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Sakmongkol ak 47

Thursday 28 November 2013

Orang Sabah dan Orang Sarawak

Saya hairan mengapa timbalan menteri dalam negeri memberi amaran bahawa perbincangan mengenai 20 dan 18 perkara adalah treasonous. Orang yang bercakap mengenai penilaian semula mengenai butiran perjanjian Malaysia hanya mahukan semakan keatas butiran2 tersebut-tidak ada sesiapa pun yang bercakap mengenai secession dari Malaysia. penilaian dan semakan ini perlu kerana butiran dalam perjanjian tersebut tidak terlaksana. Mustahil Wan Junaidi tidak boleh distinguish perkara ini.
Jika tidak kerana kematian Tun Dr Ismail yang dijadualkan mengetuai jawatankuasa penilaian perlaksanaan perjanjian tersebut, mungkin banyak perkara sudah diselesaikan. Kita semua tahu Tun Dr Ismail adalah seorang yang berprinsip dan tidak akan berkompromi mengenai janji. Apatah lagi menggunakan butiran Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai bahan poilitik dan political bargaining chip.
Jika bercakap hendak buat apa? Tangkap dibawah PCA? Jika demikian tangkap lah ahli parlimen yang bercakap mengenai hal demikian. YBM ahli parlimen Gua Musang memberi suatu syarahan mengenai ketidaklaksanaan perkara 20 keatas Sabah dan 18 perkara untuk Sarawak. Bahkan Tengku Razaleigh memberitahu bahawa suatu jawatankuasa tertinggi yang diketuai oleh Tun Dr Ismail suatu masa sudah bersiap untuk menilai perlaksanaan 20 point dan 18 point.
Apa Wan Junaidi hendak buat keatas Tengku Razaleigh? Timbalan Menteri ini telah menunjukkan bahawa dia seorang yang paling intolerant dalam parliament dan bersangkaan hanya pandangan nya sahaja yang betul. Sukalah saya nyatakan kepada Wan Junaidi, lawyer macam dia, is a dime a dozen. Lawyer pun banyak gred2 nya.
Sayang Tun Dr Ismail meninggal dunia sebelum sempat melihat perjanjian Malaysia dengan Sabah dan Sarawak diimplementasi sepenuhnya. Pemimpin2 semenanjung berikutnya, hanya berminat untuk mengekalkan Sabah dan Sarawak bawah kawalan mereka. Sarawak bernasib baik sebab tidak membenarkan UMNO masuk kesana.
Di Parlimen saya suduk bersebelahan YB Dorrel Leiking. Dia seorang bumiputera Sabah yang sungguh passionate mengenai Sabah dan Malaysia. ketika ramai ahli PKR Sabah keluar untuk menyertai BN, saya yakin, Dorrel Leiking tidak akan berganjak. He is a leadership material dan saya tidak akan terkejut suatu hari nanti dia boleh jadi ketua menteri Sabah. Dorrel Leiking adalah Bumiputera bukan? Takkan UMNO mahu menentang seorang Bumiputera jadi KM Sabah?
Musa Aman would love to get his hands on a quality material like Dorrel Leiking.
Pagi tadi kami bercakap mengenai pablisiti dan ribut yang Najib bikin terhadap kemasukan beberapa orang ketua cabang PKR. Najib sendiri meluangkan masa dan waktu menerima dan meraikan 11 orang ketua bahagian PKR yang keluar. What does that tell you? It tells us that Najib attaches great importance on the PKR turncoats. Kita mesti membaca kesediaan PM meraikan riffraff 11 orang ini sebagai tindakan desperate Najib. Dia tahu kedudukan PM nya bergantung kepada sokongan 22 MP Sabah dan 25 MP Sarawak. Dia akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menunjukkan bahawa dia mengawal keadaan.
Tapi ada MP yang keluar? Kedudukan sebagai kerajaan federal bergantung kepada kerusi MP. Apa yang berlaku dalam negeri Sabah tidak ada bearing kepada kedudukan kerajaan Federal. Tapi apa jadi jika 8 MP Sabah yang bukan UMNO yang terdiri dari kaum KDM  bergabung dengan 11 MP Sarawak yang bukan PBB? Ertinya Najib kehilangan 19 kerusi dan tinggal 114 kerusi.  Kerajaan nya akan goyang. Jika ada MP UMNO dari Sabah pula keluar bagaimana? Katalah 5 dari 14 MP UMNO Sabah? Itu tanda hari kiamat untuk Najib dan UMNO.
