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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 4 January 2015

Top Quality Government and High Standards of Governance. Searching for Competence.

When the idea that a unity government between UMNO and PAS is seen as the missing link needed to rebuild Kelantan post-flood was re-floated, to me that isn’t the real question. This idea of a unity government between the two largest Malay political parties has always remained an undercurrent, simmering just below the surface. It has become an attractive idea to some PAS leaders lately (let me be blunt about this) as the less talented leaders eager for quick-fix solutions gained dominance in the party. That is for PAS people to sort it out.
Of course to many UMNO leaders, eager to save UMNO itself, the idea of a unity government between the two is always cultivated. UMNO needs to survive.
The recent thinking by Kadir Jasin on UMNO’s need to replace its leader mentioned nothing about a unity government between PAS and UMNO. Perhaps it did not cross his mind as his focus was on UMNO alone. The message is, for UMNO to survive and to govern Malaysia, it needed to have a top quality leadership. To Kadir Jasin, Najib is obviously not wagyu material.
It follows from that, once you have top quality leadership, UMNO will have a core of top quality leadership.  If UMNO has these, it does not need PAS.
What’s needed is not a government capable enough to govern Malay interests only- what’s sorely needed is a top quality government capable of taking care of the interests of ALL Malaysians. The idea of a union of minds between PAS and UMNO mooted and articulated by a business leader in Kelantan recently was for what purpose? So that a government emerging as enforcer of Malay interests come into being? That’s right up UMNO’s alley. Then it will do what? Govern a country made up of entirely Malays?
The real question and the real need, is for the presence of a top quality government. There’s no doubt in my mind, the response and therefore management of the flood situation in Kelantan or elsewhere for that matter would have been tackled appropriately by a top quality government. Things won’t get better if two mediocre factions unite. A top quality government with high standards of governance is better than a union of mediocres. Sorry to be blunt.
We have all the structures to deal with the floods. We have committees at state, district and ground levels. What we seemed to lack is direction, leadership at operational levels with sufficient authority to mobilise resources. At the operational levels, we need trained personnel, who ought to know what do without waiting for instructions from elsewhere.  In order to have this quality of leadership at operational levels, the leadership at the top must be top notch. This is what I mean when I say the Najib leadership is incompetent. I am less interested in assessing Najib in a politically correct way of saying it- that can be done by so many of his image building minders.
We must not be side-tracked into peripheral and incidental issues; for instance, while it is true that income distribution is important it should be evidently clear that a lopsided income distribution arises from a bad government with low standards of governance. If our leaders believe for instance that the government is the enforcer of the interests of particular ethnic groups, then we are doomed. If we have ministers cavorting with known criminals, then I find his leadership talent questionable. If we are willing to embarrass ourselves at the international level by confirming that we used the services of criminals to sort out some security matters, then the credibility of the entire government is questionable. When we have ministers in the Najib government giving credence to the idea that Malays, their religion and the Malay rulers are under siege, then we have a government which is nothing but the enforcer of the rights of one particular group of Malaysians.
Where will it stop? Will we see the emergence of a government that becomes the mouthpiece and enforcer of the business elite, isolating the majority of the population?
Think about it. What’s needed is a top quality government with high standards of governance.


Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 08:12  

Dato, you wrote:
If we have ministers cavorting with known criminals, then I find his (PM) leadership talent questionable. If we are willing to embarrass ourselves at the international level by confirming that we used the services of criminals to sort out some security matters, then the credibility of the entire government is questionable"
You are referring to the latest news of the letter issued by the Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid to the FBI "vouching" for the underworld kingpin Paul Phua although the UMNO lawyer Tan Sri Shafee says it is just a response to Phua's lawyer?
Question is since when does our govt gets involved in such things, and was this letter issued by Zahid in his personal capacity or as a official govt response? Can someone check if the FBI requested for a response from the govt? The govt must be fearful where even the angels fear to tread.

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 10:26  

Unity govt btw UMNO n PAS would be like France's Louis XVI & Queen Mary Antoinette let-them-eat-cake govt joining up with Spain's Holy Office of the Inquisition.

One is out of touch with the masses and the other wants to dictate the people's every thought and prayer. But both are contemptuous of people who are not like them.

Together, they will impoverish n amputate the grovelling masses till kingdom come.

