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Sakmongkol ak 47

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

UMNO parti rasuah.

Kawan kawan saya dalam UMNO bercakap mengenai rasa cemas bila kerajaan yang di pimpin oleh UMNO menabur wang begitu banyak kepada rakyat. Bayaran RM 100, 200, dan sekarang ini RM 500 sedang rancak di jalankan. Tapi apa yang hendak di risaukan? Bukankah ini hasil pejuangan UMNO dan bukti UMNO dan BN amat perihatin kepada rakyat?
Mereka bertanya kepada saya, bayaran2 ini, adakah ianya meningkatkan peluang UMNO dan kerajaan BN menang? Saya cakap sudah tentu ia menngkat peluang- peluang untuk rakyat merasa sakit hati. Bila rakyat sakit hati, bertambah ramailah musuh2 UMNO.
Hah? Macam mana itu berlaku? Saya menyatakan bahawa dalam hal beri memberi ini, UMNO selalu menghadapi masaalah. Siapa yang menentukan siapa dapat RM 100, 200 dan RM 500? Selalu nya yang menentukan ialah ketua kampong.
Ketua kampong punya keutamaan ialah menyenaraikan adik beradik, saudara saudara terdekat, dan geng geng yang sebulu dengan mereka. Golongan yang terpinggir ramai daripada yang dapat imbuhan. Ini memang resam sesetangah ketua kampong. Semasa saya jadi ADUN dahulu, saya mempunyai masaalah dengan ketua2 kampung yang seperti inilah juga- yang jadi pagar yang memakan padi.
Kalau buka kawasan pembesaran kampong, lot2 tanah di sapu mereka dan keluarga mereka sendiri. Kalau ada rumah rakyat, rumah PPRT, sanak saudara di dahulukan. Bahkan lot2 tanah di beri kepada suku sakat mereka yang tidak pun tinggal dalam kawasan pemberian tanah.
Apabila saham Felcra di beri oleh kerajaan- yang sepatutnya di beri kepada KEPALA keluarga, pemimpin kampong mendesak di beri kepada anggota isi rumah. Kalau keluarga nya ada 5 orang, mereka mahu saham Felcra di beri kepada ke lima2 ahli keluarga nya. Apa akan jadi bila perkara seperti ini di biarkan? Ianya bermakna , 5 ketua keluarga yang lain di nafikan peluang untuk dapat saham felcra.
Nah , sekarang perkara yang serupa berlaku apabila pentadbiran Najib Razak membayar wang kepada rakyat. Ramai orang menerima wang tersebut tapi bilangan yang di nafikan hak untuk menikmati rezeki dari Najib Razak juga kian bertambah.
Jadi saya suka sangat Najib Razak buka lebih banyak fronts kebencian rakyat. Ini melanggar nasihat yang dia selalu beri kepada rakan2 dan ahli UMNO. Jangan open up fronts terlalu banyak untuk orang membenci kita.
Dan saya harap ada orang membawa perkara ini kepada mahkamah. Adakah pemberian wang ini suatu bentuk sogokan dan rasuah untuk mendapatkan undi rakyat? Kepada saya, ianya satu bentuk rasuah yang di lakukan dengan terang. Duit dan wang ini bukan UMNO yang punya. Ianya duit yang datang dari hasil pendapaatn kerajaan. Operasi menyampaikan wang tersebut sepatutnya di lakukan melalui pejabat pejabat daerah. Kenapa wang tersebut di sampaikan oleh ketua bahagian UMNO dan bakal bakal calun dari komponen BN?
Di Sentul Kuala Lumpur, penyampaian wang RM 500 ini menonjolkan bakal calun dari parti Gerakan yang akan menentang Tian Chua dalam PRU 13 nanti. Tapi jangan risau, kita sudah tahu outcome PRU tersebut.
Tian Chua yang berani membaringkan diri di hadapan jentera dan kenderaan polis tidak mungkin di kalahkan oleh rasuah Gerakan dan UMNO.
