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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 8 January 2010

Gereja di bakar, lessen untuk demo , harga jet enjin


Terlebih dahulu saya mohon maaf. Kerana akan menggunakan beberapa istilah lucah. Tapi tidak mengapakan? Istilah hanya nama. What's in a name.

Well, dari apa yang terjadi sekarang, everything is in a name.

Bila saya mula menulis mengenai isu nama Allah saya sudah menjangkakan, perkara ini tidak akan berkesudahan.

Orang tak percaya! Kita demokrasi. Ini hak yang di peruntukkan oleh perlembagaan. Bolehkah perlembagaan menegah bencana? Woit, kita kena bincang. Kita bukan budak kecil. Dont insult our intelligence. Kita mesti confident. Jangan jadi knee jerkers!

Saya telah berhujjah memberi pendapat saya mengikut kapasiti yang saya ada. Saya sedar penghujjahan tersebut tidak semesti betul, tapi saya memberanikan diri mengupas isu tersebut satu persatu.

Saya juga menjangka bahawa pendirian saya akan mengundang pencemuhan. Malah sudah ada yang mengatakan saya fucking extremis. Well, I will answer in the same manner!

Memang benar saya fucking extremis apabila fucking keamanan dan fucking kedamaian dalam negara kita ini akan menjadi fucking malapetaka.

Memang benar saya fucking extremis jika perkara kecil mengenai penamaan Allah sedikit demi sedikit menjadi perbalahan yang fucking lebih besar.

Lihat sahaja lah- isiu nama Allah menjadi pertembungan sengit mengenai isiu fucking kebebasan beragama, menjadi isiu fucking penindasan kaum fucking majoriti(sudah tentu nya Melayu) keatas fucking kaum minoriti.

Saya fucking extremis bila saya melihat isiu ini akhirnya menjadi isiu perbalahan kaum dan perpecahan masyarakat.

And please dont blame it on Fucking UMNO. Its also Fucking PKR, Fucking DAP, Fucking PAS.

Saya tidak tahu apa kita hendak menamakan golongan yang rela semua ini terjadi kerana mahu membuktikan mereka liberal minded yang boleh di sukai oleh orang lain. Saya tidak tahu apa kita hendak menamakan mereka yang rela melihat negara kita hancur kerana perbalahan kaum.

Boleh kah kita solat dengan aman dan say our prayers knowing that at any time our church can be fire gutted and at any moment our mosques can be napalmed?

Sekarang kita sudah lihat ada gereja yang tidak berdosa dan sebuah tempat beribadat di bakar. Kita bersyukur tidak ada kehilangan nyawa.

Ini petanda yang amat buruk. Penjaga keamanan sekarang sudah mesti menyediakan resources menjaga keselamatan tempat dan rumah ibadat.

Pihak keamanan sudah mesti menyediakan resources mengelak kejadian ini dari menjadi tidak terkawal dan kehilangan nyawa manusia menjadi suatu kemungkinan.

Sebab itu, saya tidak boleh menyokong orang yang akan berdemo di perkaragnan masjid atau kawasan sekitar nya. Siapa yang boleh mengawal keadaan? Jika perarakan kepala lembu pun, polis tak dapat kawal, sanggup dan boleh kah mereka mengawal perasaan suatu jumplah yang besar?

Kerajaan mesti bertegas dalam perakara ini. Katakan- haram berdemoa atas isiu ini.

Lebih baik lakukan solat hajat bagi orang Muslim. Mudah mudahan doa kita di makbulkan.


Bila saya menulis mengenai perkara ini, iaitu pada 25 Disember lalu, saya telah bertanya, RM 100 juta atau USD29 juta itu harga apa? Pak menteri Zahid pun awal awal dah kata USD 29 million atau RM 100 juta lebih.

Kali ini dia kata harga enjin hanya RM 300 ribu lebih lebih.

