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Sakmongkol ak 47

Monday 12 September 2022

Sombre lessons from the death of queen Elizabeth 2.

1. I watched keenly and listened intently at the many eulogy speeches on BBC is on the occasion of the death of Queen Elizabeth 2.

2. It was the speech of Harriet Harman, the labour mp, which caught my attention.

3. In one passage, she said the queen stayed out of controversy by not staying in the background. She does so by being aware of the boundaries which refrain or allowed her to act.

4. The boundaries are set not only by the constitution, but more importantly, by personal moral and ethical constraints.

5. I wish I could say the same thing about many of our monarchs, who seem to say things faster than their brains are in engage gear.

6. Because their brain is always in free gear, they seem to say idiotic things most of the time.

7. Like a certain monarch saying his state has no qualms seceding from Malaysia, if his state continues to be discriminated in terms of economic development.

8. Imagine if all the monarchs were to say the same thing, the whole country will be thrown into anarchy.

9 . The entity called Malaysia will no longer exist, and the 4 kingless states will be known as the republic of Malaysia.

10. That is the ridiculous conclusion we arrive at, if we were to let our imagination run wild and unguarded like the particular monarch

11. Sad but true, that is what you get when you willfully disregard the constitutional,
moral and personal ethical constraints.

12. Seen in that context, how should the king treat the petition for clemency for AliBababavum Najib?

13. Faced with conflicting petitions (one supporting clemency and another opposing it), the solution presents itself. The idea of clemency is dismissible.

14. The king can ignore the noisy UMNO petition (not partition, ya). He is king not only to UMNO people but to all Malaysians.

15. The king needs to speak to the people what they want to hear. And the overwhelming majority say no to clemency.

16. Hopefully, consciousness of these boundaries (both tangible and intangible) will prevent the king from meddling into the affairs of the state, especially with the administration of justice.

17. So when the king says that the powers to sentence and to give clemency should not be used indiscriminately, the message should be understood by all.

18. Although spoken in the context of implementing Islamic jurisprudence, the message has a general and universal application.

19. The message is especially pertinent to the hearing impaired and the mentally retarded umno leadership.

20. Let me put it simpler. There won't be any clemency for Ali babavum Najib, nor will he get a 30% discount in the 12-year sabbatical.

21. The cocksure statements by wak banjar, Ahmad Maslan shouldn't go unchallenged. He said Anwar had 70 postponements, while Najib asked for even 1, it was denied.

22. First,his contention that Anwar had 70 postponements is preposterous. Unless he counted Anwar taking a leak as 1 postponement. He's imputing the court being unfair and practising differing standards.

23. No court would ever grant that many postponements. Masnlans assertion and whatever permutations you make of that runaway statement, it constitutes a contempt of court.

24. It's bringing disrepute to the courts, besmirching them, casting aspersions and causing people to distrust our courts. To me, the statement constitute a convictable offence.

25. Somebody ought to make a police report against the pontian gnome. Put the fear of god into him.

26. It's not true that Najib hasn't got time to delay his trial. He's had over 4 years to play all sorts of court truancy.

27. Instead, because he wasn't serious about his case and thinking the courts are a pliable putty, he used the time for court unrelated matters.

28. He used court time to galavant around, goes to Singapore to play 1hole to 18hole golf and campaign here and there. He digs his own grave.

29. I would like to end this article, by mentioning what king Charles 111 said.

30. He will to the end of his time uphold the constitution. Our kings ,please take note

31. King Charles pledged to rule with loyalty, respect and love

32. Loyalty to the constitution always, respect the boundaries and love ALL the people, not only umno people.


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