Sukalah saya mengingatkan dalam soal beri duit dan wang ini- ianya bukan lah suatu perkara yang luar biasa. Bahkan, inilah bukti yang saya suka sebut sebagai satu satu nya cara dan kaedah yang DS Najib tahu dan gunakan untuk menyelesaikan masaalah. Cara nya ialah membayar sana sini. Itu dia nya, cara parti UMNO dan pemimpin tertinggi nya menyelesaikan masaalah.
Elok kita biarkan UMNO mengamalkan cara merasuah rakyat. Sebab sebuah parti seperti UMNO yang sustain sokongan kepada nya melalui merasuah rakyat tidak akan kekal lama. Ini berbanding dengan parti politik yang mencerna dalam diri penyokong nilai nilai, keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada seruan perjuangan.
Saya mahu orang Melayu sedar bahawa UMNO tidak mempunyai seruan perjuangan. Alif Ba Ta UMNO( Agama , Bangsa dan Tanah Air) sudah lama di singkirkan dan di gantikan dengan perjuangan kepentingan peribadi dan kelompok.
Adakah UMNO berjuang untuk kepentingan bangsa Melayu?
Ianya hanya suatu metos yang di bina oleh pemimpin2 haprak UMNO. Apabila keadaan cemas dan sesak, ketika itulah UMNO akan menjerit sana sini, bahawa hanya mereka lah yang melindungi kepentingan bangsa Mlayu, Agama dan Tanah Air.
Berhentilah dari menipu bangsa Melayu.
Jika UMNO berjuang untuk kepentingan Melayu, maka tidaklah mereka menafikan hak bangsa Melayu mendapat royalty minyak di Kelantan dan Terengganu. Penduduk dalam dua negeri ini majority nya Melayu,- tapi mengapakah royalty minyak tidak di beri secara lansung kepada rakyat kedua negeri itu secara lansung?
Rakyat Kelantan di nafikan hak mendapat royalty hanya semata mata rakyat negeri itu menyokong parti PAS. Dalam kes negeri Terengganu, orang UMNO sendiri tidak percaya kepada pemimpin UMNO negeri untuk mengendali pemberian wang royalty minyak. Orang UMNO tak percaya kepada orang UMNO sendiri kerana mereka tahu, jika royalty minyak Terengganu di kendalikan oleh Mat Said dan geng geng, wang tersebut akan masuk kedalam poket orang lain.
Maka nya, UMNO bukanlah memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu secara keseluruhan. Pertama, orang Melayu yang di maksudkan oleh UMNO itu, tidak termasuk Melayu yang bukan dalam UMNO. Melayu yang di maksudkan oleh UMNO ialah Melayu dalam UMNO itulah jua. Dalam kamus UMNO orang Melayu hanya ahli UMNO yang 3 juta itu sahaja lah yang layak di gelar Melayu. Orang Pahang, bila tidak bersetuju dengan sesuatu pendapat akan berkata- kepala bapak awaok!. Maka bila orang UMNO kata mereka berjuang untuk orang Melayu, saya orang Pahang akan berkata, kepala bapak awaok!
Kedua, daripada 3 juta ahli itu, UMNO berjuang untuk kumpulan terpilih. Jika cawangan UMNO mempunyai 50 orang ahli, ketua cawangan akan berjuang untuk 30 orang sahaja. Itu terdiri dari yang se kabilah dengan nya. Amalan ini di lakukan di peringkat cawangan, bahagian dan seterusnya pada peringkat induk.
Bayangkan sebuah parti yang membina kekuatan nya diatas perpecahan yang bermula di peringkat cawangan lagi- adakah parti seperti ini layak bercakap mengenai perpaduan dan bersatu?
Dasar yang ada dan di amalkan oleh UMNO ialah dasar BUMIPUTERA- yang berada di hadapan mengaut dan memonopli segala hasil peuangan ialah putera2 pemimpin, putera raja, putera ahli politik, putera ketua cawangan, putera ketua bahagian, putera ahli MKT UMNO dan putera2 orang berkuasa dan bernama. BUmi? Anak Bumi ketinggalan di belakanng PUTERA tanpa apa apa selain dari memegang telur sendiri.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Najib is made Optimus Prime by Michael's Decepticons

