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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday, 7 March 2025

UMNO shoots itself on the foot. Part 2 of 2. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 64

1. Don't be suckered into believing the web of lies spun by the UMNO 5th columnists. They will sell their own mothers to exonerate Ismail 16kg by any means necessary.

2. The date on the plastic coverings can mean investigations were done over a long time. The reports can come from anywhere because the seized items were hidden all over. Have the ceilings been checked?

3. Don't claim ownership over the dirty deeds done by Ismail 16kg. We might have to defend it by all means , lying and using all underhanded tactics.

4. There you are,you'll have people on the fringe who will cast doubts sowing the seeds of collective stupidity.

5. More fortuitously, if the perpetrator of the dirty deeds are malays. You will be able to claim malays are criminalized. Some will spring to their defence in the name of race and religion.

6. Exactly, what UMNO would have done .

7. UMNO can never get over, it suffered a most devastating loss in the 15th GE. Under the watch of wak47 and his lackeys .

8. With Sabah UMNO, MCA and mic out of the picture, UMNO is only 20 over strong in peninsula Malaysia.

9. How was it possible , that UMNO, the party that fights for race, religion and King, can be rejected by the malays?

10. As AR Tompel would say, imPOR- ssible, imPOR-ssible!

11. The same fate is plaguing UMNO now and will in future. It's possible la samdol, because the malays, by and large no longer believe in your false narratives .

12. The fight for race, religion and King is really a fight to keep privileges for the top echelon bastards. The Putera in the bumiputera, the novue feudal lords and the Malay brahmins.

13. Do malays need UMNO at all to live? UMNO is not the government in Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Selangor, negeri sembilan, Kelantan, Sarawak and Trengganu. Do we see malays dropping dead like flies? Malays do not need UMNO.

14. That is the fatal conceit of UMNO. It just can't shake off it's arrogance. The UMNO foot soldiers who did the PC showed this.

15. Do malays need UMNO to certify and accredit malays of their Malayness? No right? malays do not need UMNO to define their Malayness. If malays do NOT need UMNO, then it is dispensable. Let's read the last rites or talqin for UMNO. 16. The UMNO wise guys who did the PC lambasting pahang UMNO revealed another aspect of UMNO character. It behaves like it IS the government m. That explains the arrogance of the UMNO brownshirts.

17. Because UMNO thinks and behaves it IS the government, it railroads and bulldozes anything in its path.

18. The law applies to common folks, but not to UMNO. If any of its leaders commit legal infractions or crimes , they are to to be excused. What do these people expect pahang UMNO do? Use extra judicial means to exonerate Ismail 16kg?

19. Those who are admitted to that exalted group of being immunized from the law, can look forward to a blissful life where they can plunder, be as corrupt as they wish, abuse their positions and so on. Hidup UMNO!

20. Justice for UMNO is just a concept created by jurisprudence idealists. Justice for UMNO , is justice only iff it favours them. Hence justice for Najib is justice, iff he gets full pardon and is set free. To do more plunder . Justice for Ismail if found guilty, is justice iff he's held blameless and sacrosanct. Hebat UMNO!

21. Don't you think that believing itself as untouchable by law and justice, brings shame to the malays? They are now described as legal untouchables or legal outsiders. This, alongside other derisory terms used to describe the. Malays. The sad race, the Peter pan race and now the latest, the yat yat yay race.

22. Not for UMNO, the rule of law as in one common law for all. For UMNO there must be one set of law on them and common law for the plebeians. Forgetting and blithely ignoring the oft repeated phrase, be ye ever so high, the law is above you.

23. It irks and upsets me to know of many people rising to defend Ismail and be hailed as heroes. They use some artful arguments and fanciful legal argle bargle.

24. It remains, for us to just ask- on whose side are you on? On the side of the crooks? Or on

the side of the law abiding people?

25. For UMNO, if it's leaders do not get full pardon, they are entitled to partial pardon. Further, they are entitled to home arrest. The housewives and the wretched pakciks languished in jail, waiting( like waiting for Godot)for pardon and just hoping, there is a hidden addendum somewhere granting them UMNO privileges.

