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Sakmongkol ak 47

Saturday 3 February 2024

The scales of injustice. Part 1

I read this joke. A long time ago. In Readers Digest . Younger people may not know of this magazine. It is good for learning the English language .

An engineer, architect and an economist were marooned on an island. They have nothing to eat save for a can of baked beans. With no tools, how to open, Maa?

The engineer said. We will build a fire to heat the can . It will expand, burst and spill the beans. The architect says. Yes, but unless we build an enclosure, the beans will spill to the ground. Semua habis Lor.

In desperation they turned to the economist . The economist safely says, Assume a can opener!

Now let us assume that what's reported about Ali babavum Najib is true. Allow me to give a not so a agreeable view .

Remember, it's all Assume !

Red lips Najib gets a discount on the jail sentence. From 12 years to 6 years. Better than Lazada discount. He also gets a discount on the fine imposed. Tak Tahu bulapa, Lor!

Further, red lips Bijan is eligible for a 30% bumiPutra, err, good behavior discount, Najib, the convicted felon, the embezzler-in-chief will be freed sooner .

It is therefore safe to Assume that the law has got a vested interest to perpetuate the dumbing down of all right thinking Malaysians. Hooray, Mali kita yam Seng sampai muntah, Maa .



Isn't this a cause for celebration? Life is certainly a scream. Belts off, pants down,dicks out. Show what they can do .

In the words of the Indonesian poet, Rendra:-
Prostitutes of Kuala Lumpur city
Unite! Bun up your hair, discard your bras
Flag high your knickers
Let the UMNO Roughnecks ravage you at a discount
Then you regret what needed to be regretted
When the UMNO Roughnecks give you STD.
Katakan kepada mereka
Bargaimana Kau dipanggil ke kantor Menteri
Bargaimana ia bicara panjang lebar soal reformasi
Tiba2 tanpa ujúng pangkal
Ia berkata Kau inspirasi reformasi
Sambil tangan nya membuka pakaian mu


By now, right thinking Malaysians ought to be aware that the law is like the BN scales, lopsided . Favouring the elite and the feudal bourgeoisie. The ordinary man or woman, caught stealing loafs of bread or tins of Milo, gets sent to jail without mercy
Najib , a member of the decadent aristocracy who stole millions, never showing an iota of remorse and apologising to honest Malaysians gets a ' happy ending '.


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