Saya tidak faham. Bagaimana dari RM 300,000 sebuah enjin jadi RM 100 juta? Boleh jadi enjin2 tersebut sudah di saluti emas. Atau dalam enjin tersebut di isi dengan beberapa tan dadah morfin.

Tidak ada enjin yang 2nd hand, wa ima di tafsir dalam harga hari ini pun, boleh jadi RM 50 juta sebuah. Ilmu hisab mana ni? Tapi seperti yang saya sebut, dalam keadaan di mana harga paket mee maggi jadi berpuluh Ringgit dan set screw driver jadi ratusan Ringgit, mungkin juga enjin yang RM300 ribu sebuah jadi RM 50 juta sebuah.

Enjin tahun 1972 hanya boleh kita jual sebagai harga besi buruk.

Jadi kalau TV pun dah bilang, Pak Menteri pun dahulu kata demikian dengan garang nya, kepala atuk apa yang kita hilang?


Are You Gonna Go My Way,  8 January 2010 at 13:06  

"The Herald is tightly circulated among the mainly Muslim country's estimated 850,000 Catholics who worship in English, Mandarin, Tamil and Bahasa Malaysia."

Tightly circulated? Dalam zaman siber ni?

Kepada Nik Aziz, Anwar dan orang2 PAS, PKR..silalah link kan weblink ni ( dekat blog2 saudara semoga semua ahli senang nak baca Herald dalam bahasa melayu...untung-untung dapat ilmu Allah yang lebih sempurna. Jangan lupa juga link kan dengan myspace, tagged, facebook anak-anak anda supaya mereka lebih senang mempelajari siapa ALLAH tu sebenarnya.

Jangan lupa subscribe degan newsletter nye sekali supaya boleh print nanti untuk dibawa ke masjid untuk buat ceramah nanti.

Anonymous,  8 January 2010 at 13:27  

Datuk Sak

You said, Its also Fucking PKR, Fucking DAP, Fucking PAS.

I don't undersand why PKR, DAP and PAS in this Allah Issue.

DAP was smart enough not put fuel int he issue. MCA , a partner of uMNO supported the High Court Decison

Th Ulamas and Ustaz in PAS and PKR and muslim scholars have already said there is nothing in Islam to prevent Christian using the word Allah.

The simple issue is a decision to prevent the Home Ministry from disallowing the word Allah to used in the Herald. The decision is based on the Federal Constitution and the already know practice of Catholics praying in Bahasa and using the Indonesian Bible.

After all, it about using Allah in the BM page for their magazine for their Catholic members, most are in Sabah and Sarawak who prays and reads in Bahasa in their church.

I really did not understanding your anger at PKR, DAP and PAS in THIS ISSUE.

Did they escalate the problem? If so, how did that lead to the fire-bombing of the churches ( its now 3 and could be more according to Malaysiakini).

Good to clarify on stand on this, sans the partisan politics rhetoric

Anonymous,  8 January 2010 at 13:32  

dato sak

hmm..sedih dengan keadaan sekarang,,mereka betul2 mencabar kita,,nampaknye mereka makin berani.orang melayu dalam hal ini pun masih nak pentingkan fahaman politik.Mari la bersatu untuk menentang hal ini.ketepikan juga apa fahaman politik kita.jangan beri muka lagi..gunakan kuasa yang kita ade untuk menyelesaikan isu ini.tak payah kompromi.

geram betul menenguk melayu yang islam yang keliru dan mahu jadi juara bangsa dan agama lain.macam lupa diri ke apa

Anonymous,  8 January 2010 at 14:23  

The herald jolok sarang tabuan. Kurang ajar mcm ni lagi mau bagi muka ka?

Padan muka dah kena sengat.

Mereka jihad menentang Islam selama ni dengan meludah kepada perasaan orang Islam.

Tapi akhirnya, orang Melayu Islam juga yang kena bersikap apologetik bila gereja mereka dibakar.

Hati umat Islam yang terbakar sejak The Herald bawak kes ni ke mahkamah nak letak mana?

