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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 27 September 2024

Shyster UMNO. Tales by an unknown blogger. No. 17.

1. The deep state in the social media is at it again. The DS consists mostly of UMNO operatives, apparatchiks, surrogates and fifth columnists.

2 . After weeks of hurling insults and disparaging mother Teresa Kok, they now turn over and play the victim .

3. Previously, they were saying Teresa is raising irritable questions again, DAP is causing divisiveness etc.

4. Why should ideal social setting be in terms as how UMNO defines it?

5. Now, Teresa's refusal to share the same stage as racist Akmal and refusing to cease legal action is said to be detrimental to the unity in the unity government.

6. Says who? Says the group belongings to the state. The group consisting of UMNO operatives, surrogates , fifth columnists and fellow racists like Akmal.

7. Didn't they say, Akmal has the blood of a warrior? A moronic warrior more like it.

8. Beware of these opinion shifters. Previously akmal was the hero defending the sanctity of Islam. Now he and UMNO are the victims, the result it seems because of Teresa's stubbornness.

9. Haven't UMNO or Akmal heard of the Malay saying -alang2 seluk pekasam, biar sampai ke lengan, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlak kata buruk padah nya. Or the English saying, having made the bed, you must now lie on it. Be an anak Jantan, man.

10. Apa tanda si anak Jantan, matinya ditengah gelanggng, tidurnya dipuncak gelombang, makanya ditebing panjang, langkahnya menghentam bumi etc.

11. How is it Teresa's questions on the halal certification issue be a cause of divisiveness but akmal's maniacal outburst and pejorative description of Teresa isn't?

12. Is it because Teresa who questions the halal certification thing is a Chinese, while Akmal is Malay protected by the hak istimewa orang melayu? Itu macam ka aney?

13. An equally toxic statement threatening the unity of the Unity Government were the statements issued by nurjazlan Mohamed Rahmat.

14. Some of the contentious things he said. The Chinese are opportunistic people. It would be easy for the Dap to convince the. It's easy because the dap has its red bean army. These statements ought to be disputed by dap leaders.

15. Meaning, what's not said are:- if UMNO is the government, it will not and can't give the Chinese equal opportunities. It will discriminate against the Chinese as of right . Because the Chinese are by nature opportunistic as defined by jazlan, they are naturally ravenous and rapacious people.

16. UMNO, because of its untruthful nature will never be able to convince the Chinese and will never be able to gain the trust of the Chinese. UMNO does the Ali baba method- farms out the task of gaining Chinese support to DAP.

17. What's not said is that UMNO has no faith in its uncle Tom partners, MCA and MIC to garner non Malay votes .

18. By describing the Chinese as opportunistic, UMNO betrays it's natural mistrust and dislike of the Chinese. Why should the Chinese want to support UMNO when you have jokers like akmal and nurjazlan Mohamed running around?

19. No, it's not easy for the Dap to convince the Chinese ( read wiser) to support UMNO. Precisely because you have a toxic and defective product to sell in the first place. DAP people would require the skills of people selling ice to the Eskimos to convince the Chinese. And the Chinese are picky buyers

20. Finally, it is said , it's task would be made easy because it has the 'red bean army'.

21. Umno is playing the same old record invoking the non existent red bean army. The army only exists in the imagination of UMNO bigots and racist. There is no red bean army while UMNO has its cyber troopers. Who's zooming who?.

22. Don't you all see, the statements of nurjazlan is a preemptive ploy to explain a possible loss of UMNO? If it loses, it can then blame that loss on DAP.

23. Actually, this mahkota buy election ( not by- election) causes more hurt to DAP. It is better for Dap to do it's normal duty rather than going all out to campaign for despicable UMNO. Remember, Dap is fighting for PH, not UMNO. Unfortunately in this mahkota buy- election, the lines between campaigning for PH and UMNO are blurred. The dap finds itself in a situation where you swallow your mother dies, if you spit it out, your father dies!


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