The game some people play. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 54.
1. The mp from maran is pissed off. He feels his self esteem is besmirched. That's because a letter from the sultan of pahang' referring to an alleged addendum, was ignored. He comes from pahang. He feels slighted .
2. Others, upon hearing this did the proverbial pouring fuel over fire . Didn't this mean that the action of the sultan is like pleading the courts, to accept his letter as definitive .
3. We must see the game these people are playing. Being in the opposition, they will use every opportunity to disparage, demean and condemn the PM and his government. The conduct of the opposition, is therefore expected.
4. We mustn't take it as too alarming but must regard it as no skin off our noses.
5. The fate and status of the letter from the pahang sultans office, signed by the chamberlain on a stationery of the same office has not been determined. Yet is already read, as forcing the sultan to 'beg' merayu the courts to accept the validity of his letter.
6. Treating the letter in such cavalier manner and forcing the sultan to behave below his ' majesty' amounts to being disloyal. Those who are disloyal are the PM and his government. That's how the opposition sees it
7. Those who are disloyal to the king or sultans get impaled. That is, if you live under absolute monarchies. Or suffer some other forms of horrible punishments.
8. The opposition would like that happening to the PM but as of now would settle if the pm and his government resign en bloc.
9. So behind that pompous declaration of fealty and loyalty, was just an intention to weaponise the disloyalty issue .
10 . The intention, was really to demonize the PM and discredit him .
11. I say man, don't be a sanctimonious bastard..boasting the treatment of your sultan has brought you shame and has disparaged your self esteem.
12. The mp from maran and others like him are fabricating their story around something that is not certain yet. The sultan of pahang' s letter and the erroneous and mischievous reading on how the letter is treated. How it's treated is considered disloyal. We don't agree.
13. How the letter is perceived to be treated and it's subsequent unilateral interpretation, shouldn't be treated as more, ie as reflection of disloyalty. On the other hand, boasting about being loyal is just an exercise of ego inflation and self promotion.
14. Punishment for being disloyal, these people say, is impale/sula. If we are living under absolute monarchy of which we are not . That kind of barbaric punishment is also aped by UMNO people .
15. But we didn't see UMNO leaders , especially those in the cabinet , rebutting such a view. Which means the UMNO leaders agreed with the opposition and defied the principle of collective responsibility. By convention, if you disagree with the stand of the cabinet, you resign. Ada berani?
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