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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 20 October 2024

The ecclesiastical opinion shapers. Tales by an unknown blogger no 20.

1. Two things said by men of religion in the past few weeks, make me cynical of them and fortifies their hypocrisy on me . As a rule, whatever comes out from their mouths are a priori, suspect and hide some dark secrets .

2. The first was, it seems to me at least, a very rushed and as usual, a cocksure statement by an Ustaz on the very publicized divorce of a pair of celebrities. Miss X and Mr Y.

3. Just as most of us, who do know the pair personally and up close, he wants to give an ecleciastical edict on the divorce.

4. Thus he pompously and hubristically says, its haram for the lady to expose the aib of the man. The Ustaz may probably get his authority for saying so from his reading and understanding of the Muslim holy book and his readings and understanding of the writings of venerated Muslim scholars and thinkers.

5. Don't you all somethings wrong in the statement? Man defends a man. It's male chauvinism there. Its haram for the lady. The man can kah Ustaz?

6. It's haram for the lady to tell all yes. Lelaki how? Is it permissable?

7. That line of thinking seems to be line with the general low regard and disrespect of woman folk. That make chauvinist thinking , the thinking man is king and can do what he wants to the woman.

8. PAS people would even say , the woman who becomes your wife is like a farm; till her anyhow you like.

9. Perhaps following that view, you have a pas leader in Perlis who had anal sex with the wife. It must have been a violent one because the poor lady had to go to the hospital to be treated for excessive Luka! Ouch and double ouch!

10. Isn't anal sex , whether violent or not is haram? Or do men of religion has ecclesiastical permission from the land of holy camel dung?

11. The Ustaz, like most of us don't know the couple. We don't really know what happened but feel the urge to say something.

12. We must be wary of such Ustaz. Such a one, if he becomes a marriage counselor would probably tell the lady to completely divorce the man.

13. After that he would tell the lady, marry him saja. He will provide physical nafkah and spiritual salvation.

14. The other equally obnoxious and cocksure statement was from pas youth. We will not tolerate anyone implicated by corruption. Fuyoo!

15. Before even the court decides, pas youth has already judged the person as guilty. Ya Habibi, how do you reconcile this stand against the earlier statement by tuan Ibrahim that the culture of judging others before the court does must stop. Thus spoke the mullah!

16. Why don't the pas people do something ballsy like issuing an edict that says support and even countenancing a haram thing , is itself haram or at least satu dosa besar. It demands taubat or great atonement.

17. If pas does that it would be in the spirit of the pesky Ustaz who says it's haram for the divorced lady to tell all on the man. Or in the spirit of another busy body Ustaz, who says the divorce is not necessary? How does he know?

18. If buzy body ustazs do not , just as many of us do know the divorced couple, it's better to shut out. Otherwise their unsolicited opinions only reveal their own lustful intentions .

19. I am not just saying this. I have seen several cases of ustazs acting as marriage counselors eyeballing the lady in question then ended up marrying them .

20. So pas, do not act like sanctimonious bastards decrying those implicated in corruption while keeping silent on those who actually do.

21. For instance, issue la an edict saying it's HARAM for those who support and countenanced the already convicted not implicated, boss Tweed err bossku for corruption.

22. Isn't bossku guilty of makan duit haram? So those who support makan duit haram are doing something haram too or at least guilty of a cardinal sin?

23. The UMNO hoi polloi, the right wingers and the entitled degenerates, bertaubat lah kamu!

24. You men of religion do not behave as though you are holier than thou. Do not think your opinions will go unchallenged and accepted as err, gospel truth . They must be treated with circumspection or in the case of Muslims, circumcision. Hehe.


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