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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Reminder of political longevity. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 32.

1. One of the memorable slogans coined by James Carville, the Clinton strategist, was change or more of the same. That apart from it's the economy stupid!

2. Then,there's a statement made by one of the greatest economists and one with a rapier sharp mind. Milton Friedman.

3. He said, almost always , good intentions produce directly opposite results .

4. Meritocracy, rule of law, eradicating corruption, abuse of power, dismantling the deep state , advancing competence etc are obviously, good intentions.

5. But you have dismal results .you have open rejection of the rule of law, kakistocracy instead of meritocracy, more corruption instead of checking it, rampant abuse of power, celebration of mediocrity, etc.

6. The less corrupt for now, accuses the already and more corrupt of corruption. The less corrupt for now investigates the more corrupt and eventually absolves the already corrupt for blatant pillage.

7. You gave them DNAAs, you gave them pardons, propose house arrest and finally acquits them. So these people can 2 finger the people and say, qui'ls mangent de la brioche. Let them eat cake or kropok lekor.

8. If you have time, read Friedmans ' Bright promises, dismal performances. If u see it, buy.

9. The supreme leader aka the sungai Long Bolshevik, on stage here and there speaks animatedly about the rule of law is negara hukunm, good governance, anti corruption slogans etc, but the talks are not followed by the walks .

10. They are just cheruk tokkuns Boria renditions danced awkwardly, full of missteps.

11. How do we reconcile these diatribes and vehement rhetorics against corruption, rejection of the rule law, good governance etc against what is happening on the ground? They could be tips of the iceberg indicating the rot is more severe.

12. The main problem is while the luminaries of reformasi talked about grandiose and attention grabbing slogans, they actually are in the dark about what's going on. They are bamboozled by the deep state and the apparatuses left before by the decadent UMNO government.

13. So you actually perpetuate the same as usual business without effecting the changes you shout. It's more of the same , not change, stupid!

14. A few cases come to mind. How do you explain the overnight emergence of of Malaysia,s Salvador Dali as a novue rich?

15. This chap probably earned his biggest salary when he served as Anwars political secretary. His ordinary parents certainly did not bequeath him any windfall. His sister was an ex stewardess. They all had to work to earn a living. So when people asked where he got the money to buy into a company that later got a very lucrative contract from the good governanced government, tounges start wagging.

16. It's worse if he says he's only fronting for some parties. That means he's leveraging on his relationship with pmx to capture government businesses. Horrors!

17. He's a well rewarded tool used by behind the scenes business potentates to fleece the government. That's treasonous.

18. Hey, I must speak about this case. Who are the idiot economists who said it's good economics for the government to lease or rent 28 helicopters from weststar over a period of 15 years for 16 billion? Where as a comparison, the Philippines government Bought 32 Blackhawk helis for only 2.6 billion?

19. For your information, wesstar is the company that supplied helis for nana non to campaign here and there. For free then . The company collects now.

20. I hope the advisors and dumbass economists do not include the Tom Selleck wannabe 2nd finance minister. His statements regarding fashion valet show his a not so smart fellow. Perhaps the utility of his moustache lies in fact that it can tickle the female anatomy at strategic parts.

21. Finally theres this strange case of Musa amans appointment as Sabahs tyt. A man who has a closet full of corruption cases is suddenly sanitized and appointed as Sabah tyt?

22. Just what has he done to get rehabilitated? Did he promise to bank roll Sabah elections?

23. It's the hypocrisy that pollutes the air which suffocates us. There's a divergence

between what is said and actually done.

24. The hypocrisy reminds me of excerpts from a poem written by one of Indonesia's foremost poet. Ws rendra.

25. In bersatu lah pelacur2 Jakarta. Nyanyian hujan rendra writes

Sarinah Katakan kepada mereka 

Bagaimana kau dipanggil ke kantor menteri 

Bagaimana ia bicara panjang lebar kepadamu 

Tentang perjuangan nusa bangsa 

Dan tiba-tiba tanpa ujung pangkal Ia sebut kau inspirasi revolusi 

Sambil ia buka kutangmu 

Dan kau Dasima 

Khabarkan pada rakyat 

Bagaimana para pemimpin revolusi 

Secara bergiliran memelukmu 

Bicara tentang kemakmuran rakyat dan api revolusi 

Sambil celananya basah 

Dan tubuhnya lemas 

Terkapai disampingmu 

Ototnya keburu tak berdaya 

Politisi dan pegawai tinggi 

Adalah caluk yang rapi 

Kongres-kongres dan konferensi 

Tak pernah berjalan tanpa kalian 

Kalian tak pernah bisa bilang ‘tidak’ 

Lantaran kelaparan yang menakutkan 

Kemiskinan yang mengekang 

Dan telah lama sia-sia cari kerja 

Ijazah sekolah tanpa guna 

Para kepala jawat…

26. It proves my point that often those who speak of lofty ideals are often those who first renege against them.

27. I begun my article by quoting Carville and Friedman. I shall end it by quoting a practitioner of realpolitik- the great Lee kuan Yew.

28. During 1 political rally lky said. Those who govern Singapore must have that iron in him. Although spoken in a specific context, the statement has general applications.

29. Which can mean for Malaysia, whoever governs her, must have the iron in him. If Nana tambun, has not the iron in him , he must surround himself with those who do

30. Correspondingly it means Nana tambun will have to get rid of the deadwood and those whose blood are deficient in iron. Nana tambun would know who they are. But I suspect high on the list of the excess baggage would be wak47, ayam den lapeh man and zamri the black .

31. In an interview, lky told viewers what are the principal determinants of political longevity. Its not the hindustàni looks of Nana tambun.

32. The 2 determinants of political longevity are never break faith or belief of the people in you and promises made are promises kept .

33. Nana tambun makes himself out as the chief/chip change agent . He talks of lofty ideals. Rule of law, good governance, ridding of corruption, collusion and nepotism, a harmonious and caring society through the nebulous madanism etc.

34. Faith and belief, refer to these higher ideals. But if Nana tambun regularly denigrates and trivializes them , allowing them to be corroded by reactionaries, they will shorten his political longevity.

35. While faith and belief refer to lofty ideals, promises are specific commitment to carry out some specific tasks.

36. Things like reducing the price of fuels , no matter when you said it, removal of Azam Baki, removal of tolls, ptptn,reduction in cost of living, cheaper groceries, better housing and health care, security and so on.

37. I must mention electricity tariff. The public is faced with the grim prospects of increasing electricity tariff while TNB is making abnormal and indecent profits .

38. These 2 things combined will greatly shortened pms political longevity. Not to mention UMNO continuously sabotaging PH. Remember what Machiavelli said, the most fatal mistake is to invite your enemy to share power

39. I say all these out of love for Nana tambun. I want him to stay as pm for as long as possible. I would be remiss in my duty if I don't speak candidly and with candour. Even at the expense of being marginalized by pm. The prospects of right wing parties especially UMNO returning to power is abhorrent.

40. It's change or more of the same. A revolution is the violent overthrow of a corrupt regime. Remove all vestiges of UMNO legacy. Abandon wak47 with earnest!

Monday, 23 December 2024

Aspects of an uncommon law. The acquittal of Malaysia's Marie Antoinette. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 31

1. As the character Dr Johnson in the British comedy series Blackadder, c is for contrabularitity says, he interrupted his solo sojourn ie sleep, to complete his dictionary of the English language.

2. My own solo sojourn was rudely interrupted by the news of rosmahs acquittal. She got acquittal for her 17 charges.

3. it was the principal reason given by the presiding judge which interrupted my solo sojourn.

4. The judge said the charges were defective. I asked my lawyer brother, what the CPC has to say on this?

5. The CPC or criminal procedure code, says under its section 242 something like this.

6. No irregularities or defects in the criminal charges can vitiate them so as to render the criminal charges be quashed or prevent them from being concluded.

7. As far as I know, being not a lawyer, you can quash proceedings of civil but not criminal charges.

8. That would be a moot point for lawyers of persuasions to discuss over drinks at the Selangor club . Untill the cows come home, they can argue about it.

9. Oh, at the same time sing long live the queen and hail Britannica!

10. So on what legal basis did the unlearned judge quash rosmahs criminal proceedings? Did he invent a law where none existed before? Did he get a sudden epiphany?

11. A non lawyer such as I will not know. But I believed many professional lawyers are also in the dark .

12. The quashing of Rosies case may herald a new surge in judicial activism. Madam CJ may want to look at this!

13. When the judge ruled that the charges were defective, the ruling has far reaching repercussions.

14. If lawyers won't say it( they protect their kind) I a non lawyer will say it.

15. The ruling reflects badly on the AGC directly and indirectly on Nana Non.

16. If the prosecution brief was written badly , it suggests the AGC is full of lawyers with so so passes at MCE or SPM levels but then lucky to obtain law degrees.

17. That reminds me of something said by a lawyer friend. Lawyers and judges are like eggs-they fall into grades A, B and C. The AGC must be full of grade C eggs!

18. So if the brief were to be rewritten, make sure it's done by grade A eggs. Comprende?

19. It also reflects badly on the leadership of the sungai Long bolshie. It shows him not to be resolute in eliminating a abuse of power and corruption , perhaps he has chosen an AG after his own image,- taciturn, unsure and wavering.

20. Do not think for a moment that the judge himself is free from the slur of being a recipient of possible gratification, aggrandizement or any forms of rewards from persons of interest. I refused to think a sitting judge as a saintly and sacred cow person.

21. People from the legal fraternity may think so. So they become smarmy people, overly respectful and mollycoddle judges. Well, just so these lawyers know, nobody likes an ass licker

22. You would think there is no basis for me casting aspersions on judges's reputation. Well sometime ago, I received a PDF article stating that the incidence of corruption is highest within the judiciary. Higher even than among lawmakers ie MPs and aduns. We hear of lawyers themselves or through runners cutting deals with judges. So don't think judges are sacrosanct people. They are also human. They too fart and fornicate.

23. So it is not advisable for rosy to say in jubilation that this acquittal is a victory of sorts. And to say piously and pompously, that God is on her side. Worse , to say God is a honorary UMNO member!

24. So rosmahs celebratory outpourings maybe premature. The sitting judge may have erred in law. Many things maybe out of our comprehension. A superior court may overrule him and so. The damn thing is not finished yet until the fat lady sings.

