cannot be done without a court order and can be perhaps traced to the clandestine authorisation of the interior minister.

11. So instead of the police investigating the phone call which is not a crime, they should investigate the covert wire-tapping. Is the government spying on its own citizens?

12. To me the issue of illegal wire-tapping is more serious. In the US when Nixon authorised wire-tapping on the Democrats and later found out, he has to resign. So the person responsible for the ZA- gate must be investigated.
Are Zahid and Anwar tax evaders, leaders of organised crime or pimps running prostitution rings?

13. Be that as it may, the phone call issue has not cleared wimpy Zahid. As to Anwar let the PKR bozos evaluate Mamoo Anwar.

14. There are 2 things here. First he has betrayed the trust of umno delegates. Second by his own admission its easy to manipulate the MKT.

15. By planning to betray the trust of umno delegates and thinking he can manipulate the MKT raises the issue of integrity.

16. He has destroyed TRUST which is the basis of social cohesiveness. It's a crack waiting breakage. Destroying it he has destroyed reciprocity. The umno delegates gave him a bouquet of flowers-wihat did he give in return? He threw shit at them. He has no integrity.

17. Even the MKT cannot trust him. He has told Anwar its easy to control the MKT stooges. They are just bulls with ropes through their nostrils.

18. Certainly he has no vision. His road to victory is through collaboration with an adversarial enemy. Perhaps he sees his own salvation there. The greater betrayal from Mamoo Anwar is yet to come.

19. He has no integrity, cannot be trusted and has no vision. As Tengku Razaleigh said he is not fit to lead umno.

20. But it's not like what loudmouth Nazri Aziz said -replace him with Mat Hassan. The latter is quieter but cut from the same cloth as Zahid. The only person who can reset umno is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Menjinakkan Kerbau-Kerbau Liar.

1. Si tongong dan lembab Zaid telah melaga lagakan parang nya.  Macam kata perpatah Cina, ribut dan taufan banyak, tapi hujan tiada. Kenapalah bebal sangat wok?

2. Mungkin saya kena omong dalam Bahasa Jawa agaknya baru matlaon ni faham.  Makanya rungokno aku.  Dah faham?

3. Sahabat saya, seorang profesor mengatakan penyakit Zahid ni ada dua. Kepimpinan yang lemah dan IQ otak yang rendah. Celakanya orang Melayu taksub menyokong Jawa kaki pukul ni.

4. Phd dia Phd kopi o ke? Dia tidak lansung berkelakuan sebagai seorang sarjana.  Malah dia lebih bersikap macam gangster.

5. Dengan gegak gempita dia telah mendesak semua mothereffers yang masuk lubang bersatu keluar.  Malah telah mengarahkan penyibaran satu risalah mengistiharkan seorang pemake budu dari kelate sebagai seorang pembelot.  Wah hebat MP  dari Bangla ni.  Wira umno kan.  Hero cerita Tamil nombor wahid.

6. Tapi si tongong ni belum buat  perkara yang terpenting sekali yakni mengisharkan umno memutuskan pertalian dengan Jawa ponorogo tu. 

7. Hai, susah rupa2nya nak cabut dari lubang bersatu ini.  Makumlah makan bubuk jawa kan.  Macam Kamal Amir cakap ambil masa nak panggil mereka, menyantuni mereka.  Wak Jahid bingkas pukul orang dan mengawan je nampaknya.  Nak kencing pun kena buka zip dulu.

8. Satu hal yang menerangkan kelembapan Wak Jahid ialah besar kemungkinan nya, mahu bernegotiasi dengan Wak Mahia kes nya dan kes2 kluster mahkamah.

9. Kelewatan umno hanya menguntungkan orang2 seperti Zahidi, lahabau perglih yang membohongi kelayakan nya. Dia belajar jadi paderi kan?

10. Sementara itu keadaan Zahid ialah kill or be killed. Orang2 seperti keling mabuk KJ Mammoo Naina serta Anuar Musa mendesak supaya pemilihan umno dilakukan.  Untung2 Zahid tersingkur.

11. Dalam pada itu, senyap2 Tajuddin Rahman mengumpul tanda tangan ketua2 bahagian umno untuk menyingkir Zahid. Itulah rasmi umno.  Kalau tak kelahi dengan orang lain akan kelahi sesama sendiri.

12. Jadi Zahid buatlah apa yang patut dibuat. Yang didahukan di dahulukan.  Yang kemudian di kemudiankan.

13. Istiharkan secara rasmi umno  putus dengan pacarnya bersatu. Persetankan PAS.  Lihat apa alasan yang mahu digunakan oleh pembelot2 umno.

14. Jangan beri kita cerita nenek moyang nanti bulan Ogos lah atau ianya hak MP  lah. Kalau gitu lebih baik nanti tempoh pilihanraya 15.

15. Panggil satu AGM Perwakilan untuk menentukan nasib2 pembelot umno.  MKT sahaja bukan boleh dipercayai.  Strike  while the iron is hot.

Monday, 5 April 2021

Taming the Shrew.

1. Mr blur and thicky Zaid has issued a lot of sabre rattling. Like the elected pig he huffs and puffs, yet the brick chimney still stands.

2. Perhaps I must speak to him in Javanese. Then he can understand. Rungokna aku. Ada faham?

3. A professor friend texted me and told me what he thought of Zaid. Weak leadership and low level brain IQ. No wonder Nazri Aziz lambasted Zaid for his unleadership.

