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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday, 6 January 2025

By any means necessary. Tales by an unknown blogger . No. 34

1. The sungai Long Bolshevik must do something radical. Something which shocks the system . To restore public faith , belief and confidence in him. God knows, he has lost substantial of that precious commodity

2. This is the alienation of credibility not very much different from the alienation of labour brought about by industrial capitalism.

3. The loss of credibility brought about by the edifying effects of being in unchallenged power. Made worse by the absence of ballsy reminders from ball licking people around the supreme leader. Wasn't it uncle nick who says that the 1st test of a leader's intelligence is to see the people around him?

4. Wasn't it the same uncle nick who says that the pm must say unequivocally, that he is not interested in retaining the status quo but interested in overthrowing it?

5 . Again, do something radical. Out of the box. Not imagined by the dullards ride-alongs with you ,sir!

6. Start by ending the addendum charlatans and their charade. Charge those who organized solidarity with the convicted felon for essentially, a rebellion.

7. The existence of an addendum may just be a bloody hoax issue. Think about it. If wak47 and the MB of Pahang cited the addendum they would have caused it to be published in the sosmed? Wouldn't they?

8. Even more compelling, the son of Najib said he actually has a copy of the addendum. If so, why not have it plastered all over the smarmy sosmed?

9. They can't because there was no addendum. Instead all of them did a CNN narrative i.e. spin and spin and repeat the lie over and over again.

10. Until the deceived and idiotic people start believing that there is an addendum, where actually none existed. Then they all start making braying noises that became louder and louder.

11. I think it was Joseph Goebbels who said if a lie is repeated numerous times, the lie becomes the truth

12. Not only the uninitiated start believing an addendum exists but red lips Najib, instead of becoming the perpetrator and author of an heinous crime costing the nation 40b over, becomes the persecuted victim. Isn't he a Malay and bumiputera, entitled to special treatment?

13. Nana tambun must say clearly he is not interested in preserving the status quo but is interested in overthrowing it!

14. It's not a question of following the process, manual or technicalities of the law. It is doing what is right.

15. If you were to ask 10 right thinking people, 11 would say Najib deserves his proper comeuppance.

16. I am not going to argue about some people saying it's a formality that the king has the right to pardon a convict. It will be argued in another article.

17. Anwar thinks he is being virtuous by citing due process . You can't stay virtuous if you are surrounded by un- virtuous UMNO people.

18. Ending the melodrama of the robber-in- chief is the epitome of doing something radical. Say it loud and clear, the pm is not interested in preserving the status quo but is interested in overthrowing it!

19. So no more BS around , no more verbal diarrhea, verbal semantics and acrobatics and no more artful rhetorics .

20. No more pious reference to due process. It was lord Denning who said that my brother judges are interested (in the technicalities of) the law, I am interested in justice. Please stop being virtuous when you are surrounded by un-virtuous people.

21. To be continued in part 3.


Saturday, 4 January 2025

By any means necessary. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 33

1. The ink has not proverbially dried up over my article on political longevity, the polls on the PM's approval ratings came out.

2. The surveys have as the PM's personal approval and approval over his administration as over 50% but less than 55%. 3. I can't remember the exact details, but I hope Nana tambun is not too mesmerised over the results of the surveys. He should be circumspect and not err ( circumcised over the results for a number of reasons.

4. A sample size of 100+ is questionable. As a gauge to represent the views of a majority of 34 million . The small size appears chosen, to yield desired results. To please pm and his supporters .

5. A sample size of 3000 would be more appropriate. Though more complex as such a sample size would attract stochastic and other disturbances coefficients, the results yielded would be realistic.

6. The spread between approval and disapproval is small. Like the English weather, it can change in an instant.

7. Approval ratings from their previous ratings percentage points increase marginally. 8. If the approval rating figures are less that 55%, wouldn't that mean, the disapproval rating is 45,%? I certainly would worry about this figure than the approval rating figures.

9. Therefore my first order of business is to find out the causes why is that so.

10. By the way isn't the spread between the approval ratings and the increase in approval ratings from the previous year meagre, reflects those responsible for propping up the pm, not doing their jobs properly?

11. The PKR information chief and his team( if he has one hasn't been doing a good job of eadearing nana tambun to the people. Perhaps they are busy a Mrs palmer and her 5 daughters.

12. The communications minister, who is a PKR man is doing a half past six job at saving nana tambun. Perhaps he is busy ensuring his hair is in place, or riding a basikal tua or making sure his dick as like the cap kicing battery, ie is 'Eveready '.

13. Sorry boys- I love u all. But when I criticized, I do so honestly. So be ready for my in your face criticisms

14. These fuckers must believe in these 2 principles:- the leader who is highly esteemed will be extremely difficult to conspire against and the best fortress a leader can have is affection of the people. So direct your brains to achieving these instead of shouting yahoo in 'kalaoke' joints or riding a basikal tua.

15. Isn't the best test to estimate the intelligence of a leader is to see the people he surrounds himself with?

16. I have already mentioned what the 2 factors leading to political longevity are; now let's put some meat on the bone.

17. In a way, Anwar Ibrahim is hoist by his own petard as it were . He's trapped by the incessant sloganeering of Reformasi everywhere and anywhere. That prevents him from acting decisively and with surgical precision.

18. You know the reformasi way- doing things ever so politely and leisurely. Like doing a painting, making embroidery, eating pasembok nasi kandaq beratok or eating kepala ikan jenahak in balik pulau.

19. Unable to see that he must carry out radical changes. It must be a violent overthrow of the previous decadent regime. Violent in the sense of dismantling all the superstructures of the previous UMNO regime.

20. If faith and belief in are eroded he must reverse the slide immediately.

21. Nana tambun must declare unequivocally, that he is not interested in preserving the status quo which ironically what reformasi is achieving. He is interested in overthrowing it.

22. If he were to continue cultivating faithh and belief in him thereby ensuring his political longevity, he must adapt with the times.

23. The zeitgeist of the times, demand nana tambun enforces the rule of law strictly, dismantles weed out the cancer of corruption, dismantle the monopolies and monopolistic practices, eliminate the deep state in the ministries, dismantle the licensed potentates and so on .

24. See how confidence, faith and belief of the people are restored if Nana tambun were to do these:-

25. Resume proceedings against wak47, judicially revokes the DNAAS given to Najib and irwan siregar, revises judicially the acquittal of rosmah and reappraises the appointment of Musa aman and so on .

26. To be continued in part 2.


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