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Sakmongkol ak 47

Friday, 18 June 2021

Some Contrarian Views.

1. Are Malaysians resorting to reading tea leaves and chicken entrails? Or better still, looking at the pail of water with pieces of cut lime. If you can't see anything, that means you have a short life.

2. Then you involuntarily say I see it, I see it! That's what Malaysians appear to do when they slavishly subject themselves to some nincompoop ish journalistic trash.

3. The one that overeads Anwars audience with the Agong. As though he will be invited to form the next government on account of some worthless Sds. Anwar may have tried to push the Sds but the Agong may be suffering from Sd fatigue. He was once lied about sds. The audience was the same as meetings with other political heads.

4. Frisky Anwar had the same audience as did the other leaders. There's no need to overead the meeting. It's a waste of time to write felicitations and congratulatory messages. Its ink wasted on paper.

5. If Anwar were appointed PM, do you think he would keep quiet? The man's mouth is a 7-11. He suffers from verbal diarrhoea and given to convoluted monologues. He would be rattling off as soon as he was out of the Istana gates.

6. Wasn't it earlier reported that Anwar and his errand boy from Bagan Latoh ma, were pimping frantically to get sds from umno and pkr? To me, these are actions of drowning men clutching straws.

7. Why the underhand tactic? The person who claims to have the majority support of parliamentarians must have the claim validated by parliament, not a piece of sd. Dolts!

8. The Agong should not entertain this political sleight of hand. Prove it in parliament.

9. The bozos who have a fetish with sds are really undermining the supremacy of parliament. They are conspiring to subvert parliament. They don't understand the notion that whatever is passed by parliament is all supreme.

10. Despite their years of experience as MPs they don't understand the concept of parliamentary supremacy.

11. Sds, pale in comparison to the acid test in parliament. Go before parliament and see whether you have majority support. But then sds are the avenue of the perverted. The usage of sds is, but a variant of the rear entrance preferred by some. They are vvips avoiding the paparazzi by using the rear entrance.

12. Suddenly I read the PKR director of communications feigning ignorance and pompous shock about the proliferation of sds. How can he justify ignorance when the sd craze was started by Anwar and the penorogo Zahid?

13. I see the following written on the faces of these bloody politicians.
They are of course aided and abetted by paid and just reached puberty journalists. Every day, we are inundated by tahniah this tahniah that. I will wait for them to say tahniah for being well hung!

14. Written on the faces of these politicians is:-

15. People like Anwar won't agree to any arrangements unless he is made PM. As though some miracles will happen if he were made so.

16. I also heard about the idea of MAGERAN government being floated around. Somebody must be on a fishing expedition.

17. The main elements of a MAGERAN goverment are as follows. Its chief proponent is of course the 'old man by the sea' Dr Mahathir.

18. It's essentially a watered-down version of an Emergency Government with bright promise but dismal performance. Parliament would be reduced to a mere rubber stamp shop.

19. Perhaps, like Hemingway, Mahathir is on a fishing trip for marlins. But be careful, marlins have pointed and spearlike snouts. If he gets pierced, it may prove fatal to him.

20. Just take a careful look at the Mageran Plan. Its condescending and has a look down tone. People are just digits. It's as though only Mahathir has the solution to all our ills. Is he a bloody clairvoyant? Can you stomach Mahathir as PM for the third time?

21. Didn't we all clamor for an end to the ignominious Mahiadin emergency? Do we want to end it by another emergency? From a Wak emergency to a Mamoo emergency? It's like wanting to introduce democracy to Iraq by bombing it . Sheesh!

22. I find a good retort to Mahathir's proposal to become a 3rd time PM from DAP's Dr Boo Cheng Hau. I shall quote him verbatim.

Boo Cheng Hau of Johore DAP

Dr Mahathir a/l Kutty

You are not too old to do more damage to Malaysia - If you become the PM again ....

Yesterday, we saw in your press conference where you declared you can make Malaysia great again by becoming the PM - not only the tiger but the Lion of Asia...Hahaha...😅 So funny

I think in February it was an incompetent person, sitting in a valid PM post and allowed it to be stolen.. Hahaha.. 😅
And wanting to be PM again?
You obviously forgot how much damage you did to Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 when you were the PM.

So much damage that we lagged so so far behind Singapore, a nothing, tiny country who split from Malaysia with zero natural resources..

You have done so much damage and lose out to their PM, Lee K…

23. There's an ode to Mamu Mahathir as follows.

A “Tribute” to Dr M
By Andrew Cheng
A Doctor In The House wry and sly,
The Malay Dilemma you feign to cry,
Soon after the tragedy in May 69,
Rising from the ashes you became mighty and high,
A good 22 years you reign in style,
Shedding crocodile tears when the time to say goodbye.
A crooked man with a crooked mind,
Wanted a crooked bridge, the rational hard to find,
Billions vanished without any trace or sign,
Plundering the country is never a crime,
Corruption, cronyism and racialism, all are fine,
Leaving this beloved Bolehland way far behind.
Ketuanan Melayu, Hidup Melayu is your battle cry,
You scream all these to cover your deception and lie(s),
Many saw these but pretend to be blind,
Mercy upon those who do not toe your line,
Know not why you lose your memory when in a bind,
Another intelligent devil like you we hope not to find.

