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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Hidup Putera, Musnah Bumi!

Bumi-Putera. Putera dihadapan, bumi dibelakang. yang kaya dan kuat dan gemilang lagi terbilang ialah putera2 bangsawan, putera pemimpin atasan, putera Melayu terpilih. Putera pemimpin UMNO dan yang bersekongkol dengan mereka. Golongan bumi ketinggalan dibelakang dipaksa menerima keadaan mereka sedmikian sebagai ketentuan. 
Kalau UMNO sudah hebat menjalankan dasar diskriminasii positif nya, mengapa kedudukuan ekonomi  orang Melayu masih ketinggalan? Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak masih yang tercorot. Sabah dan Sarawak negeri yang termiskin sedangkan negeri2 ini kaya dengan sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi dan rakyat nya sudah ramai yang cerdik?Dasar UMNO yang memiskinkan mereka.
UMNO mengaplikasi kuasa nya keatas rentak ekonomi mulai 1970. 43 tahun selepas nya, kita , terutama UMNO menjerit sana dan sini Melayu ketinggalan dibelakang? Kenapa jadi begini sedangkan pengendali dan pengemudi dasar2 nya ialah UMNO sendiri? 
95% peratus pegawai kerajaan adalah Melayu- KSU2 nya hampir semua Melayu, ketua polis daerah dan negeri hampir semua Melayu. Setiausaha2 kerajaan negeri tidak ada yang bukan Melayu. MB2 nya kecuali Pulau Pinang adalah Melayu dan Bumiputera. Raja2 nya tentulah 100% Melayu jati kecuali satu dua nanti yang akan jadi raja tidak 100% Melayu. Hampir semua lapisan pimpinan dan pembuat keputusan adalah Melayu tapi pendapatan Melayu setakat ini secara purata ialah 4457 sebulan? Cina RM6366, India RM5233 dan Bumiputera lain RM 3843.
Apa hal begini?
UMNO menerangkan jurang begini sebab Cina dan India ambil kekayaan orang Melayu. INi kerja UMNO- menyembunyikan tangan kotor mereka dengan melaga lagakan rakyat Malaysia. Cina dan India boleh ambil kekayaan Melayu hanya jika Melayu UMNO yang bersekongkol dan membenarkan nya. jika tidak, golongan ini menjadi kaya berkat usaha mereka sendiri. Melayakkan diri mereka mendapat ganjaran yang lebih melalui memiliki kepakaran, kebolehan dan rajin berkerja. Sebahagian mereka menjadi super kaya kerana UMNO membenarkan mereka jadi demikian.
Bagaimana UMNO benarkan? Melalui melaksanakan dasar2 ekonomi yang menguntungkan golongan 5% . 5% keseluruhan yang menguasai 49-50% kekayaan negara. Dan segelintir Melayu jadi superkaya kerana UMNO membenarkan mereka jadi demikian bahkan UMNO menumpang bersama mereka mengayakan diri.
Kita jemu mendengar pemimpin UMNO menjustifikasikan pemberian lesen, monopoli, kontrak jangka panjang, keistimewaan2 ekonomi kepada segelintir Melayu yang terpilih atas nama pemerkasaan ekonomi Bumiputera. UMNO melindungi pencurian, pemonopolian, ketidakcekapan atas nama mengayakan orang Melayu. Setelah mendidik orang Melayu, kenapa mesti UMNO yang menjadi orang tengah mengayakan orang Melayu bagi pihak orang Melayu? Mengapa tidak meletakkan sumber pengkayaan dan sumber penjana pendapatan tinggi dalam tangan orang Melayu yang layak secara lansung dan direct? Kenapa mesti diorang-tengahkan terutama melalui UMNO?
Yang kaya ialah orang tengah tersebut- individu maupun insitutusi yang diperkayakan bukan Melayu teramai.
Dasar yang pemimpin UMNO jalankan sejak tahun 1970 menghasilkan jurang pendapatan yang ketara. Kumpulan 20% Melayu teratas menguasai 52% pendapatan manakala 40% Melayu terbawah berkongsi 12% pendapatan. Dan dalam kumpulan 20% Melayu teratas tersebut, 80% pendapatan dikuasai oleh 5% Melayu terpilih sahaja- yakni golongan yang diberi konsesi, monopoli, lessen ekslusif, kontrak, dan seumpamanya. Ertinya, 5% Melayu tertaas menguasai 80% pendapatan 52% itu atau 5% Melayu tertaas menguasai 42% pendapatan Melayu.
Kenapa jurang ini semenjak tahun 1970 tetap demikian juga? Kalau kita salahkan system ekonomi pasaran bebas, bagaimana kita menerangkan yang 5% Melayu tetap menguasai 42% kekayaan Melayu? Mereka menguasai tahap kekayaan tersebut walaupun system ekonomi pasaran tidak baik seperti yang didakwa oleh UMNO.
Jawapan nya ialah dasar2 yang UMNO laksanakan ialah dasar golongan 5% oleh 5% dan untuk yang 5%. Itu yang menerangkan kenapa walaupun meluas kemajuan dan kebaikan dilaksnakan, yang golongan 5% ini tetap memonopoli kekayaan Melayu. Dan bila di sanggah, UMNO akan melindungi golongan 5% ini kerana, mereka mewakili orang Melayu.Hidup Melayu!


