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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday, 22 May 2015

Units adalah matawang terbaru dan video Muhyidin Yassin.

Matawang yang terbaru dalam dunia dijumpai di Malaysia. ia dinamakan units. Satu syarikat Malaysia yang tersohor, yang dikenali sebagai 1MDB telah membawa balik 2.318 billion units dan menyimpan nya disebuah bank Singapura bernama BSI.
Syarikat Malaysia ini telah menggunakan units untuk bayar hutang dan menggunakan nya sebagai sekuriti meminjam RM3.6billion dari consortium bank yang diketuai oleh Deutsche Bank Singapura.
Dari 2.318billion units ini, 1.215billion units telah digunakan untuk membayar faedah pinjaman dan juga membayar satu pihak yang dihutangi oleh 1MDB. Nama pihak itu ialah Aabar.
Baki nya, sebanyak 1.103billion units masih ada dalam bank BSI. Menurut Husni Hanazliah, kerajaan akan cuba membawa pulang 1.103 billion units ini dengan kadar segara.
Apa yang hendak dibawa balik?
Soalan saya ialah Dato Husni Hanazliah ini tidur atau minum air ketum? saya tidak faham satu perkara.
Macam mana mahu bawa balik sesuatu yang kita tidak hak milik keatas nya? Bukankah 1.103 billion units ini telah digunakan sebagai sekuriti untuk pinjaman sebanyak RM3.6 billion dari Deutsche Bank? Tentulah deutsche bank ada lien keatas 1.103billion units ini bukan?
Mengikut Husni 2.318billion units ini bernilai USD2.318 billion juga kerana ia disokong nilai nya oleh beberapa dana daulah atau sovereign funds. Ini satu matawang baru mungkin digunakan oleh  organisasi penyamun sedunia.
Isiu apa benda yang sebetulnya disimpan dalam akaun BSI Singapura menjadi lebih mengelirukan hari demi hari. Orang putih kata it’s getting more bizarre by the day. Seperti yang dikata dalam Alice in Wonderland- it’s getting curiouser and curiouser ….
Kali ini, Husni Hanazliah menyebabkan kita tambah keliru dan pusing kepala. Memang kerja pemimpin kerajaan memutar belit kah? Tolong beritahu rakyat Malaysia supaya kita semua jangan keliru- apa benda nya units itu. Tolonglah beritahu.
Bila di tanya pemberita apa units itu dia jawab units, just units. “They are units, backed by sovereign wealth funds. Benda apa pulak ni? Can’t the government be upfront and direct?
But I don’t know what are units. Please explain. Juga sila beritau- sovereign wealth funds mana pulak?  Adakah Husni mahu gali lubang lain pulak dan menyebabkan banyak persoalan lagi.
Husni Hanazliah kata Putrajaya salah tafsir units yang di-redeem atau ditebus oleh 1MDB dari Cayman Islands. Siapa salah tafsir?
Adakah maksud Husni - pegawai di kementerian kewangan tidak tahu membezakan antara wang tunai dengan benda yang disebut sebagai units. Malu nya pegawai di kementerian.dari KSP, TKSP, dan pegawai2 lain.
Rupa2 nya bukan wang tunai. Tapi units. Saya sendiri pun tak faham apa dia units. Dan Husni tidak menerangkan apa dianya units itu. Kalau kita belajar ekonomi dan saya diberitahu Husni pun belajar ekonomi- unit of account itu ialah duit.
Jadi apa dia units yang disebut Husni? Kertas siberhutang? sijil saham?, bon perbendaharaan? Token?  Inikah yang dibayar oleh yang berhutang kepada 1MDB?  Some form of debt papers denominated in US currency?
Membuat orang bertanya- mengapalah pandir sangat 1MDB menerima bayaran selain dari wang tunai? Bukankah PM Najib selalu kata cash is king? Apa jenis pengurusan dan lembaga pengarah yang menerima bayaran orang yang berhutang pada mereka dalam bentuk units dan bukan tunai?
