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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Sumpitan Emas Speaks!

I reproduce here the writings from one anonymous commentator. I have no inkling who this person is. He/she is a formidable thinker. If he has been in the civil service, my perception of the civil service as a cesspool of mediocrity stands to be corrected.
He/she goes by the pen name Sumpitan Emas- The Golden Dart. By this person’s admission, he/she has retired. I pray that he/she will stay healthy because intellectual life and public discourse in our country is made better and invigorating with his/her presence. Sumpitan Emas is a rigorous thinker at home both in the English language and Bahasa Malaysia.
The breadth and extent of knowledge on many issues is astounding. I am honoured that he or she has continued to grace my blog with his/her rapier sharp comments. Saya doakan supaya Sumpitan Emas terus berada dalam kesihatan dan terus menyumbang kepada perbincangan awam dengan ketajaman fikiran dan pandangan saudara/saudari.

Sumpitan Emas said...

Leaving the discussion about the quality of the civil service aside for the moment, allow me to mention very briefly the lack of recognition by our government of the contributions of selfless men and women who have contributed so much to public life.
Does anyone, especially from the powers that be, care to know who Hj Zainal Abidin Safarwan is, in respect of literary scholarship?
He is the author and compiler of three Malay dictionaries including the “Kamus Besar Bahasa Melayu” published by Utusan in 1995. This 2196-page dictionary, the most comprehensive of the three, led him to be proclaimed on 20 Jan 1994 “Wira Perkamusan Melayu (Hero of Malay Lexicography)” by the Linguistik Association of Malaysia, and also “Tokoh Perkamusan Melayu (Master of Malay Lexicography)” by the Language and Literary Bureau (DBP).
Nothing except ‘Haji’ precedes his name. If he had been awarded a datukship, that is not made apparent anywhere, not in any publication that I have come across, nor in Wikipedia.
 Without trying to show any disrespect to you - your achievements and contributions are well-known, I want to express my disgust and dismay for some of those who are similarly addressed as Datuk, worse because they have earned a datukship before the age of thirty. Like in the earlier years when the civil service had the best and the brightest no one I can remember was a Datuk below the age of forty.
One can only weep at the sight of an enfeebled Malaysia, diminished by a determined crowd of ‘deconstructionists’, for lack of a better term.
In my next thread tomorrow, I shall write, rather, quote extensively, another category of ‘diminishing’ artistes, men who have reduced the sum total what we all thought differentiated us from the rest of the nations in this region, except perhaps with Singapore – our schools and the pursuit of academic excellence, civil service probity, judicial independence and rectitude, etc.
How many men or women like Hj Zainal Abidin Safarwan, unrecognised and unappreciated in meaningful ways, are still around, I don’t know. How many thieves, thugs, gamblers, operators of illicit casinos, ah longs/money-lenders, etc., have a Datuk in front of their name, I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I know is our civil service is not going to improve anytime soon, but men like Hj Zainal Abidin Safarwan will always to be close to my heart and the hearts of all my good friends who appreciate men of scholarship and learning.
 Let me get back to mediocrity and decline, and let it be known I am not going anywhere because I speak and write better Malay than more than half of those in PERKASA and ISMA; this is the only boast I have made since retiring and one I am forced to make in light of seditious hollering by individuals who seem to have a free hand in making utterly provocative statements.
 The following is a commentary by an academician who gives a grim account of what is happening lately in Malaysian academia, that of the ‘free-riding’ head of department whom he derisively labels ‘pembonceng gratis’, i.e. the ‘pillion-rider who rides for free’, aka the head who has his name affixed to any and every academic paper produced under his watch, even in fields totally unrelated to his specialisation. This commentary came under the ‘Rencana’ column with sub-title ‘Perspective’ and entitled, “Kegiatan ‘boncengan gratis’ hakis kesarjanaan dan hikmah university,” by Prof A Murad Merican in Utusan Malaysia, 4 Aug 2011; the complete comment:
 “Universiti di Malaysia kehilangan hikmah. Akhir-akhir ini kita lihat university merestui ‘pemboncengan gratis’ di kalangan ahli akademik. Jika tidak membonceng dalam kegiatan penyelidikan dan penerbitan, mereka dianggap sebagai tidak normal.
Tiba-tiba kita terlihat banyak nama yang menulis pada sesuatu karya. Perkara itu tidak salah. Tetapi jika nama-nama itu tidak ada kaitan intelektual dengan bidang atau tema yang dibincangkan, bagaimana kita mengukur hasilnya?
Walaupun kajian dan penulisan antara disiplin digalakkan, perlu ada teguran jika ia disalahgunakan. Ramai ahli university yang telah salah tafsir konsep dan falsafah penglibatan kepelbagaian disiplin dalam sesuatu projek kajian.
 Jika nama-nama itu hanya dikenali dengan kepakaran bahasa dan kemungkinan besar hanya menyunting sesuatu hasil penulisan, apakah namanya layak berkampung sekali?
Kadang-kadang seseorang ketua jabatan meminta namanya diletakkan sebagai penulis bersama kepada penulisan yang tidak ada kaitan dengan bidangnya.
 Asalkan tindakan itu dapat memberi markah kepada semua terbabit, dapat dicatat dalam kuriculum vitae dan dinilai untuk kenaikan pangkat, ia ‘restui’ oleh semua yang terbabit.
Tanggapan sedemikian merupakan satu masalah amat besar yang melanda pandangan alam university kea rah ‘prestasi yang cemerlang.’
Pemerhatian Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh (Utusan Malaysia, 20 Julai 2011), dan prof Madya Mohamad Md Yusof (Utusan Malaysia, 26 Julai 2011), ke atas gejala budaya material yang menular di university amat menakutkan. Jika ini tidak ditangani, akan pupuslah kesarjanaan di Malaysia.