Datuk Seri Najib Razak was crowned today the “Father of Moderation and Transformation” by the World Chinese Economic Forum (WCEF), which said the prime minister’s “fair and just leadership” had benefitted the Chinese community “tremendously”. WCEF chairman Datuk Michael Yeoh said in his speech at the conferment ceremony here today.

This was the major news item of the day. WCEF is a gathering of Chinese hongs and towkays eager to seek business favors from the PM.  How does Michael Yeoh come by his assessment? 

Among others, Yeoh praised Najib’s 1 Malaysia platform, his administration’s decision to increase allocation to Chinese schools and the introduction of tax exemptions for churches and temples, saying the initiatives were proof of the prime minister’s commitment to “fairness and justice”.

Fuyoh! I had to pinch myself. Never have I heard such outpouring of boot-licking averments which Michael sought to prove by stating the material I placed in italics above. 

Let me steal the thunder from Michael’s shameless  sycophantic offerings.

Two weeks ago, I sat down with Dr Richard Cockett, SEA Correspondent for The Economist. Also present was Wan Saiful Wan Jan, head of IDEAS. Richard posted the question to me as to whether Najib will succeed in his transformation ideas.

He will not succeed I said. But let me say some nice things about Najib. Najib is a personable fellow and if you get close enough to him, you will have to be a black-hearted person NOT to like him. But that is as far as I can go. He is a nice and a personable fellow. 

He has his heart at the right place, but as I wrote sometime back, he is a political invertebrate. He doesn’t have the political will and personal strength to push through his programs. I was ready to concede later, that Najib on account of his exterior rhetoric may indeed have a backbone but still, I find difficulty to locate where on his anatomy. 

Take the case of his New Economic Model. Nowadays we hardly hear about it. In the 2011 UMNO General Assembly, Najib did not even mention it. Instead he devoted much of his speech sounding very combative and full of vehemence. What he has done was to actually retrograde to UMNO cavemen politics. You disagree with us, we bash you in the heads with our swing sticks. 

Ask yourself. How will Najib for instance push through his economic agenda? Answer: He will revert to the tested ways of selecting cronies, of giving direct negotiated projects masked by seemingly transparent methods to the chosen few. Those chosen few too will be recommended by the Man who can walk on water. He will continue with the patronage system instead of pushing his transforming ideas through. 

The only transforming sensation that Najib will achieve is perhaps playing with his Transformers toys and watching the film starring Shia LaBeouf. His eyes will probably focus more on Megan Fox. 

In the 2010 UMNO General Assembly for instance, all his big ideas were rejected and thwarted by UMNO delegates , obviously mirroring the general objection to Najib’s adventurist ideas which were his alone and most probably, scripted by expensively paid consultants. His idea of 1 Malaysia with the hazy notions of inclusiveness and outward readiness to “We must pool our collective talents  in the interests of our nation so that together, we will win out. Fulamak!

That to be read as: we must pakat pakat to swipe clean the country’s wealth and make hay while the sun shines. We will carry out the agenda of guatolonglu-lutolonggua win-win policies. 

The delegates at that assembly immediately rejected Najib’s 1 Malaysia by insisting on Malay first policies on everything. So what 1 Malaysia is Najib talking about?

His plans to transform the economy and especially that of the Malay economy through his NEM founded on the equally hazy notions of affirmative policies based of free market economics and affirmative policies based on merits were met with howls from delegates insisting on the continuation of NEP like policies. 

In the end, Najib was left clutching his balls and could only muster his last trump card- to claim that after all he is the son of Tun Razak.  That, no one can dispute. Genetically he is, but culturally, he isn’t. He doesn’t have the leadership qualities of Tun Razak.

How can he push his liberalist economic agenda through a mindset accustomed to patronage? Will the UMNO warlords, who has only known survival through the patronage system of UMNO allow some anointed successor, albeit being the son of TUn Razak dismantle a system that has provided them with succor? That would be suicidal. 

Najib will be sacrificed rather than allow a system that has spawn hordes of tenderpreneurs being replaced by an adventurist Najib Tun Razak with a blasphemous idea. 

In short, Najib faces a brick wall and he has nowhere to go. Either he faces the UMNO firing squad or capitulate. In the 2011 UMNO Assembly, he has done that exactly- retreated shamelessly. That gutless and shameless position was effectively masked by his recalcitrant and combative rhetoric. 

How will he push his transformation programs through a sea of stubborn tenderpreneurs and obstinate rent seekers? 

So in answer to Richard Cockett, Najib can’t transform. He can only dream of becoming Optimus Prime.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

One Saturday with The Oracle of Syed Putera

We are going to ignore the doomsday statements from PERKASA about Islam being threatened with Khalid in charge of Islam. How is Islam threatened? Khalid is a closet Christian evangelist? He is not Islamic enough?  He can’t manage properly? It is more reasonable to assume Khalid can do a better job since he has managed Selangor financially better than previous BN MBs. 

Islam is threatened simply because the majority of UMNO members shy away from mosques and suraus. They don’t ‘prosper’ the masjids and suraus. They want positions as chairmen of suraus and masjid for the prestige but are sorely deficient and wanting when it comes to evangelical programs. 

