Tengku Razaleigh speaks.
1. Malaysia's post-colonial history began with optimism and a grand hope in 1957. When Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, proclaimed our Independence at the Merdeka Stadium in the unforgettable words that "Malaysia is a parliamentary democracy with an independent judiciary," he had a vision of a happy people in spite of the formidable economic problems we needed to solve. After that dawn of independence, there was a search of how we could achieve this happy society, Fulfilling the needs and aspirations of all Malaysians which was to continue for the Generations to come. He symbolized the concept and conviction of generational responsibility in his vision.
2. Tunku Abdul Rahman and his generation were dedicated leaders, not for power but a sense of duty to the present and the future. They were not in politics for the money or for themselves. Indeed, even after they had assumed power, they never used their position to benefit themselves or their families, nor did they build loyal cronies who would act as their financiers or hold any wealth unlawfully earned at the expense of the people.
3. The guiding philosophy was responsibility of public office. Public office was seen as a duty, not as an opportunity. The public office was also part of their sense of political commitment to create a Malaysia that was fair, just, cohesive, and balanced. This was combined by a deep conviction of generational responsibility for those who would come after them.
4. One of the greatest losses in public life and in politics today in Malaysia is that loss of generational responsibility. Everything seems to be surrounded by greed and the desire to be billionaires. This had led to a pyramid of cronies within the incumbent political parties and their associates in business. It is this combination of the hierarchy of political cronies and business cronies that led to the centralization of power in the incumbent political leadership and in the office of the Prime Minister.
5. This power in one individual allowed the manipulation of the political system; I mean by this the institutions of power including the media. In exchange for the centralization of power greed and self-interest was encouraged by example and in the guise of racial loyalty deserving rewards. This is the case in all the parties within the power structure. This state of affairs is one of the most dangerous and difficult to dismantle because there has been three decades of centralized power.
6. The political style that has dominated in these lost three decades has been "double-think" and "double-talk". One of the features which is alarming in this plan to maintain status quo is the encouragement covertly of racial and religious obscurantism. The underlying theme was a policy of using a balance of racialism and religion on the one hand and talks of unity on the other hand in order to make the people hostage to the status quo of power. As a result, racialism and racial concerns seem to have a grip on all aspects of our lives, in politics, economics, education and employment, irrespective of the present reality which has got nothing to do with race or religion. We are deliberately made to feel that we are hostage to these forces.
7. Freedom of speech and expression of our political concerns to change the atmosphere are restrained by how it will be interpreted by those who want to deny us the right to differ. Article 10 of the Constitution which guarantees this freedom is almost non-existence or subject to fear of retaliation or defamation. Legal suits intended to silence legitimate concerns of public responsibility are increasingly used. Unfortunately, our judicial system has forgotten the fundamental importance of Article 10 to the democratic life of Malaysia. Common sense seems to have been taken out of the law.
8. On the economic front, income inequality in Malaysia has widened. Some studies suggest that Malaysia's inequality is wider than Thailand's or Indonesia's. Historically, the concern was about ownership and control of the economy. It was the view of some that if ownership was de-racialized or balanced at the top, economic justice would follow. It is no longer a valid premise for the future. Income inequality is no longer a problem between races; it crosses the racial divide and it is a problem of the majority of Malaysians who feel the pressure of inflation in almost every essential aspect of their lives, challenging their wellbeing of themselves, their families, and their future. Today and the in the near future, this is the most serious challenge we face. It is not an easy challenge to overcome. It is a time when Malaysia needs leadership of the highest quality and of those who have the moral courage to change and re-think our economic policies.
9. It is in these circumstances that we face the serious problem of rising food prices, inflation in price of houses compounded by shortage in housing for the vast majority of young Malaysians. Lack of economic expansion to give all levels an opportunity to use their talents to seek work that is commensurate with their contribution, their needs of daily life, and to narrow the inequality gap, is the threat of the future. Therefore, we should be concerned about the justification of the removal of subsidies that affects the low income because that will further widen the inequality and open the society to social disorder and disintegration, and increase social in cohesion. It is in this context that I raise the issue about Independent Power Production Companies (IPP). The privatization contracts are today protected by the Official Secrets Act, and therefore we are unable to really know whether or not the public and PETRONAS, as trustees of the public, are directly or indirectly subsidizing these companies and the tycoons who are benefitting at the expense of the public.
