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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

The height of hypocrisy. Tales by an unknown blogger 68

1. It's nauseating when hearing that Zahid hopes justice will prevail in the case of Ismail sabri.

2. Is that UMNO justice?. Reading in between the lines, the kind of justice he hopes for, is for Ismail to be exonerated.

3. Don't you feel like throwing up? That pompous humility couched in terms of pious hope, prayers , wish and so on?

4. Said during the holy month of ramadhan some more. Doesn't mean the holiness rubs off to what is being said. Doesn't make it sacrosanct.

5. Anything that comes out of zahids mouth should be treated with caution. UMNO has no moral authority to talk about justice.

6. That's because UMNO does not believe in justice unless it favours them. UMNO does not believe in law nor in the rule of law. It believes in common law for common people but uncommon law for privileged people such as they .

7. These 2 factors are enough to produce public opprobrium and contempt towards UMNO.

8. While we abhor and regard it very unmalay and impolite when Zahid was refused permission to talk at the vicinity of a mosque in Trengganu, the Trengganu effect, is bittersweet. It should have been accompanied by shouts of hidup, hidup , hidup pok jahik(in Trengganu slang)

9. What happened to Zahid, is the harbinger of how UMNO will be treated from now on. Allowing UMNO to piggy back on you is like carrying a live monitor lizard .

10. UMNOs attitude towards the law and justice is incoherent and gila. Like someone prescribed with ketamine or medicinal morphine.

11. It's qadha and qadar that you try all sorts of monkey business to sanitize Najib and pay lip service to offer moral support to Ismail. But it's also qadha and qadar, the fate of the two goons is already determined. Written in the stars, my dear Brutus.

12. You can conceal the hypocrisy with all the superficial camouflages, the facades-its important to appear religious says Machiavelli; but you can't take away the hypocrite from the java man.

14. Zahid can appear as religious as he wants - the kaffiyeh and the robes, prayer beads and all,( the donkey laden with books is still a donkey) but the sharp man will see through him .

15. Just look at what he orchestrated to save Najib even to the extent of paying UMNO operatives in the social media. These people flare up the issue etc. but when it comes to Ismail managed only a penis-limped response of we hope justice will prevail.

16. In the case of Najib, Zahid forces the issue although knowing of all the corruption, because he knows his political future is interwoven with Najibs welfare. In the case of Ismail, Zahid knew instinctively that Ismail looted and accepts the latter's guilt .

17.despite of all the machinations of Zahid and UMNO, pak shekh must stand firm in his quest to eradicate corruption. Don't be burdened with his genteel sense of justice like according crooks due process and all shit, Najib and Ismail must get their appropriate comeuppance.

18. People will lose faith in you pak sheikh, if despite the storm of charges against these people, but for some legal maneuverings and political expediencies, these people get off the hook, enjoy their ill-gotten gains and laugh at us.

19. These crooks must not think they can make fools of us, indefinitely. We shall fight their internet lies, we shall fight their YouTube yaps, there TikTok trickery and their Facebook farce. We now have the weapons.

20. What happened to Zahid in Trengganu,is the signs of things that will happen to UMNO elsewhere and everywhere. The lies that they have perpetrated over us, over the last 6 decades have caught up with them.

21. If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

22. The sweetest of revenge, is to discard UMNO.

23. Under herr Zahid,the true character of UMNO has surfaced. It's hypocritical and is a phoney. It's a recalcitrant, intractable and unruly entity. It thinks it stays relevant by continuously being offensive and obnoxious.

24. It bosses people around, has that boss-subordinate mentality secretary sits on lap mindset, master- slave morality and behaves as though everyone owes it living. We can only say , up yours!

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