But then that is the basic leadership philosophy of the majority of UMNO people- positions without accountability and responsibility. Kedudukan mau, kerja tak mau. 

They want to become boss of suraus or mosques, they want to become chairman of PTA even though they themselves are elementary educated. So on so forth. So when things go afoul, the answers are not difficult to identify and can immediately be found. They somehow originate from UMNO. 

The DAP people whom the majority are not Christians want to proselytize on Islam? This is the biggest gobbledygook thus far pedaled by Perkasa. Islam is under threat precisely because UMNO has carried out ruinous business policies and economic predation that so impoverished the Malays leaving them vulnerable and seeking help from the inefficient Islamic bodies. If Malays convert then the fault lies firstly with the institutions charged with keeping the faith. 

What are they doing? We have weekly sermons, Islamic evangelical programs are a dime a dozen airing almost daily- why should any Muslim become converted then? If any do, then the Islamic bodies must have underperformed and haven’t done enough to keep Malays within the faith. 

Placing Khalid in charge of Islamic affairs in Selangor is the best decision the PR government did. Khalid will lend the prestige and stature of the MB’s office to Islamic affairs.  Since he has managed the state financially well, he can keep a look out on the zakat money too. 

All the Muslim MBs from UMNO couldn’t even come close when providing allocations to Islamic institutions as does Lim Guang Eng in Penang for example. Guan Eng has allocated a budget of RM 30 million for Penang. Compare that with a measly RM 12 million allocated yearly in Negeri Sembilan headed by- horrors of horrors-  a Malay Muslim MB who is from UMNO. Selangor can give out better allocations to Islamic bodies under Khalid. 

Sadly, that is not the issue I want to write now. But I felt compelled to rebut the statement made by an office bearer of Perkasa. I actually want to respond to an article I read about waiting for the predictions from Tun Daim Zainudin.
It’s ironic- when Daim gave his predictions before the 2008 elections, not a few UMNO leaders castigated and demeaned Daim. He is past shelf life, he’s senile, and he doesn’t know about politics and so forth. When the predictions made by Daim became true, every UMNO leader now regards Daim as the Oracle of Delphi. More so, if they can persuade Daim to give encouraging if not forced optimism of UMNO’s prospects. They are not going to get that.

Not that I know what Daim is thinking. I only know what his alter ego is thinking. He may not be the Oracle of Delphi. He is just the Oracle of Syed Putera.  His assessment of Najib as PM when I asked him as recently as last 2 Saturdays was startling the say the least. He said Najib has simply lost the plot on how to run and manage this country. 

What about those polls about Najib being popular? Surveyors and those surveyed can be paid to elicit the politically correct statements. No big deal. 

The oracle appeared subdued. Although I directed my questions to the Oracle and he gives answers, readers must assume they were directed to and answered by Tun Daim himself. As I mentioned some time ago, The Oracle of Syed Putera is the alter ego of Daim Zaindudin. As for the man himself, he remains as elusive as before. 

I asked the reasons for the countenance. He says he has been suffering from flu. He may have been. But I suspect he is more affected by the state of politics on Malaysia.

I asked whether he knew that Dr Mahathir had gone to speak at a function in Shah Alam. He said he didn’t know. But if Dr Mahathir has gone down there, The Oracle said that is a sign of bigger problems in Selangor. He heard the message that Dr Mahathir brought to the UMNO people in Shah Alam and therefore Selangor is to accept any candidates selected by the top leadership. Even if the candidates have never been UMNO members. UMNO must be scrapping the barrel. No one in UMNO is winnable enough and that is the profound indictment on the state of the quality of UMNO leadership.

How do you see the outcome of the next elections? As of now, Sarawak can lose up to 16 parliamentary seats. Over in Sabah, BN can lose up to 12 seats, 8 of which will be from UMNO. The state is imploding.

The Oracle Continued:- I was hoping the losses can be compensated by BN winning back Selangor and Kedah provided UMNO is united. UMNO is not and that probably, was the reason why The Oracle was somewhat subdued. 
I couldn’t even encourage him to come up with the usual lewd jokes about UMNO leaders.  

Saturday, 21 January 2012

On changing horses midstream and the man who can walk on water

The PM told the people not to change horses at midstream. So we asked- we don’t change even if the horse is limping and is running on 3 legs? In endurance races, riders change horses in order to arrive at the destination. Malaysians should be pragmatic when it comes to deciding their future.