26. For the plebeians, as TS Elliot says, don't hope. For hope is to hope for the wrong thing.

27. Special privileges only for UMNO people because they are malays,what,? They have hak istimewa orang melayu dan bumiputera.

28 . If the litigants were named Mr poh Kee mak or Mr tong Sam pah, mampus lagi baik .

29. I am not making the names up, ya. They were characters created by that literary giant, Pak Sako. I wonder if the x sekolahkan y crowd ever heard of Pak Sako?

30. We are greatly annoyed at the simplistic but populist narratives about the case involving Ismail and his minions .

31. That it was nothing more than a clumsy attempt at selective persecution against pure and saintly UMNO people.

32. Evidences were planted by devious nana non to incriminate UMNO people .

33. Conspiracy theories abound when UMNO people are involved .

34. That good people like Najib, Ismail and other UMNO people are the subjects of some dark conspiracies. Najib for example is the subject of conspiracy of Chinese, political enemies funded by George Soros's son . Ismail too is the subject of his political and perhaps some GROs scorned.

35. These simplistic narratives are an insult of our intelligence. Our capacity for critical thinking is always underestimated by these 'high' people. They are in for a surprise.

36. The verbal vomit, done by a few disgruntled UMNO foot soldiers, by way of berating UMNO pahang has only exposed the true character of UMNO. They have opened a can of worms.

37. The characteristics showed by UMNO , are that of a party with fascist tendencies.

38. Malays and Malaysians should ask themselves, do they ever want a party with fascist tendencies to rule over them again? Perhaps, some uncle Tom characters do. For many of us, it's a resounding NO.

39. Malaysians, especially malays must get rid of the Nietzsche slave morality. We must not be burdened and held back by racial,cultural and religious affinities. We must transcend all these artificial constraints. Every narratives must be examined carefully and every propositions be evaluated on their merits. The simplistic story telling around the Ismail issue must be examined on its merits lest we be slaves to lies. As the great Zaaba says, we must be awaken from our slumber, get up, work and be vigilant and earnest always . Be vigilant because the UMNO 5th columnists are always lying.


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

UMNO shoots itself in the foot. Part 1. Tales by an unknown blogger no 63.

1. After Ismail sabri was questioned by sprm and his gang of 4 remanded by sprm, a group of UMNO foot soldiers held a PC and stated arrogantly .

2. They said the pahang UMNO did nothing after what happened to Najib and Ismail. UMNO pahang sat idle, it's people scratched their balls and became open mouthed spectators.

3. How not to be opened mouth, the pahang UMNO people were shocked that so forgettable Ismail and his gang of 4 looted 177m and yet to be valued jewelry.

4. We don't want to know the beef these UMNO soldiers have with pahang UMNO or its MB. We don't give a damn.

5. But we are certainly interested to expose the true character of UMNO, arising from the conduct of these UMNO foot soldiers

6. The 1st thing UMNO will do, is to project Najib and Ismail as victims of evil persecution by the PH government and some repugnant machinations by Anwar.

7. Some malays, notably UMNO people resistant to critical thinking, of course got sucked into collective stupidity, believed in the false narratives. They blamed the government of Nana Non for the persecution.

8. Against overwhelming evidence and proof( everyone in the world saw stacks of money, gold bars and jewelry) the adamant Stupids still want to spin the reveal

9. That's a typical UMNO response- deny and dispute the facts. They are just truth deniers , just as they deny UMNO lost badly in the 15th GE.

10. Justice maybe blind in the courts but in the streets, justice has eyes, ears and mouths .

11. It's aware of what's happening - the people know that Ismail sabri and his gang looted the country.

12. With the information gathered thus far and the outburst of UMNO foot soldiers, I will show the following:-

  • UMNO cannot accept it lost in the 15th GE
  • UMNO believes its still the government. It's delusional.
  • UMNO thinks it's above the law.
  • UMNO has no respect for the rule of law.
  • UMNO believes its entitled to break the law,loot corrupt and abuse their positions to make money
  • Believes if it breaks the law, it can be excused and exonerated.
  • Believes that if it does not get full full pardon, UMNO people are entitled to partial pardon.
  • UMNO crooks are entitled to house arrest. * Justice for UMNO , only if it favours them.

