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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday 2 July 2010

Political Realities in the age of NEM

Who champions Malay rights/economic interests?
Our rights are already enshrined in the constitution. You read Article 153 of the Constitution. We have many other provisions. We have the demographics. But always, we realize that our Achilles heel is the economy. Political power grows out of the barrel of the economy gun.
So Ibrahim Ali and his people demand this and that. They presented the PM with a compilation of resolutions from their Economic Convention. The PM accepted it, grimacing I thought at the idea of having to go through the list of demands.
He has commissioned the NEM. It was done by a group of academicians and intellectuals. Here, now, a group led by Ibrahim Ali, the rabble rouser, the gadfly is thumping his nose. At that point in time, the PM reacted as anyone would normally do. Yes, we will listen to what you have to say. We will not abandon the Malays. I, the son of the PM who thought about the NEP will not betray my father. When one is reduced to seek refuge behind a father figure (in DS Najib's case literally), one has lost the argument. It was Ibrahim Ali and his group that carried the day, that day.
But still we feel, these must be protected by extra-constitutional means. Perkasa imposes its will on the leadership. Protection of rights, done additionally by extra-constitutional means reveal only one thing. We finally realized that rights are earned, fought for and not given gratis or are given from without. Rights are earned from within. That which we fought for and gained, cannot be taken as easily as that given to us from without.
You have honorific titles? They are easily taken away as shown recently. But does Chua Jui Meng lose his intelligence; lose his education (a lawyer by training)? He loses none of these. These were the things he worked for, fought for, struggled and earned. These cannot be striped away. It's in the person. In personam as they say legally.
But the LCE/SRP dropout, who gains an honorific title, does not lose his imbecility or his mental level shortcoming. Such a fellow, if he loses his honorific title, is left naked with his deficient mental state baldly exposed.
It's the same principle in my mind. Rights earned, fought for, struggled for and gained are not easily taken away compared to rights provided for by legislation. Economic rights conferred by above to Malays are insecure if not supported by intrinsic abilities and capabilities. That' where our solution lies, I think.
But can DS Najib dismiss Perkasa outright? Ibrahim Ali is dismissible anytime. He just wants to get back to UMNO for the simple reason, even he realizes, there is no party the Malays wish to align with than UMNO. They may forsake UMNO for a while on account of leadership, on account of arrogance, on account of UMNO's detachment from the heartland. They may even be willing to punish UMNO in order to reset UMNO. It's a Machiavellian behavior of being cruel to be kind.
We don't know what Perkasa is championing about- some noises about Malay supremacy to be obtained by way of decree, fiat, and legislation. Are these forms of new violence in the spirit of power comes from the barrel of the gun?
If indeed they are, then PM Najib is in trouble. It is an unsophisticated gun of raw Malay hopes and aspirations. That raw power greatly flustered the PM during the Perkasa Economic Convention a few months ago. The raw power came in the form of explicit declarations that Malays are giving up everything and getting little back; that if this government headed by the son of the man who laid down the NEP cannot take Malay economics to the next level, then, the people will change the government.
Many people would like to see Ibrahim Ali disappear. That would be a serious mistake. Ibrahim Ali is but a cog in the wheel- the raw Malay community who sees much of their eminence eroded. PM Najib, rightly or wrongly is seen as kowtowing and pandering to Chinese wishes. Today he plays Chinese Chess. He probably doesn't know how to play Malay Chess. I was saying, maybe some people need to invent a halal bak kut teh so that the PM can show that he likes all things Chinese. Maybe Taek Jho Lo who gets a large chunk of land in Johore under his personal name, can provide some personal lessons.
Here is the deal. We can dismiss Ibrahim Ali as a charlatan or jaguh kampong. But it would be stupid and outright foolish to ignore the raw voices he represents. Yes, those who attended his gatherings dressed in traditional Malayu garb, with ketayap, songkok, etc. these are the voices PM Najib cannot ignore. They are ready to shoot and mow down UMNO who is still sleeping. They should be cultivating Perkasa not try to ouplay them.
His advisors will look more stupid if they try to sponsor and prop up rival Malay NGOs to balance things up. You are likely to become a Johnny come lately. Bolting the barn doors when the horses have already scooted off. You are like the chisel about to make noises, when the house is already completed. This shows the PM and UMNO president isn't counseled well. His advisors must be sleeping.
What is Najib's major problem? He hasn't got a major domo or in the more current term ala Da Vinci Code, he hasn't got a seneschal. He can't possibly take care of everything under the sun. He has ministers who wait for his decision, unwilling to take charge. He has a second finance minister who appears hesitant in making major decisions.
Dr Mahathir who has a constitution of a superman had two major domos- Daim Zainudin and Megat Junid. People who did the dirty works- whatever the term means. Who has Najib got? Dato Najib seems to be indecisive.
Right now, I think, he needs people like Jamaludin Jarjis. His place is here instead of in Washington dealing with lobbyists and the political operatives. You can't have a better operator than someone who can perform the maghrib prayers twice, can you? You need a person who can work around and with people and win them over. Our PM's own occasional walkabout forays are just PR work- a beginner's way of operating. People are cynical. JJ can be a street fighter who isn't shy about getting muddied and yet he has the brain power to mix it up with the uppity guys. He is definitely one major domo that PM Najib must have at his side.
He is not an operator like his father was. The father was brilliant in being able to rope in first SUPP, then Gerakan into BN's fold. PAS came in very much later. Gerakan was headed by the intensely anti UMNO/Malay Lim Chong Eu. Tun Razak understood the inner dynamics of the opposition leaders who had tasted power. They wanted to remain in power for as long as possible. Tun Razak gave them precisely that- share power and give them the feeling both in form and substance; they are together in the driver's seat.
Najib hasn't got the smarts like his father. What is his greatest problem now? Just look at him playing Chinese Chess, visiting the Chinese temple in Sibu the last time, all out with his lu tolong gua, wa tolong lu approach. What do these represent? They represent his attempts to secure Chinese support. He knows whatever he does; the Chinese will not support BN and UMNO. Here's a further reality check- wherever in any constituency, 60% of the voters being Chinese, BN hasn't got a rat's ass chance of winning. All the opposition needs is get 80% of that Chinese votes and just 30% of Malay votes there, they are in.
PM Najib must start thinking outside the box now. All those brainy people around him- his polsecs, his special advisers- think la for him what to do. Look at history fellers. When Lee Kuan Yew was active in Malayan politics the last time, campaigning right into Kuala Lumpur, speaking in the Malayan parliament, what was it that he wanted? He wanted to be part of the Alliance government. He wanted to share power but was realistic enough to know, the route of sharing power in Malay Malaya was to ride along with the alliance. But the alliance wanted to bring along only the MCA- the party representing big capital.
The MCA is nothing now. It can't deliver anything with just 15 MPs and it can't deliver if it cannot marshal Chinese allegiance. So what must Najib do?
He should be thinking of cultivating the DAP. Invite them to share power. Guan Eng in Penang will want to retain Penang as long as possible. Talk to him. Guang Eng isn't enamored with Anwar Ibrahim beyond the latter's usefulness. The usefulness of Anwar lies in his ability to unite the disparate groups for a common purpose of unseating the government in power. These people have gone beyond Anwar- they have tasted power. Think about this.
Find common ground. What does the DAP want? They want good government, reject corruption, independent judiciary. They are more of the idealistic operators. Najib should give them the opportunity to apply these through the levers of power. Share power with the DAP. You stay in power at the same time. Najib must examine ideas that work. Ignore sentimentalism- MCA is no longer top dog as far as Chinese allegiance is concern. That role has been taken over by the DAP. It's the top dog brother.


Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 11:43  

DAP mau ke kamceng with UMNO?Dulu PAS kena main by BN..masuk gang with them and later when sudah weakened gets thrown out.

UMNO needs an ocean change..and even Blue Ocean also not enough to do the cleansing.

Better kita change gomen dulu..bagi UMNO cooling off period to get their act together.

Its like England football team lah..UMNO too many primadonnas who think they are good whereas kaki semi bangku.

Kita nak cari Germany..ada attacker like KitSiang Klose,ada midfield like AnwarSchweinggsteger supported by young legs like puaMueller,NazmiOzil...Baru ada cun.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 12:02  

Invite DAP to share power? No way sir, no way.
Why should a principled party join forces with the 'forces of evil' which is immoral, unethical, racist and utterly corrupted to the core?

The day DAP joins BN,(which will not happen) it will disintegrate in '5 seconds'

The Chinese had had enough of UMNO and its skulduggery.
We want a new order. Full stop.

Donplaypuks® 2 July 2010 at 13:12  

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

On that score, Najib courting DAP may not be all that far-fetched as an "out of the box" strategy.

But how will that figure with Utusan, IA, Perkasa and Maha Firaun? They have a clear plan of scaremongering to frighten the Malays into flocking back to UMNO Bahru with talk of being colonised in their own country and being reduced to a powerless minority!

They don't care that the political reality and demographics, actual and projected to 2030, do not support their pathetically racist and demagogic rant.

Part of this "power at any cost" plan is to demonise (without offering an iota of proof) DAP as anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Art 153, anti-Royal etc.

Hope all this doesn't turn out be a strajedy (strategy + trajedy = strajedy, an awful strategy that backfires!!).

we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 14:02  


You want Najib to be a schizophrenic Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ? How can he support the good governance of DAP and then lead the corrupt ways of BN or listen to Ibrahim Ali ? Tak jadilah Dato, nanti gila.

He either has to choose the good governance way or the current way. There is no middle ground. During his father’s time, there were no rent seeking FLCEs. Now, that they have tasted the good life, it would be difficult to see them rolling over and playing dead for his sake.

You know what the score is. But unfortunately, Ibrahim Ali and his ilk do not. You know where the problem is. IA and his contemporaries blames the non-bumis for their own failures.

Susah sangatlah dato. First, you need to change the leadership. Then you need to convince IA and company that it is they who should be in control of their own destinies. They have first choicest cut. The non-bumis are there to pick up whatever they do not want. Problem is, many FLCEs would rather do an Ali Baba with the non-bumis.

Ah Kow the non-bumi

An Observer,  2 July 2010 at 14:19  

What you suggest presupposes a reality, that UMNO and BN can still viably remain in power and to continue to do so. But Pakatan, PAS, PKR and DAP has smelt what everyone is smelling, the inevitable defeat of UMNO and BN in the coming elections. It is not a question of if, but only of when.

Why would DAP be stupid enough to throw a lifeline to a dying corrupt party like UMNO? No one likes to be associated with losers.

And UMNO has offended DAP, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng too many times. Halo, remember the times when you UMNO politicians put them in jail under the ISA, in order to protect a rapist? Does Operation Lalang ring a bell? Those Chinamen in DAP have long memories, and they hold the trump cards now, not UMNO. They are not so stupid and cynical to fall for UMNO's cheap magic tricks.

Afterall, DAP and Pakatan will still win Penang even with their eyes closed in the next elections. DAP doesn't need UMNO to win anything.

The cruel reality for UMNO is this: UMNO needs DAP, but DAP will not stand even 1 cm near the pariah that is UMNO.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 14:53  

UMNO-DAP aliance? That would be rich! The crux of the problem is UMNO CANNOT be corrupt free. Its the crux of why NEP has to go.

UMNO/BN is like a parasite. It needs to feed with corruption or it will die. Not only must it feed, it can't even live with less corruption. All parasite that have grown big and fat must have increasing supply. Decrease the supply and it will start to die.

hurricanemax,  2 July 2010 at 15:37  

...Find common ground. What does the DAP want? They want good government, reject corruption, independent judiciary. They are more of the idealistic operators...

idealisitically impossible partnership. The pen-ultimate utopian, if there was 1.

BN is too corrupted for too long. DAP in wanting, a Bangsa Malaysia which is against the very tenet of the Constitution..and to change the constitution, they need a majority. Never a shared platform. Nah, not in the next 200yrs. Give or take 10. Insyallah.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 16:10  

Dear Dato',
I think I understand where your coming from. Perhaps your trying to see - really what other options are left for UMNO to hold on to power?