Are You Gonna Go My Way,  8 January 2010 at 14:34  

Dato, sikit jer nak tambah...

Kalau kita taknak dengar argument orang islam, kita dengar pulak argument orang kristian.Nik Aziz pun kena baca ni, senang sikit bila nak interfaith dialog nanti.

petikan "I would also like to put one thing STRAIGHT concerning who are the Christians in this land.
I believe that to the Muslims, all peoples who own Bibles and worship their "god" in churches are termed Christians. This is as far as the majority of Muslim understand concerning who are the CHRISTIANS. Roman Catholics are not the Christians per se. They serve many "gods" including the worhip of the earthly mother of Jesus named Mary
whom they have now elevated to the level of a "deity" possessing the OMNIPRESENT attribute to be EVERWHERE at the SAME time to listen to the prayers of Roman Catholics who recite the rosaries"

baca seterusnya di..

Anonymous,  8 January 2010 at 14:36  


Orang yg memulakan semua ini adalah org yg begitu berani memohon dan hakim yg berani membenarkan tanpa merujuk kepada atau menilai sensitiviti islam.

Dan yg menyokong pula, PAS yg menjual beli agama hanya kerana nak kan sokongan dan dasar persahabatan dengan mereka yg kufar. Kita memang boleh berkawan malah disarankan menghormati yg bukan islam. Akan tetapi kita perlu bertegas dalam hal2 yg bersangkutan dengan agama kita. Masakan boleh org lain membenarkan dan mengesahkan sesuatu perkara berkenaan hal agama islam.

Pada saya, bila perkara ini berlaku Herald dan Hakim yg bertanggungjawab patut dipersalahkan.

Cuba Dato' bayangkan, perlembagaan kita masih ada, masih ugama islam ugama rasmi, masih juga kita di injak2..

Oh ya, Tuan Guru PAS juga patut dipersalahkan, kerana beliau umat Islam semakin berbalah. Bila ada seorang tuan guru yg semakin bercelaru, maka liberal yg ditunjukkan bakal memakan diri, seterusnya yg lain.

Inilah akibatnya jika agama Islam tidak lagi djunjung tinggi oleh para penganutnya.

Ariff Sabri 8 January 2010 at 15:05  

dear readers,
many people have written in expressing surprise that i use many expletives.
maybe they didn't read my qualifying sentence.
some people have sent in comments stating that i am a fucking extremist- therefore i said i will answer in the same manner. just returning the favour.
at the beginning i have apologised

Frank,  8 January 2010 at 15:50  

Datuk Sak

The undeniable fact based on the analysis of the events of the last two weeks or earlier is that UMNO via the Govt escalated the crisis.

I think it is a bit rich to try to lump the opposition parties as equally responsible for the escalation of the crisis. They might have seen the issue as a political opportunity to make a statement against UMNO, definitely it will be very hardpressed to any reasonable person to suggest that the opposition parties were responsible for the escalation of the crisis.

If the Govt had not tried to make political capital with this issue with the high handedness of the Home Ministry, knowing full well the Catholic Church is on the right side of the issue, ie constitutionally and religion-wise, and if the Home Minister, if he had the wisdom and concern for national interest, had sought to discuss behind close doors the sensitive issues surrounding it, it would not have blown into the faces of UMNO and the Govt.

Blaming opposition parties is a cop out because the issue is between the Catholic Church and the Govt.

It was the UMNO minister who politicised the issue and allowed it to be fomented into a dangerously divisive national problem

I beg to differ from you, Datuk Sak, on your take on this. But lets take out the partisan political rhetoric and address the issues rationally and objectively.

I would not have doubted the Catholic Church about their sensitivity and knowledge of how the issues will affect muslims in this country. Instead the Govt has created an environment in which has become the political scoring point among Malays that the Catholics are insensitive.

Datuk, you are one of the those few who stood up to defend the supremacy of the Constitution and as law abiding citizen, and it should the paramount concern of everyone of us.