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 10:31  

Pas is now controlled by a lot of Lebais who only can talk about religion and the afterworld. Apart from that they have nothing inside their head.

Prophet Muhamad is a different creature altogether. Apart from the revelations that he received, he also received divine guidance and assistance throughout his life not only as a messenger of God but also as a General in battlefields. as an administrator, as a Judged and in all aspect of his daily life.

Pas lebais are no Prophet Mohamad and should best stick to their field of teaching Islamic religious knowledge to the masses. Let their professionals run the States won by them.

The Kelantan flood witnessed the incompetence of the two lebais helming the State.

So I agree that a bunch of mediocre PAS leaders uniting with another bunch of mediocre and also corrupt Umno leaders would spell catastrophe for the malays.

bruno 4 January 2015 at 11:19  

Dato,the last time I check,Malaysia was in the top five spots in illegal money outflow,after China and Russia.Before it used to be the top no:1.

When corruption is the number one priority among gomen ministers to satisfy their greed for the ringgit,power and lust,where can have "Top Quality Government and High Standards of Governance"?

These gomen ministers are too busy korek lubangs with mistresses young enough to be their grand daughters.With their minds busy concentrating on pussies how to perform well on their work?

And the latest news that the HM is vouching for a big time bookie,by sending a letter to the FBI that this dude is a gomen security expert makes one's mind want to go in circles.This Zahid dude's head must be inside a camel's ass to have sent such a letter for a guy caught in a sting in a hotel,well equipped with high tech computers.In fact all the rooms on that same floor was all booked to this dude's syndicate.And all have multiple high tech computers hook up for on line betting.He even have a private jet on standby.

If Gomen ministers have ties to gangs like tiga line and international bookies,then to the gomen ministers corruption or under the table dealings is an every day way of life.Sup sup suai only.No big deal lah.Maybe Najib might want to give his 2 cts worth for all to see.

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 11:33  


This is an uphill task of brain-cleansing proportion!

How to re-invent the basic governance of efficiency & pro-active (meaning well thought out & selfless) planning procedure after years of mediocre management & tidal-apa-ism know-who appointments?

Worst still, HOW to remove years of ketuanan indoctrination, so that whatsoever policies have the WHOLE of M'sia at the core of its construct & implementation?

Indeed, to achieve a new vision for M'sia we need NEW leadership, complete with new ideas.

The re-clothing of the OLDS, like NEP & other Melayu agendas, is liken to flocking a dead horse & expect wonders falling from the sky.

Meanwhile, blame it on the grand design of the Allah to please the heartlanders' pious ignorance.

Along the way, keep repeating the same old scheme to expect alternative outcome, & pocket the loots!

This is a Herculean task of outlandish imagination & the saddest part is it depends STILL on those who r high on the drugs of tongkat!

There is yet NO champion from this crowd, despite the signs of sporadic sparkles from people like u.

Perhaps, M'sia needs a bigger calamity than the current East coast flood to re-engineering herself out of the current conundrum.

If so, that would be the biggest sacrifice that the ordinary M'sian have to suffered.

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 13:44  


How difficult would it be to clean up the lethargic administration?

If the PM have the will, just open up a file on them and it is easy to see who are the civil servants living beyond their means.

In one fell swoop all those fat thieves can be voluntarily replaced with lean & efficient administration.

The only problem is, the No.1 is also in the same stinking rectum as the crooks. The solution is to kick that proverbial fat constipated backside!

~ Arwah Pak Sindang

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 15:02  

It is rather unfortunate that Malaysia ended up having a UMNO govt that only bothers to take care of their gravy train.

Their political strategy is geared towards retaining power for this sole purpose. They are so busy making money that everything else is a chore they would rather not do, if given a choice.

This idea of forming a unity govt with PAS is to break up Pakatan and not to protect the interests of the Malays.

bruno 4 January 2015 at 21:24  

Low Quantity Government and Low Standards of Governance is one thing.

The encouragement of breeding ground of racial and Muslim extremism is another thing.

Muslim extremists know that they can do all wrongs and be right in the eyes of their beholden. And the men in blue have their balls caught between the legs of a sawhorse,helpless and powerless to do anything.That is the reason the state had become a breeding ground for Islamist fighters headed for IS.

Islamist extremism is at the heights never seen before.That is the reason the 25 prominent Malays and more have surfaced.

