The UMNO Rednecks and their Cohorts
Who is the typical UMNO
redneck? The answer is- he or she is someone who blames the Chinese forever as
the source of their unhappiness.
The other favourite bete noire is Dr Mahathir. On this I am
really surprised. If the UMNO people can turn on their own while he is still
UMNO, this speaks volumes on the morality of UMNO people. Suddenly he is also
the cause of all the problems. Najib has merely inherited the problems. The lopsided
contracts with IPPs, the ERL, KLIA , Proton etc.etc.
Where is the cut-off point?
Najib was preceded by Pak Lah. Pak Lah’s tenure ought to have extinguished all links
to Mahathir. Najib should take responsibility over his tenure because the
people gave him the mandate. They did not give to Dr Mahathir.
In any case, people are
asking about 1MDB, the RM2.6 billion into his private account while in his public
capacity as UMNO president and PM, the money from SRC. These issues are the
makings of Najib. So how is the link to Mahathir established?
But here is a moot point. If
present day UMNO is the receptacle of all that is rotten, why should we vote in
BN? What kind of record then can the BN government show to the people? Therefore
if the BN has been responsible for all the wrongs, why should the people
continue to vote in an incapable and corrupt government? There is nothing good
to speak of about the BN government.
Najib is cast from the same
mould. He is equally responsible for past wrongs because he was also a member
of Mahathir’s cabinet. He made hay while
the Mahathir sun shone.
Its not like we are seeing a
new Najib.
The grim reality is, the
person on public trial now is Najib. The side-winding attempts to demonise
Mahathir , do not take our sights off Najib. He is the person running the
country now. Not Mahathir.
He has told us nothing. When
confronted he will offer us serpentine answers and blurts out some pieties to
show off some of deep-seated religious convictions. Remember when he was asked
about Altantuya? - he swore the sacred vow that he did not know the woman.
Nobody believes what he says any longer. He is
better off holding his peace instead of speaking about Islam, or Christmas or
anything moral. We are not looking at a new najib just as the Americans ought
to have realised they were not looking at a new Clinton then governor of
Arkansas who was widely known then to prey on women, saying let bygones be
bygones for the mistakes he has done. Only then people realised that the
governor wanted to offer himself as a presidential candidate and it was
necessary to wipe his slate clean.
It’s the same with Najib.
Getting back to the blame
game, the narrative is that the reason why the cost of living is high is because
it’s caused by the rapacious greed of Chinese business people. The Chinese are selling
fake hand phones. The Chinese are behind the Christian crosses being incorporated
in house and airport designs. The Malays who open their windows at 9 am in the
morning after forfeiting the dawn prayers, and see a cross across the street,
will protest vehemently that their faith is being challenged.
But the more preposterous
statements explained the Chinese are behaving that way because they are influenced
by the DAP of course. Suddenly DAP is the cause for many wrongs committed and
imagined. The DAP which can never form the federal government for instance, will build a military base for Israel if
Pakatan Harapan comes into power.
That would assume that the
partners in Pakatan Harapan, our military and police are all in a vegetative
state and will let that happen. It would also have to assume that DAP is run
by lunatics.
If PAS were to countenance
such a statement given by those on the lunatic fringe, this only serves to
remind us the people, we must never allow this country to be run by
cerebrally-challenged religious scholars.
The typical UMNO redneck is someone
who has a short fuse. He/she believes the DAP is a communist party. The DAP is anti-Malay,
anti-Islam and anti-Malay rulers. The UMNO redneck will announce that this year’s
Malaysia Day celebrations Pahang Chapter are held in Raub because the
opposition MP of Raub has been neglecting the people of Raub.
But what the government MP
done for Raub over the umpteen years they were in control of Raub? Every other
day, the people of Raub suffer from water outage; affordable housing needs are
never met; land distribution has been done unfairly. The people staying at
Kampung Sungai Petaling in Gali Hilir has only now seen clogged up drainage
systems being cleared after we have sounded the District officer and JPS. That has
been done after over 40 years?
What have the government
people done?
I will tell you. Hundreds of
acres of Malay reserve land in Teras, Sang Lee ad Sungai Chetang have been
farmed by MCA people with the connivance of UMNO leaders. Land grab has occurred
widely mainly by MCA people and those linked to them. These are Chinese- so why
hasn’t the UMNO leadership sounded the alarm? Where have the UMNO rednecks retreated
Come to think of it- where has the money derived from the gold mines of raub gone to? We haven’t seen a
single monument celebrating Raub as a gold mining town.
And Pahang for that matter. As
far as I can remember- Pahang has always been known as a state rich in timber
resources. Why have we not seen a single monument celebrating the achievements
of the timber industry in the state?
How much have we collected
in the form of tax and other charges from the timber industry? Where has the
income been applied to?
The DAP is a surrogate of
the PAP so that when it comes to power, the Malays will be Singaporised. Singaporised means they will have no
protection whatsoever, no special privileges and so forth. They will be
That despite the fact that
90 over % of the civil service is Malay; the legitimate coercive forces are
Malay, the Malay rulers are Malay, the GLCs are almost always controlled by
Malays, the PM’s post and important ministries
are always controlled by Malays. Despite all these entrenched safeguards, the
UMNO rednecks are worried about the DAP.
Because it works for them-
to be able to continue massaging the fears, suspicions and natural rejection of
any other person not of the same stock as Malays. It pays to have DAP around,
because that provides the UMNO rednecks a default button to trigger Malay
They are worried because the
DAP brings a simple message to the Malays and the rest of the Malaysian
citizens. Free yourselves from the mental bondage that UMNO has wielded all
this while.
The Malays are backward
because they don’t want clever people to lead them. They want UMNO rednecks to lead.
It’s very easy to pick a fight, mobilised martial groups. That only requires emotional
appeal. To reason out why Malays need not fear any government that comes into
power requires reasoned arguments. That’s too taxing on the intellectual
portion of the brain it seems. On the other hand, emotional outbursts which are
responded by equally emotional support, requires a single spark which is easily
accomplished by manipulators and instigators.