Midstream for BN and UMNO is already over 50 years. Since 1955 when the first elections took place until now, from Perikatan to BN, we have had more than 50 years of BN rule. What do we have? We have development for sure- but are also damaged by rampant corruption, utter disregard for the rule of law, abuses of all kinds, political manipulations, deception and lies and gross mismanagement of the economy. To all that, the PM says, we don’t change? If we don’t, we shall have another 50 years of unchecked corruption, emasculation of the judiciary, thugs running the legal institutions, abuses and gross mismanagement. 

At another place in his speech, the PM says, we don’t know whether the opposition knows what to do if they come into power. We don’t know whether under Pakatan we can achieve a developed status by 2020with the fabled per capita income of USD15,000. 

Of course Pakatan knows what to do. In the short years they came into power; direct investments have been highest in Pakatan led states of Penang, Selangor and Kedah. These states have achieved balanced budgets without doing arithmetic tricks. In Penang which is led by non-Muslim, grants to Islamic religious institutions have reached RM 30 million a year. Compare that to Negeri Sembilan, which is led by a good Muslim, the grant is only RM 12 million a year. How is that possible? Because the state coffers have been managed better in one state that in the other state which is managed by BN and UMNO. 

So in answer to the PM’s pained exhortations, change horses if and when necessary. It’s now most necessary to change the tired horse. Retire him. But as a good animal lover, we won’t put it to sleep but maybe employ it as a riding horse for children.

The other piece of news that struck me as odd was the statement from khazanah that it didn’t make profit from its sale of Proton shares to DRB hicom. If no profits were made, why sell the shares? You mean, a simple bottom line judgment call require a phalanx of Oldbridge Oxbridge analysts to justify in order to sell at a profit? Secondly, Khazanah’s statement can be construed as an admission that it was given a fait-acompli- take this price and don’t ask any questions. In Malaysia, only one person can do that- the man who can walk on water. 

I hope I can throw more light into the sale of proton shares to DRB Hicom. Were there any other bids besides DRB Hicom presented to Khazanah? Is Khazanah brave enough to publish the identity of all bidders? If it has the courage to do so, we shall not be surprised if the bidders were only Tengku Mahalil- Arumugam group, DRB Hicom, Nazmi and Co. if that is the case, whoever gets the shares have only one master. The man who can walk on water.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Robber-baron Socialism to the Che Det Consensus.

We, who watched the news on TV3 yesterday, saw a beaming adviser to Proton. He has all the reasons to smile. Last week he stated Khazanah is not in position to retain its shares in Proton. A few of us already knew his game. He was merely paving the way for DRB HICOM to acquire those shares. We all know the end game of Mahathir. He wants to be the Malaysian ‘King’ Croesus. Croesus was a legendary king in a country known as Lydia in Asia Minor. He was fabulously rich it’s said that gold from the mines and sands filled up his coffers.

Allow me to tell a short story about King Croesus. You can Google about it but I am retelling in my own style. I hope he will suffer the same fate as the original King Croesus. When the Greek lawgiver Solon came to Lydia, Croesus displayed all his wealth and asked Solon to name 3 individuals who Solon regarded as happiest. Solon named 3 unknown persons and Croesus was expectedly angered and asked why he, with all his wealth wasn’t included in the 3. Solon answered how Croesus can be included as Croesus does not know what God has in store for him.

Shortly after the incident, Croesus consulted the Oracle of Delphi just as the Persian King Cirrus was embarking on his empire building. The oracle told Croesus that if he goes to war with Cirrus, he will cause the destruction of an empire. Croesus went to war and was defeated by Cirrus. The empire that was foretold was his own!
He is manipulating the business world, just as he is preparing the way for Ibrahim Ali to get into UMNO and contest in the next elections. It’s an open secret that Perkasa is backed by Mahathir, funded by Syed Mokhtar. And Najib is handling Perkasa sheepishly.

How do we respond to that? We must get rid of the party that declares is commitment to religion, race and nation. It’s none of that since 1988 when Mahathir kicked out the old UMNO. This present UMNO is just a pretender. The old UMNO fought for cause and placed complete trust in the whole rakyat. The UMNO pretender places its trust in only 3 million Malay members to the exclusion of the majority Malays. you are Malay only if are UMNO Malay. It’s a party by the members, from the members but for the chosen and anointed few.

The slogan for religion, race and nation is just a rhetoric repeated mindlessly by UMNO members. It’s just like the situation described by Franz Fanon in The Wretched Of The Earth- the downtrodden and marginalized peoples echo mindlessly the symbol of democracy- Parthenon, Parthenon until its reduced to just a barely audible..’thenon’. The significance of what the Parthenon represented is lost just as the slogan- ‘for religion, race and nation’ is reduced to a rhetoric and fiction.