10. Related to the question of the withdrawal of subsidies is the deficit that the Government suffers from in managing the economy. This question cannot be separated from the way that the Government has managed the nation's finances. If the deficit is as a result of wastage, corruption and extravagance in the use of public funds, then the solution to the problem should not be passed on to the public. What is needed is a reexamination of the management of the country's finances before taking any drastic steps that would affect the well-being of the people. We need to know the reality behind the apparent subsidies that are given to the public and its relationship in the totality of the management of the public finance. Only after we know the truth – and the whole truth – should any change in the policy of subsidies be implemented, as the consequences would have life-changing impact on the livelihood of the people. In the circumstances of rising inflation in food, stagnation of the economy and income, we should not do anything that would widen the disparity of income which would cause social instability.
11. The challenge today is for the return to generational responsibility in politics and public office. This can only be achieved if we have democracy and parliamentary power which is responsible. Democracy was the basis of the founding of the state of Malaysia by the Constitution in 1957. When it was briefly suspended in 1969, the leaders of that generation were uneasy, and they restored democracy as soon as possible.
12. That is because they realized that democracy has an intrinsic value in creating a citizenship that is not made up of sheep but of responsible citizens. Only responsible citizenship that understands democracy can bring about stability, cohesion and economic prosperity. During those days, it was ingrained in that generation of leaders that democracy was not only a form but a value system that respected the essential institutions of democracy like the independence of judiciary, the supremacy of parliament subject to the Constitution, the respect for fundamental rights, and free speech. They also understood the meaning and primacy of the rule of law and not of men. They also knew that democracy is the common heritage of humanity that we inherited and have a duty to continue. The law that they understood was also from the common heritage of all civilized nations.
13. And one of our inheritances is the common law system of the rule of law which is enshrined in our constitution. They knew that the phrase "common law" meant the wisdom that is passed to us in the progress of law and the values that are encapsulated in the law governing public office and responsibility to society. That laws are meant to enhance democracy and freedom but not to maintain and continue political power that is inconsistent with the rule of law and the constitution.
14. Independence did not come with peace but with very difficult problems, particularly the management of the economy and transforming it to bring about a balance between all the racial groups. They realize that some of their problems had roots in the history of Malaysia. There was a serious imbalance between the countryside and the urban sector with racial dimensions which were too sharp. Indeed, poverty was also quite prevalent. There were open discussions and experiments.
15. Some of you may remember that one of the highlights of public debate was organized at the University of Malaya under the title, "The Great Economic Debate" every year. That disappeared with the changes in the University & Colleges Act and the decline of Universities' autonomy. The search was to eradicate a sense of inequality between the various peoples of Malaysia, whether because of one's identity and social origins, or for other reasons.
16. It was as part of this search that during Tun Abdul Razak's time, the Second Malaysia Plan was launched in 1971. We need to be reminded of the objective of that plan:
"National unity is the over-riding objective of the country. A stage has been reached in the nation's economic and social development where greater emphasis must be placed on social integration and more equitable distribution of income and opportunities for national unity."
17. That dream was slowly eroded from the mid-1980. The hope that we had at that time is now challenged in the most serious way.
18. Recently, PETRONAS announced that it had made a 90.5 billion pre-tax profit. If we accumulate the profit of PETRONAS over the years, it would come to a mind-boggling figure of billions and billions. Yet, the greatest poverty is found in the petroleum producing states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Sarawak, and Sabah. This moral inconsistency in a way exemplifies how the nation's economy is mismanaged and how the institutions set up in the 1970's have lost their objective and commitment to solving the immediate and pressing problems of the nation.
