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Sakmongkol ak 47

Sunday 22 September 2024

Part 2 of the halal certification issue. Tales by an unknown blogger.

1. Akmal Saleh may be a medical doctor. But that qualification is certainly and proven in fact as no sign of superior intelligence. In retorting to Teresa's opinions, he was careless and impetuous.

2. His caveman politics immediately comes to the fore. He takes a club and bashes people who opposes him on the head. He has a tunnel thinking level.

3. He and people of his persuasion and temperament, adopt the shoot first and ask questions later. Whomsoever touches some administrative aspects of Islam they go into fits of irrational anger .

4. The racists, bigots and religious zealots get unnecessarily fired up because of Teresa's concerns about the halal certification issue. It's the halal certificate yes, not aqidah.

5. Teresa kok was berated because her concerns arose because of her ignorance of the meaning of Halal. Her worries it is said comes from an Islam hater, an Islamophobic, her actions tantamount to meddling of Islamic matters. The PN rottweilers are accusing her of insolence and biadap.

6. Umno fifth columnists in the social media are quick at milking the issue. They write of Teresa of causing disunity, DAP is causing trouble again. Is not causing trouble imply keeping quite even if you disagree?

7. I am sure many non Muslims, not only Teresa know that Muslims don't eat carcasses, pork, lard or blood etc. They certainly know that halal encapsulates cleanliness, hygiene, food preparation etc.

8. If halal also means that, that covers most of the Muslim eateries. Especially at mamak stalls where we don't want shirtless cooks and Mr rat and Mr cockroach scurrying around.

9. If as tuan Ibrahim tuan Man says, Muslims have rights over the halalness or haramness of food stuffs, then because of Halal requirements, Muslims have rights over cleanliness, hygiene etc, don't they?

10. We will not dwell indefinitely about what concerns and worries Ms Teresa. Her concerns provide me, a Malay and a Muslim to ask several inconvenient questions.

11. Has anybody stop to ask why is it, that food joint operators, Muslims and non Muslims chose to air and channel their worries to mother Teresa?

12. Why didn't they go to Akmal , pas leaders or PN rottweilers? Because these leaders have tunnel vision and because the food joint operators don't trust them .

13. Don't you think that's a terrible indictment on the determination of these leaders to fight against a possible form of social injustice? You cant trust UMNO pas or pn people.

14. I look at the halal certification issue as a money making machine, as an oppressive tool, as a means to affirm the master slave relations and a means to show who's boss in Malaysia.

15. Don't be misled into believing that this halal non halal certification exercise is for spiritual salvation per se. It's a money making machine disguised as a religious commandment . Let's see the money trail .

16. If there's halal sticker, there has to be a non halal sticker. That's how you establish the status of halalness. The foodjoints selling halal food products are obvious. Those selling pork, alcohol, lard etc are non halal right?

17. This means JAKIM will issue 2 stickers. This generate income X which can be millions .

18. Next they will carry out a CF exercise to certify the foodjoints are clean, hygienic, heathywise etc. This generates income Y. The sum of X and Y represents big money for JAKIM.

19. JAKIM doesn't produced anything, but a legislative construct, fleeced money from food industry operators . Better still if the halal thing is done seemingly on religious grounds.

20. Sure, we interview some Muslim operators. Because of religious affinity and smarminess, they all say they won't compromise on religious commandments.

21. But wait untill they find out,they have to fork out a few thousand ringgit to get the halal certificate

22. The very same people will scream blue murder accusing the PH government as oppressive. Not helping poor people.

23. We can understand the responses of PAS and bersatu barking dogs. But what of UMNOs response? Does it forget it's also part of PH? Perhaps it's better for UMNO to be in

the opposition. 24. Imagine if halal certification is mandatory for all. Pasar malam operators would have to display it, stall, kiosk and food court operators would have to display it. Restaurants in pulau ketam and kukup or in pangkor would have to display it . Restaurants in hotels even airlines would have to display it. See the billions JAKIM would be raking money. Welcome to the bosskue club. Apa mahu malu?

25. Who's printing the halal- non halal stickers? JAKIM has probably farmed it out to some Chinese companies.

26. Surely not directly to these Chinese companies. But through intermediary companies owned probably by JAKIM hotshots, Muslim clerics or horrors, by UMNO warlords .

27. If so, then as per akmal's dictat, the owners of these intermediary companies, must stick a special sticker on their foreheads or some strategic part of their anatomy.

28. It must read-the halal and non halal stickers have been circumcised and ' sibghah'. Ie have been circumcised and baptized in holy water .

29. Don't you think this is fair if Teresa kok have to paste a non halal sticker on her forehead?

30. I have a nagging problem. What if a Muslim joint meet the requirements of halal food items but failed to meet requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and health? And what if non Muslim joints failed in terms of food material but meet the requirements on hygiene, cleanliness, health, technology and food handling etc? Mahu bikin apa?

31. Halalram?

32. If you read carefully the proposal, it's meant for companies selling pork, alcohol,lard etc. In other words , for joints operated by non Muslims?

33. You non Muslims don't care about that? The mandatory requirement proposal discriminates against you. By implication, the requirement is not mandatory to Muslim operators. Have you ever seen a Muslim eatery displaying a no pork no alcohol sticker? Nahi!

34. In so far proposing the mandatory requirement, JAKIM is only furthering UMNOs neo nazi version of religion. Weaponising religion to discriminate.

35. The mandatory proposal also serves to entrench UMNOs master race ideology. The only other group pursuing this ideology was Hitler's Nazism

36. By forcing the indians and Chinese to follow the requirement, JAKIM is showing who is the master race and who's boss in Malaysia.

37. While this kind of nonsense is going on, we are busy promoting the 'ini kita' advertisement on TV. We put on an elaborate show declaring kita sama, anak India, Cina kadazan anak kita. At the same time we allow scumbags like Akmal, UMNO and JAKIM to try enforce the master race ideology, pursue it's Klu Klux Klanish idealogy and Jim crow laws

38. Wak47 may say the verbal spat between Akmal and Teresa may have ended. He speaks for himself. Akmal will remain the petulant child. Teresa has spoken about something which ramifications are beyond what she herself has envisaged. The floodgates are already opened.

39. Many of us are disgusted at akmal's description of Teresa as a nyonya tua. But I also note that the nyonya can cause some sexcitement in the MP from lengkawi. Wasn't he the one who fantasizes the nyonya tua wearing nothing?

40. Many was surprised at the PMs reprimand on Teresa. The matter wasn't even discussed at cabinet level, yet nana non was displeased at Teresa's comments. Perhaps he wanted to out- Muslim the others.

41. I am surprised though he didn't display love and care for Teresa after he said he learns these lessons from Alex Ferguson.

42. Except I am confused as to which Alex Ferguson he talked of. The Alex Ferguson I know is a Scotsman, hailing from Scotland with a thick Scottish accent. There must be another Alex Ferguson running around in the fish and chips kingdom, hailing from east London speaking with a heavy cockney accent.


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