What a lovely poem befitting Mahathir. The last sentence says it all.

24. Thank you, Mr Andrew Cheng. The poem is so prescient.

25. I urge all Malaysians to put on their thinking caps. All these donkeys are talking about getting power. None talked about what the country needs. Anwar and Zahids route to power through their backdoor sd. Mahiadin clings to power through the creation of emergencies. Mahathir through his Mageran.

26. Thus far, only one person speaks about what the nation needs and appears to understand the situation. He is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Malaysians need this person to helm Malaysia.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

A case of schadenfreude and mob masochism.

1. Tun Dr Ismail was our second DPM. To me he was an anglophile, a strict disciplinarian and a no nonsense man. As a medical doctor, he would not tolerate the schadenfreude climate thats engulfing us now.

2. That is a psychological disease that, afflicts some people who derived pleasure from the pain of others. Certainly included in this group are the people(there must be a group) who conspire to corner the covid vaccine market with cheap vaccines which efficacy is only 55%. That amounts to murder. That is the reality, readers.

3. Also included in this unenviable group must be the 'vaccine' minister who allowed the importation of cheap vaccine from China or Vietnam in bulk -to be rebottled by pharmaniaga.

4. Yes I am talking about the minister who looks dark enough, but apparently it seems the printer ran out of ink. He certainly looks like a dishevelled drunk Indian who had taken too much of 'thali' merah. Those who had lived near indian JKR labourers quarters as I did,know what is thali merah.

5. Its our own Game of Chances trying to register for vaccination. Its like playing a game of roullete. If we are lucky enough we get a date . Why is this happening? Not only are we competing with fellow Malaysians, God forbid, againts ilegal immigrants too- allowed in by corrupt immigration officers in the first place. So that they can buy their Lamborghinis and Bentleys.
Tun Dr Ismail would not tolerate this kind of shenanigans.

6. I shudder to think of the kampung people without computers or smart phones. And of children wanting to register their aged and infirmed parents.
Hopefully the goverment provide physical registration and automatic vaccination.

7. Joining the minister of vaccine infamy in the rouges gallery, will be the drink more warm water Minister, the imbecilic Home Minister who seems to know how to fine 50,000 arrest and jail people, the knows nothing Defence Minister.

8. All we keep hearing are the repeated MCO declarations. Its laughable we can shop for groceries for only 2 hours but people can patronise the casinos and fuck shops all day and night long. Lionel Ritchie would be ashamed.

9. Regrettably our vaccination programme seems to be in a bloody mess. We have too many ministers looking after the vaccination programme but no coordinating minister . Perhaps they didnt teach you that in the Johor Civil service.

10. We have a population of 32 million, but at best only 2 million have been injected thus far. Why the snail pace? Too many people looked after 1 programme reminded me of what my old professor Harcharan Singh Khera said- theres no unemplyment in Russia. Bless his soul.

11. How not to have no unemployment when you have 10 people looking after 1 cow. In our country too many cows are looking after the covid problem. Jeepers creepers!

12. These clowns, whose whole bodies are only worth half of Tun Dr Ismail's brain, are making Tun Ismail roll over in his grave.

13. I first saw, Tun Dr Ismail when I was part of many school children told to gather in the Kuantan Padang Besar. We, formed part of the welcoming committee.

14. Then the man of the hour stood up. He came across as an impeccably well dressed Malay gentleman complete with red muffler. A distinguished man with grey moustache.

15. Then he proceeded to give a speech. Being so long ago, I cant remember most of them. I do remember 2 things though.

16. First he spoke about the importance of Muhibbah living. Remember Muhibbah? We are all living in the same bloody boat. If it leaks and sink we are all in deep waters.

17. It amazes me. Here is an umno leader publicly talking about muhibbah living. Todays umno leaders are morbidly talking about defending Malay rights. Who has the siege mentality now? If the boat sinks what is left to defend? Your balls?

18. The second thing is a nuance really. He has a perculiar way of pronouncing Malaysia. He pronounced it as MalayZIA.

19. I believed he was strict but fair. As I said earlier he would not tolerate the pleasure some effers get from the suffering of people. People trying to get a date for vaccination is like boarding a mini bus (when mini buses were around then). Government hospitals are inundated with calls. Trying to get one is almost impossible . In my case I have been trying repeatedly to call Sungai Buloh Hospital but to no avail. I called because I am immobile.

20. Being the son of a diplomat KJ did not have the experience of commuting on minibuses . I went through that . Number 14 for example, travels from Old Town, Petaling Gardens, Old Klang road to Foch Avenue or bastand kelang. I saw people jostling to get on these minibuses and ladies getting groped . Hey the raba raba culture was, around already. Of course some umno ministers are not to be outdone in this aspect.