Jadi tidak payah cakap mengenai keluar dari Malaysia. yang Sabah dan Sarawak perlu lakukan ialah keluar dari BN. jika 8 MP Sabah yang bukan UMNO dan 5 MP UMNO keluar, sudah mencukupi.
Bila ini berlaku, ahli PKR yang keluar sekarang akan menangis air mata darah. Mereka akan mencari Dorrel Leiking 24 jam.
Kenapa mahu keluar BN? supaya rakyat Sabah boleh merundingi semua terma2 faedah berada dalam Malaysia. kenapa keluar BN? simply because you cant do business anymore with BN leadership.
saya tidak pernah dengar barang sekali pun, ada percakapan mahu keluar dari Malaysia lahir dari Dorrel Leiking. kita mesti jelas mengenai perkara ini. Tapi dia sungguh passionate mengenai hak2 pribumi Sabah terutama hak2 yang di peruntukkan dalam 20 perkara apabila Borneo Utara menandatangani ketika menjadi sebuah negeri dalam Malaysia.
saya pernah menyatakan kepada beliau, ketika Malaysia diujudkan, bukankah perjanjian dibuat antara SemenanjungTanah Melayu ketika itu sebagai suatu entity dengan Singapura, Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai suatu entity dipihak lain? Ertinya, bukankah ini menandakan bahawa Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura sama taraf dengan keseluruhan Semenanjung? Sabah and Sarawak are equal to Malaya as a whole dan oleh kerana itu, berhak diiktiraf sebagai entity yang berdaulat. Penghormatan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak mesti dalam bentuk penghormatan kepada sebuah negara lain. Dan bila dengan memasuki Malaysia, mereka mengorbankan status kedaulatan sebagai sebuah negara, dari segi spirit perjanjian Malaysia, penghormatan seumpama demikian mesti dikekalkan.
Maka apabila satu dari anggota perjanjian tersebut yakni Singapura keluar Malaysia, apakah satus perjanjian Malaysia? tidakkah maknanya, perjanjian tersebut batal dan Sabah dan Sarawak mesti memasuki satu perjanjian baru? oleh kerana saya bukan peguam dan malas pula melakukan research mengenai point ini- saya tidak mahu menghuraikan nya lebih lanjut.
Tapi mengenai point berikut saya mahu huraikan. Perkara 20 antara Sabah dan Malaya memperuntukkan beberapa hak yang mesti dilaksanakan dan dibenarkan. Sehingga hari ini, banyak dari perkara tersebut masih tidak dilaksanakan. Ini menimbulkan keresahan dan kemarahan rakyat Sabah terutama golongan Bumiputera majority.
Saya bekali kali menyatakan kepada MP Dorrel Leiking, bahawa saya tidak faham UMNO. Kalau disini, UMNO memperjuangkan Bumiputeraism nya, maka secara lojik apa yang diperjuangkan oleh pribumi Sabah sepatutnya difahami dan disimpati oleh puak2 UMNO. Sepatunya mereka menyokong tuntutan Bumpitera Sabah. UMNO sepatutnya menjadi golongan pertama dan terdepan sekali menyokong aspirasi rakyat pibumi Sabah.
Kecuali ini: kecualilah Bumiputeraism itu sebetulnya hanya relevan dan sahih kalau ianya Bumiputeraism Melayu sahaja. Bukan bumiputera Melayu, tidak diterima.
Saya hairan dengan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak- sekian lama diperlakukan sebagai budak suruhan, peon dan tambi- tertunduk tunduk meminta sedekah dari tuan UMNO dari Semenanjung masih mahu berdakapan dengan UMNO? Dimanakah self respect dan self worth bumiputera Sabah? Masuk Malaysia sejak 1963 masih terkapai kapai meminta sedekah kerajaan melaksanakan 20 perkara? Borneonization? Royalty minyak? Sarawak dengan 18 perkara nya. keadaan diSarawak nampaknya lebih baik sebab UMNO dan penyakit political VD nya tidak masuk Sarawak. Kalau tidak hancur Sarawak.
Sudah sampai masa untuk ambil tindakan sendiri- tinggalkan UMNO dan BN dan berunding terma baru sebagai negeri berdaulat dalam Malaysia. jangan tinggalkan Malaysia, tinggalkan UMNO dan BN.