Cerdik atau tidak? Sedangkan bukan main lagi cakap besar nya pengurusan 1MDB kata pengurusan mereka terdiri dari individu yang cerdik pandai. Dan lembaga pengarah 1MDB- bukan kah mereka pandai2 belaka?
Kenapa syarikat 1MDB menerima bayaran hutang mereka dalam bentuk units yang bukan tunai?
Siapa pula yang mengelirukan Putrajaya?
Jadi yang mengelirukan Putrajaya ialah pengurusan dan lembaga pengarah yang tidak menerangkan kepada Putrajaya, terutama kepada pegawai di Perbendaharaan- benda yang di tebus dan dibawa pulang ke Singapura itu bukan wang  tunai USD. They are units, just units.
Dan bayaran dari tranche pertama yang digunakan oleh 1MDB untuk membayar Aabar dan faedah pinjaman – adakah juga dalam bentuk units? Saya harap Husni Hanazlah boleh menerangkan kepada semua.
Jika tidak, mana boleh tranche pertama dalam bentuk wang tunai USD tapi tranche kedua dalam bentuk units? Apa kena dengan kepala 1MDB?
PAC patut menyiasat apakah benda yang dimanakan ‘units’ oleh Husni Hanazliah yang digunakan untuk bayar faedah hutang dan membayar Aabar. Panggil Aabar dan pemberi hutang yang menerima bayaran dalam bentuk units keatas faedah pinjaman yang mereka berikan 1MDB.
Ini mesti kes pertama dalam dunia, peminjam menerima bayaran dalam bentuk units- apa lah agak nya yang disandarkan kepada USD. Mungkin units ini ukiran binatang yang diperbuat dari jade yang setiap satu dinilaikan dalam USD.
Tranche kedua, sebanyak US1.03billion, juga dalam bentuk units disimpan dalam BSI Singapore. Saya hanya tidak faham- jawapan yang diberi menyebut perihal dana atau funds. Bolehka dana atau funds itu ujud dalam bentuk selain dari wang tunai? Jika bukan dalam bentuk wang tunai, mengapa disebut dana dalam mata wang USA?
Jawapan dalam parlimen sahih menyebut matawang USA.
Kemudian, mustahil dana ini dalam bentuk selain dari wang tunai USD kerana  jawapan yang diberi menyebut memudahkan pengeluaran wang- bukan pengeluaran units.
Kalau bukan hard cash, mengapa pula Bank Negara mahu mengawal pemindahan units yang bukan hard cash?
Bank Negara mustahil mengawasi pemindahan dan pengeluaran units dari bank. Ianya suatu yang baru kepada mereka. Yang mereka jaga ialah pemindahan dan pengeluaran wang tunai. Bahkan mereka peduli apa jika yang dipindahkan itu shares certificates, batu karang, patung jade atau apa pun. Kalau bukan hard cash, mereka tidak mengenakan syarat pengeluaran setiap transaksi wang…melebihi RM50 juta.  Kalau yang disimpan itu units, maka tidak perlulah bank negara mengenakan apa2 syarat.
Jaganlah  Huni Hanazliah menambah lagi  penipuan dan pembohngan kepada rakyat.
Jka Putrajaya tidak dapat membezakan wang tunai dari units , bolehkah mereka ini memerintah negara?
Video Muhyidin Yassin.
Seperti ramai orang lain, saya juga tonton aksi Muhyidin dalam program latihan Biro Politik UMNO. Muhyidin ingat perkara 1MDB dan simpanan BSI ini perkara yang melucukan?
Perkara ini suatu yang serious yang disebabkan oleh kerajaan yang akan terkesan bukan sahaja kita tapi jenerasi yang akan datang.
Orang UMNO dalam program itu bertepuk pada ketika2 terplih dan mereka ketawa beramai ramai keatas ungkapan Muhyidin yang melucukan- dan ketawa diatas cubaan tunjuk smart dengan ejekan2 keatas diri sendiri.
Muhyidin berlagak macam budak2 yang suka kelahi dengan berkata buang lah! seolah olah nya dengan sacking them akan membuktikan kepada rakyat bahawa yang melakukan musiabh 1MDB ini hanya lembaga pengarah dan CEO. Sedangkan PM Najib membersihkan lembaga pengarah dan CEO. Membuang mereka tidak membersihkan lumpur yang terpalit ke atas seluruh cabinet.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