Ini ada kaitannya dengan bagaimana university kita dipaparkan dan ditonjolkan kepada dunia. Tidak kira university awam atau swasta, terlihat semacam kegilaan yang menyesatkan.
Ini ada kaitannya dalam penonjolan keakraban universiti dengan industri dan profesion. Universiti kita kini nampaknya tidak mempedulikan etika dan tatasusila dalam kerjasama, pemasaran dan pengiklanan university dan tawaran kursus yang ada. Jika kajian rambang dilakukan, pihak industrilah yang ‘dipertuhankan.’
Universiti tidak boleh ‘diindustrikan’. Malangnya inilah yang sedang berlaku apabila ahli akademik membonceng, sama ada dalam projek penyelidikan atau penerbitan, di mana hasil karya dan penulisan seseorang itu diukur dengan kaedah nombor, kerana kaedah inilah yang paling mudah.
Nampaknya, banyak masa terbuang dengan menumpukan kepada cadangan menulis dan mendapatkan pembiayaan penyelidikan, dan menyiapkan laporan penyelidikan. Ada yang menerbitkannya dan ada yang tidak. Akan tetapi apakah menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan yang dibiayai itu satu bukti pencapaian dan pemaparan kesarjanaan?
Kita lupa hikmah yang perlu ada pada universiti. Nilai jauhari terhakis dalam diri kita sehinggakan kita tidak lagi mengenal manikin. Kita tidak tahu menilai idea, konsep dan teori.

 Saya khuatir jika gejala ini berlarutan tanpa kekangan, maka hapuslah kesarjanaan di Malaysia. Yang ada hanya kilang-kilang mengeluarkan ijazah hasil dari para pensyarah yang taksub kepada model Pengajaran Berasaskan Hasil (OBE) yang tidak boleh mengukur nilai dan kepercayaan.
Pensyarah-pensyarah berkenaan membayangi mereka bukan pensyarah tetapi sebahagian daripada profesion dan pasaran. Itu merosakkan nilai akademik. Mereka tidak dapat membezakan antara nilai akademik dan nilai pasaran.
Dengan apa yang kian berlaku ialah masyarakat pensyarah dilentur untuk akur kepada KPI tanpa kesarjanaan dan hikmah.
 Apa yang mereka peduli ialah mengajar mengikut acuan yang diberi, mendapat sekian banyak pembiayaan untuk penyelidikan (tidak kira siapa membonceng) dan menerbit dalam jurnal-jurnal yang berindeks dalam pangkalan data tertentu.

 Amalan budaya material dan wang sebagai pengukur hasil para pensyarah kini amat tebal di kalangan university kita. Ini hendaklah dihentikan.

 Para pemimpin university hendaklah muhasabah akan kesang jangka masa panjanh jika ia berlarutan. Ilmu dan kesarjanaan tidak dapat dijanakan tanpa keikhlasan dan integriti.
Malah, keadaan ini kian mempengaruhi para pensyarah muda, dan juga yang lama. Ada wang, boleh terbit dan ini dikira dalam KPI pensyarah itu dan universiti.
Budaya ini telah banyak disalahgunakan. Ada ‘pakar’ dari universiti tempatan, yang dijemput oleh beberapa buah universiti lain, memaklumkan bahawa ‘membonceng’ itu halal. Dan ‘membonceng’ itu membolehkan nama kita tersiar di berpuluh-puluh jurnal dalam masa setahun. Dan kegiatan ini amat digalakkan.
Dengan itu, seseorang dinilai sebagai ‘cemerlang’ dan seterusnya dianggap sebagai pensyarah yang ‘berkualiti.’ Di mana integritinya di sini?
Apakah istilah ‘cemerlang’ dan ‘kecemerlangan’ dan ‘kualiti’ itu telah mengaburkan kita akan kesarjanaan dan hikmah? Mengapah istilah ‘cemerlang’ digunakan dengan sewenang-wenangnya dalam universiti dan masyarakat kita?
Saya kira kita telah lari daripada matalamat asal mengapa kita bekerja di universiti dan asas penubuhan universiti itu.
Saya bukan menentang usaha dan inisiatif kea rah memperbaiki pengajian tinggi kita. Apa yang saya ingin tegur ialah usaha itu telah banyak disalah tafsir dan disalah guna oleh para pensyarah lalu direstui oleh pentadbir university itu sendiri.” (Prof Dr A Murad Merican, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh, Perak).

