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Sakmongkol ak 47

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No. 1

1. One of the nicest books I have read was a book called the autobiography of an unknown Indian. It was written by one N. Chaudhuri. It's a narration of his rites of passage . That's the way I looked at it .

2. It has now inspired me to start a series of article in my blog. Fittingly it is called The Views of an Unknown Malaysian.

3. Let me begin with a legal conundrum, a vexed question,a thumper. I am referring to the unexplainable dropping of the 47 charges proffered to the Javanese neanderthal, Zahid Hamidi.

4. He may have been a student and taught by our present PM at Yayasan Anda, the school for 2nd chancers. But that won't stop me from describing him in the most despicable of terms. Hey, whenever he appears on TV explaining the need for healthy living, I change channel. Fearing it can cause me nightmares later. If his posters are strategically placed in the padi fields, they can scare away pests.

5. Whenever the PM says he or his government does not interfere in the judicial process, that statement sent shivers down my spine . There are dark linings in the silver clouds , not noticed by many.

6. Laissez faire in the judicial system? Anwar may have been influenced by a heavily perfumed french A hole who asked a group of industrialists - what can the government do to help them prosper?

7. The answer the industrialists gave was leave us alone- translated into meaning allow them to do as they please. The term in French literally means, allow to do .

8 . It's an economic doctrine that opposes intervention by the government in any forms except intervention in the natural monopolies.

9. The PM applies the same principles to our judicial system, which often leads to absurd and ridiculous results .

10. Well, Mein Fuhrer, there is no absolute non interference. Judicious interference is necessary to correct the wrongs, to moderate the excessive-ness etc.

11. When Lee Kuan Yew was asked whether he believes in the economic isms, he replied no. To him, one should always answer does this particular work? If it does, accept it.

12. Anwar's pompous declaration of wholesale non interference leads to absurd results. First of course it freed the Javanese neanderthal from culpability. It opened a can of worms. It also showed the PM didn't show leadership when it is required. He's a political invertebrate really blowing where the winds blow .

13. It opened a can of worms. Remember, the AG said he does not have to give reasons for the DNAA. Wow, that's a good value to teach the public. You can defiantly say, you are not accountable for anything. That's an axiom of the entitled inbreds .

14. Lawyers, looking out for one another are quick to say, you can't blame the judge, you can't blame the government... ad nauseum

15. What lawyers say are not etched in stone. They are opened to disputations and disagreements. Besides, a predator will generally not attack one of its own kind. That's professional courtesy.

16. We, the public don't care two hoots what lawyer say. We say all is to blame. Including the judge.

17. If one charge is found to be faulty and causes a domino effect on the other 46 charges, the same principle applies to the justice system.

18. If one law practitioner in this case is rougish, the whole gangbang including the judge is.

19. To us, the reasonable man on the Clapham omnibus, the judge should have harshly reprimanded the lawyers from the AGC.

20. Having found that Zahid had a prima facie case to answer, the AGC lawyers did a volte face and gifted the Javanese neanderthal with a DNAA . The judge concurred.sheesh!

21. The conduct of all the judges presiding zahid's cases are hardly commendable. Indeed the deserved disapprobation and opprobrium.

22. The judge at Shah Alam for instance dismissed zahid's case on account of the half past six job done by the prosecution team and on technical grounds.

23. Perhaps that particular judge has not heard of A4 sized envelopes and couldn't count past one .

24. Wasn't there a possibility that more than one A4 sized envelopes were used? And the money denominated in thousand USD or Singapore dollars?

25 . The judge in the 47 charges case froze and acquiesced at the request of the prosecution team. He did not have the testicular fortitude. Sorry sir!

26. That was the time when we expect him to indulge in some judicial activism. That was required to correct the wrongs and mend things. But he did not and his conduct can hardly be said to be blameless. No siree!

27. Many of you think of judges as being priggish, sanctimonious, sacred cows and endowed with superior intellect more than they actually have. Other judges and respectful lawyers refrain from criticizing them. But some members of the public such as I, like Rhett Butler said, don't give a damn.

28. If I think you err or are defficient somewhat, the postman will ring the door. Sorry you cannot reply us publicly, but you know how some of us think of you . You too eat belacan.

29.lets look at the 47 charges. It's mathematically impossible for at least some of the charges to stick. They must be practising some strange maths in the courts .

30. If the prosecution team discovers some charges were flimsy, why not expunge them. Retain the robust ones which can stand assault by the defense team.

31. Finally, it's a case of believability. Do you believe Zahid? Look, here's the man who said he met the invisible Arab donor to najib.if it's proven he lied there, his whole credibility is flushed down the toilet.

32. But here's the man UMNO wants as it's leader. We can only be perplexed. And to exclaim, some people's children. God have mercy on us!


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