We cannot allow emotions to force us to compromise or look away the sanctity of the Federal Constitution, otherwise we will be finding ourselves ruled by the law of the jungle where emotions rule over an above rationality.

We cannot let our emotions to over run our rational judgement of the problems facing our country. Presently the emotional uncurrents are tearing asunder our multiracial and multireligious society.

Anonymous,  8 January 2010 at 16:12  

Dato' Sak

Jika mereka berjaya dalam menggunakan nama Allah, tak mustahil selepas ni mereka akan mintak gunakan Islam pulak, dengan alasan sebutan pun dah sama, tuhan semua sama.

Mereka akan menterjemahkan bible ke dalam bahasa malaysia. Ini yg menjadi hura-hara.

Atas hal2 keselamatan, kemaraan mereka amat wajib dikekang dan diberi penjelasan sewajarnya.

Mengenai gereja dibakar, kami rasa itu adalah perbuatan mereka sendiri untuk menampakkan kita org2Islam sebagai bersalah dan para demonstrasi bersalah. Ada bezanya tu, mereka hanya nak menghalal cara mereka dimata dunia, kemudian melemparkan fitnah. Akibatnya org2 Islam sendiri yg mendapat bahangnya. Mereka yg create bahang, org melayu pulak yg nak di ISA kan.

Ada tak dato' nampak bahana kepada mereka? Tiada kan?

Amatlah pelik sekarang ni, bila kita melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati dan membangkang pun dah tak boleh?

Lepas ni apa lah akan jadi ye dato' sak, pada org Melayu? Mungkin melayu akan terimbau kembali zaman2 mereka mendaulatkan agama islam, patut nya aku buat cam gini masa tu, kata sesetengah Melayu. Apa nak buat nasi dah jadi bubur?

Semua kerana kelemahan kita, Islam di negara kita, undang2 nya tangkap muat aja, ada lompong sana sini yg org2 mereka dah kaji. Itu pasal la berani.

Bolehkah kali ini kita belajar dari kesilapan dan menegapkan undang2 Islam di Malaysia.

Pada pendapat kami, hanya ini yg boleh tolong, Islam juga mengamalkan keadilan. Itupun mereka dan nak guna nama Allah, kita tolak penggunaan nama Allah oleh mereka, dan kita kukuhkan undang2 Islam di Malaysia.

Kalau ini Malaysia tak boleh buat, saya ucapkan "sayonara" kepada orang2 Melayu saya, kerana kita semua akan menghadapi zaman kegelapan.

walla 8 January 2010 at 17:17  

A: 'You look pensive, Tun."

B: 'I am as disquieted as the blogger by events which are unfolding as we speak, Sofea.'

A: 'You mean the torching of the churches and the demo?'

B: 'More than those. I fear the rumble in our bronx will sunder the very fabric of our multi-racial society.

The blogger has probably seen that. He pointed out that if the state could not even control the cow-head fiasco, how could it control this potential national disaster.'

A: 'Tun, we don't want our nation to be broken up by race and religious issues. Whether they be construed as fundamental or otherwise, there should be healthier and more progressive accommodation between all on such matters.

After the last general elections, the race issue seemed to have solved itself. People were cutting across racial divides to display deeper affinity for one another. There was a sharp rise of good feeling for one another regardless of race and despite the machinations of diehard extremists and splittists.

Now we have this religious issue. Who can then be faulted for thinking that there is a group behind the whole fiasco who having seen how the race issue cannot be used is now raking up the religious issue? Even if this is not true, there is a nagging feeling at the back of the mind that it could be true.'

B: 'It may just be happenstance, A. You know how it started. The permit was withheld by ignoring the provision of the constitution. Maybe the govt thought it was serving the larger good of peace and national interest when it was actually using one type of law to decide on a matter that falls under another type of law.