We the People have no future with leaders who are dishonest.

The entire cabinet must be full of dishonest leaders. PM and ministers lie/ misled or simply did not tell the truth. They do this   with impunity in parliament. They gave false answers.

On the 10th of March 2015, I received a written reply from the Finance Minister. I had asked (1) where was the USD 2.318 billion said to be fully redeemed by Arul Kanda and (2) where is the USD 1.215 billion forming part of the USD2.318 kept.

He answered more than asked and was not truthful in his answers. 

The finance minister answered: the USD2.318 billion managed by the Cayman Monetary Authority (if there was one) was fully redeemed in 2 tranches.

The first tranche of USD 1.215 billion was used to repay interests on debts, working capital and payment to Aabar following the termination of Options agreement signed on 17th October 2012. The decision to terminate the options agreements was done in full compliance with the terms set by the securities Commissions if the IPOs by 1MDB were to be carried out.

He then went on:

The redemption of the second tranche amounted to USD 1.03 billion. The fund is still kept in USD in BSI Bank Limited (BSI Singapore). The decision to use a bank in Singapore is for the purpose of easy withdrawals of the money given the terms set by BNM, require BNM’s approval for every transaction of more than RM50 million.

This was the answer given by the PM in writing.

These answers have now been proven not true. The PM himself admitted it. Now, tell me unless my reading is faulty, funds kept in USD are cash. They cannot be assets. The PM cannot now say it was in the form of assets when the tranche was said to be is USD. It says clearly kept in USD. And ....withdrawals of money- meant it was cash.

This means the PM who is in the finance minister did not tell the truth in parliament. You people out there, you have no chance at all against a PM who misled and is not truthful in parliament.

What’s not telling the truth to the ordinary folks mean to him? That would be too simple. The people will think of him a liar.

The transport minister is also not telling the truth. I asked what actions did the MOT take against the contractor who caused a cost overrun by more than RM2 billion on building KLIA2.

The minister said, there is no cost overrun. Whereas my colleague from PJ Utara, Mr Tony Pua clearly showed that the original cost of KLIA2 was RM1.7 billion. It has now ended as RM4 billion, causing an overrun in cost by RM2.3 billion.

The people of Malaysia has no future with a cabinet made of dishonest people and with people  who ply their trade with a poker face.

Can We have a Free Najib Day? No we Cant.

It is difficult to pass the day without saying something about PM Najib. If I have my choice, I would not want to waste time talking about Najib.But since  he is the bossman, writing about him is de rigeur.

It’s not as if he comes out with some insightful ideas about something- most of his thinking is done by others. And because of that, you have to exclaim –hail Najib, all hail to Najib?

It’s because, every day, he amazes everyone with the most silly of statements and announcements. Because of that I have to say Sieg Heil! sieg heil.

Like saying that the property in TRX, Sungai Besi Land and the Penang Land should realise a value of RM42 billion. I know he meant part of the RM42 billion is in the form of the land in TRX, Bandar Malaysia and the lands is Air Hitam Penang.

He is saying- you people want to know where the RM42 billion went? Well look at the landed property 1MDB bought.  The silly thing is, the cost of the land was only a dent at the RM42 billion.

We aren’t interested in the inflated prices of any of the assets- we want to know the original cost of the assets because these were the prices 1MDB bought with the RM42 billion debt.  Example: if the TRX land now is RM189 million or RM2300 or so, psf- this is immaterial; 1MDB bought the land at a cost of RM66 psf.

The PM should not confuse people. If he wants to confuse himself, please go ahead.

According to the calculations of a friend, part o the 46 billion was spent as follows:-



Sg Besi

Air Hitam Penang

Mongolia coalmines

Contract to build army camps to replace sg besi

After that, 1MDB lost RM3.5b as at end march 2014 and another RM3.5b paid to Abu Dhabi as compensation.

After spending on these items and taking up a loss plus paying Abu Dhabi, there is still about RM17 billion unaccounted for.

So where did 1MDB spend this 17b? On what? Where has the money gone? 
My own suspicions- which may not be true, are that these monies are kept in several private accounts with the knowledge of the finance minister. How they got kept there is anybody's guess- embezzlement, deception, false accounts, overpricing, kickbacks, commissions, fees and gentle terms like 'goodwill'.

Everyone including Dr Mahathir is asking who ordered the killing of Altantuya. 2 people are going to be hanged for the murder of the Mongolian lady.  The two people are Najib’s bodyguards.

Surely as the master to these people, the PM would want to find out who ordered the kill? Or the PM must be interested above everyone else to find out who ordered the kill to clear even the remotest association of the killing to him or to those close to him.

As a person deemed to have direct and implied interests over the fate of his two former bodyguards and a person occupying the highest office in the land, he has a duty to reveal why policemen under his employ would want to kill another human being. He cannot act indifferent. Otherwise Najib will be rightly accused of having killers in his employment.

Until he clears this issue, people will talk about this and raise this question no matter how long ago the crime took place.

Nobody asked whether Najib has made any oaths in a mosque or not. Indeed it’s rather strange, in the absence of any thunder and rain, Najib took a preemptive step  to defend himself. Why?

Because he knows the God fearing Muslims will be impressed and will believe in his innocence should he be accused of anything regarding the murder of the Mongolian.

But questions do not go away because sacred oaths are not capable of chasing off questions and suspicions and definitely are not means of absolving guilt or affirming innocence. If they were, then criminals do not have to be brought to court because they can claim innocence simply by telling all and sundry, Pharisees and philistines, they have taken the sacred oaths.

Therefore Najib’s own sacred oaths, amount to zilch.

I do not believe Najib took the trouble and time to answer the issues raised by Mahathir. The answers given appear to be the handiwork of some people under his employment- those charged of handling the cyber media. These gnomes hide on the 4th floor of the PM’s office.

Only gnomes reprised the way Mahathir remain in power as a response and rebuttals. Only gnomes give such answers on the belief that two wrongs make a right. So what Mahathir did during his 22 years, confer upon Najib a license and justification to do as he pleases?

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