Anonymous,  27 November 2013 at 12:18  

Assalamualaikum Tuan, saya amat bersetuju dengan pemerhatian ini kecuali ada pihak yang boleh buktikan sebaliknya. NURMOHD

Anonymous,  27 November 2013 at 21:25  

Saya setuju dengan Dato 100%. Yang betul-betul menjahanamkan orang Melayu & rakyat Malaysia ialah orang Melayu sendiri iaitu UMNO/BN.

Cahaya Qalbu,  28 November 2013 at 00:08  

UMNO/BN has clearly overstayed their welcome as any party or coalition in power more than three terms actually violates one of the primary rules of checks-and-balances in a democratic system.

The people need to get UMNO/BN out so that the incoming Federal Govt. can conduct an audit and due diligence of their long years in power. It must not be mistaken as a witch-hunt but about seeking justice and the truth for the people.

Such an audit and due diligence is extremely essential as the development agenda before the country can decide how to move forward.

In the next GE, the fundamental checks-and-balances in a democratic system should be restored i.e. not keeping the ruling party in power more than three terms; and the said audit/due diligence would not be necessary if the ruling party is voted out every two to three terms as in other advance democratic countries.

It’s UMNO/BN that has brought the country approaching bankruptcy, burdening future generations by ascending the National Debt Burden to reach almost 55 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

This is not money borrowed for productive investment and genuine development for the rakyat but simply to gain political mileage to stay in power and feed the greed of UMNO/BN leaders, families and cronies to finance their lavish lifestyles at the expense of the people and future generations who surely would have to repay the enormous debts.

And this is indeed a heinous crime for which the perpetrators must be brought to book and face the law to account for their mortal sins against the people of Msia!!!



Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 00:43  

Kalau kolar putih buat salah, kolar biru pun terikut buat salah, takan kolar kuning pun tak boleh dan mampu memperbetulkan keadaan.....tau-tau semuanya tak betul kecuali rakyat.......akhirnya rakyat yang dipersalahkan dalam semua hal sedangkan rakyat ditipu dan dimanipulasi supaya mereka kekal berkuasa, itulah masaalah kita sebenarnya....

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 00:47  

Kita memang dah jemu pemimpin UMNO menjustifikasikan pelbagai. Dah tak larat nak dengar dan baca.

Can YB Dato write on other things rather than on UMNO this, Melayu that? DAP agenda should be bigger than UMNO this and Melayu that? Isnt DAP agenda be bigger than UMNO politiking and its quite predictable racial undertone?

Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 06:56  

Dato Sak, sebenarnya dlm Malaysia ada 3 buah negeri saja iaitu Kelntan, Penang & Slgor. Sebelum pru 13 ada 4 iaitu Kedah. Dlm media umno & Perdana, setiap masa dipaparkan kemiskinan & keperitan hidup penduduk 3 buah negeri berkenaan yg diperintah PR. Begitu lah busuknya umno membuat propaganda menyerap minda rakyat supaya percaya yg 3 buah negeri ini terseksa di bawah 'regim' PR.
Betul lah kata mantan VC UM, pemimpin umno sengaja merekacipta & membawa isu racist utk menakutkn org Melayu & melindungi isu rasuah pemimpin umno. Isu racist jadi modal sampah buat org Melayu mnjadi leka. Busuknya umno akan meranap bangsa sendiri

nick 28 November 2013 at 07:06  

Numbers and figures don't lie. After 50 odd years of UMNO rule, more than 8 million Malay households still living under RM1,500 monthly and in today's inflation rate, they are way down, under the poverty line. Heck even those dwelling in the urban areas earning RM3,000 a month, they too are living under the poverty line.

So if that is the case, what good is UMNO for the Malay people? Right now, education for the Malays are a privilege. Privilege for those who have money and those willing to pawn everything they have or taking a loan that will burden them for life. What has UMNO done except to create this scenario where education is privatized so that UMNO cronies can easily be super rich at the expanse of the Malay people?