19. PETRONAS was set up with the objective of serving the nation's interest as a priority. It was never intended to give PETRONAS a life of its own as an incorporated company for selected individuals to profit at the expense of the national interest, nor was it the objective to allow PETRONAS a cooperate existence independent of national interest. 20. What is needed is for institutions like PETRONAS is to have a national focus rather than maintain a multinational status. The aim of making PETRONAS a multinational cooperation at the expense of national interest is contrary to the Petroleum Development Act. PETRONAS should have a Petroleum Advisory Council to advise the Prime Minister on the operation of the law as well as the management and utilization of its resources as spelt out in the Petroleum Development Act.
21. Another example of the abuse of power is the privatization of certain government institutions which were set up as a public service to serve the people. Bernas is one example of a privatization of an essential commodity as a monopoly for a group of people and owned partially by two companies in Hong Kong. An essential commodity such as rice should not have been privatized for business purposes. We are the only rice producing country that has privatized and given as a monopoly to one company the importation and distribution of all rice products.
22. The reality today is Thailand and Indonesia are self-sufficient in rice and we are dependent on 30% of imported rice. But because it is a monopoly, imported rice is cheaper in Singapore than Malaysia. Privatization for the benefit of private individuals to profit from such an essential commodity is a clear abuse of power. It would not have happened in those days. But with the centralization of power in the office of the prime Minister who had the party under his absolute control, anything was possible!
23. I will suggest to you that there was a deliberate plan to centralize power in the leadership in a surreptitious manner. Unfortunately the nature of racial politics blinded us of the reality behind certain policies and conduct of leaders at that time. The decline of democracy, the abuse of power, and the mismanagement of our economy and the nation's finances, the economic waste, the lack of national cohesion in our economic policies led to the flight of capital in the region of RM880 billion over the years from the 1980s. That was the beginning the lost decades and the full impact of the consequences of the economic policies which has continued since then, is yet to have its full impact on our national lives. And when it does the consequences are unpredictable.
24. The centralization of power in the office of the Prime Minister and the Attorney general had a major role in this state of affairs. The challenge today is to reverse the centralization of power and restore the check and balance of a genuine democracy.
25. We need to reclaim as citizens of Malaysia our rights in a democracy; that power and authority are positions of trust and responsibility, not to serve personal interest or as an opportunity for personal enrichment. We need to reassert as politically active and responsible citizens the concept of social obligation and public service in those who seek political office. Power is duty, NOT a prize.
26. We need to rethink our economic policies. Particularly in the focusing on the national objectives that are urgent; economic policies is not only about wealth creation but needs to have a moral dimension which takes into account the wellbeing of all citizens as the ultimate priority over profits.
27. I have given you a broad sweep of the past and a bird's eye view of the looming problems of managing our economy as it is today. I hope this will open a dialogue which benefits all of us.
Kuli is Prime Minister material. During the last few years he had made several stimulating speeches which would have triggered a relook into the way the country is being managed but nothing has happened.
Even UMNO has ignored him. (except before the Galas by-election).
The funny think is, all his intellectual talks are not given space on national TV and the print media.
Dear Sak, if you closely examine the accounts,the govt of Malaysia is BANKRUPT as a result of NOT privatization but PIRATIZATION by Orang Tua DR M.That is why this IPP program are under the OSA.
Even though the orang tua have PENCEN long ago,his children is still benefitting from this IPP deal and we the RAKYAT will not know about all this deal because of OSA.
Yes he has sopken. But he is three decades too late. Once again we are only able to run this nation by looking into the rear view mirror.
lagu those were the days mungkin lebih bagus dalam versi russia, sebab bunyi bunyi dia pun macm folk lore russia
Lots of hot air from someone who is respected by lots of people for no reason.
If he is really that wise and if he really cares for Malaysia, he should be standing up and openly opposing the corruption within UMNO and how Barisan Nasional is running the country to the brink of stone age.
Stop living in the past, Tengku. Stand up and be counted to lead the country out of this shit hole.
George Choo,
Care to substantiate your claims?
I also have one vote like you and everybody else, so please don't say something that only shows how silly your comments are if you can't give proof, so facts and figures please.... tq.
