Hoist by their own petard. UMNO caught in its own web. Tales by an unknown blogger 67
1. In the Ismail Sabri issue, why do we humor ourselves by asking what's zahids or UMNOs response?
2. As though UMNOs response is that important. Or that of Zahid who still has a dnaa hanging over his head matters.
3. We already know the answer. The answer is, we hope that justice will.prevail.
4 . UMNO talks about justice? Fuyooh! I say man.
5. Who's we? The potential crooks or actual crooks not caught yet?
6. UMNO which doesn't believe in the law and who doesn't accept the rule of law, is qualified to talk about justice? Can jahid talk about justice at all? Tak ada kemaluan ke?
7. Those who come before equity/law, must come with clean hands. Zahids hands are soiled .
8. Justice for UMNO is justice, if it favours them. Justice for Najib is justice only if that fellow is completely exonerated.
9. justice for Ismail, reading in between lines, is justice if Ismail is also exonerated.
10. But that hope is like hoping a camel can pass through the eye of a needle.
11. UMNO can't say explicitly, let the law and the rule of law be applied, can it? That would mean all the pestering about Najib would have to cease. 12. Instead it can only give an ambiguous response. Hoping in the case of Najib, he will get what UMNO is pestering . In the case of Ismail, well, the luck of the coconut husk , it floats. If it's the luck of a stone, it sinks.
13. Didn't UMNO say, it has nothing to do with the SPRM investigations and by extension, with Ismail?
14. So ignore them as its answers, responses and what not are irrelevant. By ignoring UMNO, we will hasten its fade into oblivion.
15. This particular case involving Ismail sabri, will probably lead to the proverbial shit hitting the ceiling. This looting issue, will open the floodgates to other abuses of power done by Ismail sabri.
16. For many UMNO luminaries, the chickens have comeback to roost. The evil deeds done before catch up with you. As Zahid says, we hope justice will be upheld -we hope not UMNO justice but real justice.
17. Ismail sabri is a Malay. To malays in general, lets not be over sentimental over this fact. That is, let malays not be overcome by feelings of tenderness, sadness , nostalgia and indulge over his heinous acts. Let the chips fall as they may .
18. One thing puzzles us, or at least thicky me. Who are we to say UMNO is involved or is not? The investigations are still ongoing yes? Yet the PM can confidently say UMNO is not involved. Isn't that premature?
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