Najib type of bailout v Anwar type of bailout. Tales by an unknown blogger no 72
1. Try as he may or carry out verbal acrobatics and semantics, the 1.1b extended to Sapura to pay off a phalanx of vendors, it's regarded as a bail out anyway.
2. Let's call it Anwarbailout, a particular product of anwarnomics. this is to differentiate it from najibbailout ,a product of najibnomics.
3. So , it's Anwarbailout v najibbailout.
4. The differentiation is necessary because the mad cow diseased UMNO youth chief, thanked Anwar for adopting Najibs proposal to bail out Sapura.
5. Wait a minute you landlubbers, there are differences between the Najibbailout and Anwarbailout, as we shall see later.
6. Anyway, no shame UMNO , ever the opportunist, will stake a claim for doing something of which it has no part at all .
7. As the Malay saying says, the milk is produced by the cow, the cattle gets the name .
8. The Najibbailout is a carte blanche for Sapura. Just give money and let Sapura does with the money any how it likes. Owners and management can even stuff the money in mattresses, pillow and bathtubs. Just don't forget to donate some to UMNO and some politicians individuals.
9. For Dr Mahathir, the man who can walk on water, bail out is an opportunity. An opportunity to put in his cronies in the target company and channel funds to it.
10. That's how UMNO and Malay supremacists understand what a bailout means. It's just a glorified income transfer. Not paying back pun tak apa. Malay owned companies are entitled to government largesse.
11. The Najib or Mahathir bailouts would have the same effect. It's business as usual as money comes easy.
12. The same enabling structure allowing rapaciousness, greed, reckless investments, profligate spending etc will still b there . What do you think will be the results?
13. The Najib type of bailouts will perpetuate business doomsday.
14. So anyone thanking Najib for pointing the way to his type of bailouts, deserved to be ostracized and deserve public opprobrium.
15. Knowing the measure of the man, the Anwar type of bailouts, would entail the following. At least, I hope they do .
16. The main difference is that under the Anwar type of bailout, the enabling structure that allowed the mess to happen to Sapura is dismantled.
17. I am not 100% sure the things I am about to say have taken place, but I sure hope they will happen.
18 . Carry out changes in the ownership of Sapura. Let new shareholders come in. Do away with the astronomical remuneration packages enjoyed now
19. The BOD must consists of people with excellent technical and business knowledge. They must be Malaysians not necessarily must be malays. We don't want a case an LCE graduate is a bod member so long as he is Malay.
20. Learning from the case of Sapura, there must be an oversight committee separate from the bod. It's to evaluate every big investments.
21. Certainly, the CEO must be removed and most of the management team be cashiered.
22. I am in favour of breaking up Sapura into 3 or 4 separate profit centres. Let them compete on the parameters, I mentioned in an earlier article.
23. Forget about sentimentalism when dealing with Sapura. The PM must adopt the attitude, I am not interested in preserving the status quo but am interested in overthrowing it.
24. You see, the Najib type of bailout preserves the enabling structure creating the mess Sapura is in while the Anwar type of bailout removes it. Big difference, towkay.
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