An imbecilic PC. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 4
1. When I heard Taqiyuddin giving a press conference as to what the AGC wants to appeal some more, it confirms 1 thing to me.
2. The AGC wants to appeal to the federal court on the appeal courts decision to allow Najib addendum Razak appeal for a judicial review.
3. A long time ago, a lawyer friend told me lawyers and judges, are like eggs. They fall into grades A B and C. C being the worse.
4. Taqiyuddin must fall into grade C. Just because HE cannot see the legal basis by which the AGC appealed, doesn't mean it does not exist.
5. He maybe limited by his so so law qualifications, limited experience and not so sterling record as a trial lawyer
6. Moreover, Taqiyuddins talk is very unlawyerly. Isn't a lawyer able to resurrect the dead? Turn black to white?, tired of one side turn to the other side?
7. Allow me to ask a few awkward questions. Pardon my ignorance.
8. Was the addendum, if one exists done out of the ftpb meeting?
9.if done separately, it cannot be said as part of the pardons proper. It has no l ocus standi. Hence it cannot be tendered in court. It's defective by nature
10. In the first place, we have to establish whether such an addendum exists? Otherwise we are building a sandcastle case.
11. Perhaps these cocksure people are relying on a letter from the sultan of office at jalan padang polo, signed by the chamberlain on the pejabat sultans stationery.
12. Does such a letter have the same legal standing as a letter of the ftsb singed by the king?
13. Then there is a question of ultra vires. Can the ftsb determine the place of incarceration?if it can, why not consider a reban ayam? Then the convict is truly one of the people .
14. Taqiyuddins PC reveals more of his stupidity than his prowess as a sharp lawyer.
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