Unknown 28 November 2013 at 09:26  

Terbaik bro sakmongkol47...

memang pengetahuan anda sebagai ahli politik tak boleh dilawan blogger lain... teruskan menulis... kami tetap menyokong blog anda..

nick 28 November 2013 at 09:40  

One apparent virtue of the vicious is treating and labeling anyone who question their action or motive as treasonous and traitorous. And most of the time, people were right to question these vicious people. BTW vicious people comes in many form. Some of them were Doctors, some were police officers and quite a number of them were lawyers which reminded me of a joke about lawyers but that's for another time and place.

In Malaysian history, we have many vicious people and in olden days, most of them were of royal blood. Since we, the Malays are the majority in this country, it is not surprising that we have some say, a monopoly on viciousness.

So, Dato Junaidi remark doesn't surprise me a bit because we have so many UMNO leaders who can be categorized as both vicious and brainless. Take for example Zahid Hamidi, he who nonchalantly ask those who disagrees about SPR interpretation on democratic election to migrate or in his word "go back to your own homeland" as if his ancestor really did originate in Perak or Selangor or wherever in Malaysia. Talk about a penchant for talking without thinking. In most developed nation someone like Zahid would have been censured and of course fired from his post in both govt and party.

But Malaysia and UMNO is unique in the sense that it tolerates the vicious but inconsiderate towards the moderate. We say unique but actually other people call our country as "tunggang terbalik" or topsy turvy where the good are victimized and the bad and the viciously ugly are hailed as leaders and heroes. According to the prophet Muhammad SAW, it is a sure sign that the end of days is near and guess what, so many of those who personified the sign are in UMNO. Another guiness world record for UMNO, I guess!

Coming back to the issue of Sabah and Sarawak, until Malaysia is liberated from the grip of UMNO, the problem and issue that plague that two state will remain. There's no question about it. UMNO leaders will never want to solve or to redress the problem simply because it is not in their best interest. So there is no motivation to do anything about it except to ensure status quo. Sabah and Sarawak people need to wake up to the realities of Malaysia. As long as Malaysia in under UMNO control, they will suffer and peninsular Malaysia will suffer with them. We all have to wake up together to solve our individual problem because like it or not, our problems are linked together.

It's not the case of solving one problem at a time but rather, unless we solve the biggest problem that all of us share which is UMNO, no single problem could be solved. UMNO IS the problem and once we take UMNO out of the equation that is Malaysia then we can solve all other smaller but immediate problems. UMNO might protest about being left out but nobody want the vicious dictating our nation. Malaysia belong to everyone and UMNO was given 5 decades of chance to govern and they have been proven to be disastrous. So it is okay to leave them in a landfill or in some deep sea trenches. We all will feel so much better the day after we did me...since I'm not asking billions for my advice or a piece of my mind or consultation, whichever you want to call it. It doesn't cost us anything to ditch UMNO but it will get us everything instead!


Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 10:18  

Any chance that Sabah and Sarawak would be better under PR?Will 20% royalty be adequate?Two exPKR ADUN from Sabah left PKR together with mora 100 chiefs--why?Becoz of Anwar's interference over many issues in Sabah.Strong hands from Semenanjung hehe.A black kettle..thing.

There's NO guarantee that PR is better than BN.

Sabah Sifu 28 November 2013 at 10:57  

Dato, IF BN/UMNO wants "Malaysia Terburai" then maintain the status quo but IF BN/UMNO wants "Malaysia Strong" then they must make changes. In this context, what is the position of the PAKATAN? So far listening to PAKATAN talk is not giving us in Sabah and Sarawak any confidence with the exception of PAS.

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 12:10  

@28 November 2013 10:18

Agreed that there is no guarantee PR will be better than BN. But whats the harm in trying PR? After all East Malaysia is scrapping the bottom of the barrel now.

Is 20% adequate? I don't know and I am sure you don't know either. This point is moot, because we can always say why not 99.9% and yet someone will say go for 100%. The point here is not the percentage, its about how the money is applied to develop the state. And bro, if you are a Sabahan, you would certainly want to see greater improvement in infrastructure and education followed by business opportunities and health.

After 50 years, what have you? A whole kampung of Filipinos wannabe Malaysians when it suits them to get BR1M.

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 12:37  

uncle sak,

terlalu panjang lebar cerita kamu..
pendek kata, politik sabah adalah politik cari makan sajer...

buat la cerita mengenai katak sabah(lepas menang keluar parti).... termasyur dengan mempunyai katak yf teragung di malaysia.

DNA orang katak..... no future...

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 12:40  

Mana boleh Sarawak dan Sabah tinggalkan Malaysia. Umno akan lingkup serta-merta tanpa ahli parlimen dari S/S.
Malaya akan terus terjerumus menjadi sebuah negara papa tanpa duit minyak S/S. Lebih teruk daripada Cambodia!
Rejim Umno yang boros akan mengbankrapkan negara dalam satu tahun kalau duit minyak tiada.
Umno akan berperang mati-matian untuk mempastikan kedua negeri ini tidak cabut seperti Singapura.
S/S- kamu sayang duit kamu, ' Love is in the air because we love your money so so much'
No way S/S dapat cabut keluar. You are the crown jewel dan buah hati rakyat Malaya.
Baik keorang S/S duduk diam-diam dalam Malaysia.