Wow... Dato an excellent article for the good governance of Malaysia !
I can't agree more with all your criticism , ideas and policies required to move this nation forward.
How I wish you become the Prime Minister of Malaysia !
Hey to all the critics, I am just an average citizen like you and I don't even know Dato Sak personally, so don't say I am "ampuing" our good Dato ok ?
Oh... sorry Dato I just realised it was Tengku Razaleigh who said all this ( I overlooked the heading of this article ), so the complement should goes to Tengku.
Anyway Dato you have also done a good job in promoting the good governance of Malaysia through all your spot on articles, bravo to you too
Dear Sakmongkol
“The decline of democracy, the abuse of power, and the mismanagement of our economy and the nation's finances, the economic waste, the lack of national cohesion in our economic policies led to the flight of capital in the region of RM880 billion over the years from the 1980s”.
One would be hard pressed to find another living person with such a broad sweep and deep understanding of our country’s history as Tengku Razaleigh. He speaks with the authority not of a distant and disinterested academic but that of an active participant in that history. He was there at the hour of our Independence when the Tunku raised his hand to proclaim “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” He was there to challenge Mahathir for the privilege to lead this country. Unfortunately the prince and gentleman lost. The winner was a crass, power hungry man who would do almost anything to stay in office.
For those who have also observed our history in the same period as Tengku Razaleigh will agree with him that Malaysia started going downhill right after Mahathir came into power in the early 1980s. Mahathir browbeat and intimidated the courts and sacked several senior judges. Thereafter the court lost its independence, and the government lost a vital check and balance. Corruption grew like an uncontrolled cancer. Racism worsened. The quality of the civil service deteriorated. Education standards went south. All this resulted in the mismanagement of the economy and we lost competitiveness. Political uncertainty and racial discrimination led to a massive brain drain and capital flight. TR said all this in much more elegant prose.
The leaders we have now are weak, devoid of vision and courage. They are beholden to corrupt warlords. How can they ever lead us out of this morass? That is why so many Malaysians are filled with despair. More and more think that the only way forward is to bring about a change in government. This will no doubt come. The only uncertainty is when and how. And will it be peaceful or accompanied by a violence that will tear the Tunku’s “lucky country” asunder.
There are still many good men left in UMNO, like TR, and may I add, Sakmongkol as well. I believe that these decent and able individuals hold the key to a brighter future. How so? Many assume that the political battle will always be fought between an UMNO-led BN and PR. There is every possibility that a sizeable faction aligned to TR’s thinking would leave the corrupt and incorrigible UMNO to link up with PR in some political arrangement. Let’s hope this happens soon.
The PM we never had.
Dato,After independence Tunku became the first PM of Malaya.Then our leaders were of another bred.They fought and got independance because they wanted a better government for the people.Being students abroad in the UK,Tunku and his nationalist student collegues could see the difference in the living of the free and the oppressed.
They could see that our people were being oppressed by the British.They controlled the straits(shipping),tin mines and the plantations.In fact they controlled the whole economy.They employed Malayans to lower level government positions to control others.They were making all the money and sending them back to the UK.In other words they were plundering our nations wealth.
That is when the nationalistic idea was born.Our PMs from Tunku ,Abdul Razak and Hussein Onn all strived for the betterment of the nation and its people.What they wanted was democracy,a just judiciary,free press,free market economy,better standard of living,neutral police force etc.Financial personal gains were never in their minds.That is what differentiate them from our leaders from Dr. M and his successors.The first three PMs were Statesmen and the fourth PM onwards were robber barons.
When Dr. Mahathir took over,he came in with an inferiority complex attitude.It was because he was kicked out by Tunku from Umno earlier.So his first priority was to build up his support inside Umno.Being a man so obsessed with power the first thing that came into his mind was money(greed).
To get his hands on money he placed some of his Umno warlord supporters,Chinese and Indian cronies on strategic sectors of the economy to milk the cow to capacity.Building up his haul to billions of ringgit he can buy loyalty.But this type of loyalty remains as long as the ringgit keeps flowing in the direction of the paid goons.