25. Nobody gives a rats ass's attention to the mocking write ups of UMNOs cyber troopers, surrogates and fifth columnists on the internet. They were mocking some opposition figures of only soiling moma Rosies name . We know of their game.

26. Beyond the issue of the acquittal of a heavily botoxed housewife lies the issue of the Malay state of mind. What's wrong with it ha?

27. The misfeasance and crimes committed by big moma Rosie were greeted with both temporal and ecclesiastical approbation and approval . This suggests an innate inability of the Malay race in distinguishing right from wrong, of separating the chaff from wheat or in our case, of separating the stalk from the padi .

28. What amazes us is the treatment accorded to rosmahs dirty deeds. The mischief actually took place right? How does one explain the money that got into her account and the valuable chattels in her possession? Explain this Mr thicky judge.

29. Instead, rosmahs dirty deeds is celebrated. The fascist nationalists notably the entitled degenerates of UMNO say this a vindication of the true perjuangan bangsa agama dan tanah air! The religious fakirs fakers say this a triumph of good over evil. The states legal apparatus endorses the hypocrisy by acquitting moma rose .hurrah!

30. Rosmahs dirty deeds are placed on the altar to be worshipped or in our case silently ensconced in the prayer room or offered grace on the prayer mat.

31. There you have it. The operations of an uncommon law. We reward the rich and the powerful but quickly and severely punished the poor and powerless, the lumpenproletariats and the mustad-afins.

32. In the next article I will write of the uncommon law and the non compos mentis that has seized the Malay race. Some say they are a most gentle and agreeable of races. But some say,justifiably so, they are also the sad race.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Mat shabu2 to mat beras. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 30.

1. Corruption, is anywhere and everywhere a product of the deep state. That's the collusion between a politician, business people or patron and the comprador bureaucrats.

2. That as some of you know, is a corruption of an observation by a famous economist. Inflation is everywhere and anywhere, a monetary phenomenon. If you don't know who he is, I won't tell you.

3. The politician is now a variable. The business patrons and the comprador bureaucrats are a constant. Now a minister gets reshuffled and changed at the pleasure of the PM. The only policians who were a parameter almost a constant, were from discredited UMNO who ruled the country for over 60 years. If they come back to power, the halcyon days of unbridled corruption will rear it's ugly head again.

4. In this particular instance,the beras problem is certainly caused by the deepstate in the agricultural industry. It's caused by the collusion between the business patrons of the rice industry and the comprador bureaucrats in the MOA.

5. The beras problem we had was simply the scarcity of local and the sudden upsurge in imported price . Or simply put,the disappearance of local price and appearance of imported price .

6. But we are going about solving the problem the wrong way. In parliament, the jovial mat shabu2 can only asked, apa pasai hang makan beras impot?

7. Because oafy abang mat shabu2, local rice is not available, maybe hoarded at your house

8. Imagine who benefits from increased imports and disappearance of local rice?

9. Why, it's the licensed middlemen or local rice distribution middlemen such as selected rice brokers, farmers associations, favored business people like Syed mokhtar and licensed importers such as LPN, favored businesses belonging to Syed mokhtar and UMNO operatives

10. And herr akmal salih ever one to stir up racial shit, singled out Chinese retailers for creating the shortage. It was a sour grape-ish move lined with racism and paranoia .

11. Who can ever forget when oberleutenant akmal marched in a goose-step manner, reminiscent of SS stormtrooper barged into a Chinese retailers premises. Whereupon he barked like a concentration camp komandant, lu sorok beras kah?

12. My reaction that time, I do not speak for others, wtf gave him the authority to do what he did?

13. Was it the subservient police( hey you are no longer following marching orders from UMNO rednecks) or was it from the acquiescing judges?

14. If I were the chinaman, I would sue his pants off and watched him walked away with his hands on his dick!

15. Why don't he and the oafy mat shabu2 look at the workings of the business patrons and the comprador bureaucrats for causing the beras mess?

16. Otherwise I would think that the utility value of these 2 bozos, is to have posters of them placed strategically in the padi fields. That would certainly scare away the birds and pests.

17. Let's do some numbers. So people can understand better. Lets say the price of rice ex kilang padi is 130 ringgit. When it reaches retailers or consumption outlets, the price is between 260 and 300ringgit.

18. There's a spread of 130 to 170 ringgit. Let's assume 50 ringgit goes to the retailers. Ex kilang and retailers price is 180 ringgit. Correct?

19. There's still a spread of between 80 to 120 ringgit right? Where do you think this spread goes? To the middlemen industrial complex. That's the answer .

20. Now, this is no longer abnormal profits. This is what the malays say, muntah ke darah profits.

21. If the real muntah kedarah profit makers and renseekers are the middlemen industrial complex and the comprador bureaucrats, why direct the condemnation and in the case of akmal, the vitriol against the retailers?

22. Why are the middlemen industrial complex and the comprador bureaucrats protected? Well, perhaps oafy mat shabu2 has friends in the middlemen industrial complex. In the case of akmal, he's out there to protect the UMNO capitalist roaders who make up the majority in the middlemen industrial complex.

23. In the case of racist akmal, what better way to divert attention from entitled UMNO

degenerates than to attribute blame to rapacious and greedy Chinese traders. Isn't the Chinese always have sinister intentions towards us bumiputeras? Drumming up sinophobia has always worked 24. The beras problem is caused by the dreaded KKN-korapsi, kolusi & Nepotism. the 3 axis of evil works through politicians, the middlemen industrial complex and the comprador bureaucrats.

25. Hence stopping it is not through the going to dinner way, eating pasembok or eating Kari kambing cooked by abang mat. You cannot use the soft and compromising way

26. Instead, you prevent any politicians from meddling into the rice issue, dismantle the middlemen industrial complex in it's entirety, revoke all dealer licences and monopolies, allow any retailer the freedom to import rice as a matter of course. You will impose appropriate tariffs on imports to protect local beras businesses. You will remove the top 10 officers at MOA.

27. If I were the minister of agriculture, I will do that. So that these mofos will know the sky is high or low. Certainly I will not entertain you by throwing mics on stage or doing a slumber party at MAHA. Otherwise mat shabu2 will just be a seat warmer at MOA made a fool by the comprador bureaucrats.

28. I can hear remonstrations already. Since the majority of the players in the middlemen industrial complex and the comprador bureaucrats are malays, you should be careful.

29. They will raise the assertive clauses under the hak2 istimewa bumiputera dan orang melayu shit .

30. Underwich they are some way protected. Under the provisions, they are entitled to steal and sakau, entitled to be treated lightly , entitled to be pardoned, entitled to be considered for house arrest and concocted DNAA. So be careful with these miscreants.

31. Well, I'll say IDGAF!. The hak2 istimewa bumiputera dan orang melayu does now allow all those. I don't suffer fools who indiscriminately misuse the special rights provisions. If you do, you can shove the provisions to an area on your anatomy where the sun never shines.

32. Have pity on our padi farmers all over the country. Don't let them use inferior Baja issued by nafas and endorsed by Mardi. Otherwise like zaaba says a long time ago, almost always you will discover that the greatest oppressors of the Malay race come from within their own ranks.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Mat shabu2 and Mat Baja. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 29

1. When mat shabu2 went to se-kin-chan, he complimented the Chinese padi farmers for their high yield and productivity.

2. By the way, the ADUN for sikinchan is a colleague of mine, Yb Ng who can speak Javanese and used the word berbai-ah. Wow that would surely win the hearts of religious mullahs.

3. The Chinese padi farmers can produce between 10 to 12 tons of padi per acre. Malay farmers can produce on average 6 tons per acre. Perhaps Chinese farmers eat Bak ku teh . Malay farmers don't

4. Mat shabu2 chided Malay farmers for their low productivity.

5. As usual, the poor are blamed for being poor. By chiding so, mat shabu2 repeated the oft cited reason for the poor being so. The reason being given by the UMNO bigwigs . Now repeated idiot-ly by mat shabu2.

6. But wait. Did mat shabu2 asked the sekinchan folks what Baja they used, do they employ technology such as cloud pesticides, variety of seeds and high yields padi seedlings, mechanised seed planting etc. do they cultivate knowledge and science? Ada Tanya?

7. Most probably they don't. They reject the baja issued by nafas and endorsed by the blasted MARDI, they refused the sub standard technology and farm equipments from nafas and so on.

8. On the other hand, Malay farmers are using products issued by nafas or other ' approved' suppliers. Malay farmers would rather sell Baja ex nafas which is endorsed by blasted MARDI.

9. These factors dear abang mat, probably explain the higher productivity of the sekinchan padi farmers. Not because of comparative industry or hardwork. Malay farmers worked day and night. During the day they toiled in the padi fields at night, they are busy making babies, their sinews stiffened by the day's work.

10. We have a rm1.8 billion Baja problem by nafas. Its an amount asked by nafas for the supply of inferior Baja supply over a period of certain moths. Nafas proposed and the comprador bureaucrats in MOA gladly and hands rubbingly agreed.

11. It's 1.8b or 1500 a ton to 4000 a ton. As though the already inflated price could not take care of things like fluctuations in exchange rates or a hike in prices of Baja components. 1st round victory for the deep state. Earning abnormal profits.

12. Nafas the business entity with collaboration from MARDI proposed the astronomical price and it was agreed by the committee in MOA headed by the KSU. Hurrah!

13. It's a case of nafas proposes and the comprador bureaucrats at MOA dispenses. Equivalent to God!

14. We shall look at the Baja issue by looking at the role of nafas, its technical collaborator MARDI and the capricious comprador bureaucrats at moa. mat shabu2 has no inkling about these.

15. When I asked a business friend if he wants to participate in the supply of fertilizers to moa, his answer is, it's an exercise in futility. As in like the charge of the light brigade.

16. All ministries have got cartels. The uninitiated minister will never know these people are playing circles around them. A thicko like mat shabu2 more so . He's drowned in people's adulation of him only.

17. In the baja case, it's a goner. If there are 5 areas, 3 are already reserved for nafas and 2 left are for favored companies. So where got chance. Isn't our efforts seem like the charge of the light brigade?

18. These people give out Ang pows, pay for their decadent lifestyles, pay for holidays, house renovations and pay for frequent 'massat' services. Do we stand any chance,?

19. The capture of the business given out by the government is another gloss of the hak istimewa bumiputera dan orang melayu. The overzealous officers at moa implement them with gusto .and while doing it, they make hay while it shines . Or while diving, they drink the water too.