The gap between that fiction and reality is getting bigger. But UMNO must defend the fiction nonetheless because it represents status quo. Status quo means the decadent life as UMNO leadership knows it. How can you give that away and let it go? Mahathir and Najib now want to retain the status quo even if it means selling the idea represented by now, only a fiction. UMNO’s ideology is an ideology of power and power must be retained because status quo needs to be retained. Hence, we must defend Putrajaya at all cost boomed Najib. All other interests are subordinate to the party’s interest.

When I asked the Oracle of Syed Putra, the alter ego of Tun Daim Zainduin, why TDM is doing this, he wouldn’t answer. So I remarked- is TDM still collecting? I remembered  very much a much earlier remark by the Oracle that Khazanah at one time was supposed to be the golden handshake to Mahathir. That was the reason why almost all the equity in big companies is concentrated in Khazanah’s hands. They were to be divested to private companies in line with the much exalted public-private sector partnership. It should be called collusion between the political elite and the business elite. You get therefore a plutocracy. If Mahathir cannot get Khazanah directly, he gets it indirectly through his business associates.

Now, read this. KERETAPI Tanah Melayu Bhd (KTMB) has been asked to assist MMC Corp Bhd to conduct due diligence on the national railway company. That was last year. The due diligence is important for MMC to decide if it wants to privatize KTMB. MMC plans to pump in some RM1 billion into KTMB and take over its operations. And KTMB was asked to assist them. Assist them means what? KTMB said, they have not received any instructions from the government to put the matter on hold. In other words, it’s an ongoing process. When will the takeover take place?

It’s not rocket science. When Dr Mahathir paves the way for MMC to take over is the answer. How can it recoup the huge investments or finance it?

You will remember the double tracking project from Gemas to JB has been delayed for 10 years. It will take off when MMC takes over KTMB and goes to the government to say, since they are the end user for that facility, we can build it ourselves. Maybe we team up with the Chinese to give face to China.

So how do you describe our economic system since the time of Mahathir? Talks about the smorgasbord of acronyms- ETP, PDP, NKEA, EPP all mean nothing. The system we have surely couldn’t be called a Singapore style autarchy- since any association with the little red dot in the south is anathema to Mahathir. So what do we have? A capitalist development state like Japan? Malay mysticism mixed with Market Economics?- that can’t be because Ibrahim Ali hates free market economics. Can it be a slow motion version of Soviet style economics- where the elite grabbed productive public assets for private gain? It looks that way- since Mahathir and Najib talk about welfare all the time, our economy should be called Robber Baron Socialism.

I prefer to call it a new model- the Che Det Consensus. It’s an economy built around practical, problem solving and technologically innovating model. Except its practical for the business and political elite, solves the problem for the robber barons and masking under the guise of technological innovativeness. Hence you have the fashionable phrase of unlocking value, releasing potential….. ad nauseam. The hired lackeys and running dogs of the Che Det Consensus are working overtime.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Make Gemas the epicentre of political tsunami, not the blackhole of financial scandals

If the crowd at the Rapat Rakyat yesterday night in sleepy Gemas is an indication, Negeri Sembilan will fall to the opposition at the next GE. It does not matter whether the elections are held in the next few months or later nearer a full 5 year term. It will not make any difference on the outcome of the elections- BN will suffer massive losses and lose its mandate. 

Those politically untutored of course will chide others who are wishing for an earlier election date. Usually those who are pressing for a quicker date are those from within UMNO itself. Especially those who think they will contest as candidates replacing the incumbents. In UMNO replacing incumbents is not difficult- just mobilize a few dissenting and envious voices to create the necessary ‘public’ opinion. Elevate personal anecdotes and personal sob and frustrated stories and exploit those as generalizations.  Then package all the lies and present it to a nervous and insecure Division Head. Never mind if he is the DPM then and now PM. 

I would estimate the crowd yesterday to be around 10,000 people. The local guy next to me confided in me since staying in Gemas since the late 60s, this is the first time he sees this big a crowd attend a political gathering. UMNO will of course trivialize this observation by saying; the opposition has always attracted large crowds to their rallies. In the end, the BN will win. I hope for their sake, that simplistic response is true. This time I think, the usual knee jerk response is just for self-assurance for the anxieties engulfing the BN camp. 