What about the economy? What has UMNO done for the economic betterment of the Malays? So far all we heard was acronym and more acronym. And in term of wealth sharing the Malays still holds the smallest share and even that is attributed to the holdings owned by UMNO leaders and cronies. In fact, in terms of economy, the Malays are nothing but pasar malam traders, MLM junkies and PNB's fish in a barrel. Nothing have change much from the time of TDM except for the fact that there are many UMNO leaders and their cronies who are super rich.

So if we look at their track record, UMNO is pretty much useless at best and at worse, they are a parasite that live off the Malays. In either case, the Malays can do without UMNO. So far those 8 million Malay household living in poverty survive without any help from UMNO. On a day to day basis, UMNO has no significant contribution to the Malay people, other than creating more problem for them (by increasing their cost of living year after year).

UMNO has become just like the Malay royal houses whose significant contact with the ordinary rakyat and the Malays are limited to giving aid during disaster and announcing the start of the fasting month, raya and nothing else. The royalty have always been oblivious to the suffering the Malays and Malaysian BUT coupled that with UMNO's wanton corruption,abuse and mismanagement, Malaysian and the Malays especially are left to clean up the mess and take care of the cost of clean up too.

Malaysian sure are living a pathetic life when UMNO leaders and our royalty are living it up in plenty and luxury. So, what good is UMNO to us? Anyone care to provide an answer that doesn't border on the intellect of Ahmad maslan or the bovine excrement of Malek Hassan? I reckon not when it come to usefulness of UMNO. BTW, if anyone wants to shout that UMNO did gives us RM600 BR1M, I would called them an idiot and after that tell them that the money doesn't comes from UMNO but it is from the taxes paid by Malaysian! And Najib spends 12 million times that amount, just to pay his consultants!


Anonymous,  28 November 2013 at 07:29  

Salam, a great morning everyone...

Honestly our Malays, the half- past six type at the KLIA duty - free outlets, they think they can act arrogant, supreme, outright rude, unhelpful to customers just because they can converse in English. They are closed minded as they have yet to meet many nicest Malays and fellow Malaysians who speak English with good respect and pleasantness in flawless English.

On two occasions I changed my mind of wanting to purchase some perfume and chocolates at these outlets because of their attitude. If ones take a closer observation at the duty free shops, some are left unattended or with just one - two staff, meaning they could have been reduced, indicating bad business. As a matter of fact, the goods there can be purchased at ones’ favorite counters at regular shopping malls where customer service is far better. Heard that these outlets were given out to UMNO’s elite Malay professionals ( myriad source of income ? ) to balas budi their support in the past elections. How did it happen, how can these shops survive for so long, how does the obnoxious attitude of these staff impact Visit Malaysia ?

Read in the paper recently, even the Hong Kong sales personnel once infamous for their loudness and uncouth attitude, they now would welcome customers politely and thank each visitor warmly, even extend apologies to them for not having the goods when they leave the business premises. However, if Nazrin were to visit the KLIA outlets with his present peon, the ex BN clown from Raub, then it would be an entirely different – a spectacular selfie entourage instead.

The similar bad attitude happened when I flew in from Singapore using the JetStar, its counter staff, Singapore’s Malays were so rude, cranky; one did not respond when I took the initiative to wish her good morning first. At six in the morning, their attitude was already foul ? What had happened ealier ? Their bad attitude leaves a long impression that the staff grossly lack service etiquette training, without efficient follow – up and with a minimal O level qualification.

However, it leaves the pride that some of our urbanite Malays ( those who read and speak Englsih at home ) with SPM qualification, they speak better English than the Malay staff at Jetstar check-in counters; and speak English with kesopanan Melayu – biasa saja.

From a long quiet observation, they treated passengers from Nepal, Pakistan, China, India, Thailand crudely so their voice tone and body language might be ingrained with the DNA of prejudice and discrimination. Thinking that I might be biased so I just let the bad impression slip by until many weeks later, I read complaints from Aussie and Kiwi passengers on their webpage. Maybe things have changed 180 degree.

Simplifying, when staff are well -trained and regulated daily by shop owners ( and not golfing elsewhere ) or handson supervisors with impeccable service and positive attitude, they speak English well but must be accentutaed in civility, top courtesy and efficiency in the service industry. Otherwise the outlets are given to new and deserving ordinary Malays and multiracial Malaysians with no political hooks, ship the redundant workers out fast as there is a long queue of other deserving candiates who can work with sustainable interest to leave a long lasting positive impression on tourists : local, regional and international in the same degree of importance as well as to return the taxpayers’ investments in the Tourism Industry of Malaysia, with a thousandfold of benefits for the nation’s coffers.

Just watch with eagle eyes, it is just a matter of time the duty- free outlets at KLIA will ...

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