20. Let's face it. Since 1972, nafas has always been the hotbed for UMNO robbers. Before and since my time, UMNO operatives are tripping the legs of one another to get on the board of nafas . They want posts of directors or as officers.

21. Because by getting a leg in the doors of nafas, they can shovel as much money as possible.

22. The slogan of "berjuang untuk bangsa, agama and tanah air" has got much traction and resonance among the doltish, dopey and thick headed officers in MOA and elsewhere.

23. Takpe, beli dari depa- mahai sikit takpe, support melayu!

24. In the name of demi bangs agama dan negara you can no longer bamboozle the malays into blindly supporting. The claims that whatever you do are to achieve these aims are farcical and sham .

25. The fight for the interests of the downtrodden, the farmers the lumpenproletariat is only true in so as people's interests coincide with the interests of the manipulators.

26. And just who are notorious for making these false claims? The answer is UMNO.

27. Because nafas is just an extension of UMNO and actually it's surrogate, by definition it makes the same false claims. If it has the opportunity to impress and immiserate the people it will without guilt do so.

28. It is without falsities, that in the 1920s, the Malay thinker, ZAABA said the greatest oppressors of the Malay race come from among their own kind.

29. Nafas being a surrogate and extension of UMNO is doing just that when it charges the government 1.8b and more .

30. So why should we believe UMNO and it surrogates? UMNO and its surrogates and 5th columnists is toxic to the Malay race and will be condemned to the dustbin of history

31. So when analysts say that BN can win 70 seats in the next election they are angan2 mat jenin. Just who are these analysts? Their ideas found resonance only among doltish and dopey Malay extremists and stragglers within UMNO.

32. I said 1.8b and more didn't I? It is reported that greedy and ravenous nafas put up a further 1.2b Variation Order or VO.

33. Nafas puts up and the comprador bureaucrats at moa, concurred.

34. What does this point to? The undeniable existence of a deep state in MOA. The collusion between business (nafas) and high officials in the MOA. Mat shabu2 does not see this.

35. How do you eliminate these dirty deeds? Certainly not by the doing painting or doing embroidery way or going to the dinner way eating pasembok or nasi kandaq beratok way. If you just carry out the polite and temperate ways, you are just perpetrating the dirty deeds.

36. No! You do it by the revolutionary way. By the violent overthrow of the dirty needs and punishing severely its perpetrators.

37. It means reconstituting nafas in its entirety. Get rid of the UMNO operatives. Dismantling the deep state in the MOA. Get rid of the monopolistic and most favored suppliers.

38. These are changes with bigger repercussions that throwing mics on stage or spending overnight at MAHA .

39. It's change or more of the same. On which side is mat shabu2? On the side of change or on the side of more of the same?

40. I am not finished yet. In the next article I shall discuss the rice issue. See you! Title.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Other matters, mat shabu2, mat beras and mat baja

1. Don't be slighted by the name calling. It's only a style of writing. Adds spice to the rendition. Otherwise it will be a bland academic treatise. Mat Sabu himself has made many 'unmentionables' of pmx in the past. To add color to his speeches. To excite the audience.

2. I criticize my fellow comrade to the nth degree. I take no prisoners. But I do it not for the purpose of unseating him. That's the task of the opposition and his detractors. My purpose is to correct his errors and what I think are aspects of mediocrity. Mediocrity is the stock in trade of UMNO people only. Everyone in Malaysia is clever . Except UMNO people.

3. I am not big on this reformasi thing. I prefer the revolutionary methods. Shock the system. The people in nafas and the nefarious cartel in MOA can thank their lucky stars I am no longer mp or God have mercy, not the agricultural minister. If not I will sack the entire BOD of nafas( consisting of UMNO operatives anyway, dismantle the nefarious deep state in MOA. These people can deny the facts until they are blue in the face, but all is not well in MOA and must be uncovered without any sentimentalism.

4. People in the loop will of course deny the existence of cartels or deep state or the prevalence of monopolistic suppliers. If you ask a thief whether he is one, until a cat grows horns, he will say he is not. A thief not caught will say he is an honest person .

5. If you ask Najib about SRC or 1MDB, he says unashamedly, he does a mad Alfie, what me know. Yet an imbecile like him is our PM . It can happen only with UMNO.

6. It's not up to these people to say of their innocence. We the people and the state will say so.

7. When sacking the BOD of nafas and dismantling the deep state in MOA don't get sentimental over it. Especially if the entities are peopled predominantly or by all malays . No sir !

8 . In fact, there is absolutely no correlation at all between having an organization headed by a Malay and the organizations success and prosperity . On the other hand the failure of many organisations is precisely because they are led by dishonest malays. Look at felda, risda, mahb, mas , ltat, the list goes on. These organisations are plagued by rampant corruption. You know the saying. Kalau tak membelit bukan India, kalau tak menipu bukan cina and kalau tak rasuah bukan melayu.

9. These organisations ought to be led by people with MPH. These are qualities of meritocracy, pragmatism and honesty. These transcend issues of ethnicity and religiosism.

10. hey! I don't care if the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice. If a Chinese were to say disparagingly of a Malay, you would condemn the Chinese person as chauvinist, racist or anti Malay. And you call that person as apek or nyonya tua!

11. But what if now a Malay such as I, am to to chastise these malays? I am calling a spade ,a spade.what do you make of a most 'agreeable' person such as I?

12. The Malay supremacists, especially from UMNO rednecks will quickly say I am a traitor to his own race, a turncoat, a Benedict Arnold, Lim kit siangs running dog. The akmals of the world will huff and puffed like the swines they are and call for a public lynching.

13. The religious fakirs, fakers in skullcaps and baju melayu and the religious fuckers will call me a murtad or an apostate.

14. Let me assure you that these colorful descriptions of I, is no skin off my nose. They are itchiness on my backside to which some gentle scratching is most agreeable . Especially if done by a female companion.

15. I will stubbornly but resolutely write and expose these mischiefs especially if committed by members of my own race. Ethnic kinship is no guarantee you don't do these mischiefs.

16. Batu kikir jambotan bosi, masak gulai sebelango, Cuba lah Waris fikir dalam hati, essei dah lamo tak berbini!

17. It's no accident, that a long time ago, the Malay scholar from batu kikir negri sembilan, ZAABA said the biggest oppressors of the malays are members and leaders of their own KIND!

18. Pardon me, I can't hear of the word batu kikir. I must break into a quartain or pantun.

19. And please don't give me that crap about hak istimewa orang melayu dan bumiPUTRA

20.its like Samuel Johnson said, nationalism is the last refuge of the scoundrels. Translated it means hak istimewa orang melayu dan bumiPUTRA is the last refuge of the scoundrels, crooks and bastards.

21. I don't believe in the reformasi approach. This is the method preferred by the cafe latte socialists and those influenced by Fabian socialism like the aristocratic tun Razak. If you don't break the ruyung you will never get the sago.

22. I much prefer the revolutionary approach. You know a revolution is not like making an embroidery, doing a painting, eating pasembok with Teh tarik or eating nasi kandaq beratok.

23. It the approach, cannot be so temperate, so controlled so goose stepped. It is the violent overthrow of a corrupt and a decadent regime by a revolutionary regime with principles.

24. Translated, it means the total structural change in nafas, the elimination of the deep state in MOA and the dismantling of other monopolistic supply arrangements.

25. When lee kuan yew said that whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him, means for Malaysia, the jokers who head any ministry , must have the iron in them .

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Mat ayam, mat telur, mat beras and mat Al Baja.

1. Mat Sabus penchant for theatrics is well known. During a speech on stage be threw a microphone.

2. He entertains the crowd. The crowd loves that. They roared. The say, 'hebak abang mat'.

3. He continues to enthrall crowds with his smooth folksy speeches. His Penang slang helps to increase the hilarity . That helps him to lose himself further.

4. He is a consummate performer and orator. Losing himself earns him the nickname mat shabu2.

5. I am told if you consume that wretched stuff, you would taken to a different level of consciousness or unconsciousness. With all the theatrics and antics on stage, the description as mat shabu2 is appropriate.

6. Next we are told that abang mat shabu2 spent overnight sleeping at MAHA. Hoorah,! Terror abang mat. He worked his ass off. But that is a sign that a hollow man hasn't got substance to show. Hence all the external camouflages.

7. We are amused but not impressed by these theatrics. What we are more interested in is whether mat shabu2 can translate whatever clownish acts he does, into general improvement in the agricultural and food security issues.

8. Can he galvanize the idle lands to food production and varied agricultural pursuits? Can he reduce the value of food imports? Can he employ technology to food production and varied agricultural pursuits? Will he dismantle the monopolistic stranglehold of some institutions over the supply of strategic agricultural inputs? Will he dismantle the presence of the nefarious deep state in the agricultural sector? And so on.

9. Can he make the availability of cheaper financing to agricultural actors? Will he amplify increase of knowledge, skills and training to agricultural actors?

10. Improvement in these areas is more valuable than mat shabu2 sleeping overnight at MAHA.

11. We are indeed amused but not impressed by superficial theatrics. Where's the beef abang Mat?

12. Because of the many problems plaguing the agricultural and food security industry, he has many names associated with the problems .

13. Mat Sabu becomes mat shabu2 becomes mat ayam, mat telur, mat beras and now the bugbear of the agricultural industry, mat baja.

14. The fact is , Mat shabu2 doesn't bother to know and learn about the industry. He thinks it's enough to be a careerist and do a half past six job. Hence the need to cover defects with theatrics. He is, sadly part of the kakistocracy problem of Nana Nons cabinet of imbeciles. Sorry bro.

15. He should be going around the states convincing them to commit idle lands to agricultural and food production pursuits. Instead of going to China and looked askance at the astronomical prices of durians. And then issuing envious and sour grapei-sh statements that Chinamen are making abnormal and indecent profits.

16. The question is why can't Malay growers despite all help from the Malay centric government can't? Which really mean the Malay officers in the relevant departments are not helping. Or that Malay farmers can't grease the officers as liquid as Chinamen do.

17. There is simply no positive correlation of having Malay government officers and success of Malay farmers.

18. So don't give that crap about having Malayness in the industry as a Sina qua non for Malay success and prosperity. That's BS!

19. Has mat Sabu ever heard of yubari melons, yamazaki, Alfonso or carabao Mangoes? Why not encourage our farmers to grow these using appropriate technology to increase farm incomes?