13. If the UMNO foot soldiers who decried umno pahang for doing nothing, they had another thing coming. They just opened a can of worms.

14. The story will continue in part 2. I accede to the staying power of readers. Mustn't torture them with heavy reading .


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Some irritating thoughts on EPF. Tales by an unknown blogger, no. 62

1. Just a short one. Can't help but be an irritant and a nuisance. What to do? A Dr Mahathir would say , I am a congenital cynic.

2. The EPF has announced a dividend of 6. 3%. the bestest thus far. Hurrah! Life is a scream , yeah?

3. But I just want to ask. 6.3% against whose percentage?

4. If it's against its own previous %age points, then EFF is behaving like a JCB excavator. Scratching its own candy ass.

5. How does EPF compare with dividends of other fund managers. Have the form 5 school reporters asked this irritating question?

6. Didn't it occur to anyone, that the figures may have been doctored or massaged? Massaged is more likely because we all know EFF officers like to visit 'massat' centres. Saya mahu number lucky 47.

47 is the number of charges against wak jahid. Ask nga kor Meng to pronounce Zahid. He will say Jahid.

7. This feel good figure is giving politicians opportunities to weaponise it. It's needed after the 'good ' performance the EPF recorded after being bashed by uncle Wee Kah Siong. Haiyya!

7(b). Even the PM used the 6.3% dividend declared to be sign of investors's confidence of EPF managing funds. Why don't we ask EPF how much stock is bought by these foreign investors?

8. Then it's reported that analysts are impressed by this figure.

9. Who reported? Form 5 graduates? Can they understand the sophisticated arguments of the analysts? More so , if the analysts used some technical tools of technical analysis? Time series analyses or econometrics?

10. Who are the analysts? Very often when they say many analysts,there are in fact none. It's just fabricated. Okk la, just name one.

11. My idea, is let the government set up a 2nd independent EPF with a separate CEO.

12. The EPF A will compete against EPF B to produce better dividends.

13. They will compete in terms of who can manage funds better, compete in terms of honesty and other measures.

14. Oh, let the employment of staff be multiracial and employment based on merits.


Monday, 3 March 2025

Seeing the forest from the trees. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 61

1. When I was studying at UM in the late 70s, when naughty boys see girls wearing provocative attires, they would term the girls as'c*ck teasers'.

2. Girls and ladies in general are still c*ck teasers. But the latest c*ck teaser on the block is SPRM.

3. It teases us provocatively about the money looted and plundered by Ismail sabris gang of robbers.

3(b). First, it was reported that 50m was found. Later it was 100m plus and assets . Latest it says, it's indeterminate. It's money plus assets .

4. It's typical of sprm. Never forthright and direct. If not precise, how to prosecute? The charge papers will be said to be defective.

5. Why not say the name of the culprits clearly and list down the assets and beg borrow or steal an electronic counter to count the money . Boleh?

6. By stating the names clearly and stating the amount and assets, the public can form an opinion as to the character of the culprits.

7. Right now, people are already saying Ismail sabri and his gang of bandits are looters and robbers.

8. Nevermind the oft repeated phrase of innocent before proven guilty, in the court of public opinion, these people are scoundrels.

9. When news of the arrest of a number of people broke out,sure enough, the right wingers, the Malay supremacists, the KKK minded people, decried the speed by which sprm arrested these people. Woa, so fast eh?

10. Hello stupidos- surveillance on these people was already done for a few months. The arrest made as soon as sprm obtained the remand order from a magistrate.

11. Decry the substance, not the form.arrest is the form. The substance is looking and robbing of money and assets. Condemn the looting, not the manner the arrest is implemented.

12. Of course, to the Malay supremacists, because the looters are malays, they should be given much leeway and tolerance because as malays, they have hak istimewa orang melayu dan bumiPUTRA kan?

13. Of course UMNO people feigned stoicism. Wak Zahid saying he has confidence in the professionalism of SPRM blah blah. A spokesman of UMNO when asked by UMNO fifth column reporters said UMNO knew about the activities of Ismail and gang.