Dr. M's obsession with power and greed eventually caused a split in Umno.That caused the fight between Team A and Team B.Than there was the court case that eventually led to Umno B and Semangong 46.As a man obsessed with power the court ruling against Umno hurt Dr. M's ego.So he send out his cronies to fix the judiciary.Those who refuse were put out to pasture.After fixing the judicairy,he placed his cronies in the AG,ACA and PDRM.He also set out to destroy the supporters of Team B.Many ot the prominent supporters of Ku Li and Musa Hitam ended up as bankrupt.
With all the important government institutions under Dr. M's control,he was able to rule the country with an iron fist.But the corrupt pratices of Dr. M has already set root in Umno and its partners in crime Mca and Mic.Now that Dr. M has retired he is still able to pull strings behind the scene because of his massive wealth accumulated the corrupted way.
All of Dr. M's obsession of power and greed has been rooted deep into Umno's fixated mentality that it has gotten much worse than when Dr. M was in power.Nowadays even Umno low level crony like a fellow by the name of Razak Baginda can get kickbacks like 500 million ringgit a pop.This Baginda guy can even make Dr. M look like an amateur in a junior leaque,when it comes to fish eating fish.
Then the Anwar sodomy 2,Christian bible,interlok,Anwar sex video,Christian vs Muslim,the taunting of the public by Umno by letting the datuk T trio be seen freer than a bird has backfired.It has caused a huge public backlash.
Now Umno has more problems.The recent concluded PAS party elections has many young moderates elected to top party positions.It has got Umno into a wrong footing.
Umno cannot paint PAS as an extremist Islamic party anymore.
This will make PAS more electable to the public.Many fence sitters will tilt towards PAS.This will help PAS win at least a few more seats this coming election.
Then there is the coming Bersih rally.This bersih rally is sending tremors throughout Umno and BN.Umno is sending out Perkasa with its goons for a counter rally.Then we have KJ coming out to say than Umno youth is marching too.KJ is saying under the pretext of democracy and protecting the EC.KJ doesn't understand that if the EC is seen as neutral than there is no need for a Bersih rally.It is because the people see the EC as dirty and corrupted that they are marching for a fairer,cleaner and transparent EC.So what KJ is saying is that he and Umno youth support a corrupted EC.I think that KJ need to have Dr. M as his mentor(credit is given when need to be given).
What seem impossible a few months ago seems possible now.Umno seems very vulnerable and could lose this coming election.The panic inside Umno has shown that it is in danger of losing the GE.Even the fumbling,stumbling and stuttering of Anwar and his PKR cannot help Umno now.If Umno gets kicked out to hibernation it is not because of Anwar,PKR or PR.
It is not about what the barking opposition politicians cannot do.It is about what this iron lady by the name of Ambiga can do.This sassy lady is going to lead her "Bersih" rally group of a few hundred thousand supporters,according to the latest rumours,straight into Putrajaya.With a very big broom I think that this lady can clean the house.At the end of the rally when this lady sings the last straw will break the camel's back.
Dato,When Dr. Mahathir came up with his nationalisation plans,is what set the foreigners heading for the exits.The start of the Ringgit 880 billion.The overnight takeover of Guthries in London was the start of an exodus of foreign capital to our neighbours.The main beneficiary of this was Indonesia,than came Thailand.At first it was mainly the planters.
The second was the manipulation of the GLC counters by PNB.After sucking in the foreign funds it let the GLC counters slipped.This caused the foreign funds to make a mass exodus,thus punishing the government.The whole KLSE counters took a hit after that.KLSE stock prices remant stagnant for years after that.It took a long time before they came back.And after a lot of GOM urging and guranteeing.
Then local smart money followed.The local smart money mostly went into China and the rest to Australia,New Zealand,UK and Canada.Before many few Malaysians invest in the US.Then the corrupted money followed the local smart money out.