20. Has he heard of the brothers in Kuala Selangor and Tanjung Malim successfully rearing wagyu and Angus cattle? Or the uncle in Tanjung Malim successfully breeding Chinese sturgeon using appropriate technology? Or the uncle rearing empurau fish? While government institutions with unlimited funds and amidst all the grandeur failed?

21. Can he convert the theatrics into reducing the value of agriculture and food imports? Such as varying the supply sources. No need to import salmon from the west. You could get them nearer such as from Vietnam (where they successfully breeds it) from China , from India etc.

22. Does he recognize the value of appropriate technology in enhancing agricultural and food production? Thereby possibly raising farm incomes? For example the Malay brother who successfully cultivated figs using greenhouse technology. Perhaps the same technology can be used to produce other food products. Yubari melons, Miyazaki mangoes, apples. Or the Chinese entrepreneurs rearing empurau, the people using technology to successfully breeds freshwater lobsters, groups,(kerapu). Or abang mat knows only techno-coli?

23. Most important has he eliminated the monopolistic practices in the supply of farm inputs? Such as the monopolistic practices controlling the supply of rice and Baja? And eliminate the presence of the deep state in the MOA? That is the collusion of high officials and businessmen set up to capture govt businesses?

24. These are important than the antics of throwing mics and slumber parties at MAHA.

25. In the next part we shall discuss the issues of local rice scarcity and the Baja issues. So lookout for a mat beras and mat Al Baja!

Monday, 18 November 2024

Fashion Valet: the final say. Tales by an unknown blogger no.26.

1. I thought I have finished writing about FV. Others have done a better job than I. It is, until I heard what the 2nd minister said. In parliament. They were idiotic statements.

2. FV was a clear example of a dumb spending by a government institution. Using taxpayers money.

3. The fact is 47m of taxpayers money was parted off carelessly. It lost 43, 44. Khazanah sold off that investment for 3m. Clever!

4. What can you call it? Other than a dumb spending. Of taxpayers money. Khazanah is surely smart spending OPM. Other people's money.

5. Sure venture capital is riskier. Doesn't it mean khazanah has to be doubly sure? Mana risk management analysis? Were risk management analysis tools religiously used.?

6. For failing to apply the greatest of care over dispensing of OUR 47m, the khazanah chief should be removed. It's strictly business,!

7. Where does it say he must be spared? Because he is a gomen servant? Because he is a Malay,? Worse, because he possibly is an UMNO stooge?

8. Let me digress a little. Sukarno says, the lot of our race becomes worsen because of treasonous and treacherous acts of same race saboteurs. Zaaba said malays suffer most at the hands of leaders of the Malay race .

9. So pardon me for not attaching much value to claims that you are a Malay leader and that you fight for agama bangsar ,dan tanah air. BS!

10. The khazanah chief betrayed our trust on all these counts. He ought to be crucified .

11. So what did the Tom Selleck moustached 2nd finance minister said? Which we think were idiotic?

12. Among other things he said we're:- FV has got potential. It's heralding the usage of digital commerce. E commerce. Give opportunity to khazanah to conduct it's JCB audit. You know - the tractor that scratches its own bottom? Robert Mugabe said if you scratch your arse, you can't avoid smelling the stink.

13. We must stop thinking that what a minister says is definitive and unchallengeable. They are not the final arbiters of being correct. So too, the officials in the minister think they are the final arbiters of definitive answers.

14. If they think in that hubristic manner, furnish us your reasons. Let a samdol economist like me analyse them.

15. Like Christopher Hitchens said. I reserve the right to challenge any dogma , majority opinions, consensus. If you don't like it, cue up to kiss my arse. When you do , tell me .

16. If you don't know who Hitchens is, that's your funeral! Read him sometimes.

17. FV has got potential. After 5 consecutive losses it's a miracle that its even considered . Maybe it imported some stripteasers to entertain the horny khazanah honchos.

18. FV certainly has potential. The potential of a bed bug. That gives you unbearable itches. The potential of a leech. That feeds on you blood.

19. The indian matcha, aney and Babu in sentul has digitalized and e-commerced his beetle nut distribution business, will khazanah invest in him? Pak akob in raub has done a similar thing for his sambal hitam business. Will khazanah invest in him?

20. So Mr tom Selleck of our finance Ministry, don't piously serenade us with the has potential BS. After 5 consecutive losses, FV has potential boggles the mind. The minister must be reading rare books in business, economics and business. We are not privy to that so we shut up do we?

21. Hey, I have the potential to impregnate a thanuja or an Elizabeth tan. Will I be rewarded or punished?

22. Asking us to give opportunity to khazanah to carry out its own audit is an indefensible request.

23. It doesn't sound as someone keen on reducing and eradicating possible corruption and other financial sleight of hand.

24. It looks suspiciously like a CYA( cover your ass) initiative.

25. Khazanah will probably come out with a 2501 paged report justifying its silly investment. Just like Najibs defense counsel announcing a 2500 paged brief intended to intimidate us all.

26. If we are serious about corruption call for an independent forensic audit. Ingat ini Bollywood film kah,?

27. Why not the same request made for SPRM? Shouldn't SPRM be investigating khazanah for possible fraud?

28. That's why I say the statements issued by our tom Selleck of our finance ministry are idiotic.

29. The 3 reasons can be summed up as 1 heading, a big kelentong. A trump would say it's a fake.

30. let us now take on the bright boys of the finance ministry for their 3 reasons.

31. The 1st 2 reasons affected ALL. We must answer why they are particularly vicious on FV? The pandemic affected all. So why some of them not only survive but prospered? FV on the other hand went kaput?

32. Similarly changing e commerce platforms affected FV and those whose business used e commerce. So why others prospered but not FV?

33. The 1st 2 reasons are actually the Darwinian natural selection mechanism applied to business.

34. The mechanism is to weed out weak, the poorly and inefficiently managed companies.

35. Since the external environment is the same for all but only FV succumbed , then the fault, my dear Brutus lies with FV.

36. By definition, FV is weak , inefficiently and poorly managed company, spending on unrelated businesses or spending frivolously.

37. The 3rd reason is disingenuous, deceitful and mendacious. 47m not enough? Give 100m then, 10% for the do-gooder and vested interest people.

38. So now business people unite! Go before khazanah ask for venture funds saying you have potential and will use the latest e commerce platforms including,AI. Sure get maa!

39. So now Babu can market his beetle nut, Pak akob can market his sambal hitam and Mr poh can market his chee Cheong fun. All in up to in up to date packaging.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

TDZ, farewell to the oracle of Syed Putra. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 25

1. First, Al-Fatihah to Tun Daim Zainuddin. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas ruh nya. Aamiin.

2. TDZ as I called him died this 13 November 2024. My brother texted me. My daughter texted me. A friend also sent me the news.

3. I feel obliged to write this about him. He has befriended me. I was planning to write something about his court charges. That will wait. As of now, let me write about him as a person. From my little acquaintance with him

4. I think it was circa 2009 or 2010. I was an ex-Adun. Not selected to stand again in the 2009 election.

5. I got a call. From a lady named May I think. She was secretary to TDZ; "TDZ wishes to see you"

6. I regarded that as singular honour. I said yes.

7. Later I found out he wanted to see the person behind the Sakmongkolak47 blog .

8. That was the start of a lifelong friendship with TDZ. At that time his office was his building in Jalan Syed Putra or Lornie road .

9. If I am not mistaken, the building was called Yayasan Pok Rafeah. After his mother.

10. Also if I am not mistaken he has a photo of his mother in his room. He also hung a picture of his daughter and newborn cucu.

11. I met him regularly after that. I picked on his brains. Mostly about politics and social matters.

12. I wrote a number of articles of my meetings with him. They were titled "the Oracle of Syed Putra". On account of his prescient insights.

13. After the 1st article I wrote, the secretary called me. She said, "if Tun knows you write verbatim, he would be more circumspect". I knew then TDZ was a careful man.

14. One of the things I remember most was something he said about corruption. He said how to eliminate corruption, if the number 1 in the ministry is hands in glove?

15. Btw, the interviews were in bahasa campur. Malay and English. He, in his Kedah accent.

16. He was a simple man. Smallish in size, always in open sleeve shirts. Never saw him in in blazers or coats.

17. He can be quite witty at times. He lets off guffaws at his own jokes. Once I brought Aziz Nong Chik, Rosmah's ex husband to see him. He wanted the services or advice of a geologist.

18. After explaining who Aziz was - TDZ as a matter of factly said to Aziz, congratulations Rosmah has make it big.

19. He then moved to his building at Wisma Ilham. I saw him a number of times .

20. I was saddened to see him wheel chaired into court early this year. I shall write about that latter .

21. I regard it as a singular honour to be counted as his friend. So together with many others who were closer friends to him, I bid adieu to him. Al Fatihah, semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas ruh nya. Aamiin.

Fashion Valet: The Haute Couture of mal-investment. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 24

1. I wrote a cynical article on the FV issue. It was laced with sexual innuendos. It was written intentionally that way, in anticipation of the sensational narratives around the FV issue.

2. As expected, the narratives missed the point. These narratives were more interested about the lifestyle of the perpetrators, their decadent living etc, how 2 saintly looking couples couldn't have fleeced 47m of tax payers money

3. The lady looked saintly wearing a tudung some more. The hubby looks timid and possibly henpecked. Together they couldn't have committed the dastardly act.

4. These kind of narratives intended only to divert our attention must be the handiwork of just reached puberty social media operatives. And some mainstream newspapers. Probably by boys who had frequent liaison's with Mrs palmer and her 5 daughters. The piece de resistance of the issue, the dissipation of 47m of taxpayers money wasn't meticulously analysed.

5. They spin and spin about the peripheral stories about FV but the crux of the issue, the parting and eventual dissipation of 47m of taxpayers money wasn't delved into with a fine tooth comb.

6. We are regaled by the decadent lifestyle of the principal founders, their secret transactions, their assets , their questioning by SPRM etc.

7. All these are but derivatives of the massacred 47m obtained by deception. It is that which ought to be the focus of our attention.

8. How is it that the chief of Khazanah buta2 signed and approved the endowment of 47m?

9. It must be the product of lackadaisical, exlangorious, insouciant and half arsed attitude. Or he could be promised some forms of gratification - money or sexual

10. Or the ease by which he signed and approved the 47m endowment, was because he was commanded to do so by the fuhrer of Khazanah at that time, the now disgraced Bossku.