Najib is to weak and helpless to nib the bull by it's horns.His enemies within Umno are calling for his ouster.And the useless opposition is joining in the chorus,having fun screaming till their lungs burst.What the opposition do not realize is that if Najib is kicked out,and when Muhyiddin or Zahid takes over they will cut off the opposition's balls.In other words,they will be sending the opposition to the vet to have them neutered.

The opposition is sorely lacking for someone with the brains and balls of Karpal Singh's calibre.The same thing Umno is sorely lacking a leader of Mahathir's calibre.With both sides as incompetent as ever,Malaysians are really fucked.

Anonymous,  4 January 2015 at 21:36  

The policies guideline for the civil service implemented since 1983 are now coming home to roost. If we make appropriate changes today these appropriate chicken will only come home to roost 30 years from now.

Anonymous,  5 January 2015 at 16:28  

Bruno 21:24 makes sense:
" What the opposition do not realize is that if Najib is kicked out,and when Muhyiddin or Zahid takes over they will cut off the opposition's balls.In other words,they will be sending the opposition to the vet to have them neutered.

The opposition is sorely lacking for someone with the brains and balls of Karpal Singh's calibre.The same thing Umno is sorely lacking a leader of Mahathir's calibre.With both sides as incompetent as ever,Malaysians are really fucked."

Najib (get rid of his band of extremists) and opposition smoke peace pipe, both can help each other. Don't care about each other's ulterior motives, there are so many ways to skin the cat. What's most important is Malaysians don't get f***ed. In this time of emergency with the floods devastation in the east coast, and now a monsoon surge expected in Pahang and Johore in the next few days, Najib and the opposition must work together with the opposition now to save the people.

Anonymous,  5 January 2015 at 16:43  

The actual scenario looks like this:
Najib's real "enemies" are just waiting for his merry team to make one wrong step after another to bring him down. His enemies are not the opposition team Pakatan, but those that are jousting for appointment to be the next PM.
Pakatan happens to want something better for the country.
Najib's enemies are just looking out for themselves, and therein the PM must make the right choice. Work with the opposition in the right way and live to fight for another day. Or, pander to the extremists and his enemies just wait for him to take him down.
Is this what's happening now?

Anonymous,  6 January 2015 at 00:45  

Dear Dato, Your comments are refreshing and show that you are a man of great substance and a leader for all Malaysians irrespective of religion and ethnic origin unlike some of our Malaysians who are as described in this news site
Bigotry, racism , corruption, lack of righteousness, attitude problem and evils in our nation will impede and send our nation to ruins. Dato:- P/s do your utmost to show direction to all these bigots the path which leads to peace and harmony and progress.
Thank you and God blesses you.

Insurance Agent,  8 January 2015 at 00:07  

Dear Dato,
I’ve read in this news article which has quoted that the Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong has said these:-
“Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong says GST on insurance products should not be a problem for most consumers.
– The Malaysian Insider by Najjua Zulkefli, January 7, 2015.
All insurance premiums, except for life insurance, will be subjected to the 6% goods and services tax (GST), which comes into effect in April, said Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong.
He said, however, GST on insurance premiums was not an issue as consumers have all along been subjected to sales and service tax (SST).
"With the exception of life insurance, any insurance premiums will be subjected to GST," he told reporters after attending a briefing with retailers in Petaling Jaya today.
"If I'm not mistaken, SST is levied at insurance."

This is shocking statement coming from the Finance Ministry ! ! !
How could a deputy finance minister has such fatal & errorneous knowledge that “…..GST on insurance premiums was not an issue as consumers have all along been subjected to sales and service tax (SST)”.

The current service tax of 6% on insurance premium is applicable only to corporate policyholders, and NOT on individual policyholders.

Such lack of knowledge of such simple facts of life in Malaysia among civil servants will lead to serious problems in our economy and nation.

P/s Take This Up with the Ministries, PIAM and BNM.

Thank you.

Anonymous,  8 January 2015 at 09:30  

we must strongly object to the Deputy Finance Minister putting individual insurance policyholders under the GST umbrella. Here, on the one hand, we have Putrajaya urging its citizens to be more insurance awareness on ourselves and household, on the other hand, the Finance Ministry through its Dep Finance Minister is placing a chokehold. Get rid of this IGNORAMUS before he brings us down to his level.

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