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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Kontroversi Kalimah Allah.

Kontroversi kalimah Allah.

Saya ingat saya tidak mahu lagi menyentuh perkara ini. Anggapan saya meleset. Tapi ini kali pertama saya menyentuh nya dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Saya telah menulis beberapa artikel mengenai isiu ini. Dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Ianya adalah pandangan orang awam. Sudah tentu pengetahuan saya sebagai orang awam dalam isiu ini terhad. Namun demikian, saya rasa cukup untuk menyangkal pandangan pandangan setengah pihak.

Memang benar, pandangan dan luahan majoriti orang Islam di Malaysia ini adalah reaksi knee jerk atau pandangan terketuk lutut. Mungkin juga, pengetahuan mereka mengenai Agama Islam itu cetek secara bandingan dengan mereka yang bersegera segeraan pula menyatakan- boleh, boleh, boleh.

Pandangan Puan Marina Mahathir pula adalah pandangan benar yang rasional. Tambahan pula pandangan tersebut di sokong oleh penghujjahan yang bernalar. Kita patut dengar pandangan beliau.

Kita kumpulan knee jerk dan Muslim yang kurang yakin lawan Cannes Film Festival Crowd.

Di dalam artikel saya yang terakhir mengenai perkara ini, saya menceritakan kisah Abu Nawas dan Gembala Kambing.

Saya pun sudah insaf.

Rupa rupa nya:-

  1. mereka yang menyokong kalimah Allah ini boleh di pakai, memandang perkara ini dari pandangan sang gembala kambing.

  2. Mereka yang berkata kalimah ini tidak boleh di benarkan di pakai oleh puak Catholic memandang nya dari sudut mata hati.

Walla hu 'alam bissawab.


jaflam 5 January 2010 at 16:09  

Dengan pandangan yang di keluarkan oleh PAS dan PKR menyokong nama Allah digunasama oleh kristian katolik maka umat Islam negara ini dapat melihat dengan jelas siapa yang memperjuangkan Islam selama ini dan siapakah yang menjual nama Allah untuk kuasa politik yang amat sedikit.

Bila hati sudah kelabu semua tindakan semakin merapu.

PUTERI 5 January 2010 at 16:11  

Ya, satu perumpamaan yang sangat tepat.

Saya setuju dengan istilah MATA HATI itu.

Are You Gonna Go My Way,  5 January 2010 at 16:28  


Sarkastik habis(betul ke ejaan ni)...

Anonymous,  5 January 2010 at 16:47  

Dear All,

Reading from this and other sites it seems that one of the arguments is that the muslim god is one whereas the christian god is a trinity and Allah is not a trinity. Therefore Christians cannot refer to Allah.

We must also not forget Isa to the muslims is a prophet whereas to the christians he is the son of god and part of the trinity. What do we do about him then.

Going further isnt the bible just a distorted version of the Quran. What are we going to do about that?

Snakebite 5 January 2010 at 18:04  

biarlah mereka, suatu masa nanti mereka akan kembali kepada Allah juga.

kita yang dikatakan kurang cerdik dan tidak berilmu ini dan knee jerk perlu bersikap teguh.

kebenaran itu tidak boleh berubah dan perlu terus berkeyakinan. Allah itu satu, yang banyak itu tidak patut di gelarkan Allah.

pertahankan lah keyakinan dan pendirian itu.

WJK,  5 January 2010 at 20:40  

Hi Dato',
You seem to have a rough day, surprisingly me too.

We have both agreed that this thing should be stopped. You spoke why it was wrong from a Muslim point of view, and a socio political point of view.

I have spoken from why it is wrong from a Christian point of view.

Those who support this - well what is their point of view?

We know that in the Indonesian side of Kalimantan there is so much problems between the Christian and Muslim community. Its be better to be kiasu safe than wrong.

So - really , if its wrong its wrong.

Its not knee jerk, its just being proactive, because better be knee jerk now than knee jerk later when the issue has erupted to a bigger problem?

We in Malaysia are so afraid to speak up when there is a mistake because one side is deemed to be over reactive and the other side deemed to be aggrieved.

Worse this issue is not looked in isolation. This issue is combined with other issues. So we are not talking about the issue, we are talking about something else.

Its like you go to a mechanic to fix your window, and your mechanic starts to talk about the engine.

But we should be understanding and listen and then end up not fixing the window or the engine.

This is nonsense. A mistake is a mistake. How many mistakes have we been tolerating?

I do not know. Everybody says that it depends on perspective.


Welcome to rojak world, if that is the case why bother to go to school. Everything is ok, just change your point of view.

There is no right and wrong answer.

As to all those who have been hurt by TDM jibes, I am so sorry. TDM is right, I am wrong, cause I cannot care less what happens to Malaysian economy any more. Let it be lah, because any decision made is correct, just depending on the point of view.