11. We are reluctant to analyse the elephant in the room, namely the poorly managed portfolio selection of khazanah. poorly managed investment policies caused the dissipation of the 47m.

12. Apart from the social media tending to report the sensational aspects of FV, I am extremely exasperated at the failure of people heading our GLCs.

13. So pardon me for writing a ' yellow ' article earlier in anticipation ,as expected, the media more interested in reporting the sensational aspects of the FV issue . So there is a reason for my pornography laced article.

14. It's not absolutely sacrosanct to have people of a particular race heading our GLCs. MAS , MAHB, Felda, Risda, mara and so on failed because of incompetence and because they got their positions on affirmative tickets. Malu lah!

15. The common denominator is that the heads of these GLCs are malays. It may not mean malays are useless but it can mean the choice of them to lead GLCs is defective or over the years they get denuded and compromised. The solution is to replace them.

16. In removing them, don't get sentimental because their names have a 'bin' in them. It's business, nothing to do with sentimentalism.

17. In the FV case, it's a dereliction of his duties as leader of Khazanah . The poorly managed investment policies may be caused by poor judgement, technical incompetence, corruption and so. He has displayed a blatant disregard of the red flags coming from FV or was deceived by the appraising FV team .

18. The FV debacle may in fact represent only the tip of the iceberg concealing a more generalized poor management of investment policies. And to say that the losses made through FV are minimal compared to the overall earnings of Khazanah is the height of deception and officious hubris. Just because they are Khazanah officers they can act tough. Bollocks!

19. What is to done? In a businesslike decision, remove him and suppress all sentimentalism. Oh, he's a bumiputera la and so on.

20. What about the idiocy of the team appraising the feasibility of FV? Is it incompetence at play here?

21. What technical tools were they using when assessing FV? Tell us please for there are some of us who understand economics , business and accounting? Did they employ a CBA analysis

for instance? Or did they allow themselves to be guided by non business reasons.

22. The team leader maybe besotted with the nubile attractiveness of people in FV. Then it's a case of the dickhead out-thinking the cerebral head.

23. Let me touch a bit on the ramifications of statements issued by Mr Tony Pua on the FV issue.

24. Don't listen to UMNO idiots responding to what Pua said. They will not waste the opportunity to make what they understood what Pua said into political capital and even a racist issue.

25. Let's look at FV from different angles. When Pua said investment in venture capital is fraught with dangers, it behoves the people at Khazanah to exercise a greater degree of care when assessing FV. Clearly the people at Khazanah did not . How can it be said that Pua countenanced what FV and Khazanah did?

26. By saying that Khazanah invests in FV but not in Grab, the point is not that once Pua said Grab is owned by Rosmah. We don't know that do we?:

27. The Chinamen behind Grab may have used the bloody lady as a front and make her out as the paper owner. Possible?

28. The point now is, FV owned by a malays is entitled to be invested in while Grab which is essentially owned by Chinese is allowed to sink or swim in the free market

29. By choosing FV over Grab for example, Khazanah has allowed racial considerations to get the better of them . That is the point!

30. Accordingly, don't give me that crap about hak istimewa orang melayu or bumiputera stuff. It's not a provision protecting looters, robbers, mediocrity or sloveness. Under it bumiputeras are not entitled to be treated favorably, entitled for pardons, considered for house arrest etc .

31. Let's not misuse the affirmative provisions as a refuge for scoundrels, cheaters, looters, ne'er do wells, charlatans, spalpeens, whoresons and mofos .

32. And that's why asking Khazanah to do an internal audit wasn't well thought out. Khazanah will write up an exhaustive report justifying spending the 47m concealing the looters and robbers and perhaps citing it's for a bumi cause.

33. Most social media operatives tend to write about the sensational aspects of FV. Fortunately there are a few upright souls calling a spade, a spade. They don't give a damn about the ethnicity of the perpetrators committing the wrong. a wrong is a wrong is a wrong. Whoever commits the wrong must be accountable for it.

34. Let's not turn our country into a Darul Rasuah. We have got an Aegean stable to clean . From all the shit excreted by UMNO over 60 years. God have mercy on us !

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

The sleazy scandal of Fashion Valet. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 23.

1. The most distressing business news lately is the 43m loss incurred from the sale of private business, fashion valet.

2. The loss, said khazanah national and PNB is minimal when compared to the overall earnings of the 2 government entities.

3. Hooray (Sic) we are comforted by this CYA rationale. We can sleep peacefully tonight and continue more pleasurable activities, given the assurance.

4. Khazanah and PNB have got a phalanx of investment analysts. They must have exercised great care to part with 47m of tax payers money. They know it's not their father's money .

5. But allow a 'samdol' economist like me look at fashion valet from a few angles .

6. I shall speak bluntly and frankly using my colourful language. Accordingly I must caution that children should not read my analysis without parental guidance. Those with prudish values shouldn't either.

7. The fact is, we have a 43-44m loss. It must be caused by several reasons. The ones that come readily to my mind are as follows:-

8. Professional negligence and incompetence brought about by the usage of f-ed up analical tools, refusal to take remedial actions even when fashion valley continuously underperform in terms of profit and economically etc.

9. First we must ask, is FV an attractive investment portfolio. If it is a deficits making entity, why was it even considered for a 47m endowment? Apa pasat?

10. Was it because it's a bumiputera company, it must be accorded hak istimewa bumiputera treatment and must be treated with kids glove. Or was it because it becomes attractive because it offers the possibilities of clinton-esqe groping, caressing and trump-like fingering?

11. Hello mofos, Najib went to jail for 42m. This 43--44 million repurposed, is theft by other means. Off with their heads, underpants and knickers!

12. Did the team from khazanah and PNB used the bottom up, top down, fundamental, PE,ROE, earnings per share and dividend yield, book value methods and so on?

13. More likely to me, the team used the bottom up, top down methods. And in this case also the under the table method and the dick penetration analysis methods .

14. The udtm and dpam. These are novel investment methods very in vogue in Malaysia for a long time .

15. You know, under the bottom up and top down methods, instead of looking at things like management competence, pricing power or economic and industry trends , the idiots look at other things .

16. The bottom up and top down methods, they possibly look at the angle of the bump for easy penetration. These are more influenced by variables like thrust of the pole at the hole, pressure at the pressure at the breasts etc.

17. These are better at explaining the f-ed up 43m loss don't you think? 18. Trying to mollycoddle us by saying that this 43m loss is minimal when compared to the overall earnings of khazanah and PNB, invites the typical retort of pekan people, kepala bapak awak.

19. We are discussing the particular losses of FV not the overall earnings of khazanah and PNB. The others are doing well perhaps due to fortuitous reasons and intrinsic strengths of the other portfolios and not due to the competence of the mofos at khazanah and PNB . So don't talk cock!

20. The FV loss was due to top management's lackadaisical, languorous and half asrsed attitude toward the investment. Buta2 signed and approved.

21. It was due to the particular team's incompetence appraising FVs attractiveness by using f-ed up analytical tools or not using them at all. It was just a gut call and anything from the gut stinks.

22. By ignoring the fact that FV has incurred 5 consequtive losses but still considering it still an attractive portion is blasphemous in the financial world. 22. Still considering it an attractive portfolio.....

23. This strongly suggests that FV is considered good because the appraisers were motivated by other reasons.

24. Perhaps it's the pay-under-the -table tool. It could be ad valorem or nominal sum.

25. Otherwise the appraisers used the dick penetration analysis. This method could be bottom up or top down analysis. Both involved the thrust of the pole at the hole and pressure at the boobs.

26. Readers may not like my description of the methods. Nevermind. Let the investigative authorities establish the reasons and describe them in typical bland ways

27. Let's move on to the company. We are not interested in the personalities behind the company. We look at the bottom line not the people's bottom

28. If the principal owners, because of their idiocy think they can resign and escape accountability,they have another thing coming. They can resign and enjoy their millions but accountability follows them .

29. If they have obtained the 47m of taxpayers money by deception and it's illegal they must go jail. Irrespective of that full restitution of the 47m must be enforced

30. As the Malay says, there's no rain and thunder, a spokeswoman from the company says there's no fraud, no scandals.

31. That unsolicited statement makes people more determined to find out whether there was fraud and scandals. Malaysians love scandals.

32. Finally, don't give me that shit about hak istimewa bumiputera. Hak istimewa bumiputera does not mean the miscreants who are malays can and are entitled to do anything they pleased . Or because they are malays they must be treated with kids gloves and the law applied on them gently.

33. Or they are entitled as of right to be groped, caressed, stroked and fingered seductively. Nahi! Nein!

34. Samuel Johnson said that nationalism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. He was lamenting the misuse of nationalism.

35. Let's not misuse the hak2 istimewa bumiputera to protect scoundrels, thieves, charlatans, whoresons, spalpeens, ne'er do wells and mothereffers.

Friday, 1 November 2024

What about justice for the people? Tales by an unknown blogger. No 22.

1. It does not matter to me if the right wing and decadent world accepts or welcomes Najibs staged apology. I will continue to speak of its putrid stink and of its sweltering pus/nanah. I don't believe the sham.

2. As I said earlier, the apology is a sham, staged and concocted in a half past six manner.

3. It wasn't an apology in the real sense at all. Najib was sorry 1mdb caused untold misery to Malaysia .he was sorry for the looting and the pillage committed through 1mdb . But as it's mastermind and looter-in-chief, he maintains he is innocent.

4. The money waltzes into his account, elephants can fly and the camel passes through the eye of the needle .

5. The staged apology was only believed by the smarmy people in the social media, by journalists who just reached puberty, the entitled degenerates and inbreds, the right wingers and the racists. Most of them have secret laiasons with Mrs palmer and her 5 daughters.

6. The apology,done in a very cavalier and snide-asidish manner , and in the manner of the index finger points straight, while the pinky pulls back ( telunjuk lurus kelengking berkait) is an insult to the intelligence of all law abiding Malaysian citizens.

7. The other group who for orgasmic shivers upon hearing of the half hearted apology is the group who pined for the rule of bossku. Meaning they pined for the rule that allows unchecked corruption, abuse of power, selective patronage and blatant unaccountability. That's what they pined for.

8. The usual suspects are easily identified. These are the entitled degenerates and inbreds, UMNO apparatchiks and minions. Their principal role is to flood the social media with romanticized stories about bossku.

9. Can't we see a tinge of racism in this apology business? The apology given immediately by non malays for flying the China flag in teluk intan was rejected and regarded sinister. The apology given by Najib after so many years, was accepted and celebrated as something monumental.

