Reminder of political longevity. Tales by an unknown blogger. No 32.
1. One of the memorable slogans coined by James Carville, the Clinton strategist, was change or more of the same. That apart from it's the economy stupid!
2. Then,there's a statement made by one of the greatest economists and one with a rapier sharp mind. Milton Friedman.
3. He said, almost always , good intentions produce directly opposite results .
4. Meritocracy, rule of law, eradicating corruption, abuse of power, dismantling the deep state , advancing competence etc are obviously, good intentions.
5. But you have dismal results .you have open rejection of the rule of law, kakistocracy instead of meritocracy, more corruption instead of checking it, rampant abuse of power, celebration of mediocrity, etc.
6. The less corrupt for now, accuses the already and more corrupt of corruption. The less corrupt for now investigates the more corrupt and eventually absolves the already corrupt for blatant pillage.
7. You gave them DNAAs, you gave them pardons, propose house arrest and finally acquits them. So these people can 2 finger the people and say, qui'ls mangent de la brioche. Let them eat cake or kropok lekor.
8. If you have time, read Friedmans ' Bright promises, dismal performances. If u see it, buy.
9. The supreme leader aka the sungai Long Bolshevik, on stage here and there speaks animatedly about the rule of law is negara hukunm, good governance, anti corruption slogans etc, but the talks are not followed by the walks .
10. They are just cheruk tokkuns Boria renditions danced awkwardly, full of missteps.
11. How do we reconcile these diatribes and vehement rhetorics against corruption, rejection of the rule law, good governance etc against what is happening on the ground? They could be tips of the iceberg indicating the rot is more severe.
12. The main problem is while the luminaries of reformasi talked about grandiose and attention grabbing slogans, they actually are in the dark about what's going on. They are bamboozled by the deep state and the apparatuses left before by the decadent UMNO government.
13. So you actually perpetuate the same as usual business without effecting the changes you shout. It's more of the same , not change, stupid!
14. A few cases come to mind. How do you explain the overnight emergence of of Malaysia,s Salvador Dali as a novue rich?
15. This chap probably earned his biggest salary when he served as Anwars political secretary. His ordinary parents certainly did not bequeath him any windfall. His sister was an ex stewardess. They all had to work to earn a living. So when people asked where he got the money to buy into a company that later got a very lucrative contract from the good governanced government, tounges start wagging.
16. It's worse if he says he's only fronting for some parties. That means he's leveraging on his relationship with pmx to capture government businesses. Horrors!
17. He's a well rewarded tool used by behind the scenes business potentates to fleece the government. That's treasonous.
18. Hey, I must speak about this case. Who are the idiot economists who said it's good economics for the government to lease or rent 28 helicopters from weststar over a period of 15 years for 16 billion? Where as a comparison, the Philippines government Bought 32 Blackhawk helis for only 2.6 billion?
19. For your information, wesstar is the company that supplied helis for nana non to campaign here and there. For free then . The company collects now.
20. I hope the advisors and dumbass economists do not include the Tom Selleck wannabe 2nd finance minister. His statements regarding fashion valet show his a not so smart fellow. Perhaps the utility of his moustache lies in fact that it can tickle the female anatomy at strategic parts.
21. Finally theres this strange case of Musa amans appointment as Sabahs tyt. A man who has a closet full of corruption cases is suddenly sanitized and appointed as Sabah tyt?
22. Just what has he done to get rehabilitated? Did he promise to bank roll Sabah elections?
23. It's the hypocrisy that pollutes the air which suffocates us. There's a divergence
between what is said and actually done.
24. The hypocrisy reminds me of excerpts from a poem written by one of Indonesia's foremost poet. Ws rendra.
25. In bersatu lah pelacur2 Jakarta. Nyanyian hujan rendra writes
Sarinah Katakan kepada mereka
Bagaimana kau dipanggil ke kantor menteri
Bagaimana ia bicara panjang lebar kepadamu
Tentang perjuangan nusa bangsa
Dan tiba-tiba tanpa ujung pangkal Ia sebut kau inspirasi revolusi
Sambil ia buka kutangmu
Dan kau Dasima
Khabarkan pada rakyat
Bagaimana para pemimpin revolusi
Secara bergiliran memelukmu
Bicara tentang kemakmuran rakyat dan api revolusi
Sambil celananya basah
Dan tubuhnya lemas
Terkapai disampingmu
Ototnya keburu tak berdaya
Politisi dan pegawai tinggi
Adalah caluk yang rapi
Kongres-kongres dan konferensi
Tak pernah berjalan tanpa kalian
Kalian tak pernah bisa bilang ‘tidak’
Lantaran kelaparan yang menakutkan
Kemiskinan yang mengekang
Dan telah lama sia-sia cari kerja
Ijazah sekolah tanpa guna
Para kepala jawat…
26. It proves my point that often those who speak of lofty ideals are often those who first renege against them.
27. I begun my article by quoting Carville and Friedman. I shall end it by quoting a practitioner of realpolitik- the great Lee kuan Yew.
28. During 1 political rally lky said. Those who govern Singapore must have that iron in him. Although spoken in a specific context, the statement has general applications.
29. Which can mean for Malaysia, whoever governs her, must have the iron in him. If Nana tambun, has not the iron in him , he must surround himself with those who do
30. Correspondingly it means Nana tambun will have to get rid of the deadwood and those whose blood are deficient in iron. Nana tambun would know who they are. But I suspect high on the list of the excess baggage would be wak47, ayam den lapeh man and zamri the black .
31. In an interview, lky told viewers what are the principal determinants of political longevity. Its not the hindustàni looks of Nana tambun.
32. The 2 determinants of political longevity are never break faith or belief of the people in you and promises made are promises kept .
33. Nana tambun makes himself out as the chief/chip change agent . He talks of lofty ideals. Rule of law, good governance, ridding of corruption, collusion and nepotism, a harmonious and caring society through the nebulous madanism etc.
34. Faith and belief, refer to these higher ideals. But if Nana tambun regularly denigrates and trivializes them , allowing them to be corroded by reactionaries, they will shorten his political longevity.
35. While faith and belief refer to lofty ideals, promises are specific commitment to carry out some specific tasks.
36. Things like reducing the price of fuels , no matter when you said it, removal of Azam Baki, removal of tolls, ptptn,reduction in cost of living, cheaper groceries, better housing and health care, security and so on.
37. I must mention electricity tariff. The public is faced with the grim prospects of increasing electricity tariff while TNB is making abnormal and indecent profits .
38. These 2 things combined will greatly shortened pms political longevity. Not to mention UMNO continuously sabotaging PH. Remember what Machiavelli said, the most fatal mistake is to invite your enemy to share power
39. I say all these out of love for Nana tambun. I want him to stay as pm for as long as possible. I would be remiss in my duty if I don't speak candidly and with candour. Even at the expense of being marginalized by pm. The prospects of right wing parties especially UMNO returning to power is abhorrent.
40. It's change or more of the same. A revolution is the violent overthrow of a corrupt regime. Remove all vestiges of UMNO legacy. Abandon wak47 with earnest!