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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday 14 September 2015

When Trust is violated and reneged, it is not sinful to withdraw support.

UMNO leaders think the world revolves around them. Accordingly, they think we owe them a living. If we don’t agree with them, we are scolded and rebuked. Worse, we get berated, cursed, insulted, and branded as shallow minded and unpatriotic.

That is the attitude which breeds conceit. It is a fatal conceit. Everyone who disagrees with them are enemies. In the last election of 2013, there were 51% of them. 5.62million voters did not support Najib's government. They will not go to hell though. Only UMNO people disloyal to Najib will. 
Today, the number is increasing because even UMNO members believe Najib and his supporters are a liability to UMNO.

Dont stop. Please encourage us more to be your enemies.

Its leaders look contemptuously at others. They do not tolerate variety of ideas. They want blind uniformity. That attitude and thinking also leads to blind loyalty. It leads to the deification of their supreme leader. That has already happened.

It began when an idiot of an UMNO Ketua Bahagian hailed Najib as a primus inter pares in the cause of ahlus Sunnah wal jamaah. No need for me to explain what both of the  terms mean.

The second term in practice, means simply those who don’t follow our way, can be killed. Hence Sunnis kill Shias and others of different Islamic sects.

That idiot who hailed najib as such, did not know what the term means. Any reasonable Muslim will have to answer whether Najib follows the way of the Prophet of Islam and his companions.

I thought the chief of Kuantan UMNO division was a real dud when he elevated Najib to the status of one of the leaders fighting for the cause of ahlus Sunnah wal jamaah. I can assure you Najib does not know the meaning of that phrase.  When the Kuantan chief said that, I almost fell off my chair.

Najib is like the poor colonised chap described in Franz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth. He will repeat blindly the last portion of the phrase. First jamaah, then maah and finally aah.

I was proven wrong. Here comes the liaison chief of UMNO Pahang who is also the MB. He is a friend, but I have to disagree with him on this intensely. He has outdone the Kuantan Chief whom he does not particularly like; he comes in and raised the bar.

Thus to some people, Najib has now achieved deity-like status. It allows some people to catagorise  people taking positions on najib in terms of sinful/dosa and gainful/ pahala.
Those who do not support Najib are committing a great sin. People who sinned go to hell. Accordingly those who support the Great Kim Il Najib will go to heaven.  

Now, isn’t sinful and gainful, bounties of God? Only He favours and punishes. Has najib acquired deity-like characteristics?

Najib’s status to some of these yes sir how high sir leaders has reached godlike stature. Because of that, any indication of disloyalty is treated as sacrilegious.

Being critical of Najib and therefore not supporting Naib falls into the category of sinful or gainful. (The nearest I can translate the meaning of pahala). One gains rewards from God when doing good things.

If that is so, all right thinking Muslims in Malaysia gain rewards from God if they resolve to get rid of the 1Malaysia Menace. The basic principle of Muslims, in terms of responsibility to the community is to enjoin others in doing what is good and restraining others from doing bad. That is the principle of amar makruf nahi mungkar.

Which translates into enjoining others to do the right thing- getting rid of Najib.

At this point in time, the primus inter pares in pushing the cause of the jamaah, is Dr Mahathir, not Najib.Dr Mahathir's equal are all those who oppose Najib.That includes the Opposition parties.

Let us get back to the deification of Najib. Lately, the vocabulary of religion has been taken over by UMNO leaders. They offer semi-fatwas- opinions on religiosity. Hence some people say to oppose and withdraw support from Najib is a sin. This of course is an unqualified statement.

Support for leaders is always a qualified support. It is given to people who have earned it. Support and trust are given to whom they are due. Among those upon whom trust is due are those who govern justly. And justly means in accordance to the principles of the rule of law.

We place trust and confidence believing there is reciprocity. The persons given trust give us back honest and good governance. We get their promise to look after the country well, to govern on the basis of the rule of law, to safeguard the institutions that support democracy. To judiciously manage the instruments of democratic rule- the judiciary, the civil serve, the legitimate coercive powers of the state.

We never give unqualified support so that the leader can rule at his discretion, stealing money, placing the country in economic harm’s way.

Once that trust is violated- especially when that person given trust reneged on the unspoken rules-based relationship, we are at liberty to withdraw that support. Withdrawing support from an untrustworthy fellow, from an untrustworthy party and untrustworthy government is pahala and gainful.

And so it is with Najib. The Quran teaches us that trust or amanah is given to persons who have earned it.  See Quran 4:58. Allah says to give trust to whom they are due.

Najib and UMNO have disqualified themselves from earning our trust. By his own admission Najib bought the 2013 elections.

Let us take them on this issue. Let us see UMNO as it truly is now. 
It is led by a leader who has lost his moral compass. Despite public announcements meant for public consumption, Najib has lost it. He cannot differentiate what is right and wrong just as he confuses public and his private property. The man does not find it wrong to convert donation meant for the party as his own private property.

If UMNO does not get rid of Najib, it means that UMNO adopts and operate on bad values. Sinful values even. Lying, deceiving, cheating, stealing, violating trust etc. 
For as long as these bad and sinful values remain internalised in the UMNO psyche, it can never change the lot of the people which it leads. Malays must learn to severe itself from UMNO.

Operating on the wrong values-system will never allow UMNO to get rid of bad leaders and their deception. It will continue to seek excuses for their misconduct.