10. That's why I said if Najib's name were a Mr Poh kee mak, it would be 'off with his head'. As it is Najib is the putera in the bumiputera and further enjoys protection under hak2 istimewa bumiputera.

11. It was reported that UMNO youth says apology is superfluous and misused as in the case of China flag flying in teluk intan. Then be consistent; it it's irrelevant in the teluk intan case,it's even more irrelevant in Najibs fake apology .

12. Najibs apology is a sham and hypocritical. It's giving us the bone only no meat. Tell us what you are sorry about.

13. That's typical of the Najib personality. Incapable of offering us a genuine apology. He did not provide us the details over which he's sorry. And the irony of the fake apology, he insisted he's innocent. So why apologize in the first place?

14. He takes us as fools. After giving us a blanket apology, he cancels the fake apology by insisting he's innocent . Terming that shallow apology as an indication of bigness of heart is a load of BS given only by neo feudalists and bourgeois mofo, in support for a lying neo feudalist and Malay bourgeois'

15. Claiming he's deceived by a chubby Chinaman is laughable. With a battalion of advisers, he can be deceived by 1 fellow, then might as well make Mr low as PM . And Paris Hilton as 1st lady

16. The hard truth is, Najib is an unrepentant and an incorrigible liar. His apology is a sham and a farce. Neither here nor there. He didn't provide us the details of the wrongs he did which required the apology. Where's the beef? You gave us the buns saja .

17. Isn't a conditional apology no apology at all. He's sorry but insists he's innocent. That's a verbal sleight of hand.

18. But that's typical of Najib. He doesn't care about us. It's all about him. Others must grovel at his feet fighting to save his skin.

19. Since najib refused or deliberately avoided to detail out his various wrongs requiring apology, let's remind ourselves then. First he denied the money that went into his was even his

20. That was a blatant lie. He did not alert the authorities if the money wasn't him . instead he used the money to spend like hell ,shopping buying Birkins and a USD27m diamond ring for the missus.

21. One two three four/ satu Dua tiga empat/bini aku cincin besor/kau orang apa dapat?

22. The Penang housewife who spent money in her account that wasn't hers, was jailed.

23. After that came the fairy tale that the money was given by a fictional Arab prince from the land of holy camel dung, to be used to fight Islamic extremists!

24. Then there was1mdb money channeled toa bogus company called PetroSaudi. Najib knew ab initio, the company was a bogus one designed to siphon money . Indeed it accomplished that when 2 mofos siphoned money from Petrosaudi. They were found guilty of stealing money from Petrosaudi which was 1MDB's. If these two bit punks got jailed, would we believe that Najib won't and will be found innocent? Tiu!

25. There were a litany of wrongdoings committed in the name of 1mdb. Najib secretly issued bonds amounting to billions of dollars to pay 1mdb s hutang. He overpriced projects awarded to China companies. He paid extortionate fees to Goldman Sachs etc. We need a book to list down Najib's egregious wrongs

26. So no, Najib's farcical and sham apology is rejected by all law abiding Malaysian citizens. It's presumptuous to assume the theatrics apology is well received.

27. It's well received only by the UMNO apparatchiks, the smarmy media people consisting of just reached puberty people who probably often have secret laiasons with Mrs palmer and her 5 daughters, the entitled degenerates and inbreds and the stupid malays. The majority of us rejected Najibs sleight of hand.

28. The man appearing before the public offering a sham apology is a manipulative bastard preying on the emotions of gullible makciks and pakciks, the entitled degenerates and inbreds. He didn't provide us the details to which he apologized but interested in securing their sympathy. Probably they were the same people assembling at the court premises and ululating bebaskan bossku!

29. Come to think of it, the apology was oxymoronic. After offering a blanket apology, he insisted he's innocent. So why apologize in the first place?

To be continued....

Saturday, 26 October 2024

What about justice for the people? Tales by an unknown blogger no . 21.

1. The majority of us will not be deceived but are actually disgusted(meluat) at Najibs Hollywood acts of fooling the public.

2. After so many years, he has now apologized to the public as to how IMDB has pained and caused misery to the nation .

3. That it has taken so long for this putera in the bumiputera to apologise, can only mean that the apology is a crocodile teared Oscar performance, even Marlon Brando, Gregory peck are put to shame.

4. Doesn't it mean that if he apologize, the looting, embezzlement and pillage has actually taken place? If I were to kill somebody and then apologize, will that bring the dead person back to life?

5. So, don't be fooled and bamboozled by this Hollywood worthy performance. Indeed the public should all pool money and give Najib an Oscar statute made in balakong.

6. You all remember or not, the time Najib reappeared in court after a knee ailment? He was wheel chaired into court right?

7. As it is, he wasn't in prison pyjamas although he is a convict. He wore his saville row suit and was actually smiling and looked cheerful .

8 . Horrors! His minders would have told him, you are sending the wrong messages. You should wear a pained expression and looked miserable. That way, the gullible a-holes can be easily deceived. And sympathy given .

9. So, how do we know it was actually jibby who drafted the apology statement? For all we know,it is possible for Najibs people to draft the apology statement and released it to the smarmy, apple polishing and ball licking media people.

10. If he could stage a drama when he had knee ailment, this apology business is a cinch.

11. I would like to ask this inconvenient question. If Najibs name were Mr poh kee mak, would his apology be readily accepted?

12. I think not. The entitled degenerates and inbreds aka UMNO would be asking for his head. And agitate for the severest of punishments.

13. The apology statement was obviously crafted to be staged. Even Stevie wonder can see it. It's our day of infamy .

14. Therefore fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The entitled degenerates and inbreds, the right wingers and the latest we heard, the sungai Long bolshie.

15. They all swallowed the line, hook and sinker . Apology accepted!

16. Yaay, Najib is now pristine , kosher and halal!

17. Every day UMNO is clamoring and pestering justice for Najib. What does justice for Najib mean? It means to totally absolve Najib from any wrong. It means subversion of the rule of law and the constitution .

18. This prompts us to ask, what about justice for the people?

Sunday, 20 October 2024

The ecclesiastical opinion shapers. Tales by an unknown blogger no 20.

1. Two things said by men of religion in the past few weeks, make me cynical of them and fortifies their hypocrisy on me . As a rule, whatever comes out from their mouths are a priori, suspect and hide some dark secrets .

2. The first was, it seems to me at least, a very rushed and as usual, a cocksure statement by an Ustaz on the very publicized divorce of a pair of celebrities. Miss X and Mr Y.

3. Just as most of us, who do know the pair personally and up close, he wants to give an ecleciastical edict on the divorce.

4. Thus he pompously and hubristically says, its haram for the lady to expose the aib of the man. The Ustaz may probably get his authority for saying so from his reading and understanding of the Muslim holy book and his readings and understanding of the writings of venerated Muslim scholars and thinkers.

5. Don't you all somethings wrong in the statement? Man defends a man. It's male chauvinism there. Its haram for the lady. The man can kah Ustaz?

6. It's haram for the lady to tell all yes. Lelaki how? Is it permissable?

7. That line of thinking seems to be line with the general low regard and disrespect of woman folk. That make chauvinist thinking , the thinking man is king and can do what he wants to the woman.

8. PAS people would even say , the woman who becomes your wife is like a farm; till her anyhow you like.

9. Perhaps following that view, you have a pas leader in Perlis who had anal sex with the wife. It must have been a violent one because the poor lady had to go to the hospital to be treated for excessive Luka! Ouch and double ouch!

10. Isn't anal sex , whether violent or not is haram? Or do men of religion has ecclesiastical permission from the land of holy camel dung?

11. The Ustaz, like most of us don't know the couple. We don't really know what happened but feel the urge to say something.

12. We must be wary of such Ustaz. Such a one, if he becomes a marriage counselor would probably tell the lady to completely divorce the man.

13. After that he would tell the lady, marry him saja. He will provide physical nafkah and spiritual salvation.

14. The other equally obnoxious and cocksure statement was from pas youth. We will not tolerate anyone implicated by corruption. Fuyoo!

15. Before even the court decides, pas youth has already judged the person as guilty. Ya Habibi, how do you reconcile this stand against the earlier statement by tuan Ibrahim that the culture of judging others before the court does must stop. Thus spoke the mullah!

16. Why don't the pas people do something ballsy like issuing an edict that says support and even countenancing a haram thing , is itself haram or at least satu dosa besar. It demands taubat or great atonement.

17. If pas does that it would be in the spirit of the pesky Ustaz who says it's haram for the divorced lady to tell all on the man. Or in the spirit of another busy body Ustaz, who says the divorce is not necessary? How does he know?

18. If buzy body ustazs do not , just as many of us do know the divorced couple, it's better to shut out. Otherwise their unsolicited opinions only reveal their own lustful intentions .

19. I am not just saying this. I have seen several cases of ustazs acting as marriage counselors eyeballing the lady in question then ended up marrying them .

20. So pas, do not act like sanctimonious bastards decrying those implicated in corruption while keeping silent on those who actually do.

21. For instance, issue la an edict saying it's HARAM for those who support and countenanced the already convicted not implicated, boss Tweed err bossku for corruption.

22. Isn't bossku guilty of makan duit haram? So those who support makan duit haram are doing something haram too or at least guilty of a cardinal sin?

23. The UMNO hoi polloi, the right wingers and the entitled degenerates, bertaubat lah kamu!

24. You men of religion do not behave as though you are holier than thou. Do not think your opinions will go unchallenged and accepted as err, gospel truth . They must be treated with circumspection or in the case of Muslims, circumcision. Hehe.

Monday, 14 October 2024

The enemy at the gates. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 19.

1. UMNO is behaving like the Malay says- your index finger points straight, your pinky pulls back. Or like the English says, run with the hounds, while hunting the hare.

2. It's the enemy at the gates- while subsisting and surviving under the enabling structure of PH government, it continues to corrode the structure.

3. Which leads me to thinking- are the PKR hoi polloi a bunch of intoxicated bozos and mofos?

4. They are allowing UMNO to impose its revisionist principles on PH especially PKR, DAP and AMANAH. What's disappointing, these are meekly answered.

5. The hawkish elements in UMNO take every opportunity to run down PH or otherwise berate PH, elevating the importance and relevance of UMNO. They are helped further by UMNO fifth columnists in the social media.

6. The Akmals will irrationally object to anything by Chinese, regarding them as having sinister motives. These Chinese things are alleged to be inspired by dap of course. Dap in turn is enabled by PH.