But I still care a little bit for the social politic fabric. Not much but enough for me to spring into action.

WJK,  5 January 2010 at 20:43  

Furthermore Dato', why is it that you and Anas Zubedy agreed to publish my comment but Zorro and Mar Gee Mar both refused to publish my comments Dato.

There is a big udang disebalik batu.

I can smell it, and it stinks.

lebai 5 January 2010 at 22:03  

Pendirian Pas yang sudah semakin bercelaru. Melayu pula sudah lupa untuk bersatu di bawah payung Islam. Lalu Kristian, Yahudi dan Nasrani semakin galak bertindak.

"Mereka hendak memadamkan cahaya agama Allah dengan mulut (ucapan dan tindakan) mereka dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang kafir tidak menyukainya." - (Al-Taubah: 32).

Nik Aziz, Herald dan bahaya alpa

Anonymous,  5 January 2010 at 22:34  

Sacarsm at its best, yes!
The Idiots (you who are mourning the "loss" of the name "Allah" to quote somebody) are answering back, and how. Eloquent, witty, articulate, well-argued, they are all here in your blog (and many, many more elsewhere) and even a non-Muslim Idiot -- WJK (salute, man).
Thank you Dato for all your efforts to share with us and articulate the thoughts of us idiots who don't count for much in the Vuittonic scale of things.

May Allah SWT bless you and yes, we are ready to move on. I look forward to reading your take on the economy.

Anonymous,  6 January 2010 at 00:27  

"Vuittonic" - nice one AA. Well luckily humor thy name is not Prada :-)

Anonymous,  6 January 2010 at 09:15  


saya cuba bertakbir dgn 'arrahman hu akbar arrahman hu akbar' tapi tak boleh kusyuk la dato'. mungkin ada org yg boleh kot...'allah hu akbar'..

a bleeding malaysian 6 January 2010 at 12:19  

Dato Sak,

Sejak diputuskan yang orang-orang Katholik boleh menggunakn Kalimah Allah, aku naik jelak dengan ramai orang-orang kita yang mengaku mereka ini “pembela agama Islam” serta “lebih Islam” daripada yang lain.

Aku tak menafikan bahawa kita sebagai umat Islam mesti bertindak membela Islam apabila Islam diserang tapi para pembela ni bertindak melulu tanpa melihat lebih jauh.

Melihat gelagat mereka ini aku merasa amat malu sebagai seorang Islam.

Aku nak tanya. Adakah perkara ini dah sampai ke penghujungnya? Adakah Kerajaan berdiam diri? Tidak. Perkara ini baru diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi. .

Habis kenapa menyalak seperti anjing sengau? Tunggu la keputusan muktamat. Tunggu la keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan, kemudian Mahkamah Persekutuan, kalau perlu. Kalau dah “kalah” juga, nak “berjihad” pun, berjihad la. Nak perangi orang-orang Katholik pun, pergi lah. Nak serang seluruh umat Kristian di seluruh dunia pun, pergi lah. Kalau nak pergi attack Israel pun, pergi la. Nak pergi mampus pun pergi lah. Tapi jangan kacau keamanan negara. Jangan tiupkan angin perkauman. Jangan kacau kesejahteraan hidup berharmoni masyarakat kita.

Tapi ini tidak. Belum apa-apa lagi, “jom kita berjihad”, kata Nasaruddin Maha Isa.

Kemudian berpuluh-puluh laporan polis dah dibuat. Laporan-laporan ini dibuat terhadap siapa? Habis polis nak siasat siapa? Nak siasat gereja Katholik? Nak siasat Majalah Herald? Apa nak siasat?

Terhadap Hakim Lau Bee Lian? Hakim Lau Bee Lian membuat keputusan berdasarkan kefahaman beliau. Tak bleh ke seorang hakim membuat keputusan yang tidak memihak kepada Islam? Terhadap majalah Herald kerana dimenangkan oleh mahkamah? Apa salah dia orang? Dia orang tak puas hati dengan KDN, mereka pergi ke mahkamah. Salah ke mengikut saluran yang betul untuk “mitigate” ketidakpuasan hati mereka? Nak siasat orang-orang Katholik kerana menggunakan kalimah Allah? Salah ke dia orang menggunakan kalimah Allah sedangkan orang-orang Kristian Arab sejak beribu-ribu tahun sudah menggunakan kalimah Allah ketika merujuk kepada Tuhan mereka?

Aku benar-benar tak faham. Bila orang-orang Katholik menggunakan kalimah Allah, adakah akidah orang-orang Islam terpesong. Adakah Islam aku berkurangan bila orang-orang Katholik menggunakan kalimah Allah? Adakah kalimah Allah itu hak Islam?

Selebihnya di

A Bleeding Malaysian

zorro 6 January 2010 at 13:22  

WJK, didn't I publish your comment?