An alliance with the DAP definitely had been thought of, but will be rejected by both UMNO grassroots and DAP grassroots. And the PM will be left looking more out of touch than before he approved the gambling license, only to vote against it later. (John Kerry stail)

The only option is for UMNO to bite the bullet and reform itself, with a massive internal purge. But that is a no go as probably the entire top leadership will be the first to be purged.

What then??

Well the default option really. Go with the flow, business as usual.

This option had been explored with great success by the LDP and the Kuomintang.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 16:17  

ala.. apa susah susah. bagi saja pada DAP. Tak payah pikir banyak.. let them do what they want.Melayu bukannya pandai sangat.. bahalol je yang ramai. Belagak ada degree, otak tak boleh pakai. Setakat tere jawap pereksa.. jawapan ada dalam buku nak buat apa. Beri kuasa, habis hancus semua.. buat mahkamah, boleh beli undang2 lagi. Saya suggest korang serah kuasa pada DAP, tak payah GE la, lagi bagus.Full power....

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 17:14  


Kita checking sikit..
Tiap2 tahun gomen belanja juta2 celebrate Merdeka.Tahun ni..after Jala's 2019 bankruptcy vision & reinforced by Petronas reduced dividends >>gomen shld jimat cermat sikit.But ada berita nak design baju spesial..nih mesti kontrek juta2.Tak bolih ke pakai baju sendiri punya..I am sure pembesar pembeasr kita ada banysk baju..tak usah lah kacau2 suruh gomen sponsor baju batik free.Rakyat sudah fed up tengok pembaziran.

Lagi tahun ni..Gomen should state that NO MONEY to be spent directly by Gomen.Siapa nak celebrate..kita arrange,bermuafakat sama2 rakyat..kita celebrate the rakyat way...tak perlu boss duduk atas pentas..semua jadi rakyat biasa.Semua contribute duit sikit2..atau tenaga..atau bakat..lets make it a true rakyat celebration.

Bosan lah tengok Rais & gang duduk d pentas..pakai baju sponsor..nak tengok Mat Simple pula lah yang betul2 berjiwa merdeka.

Quiet Despair,  2 July 2010 at 17:26  

Salam Sdra Sak

Why DAP? Why not PAS?
We have a common link - our religion and our race.
PAS is also amenable to reunite with UMNO but for Nik Aziz. But he wont be there for long.
Getting PAS will lead to the death of Keadilan, which relies more on PAS people for their votes.
With the shared power, BN can get back Selangor, Kelantan, Kedah and Perak.
Najib must make full use of the rift now between DAP and PAS over the Islamic state issue.
Tell Najib to stop playing Chinese chess and molly-coddling the Chinese.
It hurts me that he's making so much overtures but receive the cold shoulder.
He should not lower his dignity any more.
Who else but our Mak Chiks and Pak Chiks in the kampung who are the fixed deposit BN voters.
Court them more.
Leave the DAP alone. Forget about Penang.
Nothing we can do because the Chinese will only vote for DAP.
We dont want UMNO to become the proverbial Yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendung berciciran.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 17:44  


I believe if BN is willing to get rid of corruption, abuse of power, and govern this country efficiently with true separation of power between the executive, judiciary and legislature. the rakyat will support them.

There is no need to invite DAP or whoever to join BN. Its just that simple, and I dont know why DS Najib is not willing to do that. There is no need to walkabout, play chinese chess, no need to you tolong gua, so that i can tolong you during election time.

In short, just do the right thing, govern this country the way a good government should do.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 17:50  

Dato, i think it will be easier and far more practical if UMNO takes care of all instead of just malays. do away with the mca for chinese mic for indians and blah blah(all there just to be corrupted and cari makan). I think that this will work better than the suggestion of sharing power with DAP. DAP i think is also taking steps to soften their image as a chinese chauvinist party and be all inclusive. i agree with this and hope they will take practical steps to make it happen, as this will provide UMNO(an all inclusive UMNO) with a credible opposition. I can dream can't I?

kee 2 July 2010 at 17:56  

The difference between Ibrahim Ali & many other Malays that I know.

Ibrahim Ali:-

Loves Malay special rights, privileges, quotas, subsidies etc, etc.

Can't blame him because he needs all these special rights to continue with his life of luxury. It is possible that he has never done a single day of real & productive work. As a director of some Berjaya companies previously, he probably was there only to collect his 'gaji buta'.

To make sure he continues receiving such rights, he is prepared to get his hands dirty, which is precisely what he is now doing. He even volunteers to reside in Kamunting for a 3rd time if that is what it takes to ensure that he & fellow Malays continue to enjoy the special rights.

With Ibrahim Ali, what you see is what you get. He is very transparent, which is the recent desirable in-thing with Malaysians.

Many (not all, but many) other Malays:-

They too receive and love Malay special rights, privileges, quotas, subsidies etc, etc, exactly like Ibrahim Ali.

However they do not get their hands dirty. They are very happy to allow hard-working & transparent people like Ibrahim Ali to get their hands dirty in ensuring that Malay special rights not only don't disappear but increases to whet their ever increasing appetite for special rights, which in the context of 'ketuanan Melayu', actually means receiving rewards for doing nothing.


Between Ibrahim Ali & those Malays who quietly continue receiving & enjoying their special rights, I give my vote to Ibrahim Ali. He wants to continue getting his 'gaji buta', and he is prepared to gets his hands dirtied for the reward. Those other Malays who continue receiving their 'gaji buta', but their hands remain clean because there are people like Ibrahim Ali to carry out the dirty work for them.

Peter,  2 July 2010 at 18:29  

wow.. your understanding and maturity is really awesome. especially the part of DAP vs MCA thing.

Many Malays would by now be brainwashed that DAP is anti Malay as we did read some of the posts here in the past.

The sad thing again is will DAP want to join with UMNO?

I doubt it.

walla 2 July 2010 at 19:38  

If we look at how events had unfolded after GE12, the temperature of ultraism has abated because the rakyat felt more comfortable being at peace with one another than to constantly harbour ill-feelings with cudgels raised.