7. To the Akmals, the mere presence and involvement of Chinese inspired by dap and enabled by PH ,is a source of vehement objection.

8. From running rice retail businesses, running grocery stores, questioning money making crap by JAKIM etc, are all allowed by PH. PH therefore deserves the disapprobation and condemnations .

9. At the instigation of the Akmals, we are moving dangerously to an Aryan inspired melayu Uber alles. Who is behind them. Discredited UMNO is the answer.

10. The Akmals will of course believed their objections as perfectly justified and rational but we know they are suffering from the Don quixote syndrome. They see at every corner, a Chinese dragon devouring hapless Malays .

11. Will sane and cool headed Malaysians step forward to stop them and their puppet master, UMNO?

12. What's next? The banning of pork eating, eaten only by non Muslims? Banning the use of chopsticks forgetting the fact millions of Chinese Muslims eat using chopsticks and ignoring the fact these Chinese were Muslims earlier than Malays? Or going berserk over a visiting China ship . That's blatant racism!

13. Perhaps they are busy karaoke -ing somewhere singing Kuch Kuch HOTA hai or nonaku Azizah. If they do that, I am afraid their beloved and venerated Nana Non will be a one-trick pony .

14. Unfortunately the PKR bozos are not answering the Akmals's irritating diatribes with equal aggression. It's not a case of turning cheek la bozos and mofos .

15. Let me say it again - I support Nana Non but will not shy away from being critical of him in appropriate times. For instance, don't let me start on his pasembok quantitative easing strategies giving out money now and then . Handling the economy is not like eating nasi kandaq beratok, Nana oi.

16. The case of the Nurjazlans is an interesting one. At first the Nurjazlans will say the Chinese are opportunistic. Hey, you can't take out the racists out of them.

17. But if the Chinese give them favours, like even bribing Malays, the Chinese are good!

18. But at least nurjazlan is a more honourable person than I. He went to a Chinese sinseh and got his acupuncture treatment. Thereafter he proclaimed that actually not all Chinese are opportunistic.

19. If it were me, I would have gone to a pretty Chinese lady acupuncturist, allowed her to poke all her needles in me. Then ,if ada chance I'll poke my needle in her! Thereafter I'll proclaim that all Chinese are good maa. All's well that ends happy!

20. Meanwhile don't be comforted and lulled by wak 47s Johny come lately statements. He is acting out the proverbial Malay saying, the house is completed, only then the chisel makes noise .

21. The damage has been done. So Zahids Johny come lately advice was hardly comforting. It's the good cop-bad copy routine. We can read through his grinning hypocrisy.

22. I am telling the PKR bozos, if they want to retain power,they must read Machiavelli. But first, they must answer akmal's, nurjazlan and UMNOs mutinous conduct.

23. Wasn't it Machiavelli who said a fatal mistake is to share power with your enemies? UMNO is always, the enemy at the gates.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

A phyrric victory. Umno in mahkota. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 18.

1. I wasn't interested to a make a posthumous, err I mean a post election comment on the mahkota buy election. Untill I heard the Johor mb said the mahkota victory is a manifestasi keyakinan terhadap kera jaan Johor.

2. By which he actually means confidence in him and UMNO, more of him. We have no quarrel with the young man on his ego trip. What do you expect from an UMNO warlord?

3. But he is wrong on one thing. It's not confidence in him or UMNO but confidence in the leadership of Nana Non. Or Mamu Non.

4. I intentionally said posthumous really as I think the old UMNO is dead. The UMNO now is full of robbers, with its unchecked corruption, plunder and its naked neo Nazi principles.

5. The old and original UMNO is dead and with it the halcyon days. Gone are the days where UMNO can win elections alone and soon where it thinks it can put up batu and kayu as candidates.

6. The victory in Mahkota was won because UMNO is part of PH. The victory is an endorsement of Anwar's leadership, not UMNO

7. Definitely not of wak47s leadership. He can only grin.

8. Umno is on respiratory apparatus now. It can only live as long as it receives oxygen from PH.

9. The rule is now, UMNO cannot win on its own. Extending the rule further, it means that if UMNO is absorbed as part of the government where its in the minority, UMNO must absorb others into the government where it is the majority .

10. The principle of a unity government must be reflected universally. UMNO can't say it doesn't want a unity government in areas where its in control but greedily wants to be part of the government where its not in control .

11. It means, there must be the principle of give and take. If a stupid boy says there is no need for a unity government in Johor, let's hope that's not UMNOs inflexible principle .

12. So despite the euphoria and the jubilation of a PH victory, the readings between the lines are not lost on the more perceptive UMNO leaders.

13. Which included the principles that UMNO will never win elections on its own, that it can never convince non Malay voters and that UMNO must compromise.

14. And the most important rule of all- UMNO is part of the government at the pleasure of Nana Non and the intelligence of a subservient wak47. UMNO needs a wak47 , despite the ever looming 47 marbles.

15. The fact is that UMNO is increasingly dependent on Nana Non.

16. Accordingly, the hardliners, the hawkish elements in UMNO, the bigots the extremists, the Akmals will slowly disentangle themselves from mainstream UMNO.

17. Those left behind will be the open , liberal and pragmatic minded who accepts the way forward is to cooperate with PH . These can fortify support for Nana Non.

18. The alternative choice has gloomy consequences. If the argument of there is no necessity of forming a unity government in Johor is accepted, in states where PH per se is strong, it's equally true , they don't need a unity government with UMNO either .

19. Hence, in a tit-for-tat measure, there's no need for a unity government with UMNO in Penang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan or maybe Perak.

20. I won't discuss the reasons for the poor non Malay voter turnout in Mahkota. the party having to do introspection is UMNO.

21. I think it is Mawi who sings a song called menang dalam kalah. For UMNO at Mahkota, it's defeat in victory .

Friday, 27 September 2024

Shyster UMNO. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 17.

1. The deep state in the social media is at it again. The DS consists mostly of UMNO operatives, apparatchiks, surrogates and fifth columnists.

2 . After weeks of hurling insults and disparaging mother Teresa Kok, they now turn over and play the victim .

3. Previously, they were saying Teresa is raising irritable questions again, DAP is causing divisiveness etc.

4. Why should ideal social setting be in terms as how UMNO defines it?

5. Now, Teresa's refusal to share the same stage as racist Akmal and refusing to cease legal action is said to be detrimental to the unity in the unity government.

6. Says who? Says the group belongings to the state. The group consisting of UMNO operatives, surrogates , fifth columnists and fellow racists like Akmal.

7. Didn't they say, Akmal has the blood of a warrior? A moronic warrior more like it.

8. Beware of these opinion shifters. Previously akmal was the hero defending the sanctity of Islam. Now he and UMNO are the victims, the result it seems because of Teresa's stubbornness.

9. Haven't UMNO or Akmal heard of the Malay saying -alang2 seluk pekasam, biar sampai ke lengan, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlak kata buruk padah nya. Or the English saying, having made the bed, you must now lie on it. Be an anak Jantan, man.

10. Apa tanda si anak Jantan, matinya ditengah gelanggng, tidurnya dipuncak gelombang, makanya ditebing panjang, langkahnya menghentam bumi etc.

11. How is it Teresa's questions on the halal certification issue be a cause of divisiveness but akmal's maniacal outburst and pejorative description of Teresa isn't?

12. Is it because Teresa who questions the halal certification thing is a Chinese, while Akmal is Malay protected by the hak istimewa orang melayu? Itu macam ka aney?

13. An equally toxic statement threatening the unity of the Unity Government were the statements issued by nurjazlan Mohamed Rahmat.

14. Some of the contentious things he said. The Chinese are opportunistic people. It would be easy for the Dap to convince the. It's easy because the dap has its red bean army. These statements ought to be disputed by dap leaders.

15. Meaning, what's not said are:- if UMNO is the government, it will not and can't give the Chinese equal opportunities. It will discriminate against the Chinese as of right . Because the Chinese are by nature opportunistic as defined by jazlan, they are naturally ravenous and rapacious people.

16. UMNO, because of its untruthful nature will never be able to convince the Chinese and will never be able to gain the trust of the Chinese. UMNO does the Ali baba method- farms out the task of gaining Chinese support to DAP.

17. What's not said is that UMNO has no faith in its uncle Tom partners, MCA and MIC to garner non Malay votes .

18. By describing the Chinese as opportunistic, UMNO betrays it's natural mistrust and dislike of the Chinese. Why should the Chinese want to support UMNO when you have jokers like akmal and nurjazlan Mohamed running around?

19. No, it's not easy for the Dap to convince the Chinese ( read wiser) to support UMNO. Precisely because you have a toxic and defective product to sell in the first place. DAP people would require the skills of people selling ice to the Eskimos to convince the Chinese. And the Chinese are picky buyers

20. Finally, it is said , it's task would be made easy because it has the 'red bean army'.

21. Umno is playing the same old record invoking the non existent red bean army. The army only exists in the imagination of UMNO bigots and racist. There is no red bean army while UMNO has its cyber troopers. Who's zooming who?.

22. Don't you all see, the statements of nurjazlan is a preemptive ploy to explain a possible loss of UMNO? If it loses, it can then blame that loss on DAP.

23. Actually, this mahkota buy election ( not by- election) causes more hurt to DAP. It is better for Dap to do it's normal duty rather than going all out to campaign for despicable UMNO. Remember, Dap is fighting for PH, not UMNO. Unfortunately in this mahkota buy- election, the lines between campaigning for PH and UMNO are blurred. The dap finds itself in a situation where you swallow your mother dies, if you spit it out, your father dies!

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Part 2 of the halal certification issue. Tales by an unknown blogger.

1. Akmal Saleh may be a medical doctor. But that qualification is certainly and proven in fact as no sign of superior intelligence. In retorting to Teresa's opinions, he was careless and impetuous.

2. His caveman politics immediately comes to the fore. He takes a club and bashes people who opposes him on the head. He has a tunnel thinking level.

3. He and people of his persuasion and temperament, adopt the shoot first and ask questions later. Whomsoever touches some administrative aspects of Islam they go into fits of irrational anger .

4. The racists, bigots and religious zealots get unnecessarily fired up because of Teresa's concerns about the halal certification issue. It's the halal certificate yes, not aqidah.