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 14:32  

"Becoz of Anwar's interference over many issues in Sabah.Strong hands from Semenanjung hehe.A black kettle..thing."

bro yg di atas, tolong la jgn terkencing pun nak blame anwar sajer.. dua ekor MP yg kuar parti tuh KUCING KURAP/ TIKUS KURAP jer sebelum dijadikan wakil dan menang. ko ingat hero ker dua ekor tuh? dua masih menjadi kurap-ing kalo bukan peluang dibagi oleh PKR.

dasyat sekali maruah orang sabah. senang jer boleh dibeli begitu sahaja. lain kali la..

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 15:11  

Kesian melihat anak2 muda dari Sabah& Sarawak mencari rezeki di Semenanjung terutama di bandar2 spt Shah Alam, JB, KL, Nilai, Pucong dll. Kedapatan jugak ibu tunggal separuh umur dari pendalaman Sabah bekerja di restoran sebagai pembantu kedai. Dgn gaji yg tak seberapa, mereka bertarung hidup & merantau jauh asal saja dpat menyuap makan. Itu belum kira kos hidup di sekitar ibu Kota yg makin tinggi.
Di bandar2 di Sabah & Sarawak spt KK, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Kucing, Miri dll payah mencari pekerjaan. Kalau pun ada dibolot oleh pendatang asing yg tak dpat dikawal. Gaji di Sabah rupanya begitu kecil berbanding Semenanjung. Najib mana tau bab2 ni semua. Yg menderita Rakyat Sabah Sarawak yg dahagakan pekerjaan.
Tanah di Sarawak bole lah tahan dari segi pentadbirannya. Tetapi di Sabah lain sikit. Siapa jadi ahli umno, maka Ada lah peluang dpat tanah.
Bantuan baik pulih rumah kpd Rakyat luar bandar sabah mesti ditapis keutuhan oleh umno & Pejabat Daerah. Teringat bantuan org miskin Sabah melalui duit felda lebih rm160 juta, entah kemana lesapnya sehinggakan wakil Rakyat umno sendiri pun dok persoalkan kemana duit disalurkan & digunakan.
Dah tiba masa Rakyat Sabah Sarawak berikir menyingkirkan umno & BN

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 16:39  

Huh what sort of confidence PAS has given to the east malaysians. PAS wanna implement hudud, not sure that can give tremendous confidence

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 16:53  

Ingat lah dendam kamu kepada kamu sang Malaya penipu ala lanun penjajah tidak pernah terpadam.

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 17:43  

DiBorneo tiada istilah bangsa bumiputera dalam perjanjian 18/20 persekutuan malaysia, tarif bumiputera telah dinyatakan dalam perlembagaan malaysia.Peribumi adalah bumiputera dan telah dinyatakan dalam perlembagaan malaysia.Perlembagaan malaysia adalah undang-undang tertinggi negara malaysia dan perjanjian 18/20 perkara adalah undang-undang no2 selepas perlembagaan malaysia bagi kontek negara Sabah dan Sarawak.Gara-gara umno masuk sabah menyebabkan hak-hak peribumi telah terhakis kerana umno yang terang-terang melanggar point no 5 iaitu nama persekutuan ialah malaysia bukan melayu raya.Kenapa perlu parti melayu masuk ke negara peribumi, secara tidak langsung ini telah memberi galakan kepada bangsa asing iaitu rumpun bangsa indonesia, rumpun bangsa pakistan,rumpun bangsa pilipina dan mana-mana bangsa asing selain peribumi sabah mengambil kesempatan dalam perkara ini dan menjadi ahli umno, secara automatik mereka meletakan bangsa pendatang ini sebagai bangsa melayu yakni sebagai bangsa bumiputera, ini sudah jelas menjejaskan takrif bangsa peribumi seperti perkara 12 dalam perjanjian 18/20 perkara persekutuan malaysia.Itulah sebab kenapa pengharaman pengunaan 'Allah' di Borneo tidak terpakai di borneo kerana ia akan melanggar perkara no 1 perjanjian 18/20 persekutuan malaysia.Harus diingat bahawa wawasan persekutuan malaysia bukannya untuk mewujudkan negara melayu raya tetapi mewujudkan sebuah negara persekutuan malaysia yang terdiri dari 4 buah negara iaitu negara semenanjung malaya, negara singapura, negara sabah dan negara sarawak.Untung singapura kerana berpegang kepada perjanjian asal iaitu perdana menteri negara singapura bukan seperti Borneo, taraf negara menjadi negeri dan perdana menteri diturunkan jawatan kepada ketua menteri, kalau ikut telunjuk penjajah memang selamanya tidak akan maju, faktanya tengok sendiri kemajuan negara singapura.

walla 28 November 2013 at 19:54  

Looking at S&S, there are a number of challenges:

Intra-Ethnic Disparities

His dinner was just a packet of instant mee with half a small tin of sardines. Meanwhile, a few miles away, the other non-indigenous guy of the same complexion walks away, leaving half a plate of kfc untouched.