And probably because things have become more moderate, entities like Perkasa and Utusan had reared up to try and reverse the tide, thereby exposing their real intentions and agendas.

There were others too but similarly they could not explain rationally why they had acted and reacted against the march of what the majority of moderate rakyat want.

Ultraism is thus obsolete in today's Malaysia. Obsolete because most rakyat have finally realized it will lead to nothing good because if it can lead to something good, even for a particular group, why then has our society been having so many problems traceable to it?

Next, if ultras try to stoke fires to raise their numbers, they will have to show clear evidence that their cause can be defended.

But they can't on two major counts: first, parties like the DAP have not been malignant against Perkasa's target group; in fact those parties have been more benign and supportive towards the target group than the Umno-led federal has been towards members of the DAP and others; and second, the issues emanate from the very political patronage in which Perkasa and the others reside, patronage which have worked against the better interest of the Malay masses that Perkasa et al purportedly champion. Just think all those crony capitalist money creamed off - how many poor Malays could have been helped instead.

It's the same old blame game. But all the rakyat, especially the Malays, have woken up to the collateral damage which has been so massive we now need a scare of potential bankruptcy in order to deliver a wake-up call. Furthermore, institutional integrity and public governance have degraded wherever Umno has walked.

The rakyat don't have real issues with LGE of Penang or Nizar of Perak or Khalid of Selangor. They have problems with the likes of Toyo and Taib and things like Mindef acquisitions and the Umno-run public-private(including royal) partnerships. The rakyat can see for themselves that what should have been a Barisan decision on something like sports betting has had to be issued by the Umno supreme council which says as much about the real workings of Barisan.

walla 2 July 2010 at 19:39  

And the same asking for handouts is now over. Because the Umno-led administration now has to portentously ask Petronas to dig into its reserves in order to cough out the same dividends when the oil company's profit has already sunk more than twenty percent. It is not lost on the rakyat that despite that, Nazri can still say we have spare cash to give more allocations to federal constituencies.

The situation is not so much about the political realities in the age of an economic model but more about economic realities in the age of political irrelevance.

It has already been more than two years after the tsunamic general election and what the rakyat are seeing is that instead of changing, Umno has become even more brazen in its actions. Not only do the rakyat have a problem trusting what Umno leaders are saying, they also have an unshakable fixation that the institutions of law and enforcement have been compromised.

In such a setting, how can private investments - the linchpin of the NEM, 10MP, even 11MP - ever take off?

All know that domestic investments have been negligible. All are alarmed that foreign investments have dropped precipitously.

The basic economic question is thus why should anyone invest anything anymore in this country, given at the same time the education policies which have denuded the brain pool of the country.

And there are other societal factors. We will be a poor young country. Poor but with many young. Meanwhile the old will see their savings run dry because, like Petronas, they will also need to dig into their own reserves when things start to cost even more.

The basic challenge beyond the basic economic question is thus how to make sure the government doesn't spend wildly anymore and how to enable the rakyat to make more.

All these issues will continue on and on. The ibrahim ali's and the portrait destroyers and the cow beheaders and those who work in the background to stir them on are not the ones who will have any solution. They are part of the problem.

So having discerned all this, how will a fair-weather alliance between Umno and DAP change anything? Marginalize PAS? But isn't it exactly qualities like the financial integrity that is in PAS that Umno can do with more?

The country is young, the people are simple, the future is challenging, the problems are looming. Take the straight road, clean up the mess, change the mindset and progress the economy.

Without jobs and industries, there will be no food and money for anything else.

Anonymous,  2 July 2010 at 21:30  

Those in BN has rompak the nation resources.

Anonymous,  3 July 2010 at 00:23  

Saudara Sakmongkol,

Najib, from the point of view of vast majority of Malays, seems to accomodate the wishes of Chinese more than he accomodates the real supprters of UMNO; that is the Malays.

PERKASA does not exist and more importantly flourish for nothing. It is a force that no Malay politician or parties, be it UMNO or PAS can afford to ignore.

PERKASA servers as a reminder to both UMNO and PAS that they are important but not indispensable. Meaning Malays are willing to teach lessons if both UMNO and PAS ignore the interests of Malays.

I believe PERKASA serves its purpose.. UMNO is forced to deal with PERKASA. If not, it will lose Malay votes in next election.

As for remark by "An Observer" that UMNO needs DAP more than DAP needs UMNO, I am not so sure about that. Vast Majority of malay's principle is very simple: Malay based political party that is willing to be can ally to DAP( like PAS) will be thrown out.

PAS may not want to admit it. Its appeal to Malays is waning simply as Malays feel it "kowtows" to DAP. PAS has become an ally to the enemy of its own race.

Nothing racial here. Rather Malays perceives DAP as having a very anti Malay attitude. And I myself agree to that assesment. DAP for decades poisons the minds of Chinese to hate UMNO. It continously slanders UMNO by saying that other BN parties are "bullied" by UMNO.

The truth is that UMNO's dominance is earned through election. It's dominance in BN is simply because it has the major support in comparison to other BN parties. Just like DAP in PR.

As for PAS, wake up. Your base is crumbling while your appeal among non Malays is not confirmed. Non Malays support PAS not because they like PAS. Rather in PR, DAP plays the dominant role. Should BN loses Federal Govt, DAP will take over.

Red Alfa 3 July 2010 at 01:01  

Salam Dato'

Unfortunately, the incorrigible (penyangak) in UMNO do not see any or what opportunities and solutions as may be opened by the political realities you speak about.

Actually they have seen that UMNO/BN will be defeated at the next GE and so they are already going all out with their rapacious last hurrahs. There will be nothing left in their wake!

And we are made to believe they want to perpetuate the NEP for "bangsa and ugama"?

Cannot we see that they are cutting down the trees as the fruits they crave for are just getting to be "beyond their reach"?

Yes the Malay economy is going bust even as we wonder!

Anonymous,  3 July 2010 at 01:54  

Great stuff. Its doable and pragmatic in approach. Once DAP is in UMNO fold, Penang will be left alone without political interference from federal govt.