5. Teresa kok was berated because her concerns arose because of her ignorance of the meaning of Halal. Her worries it is said comes from an Islam hater, an Islamophobic, her actions tantamount to meddling of Islamic matters. The PN rottweilers are accusing her of insolence and biadap.

6. Umno fifth columnists in the social media are quick at milking the issue. They write of Teresa of causing disunity, DAP is causing trouble again. Is not causing trouble imply keeping quite even if you disagree?

7. I am sure many non Muslims, not only Teresa know that Muslims don't eat carcasses, pork, lard or blood etc. They certainly know that halal encapsulates cleanliness, hygiene, food preparation etc.

8. If halal also means that, that covers most of the Muslim eateries. Especially at mamak stalls where we don't want shirtless cooks and Mr rat and Mr cockroach scurrying around.

9. If as tuan Ibrahim tuan Man says, Muslims have rights over the halalness or haramness of food stuffs, then because of Halal requirements, Muslims have rights over cleanliness, hygiene etc, don't they?

10. We will not dwell indefinitely about what concerns and worries Ms Teresa. Her concerns provide me, a Malay and a Muslim to ask several inconvenient questions.

11. Has anybody stop to ask why is it, that food joint operators, Muslims and non Muslims chose to air and channel their worries to mother Teresa?

12. Why didn't they go to Akmal , pas leaders or PN rottweilers? Because these leaders have tunnel vision and because the food joint operators don't trust them .

13. Don't you think that's a terrible indictment on the determination of these leaders to fight against a possible form of social injustice? You cant trust UMNO pas or pn people.

14. I look at the halal certification issue as a money making machine, as an oppressive tool, as a means to affirm the master slave relations and a means to show who's boss in Malaysia.

15. Don't be misled into believing that this halal non halal certification exercise is for spiritual salvation per se. It's a money making machine disguised as a religious commandment . Let's see the money trail .

16. If there's halal sticker, there has to be a non halal sticker. That's how you establish the status of halalness. The foodjoints selling halal food products are obvious. Those selling pork, alcohol, lard etc are non halal right?

17. This means JAKIM will issue 2 stickers. This generate income X which can be millions .

18. Next they will carry out a CF exercise to certify the foodjoints are clean, hygienic, heathywise etc. This generates income Y. The sum of X and Y represents big money for JAKIM.

19. JAKIM doesn't produced anything, but a legislative construct, fleeced money from food industry operators . Better still if the halal thing is done seemingly on religious grounds.

20. Sure, we interview some Muslim operators. Because of religious affinity and smarminess, they all say they won't compromise on religious commandments.

21. But wait untill they find out,they have to fork out a few thousand ringgit to get the halal certificate

22. The very same people will scream blue murder accusing the PH government as oppressive. Not helping poor people.

23. We can understand the responses of PAS and bersatu barking dogs. But what of UMNOs response? Does it forget it's also part of PH? Perhaps it's better for UMNO to be in

the opposition. 24. Imagine if halal certification is mandatory for all. Pasar malam operators would have to display it, stall, kiosk and food court operators would have to display it. Restaurants in pulau ketam and kukup or in pangkor would have to display it . Restaurants in hotels even airlines would have to display it. See the billions JAKIM would be raking money. Welcome to the bosskue club. Apa mahu malu?

25. Who's printing the halal- non halal stickers? JAKIM has probably farmed it out to some Chinese companies.

26. Surely not directly to these Chinese companies. But through intermediary companies owned probably by JAKIM hotshots, Muslim clerics or horrors, by UMNO warlords .

27. If so, then as per akmal's dictat, the owners of these intermediary companies, must stick a special sticker on their foreheads or some strategic part of their anatomy.

28. It must read-the halal and non halal stickers have been circumcised and ' sibghah'. Ie have been circumcised and baptized in holy water .

29. Don't you think this is fair if Teresa kok have to paste a non halal sticker on her forehead?

30. I have a nagging problem. What if a Muslim joint meet the requirements of halal food items but failed to meet requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and health? And what if non Muslim joints failed in terms of food material but meet the requirements on hygiene, cleanliness, health, technology and food handling etc? Mahu bikin apa?

31. Halalram?

32. If you read carefully the proposal, it's meant for companies selling pork, alcohol,lard etc. In other words , for joints operated by non Muslims?

33. You non Muslims don't care about that? The mandatory requirement proposal discriminates against you. By implication, the requirement is not mandatory to Muslim operators. Have you ever seen a Muslim eatery displaying a no pork no alcohol sticker? Nahi!

34. In so far proposing the mandatory requirement, JAKIM is only furthering UMNOs neo nazi version of religion. Weaponising religion to discriminate.

35. The mandatory proposal also serves to entrench UMNOs master race ideology. The only other group pursuing this ideology was Hitler's Nazism

36. By forcing the indians and Chinese to follow the requirement, JAKIM is showing who is the master race and who's boss in Malaysia.

37. While this kind of nonsense is going on, we are busy promoting the 'ini kita' advertisement on TV. We put on an elaborate show declaring kita sama, anak India, Cina kadazan anak kita. At the same time we allow scumbags like Akmal, UMNO and JAKIM to try enforce the master race ideology, pursue it's Klu Klux Klanish idealogy and Jim crow laws

38. Wak47 may say the verbal spat between Akmal and Teresa may have ended. He speaks for himself. Akmal will remain the petulant child. Teresa has spoken about something which ramifications are beyond what she herself has envisaged. The floodgates are already opened.

39. Many of us are disgusted at akmal's description of Teresa as a nyonya tua. But I also note that the nyonya can cause some sexcitement in the MP from lengkawi. Wasn't he the one who fantasizes the nyonya tua wearing nothing?

40. Many was surprised at the PMs reprimand on Teresa. The matter wasn't even discussed at cabinet level, yet nana non was displeased at Teresa's comments. Perhaps he wanted to out- Muslim the others.

41. I am surprised though he didn't display love and care for Teresa after he said he learns these lessons from Alex Ferguson.

42. Except I am confused as to which Alex Ferguson he talked of. The Alex Ferguson I know is a Scotsman, hailing from Scotland with a thick Scottish accent. There must be another Alex Ferguson running around in the fish and chips kingdom, hailing from east London speaking with a heavy cockney accent.

Friday, 13 September 2024

The halal certification issue. Tales by an unknown Malaysian. No.15. Watch for part 2.

1. There seems to be a deep state in the cyber social media. The UMNO way of thinking media operatives have penetrated deep in social media reporting.

2. By a deep state, we mean the ever lurking presence of media operatives, colluding with media owners who are determined to amplify and embellish sensitive issues .

3. Their purpose is always to create mistrust, friction and antagonism among the various races in Malaysia. They won't rest until the dominant race overwhelms the other races. In other words, other races must acknowledge that the malays are the master race. Everything they want must be enforced fully.

4. Hence the recent uncouth and uncivilized response by the maniacal UMNO youth head , was seized as an opportunity to create mistrust and suspicion between chiefly, Malays an Chinese.

5. We have not been paying attention or largely ignored these elements of the 5th estate, operating through the social media, purveying their havoc creating and malicious viewpoints.

6. The presence of these racist and bigoted groupings with outlier viewpoints cannot be underestimated. Their viewpoints have slowly become mainstream.

7. Their purpose is to sow seeds of dissension, mistrust and suspicions on non malays. They create strife, pit one race against one another

8. Without many realising it,that's the UMNO way of thinking. Always furthering the master-slave social structure.

9. So beware of this insidious groupings of just-reached puberty holders of outlier viewpoints. Their main purpose is to create strife within our society .

10. So, the retort by cincalok eating maniacal UMNO youth head is given much prominence and sense of chest thumping triumphalism.

11. You can't help , but sense a tone of triumphalism when akmal says nyonya tua and paste a non halal certificate on Teresa's forehead .

12. Well, the joke's on you, Herr oberst akmal. It reflects your bigotism, racism and perennial animosity and antagonism towards non malays. And sadly your upbringing.

13. He's certainly not the person that malays want to be represented by. Non malays abhor him. But don't expect the not so bright wak47 to realise this. He's just thinking that akmal is a useful idiot to apply pressure on Nana Non.

14. I look at the halal certification issue a little differently. Here's my thinking.

15. Long time ago, Sukarno said that give the average Indonesian a set of unform, he thinks he has unbridled authority and gets big headed. The same could be said of the malays

16. Giving a license to JAKIM people is like giving a uniform to the average Malay. He thinks he has unbridled authority and gets big headed. Especially giving a uniform to skulled cap mofos

17. Giving sole authority to JAKIM can open the floodgates to corruption abuse of power and all sort of wrongdoings to these guardians of our belly .

18. Don't give us the BS saying that because these people are malays and soldiers of God, they won't do these shenanigans. Remember, Kalau tak makan suap bukan melayu dan yang kuat makan suap sekali ialah orang UMNO,!

19. The JAKIM officers may ask for under the counter money or some other forms of gratification.

20. Let me ' story you'. Long time ago, when I was an UMNO adun , I came across a typical case involving a Malay Kuantan city council official .

21. A single mother applied for a stall from the Kuantan city council. The officer said he will support her application. By the way, said the officer. I am going for a kursus in genting. Will you accompany me?

22. How would you know if some JAKIM officers will not do something similar as a condition to get a halal certificate?

23. Giving a JAKIM officer without having safeguards or some others watching over him is a sure recipe for some wrong doings.

24. We just don't trust these divinely inspired goons looking out for Islamic interests, including halalising the F&B industry. Almost always, those who claim to look out for Islamic interests are the ones violating them . Look at those looking out for TH. TH is now in dire straits . The same could happen to JAKIM.

25. Let's be clear. The management of Islamic affairs is the sole prerogative of the Muslims. Non Muslims cannot absolutely interfere in its affairs.

26. Not unless it infringes on the rights of non Muslims . The recent ' interference 'of Teresa kok must be seen in this perspective.

27. By her own admission, voicing reservations about the halal certification issue is not interfering in Islam. We have no reasons to disbelieve her, unless we can prove otherwise - in court. Not within Akmal's mentally challenged audience.

28. Having removed this issue, let's examine the motives of the halal certification by JAKIM.

29 . Even as Muslims, we have reasons to suspect and doubt anything done by JAKIM. Didn't the public saw JAKIM complicit in the meat scandal at one time. Weren't there meat cartels selling off kangaroo and horse meat to Muslims and other consumers?

30. Either JAKIM didn't know about it because it's officers were busy playing with their dicks or JAKIM has earlier on practised its own DNAA-do nothing at all.

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