14. What? Knew of it a long time? That was a slip of the tongue made loose by a fluid brain.

15. If UMNO knew about it, why didn't it inform SPRM or the government? If not caught by SPRM, would that mean UMNO would continue to keep quiet?

16. If it had kept mum, wouldn't that mean UMNO is complicit in the looting and robbing?

17. Now we all know- not only is UMNO synonymous with corruption, it will hide about it. UMNO is therefore assessory to the fact.

18. Now you also know why you must reject UMNO. Its synonymous with corruption. It's also a law breaker believing itself as immuned to legal actions.

19. UMNO is inherently untrustworthy. UMNO, it's leaders and people are congenital liars. UMNO, not Anwar is the congenital liar'. You can never ever believe in anything UMNO says. You can never believe in UMNO, it's leaders and people. By extension,you can never ever believe in whatever the embezzler in chief says.

20. Save Malaysia from the likes of UMNO!

21. Friends, Malaysians and countrymen, lend me your ears. The bigger picture is the corruption, looting and plundering that UMNO is complicit of..if it were the government, all hell breaks loose!


Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Pahang Bermunajat - anticlimax for most. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 60

1. I didn't want to write about the pahang bermunajat dan raja berdaulat thing. Until some people insisted that the addendum was hidden by someone.

2. The sultan mentioned that the issue of the addendum is under the jurisdiction of the responsible parties-the courts and government.

3. The addendum, if it exists, is subjected to the process of the law.

4. Let's not read what the sultan mentioned , as meaning that someone hid the addendum. That what remains is it's implementation

5. Implement what? We don't know the contents. How sure are we that the contents say, felon Najib can be given house arrest?

6. Why is that some people are eager to exonerate Najib from the heinous crime? His guilt was established by all 3 levels of our court .

7. The fact that tuan Ibrahim left the event or that some people talked to akmal and some politicians are not an argument la tuan.they are just 'condiments' to the principal subject matter. They are not material to the 'addendum' issue.

8. Tuan Ibrahim may have left because he was disappointed that his politics were not discussed. Akmal and some UMNO people were around , proved that UMNO had its dirty hands behind the event.

9. Anwar must always be conscious that UMNO is always plotting to cause his downfall. The enemy never sleeps.

10. The UMNO people in the cabinet may conduct themselves with a poker face, but be sure that they have given instructions to their ground troops to find every opportunity to discredit the PM.

11. Such as spinning the pahang bermunajat event.

12. That's where the danger is when readers listen to impassioned pleas on utube. The presenter can sigh, can cry, laugh , show sadness can exploit your emotions to the extent you'd think they are speaking the truth. In fact they are just playacting. You know these UMNO jokers- they are manipulative actors and actresses.

12. By right, you should discount off 50% of what they say as BS, realizing what they say is only half true. Especially when they leverage what they are presenting, using race, religion and in this case, literally the king.

13. You are influenced by all the gimmicky stuff- the facial gestures, the body language etc, when they appear on YouTube. Don't be suckered - apply your critical thinking.

14. The sultan said the(legality,) status of the addendum is up the relevant (legal) institutions. Once the legality status is cleared, it's subject to the process of the law.

15. If the pro Najib house arrest addendum interpreted the addendum to their advantage, a contrary interpretation must also be accommodated.

16. The bermunajat event must be a huge disappointment to the right wingers and Malay supremacist groups.

17. For the special interest groups hoping to weaponise the addendum issue, that issue became a limp one.

18. The sultan did not say explicitly YES the addendum does exist and YES, it provides for house arrest for the convict in chief .

19. Instead the sultan said, the legality of the addendum must first be established and once positively established, it is subjected to the process of the law . Ada esok maka pasti ada suria Aku akan pergi dengan seribu jebat si anak tani Kian lama kita mati dalam setia, kali ini kita hidup dalam duhaka

20. To the UMNO ' hang tuah' we no longer want to be totally subservient and obedient to YOUR version of bangsa agama dan raja

21. You don't define things for us. We have independent minds!

22. To pas, which had hoped that the munajat event can be made political capital, to say that day by day, Malay interests are eroded, the event did nothing of that .