The first 3 speakers spoke about local politics not about the big issues concerning and relating to Anwar Ibrahim who was the last speaker. The 3 who spoke first found unison in the voice from the crowd who were clearly primed up to eject Mat Hassan and his team from Negeri. 

Gemas is special or should I say infamous for two things actually. The NFC cattle farm is located in Gemas. Shahrizat Jalil whose family members are currently embroiled in the financial scandal surrounding the National Feedlot Cattle project chose Gemas as the site for the project. Gemas has since gained the moniker of the cattle capital of Malaysia. The NFC is clearly a blatant case of corruption involving many more people within UMNO than the figures now under public scrutiny. 

Gemas is also the site chosen to be the starting point for the double tracking rail project from Gemas to Johore Bharu. That project is shrouded in much controversy too. The original project was given to China Railway Engineering and Construction (CREC) on account of the company being a GLC of the Chinese government and also on account of its specialization in the construction of rail projects. The Malaysian cabinet approved it. Curiously later, this decision was rescinded and the project was given to China Harbours. Now it seems, another private Chinese company has been given the project. In between companies, rumors abounded about large amounts of money changing hands. 

So Gemas appears to be at the epicenter of financial scandals. It is fitting for Gemas to herald the wave of change that will soon snuff out the life of the corrupt and the mediocre in Negeri Sembilan. But you watch this space. Syed Mokhtar is taking over KTMB. The double tracking project is for use by KTMB. What’s stopping KTMB from telling the government, it can do the GEMAS-JB double tracking job? Gamuda made lots of money for the northern portion of the double tracking job so why can’t KTMB under Syed Mokhtar do the same? 

To the people of Gemas Negeri Sembilan, my hope is they make Gemas the epicenter for political tsunami in Negeri Sembilan. Don’t make Gemas the black hole of financial scandals.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

kalau ada 7 juta ahli, masih takut untuk adakan PRU?

 Sekarang kita tahu, UMNO dan BN tidak kuat. Bila Muhyidin rasmikan dan hadhir dalam majlis Sayangi Selangor pada 31 disember 2011, dengan barisan artis yang seksi seksan, hanya 5000 orang hadir. Selalu nya bila ada artis, orang akan datang bersyusyun syusyun. Pada masa yang sama, kerajaan Selangor yang di pimpin oleh PKR mengadakan suatu majlis agama yang di kendalikan oleh Zizan Raja Lawak dan Ustaz Azhar Idrus, 50 ribu orang membanjiri premis majlis tersebut. Tidak ada artis. Ada pelawak dan ustaz yang mengadakan sesi soal jawab agama. Tapi pengundi yang majority nya muda, memilih untuk mendengar ceramah agama.

Boleh kah kita kata BN kuat dan dapat merampas Selangor? cakap besar dan tulis atas kertas dan beri lapuran gembira pada presiden UMNO- boleh.

Macam mana kita kata UMNO-BN tidak kuat? Siapa kata demikian? Presiden UMNO dan PM yang kata. SU agung UMNO yang kata. Mereka lah yang mendedahkan kelemahan UMNO dan BN.

Sebab Presiden UMNO beritahu, pilihanraya tidak akan di jalankan selagi reformasi ekonomi nya belum tercapai. Reformasi yang di maksudkan ialah perubahan2 dalam cara ekonomi negara di jalankan.

Apakah benda nya reformasi ekonomi atau Transformasi ekonomi yang di maksudkan oleh PM dan Presiden UMNO itu? kita sebetulnya tidak ada keyakinan keatas model ekonomi yang di warwarkan oleh presiden UMNO. Sebab pada hakikat nya, ETP atau Economic Transformation Plan yang di istharkan oleh PM beberapa tahun yang lalu hanya lah koleksi business plans daripada syarikat2 terpilih. Ianya bukan model ekonomi untuk rakyat tapi model ekonomi untuk pemilik bisnes besar dan elit politik. Model ekonomi yang di laksanakan oleh kerajaan BN yang di pimpin oleh UMNO, ialah suatu skim cepat kaya pyramid. Ianya model niaga ala pak man telo. Yang di bawah buat bisnes, komisyen di salurkan keatas untuk yang berada diatas.

Elit bisnes di beri monopoli mengendalikan program ekonomi negara dan sumbangan di salurkan kepada elit politik. Percayalah bila saya katakan- mana mana projek raksasa yang di istiharkan oleh kerajaan, itu semua hanya excuse atau alasan untuk membuat duit yang banyak.

