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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

It's a question of economics, not morality or religion. Part 1. Tales by an unknown blogger no 47.

1. I thought long about writing this article. It might be misconstrued of not supporting Anwar. That's not it. I support him as PM. But that cannot mean I agree with all his decisions .

2. His out of line response to Rafidah Aziz's criticisms about helping Gaza is a point of contention.

3. Difference in opinions of others ought not to as an excuse to run others down .

4. The pm may have a high level of Islamic-ness but that high level ought not be used to run others Islamic-ness credentials .

5. The PM is behaving as though he has the 'onliest' correct version of Islamic humanity or even Islam. Then, those who disagree with his version is not Islamic enough .

6. Then those, not only rafidah who question his decision to help out the Palestinians in Gaza do not have the care for fellow Muslims as he does.

7. In a way, the PM's version of Islamic humanity is self serving- to justify his decision while disparaging others.

8. Do we detect some hints of Islamic autocracy or even fascism there? Such that we cannot question his decision especially if it's based on Islam.

9. It's not a question of more or less Islamic humanities but a question of economics.

10. Don't befuddle the issues. We all know of the genocide and suffering and international ineffective-ness and indifference that accompany it. You want to lecture us on what we already know. That's pompous patronizing .

11. Now, I don't know rafidah Aziz. Haven't met her in person. I know of her though. A lady known for her forthrightness. She will defend her views and opinions exhaustively. Wet in the nose boys ought not mess with her . unless they want to get the their noses bloodied

12. When she says our priority is sorting out domestic issues perhaps we should be looking at the economics of the issue.

13. It's the allocation of scarce resources, the appointment of financial resources, public choice theory, opportunity costs etc. nothing to do with morals or religiosity for that matter. Can anybody say Ms Rafidah is not Islamic enough? The boys aping nana non are probably busy with Mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters.

14. Wouldn't scarce resources ( money, labour, management expertise, engineers, architects, quantity surveyors be better appointed here in Malaysia. There are certainly areas that can capitalise on schools, mosque and hospitals.

15. What if these are levelled by marauding IDF? Will Malaysia send troops to Gaza? Hmmm, come to think of it- send Akmal, or the people reporting on Hannah Yeoh or better still, send the perak pas commissioner.

16. What are the costs to Malaysia? The benefits? Ada a proper CBA been carried out. The bastardized Keynesians at MOF will support the idea. Heck , they may even have some choice contractors to go to Gaza. I say bastardized because the half past six economists spend not only during periods of economic slacks but all the time.

17. Imagine if the same financial outlays were applied to Malaysia. The multiplier effects would be tremendous. We can build schools, mosques houses and hospitals in MALAYSIA!

18. What are the opportunity costs to us. Assume the financial outlay is 200m. With 200m how many hospitals can we build? With 200m how many units of houses can we make? How many schools can we make? How many mosques can we make?

19. Btw, opportunity cost is defined as the same financial outlays applied on 1 alternative's not 200m for schools+mosques+ houses+hospitals. It's only on 1 particular use not several simultaneously.

20. I saved public choice theory for last . The Keynesians at mof ought to look at this.

21. Since public choice theory ( associated mostly with Duncan black) is part of the more general economics choice theory, I propose to discuss the general choice theory. That only superficially. Those interested in the details can read it up.

22. The basic idea behind choice theory in economics, is that people make decisions based on a rational analysis of the costs and benefits. Only iff the benefits outweigh the costs, you decide yes.

23. Rational means you compute quantitatively. In this case the measurable costs against the goodwill( ordinal value) you get from the Palestinians. That is temporary because the goodwill will be forgotten. Long run does not even feature here as Keynes said in the long run we are all dead .

24. Has an exhaustive CBA been done by the economists and advisers at MOF? Or are they all covering their crotches as the pm takes an indirect shot at the goal .

25. Sometimes it's also called RCT- rational choice theory. The individual, in this case behaved rationally and that behavior is considered beneficial for Malaysia. It's said we shouldn't question the PM's noble decision. Ho hum!

26. To assume that the PM acted rationally is a tall order and exaggeration. Private rationalism can never be greater than what the public thinks.

27. The PM may think he obtains goodwill and gratefulness from the Palestinians. That goodwill cannot be readily and easily quantifiable against the costs which are readily and quickly understood by the public. The costs are greater than ordinal goodwill .

28. Have we ignored the proximity issue? The countries closer in proximity to Gaza in terms of bloodlines and physical closeness have a higher duty than Malaysia to help. Are the other Arabs playing with their balls?

29. Malaysia's action would be tantamount to giving milk to the monkeys in the forest, while our children at home are starving.

30. I say let's not just brush aside the opinions of a former minister just because the opinions don't resonate with religious sensitivities. It's a question of economics bro .

To be continued in part 2


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