Unscrambling the PM's speech at the DAP 18th national Congress. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 73
1. The PM's speech at the 18th DAP congress was interesting. Of particular interest to me was his admission that it's extremely difficult to rule a country with different races, religions, demands etc .
2. Unfortunately, the ramifications and import of the opening remarks were easily lost on many in the audience.
3. That is, as soon as the PM gets into his constipation mode, punctuating and exerting verbally the rest of his narrative.
4. The message he wants to impart will be lost on the crowd as they become mesmerized by his oratorical skills.
5. Those are the perils of being a demagogue orator. That's why plain and as a matter of fact narrative is preferred .
6. But we can't change the way the pm speaks. He is gifted in that. No one in Malaysia has that skills. When I was studying at UM long ago, girls would swoon when he talked. Some, already older now still have the young girls excitement.
7. So, allow not so bright me, break down what the PM says to you. Ok people?
8. It will become extremely difficult to rule a country with diverse people with different cultures, religions and so on. If you try to be all things to all people and try to please everyone.
9. Tablay itu maciam, dei thamby.
10. Don't be a political hydra, that creature with many heads. You use head A to talk to malays, head B to Chinese, head C to indians, heads D, E ,F to other races. Always saying things each community wants to hear
11. Be a man of all seasons, consistent to a set of principles rarely changing them in response to situational pressures.
12. Luckily for all of us, the PM has affirmed that he will remain consistent. Despite the competing and often conflicting demands of the various races, he will give effect to the heartbeat and pulse impulses of the Malaysian people as a whole. His unchanging principle is that no one race will be marginalized. That's comforting for us. We must support such a man .
13. Just look at the terrifying alternative..if the PM were to listen and pander to the demands of the racial supremacists, Malay for example, what do we do? Drown all non malays in the ocean?
14. It's not just a smarmy call to support him. It's in the interest of the greater good
15. I have told you, when the PM gets into constipation mode or push the baby during childbirth mode, we stand no chance. We will be swept away and mesmerized by his oratorical skills.
16. Listening to the PM's speech per se, wasn't it, inadvertently a death knell for guan eng?
17. From guan eng we get grouses, whining and veiled threats. From loke, we get hala tuju, policies and the way forward.
18. Between the 2, which one do we choose? Even jinjang joe knows which to choose.
19. I am not siding with either one. I know both personally but loke was the one who persuaded me to join the DAP. He was the national organizing secretary then.
20. Looking at the outcome of the dap elections, guan eng has to accept the desire for the changing of guards. Accept it gracefully, 'bloder'.
21. Next, listen to the views of the PM on the speed of revolutions, reforms and changes. If rushed will end in failures. Look at Poland , France and chezchoslovakia.
22. But it shouldn't be done leisurely either. The point is not fast or slow, but to it with great care and meticulously.
23. And forget about politeness, niceties and sentimentalism. Revolutions, reformasi must be violent in nature. 24. A revolution, ' reformasi' are not like doing embroidery, doing a painting or eating pasembor and drinking teh tarik. It's the violent overthrow of the old and decrepit regime .
25. There was 1 particular aspect which the PM mentioned in his speech. We now move on to a hallowed ground subject matter, the independence of the judiciary.
26. I will confine myself only to what the PM understood it to be in that speech although I have my own opinion on this trias politica concept coined by Montesquieu. That will be the subject of a separate article I hope.
27. To the pm,in that speech, independence of the judiciary means absolutely no interference by the executive into the business by the judiciary in the dispensing of justice. Ok la, I accept this admission for the time being, although I had wished the pm would have added the proviso, ' provided the judiciary does it's functions without fear or favour and most importantly with HONESTY.
28. Provided the judicial fraternity does its job without fear or favour and most importantly with HONESTY, then there ought to be absolutely no reason for the executive to grope it like Clinton did..we are comforted by the PM's empathetic and assertive assurance on this matter. Hurrah, belts off pants down dicks out
29. If the pm says, under his rule, there was and will be non interference in the judiciary,then the many disagreeable things to emanate from the judicial fraternity, siapa bikin pak sheikh?
30. The lhdn lawyers must have acted with bias and unfairness, when Najibs daughter who owed 10m back taxes was forgiven. What about the millions owed by the sons? I am saying this to be unfair when so many salary earners like my own daughter , are called by the lhdn to undergo forensic accounting. Did Najibs children be made to undergo the same ordeal?
31. The prosecutorial team must be incompetent and 3rd grade MCE graders for dropping charges against Reza Aziz and giving DNAAs to people like Zahid and Najib Ali babavum.
32. Judges must be corrupt to easily give in to these unjusticiable infractions. Tiu Nia seng!
33. I am not making up this last accusation ya..last 2 years, a friend an ex MB sent me a document on corruption. I was horrified to learn from the data, that the incidence of corruption was highest among the judiciary. Higher than lawmakers!
34. So pak shekh, the notion of non inference of the judiciary may be right in Montesquieus ideal world but not in the world of realpolitik.
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