This is exactly what the Chinese wants, having absolute power with a state to govern.

Betrayal of principle? Pragmatism has always been the antidote for any betrayed principle, and the Chinese are level headed people with realistic approach.

Penangnites will see again the emergence or shall I say the reincarnation of Lim Chong Eu led state plus the trappings of good governance, etc.etc.

What about MCA? They will come in droves under LGE leadership.
Besides, UMNO can avoid having Penang similar to Singapore under Lim Kuan Yew in the 60s, not only from the political standpoint but also from its physical geographical structure as an island, though a small dot that is.


Anonymous,  3 July 2010 at 10:10  

Anonymous @ 3 July 2010 00:23

‘PERKASA servers as a reminder to both UMNO and PAS that they are important but not indispensable. Meaning Malays are willing to teach lessons if both UMNO and PAS ignore the interests of Malays.’


U talked as though u represent the sentiments of ALL Malay M’sians! Don’t delude yrself like those ultras before the 308 tsunami. Wasn't it not during that time that bigots like u claimed that the Others M’sians would not support PAS & the Mamat & Minat would rather died than seen carrying a DAP flags?

U r still living under yr cocoon of majoritant procreate presence, where breeding like rabbits will ensure yr (not yr kindred’s) continuation feeding of tongkat FOC-style.

Quantity is might = demoncracy! What’s the use of having the number, yet majority of u just live hand-to-mouth monthly to sustain the opulent living style of yr cartel? Or perhaps, u r that group of Malay M'sians who rather seeing yr race swinging from tree to tree than tasted the facilities of the modern advances?

‘The truth is that UMNO's dominance is earned through election. It's dominance in BN is simply because it has the major support in comparison to other BN parties.’

Ya-loh, through electorates gerrymandering & BTN indoctrination. Oh don’t forget about the Alif BA Ta battle cry to blind-sight the kampong folks & to fool the urban bigots!

Don't also forget feeding crubs to other BN componenets to win their supports as the Taiko within that faggot colony.

How do u put DAP in that same frame of reference indicates yr die-hard indoctrination! Yes die-hard - b'coz umno has successfully inprint into the mindset of majority of the Malay M'sians that DAP is a setup to squash their 'Tanah Melayu' justification. Never mind one bit that Tanah Melayu was/is a colonial illusion to manipulate the feudalistic Malay Malayans by the British!

The truth should be put to the test. Just like in Perak. Hold a new election & let all of us, arm-chair critics be judge by the M’sian populace at large. PERIOD.

shamshul anuar,  3 July 2010 at 13:13  

Dear anonymous'

"rubbish....". That is precisely the problem. You rubbish whatever the malays think simply because it does not suit whaever you think should be the way.

And I am not saying for the sake of saying. Perhaps you wish to forget how on eve of May 13, DAP showed "Penyapu" to the Malays at their procession in Kg Baru.

As for BTN, I understand why you hate it so much. BTN tells exactly point by point on Perlembagaan. BTN never indoctrinates Malays to hate non Malays. If Malays are so anti Chinese, they would not have voted Chinese or Indians in Malay majority areas.

BTN tells Malaysia why the perlembagaan as it is. It never incites hatred on non Malays. Rather, it tells from perspective of history. Why an example there are provision for Malays In the Constitution. Why?

Funny is it not? On many occasion, people like you cry about creating "Malaysian Malaysia", but on the other side, you wish to maintain your way without even wanting to compromise AT ALL. People like you laments how "divided:" Malaysians are but you insist on separate school.

As for Perak, do not worry. Election will be held in 2 or 3 year time. No need to waste money just to satisfy your greed for power.

Oh yes. I have been seeing how DAP rules. It demolishes houses( of course if the inhabitants are non Chinese). It demolishes stall( if the hawkers are non Chinese) but go all out to protect Chinese hawkers who violate all traffic regulations.

I never say I condone corruption. And this is not scare tactics. I just write the ordinary Malays think. I never claim to speak on behalf off all Malays the way DAP always claim to speak on behalf of everybody.

If Najib continues to ignore what Malays feel as important, he can do it at his oewn peril. Since Malays form the largest supporter group to BN, I believe Najib understands its importance.

PERKASA is born out of frustation that Malays feel about UMNO and PAS. Even Najib understands this. Otherwise, he would not bother to attend and accept recommendation by PERKASA.

He can choose to ignore. BUt he did not? Why? Because PERKASA is too influential to ignore.

And UMNO is not racist. If it is racist, it would have closed all vernacular schools 50 years ago when it then controlled almost 70% of Parliamentary seats.

For you, any Malay leaders defending Malays interest is deemed racist.

By saying that does not mean that I do not criticize UMNO . I am quite liberal when it comes to criticizing UMNO. But I also am fair to its magnaminity which is rare if not non existant in DAP.

I have many Chinese friends too and they understand that I am not racist. I told them not just to read "Nanyang Siang pau" but also to read Utusan Malaysia if they want to understand how Malay feel.

If you want to ignore how Malays feel, go ahead. You will be in same league with PAS. PAS refuses to admit that its support among Malay community is waning, no thanks to its "kowtowing" to DAP.

Anonymous,  3 July 2010 at 18:40  

"Maybe Taek Jho Lo who gets a large chunk of land in Johore under his personal name, can provide some personal lessons."

Hemmm...I tawt I taw a pu"thief" tat. Oh dear.

Peter,  4 July 2010 at 00:26  

Anon 00:23

Why use Anon... you style of language is very familiar. But that time you used a name not anon.

The likes of you we have rebuted and still claim DAP is anti Malay. We have told you time and time before you have been indoctrinated most probably a graduate with distinction of BTN.

You cant even quote ONE INSTANCE DAP in its entire existence or rather the DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang HAS done ANYTHING that is against the Malays. We know you cant.

Guys like you only want to be tuans just because you are the majority not different from Zionism or facism.

Dream on... Friend of Brahim Ali..