The British later punished PNB and Dr. Mahathir back.When they cornered the tin market in London the Brits changed the exchange rules and allowed physical delivery to take place later by a few months.This cheating by the Brits hurt Dr. M's ego again.This tig for tag between Dr. M and the Brits went on for some time.The raising of tuition fees by the Brits.The bycotting of British goods by Malaysia etc.
p/s Dato, will comment by my family dog's name bruno.Last but not least a belated 'Happy Father's Day'(still sunday here though).Best regards,Soonhock
Dato' Sak
This article reflects the right mind of a leader. However Ku Li must not only talk as a leader but must act as one. The kind of thinking he has and will bring to the political and administration scenario is very refreshing and reassuring. However it is the PR which stands by the ideals that Ku Li talked about.
Moral of the story is, from Dr M until the present PM.....semua penyamun.
Senang cerita.
It has been said that TR has the potential to save Malaysia but for some reason or another still prefer the "let's wait and see" approach. Reading his discourse on the situation of this country he HAS a firm grasp of the root of the problem thus maybe the one who can actually solve it (IMHO only some who understand a problem has the ability to solve the problem).
Truthfully I'm among those who believe that TR is wrong in his attitude of "wait and see" and lets fix it after it has broken (referring to UMNO). This attitude although very effective in renewing UMNO (it would take another decades to fix UMNO this way)it would be disastrous if implemented on a nation's problem. TR must realize that apart from DSAI, he is the only one that has the same clout with both PAS and DAP (PKR can be dealt with later). In order to save Malaysia TR must realize that he needs to talk and work with both PAS and DAP.
This however doesn't mean that he needs to part company with UMNO (even now TR is actually an outcast in UMNO- a pariah of sort. So working with PAS and DAP doesn't really matter much). He can stay in UMNO but work with other people to save the country (he can't seriously think that working through UMNO will make a difference and will effect change that can save Malaysia, does he?). TR need to realize this since Malaysia doesn't much time as we may implode anytime from now (just look at what UMNO has unleashed unto the rakyat- a rabid dog that will threaten the lives of all Malaysian. A rabid dog named PERKASA).
TR must realize this soon and yesterday was already too late to make up his mind. The first act that he can do is actually a simple act, a nod actually. Just nod his head in agreement of what BERSIH is trying to do. Once the rakyat sees this gesture from a well respected "UMNO" MP, all rakyat will want to move ahead to save this country hand in hand in togetherness. All they need is someone they respect and all other political parties included. TR can start the ball rolling and to be sure the rakyat will not leave him alone standing in the rain (unlike what UMNO has done to him). Rakyat will stand together with him and that is what BERSIH is really about.
TR NEED TO DO THIS AND DO THIS HE MUST IF HE REALLY LOVE THIS COUNTRY (and save his beloved UMNO in the process). Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, MANUSIA MATI MENINGGALKAN NAMA!
P.s a Malaysian PM need only the support from the majority of the house (it does not state that it must be someone from the winning side or any political party whatsoever).
Dear Dato Sak
Tengku Razaleigh is a true "elder statesman".
As for the other one, just a
Perkasa-sponsoring rabble-rouser !
Phua Kai Lit
TR should update his blog more, i guess he's just tired of all the BS.
What I perceive as the Razaleigh problem is that he speaks and speaks but does not make a real stand.
Unless he's prepared to go for broke again as he did all those years ago against Mahathir, the huffing and puffing will come to nought.
It's time for him to take UMNO by the scruff of the neck and purge it of the looters, plunderers, racists, religious bigots, Ali Baba's and Mr.10 percenters.
Otw, he'll may turn out to be the best Prime Minister Malaysia and Malaysians NEVER HAD!
There speaks a wise man. I wonder where will Malaysia be today if this man was not 'cheated' by Mahathir in the infamous UMNO election. By the way, 'cheated' is the mildest word I can find to describe it.
Whatever it is, past is past. Now I pray that both Tengku Razaleigh and Mahathir will be granted a long life by God.
Tengku Razaleigh so that he can be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia and Mahathir so that he can answer for all his sins in this life; just like Zine Al Abidin of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
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