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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

The Beras Imbroglio. Tales by an unknown blogger no 50

1. When it was reported that a big kilang padi in Perlis will close down, I thought this will be cannon fodder.

2. The kilang padi is Malay owned. While they become poorer, the cartels and the towkays get richer. As they become like that the government doesn't care about their lot. Pity the Malay farmers .

3. The racial connotations and imputation are unmistakable. Malays get poorer, the Chinese get richer. The cartels and Chinese are mentioned in the same breath. The ethnicity is clear. People can't wriggle out of that connotation, by saying I don't mean it that way. Admit saja lah!

4. That's a good recipe for such a watery brain statement to become incendiary, combustible and conflagatory.

5. It just needed a spark to s to start a prairie fire. The pas salukis are hunting for eatable and halal desert animals. The UMNO Tibetan mastiff named akmal, can cause some vigilante groups to splash red paint and Molotov cocktailed rice retailers premises.

6. Saluki and Tibetan mastiff are dog breeds ok

7. Except these Mardi gras and 'karnaval' champions have got it wrong. That is, if they use their brains.

8. The cartels are more often than not, Malay owned. Formed by the collusion between businesses and the deep state.

9. The visible part of the equation, yes may be mostly Chinese owned. They make a little money, the cartels make the lion's share of the money .

10. Take for instance, the case with nafas. Over a 35 month period they stand to make 1.8b. then there's a variation order of 1.2b. that's 3b over a period of 35 months!

11. That's 1.5 times 1MDB. Mat shabu2, please do something. Don't just humor the ceramah crowd or throw the microphone.

12. Try dismantling all the monopolistic suppliers of farm inputs restructure nafas, it's umno surrogate anyway. Multi sourced supplies of farm equipments and dismantle the deep state in MOA .

13. The profit taking activities of these fuckers, already eat much of the present floor price.

14. The opposition people have discussed the tail end of the story-the cost of production. They have not discussed the elements in the rising cost of production and the parties inflating them .

15. Hamzah didn't discuss about them. Ustaz Idris is only interested in making political capital from this issue. Blame the Chinese Cartels and towkays. And blame the government for ignoring the lot of Malay farmers.

16. We are making one BIG assumption here. We are assuming the kilang padi in Perlis is run very well. It's not closing down because it's run in a lousy manner.

17. Then we must discuss the profit taking activities of middlemen conglomerates, the real parasitic class. For that I have to illustrate.

18. Let's say the floor price is 1300. This floor price was arrived at when the price of inputs was 300. Supplied by the monopolist suppliers.

19. Now the price of inputs is 600. Yet the floor price stays at 1300. The farmers get rammed from behind by the monopolistic suppliers. Baja, farm equipments, seeds etc.

20. On the marketing side,they get fucked by the middlemen conglomerates.

21. The floor price is the time they reached the retailers, ie towkays, the price is 3000 per ton.

22. There's a spread of 1700. Let's say, retailers get 200 per tom. The middlemen conglomerates get 1500. That's why I say, retailers make money but the lion's share goes to the middlemen conglomerates!

23. So unleash the salukis and the Tibetan mastiffs on the monopolistic suppliers and the middlemen conglomerates.

24. People say, how can you say the Baja price affects the floor price? The Baja is given free by nafas?

25. Hello inche, from nafas they use imputed price..from the others , seeds, farm equipments, diesel etc they used actual price. As the price of these increases, they eat at the floor price. Ada faham,?

26. When the price of local beras become expensive because of its scarcity, importers of beras asking make abnormal profits. That's bernas, because it's the sole importer. How come nobody talks about bernas?

27. So, unleash the Arabian salukis and the Tibetan mastiffs on the monopolistic suppliers, the deep state, the middlemen conglomerates and bernas..just liberalise the market. Remember, we are not interested in preserving the status quo but we are interested in overthrowing it!

28. The Chinese cultural revolution caused u told misery , death and upheaval. It was followed up by ' putting things right,' movement. The business as usual approach in the beras industry is causing a lot of hardships. Let's have our own putting things right,measures. Ok nana non? Ok abang mat?


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