Anonymous,  4 July 2010 at 09:28  

Dato Sak,
Agreed with Quiet Despair, DS Najib is not addreesing the issues well. Molly coldding the chinese has failed him to get supoort. Forget them, reinforced the Malay supporters instead should be his strategy and clean up his team with trusted and competent personalities who can deliver the goods to the rakyat.

schenker78 4 July 2010 at 10:01  

dato sak,

if people like you and tengku razaleigh in Malaysian cabinet, the support for BN will be back.

but when people that should be staying in jail instead of in the cabinet, then no hope.

Just think, rahim tambi perogol budak, toyol disneyland dan bungalow 24juta, nejjib altantuya, mathir diktator, badwi kaki tidur, khairy kaki saham, muydin rembat harta johor,nazri taxi permit, semy value kontrak 10%, ling lion sick billionaire son 28yrs, abu hassen khalwat, nejib khalwat, rehim noor kaki pukul, kaki zionis muusa hasan (adik pelakun drama), umi hafilda kaki tipu, chua soi lek pelakun VCD (tak kena dakwa mcm anwar ibrahim), saiful bukhari (penipu dan gagal Universiti drop out bole dapat appointment jumpa tpm, musa aman pakistan celup umno dari sabah miskin, taib raja sarawak CMS group, dah tak larat nk tulis.....

semua gang BN teruk2 belaka......

masukkan semua alibaba & 4o thieves ni dalam penjara dulu...

schenker78 4 July 2010 at 10:06  

even PAP singapore will lose election within next 10 to 15 years...nobody can stay in power forever in democracy like japan ldp.

lee kuan yew have said pap will lose within next 10 ppl will look for different management style even when spore gov doing is like a yo yo....the more you try, the harder u fall....

if Tiananmen square can happen in Iron Curtain country like China in 1989 by the students, it will happen again...

UMNO will fall first , followed by PAP singapore and China Communist party...thats my prediction....

If want to stay power for 1000 years , just follow Burma and North Korea style...but even that is no guarantee...

shamshul anuar,  4 July 2010 at 19:31  

Dear peter,

What is wrong in becoming friend to Ibrahim ali. After all, many Indians( previously) rallied with Hindraf, who majority of Malays view as extremist. Or MCA or DAp must always give importance to suqiu.

I notice that you tend to rubbish whatever Malays feel as racism or (ALLEGED) attempt by UMNO to scare the Malays.

The feeling is genuine. Malays would not have wasted time to join PERKASA if both PAS and UMNO perceive d as able to take care of their interest.

Ibrahim Ali just provide the platform for dissatisfied Malays. If he did not create PERKASA, someone else will.

As I said earlier, PERKASA serves as wake up call for UMNO and PAS. Both parties now realize they are not sacred to Malays. Important, yes but not indispensable.

Kua of DAP last year published a book, alleging May 13 as a ploy by Tun Razak( meaning Malay to be blamed) on May 13 incident.

When I told my Chinese friends on incident where DAP showed "penyapu" to Malays in Malay heartland that is Kg Baru, they were all speechless.

Then come the usual response. We do not know this part. See, these people only know the part that DAP told them.

So, what can you say about DAP? And I do not need UMNO to tell me that. I can see that myself.

What Malays perceive is that DAP could not be bothered with Malays. It maintains a very anti Malay attitude.

Whay do you think that Malay support for PAS is declining? Because of its alliance ( or rather submission) to DAP.

DAP continously harping on Chinese being 2nd class and MCA has less influence as compared to UMNO. The real reason why UMNO has more influence is just pure mathematic. UMNO has the most number of seats in BN.

JUst like DAP in PR. Everybody knows that DAP pulls the string in PR.

Anonymous,  5 July 2010 at 10:05  

shamshul anuar’

Let me show u - how u should think before u write, ROFLMAO! Pariah product of umno-bigot!

‘BTN tells exactly point by point on Perlembagaan. BTN never indoctrinates Malays to hate non Malays.’

Hello – how long have u been hiding inside that siege cocoon? Come out & look around – OK? The real BTN facts r going to throw a lot of rubbish (real & raw one too) at u while u r still drown in yr BTN glory (?)

BTW - have u heard of economic crumbs sycophants & political wayang kulit? So what this about - ‘If Malays are so anti Chinese, they would not have voted Chinese or Indians in Malay majority areas.’ Go & study politic 101, OK?

‘Why an example there are provision for Malays In the Constitution. Why?’

Where do u learn yr Perlembagaan history?

Article 153 is a negative affirmation action proviso, not a positive proviso. It provides no special rights to malays. The framers of the constitution were careful not to mention the word ‘rights’ or ‘privileges’. It is only ’special position’, and the position of malays then is that they were backward in education, employment, business, and so they need assistance. That was the ’special position’ of the malays! Backwardness. And for the Agong to remedy that, if required, as the Agong sees it.

The word ‘backward’ was not used in the constitution to give face lah!

So the special position of the malays is that they were backward compared to the non malays, and NOT some unending eternal rights over the other citizens!

Notice the Statement mentions ’special privileges of the rulers’ and ’special position of the malays’, and that the rulers were accorded eminence to ‘ensuring impartiality among the citizens’. Impartiality among citizens is the word!

Understand? Comprendi?

‘People like you laments how "divided:" Malaysians are but you insist on separate school.’

Bloody hell, at one hand u cry about the special position of the Malay M’sian, on the other hand u r critical about the Constitutional right of the Others M’sian for their educational!

R u not rubbishing the Perlembagaan?

‘As for Perak, do not worry. Election will be held in 2 or 3 year time. No need to waste money just to satisfy your greed for power.’

Ya-loh, enough time to gerrymandering the Perak electorates again. No thanks to the less than 2/3 majority & yet still secretly done by the election commission to favour BN.

About the money part – hello again, crawl out from the cocoon & see how much money is already down the drain, all over the country, by the umnoputras cartel, OK?

‘I just write the ordinary Malays think. I never claim to speak on behalf off all Malays the way DAP always claim to speak on behalf of everybody.’

So yr words really DON”T representative of the silent Malay M’sians, ya? BTW DAP don’t speak on my behalf, OK? Neither have I read anywhere that DAP claimed to represent every M'sians.

Let me tell u - PERKASA is born out of frustation that the rent-seeking Malays feel about UMNO and PAS at the current stage of development.