And it didn't think two steps ahead on the consequence of what it had done. Now it is going to face the very nightmare it tried to avoid by the simple expedient of turning a blind eye to the very instrument of government that it has on other occasions used for its own ethnic and faith agenda.

Can you imagine what the rakyat and the world will think? Just three words will do. Double standards, confirmed.

If that wasn't bad enough, it then proceeded to make a second mistake.'

A: 'Which is?'

B: 'Before even going to the Court of Appeal, it said that the government was going to solve this matter.

Let me ask you, how can the government of the day know how the Court of Appeal will decide when the court hasn't even met?

This second mistake is going to reinforce the perception about the first. Namely, the govt can pull strings in the judiciary and will not be above doing so to solve any problem it decides to send that way.

So not only the rakyat but the entire world are going to conclude that this govt practices double standards on its own citizens, and the judiciary of this country operates under duress. It's like replacing the blindfold of the lady of justice with 3D specs.

Now, how are they going to overcome these two perceptions when they now sit right at the top side by side with the religious issue that engendered them?

Furthermore, by making that announcement, expectations will be raised on one side and hopes will be dashed on the other side.

If you want that defined geographically, Peninsular may be appeased but Sabah and Sarawak are going to wake up, come to their senses about their situation and be angry until their kingdom comes.

There is yet another problem, Sofea.'

A: 'And what's that, Tun?'

walla 8 January 2010 at 17:18  

B: 'Its repercussion is going to reverberate across the land. If the Court of Appeal upholds the appeal, the rakyat are going to conclude the judiciary is not independent and if it is so easily not independent now, they will conclude it was also not independent before. All the way right back to the mongolian case, the lingam case, the pkfz case, even the rejections to form royal commissions to investigate past administrations and Plaza Masalam, if you will. Do you understand what i am saying, Sofea? It'll be messy, ugly and nationally demoralizing. Why? Because those who will be celebrating the appeal judgment will have to do so with one eye closed knowing full well the scale of justice has been tipped for them. But what if one day they are the ones facing the judiciary's judgment on some other matter? Do they think of that?'

A: 'Can't we just trust the government to do its usual and spin its way out?'

B: 'How? Like how it is doing with this Mindef matter of the missing two jet engines?

Look, Sofea, it's not so easy to move two strategically sensitive military engines out of a secured place. There is such a thing called documentary control. You need first to have a military order to take out the engines. Who signed that order? It's like taking something out of a factory. You can't get past the guardhouse without the goods papers duly signed and stamped.

Second, these military hardware are of no commercial value without their logs which record their history of ownership and maintenance as well as usability tests. How were they obtained and from whom?

Third, when the engines reached the port to be loaded, what documents were submitted to the customs officers and who signed and received them? Ask any freight forwarder and you will know documents are needed.

Fourth, to accept the load, the shipper has to have shipping manifests and even financial papers. Let's say it was all done contraband-wise. Even if this be so, when the shipment arrived at the other side, documents will still need to be presented.

Now, if you tell me they were meant as scrap, i ask you back who would pay rm300K for a sophisticated engine to be turned into scrap when they can obviously pay much less weight for weight at your local ironmongery?

So the whole set of jingbang explanations issued so far don't jive.'

A: 'Tun, do you think there's something else behind this obvious charade then?'

B: 'Many will sense not without reason there's a cover-up for something bigger.

In 1985, the govt bought 88 A4 Skyhawks of vietnam war vintage from the US. It paid only RM127,000 for the whole lot. The catch was it had to also cough our RM320 million to refurbish them with new engines, avionics and armaments.

Of these 88 jet fighters, only 53 were taken out of the Arizona desert where they were mothballed in 1996. Of the 53, 40 were refurbished for use by the rmaf, 12 were cannibalized for parts and 1 was returned for maintenance training.

My question is what has happened to the remaining 35 jet planes in that desert? Syed Hamid who was Mindef minister at that time was quoted as saying the govt would retain 4 of those 35 mothballed planes for displays and parts. Which means 31 A4 Skyhawk jet planes are unaccounted for.