It's not just stark income disparity within the same ethnic group. It's also stark disparity in jobs and means opportunities.

Political Inertness

Most of the locals there who are of voting age don't have much of an education and spend too much of their time trying to eke an honest living to ponder why they are still in their situation. They don't wonder about anything and go about their young, innocent and simple ways, living for the moment only.

The local political parties don't do enough to bring greater awareness of the issues. No dialogues are heightened, no solutions carved.

The other communities just go about their own business and while they may privately say things which show they know the unfairness and waste going around, they leave it at that because their numbers are small while any leverage they may have is tied to benign cooperation with the officials.

Yet the very mention of the word 'government' draws clouded looks and sudden silence all around. That includes the worker of foreign origin assimilated into the landscape.

A Melting Pot Potpourri

There are many ethnic groups and different religions. The foreign workers from different places in their own home countries heighten the cultural and social sensitivities.

To the indigenous natives of different tribes are also peninsulars resettled there, bonded by business objective of common work enterprise as well as the Christian faith which teems.

The Chinese there have long ensconced themselves; while many are looking back quietly to how they have had to strive for decades to build what is mostly their work today, many others are also lamenting increasing prices and fewer customers. Business deals are still done by a smile and with a handshake. Reputation is valued so that juicy rumors abound to break the monotony of colloquial provincialism. Their schools do well and education is valued. If they can afford, their children are sent overseas, otherwise they go into trading and support services.

Except for some of the peninsular Malays who moved there, all others live and work together in easy harmony and common acceptance of one another. They don't have a chip on their shoulders and therefore no hang-ups about race and religion. Their priorities are making a living, retaining their customers and getting paid on time.

The smaller group of non-local Malays are however intruding some level of chauvinism into the melting pot.

In the way they respond to the others inasmuch their body language, they show they are cultural segregationists, first using religion to distance themselves from a more convivial interaction with the others, then riding on the ambitions of their umbrella political party from the peninsular.

To their group also grows some of the newly naturalized foreigners of the same religion who are starting to act in the same way, thereby setting up an invisible social dividing line.

The local Malays there who practice the Christian faith generally appear more well-rounded in personality, happier with everyone, and less susceptible to all the bad qualities of chauvinism. They are more open, interact more easily and exhibit good human qualities.

walla 28 November 2013 at 19:55  


The Governance Issue

The government staff do their work with the same conscientiousness as it was in the peninsular forty years ago. But the edges are fraying somewhat and people will proffer anecdotes how integrity remains an issue in certain places and at certain levels.

To this, examples have been voiced how cronyism has been imported into selected key monopolies that trace back to the same group of elites of peninsular disrepute.

One department with integrity issues was recently upbraided and its staff have become starchier and more muted unlike before when smiles and helpfulness were natural. The charter didn't teach what-no and why-must.

Infrastructural and Socio-Economic Environments

These need funds and fillip. Power brownouts are often, even in middle-class areas. Telecoms are basic with fiberization still nascent. Stretches and heights have no mobile coverage. Postal services are chaotic at best because of staffing, work ethics and the distances. Water is heavy because of the salt content. Because of heavy vehicle usage, roads are average but effort is made here and there to re-tar important stretches with grass-cutting of the sides although what is done soon becomes undone.

In the smaller towns, high-rise don't thrive. Traffic jams are a norm at certain hours because many vehicles are large diesel-run carriers. People start work early because the sun is up early. Except at some hubs of business, mostly in the banking areas, the pace is mostly uniform until sundown when towns decant and become quiet, almost empty, by eight.

With very few small indifferent malls and supermarkets, weekends only see activities at wet markets where the full stream of humanity buzzes for a few hours. Foreigners and their families buy much of the local basics which they transport back to wherever they come from.

Because they are made elsewhere, electrical goods and much of other stuff like detergents are pricier so the range of sophistication is delimited by income levels, mostly low. Fashion and style are basic, redolent of bazaars of yesteryear.

There are probably a few more observations one can make but these should suffice to cast a perspective.

walla 28 November 2013 at 19:57  


What comes up are two challenges:

There seems to be little situational awareness about what can be improved, and there is a lack of concrete social activism towards measurable change.

Many are not even at the questioning level. They seem inured from the causes across the sea.