‘For you, any Malay leaders defending Malays interest is deemed racist.’

Indeed! All Malaysian should defend Malaysia, period. The moment race becomes a factor, then the political football begins!

‘I have many Chinese friends too and they understand that I am not racist. I told them not just to read "Nanyang Siang pau" but also to read Utusan Malaysia if they want to understand how Malay feel.’

Don’t delude yrself – most of them r just trying to be nice – knowing a die-hard racist can’t be re-educated over night. Only a fatalistic happening will change their closed mindset.

BTW,there r a lot of u out there, thus the relevancy of Utusan.

BTW, hail the warning yrself – yr time is definitely counting! I can fend for myself & a lot of us do too. But can people like survive another political tsunami........LOL.

Anonymous,  5 July 2010 at 13:37  

shamshul anuar’

ROFLMAO! Do u honestly think before u write? Pariah product of umno-bigot indoctrination!

‘BTN tells exactly point by point on Perlembagaan. BTN never indoctrinates Malays to hate non Malays.’

Hello – how long have u been hiding inside that siege cocoon? Come out & look around – OK? The real BTN r throwing a lot of rubbish ketuanan facts at u while u r still sailing at the Nile of yr BTN glory. Real syok-sendiri ye!

BTW - have u heard of economic sycophants paid with crumbs)& political wayang kulit? So what this about - ‘If Malays are so anti Chinese, they would not have voted Chinese or Indians in Malay majority areas.’ Those Malay M'sian do tha purely because they wanted a Taiko umno. & a Taiko umno cannot live without boot-lickers. Go & study politic 101, OK?

‘Why an example there are provision for Malays In the Constitution. Why?’

Where do u learn yr Perlembagaan history? Wholesale acceptance without filtering thinking?

Article 153 is a negative affirmation action proviso, not a positive proviso. It provides no special rights to malays. The framers of the constitution were careful not to mention the word ‘rights’ or ‘privileges’. It is only ’special position’, and the position of malays then is that they were backward in education, employment, business, and so they need assistance. That was the ’special position’ of the malays! Backwardness. And for the Agong to remedy that, if required, as the Agong sees it.

The word ‘backward’ was not used in the constitution to give face lah!

So the special position of the malays is that they were backward compared to the non malays, and NOT some unending eternal rights over the other citizens!

Notice the Statement mentions ’special privileges of the rulers’ and ’special position of the malays’, and that the rulers were accorded eminence to ‘ensuring impartiality among the citizens’. Impartiality among citizens is the word!

Understand? Comprendi?

cont 2

Anonymous,  5 July 2010 at 13:47  

3 of 3

So yr words really DON’T represent the silent Malay M’sians, ya?

BTW DAP doesn’t speak on my behalf, OK? Neither have I aware that DAP is speaking for all M’sians – least minus u!

Let me tell u - PERKASA is born out of frustation that the RENT_SEEKING Malays feel about UMNO and PAS at the current stage of development.

‘For you, any Malay leaders defending Malays interest is deemed racist.’

Indeed! All Malaysian should defend Malaysia, period. The moment race becomes a factor, the political football begins!

‘I have many Chinese friends too and they understand that I am not racist. I told them not just to read "Nanyang Siang pau" but also to read Utusan Malaysia if they want to understand how Malay feel.’

Don’t delude yrself – most of them r just trying to be nice – knowing a die-hard racist can’t be re-educated over-night. There r a lot of u out there to continue the relevancy of Utusan, which by the way is a lousy money loosing bigotry outfit. It only bring shame to the general Malay M’sians – nothing more nothing less. Of course the generality of the Malay M’sian doesn’t include u!

Anonymous,  5 July 2010 at 13:47  

2 0f 3

‘People like you laments how "divided:" Malaysians are but you insist on separate school.’

Bloody hell, at one hand u highlighted the special position of the Malay M’sian at the other hand u r critical about the Constitutional Right of the Others M’sian for their education!

R u rubbishing the Perlembagaan? Or u choose to play with words?

‘As for Perak, do not worry. Election will be held in 2 or 3 year time. No need to waste money just to satisfy your greed for power.’

Ya-loh, enough time to gerrymandering the Perak electorates again. Even thought the current federal govt has less than 2/3 majority to do so & yet the election commission still secretly done so to favour umno!

About the money part – hello again, please crawl out from the cocoon & see how much money has already down the drains, all over the country, by the umnoputras cartel, OK? Suddenly so money conscious!

‘I just write the ordinary Malays think. I never claim to speak on behalf off all Malays the way DAP always claim to speak on behalf of everybody.’

cont 3

shamshul anuar,  6 July 2010 at 14:01  

Dear anonymous,

Actually it is very simple. Constitution take into consideration of interests of both Malays and non Malays.

It recognised that by 1957, Malaya at that time was already a place of various races living. And It also recognises that at time when British came to Malay states, the land had already a system of governance recognised by the whole world.

Malays ( represented by UMNO that you really hate) showed a magnaminity rare by world standard ; that is agreeble to citizenship to non Malays.

In return, Malays also got something; the special position enshrined in Constitution. The basic structures such as position of Malay rulers, Bahasa Melayu, Islam accorded national status.

It also says that 4 out of 5 civil servants must be malay.

The truth is that you contradict yourselves. who is the most vocal in not wanting children to study in one national school system?

You cry out loud about integration but you refuse to integrate. Are you saying Chinese in Singapore or Indonesia is less Chinese because they do noot have separate school system?

Because UMNO thinks of other races, it refuses to bow to decades of PAS demand to sever ties with non Malays. Because of UMNO's being realistic, it refused to nationalize Chinese assets as demanded by PAS after May 13.

Because of UMNO thinking of other races, it fielded MIC candidate in Malay majority area. So, it still has sense of respect to non Malays.

As for BTN, it is up to you to believe. Uncle Lim of course does not want people to attend BTN as those who attend will be able realize how racist he is.

And if you feel Utusan Malaysia is rubbish, rest assured that many Malays feel Nanyang Siang Pau is playing with racial sentiment.