Now, a lot of people had misgivings about the whole purchase. The govt apparently defended that it was a good investment to get experience before buying Mig's.

I am not sure the US would have been too happy about such statements on the comparability of hardware of cold war adversaries.

walla 8 January 2010 at 17:18  

Maybe that's why their Congress were tardy in giving the nod for the planes to be removed from US soil. It was later reported that a US firm wanted to buy the planes for RM700,000 each through its subsidiary in Brunei, and Airod wanted to do something with them as well.

Then the trail went cold. So the question is where are those planes now and, if we have sold them, where's the money?

Sofea, maybe this is just x-file skulldruggery. But just working at the cost of those 31 planes even at discounted rates, maybe it isn't, looking at the original hundred million figure that had popped eyes.

After all, anything can happen in this country.'

A: 'Wow, i am gobsmacked, Tun.'

B: 'Now i come to the best part. If the Court of Appeal of Umno Inc. is going to adjudge the religious matter on the basis of national interest, then don't you think the rakyat will have the right to ask for Umno's credentials before the court makes the judgment since these mindef matters are obviously also of national interest? Since they are military matters of national security, even more ponderous matters of national interest, if i may add.'

A: 'What can i say in response, Tun?'

B: 'You know, Sofea, each time there is a scandal, the courts run their round and then the photos come out with some faces. You have two for this engine case. You had two or three for the PKFZ case. And you had two for the mongolian case.

So far, someone out there must be thinking if a few pieces of meat and some mugshots are thrown at the hungry rakyat, the cases can be quickly and expeditiously closed so that the govt can then heave a sigh of relief and wash its hands of the whole ugly and embarrassing matters.

It's like the MACC saying there are two pending cases on the former MB's balinesque lifestyle. And then silence.

My friend, even the pugnacious Dr Watson will be quite aggrieved that we can continue to allow such a ruse to be used again and again, what more Mr Holmes of 221B Baker Street London who will quickly tell us the rakyat to be extra-careful about the hemlock in those meats.

As the rakyat are wont to say these days without dropping a beat,

"Who duh the gomen take us for, fools kah?"

If i may add by way of spice, the govt may think it has a bunch of summa cum laude's to pull wool in this hot country.

But the rakyat also have their own semua cam lada. Hot, spicy, cheap but good.'

A: 'Hehehe, Tun, you're such a riot.'

B: 'Sofea, i have enough of nonsense to last many lifetimes.

Say, do you think you can give me a lift back?'

A: 'Oh? are you alright, Tun?'

B: '(grins shyly) Actually i've forgotten where i live.'

A: 'My poor dear man. Let me take good care of you from now on.'

B: 'Be careful, Sofea. No woman has ever resisted my enviable charms.'

A: 'Don't worry. I am an ice queen.'


Anonymous,  10 January 2010 at 00:34  

I don't know Dato' I think you've attracted a different crowd with your take on this issue. I hope you'd enjoy their comments and maybe learn a little bit ... a bit je lah, don't think you could learn much, especially from that guy yang dok cerita pasai gereja kena bakaq sendiri. If that's the case, I'm sure our police would start parading a few people in handcuff in the next three days. You knowlah our police, they can be very efficient if they want to.


Anonymous,  10 January 2010 at 10:18  

anon@ 16:12 kata,
"Amatlah pelik sekarang ni, bila kita melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati dan membangkang pun dah tak boleh?"

Anon boleh beri contoh bila kamu tidak diberi peluang untuk melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati?
Apakan cara yang digunakan untuk membangkang ?
Sebagain rakyat Malaysia, Anon mempunyai hak untuk membangkang, hanya caranys perlu diberi penelitian sahaja.
Orang kristian pun sebagai rakyat Malaysia juga mempunyai hak menyuarakan ketidakpuasan mereka. Apakah cara yang mereka gunakan?

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