Yet we in the peninsular have seen how things left to their own devices soon turn bad like rotting fish if bad politics get in the way of good governance using divisiveness by race and religion to split society and deprive more people of their hard-earned achievements and their potential for a better life.

It is therefore important to get it right the first time. Reputation lost is critical chance foregone.

Because of the above observations, you can't do it top-down because someone else owns the top. You can't do it bottom-up because you don't have the means and the credentials. You can't stir en masse activism because the spirit is ossified by years of neglect leading to personal independence albeit in a cocoon of unrealized potential.

The only thing you can do which is unbelievable why it has not yet been done is to draw measurable comparisons and propagate that message as widely as possible. And keep it going from there.

The comparisons and their message can be held together in a framework of certified understanding. Namely, the right to self-government and determination in all areas, the right to personal faith independent of race, the full recognition of local representations as they are, and federated support for all dimensions of state progress and advancement through a more generous package of retained revenue. Notarize that at site.

The comparisons may be many. So many percent of the revenue will be retained to translate as commerce and industry support instruments which will be benchmarked as how many new jobs at which places doing what and paying how large a confirmed salary to how many in which cohort. And tabulate the whole lot next to what they are getting now.

Needless to say, investment and business development blueprints must be crafted upfront to lend fuller weight to the calculations. Including the incentives to make the states completely duty-free besides conversion of leasehold to freehold status for all lands.

Everything then becomes more concrete which people can latch onto as 'possible' leading to 'achievable'.

Use more audio-visuals to communicate all that encapsulated in a single document as widely as possible, and never underestimate the importance of the foreign presence in the landscape; in fact they are the underpins of the rural economy there, and in the way they carry themselves, they are almost indistinguishable from the locals because they have acclimatized and assimilated.

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 04:38  

Recently there were reports in Singapore about Filipino restaurants and cafes with Filipino managers, would only employ fellow Filipinos thus negating Singaporeans jobs. Recalling a very good friend, a brilliant student at a world ranking university, was working in an exclusive coffee outlet during the summer break. It was managed by an immigrant Filipino lady who badly treated my friend. When the Filipino manager was in foul mood or in condescending disorder, which was daily ( no embellishment here), she would shout in front of the customers over the slightest mistakes. The repeated advance request for extra working hours to earn some much needed cash in preparation for the new semester was always turned down by the bloody Filipino lady bully who preferred giving those extra hours to a Vietnamese guy and a Pakistani guy instead.

Perhaps, with tenacity and encouragement, some of these victims - turn - winners may turn out to the future outstanding human rights lawyers or social activists.

Many Malaysians are not aware what some of our young bright Malaysian students from humble family background go through abroad in the course of sambil mencari ilmu, consistently working hard to graduate with merits, cari kerja halal / work that bring pride to their parents back home in Malaysia. Whilst the UMNO - BN elites, the royalty, in tandem with uber wealthy Asians and their kids, are flashing their luxury cars and designer clothes, flaunting their wealth abroad and here, these young Malaysian students are working hard akin to their counterparts from not many years back.

In the ( rare ) moment of uncertainty, there are people who think humans can be cruel whilst the Global One is just and ever compassionate, He gives rezeki murah, peluang yang adil, tanah pusaka, natural resources, but all is stolen.

Whilst there are others who think dogs and cats of wealthy families lead a far better life, some even live in air – conditioning and over - indulgence; say their monthly maintenance is between RM 500 to RM 2,500 per month each, in comparison to the lives of the disadvantaged groups.

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 04:55  

In not an option not to have New, clean, very hardworking, competent politicians, penghulus with professionalism elected from ordinary skilled Malaysians interlinking the several exemplary leaders in Pakatan and time - tested dignified civilian servers ( for the latter, paper qualification is not as important as integrity as past years of dedicated services ) as the majority politicians in the House

So why auction off one's priceless dignity to merge with time-tested plunderers, thieves and thugs and form a marriage of convenience, which will only last till the hind legs of the froggies spring up again in the scripted next procreation season !

Surely elbony and ivory is the preferred choice for a meaningful union of political marriage inclusive of mutual conveniences but legal...whereby each makes short - term as well as committed contributions ...

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 11:54  

Walla 1/3:
"The smaller group of non-local Malays are however intruding some level of chauvinism into the melting pot"

How many young local Sarawakians privileged to attend the matric college in Labuan live on a diet of instant noodles - they survive, just, on the bursary given with no money coming from home.

Attempts to convert them have been voiced by the Christian community.

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 13:34  

Selagi pemimpin yang memimpin mengamalkan rasuah, salahgunakuasa dan menindas rakyat tidak dihukum, selagi itulah semangat persekutuan malaysia perjanjian 18/20 perkara tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan.