23. Instead, the sultan said quite early, don't politicize his presence at the event.

24. Instead, the sultan said, his presence was to pray together with the rakyat. Solat maghrib, baca Yasin and tahlil, solat hajat and solat isyaq. That's all folks!

25. So, do your worse, we will do our best to debunk you.


Friday, 28 February 2025

Thus spoke cip nazri Aziz. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 59

1. When nazri Aziz, says he's living in fear as who will succeed anvar ebraheem as PM, many scoffed and pooh poohed his opinion.

2. We can only infer what he means by what he said and not try to second guess what his heart actually said. Here is my take.

3. Of course, physically Anvar Ebraheem is not indispensable. I am sure that is not an intelligent rottweiler like nazri meant.

4. Any Malay Tom Dick or Harry can replace Anvar. Akmal himler salleh, wak jahid, sanusi, the court jesterly mat shabu2 or scrape the bottom Dr shamsuri can replace Anvar.

5. Two things which ' chip' nazri said is of interest. Nazri was UMNO youth chip once right?

6. It's difficult to find a person with the right acumen, temperament and values to replace nana Anvar. A person not constrained by racial biases, religious intolerance and biases in general. A person with these qualities are hard to come by.

7. The other thing which cip nazri said, was our educational and our political system( my addition) are not conducive for finding the ideal fit. And I want to add, much of the deficiencies in our educational or political system is the result of UMNOs melayu Uber alles or Malay supremacist mentality.

8. The extreme right wingers and the Malay supremacist groups are seething with anger and pulling their hair at nazri's opinion. It's expected of them.

9. Now, let's amplify the things which cip nazri said.

10. In our frenzied environment of racial, morality and religious supremacy, it's extremely difficult to find a person ' wide chested' or berlapang dada as Anvar.

11. Yes,Anvar has his foibles - the vacillating and wavering aspects of his endearing character, but these shortcomings can be compensated if he has good people around him. That is another matter deserving a separate article. Not necessarily by a person such as I .

12. The people mentioned in point number 4 above do not fit the bill. Hence the necessity of defending Anvar.

13. We may not like him for 1001 irrational reasons, but Anvar is our best bet

14. Just think of the alternatives. Najib wannabe? We will have a string of the mother of all heists in the form of other 1MDBs. Abah moo? Parliament will be suspended sine die and a thousand janawibawa will bloom. Akmal himler salleh? Racial strife will be the order of the day. Shamsuri? Religious 1984 and fire and brimstone will be the main features.

15. The 2nd part of nazris opinion is a terrible indictment of our educational, read political system. That system is not capable of nurturing the leader that is most suitable for Malaysia.

16. That educational/political system is produced by UMNO and pas.

17. UMNO is responsible for it's xenophobic nationalism while pas is responsible for religious nationalism. Both are grounded on Malay supremacy.

18. That Malay supremacy and melayu Uber alles mentality, can only survive on antagonistic ethnic relations .

19. The system produced by these far right parties and parties of the same kind, can only produced leaders steeped in their traditions. By necessity, the leaders can only subsist in a system based on hostilities, strife and antagonistic values.

20. A leader produced by such a system can only be a constraint on a people who just want to be enabled to pursue the good life. That is, to pursue social, political and economic objectives of their own choice .

21. The even bigger damning indictment is that , such a leader for the benefit of the majority , cannot be produced by either UMNO or pas .

22. Now we see the logic as to why finding others to replace Anvar is fearful. That's why not only cip nazri has to defend Anvar but we too must. Save Malaysia from the KKK minded .

23. Some people think the defects of their regressive system can be overcome if we have technocrats leading us

24. The records of being led by technocrats is by far very dismal. Just look at the outfits run by technocrats. They are plagued by corrupt, inefficiency and failure. Thus having a technocrat leading the country is no guarantee of success. Malaysia will not necessarily succeed on technocracy .

25. The opinions of cip nazri Aziz are not personal, nonsensical and empty talk after all.


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