Seperti kata the Oracle of Syed Putera atau Pendita dari Syed Putera, Najib has lost the plot on how to run this country.

Pemimpin UMNO tidak ada plan atau idea macam mana hendak bangunkan negara. Mereka hanya tahu satu jalan mendapatkan sokongan dan kesetiaan. Dan ianya bukan melalui cara menghidupkan keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada sesuatu seruan atau cause.Ianya ialah dengan membayar semua orang. 

Jika kita pergi ke Semporna Sabah, tempat Shafie Apdal, nak cari klinik pun takde. Cara Shafie Apdal mengurus dan mentadbir Semporna macam seorang lord memerintah fiefdom. Dia duduk atas kerusi dan hulur RM 10 kesetiap rakyat yang sedang beratur hendakkan RM 10. Itu dia cara pemimpin UMNO selesai masaalah dan membangunkan rakyat terutama orang Melayu. Dan yang sedang beratur itu ada yang pengsan pula. Shafie apdal has no inkling how to liberate the thinking of orang orang bajau di Semporna.

Jadi apakah model ekonomi yang di bising bisingkan oleh Dato Najib? Ia model ekonomi yang bergantung kepada elit perniagaan untuk di jayakan. Elit2 ekonomi ini di beri nama yang kehormat dan eksotik seperti PDP- Project Delivery Partner. PDP itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan, ialah syarikat perniagaan yang mengemukakan cadangan2 bisnes. Cadangan2 dari syarikat2 ini diambil sebagai anak angkat atau adopt sebagai ETP. Jadi, bila kita halusi apa dia ETP, PDP dan lain lain lagi, semuanya tidak lain adalah cadangan dari rakan rakan niaga yang rapat dengan kerajaan BN.

Apakah jenis kerajaan yang beroperasi seperti ini? ianya di sebut sebagai Plutocracy- iaitu kerajaan perpaduan antara elit politik dan elit bisnes. Jadi bila pemimpin UMNO dan BN bercakap mengenai kebajikan, ia sebenarnya ialah kebajikan untuk warga korporat.

Bila Najib kata, transfomasi ekonomi nya belum selesai- maksud yang sebenarnya ialah kekayaan negara ini belum selesai di bahagi bahagikan antara rakan2. Tony Fernandez dapat airline business, anak Dr Mahathir dan Shahril dapat bisnes minyak dan gas, Gamuda dapat infrastructure, Syed Mokhtar dapat itu dan ini, YTL , Robert Kuok punya syarikat akan dapat bisness pemasaran hasil2 dari FGV. Bila ini semua selesai, maka transformasi ekonomi Najib selesai. Dan kemudian, dia akan ada wang yang banyak untuk membeli kesetiaan dan sokongan orang Melayu.

Kedua, kalau UMNO dan BN kuat mengapa tidak mahu adakan PRU sekarang juga? Jawapan nya, reality nya UMNO dan BN adalah harimau kertas.  UMNO mempunyai ahli 3.1 juta. Tahun 2009, SU Agung UMNO, Tengku yang bukan Tengku- Adnan bin Mansor mengistiharkan jumlah ahli UMNO ialah 3 juta lebih manakala warga BN berjumlah 7 juta lebih.Dan Dato Najib sendiri dalam ucapan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO menjerit bahawa UMNO ada ahli seramai 3 juta lebih. 3 juta boleh buat apa? Sejarah mengajar kita kemenangan selalu nya di menangi oleh suatu kumpulan yang kecil.

Jadi, macam mana kita boleh kata UMNO dan BN tidak kuat dengan jumlah keahlian yang hampir sama banyak dengan jumlah pengundi di Malaysia dalam tahun 2008?  UMNO dan BN mempunyai  jumlah ahli seramai 7.3 juta. Jumlah pengundi 7.9 juta.  Lojik nya, jika semua warga UMNO dan BN berjumlah 7 juta lebih, Najib will win the coming elections hands down. UMNO dan BN hanya memerlukan ahli2 BN sahaja yang mengundi.

Dengan jumlah ini, mengapa kerajaan BN masih teragak agak mengadakan PRU? Sebab mereka sedar bahawa jumlah ahli yang banyak tidak menjamin kemenangan. Mereka harus merasuah ahli mereka sendiri untuk mengelak dari di beloti. Ahli BN sendiri pun tidak mahu sokong sebuah kerajaan yang rasuah dan menjalankan skim cepat kaya ala pyramid.

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