The truth is that Malays( i hope yu are not offended) feel Chinese ( not all of course) are more racist. Try to listen to their conversation if they allow you to join.

Yes. Malaysians must defend Malaysia. So, why so agaoinst one school system?

If people like you say that Hindraf is reflection of Indian sentiment, why PERKASA is condemned for manifasting what Malay thinks.?

And Article 153, whether it is negative or postive is immaterial. It is there in Constitution.

Trying to erase it will create backlash. The kind that resulted in Malays insisting in voting for Malay candida6es. Why on earth Fu ah Kiow lost in Kuantan or Sothinathan in Teluk kemang or Nizar in Pasir Panjang.

You can use DAP's trademark rubbishing what I said by accusing me of being indoctrinated by UMNO . It is up to you.

After all., the tactic is too familiar oby those who are racist who hide behind freedom of speech.

Whu on earth must I believe DAP that showed penyapu to Malays during May 13.

By the way I ssume that you must be ignorance( from your response) on this verse by Prophet Muhammad "those who are unjust to non Muslims are actually unjust to Me".

Dr ridhuan Tee, my neighbour,( a Chinese convert) was condemned for criticizing DAP. His ancestors were not spared either. What can I expect that I, being a Malay for criticiting DAP. Condemnation is of course expected.

For you any Malay defending the rights as per Constitution is deemed racist.

Anonymous,  6 July 2010 at 16:12  

shamshul anuar,

Must give it to u for yr syok-sendirism! & this is my LAST lecture to u!

‘Malays (represented by UMNO that you really hate) showed a magnaminity rare by world standard ; that is agreeble to citizenship to non Malays.’

What a bull u r trying to raise!

READ Art Harun’s writeup about this issue to enlighten yrself about this myth propagated by umnoultras. Repeat after me - There is no link between citizenship and the special position of the malays. It is not a quid pro quo - 100X.

Bloody ignorant nincompoop! Ketuanan Social Contract is a recent invention by Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, the famous MP for Kok Lanas, made his now infamous "Ketuanan Melayu" speech in Singapore, kau tau?

BTW, I’ll want the children to study in one national school system IFF the national school system CAN reinvent itself to be less Islamic, more meritocracy & truly manage by dedicated teachers of highest order. Otherwise shout yrself hoarse, ok?

One more – the vernacular school IS not the hotbed of national disintegration, rather it’s yr beloved current national schools – surprise!

Also this - 'Yes. Malaysians must defend Malaysia. So, why so agaoinst one school system?' What’s THAT has to do with one school system?

So, if yr integration means assimilation, then SPELL it out. Don’t use the crap reasonings like - Are you saying Chinese in Singapore or Indonesia is less Chinese because they do noot have separate school system? U do lost me with yr neither here or there argument!

Oh! now u claimed that PAS demand to sever ties with non Malays & PAS wanted to nationalize Chinese assets after May 13. That’s news. How do u explain that nothing happened in Kelantan (a PAS strong hold) during May13? Bloody idiot!

‘any Malay defending the rights as per Constitution is deemed racist’ What about Others M’sians defending their Constitutional Rights? Tsk…tsk…tsk…such a mindset.

‘And Article 153, whether it is negative or postive is immaterial. It is there in Constitution.’ So R The RIGHT To Native (Vernacular) Education! Still shouting yrself hoarse?

In M’sia, there is not Muslim convert – only constitutionalised Malay M’sian. So yr Dr ridhuan Tee IS not a Chinese – he is a Malay. period.

BTW, do ponder this - ‘Prophet Muhammad "those who are unjust to non Muslims are actually unjust to Me".’ Must also do that while facing the mirror, so that u can HONESTLY face yrself! Hypocrite!

Lastly I’ve not many Malay friends/associates. Simply because almost most of the Joe Malay M’sians think & speak like u. Those few that I’ve r Malay M’sian & True Muslim as defined by the Prophet.

shamshul anuar,  6 July 2010 at 22:06  

Dewar anonymous,

The Constitution guarantees the right to study and practice mother tongues which is the right thing. It does not however encoiurage ang guarantee the vernacular school.

My point is simple. I do not blame Vernacular school for lack of unity. What I said is that separate school BREEDS separateness.

Please, who is the moron who think Malays ( meaning UMNO) wants to erase Chinese or Indian culture. That may happen in Indonesia, Thailand or Philipines.

Dr ridhuan is a Chinese . I expect you to realize ( at least by now) that Malays does not hold exclusive Islamic rights. there are Chinese and Indians who are Muslims. converting to Islam does not mean that you erase your culture.

I am not surprise that you do not have many Malay friends. You build invisible wall around you. you do not know them. Because you "do not know" them, you are suspiucious to them and easily falls into trap by DAP that continously incites the Chinese .

I however have ,manyChinese friends. I am critical, not paranoid. I do not hate Chinese the way you hate Malays.

And I am not being hypocrite for quoting prophet Muhammad. I just say that on that basis UMNO refuses ( for decades) to sever ties with Chinese and Indian based political parties although it was condemned in mosques by fanatical PAS.

For that reason UMNO rejected call to seize Chinese assets as demanded by PAS after May 13.

For that reason, UMNO has been willing to accomodate Chinese and Indians in Malay majority areas although at one time it has almost 70% of Parliamentary seats.

"How do you explained...". Because Uncle Lim showed "penyapu' in Kampung Baru . Had he showed penyapu in Kelantan, believe me both Malays and Chinese are at each other's throat.

Just because you did not know how PAS members distributes brochures in Pasir panjang to Muslims saying it is haram to vote for non Muslims does not mean that it did not happen.

Because you "choose" not to know how DAP showed "penyapu" to Malay folks in Kg Baru does not mean that it did not take place.

AGAIN YOU LIKE TO LABEL PEOPLE. The point is very simple. Malays and their Rulers( the latter signed the Independent Instrument) would not have agreed to citizenship to non Malays if We( the Malays) are not accorded recognition . with recognitions come special provision to the Malays.

It is that simple. Try to erase that provision will result in unpleasant consequence such as people will question your citizenship.

And it will not be pleasant for both Malays and Chinese.

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