UMNO shoots itself in the foot. Part 1. Tales by an unknown blogger no 63.
1. After Ismail sabri was questioned by sprm and his gang of 4 remanded by sprm, a group of UMNO foot soldiers held a PC and stated arrogantly .
2. They said the pahang UMNO did nothing after what happened to Najib and Ismail. UMNO pahang sat idle, it's people scratched their balls and became open mouthed spectators.
3. How not to be opened mouth, the pahang UMNO people were shocked that so forgettable Ismail and his gang of 4 looted 177m and yet to be valued jewelry.
4. We don't want to know the beef these UMNO soldiers have with pahang UMNO or its MB. We don't give a damn.
5. But we are certainly interested to expose the true character of UMNO, arising from the conduct of these UMNO foot soldiers
6. The 1st thing UMNO will do, is to project Najib and Ismail as victims of evil persecution by the PH government and some repugnant machinations by Anwar.
7. Some malays, notably UMNO people resistant to critical thinking, of course got sucked into collective stupidity, believed in the false narratives. They blamed the government of Nana Non for the persecution.
8. Against overwhelming evidence and proof( everyone in the world saw stacks of money, gold bars and jewelry) the adamant Stupids still want to spin the reveal
9. That's a typical UMNO response- deny and dispute the facts. They are just truth deniers , just as they deny UMNO lost badly in the 15th GE.
10. Justice maybe blind in the courts but in the streets, justice has eyes, ears and mouths .
11. It's aware of what's happening - the people know that Ismail sabri and his gang looted the country.
12. With the information gathered thus far and the outburst of UMNO foot soldiers, I will show the following:-
- UMNO cannot accept it lost in the 15th GE
- UMNO believes its still the government. It's delusional.
- UMNO thinks it's above the law.
- UMNO has no respect for the rule of law.
- UMNO believes its entitled to break the law,loot corrupt and abuse their positions to make money
- Believes if it breaks the law, it can be excused and exonerated.
- Believes that if it does not get full full pardon, UMNO people are entitled to partial pardon.
- UMNO crooks are entitled to house arrest. * Justice for UMNO , only if it favours them.
13. If the UMNO foot soldiers who decried umno pahang for doing nothing, they had another thing coming. They just opened a can of worms.
14. The story will continue in part 2. I accede to the staying power of readers. Mustn't torture them with heavy reading .
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