Some irritating thoughts on EPF. Tales by an unknown blogger, no. 62
1. Just a short one. Can't help but be an irritant and a nuisance. What to do? A Dr Mahathir would say , I am a congenital cynic.
2. The EPF has announced a dividend of 6. 3%. the bestest thus far. Hurrah! Life is a scream , yeah?
3. But I just want to ask. 6.3% against whose percentage?
4. If it's against its own previous %age points, then EFF is behaving like a JCB excavator. Scratching its own candy ass.
5. How does EPF compare with dividends of other fund managers. Have the form 5 school reporters asked this irritating question?
6. Didn't it occur to anyone, that the figures may have been doctored or massaged? Massaged is more likely because we all know EFF officers like to visit 'massat' centres. Saya mahu number lucky 47.
47 is the number of charges against wak jahid. Ask nga kor Meng to pronounce Zahid. He will say Jahid.
7. This feel good figure is giving politicians opportunities to weaponise it. It's needed after the 'good ' performance the EPF recorded after being bashed by uncle Wee Kah Siong. Haiyya!
7(b). Even the PM used the 6.3% dividend declared to be sign of investors's confidence of EPF managing funds. Why don't we ask EPF how much stock is bought by these foreign investors?
8. Then it's reported that analysts are impressed by this figure.
9. Who reported? Form 5 graduates? Can they understand the sophisticated arguments of the analysts? More so , if the analysts used some technical tools of technical analysis? Time series analyses or econometrics?
10. Who are the analysts? Very often when they say many analysts,there are in fact none. It's just fabricated. Okk la, just name one.
11. My idea, is let the government set up a 2nd independent EPF with a separate CEO.
12. The EPF A will compete against EPF B to produce better dividends.
13. They will compete in terms of who can manage funds better, compete in terms of honesty and other measures.
14. Oh, let the employment of staff be multiracial and employment based on merits.
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