21. I know having the experience doesn't make me a better person. But I believed I feel the heart of the common people better. For example I feel for the Chinese lady telling off KJ about trying to get her ageing parents a date for vaccination.

22. Its a comedy of errors committed by these dumbasses handling the covid pandemic. Damn it, I can also say I have a plan when everbody makes noises. It looks suspiciously like he is making it up as he goes along. Baldrick in the comedy Blackadder, also has a plan for every occasion. Everyone has a plan until he gets punched in the face.

23. Just so readers know, it was reported that the blasted mysejahtera application was said to cost RM70 million. But it can accomodate only a limited number of applicants before stopping. There are many other funny things going on behind the scene. The government has imported cheaper but only 50% efficient vaccine from China, to be rebottled by Pharmaniaga. And it is also strange that private hospitals and private medical practioners are not included in the vaccination programme. If you cant do the job, move over dude. Somebody else can take over.

24 . Will we, the people take this hogwash laying down? Like the dangdut singer Amelina says, nak menadah ke nak membontot ke buatlah sesuka kau .

25. The answer is a resounding no! The no comes not from a particular section of the community alone, but all and sundry despised the incompetent and clueless government. Led by the incompetent generalisimo Moo and his cabal.

26. A strict and a disciplinarian like Tun Dr Ismail would have none of these. He would ask them to resign or the better political solution nowadays, purge them from the party.

27. In a way, I am glad the umno traitors are part of this incompetent government. That way, I don't have to assume they are a distinct group, but is really a group which is part and parcel of the goverment that has turned this country into a pariah state.

28. Accordingly I can condemn them freely and speak with candour, call a spade, a spade . I can regard them as part of the PN government.Umno people can do the same too, if they have the balls.

29. So it is not open for blur Zahid to say umno is not part of the policy fuckups of the PN government. You dip your fingers in an oil sump, take them out and you claim your fingers are clean?

30. The question now is who has the discipline and is strict enough to clean umno of these skin warts? Can we expect sissy Hishamudin or the ayam den lepeh, boleh blakang kira man, to do it? Not in a million years.

31. Whether you like it or dont like it, learn to love it. The only person bold enough and respectable enough to do it is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. That is, if you are not thinking of what you want, but of what umno needs.

32. The other thing Tun Ismail would be horrified at, is the vacillating, self abasement and self belittling attitude of the Malays especially of the umno Malays.

33. Tun Dr Ismail would have liked the Malays to be a disciplined, robust and rugged community. This is especially so of the umno Malays to honourably represent the Malay community.

34. Tun Ismail would be conscious of the fact that Malays are not necessarily honest. Umno leaders habitually abused and compromised their positions. They lacked discipline . Having lost power once, they seemed to have lost their will to fight. They are willing to prostitute themselves to PN just to stay unashamedly in power.

35. Despite their brouhaha and the virulent vitriol emanating from publicity seeking speakers at the umno general assemby, they are timid and meek really. They just find courage in numbers.

36. But we know talk is cheap, they are not bold enough to do the one thing that is necessary now. Outside the box and revolutionary thinking.

37. The revolution we are talking about is not the indiscriminate destruction of the values and system in umno, much like the morbid 'bumiputraism' mouthed nauseatingly by umno speakers. Rather it is the rejection of an archaic hierarchical system that serves only to perpetuate the stranglehold of self enriching leeches in umno.

38. Its time for the umno hoi poloi to stop treating the lordly leeches as larger than life figures. They are lordly because you made them so. Adopt the Si Tanggang attitude,(portrayed by Jins Shamsusdin who liked pisang salai). Not that part where he is cursed by his poor mother. But that part when he said the lordly figures are but ordinary people. When the are hungry they eat, when sleepy they sleep, when they are cut, they bleed. For once put them in their places.

39. Unfortunately the umno majority are free loaders. They are willing to sell their souls for freebies. The umno leeches know this and will exploit it. Needles to say Tun Ismail finds this trait so repugnant. And loyalty? Malays are generally not loyal. Because its not based on principles but situational expediency. They may say publicly the dont want to work with PN but find it not contradictory cavorting with PN.

40. So when Ku Li becomes PM he has a Herculean task to clean up the Aegean Stables. Its full of shitty material.

41. Theres a great accumulation of filth and corruption therein. Its not surpising if the ascension of a principled man like Ku Li is opposed by many quarters. And the umno majority follows blindly as usual. Its a tale of the sad race.

42. Some in umno opposed Ku Li because they want to perpetuate the rule of the umno oligarchs. Its a question of integrity. To preserve self interests or save the country. Obviously they have chosen the former.

43. Anwar Ibrahim opposes everyone unless he is treated as the only Prima Donna. In his mind, only he is fit to become PM. To me only anarchy awaits us if he becomes PM. As Shell staff used to say he will shit at his own workplace .The PKR yahoo boys will rob us dry.

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