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 13:58  

Dear Dato Sak;
To sidetrack again from the current issue at hand, I won't like to weigh in on the topic of appropriate remunerations for our ADUNS and MPs.
I completely agree with Selangor MB TSKI's decision to raise the salaries of Selangor's state representaives. We want our YBs to have good salaries benchmarked against the corporate world to attract the best talents into Malaysian politics; to free our YBs from financial worries so that they can concentrate full-time to resolve the Rakyat's woes; lastly to also discourage them from indulging in corrupt practices though not 100% foolproof.
BN has evil intentions to keep the YBs income low firstly because the BN YBs have other sources of income( either via corrupt means or legally appointed political posts not including the contracts/projects awarded to their family members or cronies amounting to millions or even billions). So the salaries are basically chicken-feeds only; to be used as a tagline to hoodwink the rakyat on how poor they are with their meagre YB income. Further even if Parliament or the State Assemblies are to increase their income by 1000%-still a minuscule sum compared to what they earn from their political connections.
Secondly, the low salaries of the YBs can also be used as a deterrent for the capable people to join the opposition as such measly pays are insufficient to sustain a low middle income lifestyle not to mention the many donations the electorate demands from them on a regular basis. So BN/UMNO will never agree to raise the income of YBs to their detriment so that they can control their loyalties via awards of posts and contracts. The same can't be said of opposition MPs and ADUNs.
TSKI wants the Selangor ADUNs to have financial peace of mind so that they can dedicate full-time concentrating on remedying the people's difficulties..By giving good service to the Selangor people and keeping them away from graft, Pakatan can be assured of being re-elected time and again to govern Selangor. The Penang and Kelantan state government should also follow suits to keep the best talents and offer optimal service to the people.
On the last note, Dato YB' Sak's background as an economist and incisive sharp mind would worth at least RM 50K/ month in any private conglomerate. Monies well paid to talented politicians would not only help the country to earn a lot of money via financial prudence but also billions lost through wastages and outright corruptions.
The ONE Party aka Satan's Den being archtypical of badness seem to attract the baddest of the psychopaths, deviants, scums, racist, bandits and potential criminals into their folds of top management. These crooks will prevent any people smarter with better integrity or more handsome/beautiful than them from joining as goodness will neutralise badness. To them, being bad is the way to heaven!

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 17:05  

Sak, who is Mergawati of the Star, another jezebel, another peon aka stenographer of Najib ? I never interested to read beyond the heading of her articles. She seems to tag along on all of Najib and glossy shorty Rosmah's overseas holidaying trips as their official bag @ toilet paper carrier.

In today's article, she is blabbering why Malaysia is not walking the talk in taking up the Singapore's spying on Malaysia issue. Is she incapacitated and senseless enough to instigate burning of sarong and kain samping in front of the Singapore Embassy ? What is there to spy on Malaysia except it is an open book of graft, endless gross incompetency, wastage of public funds, etc known worldwide, from the drinkers in the local cafes, warong to the diplomats nodding in thinking silence. What about Indonesia spying on us to infiltrate their nusantara agendas and we end up speaking Bahasa Indonesia and below the grade English like underdeveloped Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan instead ? What about Korea spying in their language to dominate economies in producing electronic gadgets at such frequency of success worldwide and here ?

What infuriates me is that there seems to pilfering of our elusive pemalu celebrated writer's sentences in her article today which ends as follows, " Yes, let's. After all, it's for mutual benefit, no ? "

Nobody across the blog sites writes in that innate brilliance.

Btw Nick can also take consolation that the goons pay MYR billions to "some" monkey consultants, to be fair, they are top- notch consultants with clear convictions. He and many write here relentlessly as inspirations pour, with the pulse and top minds for the love of the nation and the communities to elect a better government and to move on and upward at the same time. No worries, if i ever become soo rich, i will bank in a generous amount in five figures to belanja all here and Sak to makan and to purchase the latest top notch softcopies of bestsellers of all intellectual genres as brain nutrients. Now that you know why money can't hibernate to grow with this writer hah. Thanks...

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 18:42  

Yg Berkhidmat Sak, please let this thru, thanks to looes 74's, your new fan here' his recommendation in Dato Din Merican's blog

Mr.Brown goes to Malaysia's GE 13 election. He asked Najib to send him an invitation to come in to vote as a phantom voter in the coming election ;) hilarious...

Please do bear Singaporean kind of PKC's type of flatness in humor.

Anonymous,  29 November 2013 at 23:26  

Wait till you get the joke on the submarine. You will surely laugh till you die

Cahaya Qalbu,  30 November 2013 at 03:41  

In spite of Sabah and Sarawak’s “fixed deposit” status, UMNO/BN led govt. had long been mistreating its eastern vessel states and raking in the riches into its coffers, whether from oil revenue or taxes from the export of natural resources.