Hence the sanitization of the embezzled sum of RM2.6 billion into a donation is thought of by UMNO as excusing their leaders from misconduct. Just change the terminology. It absolves Najib.
It does not. Najib is judged by all the citizens of Malaysia. 
Operating on the wrong values system excuses UMNO from censoring its leader’s misconduct in handling 1MDB finances. UMNO will turn a blind eye of its leaders’ breach of trust in allowing and authorising money belonging to a state owned company to be transferred into an account privately owned by his crony.
It didn’t matter a bit to the red blooded UMNO people when its leader does business with a Chinese.Yet Malay is hurt.


Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 09:26  

Spot on again Dato. These corrupt warlords think that once elected, they are given the right to plunder, insult and threaten as they like. Najib has mopped from an Umno appointed PM to a self-styled emperor. First he blamed the Chinese, then the Christians and later the Jews and foreigners for all his self-created problems. He thinks he's so big that the whole world wants to get rid of him without realising that his wayward ways of plundering the nation and bring us to our knees is the main cause. It apt that he compares himself to a corrupt Arab dictator who were taken down for being a rouge. Looks like the comparison doesn't end yet. How can one man cause so much destruction to our beloved country and yet still hang on to power?

Anak Raub,  14 September 2015 at 13:00  

Great thoughts, Dato', really proud of you as the YB who has the brains that we are sorely in need, especially in constituencies which are under UMNO/BN. If only such wakil rakyats have the ability to use even 51% of their mind to think independently and fearlessly, Najib would have been early as May, 2013! It just bugs me why his supporters & followers would continue to commit to that 'bangsat of a pelanun' for leadership. He and his close household make a mockery of the rakyat, the religions, king and country.
It is heartening to note that a growing number of the rakyat, including some from UMNO/BN who are responding with the correct signals to that 'bangsat of a pelanun', but still hoping those ulamak sect in PAS wake up quick enough for the no-confidence vote in Oct, 2015, a major key target in our struggle to free our beloved nation from the grips of the shameless, senseless, God-defying regime!
Keep it up Dato', wish you repetitive success in your political career! Your great articles will help waking up many more fence-sitters, or those who are slow to follow the complicity of the hot scandals surrounding the evil UMNO/BN regime.

Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 14:45  

I believe these people making such stupid statements are not themselves stupid. They are just unprincipled people with no morale shame and are willing to do anything as long as they can get high positions and money. Some people aptly call them ars. h.le lickers.

Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 16:01  

Pahang MB is sure nuts for leading Umno members to the road of perdition. Najib is a very sinful person for committing breach of trust by misusing his public office to enrich himself, hid fmly n his party at the expense of the rakyat. Supporting a sinful person is itself a sin. Adnan is commiting a far greater sin for he advocated othrd to support a sinful person.

Unknown 14 September 2015 at 16:22  

The 1st edition of BR1M in 2012 was distributed to 5,000,000 of Malaysian and it totalled 2,6 Billion Ringgit...supposedly from the government coffers to help defray rising cost of the citizens.

Fast forward to 2013, someone finds it perfectly alright & righteous to receive a 'donation'of 2.6 Billion Ringgit transferred into his personal account for supposedly redistribution among party members but the actual recipients remained unknown until today barring the few known staunch supporters.

Obviously the rakyat comes 'after' the select-few.. Try explaining that to the school children. Please stop the hogwash & start giving straight answers,

Who gave it
Who benefited from it
Was there any promissory sovereignty ceded arising from it
Where are the balance, was it returned?
Was it deposited back to party coffers?
Was it kept elsewhere? Why was it no repatriated back here to stem the ringgit slide?
Why news of depisits in HK today?

Start coming clean to redeem the country's dignity.


Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 16:23  

The 1st edition of BR1M in 2012 was distributed to 5,000,000 of Malaysian and it totalled 2,6 Billion Ringgit...supposedly from the government coffers to help defray rising cost of the citizens.

Fast forward to 2013, someone finds it perfectly alright & righteous to receive a 'donation'of 2.6 Billion Ringgit transferred into his personal account for supposedly redistribution among party members but the actual recipients remained unknown until today barring the few known staunch supporters.

Obviously the rakyat comes 'after' the select-few.. Try explaining that to the school children. Please stop the hogwash & start giving straight answers,

Who gave it
Who benefited from it
Was there any promissory sovereignty ceded arising from it
Where are the balance, was it returned?
Was it deposited back to party coffers?
Was it kept elsewhere? Why was it no repatriated back here to stem the ringgit slide?
Why news of depisits in HK today?

Start coming clean to redeem the country's dignity.


Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 17:16  

Najib and his supporters will receive his due; God willing..if not in this world but in the hereafter. so decreed God as stated in verse 161 Al Imran (chap 3) Quran:

No Prophets could ever
Be false to his trust
If any person is so false,
He shall, on the Day of Judgment restore
What he has misappropriated;
The shall every soul
Receives its due...

Stupid statement made by MB also will be accounted for.

Anonymous,  14 September 2015 at 21:16  

another change of govt in Australia, Abbot lost a vote of confidence, Turnbull now holds PM's position.
Part and parcel of politics, why such a big big deal in Malaysia, everybody going crazy with talk of conspiracies, toppling, arrests, etc. Treat this change as a normal process and evolution.

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