The claim of defending people is actually a ruse to control them. Tales by an unknown blogger no. 57
1. It was reported that the political secretary of the 9th PM was found with 150m. Found by sprm . It was also reported that sprm obtained a remand order to detain 4 officers of the 9th PM.
2. But you can be sure that right wing Malay groups and UMNO surrogates and 5th columnists , will pooh poohed the report. Malays have special rights. That include the rights to steal. The rights to be pardoned. Rights to serve jail time at the house.
3. Long live Malay Uber allies! Hidup! Hidup ! Hidup UMNO!
4. UMNO has taught the masses, the UMNO hoi polloi , this following chant.
5. Kalau tak membelit, bukan India. Kalau tak menipu bukan cina. Everywhere,within the Malay community, this chant is continuously repeated.
6. Except, UMNO left out an important line..kalau tak rasuah bukan UMNO!
7. The complete chant should read. Kalau tak membelit bukan India, kalau tak menipu bukan cina AND kalau tak rasuah bukan UMNO! The chant should be the anthem sung in schools throughout.
8. Last time, I made the mistake of writing the chant as follows. Kalau tak membelit bukan India kalau tak menipu bukan cina AND kalau tak rasuah bukan melayu.
9. It should correctly be:- kalau tak membelit bukan India, kalau tak menipu bukan cina, kalau tak rasuah bukan melayu UMNO.
10. Not all malays are corrupt , only UMNO Malays. We must make that distinction. We must distinguish it.
11. We must not allow this kind of stereotypical compartmentalization to go on unchecked. Every race has it's fair share of snakers , swindlers and corrupt people. Except UMNO, in trying to divert attention from itself, overplay the sins of other people. Corruption among UMNO people is 2nd nature.
12. That is one of the principal reasons why all law abiding citizens of this country should and must reject UMNO. The party is synonymous with corruption.
13. It's claim of fighting for race, religion and country and King is all hogwash. The truth is UMNO seeks to control the Malay masses through these antiquated slogans.
14. UMNOs sloganeering and shouting of agama bangsa dan negara, really is a ruse to control the Malay masses. By shouting these slogans, reciprocated by blind support and obedience from malays, allow UMNO to loot and pillage the country.
15. Needless to say, the officers of Ismail sabri will claim they are doing exactly these. Yes, looting and pillaging in the name of bangsa agama dan tanah air.
16. We have been looking for the enemy and the enemy is UMNO. The cyberspace is replete with UMNO fifth columnists.
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