As equal partners in the Formation Of Msia Agreement, the wealth should be shared equally across the nation, instead UMNO/BN has mistreated East Msians by pilfering the lion’s share and dispersing it mostly to their leaders, families and cronies avariciously in Peninsular Msia.

The extent of disregard transcends mere economics as the social fabric of the multi-cultural nature of the two states is also being stretched and runs the danger of being torn apart to disrupt longstanding harmony in the two East Msian states.

Particularly, bureaucratic meddling from UMNO/BN led Putrajaya is responsible for the growth of discontentment among East Msians via daily issues such as business licensing, permits, education and entry of West Msians and foreigners into the states.

What all this boils down to is the federal government’s utter ignorance of the uniqueness of Sabah and Sarawak via its drive to homogenize all East Msians into simpler ethnic terms which is greatly insolence for the racially-diverse citizens in the east.

Perchance Umno unconditionally believes that it can keep itself in power for years to come by marginalizing East Msian voters and feeding them crumbs to earn their gratitude and maintain their subservience.

Another inkling that Umno gives is that it takes too lightly the fact that BN holds of Putrajaya is being propped up by a simple majority in seats, but has already lost both in terms of popular votes and mainstream urban acceptance.

The verity is that the Msia Agreement has been cast aside and BN opt to continue plundering the economic gains from East Msia at the expense of the socio-economic well-being of East Msians.

If all this economic imbalance and social injustice was projected prior to the signing of the agreement five decades ago, would the people of Sabah and Sarawak have chosen to assist the formation of Msia back then?

Given BN’s abysmal track record in East Msia…. the answer is almost certainly not !!!



Anonymous,  30 November 2013 at 08:00  

After the enormous damage done to Sabah & Sarawak over the decades, if one is serious about righting the wrong, one should immediately fix the problems and fully compensate them to rebuild their states and the millions of victims affected by this gross injustice.

With the Agreement seriously breached and trust grossly abused, our politicians had lost all credibility, trust and confidence.

Anonymous,  30 November 2013 at 08:45  

Dalam panjang lebar tulisan ini..ada beberapa fakta yang tersasar..Sabah,Sarawak tidak masuk Malaysia bro..Tapi sama2 membentuk Malaysia.Ini perlu diperbetulkan. Sabah dan sarawak juga tidak pernah menurunkan statusnya daripada sebuah negara kepada negeri.Yg menurunkan status itu adalah kerajaan persekutuan.Yang sebetulnya kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia ini telah gagal dan haram sejak mula tidak mengikuti perjanjian yang dipersetujui.

Anonymous,  30 November 2013 at 09:31  

ai say had better checked mate my own typo should be read as "there" are consultants with high level of integrity and convictions..

Anonymous,  30 November 2013 at 11:07  

Thanks Looes74, watched it for the puns; beyond the satirical mockery, it is kind of sad that our gov has made us a painful laughing stock.. hence we need to break free from their ploys, be steadfastly united, assist each other regardless of race and creed in the Pakatan States… in developing the communities, to demonstrate that we multiethnic Malaysians are waay cooler, with immense innate caring sharing attitude and finesse inherited from our forefathers, way smarter than the kiasu- kiasi... They are still fumbling to find a holistic identity…

The haram jadah goons with the DNA of the mamak, paid by the hundreds of thousands RM even instigate our Malays that being nice means being bullied by the non Malays, in actual fact that is contrary to the true teaching. By being nice, ones demonstrate innate strength, emotional intelligence, dignity, maturity, respect for others as unto self which is prevalent among our seniors and super/ duper seniors, grandparents…. but so lacking among the ... but hopefully we are pacing fast on the treadmill of ageless muhibbah spirit; so why not discard the maligns… recommended leisure reading for any takers - what money can’t buy by Michael J.Sandel.

Anonymous,  30 November 2013 at 19:26  

Sebagai seorang rakyat biasa, saya berpendapat menurut perkara 7 20 perkara perjanjian persekutuan malaysia, iaitu negara Sabah dan negara Sarawak tidak ada hak menarik diri dari persekutuan malaysia, dan dengan itu bolehlah negara Sabah dan Sarawak memecat persekutuan tanah melayu dari persekutuan malaysia.Selepas dipecat bolehlah mereka menamakan negara seperti mereka mahu, sama ada negara ketuanan melayu atau negara melayu raya...terpulanglah kepada mereka yang berkuasa dimalaya pada masa selepas dipecat dari persekutuan malaysia.

Anonymous,  3 December 2013 at 08:59  

Great Forum!Will revisit to see the views of netzens in Borneo.

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