Are You Gonna Go My Way,  6 January 2010 at 13:22  


Tengok lah si Anwar ni quote ISNA and expect us to follow ISNA liberal stance on using Allah. Why should we listen to some north American Islamic Society when our local Muslim people poured our bleeding heart out asking PKR and PAS to support us in banning the usage of Allah by the Catholics.
Ini lah dasar sebenar Anwar yang ingin dipuja dunia..padahal puak-puak Christian America bekerjasama dangan ISNA dan hanya anggap ISNA sebagai badan yang mewakili the “Lost People”…satu penghinaan…

Anonymous,  6 January 2010 at 13:26  

yo bleeding malaysian at wordpress,

kalau keputusan mahkamah rayuan pun berpihak kepada bolehnya Allah digunakan oleh orang Kristian?

Baru nak berjihad time tu?

dah terlewat brader... kita perlu tunjuk kat The Christian Herald yang apa mereka buat tu salah.

membawa kes ini ke mahkamah pada mulanya pun dah buat darah muslim berderau.

tu setahun yg lepas.

sekarang kes ni dah mencucuk mata org muslim. takkan nak diam diri aja?

Kalau diam diri, The Herald pun naik tocang lagi lah.


Wenger J Khairy,  6 January 2010 at 17:14  

Uncle Zorro,
Dato published it clearly and he is a Muslim. I believe I wrote it in response to your posting here. If I had written it elsewhere and you published it, then my apologies, but really I had hoped almost wishfully that you could make clear because people may think your position as a Catholic is shared by me as a Christian.

But your blog is your blog,and your position is your position.

If you think what Sister Stella did was bad, your posting here was worse because your using a court decision to advocate a point of view that can inflame readers.

How can you proclaim that based on what the court says.

I hope you can see the obvious disconnect here. This matter on religion is governed by the Holy Books of the religion. Christians have their Holy Word called the Bible, and it the Bible, it is clearly mentioned( if you read and mediate on the Word ) that God is not Allah, as Allah is whom Muslims pray to.

But your blog is your blog.

When I mention publish, I mean not to have it buried somewhere, (even I cant find it even though I looked countless times) but to clearly state that your view is not shared by other Christians. I use it as plural because my father, my mother and myself disagree with this, and this I know as fact.

Uncle Zorro, never before has our country had to face this kind of potential religious conflict.

If the Catholics want to go ahead, then go ahead but don't drag Christians like myself and my family into this picture.

But please clearly state that I do not share your position, lest somebody who falsely thinks that the position you as a Catholic adopt is at all shared by me as a believer in the God of the Bible.

But your blog is your blog, however, with great power comes greater responsibility.

Wenger J Khairy,  7 January 2010 at 09:53  

The second comment on this Mar Gee Mar, one of the blogs that are championing this issue for the Catholics refused to publish it. I had given the first comment which they did not carry. I gave the second comment yesterday afternoon, and today they are publishing comments except mine.

I think we can confirm the true intentions of those who are advocating this.

Just to give you a heads up.

There is an udang di sebalik batu. The intentions are insincere. And also from my stand point,a misrepresentation of the God I pray to, evil and we have smoked them out Dato.

Just a heads up to those of your faith who are still thinking that this all about being "tolerant" and "confident."

By the way - I rarely agree with Tun Dr Mahathir, but his latest posting was spot on. Somehow the registration to Chedet is a bit slow, so I could not thank him personally.

Wenger J Khairy,  7 January 2010 at 09:55  

Sorry Dato, pls disregard my earlier comment, they had published it somewhere else. But I still disagree with their position.

Wenger J Khairy 7 January 2010 at 10:04  

Hi Dato,
Ok this one is the correct version. I had to dig around to see whether my comment is published, unlike your blog which makes peoples opinion clearly known

Lagi on Mar Gee Mar, minta maaf Dato', I just want the Muslims to know what the motivations are of the people who are so called championing this cause. God is furthest away from their mind.

The response to my comments posted on this article claiming that MGM did not censor this comment but they did censor my first comment.

Anonymous said...
Wenger J. Khairy, you are another Umno running dog just like Omar Goh Wei Liang. Please stop spinning your shit in MarGeeMar.

By the way, I am pretty sure it was Omar Goh Wei Liang who sent in that Anonymous comment just to discredit MarGeeMar. Keep up the good work MarGeeMar!

Umno Must Die!

January 7, 2010 3:47 AM
Anonymous said...
MarGeeMar is one of the few Blogs that is balanced and unbiased. Certainly a pleasure to read unlike some one sided blogs. Keep up the good work MarGeeMar!


January 7, 2010 3:56 AM

The alpha that MGM had written both comments is something like 0.0025, 1 sided tail.

Tun's position is right on this matter. Now thats perhaps a rarity coming from me, but really he is completely spot on.

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