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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 19 April 2024

Affidavit vs counter affidavit.The truth is butchered

1. Reading between the lines, T. Zafrul seems to suggest that Zahid lied about the existence of an addendum that allowed Najib to serve the remainder of his jail sentence at home

2. Everyone seems, some of the press included wants to see a criminal freed.

3. Perhaps this eagerness is part of the entitlement mentality of a Bumi -Putera.

4. The Putera in the Bumi term is always entitled to some divine dispensation.

5. On the other hand, any Bumi in the Bumiputera term is subject to the harshness of the law. The counter affidavit by T. Zafrul, if true, is another reason why we should all boycott UMNO.

6. Not only UMNO consists of narcissistic, anarchic and prone to aggression individuals, it's leadership consists of congenital liars. Surely, that is not a party, sacred and honourable to represent right thinking Malays.

7. Unless of course, as Swettenham observed , Malays in general, are naturally untrustworthy.

8. I believed Malays in general do not deserve such reproach and negative description. As practicing Muslims, they observed fairness and truth.

9. Hence if Najib is wrong, he is wrong and deserves all the disapprobation. If Zahid is a liar, he deserves all the rejection or using a current term, boycott. 10. Only UMNO people, ' back roomed ' decency and truth. Never you trust UMNO people or those DNA-ed with UMNO values people.

11. Zafrul's affidavit would affirm that Zahid is a liar.

12. I am puzzled by one thing; why is it that some people are eager to see that what is haram, makan duit haram, harta haram be exonerated? That means all the virtuous values our parents taught us and strengthened by religion are simply discarded.

13. The zealousness to see Najib served house arrest seem to forget that the chap still got 1MDB to answer to. Or is there a conspiracy to let Najib off with another DNAA? That will surely turned Malaysia into a pariah state. Perhaps that also will be shielded behind the excuse, 'the government does not interfere with the judiciary ' ?.

14. Yes, certainly Zahid's affidavit would strain relationship with Nana Non, it would reveal that Zahid is a liar. Have we forgotten about the Zafrul affidavit that politely says Zahid's affidavit is false? Is there a law against a falsified affidavit?

15. This legal imbroglio can be resolved if everything is tabled by the AGC with the courts . Finito!

16. I have learnt this much. Don't listen to the thunder. Wait for the rain. Don't rush to conclusion into accepting what Zahid says is true . Don't say the government is hiding any addendum.

17. When wak jahid was the home minister, he said we don't have a law that provided for house arrest. Has the law been changed now that an UMNO Putera is jailed?

18. We are a constitutional monarchy. It's inconceivable that the king does anything to undermine the constitution and with it, the law .

19. Yes it certainly would strain the relationship between Zahid and Nana Non. It firstly may expose Zahid as a liar not partial to using underhanded machinations. It affirms the fatal mistake Nana Non makes, which is to invite an implacable and incorrigible enemy like UMNO to share power.


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