So the relentless march down the lane of mediocrity is everywhere: in the civil service, in the universities (I would loathe to use the term ivory tower) and from my previous thread, in public social life. Anon 18:04 has added a new twist to this sad tale of woe with his revelation of BOGUS journals as he has put it. We now know why PERKASA, ISMA and UMNO working overtime.
 To Prof Dr A Murad Merican and Utusan Malaysia, sincere thanks for the exposé.

    “The urge for destruction is also a creationist urge” - Michael Bakunin, preeminent social anarchist.


bumi-non-malay 13 May 2014 at 18:17  

Harap Sultan Trengganu Bubarkan DUN Trengganu.....Harap UMNO-BN Trengganu Tumbang menjadi batu loncatan kepada Pakatan Tumbangkan UMNO Serentak kat Malaysia.

Adakah ini harapan macam Harap PEGAR jaga Padi??? Allah ada mata.... semua manusia akan mati juga...dari bawah ke atas...adakan masa sudah sampai logik telah masuk akal sesetengah orang UMNO...Kita tunggu apa respond Pakatan...

....Harus bermula dengan Sabah juga.... Dengan keadaan kucar-kacir Perang kat Sabah..UMNO patut di Bungkus....Buang....dan bumikan(kuburkan).... BBB!!

the gaffe guy who know's,  13 May 2014 at 19:13  

One thing that is very true.The leaders do not honor the deserving.Many with titles like datuks are criminals like pimps,ah longs,gang leaders,racists,murderers rapers and the list goes on and on.

The government should do it's self a favor by checking the bank accounts of those officials who are close to the presenters.Rumours have been swirling around that money have been greasing hands for as little as 50k to 250k,depending on the titles.

Anonymous,  13 May 2014 at 20:33  

Kita perlukan ahli akademik yang mempunyai PhD dari 50 universiti terbaik di dunia dan aktif menyumbang dalam jurnal berimpak tinggi sebagai tanda kesarjanaan. Mereka juga menjadi konsultan kepada syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai dalam senarai Fortune 500. Golongan seperti inilah yang sepatutnya memenuhi IPT di Malaysia, bukannya orang yang suka bercakap tentang kesarjanaan tetapi tidak mampu memberikan makna kesarjanaan dengan tepat.

bruno 13 May 2014 at 20:37  

Datuk,talking about the civil service.Long time ago civil servants take pride in their work.It is like serving their country,just like their brothers and sisters in the armed forces.Then the civil service had good people to lead them.

In the end it all depends on the department heads.If they are smart,capable with good leadership material,hardworking and honest all things will work out just fine.

In those days nobody or maybe a few people have heard of the word "cronism".Because then we do not practice cronism.

Now let us get back to the Trengannu MB'ship which is in a limbo.Najib has yesmen and cronies in his corner,and of course they wanted Najib to place one of their own as MB.But when the PM has yesmen and cronies in his corner instead of a general to read the situations on the ground all hell breaks loose.This is what is happening now in Trengannu.

Latest count is 14 BN and 15 PR,with 3 independents.By right as in Perak,PR or rather PAS should be the state gomen.So how come the PR or PAS is still not in the process of taking over the state gomen?Are they blocked from going into the palace?

Good generals will battles and wars.Najib and PKR are both in the same boat.Both have yesmen and cronies.And when one has yesmen and cronies in his corner this is what will happen.

bruno,  13 May 2014 at 22:50  

After Muhyiddin's dangelling of the carrots,one and soon two or maybe all of the cows have decided to make a u-turn and decided out in the fat grassy pastures is better than coming home to roam and feast on dry hay.

bruno 14 May 2014 at 02:00  

Very soon,Malaysia will not only be famous for it's kangaroo courts.It will add another to its resume.For producing political clowns and jokers.We sure have some firsts for all the wrong reasons.

Anonymous,  14 May 2014 at 08:25  

I think it would be wise for the Trengganu Umno Aduns whom had remained loyal to Umno in the current Ahmad Said episode to leave the party given that their brother " traitors" are handsomely rewarded for their treason. It is not far-fetched to succumb to the idea that a bigger carrot will be dangled to this used-to-be loyal group for a similar U-turn manoeuvre which ultimately benefited all
Umno factions loyal or ortherwise. Money is the only constant for change.

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