4. Is his doctorate a Kopi O doctorate? None of the scholarship seems to rub into him. He doesn't behave scholarly at all but more like a thug.

5. He has loudly proclaimed that the umno mothereffers in Bersatu leave the clandestine regime. And even autorised the distribution of leaflets declaring a particular budu eating umno luminary as a traitor. That's a cowardly act. But we are not going to debate that here.

6. But the idiotic Zaid has not done the most important thing. That is to declare officially that umno is severing ties with bersatu with immediate effect. Do that first.

7. Its already 1 week yet Zaid has not done that. He seems to be quick only at walloping people or doing things of sexual nature.

8. Do it now and do it officially. Then lets see what excuses the umno renegades come out with.

9. Don't give us the bs about staying till August or what not. Might as well stay on until GE. Delays are good only to people like Zahidi who cheated on his qualifications.

10. The only reason explaining Zahid's procrastination is him wanting to parlay something advantageous for him and the court cluster clique with captain Jack Muhyi. Both are pirates anyway.

11. To legitimise and validate everything call for a special AGM of the umno delegates to decide the fate of the umno renegades. They have a stronger legitimacy than the MKT or the useless disciplinary committee.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

To Sack Or Not To Sack. That is The Balsy Decision.

1. What is there to be shocked at when the Pagoh Ponorogo succeeded in appeasing umno renegades? He must have used a combination of the carrot and stick.

2. When I was working in Batu Pahat a long time ago the term ponorogo was used derisively. It was used to actually mean the worse of the Javanese community.

3. It was used to refer to a particular group of Javanese who have caught all the dirty habits and will use any means necessary, including unscrupulous means to achieve what they want.

4. It's not used to refer to the Javanese in Malaysia famed for their kuda kepang dance or to a kabupaten in Indonesia.

5. So, applied to Muhyi we know what it means. It means a man who will use all means including dirty and unethical means to get what he wants. And he wants the umno turncoats to remain with him. Of course, he himself is the biggest turncoat.

6. When the turncoats made a beeline to Muhyi the Pagoh ponorogo exploited their weaknesses. It's like shoving a pillow to a sleepy fellow.

7. Blur and thicky Zahid appears not to know what to do. His hesitation allowed Muhyi to say he has succeeded in appeasing the umno turncoats. It has also allowed smart ass KJ to call for umno polls and allowed budu man Anuar Musa to call the same.

8. That only serves to show that Wak Muhyi calls the shots not Zaid. Zaid shows he is a hapless dumbass.

9. Of course KJ and Anuar Musang are hoping by some satanic miracle, rubbed off from backstabber Muhyi, the umno polls will knock of the Bagan Datoh kaki pukul.

10. Thicky Zahid must now make a balsy decision. He must sack the besatu ball lickers. And let that be a lesson to the straggling supporters of the trojan horses. Toe the line or face the sack.

11. Not sacking them is like fanning fire in sawdust. They will engulf Zahid eventually. Finish them once and for all.

12. Once the pro bersatu faction is removed like the pesky pimple it is, it's the duty of people like Tengku Razaleigh to contest the umno presidency.

13. Its like he said. Contest not for the sake of contesting but contesting to correct the wrongs in umno. And listening to the banal speeches in the PAU recently, God knows what wrongs beset umno.

Friday, 2 April 2021

Mutiny on the Umno Bounty.

1. This is certainly a test of leadership mettle for Zahid Hamidi. 15 of the umno ministers and deputy ministers chose to defy the umno President. What is he to do?

2. When umno ministers met Muhyi telling him they were shocked by the anti Bersatu rhetoric they were in fact one leg in Bersatu already.

3. Saying that the anti Bersatu rhetoric was orchestrated by Zahid himself and the court cluster clique does not diminish the fact that the action of the Bersatu clique was mutinous.

4. It is their fault not to insist that those facing court charges resign. So now they will have to face the consequences meted out by the court cluster clique. Its just smaller crooks facing the wrath of bigger crooks. Serve them right.

5. If they have held their peace during the umno general assembly it is now not open for them to make nuisance noices. That is akin to the Malay proverb when the house is completed only then the chisel makes noice.

6. Excuse me, wasn't the resolution for umno ministers and deputy ministers and glc heads to leave Bersatu came from the delegates? A mandate was given to the president and MKT. Per force, they have to implement it to the letter.

7. To not implement what the delegates resolved, will show that Zahid does not have the testicular fortitude to do so. He has no leadership gumption.

8. But more importantly it shows that delegates cannot trust the leadership of sissy Zahid. Delegates will realise that giving mandates to the leadership is like pouring water on taro leaves.

9. By running to 'Papa Doc' Muhyi they showed they don't respect Zahid as leader and trivialised what the delegates decide. They are just country yobos anyway.

10. Zahid must be man enough to do the right thing. Issue them letters to leave ppbm by end April. Sack those who refuse.

11. By allowing the umno turncoats and traitors to do what they did is allowing others to thump his nose and shove his head. If Zahid choose to do nothing its clear he has no amour propre. Dump him at the next party elections.

12. By sacking these people and that include Ismail Sabri, Anuar Musang and grinning monkey Hishamuddin, will umno suffer adverse consequences?

13. It will not- Because the pro Bersatu faction is a small one. Sack them to remove a malignant tumour.

14. Sacking them will not cause a government surviving on an artificial emergency to fall. And Muhyi will not be man enough to call an election until 2023.

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